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  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited June 2007
    well man am i behind the times or what?????

    what is the deal with the "wth" thread lol! somebody has their knickers in a twist!!!!! i never even saw the paris hilton thread, but i think that might be a good thing with me and my big mouth lololol!

    now remember girls, i'm only 4'9" and wear a size 2 shoe ....... so please NO SHORT JOKES!!!!!!!! i might get offended on behalf of all the "runts" in this world!

    yes margaret, my floor is for admitted dialysis patients. we do peritoneal dialysis exclusively, but the hemodialysis is still done in renal clinic. let me know if you need info for your mom ........... "renal" is "my thing" lol!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Shel: I have a simple answer to any nasties.


  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Morning girls, haven't read everything as there is so much to read. I did skim though.

    Nicki - try to relax hon. You so deserve it.

    Madison - that would be great! If you need a ride from the airport or anything just let me know. Can't wait for you to visit her.

    Sher - what can I saw about manperson. Mine had a tooth pulled yesterday and you would have though he was going to die. Gave him 2 lortab and he was awake half the night. He's better today. Good thing.

    Jankay - I'm sorry the kids are giving you a tough time. Wish I were closer, I'd whip them into shape.

    Puppy - sorry you're having to wait. I so hate waiting.

    Boo - my one year anniversary about did me in. Hang in there.

    Well crap - I can't remember anything else. I'll go back and take notes.


  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited June 2007
    Joyce - So glad Kevin is doing better and is now at home. I agree, we can go through anything but to see our child sick has to be the toughest thing we go through. I bet the sound of that bell must be heaven to your ears. (((((hugs)))))

    Hey Nicki - come over and help me pull some weeds afterwards we will take a dip in the pool.

    Beth- I read your post on back pain. I've been sleeping with pillows under my knees for many years. I swear by it.

    Sue - The one year anniversay is specially hard but look how far you've come in a year. Keep focusing on the positive and don't give those ugly CA thoughts any power.

    Deb – had an earthquake???? OMG – how scary is that! Glad to see you’re OK. Enjoy that camping trip and hope you don’t have too many mosquitoes in Alaska.

    Puppy and Mena – dear sweet friends, so good to hear from you. I pray that you feel better real soon. You are in my thoughts and prayers

    Okay - I'm off to spend some time outside, forget the dentist. bbl
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    o my gosh shel. I can't believe I am taller than someone. Happens so very rarely I have to celebrate when it does. Blue drinks for everyone on me!!!!

    Nicki, usually yogurt and a banana is my morning fare. This morning I had peanut butter toast cause I don't have any yogurt or bananas.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    well hell, I'm never gonna get anything done if you all keep popping in sporadically.

    Good Morning Boo/Sue, hugs to you. The first anniversary sucks beans. Each one after is better I promise.

    Puppy, I'll cry with you. "they just faxed your order" usually means "oops you got lost in a pile on my desk". I'm sorry

    Hi Colleen and Odalys, have a fabulous day.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Odalys: Jump in the pool is my vote.

    For Inquiring Minds? MargaretB taught me how to post pics.

    Sherloc: that sounds pretty good. I cant have bread so I eat peanut butter with sugarless jam with a spoon.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Good afternoon, CGs!

    Vickie, my panties weren't really in a knot last night. LOL! Y'all can laugh if ya want to!

    Nicki, I'm going to really put on white socks and sandals and post a pic . It may be my new official look.

    JanKay, I'm sorry you are having such a hard time. Rotten teens don't help either.

    Lini, Boob farts???? lmao!! Mine were squeaking after surgery.

    Cheri, yes, I am usually a very good sport, so you guys can laugh at me all you want. Don't be surprised if I return the favor later on, lol!

    Betty, I admit the nude story teller went right over my head too!

    Joyce, I glad that Kevin is home and doing well. You must be so relieved!

    Silka, what a hard time you have had! I am stunned at the story about your husband. How very sad. I am sendiing gentle hugs your way.

    Puppy, how frustrating for you!!! I hate getting the run around. Especially when you are waiting for results.

    Laura, that was a very funny story about your GS. From the mouths of babes, as they say!

    Well, my manperson is going to attempt to install the new dishwasher. I'm going to sign off now, because I know the call for help will be coming any minute! ! I am a good helper!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Tamoxifen...I wanted to put that front and center because I am regretting my morning post and don't want anyone to be scared!!! My radiation oncologist simply said he hates the SE's of Tamoxifen and that he feels there are fewer and less severe SE's with Arimidex. He considers quality of life above all else and that's why he calls some treatments "dirty" and some "clean". Not to say that Tamoxifen isn't a wonderful drug, as it has a proven track record...I just personally don't like it. I also don't want my ovaries working at all and will probably have an ooph as soon as I can manage to build up the courage for another surgery...sigh.
    So...the Tamoxifen is ok ladies...just not what I personally prefer to take and I'm sorry if I scared anyone.
    Love and hugs
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    lol Jan...I am in my sandals today and seriously considering putting on a pair of's freaking cold here and I refuse to give up my sandals!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Puppy and Boo......Praying for both of you. The waiting game is ridiculous. I so hope that the delay means there is nothing wrong.......but if not, your faith and friends will pull you through. I sent you a little should be there by now, just to let you know I'm thinking of you.
    Boo, the year anniversary is a mind bender. Of course you're upset and you have every right to Whine! All the follow-up doctors appts. make us crazy...We'll be with you.

