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  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Jankay, please let us help you through this. It may not be much but i remembered you like sweets so maybe this will help. Please share with Vickie after she eats her breakfast.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    later on i will try to put it into words

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    i am going to start annd see how far i get. u all know the attitude problems of teenagers. well i have 2. a 19 r old and a14 r old. now part of my problem is my body wont do what my brain tells it to. which is bad enough but alot of times when ineed help i have to depend on the hormonal raging teenagers. on top ofit all, my son is an engineering student who thinks in logic. there is no logic too this.
    my caregiver is also a young women,not a teenager but close. i get so tired of attitudes, especially from people who havent lived yet. my husband does the best he can but he is a man and that tells it all.
    i am loooking for somewhere else to live but that will
    take time. so if u all could do anything iwould let u tha t is why i cried.
    i love my children with all my heart but this isnt fair to me either
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited June 2007
    Jankay- I am so sorry you are foing through this. All I can offer is a hug and prayers.

    This is a short update on Kevin. He is doing great. We are home!He was critical on Monday and Tuesday. By tueday night they took the respirator off him,he started perking up.The saved the aortic valve so no artificial one was needed. He has really deformed insides so it was a complicated surgery. Nothing was in it's right place. The surgery took 9 hours. It was the hardest time of my life but we survived! I was so happy to actually sleep strait out. I slept on a chair all week. I can really tell the difference on the Tamoxifen. It's nothing compared to what he went through. He is really my hero.

    Talk to you later..someone gave him a bell....

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    my heart goes out to u. the thought of having a sick child is hoffific. (sp) i will be praying for u also
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Jankay, honey I didn't have kids so really don't know about the hormonal teenage stuff except for myself at that age. How hard this must be for you.

    My friend Sheila, who had a stroke 4 years ago at the age of 39 is very similar to you. The stroke effected the communication aspect of her brain. She knows exactly what she wants to say but it will NOT come out her mouth and can't type it! I see the frustration in her face and it breaks my heart. I play a pretty mean game of charades so am able to communicate with her fairly well. She also doesn't have good range of movement on her right side, using a walker when she goes out. Heres's a pix of the two of us, hope it makes you smile.


    I have taught her how to say F/U. do I need to teach you how to shoot the bird? Teenagers probably understand that!!! LOVE YOU JANKAY...Marsha
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007

    Joyce, so GLAD to hear you guys are home! Kevin is doing great!!!!! Yippee. You have been in our hearts and prayers. You know he is feeling better if he is ringing that bell!! Hugs, Marsha

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    your friend is beautiful and very lucky to have u. believe it or not i can shoot a bird.
    i lost a friend to this, she said i needed t o learn that other people had problems too. lol
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    if vicki doesnt show soon, the sweets will be gone
    thank u
  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2007
    Good morning CGs,

    Just a quick post. My oldest dd wants to go the Public Market this morning. Have eggs and bacon cooking so if anyone is hungry, drop by my wagon. I wanted to go strawberry picking but looks like it might rain. Worked out at the gym yesterday and did ab exercises - today I am really sore.

    Jankay - hugs and prayers for you sweet lady. I wish there was something I could do for you. If Vicki doesn't show up soon, I will share the strawberries with you - they look yummy.

    Joyce - so happy to hear that Kevin is doing great.

    Robin - I too get really crabby cleaning the house. Does feel good when it is done though.

    Denise - where are you in Michigan?

    Well breakfast is calling - Hello to everyone from Amy to Z. Will try to get back on later today.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Good Morning!

    I am so glad to hear from Joyce! Little Kevin is doing Great..Joyce: He is a hero, praying this will be the last of his surgeries!

    Puppy: Hoping you have heard something by now. Waiting sucks and only leaves time for our minds to wander. Praying for you and thinking of you daily.

    Mena: Sure hope those pains have left and that you are feeling better. Your last post sounded like you were feeling much better.

    Cy: Take it easy Sister....Salsa Night sounds like my type of entertainment!

    Betty: The NUDE Storyteller did catch my attention.....just kept waiting for the Pics to be posted!!

    Marsha: If you didn't cheer JanKay up, nothing will!!!!! You cheered me up and I wasn't even down! Rads give the weekend a new meaning don't they? Love your explanation of why you joined the Lodge!

    Susan: Job hunting? I must be incredibly lazy, cuz I just keep trying to NOT work! Good luck to you.

