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  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited June 2007
    HI all,
    there is really a lot that goes on here. Silka thanks for sharing your story. We do have the strength to get through it. I forget that a lot and start feeling sorry for myself. And really I'm not having any problems. Hugs for you.

    Jankay, I know there is nothing I can do to help you but just for a day send all your frustrations to me. I will put them on my desk with all my papers and files that need to be put away and they will get lost like everything else does.

    Well, the job application was delivered. I have to take a test on Monday. I wish I knew what it was I really wanted. I just want to have some fun!! eeehhh...

    what is it?? have a better than average day!


    Oh yes, i posted a question on the secret pal thread. how's everyone doing with that? Is it time to reformat?? there are a couple of new people who want to join.
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2007
    It's a pool party, but I can't go swimming. Heck, my PS won't even let me shower until after the unveiling Wednesday. He's very strict. I'll be the big, puffed up lump with a glass of wine in hand sitting on the sidelines. Stuffing and boob farts coming out of the chest. Why am I going?? Remind me.

    Who's Cutts and Davis?? Don't follow the news much anymore.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Hey Marsha: When I woke up this morning, a little bird whispered this into my ear. I doing fine, on cloud nine.

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007
    {{{SUSAN}}} I think you just need to go visit your old bud

    Why mess up your life with a job, what would Cheri do if you can't visit???? when ya gonna come see me!!!????
    xoxoxoxoxo Miss Debby
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited June 2007
    Marsha!!! (((((PHISH))))) Thank you sweetie! I have to go to my PO Box more often!!!!

    Well, I get "a treatment" on Weds. No one knows what it will be. We are shooting for Abraxane, but if I don't get approval it will be Taxotere- UNLESS that requires Benadryl then I get nothing.

    I have some hair coming in as peach fuzz- ONLY ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF MY HEAD. Can't I do anything normal???

    BTW- I am not sure if I am starting chemopause or not, but I am finding I have no patience for people and contemplate ways to cause them harm... that isn't good.

    It is either chemopause or I am hanging around with some extremely annoying people!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Okay - just watched the Fox news announcement about Bobby Cutts. He's a coward and a weisel. Why kill the poor girl and unborn child. AND do it in front of the 2 y/o son. I don't understand these idiot men.

    Marsha - I do voice over commercials for TV and record commercials for the radio. I have done TV commercials but that's when I was working there.

    Nicki - in 2001 I quit the medical field and went to work for some friends who own a radio station. Did their accounting and computer programming until they bought a low wattage TV station. Somehow I ended up doing the TV news Monday - Friday. It was completely different than anything I had ever done. I quit that job when my dad became ill. Every now and then, they'll call me to come out and do some commercials. It's fun doing it when I want to. LOL

    So glad Kevin is home and doing well.

    Cheri - don't like that swelling in your legs. You take it easy.

    Susan - I have thought of returning to work - but then my brain returns to normal. I get bored a lot lately.

    G - my hair came in funky at the beginning. Had lots in the back and sides and none on top. Hugs

    Cherryl - hate moving. Hope all goes smoothly for you.

    I want a pool. Wonder what DH would do if he came home and there was one in the back yard. You would be able to hear him where you live I'm sure.