    Still waiting on my DD's 11:00 arrival time! Yup, it's 12:45 now!! She should be here any minute, so if I don't get back here tonight you'll know why! After my last post, you probably are all saying, "Thank God!"

    Gonna read for a bit..........
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007

    Who asked about my evil stepson? Margaret? Well, dh was married twice before me, 2 from the 1st who are 34 and 30. The evil one is from his 2nd wife and he is 11. Don't ask, he got caught up in a lot of crap. Let's just say, w3e all doubt his being the father because he had a vascetomy in 1977 and the kid was born in 1996. Nuff said. The kid pushes the envelope constantly, like going on porn sites, unplugging my IV machine 2 weeks ago (he thought if he did that it wouldn't work and I would be back in the hospital and his dad would be there for him only), throwing things at the cats, stealing money from my wallet (caught him in the act, I do walk quietly if I want to), too much crap. I am missing a whole box of blank checks, I am suspicious. If any of you guys have advice on dealing with him i would love to hear it. When I was just out of the hospital, his mother, who is no help, told him he couldn't come over becasue his father loved me more than him. Now he really hates me. I can't trust him and take my pocketbook with me or lock it in the car when he is over. This is the same mother who heard I carried the BRCA2 gene and gettign the surgery and didn't want her son over here because he might "catch" something. AAARRRGH! Makes me so mad all over again. Sorry this turned into all about me but it does not help my recovery any when I have to look over my shoulder every weekend.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    I was just reading back on some of the posts including mine. I was on a roll and hope I didn't offend anyone..........just being me........and I hope TMI wasn't offending!!

    Daughter is here now...Love you all.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Beth: Well it sounds like his behaviour is a direct refledction of his mothers! Hoping when he gets older, he will become wiser.

    Well Im laughing my head off. I have been told Im catty and passive aggressive by a real pro!! Gotta find a pic to match that one.


  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Nicki, that woman is my biggest pain in my life right now. She has more problems than you can name and would make great fodder for Jerry Springer. She is on her 4th husband and is just turning 34. Her mother was married 7 times, twice to the same man. Her grandmother was also married 4 times. So is it any wonder why this kid is mixed up? His mother also told me she has to get surgery on her feet that she has now put off for the past 6 weeks. Seems she won't be able to walk for 3 weeks after and wants us to take the kid while she recupes. I told her that is what FMLA is for and her husband should take the time off like my dh did for me. I think she is full of it and just wants us to take him so she can go away for vacation. Wouldn't put it past her.

    BTW, question on this to bikerJan: If you have a foot problem that you cannot even stand, how can you ride on the back of a Harley?
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Jan: OK I have picked the outfit for you.

    Socks =


    Sandles =

  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited June 2007
    Hey, Denise, let me know when you want to hope a train to Chicago. Think I can board in E Lansing and we could ride together. Does your Amtrak to Chicago go through E Lansing? It would be so cool to go together. I can't go to Pinkstock. DS #2 is getting married that weekend. Wouldn't be cool for the Mother of the Groom to be a no show.

    Puppy, Mena, & Gina--you're in my prayers.

    Joyce--great news about your son. Nine hours sure must have been hard for you though. I second the idea of removing the bell when he's asleep, or at least get someone else to answer it for you for a while.

    Boo--hope the good reports keep coming. My liver enzymes finally got completely back to normal at my last checkup. It was 22 months since my last chemo.

    Beth--don't have any advice for you. Must be hard. Keeping you and ss in my prayers.

    Old subject here, have flossed every day since May 15th. Even on nights when I was dead tired. Hope the habit sticks this time.

    Jan--my sympathies to you on the installation of the dishwasher. Glad you're getting a new one though. My manperson, normally very competant, turns into something I can hardly describe when dealing with home improvements. All is back to normal when done, thank goodness.

    Hugs, healing, and prayers for everyone from Amy to Z.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Oh my goodness. Liz, Denise, And Laura - all in Chicago at the same time. We could have a good time thats for sure.

    OK ladies - Im am done relaxing. Im bored. Im getting my umbrella from my patio set, get some plastic to sit on, and Im going out to pull weeds.

    See ya later.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Hi again - will you guys slow down! LOL I still haven't caught up yet. Went to a big furniture sale here - pffft $30 off is not a big sale to me. Oh well.

    I have a big pot of grandma's spaghetti sauce simmering on the stove and will be making spaghetti with garlic bread later. A little spinach salad to go along with it. All are welcome.