    Beth: Wife of the Year!! You win the get up with DH every morning?! You cook dinner every Night?! Hello-----do I see June Cleaver!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL

    Laura: Tell that Grandbaby to come on out and show his/her face! I can so imagine GS wanting to drive! I have a 3 year old GD!!

    Shel: I so hope you give up the bedside need to be Florence Nightingale or SuperWoman. Just be Shel and do the best that you can! The wrist and finger pain and swelling is awful........One side effect that the wonderful drug manufacturers don't want to elaborate on. I think we should all write about the DX of Tendonitis and Carpal Tunnel since treatment and send it to the FDA.

    Shirley: Idiot ManPerson............What was he NOT thinking! Yikes, you've got some bone issues......hope the Aredia does the job. I'm supposed to take Foxamax and the other crap (?), quit taking it almost a year ago......How stupid is that.
    Go talk to Susan............rumor has it she is job hunting!

    Cherryl: The packing and unpacking is the worse! Pinky was suppose to come and help and her sorry ass is still sitting here staring at me and pouting!

    Amy: How is your Daddy doing? Did he get to come home yet? Love that you went blank when you came to my name! I do that all the time!! back!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    good morning ladies. I'll keep my voice down so as not to wake up Peter. Nothing planned for today. Hubby and I may go tooling about. But gee for some unknown reason his arm is really hurting this morning. He's been up since 5 icing it. Peter close your eyes and don't read this part.....I swear sometimes men are just plain stupid.

    Cherryl, I so have to get me one of those. Do you think my keeper will mind?

    Shel, "idiot manperson" is not copywrited. Feel free to use it at will.
    Non-stop teenagers, giggling, crappy music, and a bazillion dollars worth of groceries puts you in line for a medal.

    Tiptoeing past Cheri. Me thinks she had a few blue drinks last night.

    Peter 14 hours ahead means we can fast forward thru the crappy stuff. right?

    Nicki, he wasn't thinking. Dummy. Says doc gave him permission. I say in a pigs eye. I chewed him out to the best of my ability. But in the end he is a big boy and makes his own decisions. I think he's regretting it this morning.
    That list is mind boggling.

    Betty, nude storytelling? hmmmm somehow I missed that one. You tell stories in the nude?
    Hugs on the meds. Sometimes I hate my new pill popping exisistance. My latest pill however I am in love with. Haven't had a hot flash in a week. It's been grand.

    Beth hahahhahahhahah
    Ask your doc for Donnatal. My gyn gave it to me last week. It works so well I haven't even looked it up to see whats bad about it. Don't want to know.

    Jankay, sweet gentle hugs to you dear girl. Want me to come smack those teenagers around a bit? I'm really good at it.

    Marsha, your own parking space at the lodge sounds like quite the perk. Want me to be your campaign manager? I'll make signs with glitter and everything.

    Vicki, I do so hate it when medical people make comments like that. Tamox is the only one I can take. Dirty drug is not something I really want to hear.

    Beth, if can I have some strawberries too pretty please?

    Joyce, so glad to hear from you. And even gladder (is that a word) that Kevin is home and doing well. Did I ever tell you I was born with a congenital heart defect. Mine was repaired when I was 5 and 6. Two crappy summers of laying around in a hospital bed. The days of recovering completely in the hospital are long gone. I remember waking up after the first surgery and freaking out cause of all the tubes and wires and such. Scary scary. Another memory is waking up starving and they brought me bacon and eggs and coffee. Very vivid memory of thinking "how weird is this that there is coffee on my food tray." Give Kevin gentle hugs from me. I know how he feels.
    PS, snag that bell when he's asleep.

    Well dear "idiot manperson" went back to bed. Thats probably a good clue that we aren't doing anything today. O well, I should be working on the quilt anyway. See you all later.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Howdy do Suz. Yuck on the bacon and eggs. Just figured out that very bad memory is probably why I don't like them.

    Denise, indeed I do. Falling apart at 45. Aint it grand. Take your fossilmax. What other crap? There is a dear lady in chat who constantly sends me alternative stuff by email. She has osteopenia and refuses to do the bone drugs. Good for her but not for me. Mine are to far gone to risk them to alternatives. Gotta do the nasties if they are gonna get better.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Good morning ladies and gent. Had a lousy nights sleep so I'm actually glad it's time to get up.You ever have a night like that where you look at the clock every hr. to see if you can justify getting up yet?

    Jankay, so sorry you're feeling sad. Those teen-agers are hard to deal with. My dd was so selfish. If it didn't benefit her directly then I could hardly get her to do anything for me. They pretty much just have to grow out of it. As far as your caregiver, she is just an employee hired by your sister. Get rid of her. You can do that with people who aren't related and just work for you.

    Vickie, thank you for the ecard. Hope you have a nice week-end. Were we going to Hawaii or Mexico to party today?

    Nicki, enjoy your time off.

    Iris, what a sweetie. Thank you for sending my the lyrics to the Playmate song. That was very thoughtful of you.

    Wishing you all a great day. I'll check back in later.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Morning all CG's,
    Joyce, so glad you and Kevin are both need some TLC
    Cheri….worried about you and the swelling
    Jankay….teenagers are “something else”-attitude is their middle name
    We drove in at 2:00 a.m. this morning from a rehearsal dinner...going back for the wedding tonight (but have a hotel room so we don't have to drive again tonight)....
    Jan, my, oh my, I thought of you at 1:00 a.m. this morning….stopped at a gas station before getting on the interstate (getting coffee)….anyway…..there was a large ceramic alligator riding a motorcycle….the alligator has the biggest smile on his/her face…couldn’t tell if the motorcycle was a Harley or not….motorcycle was purple….alligator was green…pretty combination of colors…..
    Vickie, how is you day going sweet lady? I actually thought of a good party for the weekend…but have that wedding….anyway…I thought we could borrow Beth’s rent a husband and remodel Shokk’s closet….she needs a generator (to power the drink blender when the electricity cuts out)….we need to install a wet bar (in case you want a scotch and water)…an ice machine (frozen margaritas), a small refrigerator (need to keep the beer cold for Amy)…..some comfy sofas and chairs….
    Beth, glad you are up and feeling better
    Cherryl, you have a big job moving… careful and don’t lift any heavy boxes
    Oh my goodness, ask me why I had 3 glasses of wine last night (where is the aspirin)
    Marsha, the picture of you and your friend is beautiful
    Morning Nicki, hope you are enjoying your free time….will you be able to swim this weekend…..
    Sheri, enjoy your vacation…..relax-you deserve to have a great time
    Shel, seeing you extra hugs-please wrap yourself in that afghan
    Cy, you amaze me…..take care and sure hope you are feeling good this weekend
    Lini….laughed at the boob concert
    Liz, trying to decide if I am going to fly into OK to spend a few days with DD (she is moving on 7-1)…I need an older daughter fix…...I’ll let you know
    Oh---halleluiah – recent graduate received a job offer….thank you….. thank you…..time for this child to leave the nest…cut the apron strings… the coop
    Deb, hope you are having fun…I think I read you had an earthquake..
    Amy, I haven’t watched the weather reports…but hope you get some rain soon…you need grass growing for some of your critters
    Denise-chanting Pinkstock-Pinkstock-Pinkstock
    Karen-enjoy your time off…..wrap yourself in that afghan…you deserve some TLC
    Robin, sweet dear……don’t overdo….take care of YOURSELF….you can be selfish and do something special just for YOU
    Mena and Puppy-hugs, thoughts and prayers going to you
    Pammy-you are a sweetie…so glad you are posting often
    Susan, you are looking for a job….praying that the absolutely perfect job comes your way
    Z..I forgot to tell you that your family is beautiful…miss you
    Shirley..can you bring a book to read during the treatment…DH should be taking care of his shoulder…right?...instead of riding a motorcycle.
    Betty, you sure are one hardworker

    Peter-hello-don’t think I mentioned you (or maybe I did…..estrogen deprived women don’t remember what they said 2 seconds ago….) anyway-welcome-I would love to pet the koala bear
    Laura, let us know when the baby is born
    Suz, breakfast sounds good
    Margaret-have a grand weekend (I do admit to be jealous of your glorious weather)
    Who did I miss??? Gosh, need the CG roll call…..thinking of all
    Gotta go pack….wedding tonight is outside under the oaks… …but the temps will still be in the high 80’s….heat index was AWEFUL yesterday…car temp read 97….we are all going to melt
    Take care….be back late tomorrow
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    I'm back........DD and GD are coming over for the day, SIL is up north Golfing. DD is going home tonight and GD is staying here! Funny how that works!!