    Phone -
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2007

    Denise~You called me a "lady" with my boob farts. Is that passive-aggressive behavior? LOL!! The sound is really getting to me and the fact that that I haven't gone to the bathroom isn't helping. Give me some ideas ladies. 3 stool softeners since last night, 1/2 bottle Magnesium Citrate laxative, lots of water, 3 cups green tea. I'm so bloated that I feel like I'm going to explode already. Hey, maybe that's why the gas is coming out of the boobs, no room down under. LOL!!! Relieve me already or I'm staying away from the pool party later and having grandma's spaghetti with liz. Oh never mind, no room for food. Haven't had a bite since a small salad yesterday.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    Lini - oh my. Nothing worse than having that problem. The Mag. Citrate didn't help. Hmmmmmm Have you tried Miralax? Might have to get a Fleet enema. Hope you like lots of garlic in the spaghetti as I think I might have added a wee bit more than usual. Tastes fantastic to me though. Girl you need to eat something. That's not enough to help you out. Hugs

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Lini is gonna explode! Oh my dear...sounds like suppository time. I wouldn't let it go too long. I think I am beginning a UTI...great...I hate those almost as much as bc...LOL. I could be wrong and I'm drinking lots of water and cranberry juice...hope and pray.
    Nicki...catty...YOU...meow...LOL. I have been reading the other thread and have been to chicken to post! I'm trying to come up with something really reallly good before I do heehee.
    Denise...have fun with your daughter...who could you possibly offend...I must have missed it.
    Beth...lock the brat in the basement or put his ass in a cage. That is ridiculous and at 11 he needs to learn that the consequences aren't worth it...imagine him at 18...yikes. I'd actually ask for a DNA test and tell mommy dearest to keep him.
    Laura...good job on the cigarettes here yet...whew.
    Jan...Nicki stole my socks!! Those are Capt Jacks favorite...of course it's usually all I have on when he's around LOL. ya all
    (did some retail therapy feel great!)
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Good old fashioned MOM and a box of dried apricots? Should do the trick Lini.

    Liz: Ill bring the Tiramasu

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    Liz...the dinner sounds wonderful! I'll bring Cheri and some blue drinks along or you could come on over to Hawaii with us in the party thread!

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Oh goody! We're cooking and eating here again. LOL Nicki I've never had Tiramasu (sp) what's in it? I have to tell ya, I never ate Italian food before chemo. Now I love it! So we're headed to Hawaii this weekend. Yes!

    I was going to go out and pull weeds but it's so pickin hot here I can't stand it. Maybe I'll get to it later. DH went to see his parents and DS is asleep. Dog is asleep also. Ahhhh nice and quiet here. LOL

    I'm suppossed to go to a wedding reception/party this evening out by the lake. Free beer, margaritas and food. Problem is, if I go I'd have to drive home. I'll decide that later.

    Going to go crochet for awhile.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Liz: Its a wonderful Italian Dessert with Lady Fingers and custard. I make it. Put spiced rum in my custard. Perfect way to finish and Italian dinner.

    Chocolate lady fingers and hot chocolate fudge to drizzle on the top.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    OMG! Sounds wonderful - I'll have to try it sometime.

  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited June 2007
    Shirley: I don't think your keeper will even notice. From my observations of men, I've come to the conclusion they are not very observant!! Go for it, girl!! lol

    Denise: I'm really disappointed in Pinky. I could really use the help. I'm now off for my massage. That lazy thing could be going with me, if she had shown up and worked. See you in the party tent later.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    awww crap...they just announced that Bobby Cutts admitted to killing Jessie Davis...WHY!!!! I sooo hoped that they would find her safe and sound. It's on

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Lini, first off you need to poop before you come to the pool party. Reminds me of GroundHog Day with the Baby Ruth candy bar. LOL

    Liz, set a plate for me. I love spaghetti and especially garlic bread! Then I would be happy to attend the lake party with on!

    Nicki, oh my I haven't been around today. WTH?!? has gotten ugly? Do you need Bubba to come kick some ass or what? Just let me know, I had his claws sharpened by Boo/Sue today!

    Shel I think you missed the conversation about being the shortest in the class growing up. Being short has it's advantages with getting out of the building first during a fire drill!

    Odalys, man oh man I would just jump in that glorious blue pool!

    Boo/Sue, scans just suck. BUT blew rinks all around next Sunday at Sheri's condo! SOOOOOOO looking forward to meeting you two!

    Doris, hi, nice to meet you. I think we have talked in the chat rooms before. CatfromFl was going to NC this weekend. Who else went?

    Denise, so, you saw the kids penis huh? LOL

    Puppy, let us know the second you hear anything!

    Vickie what cha doin' this weekend?

    Jan, all right, I take back all the fashion police stuff. I hate paybacks! They scare me. You and Hubby need to plan to come to Fl for Bike Week, maybe after your son gets moved down?

    Anyone partying tonight? It's the cocktail hour! Drinks from Amy to Z on me.