    Jan: Loved your thought for the day!! And I know you are our Bad Ass Biker Chic!!!! I'm glad your DS's surgery went well! Is he the one moving to FL?

    Margaret: To Funny about your Mom! I can so relate!! They certainly know how and which buttons to push to get there way! Yes, to all those struggling with Pics and posting....Margaret is a good teacher!! Now if we can only get her to PICK UP the knifty knitter!

    Liz: Velcro on the dryer.....! Gee, why didn't my DH think of that!

    NEWS FLASH: DRYER IS FIXED!! Promised the Man that I would redeem his reputation and let you all know that it was fixed "properly" Wednesday night!! Just had to buy a little $10.00 thingy......pull the old one out and in with the new......took less than 5 minutes!!

    Betty: What's going on with your Shin? I'm glad you are getting a Scan, but now you've got me worried. And you get to pee in a jug for 24 hours???????? I have a visual of you dragging in a 5 gallon pail of pee to be analyzed! What's up with that?

    Lini: So glad to hear that your boobs have quit sloshing..but now they're farting...........always the lady!!

    Cheri: Glad to see you posting...also glad you go to the surgeon next week...don't need the good leg getting bad. Think it could be edema? Did they give you a Tet Sock or Compression Sock? Take care of it.

    Nicki: On vacation!! Good for you.......remember this is your weekend......enjoy and have fun! (I am so good at giving advice!) Remember...I'm gonna run away on the amtrak and come see you! What is your take on Cheri's leg? Ignore that .... not Cheri's leg........but I just remembered that I told you this is your weekend, and then I fire a med question at you!

    Shokk: Rain, Rain go away! When are you and the girls (as in daughters not boobs) going on your vacation? My Son would be so proud to know that his Penis made a hit with your co-workers!

    Pam: Glad to see you posting!! You have Wee Wee Envy!! I loved "NPT" version of the bible! You take care and have fun this weekend with Family.

    Odalys: You have a busy life! Enjoy the weekend!

    Vickie: Hope today is better for you. Why are you going off Tamox? Cuz of the spotting or other SE's? Femara is a bite.......but I don't want to change and have to start new se's with another. If I'm going to be miserable and in pain atleast I've made friends with my aches and really don't care to meet anymore!!
    Thanks for taking care of us and tucking us in at night!! Give Nate a hug for his excellent report card!!

    Peter: I'm not known for my smarts on here........geography in particular! (Right Amy!!!) Anyhow, if you're 14 hours in front of us.......does that mean that if it is 10:00a here it is Midnight there? So glad that you are brave enough to join us on here..........don't let these Hormone deprived, other deprived ladies scare you away! And if you're looking to not be a bachelor anymore..........I'm willing to do some match making for you!!!!! Welcome Dear!

    I've really got to go and get ready for the day.....Thanks to all who inquired about DS and the Poison Ivy Stick! OMG, he would be mortified!! Paybacks my Son....! No, he never did tell me HOW he contacted it............I just remember him waking me up in the middle of the night and showing me the "thing" for the first time in probably 10 years! My first question was......."Boy, you've grown up"....LOL...I'm sorry. Anyhow, my first question was.......Are you sure it's poison Ivy....then being the great Mom that I am.....I retrieved a pair of Latex Gloves out of my Work tote ....I ain't touching that, even if it is related.......and took a closer look. Okay......................on that note......You all have a great day!

  • Silka
    Silka Member Posts: 45
    edited June 2007
    Several of the CG's here know me, but some of you don't, so I will share some of my history.

    I was dx in August 04. I am her2/neu 3+, 5/15 positive nodes. I had a bilateral mast., A/C, Taxol and 52 weeks of Herceptin. I had my last treatment December 15, 05. My husband, Bob died five days later.

    He was waiting for a heart transplant and time ran out. He had a pacemaker/defibrillator. After he died, I found out it was on recall after becoming suspicious because Guidant came to the funeral home and removed it without my knowledge. I then got his medical records and found out the cardiologist had turned off the switch in June.

    My daughter was dx with uterine and ovarian cancer the same year I was and my son with non-hodgkins mantle cell lymphoma in 05. Both are doing well at this point.

    I didn't do reconstruction at the time of mast because I needed to recuperate as quickly as possible because of Bob's health. I am now in that process. I had my first stage of surgery January 30th in New Orleans. I had a pulmonary embolism and was in the hospital additional days. Two days after flying home, I was having difficulty breathing, drove myself to the Dr's office and he called 911. Ended up that I had atelectasis.

    I had 2nd stage May 7th, after coming home my drain stopped up. Stomach kept getting bigger and bigger and had to get that aspirated May 23rd.

    I had a small spot on my upper lip, had that removed the following week, it was cancer although not melanoma which is good. Told me they got it all.

    I have been dx'd with CFS and possibly because of the surgeries, traveling, etc., I am totally wiped out. Meanwhile, the Wilmington, NC trip is this weekend and I wasn't able to go and am very disappointed.
    Hope Jasmine and all the ladies are having a good time.

    Sorry this has been so long, but wanted you to get to know me better. Faith doesn't promise we will have no problems, but gives us the strength to get through them.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Oops, Forgot to give a shout to Robin....or maybe a shout at Robin.......Okay, glad you're feeling better....but lets not try to conquer the world in a week!!

    Kristen, Karen, Z(where are you?), have a great weekend!

    Madison: Busy all week and Crocheting Hugs all weekend!! Love you!

    Believe it or not the above rambling post was done mostly without notes..........atleast readable if I didn't mention you, You're with me and I'm with you!

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2007
    Cheri, haven't been over to the party thread, I should check it out some time. Don't like the swelling in your leg- have you called the doctor?

    Jan, I'm with Nicki, thinking about a biker babe with those shoes and socks was pretty funny....almost as funny as the other thread - OT/Panties - that was pretty funny too.

    Jankay, I see everyone is commenting on the news I've been hearing about Parkinsons. Results looked good. I just saw your post - what can we do to bring you some sunshine? I have raised three kids and two of the three were horrible teens. I can come yell at the kids - I'm good at it - I'm mom, hear me roar. I'm with Cheri, get rid of the caregiver and get one who is a help.


    Shel, you are a nurse on a dialysis unit?

    Beth, how did I miss that you have an evil ss?

    Joyce, thanks for the update on Kevin; glad he's on the road to recovery.

    Amy, hope dad is doing well.

    CY, please take care of yourself.

    G, always think about you.

    Madison, we do have beautiful weather. Weather reports say it's supposed to be an ugly weekend but I'm laying in bed and it's beautiful outside, just slightly breezy.

    I like saying hello or goodbye to everyone from Amy to Z, covers everyone so I don't feel like I'm missing anyone. Is there anyone before Amy (besides Adrionna who is really Denise) that we would be missing?

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Me Again!!

    Madison: I hear your Chants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm trying to pull it off...give me the weekend and I'll see what happens!! Love the plans you have for Shokks Closet! The amount of time everyone spends there, we should all chip in and get a remodel done for her!! Have a good time at the wedding!

    Shirley: The other crap is simply Oscal....Brain just couldn't come up with the Hard word this morning. I, too have Osteopenia.........I need to get back on this stuff.

    Suz: I live in Hartland....Not to far from Brighton. Grew up in Flint and raised my Kids in Flushing..Moved here 6 years ago!

    Shirley: Do I want to know what Donnatal and Gyn's have in common? Please tell..I really don't know what it is..And after my last visit with the Gyn, I'm not asking him for anything!!

    For real, I'm outta here!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Had one more thought after reading Madisons post........but this is PG rated so I'll let it go this time!!!!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    O my gosh Denise the tears are rolling. Pray your son never peeks on here and reads his story.

    Doris, WOW!! I've known you from chat since you first popped in and didn't know all that. I didn't find out about the NC gathering till after I made plans for Pinkstock. I'm sad not to be there too.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007

    oops missed Madison. Have a great time and don't melt.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007
    Hi All

    Just spent a half hour reading - lots of laughter and happiness going on in the circle lately, which is so nice to see!

    Joyce - good news about Kevin
    Susan - good luck on the job hunt
    Denise - oh my goodness! LOL
    Margaret - "Amy to Z" I love that!!!

    My sister's on the phone, gotta run...
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2007
    Hi all,
    Well it's been days and 8 pages since I've checked in! Wow am I out of the loop. Have missed you all. Will try to catch up. DH and DS got back late on Wed. and have been busy with them and work. So it's great to have them home but now thinking of ways to send them off again!!!!! Actually they will be gone for 1 week in July so another week of down time !
    I have been in a funk all month and sorry if that comes thru on here. It has been 1 year since my DX and that has really hit me hard. I guess because I just really feel unsafe. Like the nightmare of last year is just waiting to resume. Anyway I also had recheck appts with all my docs this month and that just adds to the stress. So far have made it through Rad onc. and BS with good results. On Tues I see med onc. That is the one that has me most nervous. Last time I saw him my liver enzymes were up a bit. Didn't have any further testing done cause he is thinking that it was still post chemo affect. They need to be back to normal this time or he will start all those lovely scans. So stress level has been up. So if med onc visit goes well on Tues I will be done with docs for a couple months and then hope I will feel much better mentally. Then hope I can work on not being so constantly emersed in thoughts of BC. I feel guilty feeling bad cause I really have no cause at this time to believe I am anything but NED but my brain and emotions don't seem to match the facts. Oh well it is what it is. Telling myself I will be much better after Tues. Sorry to whine and ramble!!
    Sheri and Marsha - Sending PM's to both of you. Can't wait to meet you.
    Love to all,
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007
    I asked the Lord to touch Our {{Jankay}} He sent this!!!
    Just for Her!
    xoxoxoxox Puppy
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2007
    Good morning Puppy,
    Have been sending lots of prayers up to the Lord for you. Hope you are feeling good today.
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007

    Hey CG'S, I thought i better let ya know the news of my ordeal!! (the stupid hospital that is)
    I called friday was tiered of waiting, they said they have nothing on me in the computer! I said you have to be crazy
    they gave me another person to talk to and so on and so on!
    told me someone would call me in within 24 hours! first I got really angry! THEN I realized maybe God has healed me and i dont need anything done!! I sooooooo hope thats true!
    but they di call back, a very nice lady the first one i talked to, and said they just faxed your orders, I am putting you on top, even gave me her # if i need anything else! the doctors assistant will not be in until tues. so i have to wait until she comes back "WHY" so i guess i just set and worry and wait!! CRYING NOW, BBL

    {{{BETH}}} Thank You from the bottom of my heart!!!
    Pray CGS for Our {{{{{{Mena}}}}}}} She so needs them!
    Love Puppy
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited June 2007
    Good day everyone! I've been so busy this week I have not had time to catch up now I feel so out of the loop. Several times I tried to sneak in a peek but my brain was on information overload so nothing registered. Sending a big gentle hug to everyone.

    It's a beautiful hot summer day here. The pool looks so blue and is crystal clear so I am sitting here I jump in the pool or go to the dentist for stage two of a root canal? Such a tough decision to make!!!!

    Oh Puppy...I so wish I worked at that hospital so I could make sure you were taken care off right away! I hate when patients have to wait and are bounced around...specially a dear bc sister! (((hugs)))

    Silka - I just read your story. OMG 2005 was such a difficult year for you and your family. So sorry about your DH. Did I read correctly...the docs turned off the pacemaker and did not replace it? So sorry..
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Wow! So many posts since this morning. Well since you all know I do not know how to rest and relax, a stronger power has taken over. Too cold to swim. Raining, so I cant walk or pull weeds.

    Beth: I just had a chance to read about the boots. Now that made me laugh out loud. Lets call Betty - she could have a nude storyteller with new boots!


    Clean House - on no no no no no!

    Vickie: Wonder why he called Tamoxifen a dirty drug? Lupron shots and Arimidex - sounds like a good option too. Because Im BRCA2 positive, I had my ovaries removed.

    Jankay: Just sending you hugs. Gettig breast cancer and Parkisnons is a double whammy. Tough on the family, but this about you! Dont forget that.

    Joyce: Oh my gosh, its a relief to hear from you. Glad to hear Kevin is doing well. 9 hour surgery must have been maddening. We all missed you very much.

    Marsha: What a nice picture of you and your friend.

    Suz: Yep we had bacon, eggs, sausage and fresh fruit for breakfast.

    Sherloc: What do you eat for breakfast?

    Madison: At least tomorrow and Monday I will be able to walk and swim. Its going back into the high 80's and 90's and the humidty will be back too.

    Cheri: Oh I hate those nights. Watching the clocking waiting until its a fairly reasonable time to get up. When I finially get up - I feel totally wasted.

    Boo: I found that both the 1 yr and 2 yr anniversaries, really didnt sit well with me. Good luck with the med onc visit.

    Puppy - big hug to you my friend.