    Okay, sauce is ready and the spaghetti is cooking. I need to go top the bread and get it in the broiler. I am starving. Can you tell.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Gina..if you spent more time hanging around with'd still feel like you have no's chemopause LOL. my moods go from one extreme to the other on a daily basis. Sending you a hug.
    Liz...doesn't that guy just make you and why? I just don't understand. I'm glad he confessed just sad that he won't get what he truly deserves. Poor little guy that's left behind...what a sad sad memory that I pray he will forget.
    Puppy...keeping you in my prayers...miss you. Nate says howdy and is blowing you a kiss...
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    know this ladies...spilling my guts here and I don't care.
    I have a lump in my throat the size of Texas over the Jessie case. I lived that life for 20 years...long hard years. I wanted to escape, I tried to escape (not saying it was the same situation for her but it very well could have been), I had no where to go and no one to help. No one would listen, no one cared. Everyone saw it and turned the other way. I got to a point the last year I was in that house with that man that waking up in the morning would make me cry for half an hour. I would actually be so incredibly sad that I had woke up yet again and had to face another day. Thanks to a wonderful friend (of his actually)and my dear sister I escaped. They went to a tax auction and bought a trailer on two acres for me and Sarah. It took me eight months to get brave enough to actually go but I did it! Slept in our car for three days in various places so he wouldn't find us, called the police so they would know...etc. I never went back. I am so thankful that I didn't. I could have been was that bad...worse than you can imagine or I can write about.
    I am NOT looking for sympathy...I got out...I made it.
    I want you all to know one thing....THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.
    I will never suffer that kind of abuse again...ever...from any man or women. I live way out in the sticks and you will never be found...believe me...I've been here 9 years now and there are still people who don't know where I went LOL. I like it that way!
    I love you all and I would protect anyone who needs protection. Never never never end up a Jessie...please.
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007
    Evening Girls!

    Just spend a lovely afternoon with Warren and 2 of his friends at a big old farm that now has mini golf, bumper boats and really good ice cream! It was a beautiful sunny day, we all had a fun time, and the woman in front of us during mini-golf complimented me on the great behavior of the 3 boys - a major feat for three 11 year olds!

    Checked out the WTH thread, but I've got to be honest, I get bummed out when people try to pick fights. Really think the ignore strategy is the best. Reminds me of a little kid misbehaving to get attention - ignore the behavior and he'll probably stop!

    Liz Yum, if "go top the bread" means garlic, butter or cheese can I have a piece?

    Hi to all my CG pals, welcome to any newcomers (Doris?) and hope those with new hooters are comfortable tonight!
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007

    Oh my goodness - who has the size 2 foot? Shel? I make fun of my friend Denise cause her entire foot is the same size as the gas pedal in my car! LOL

  • Primel
    Primel Member Posts: 652
    edited June 2007
    2 thumbs up for your post, Vickie, I just feel sad to think that you had to endure for so long. Big hugs to you,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    NS: Oh you sound spunky today. Hoping they approve the Abraxane for you.

    This whole thing with Jesse Davis is really sad. I heard a remarkable statistic today on TV. The main reason a pregnant woman dies is from murder! Holy Cow!

    Well, its late - time for me to hit the bed and watch some television. Have a great evening.


  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Vickie, a wonderful post. I have relatives who have been in that situation. I'm so glad you got out safely.

    Night Nicki
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    I honestly and truly mean every single word...if anyone ever needs a safe place to be all they have to do is ask and I will provide one way or another. I would NEVER stand by and allow anyone to be mistreated and abused the way I was...EVER.
    Good night sweet Nicki...sweet dreams and see you in the morning. I intend to set my alarm and drag myself out of bed at a normal time!
    Hi Catherine...we heard some pretty special things about you...pull up a wagon and join us.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    vjcki can i have phone #

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007

    Love, Puppy
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited June 2007
    Vickie - you are an angel. I'm so glad you got out.

    So sad to hear they found the body of the missing pregnant mom. Sad she was not able to get out. I can’t begin to imagine what horror she must have endured. What kind of monster kills a pregnant women in front of her child. Poor little guy he was able to tell everyone what he witnessed. I hope God shines his healing light on him and allows him to grow up to be a good, kind man. How does he recover from witnessing his mother being murdered?

    Vickie, I'm so glad you got out too.
  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited June 2007
    What a powerful post. When I first heard this story and the quote from the two year old, I was afraid it would not have a good ending. I spent seven years as a Social Worker and I have heard all sorts of horror stories of women (and some men) who have been terribly abused in domestic situations. You are so good to offer a life line to others. God bless you, my friend.
    Much love,
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    vickie just sent u an email

  • Silka
    Silka Member Posts: 45
    edited June 2007
    Thanks for all the kind words.

    Odaly, they didn't turn off the pacemaker, there was a possibility of the difibrillator short circuiting because of a moisture collection and that switch was turned off. If the device had not been defective and the switch was on, when Bob needed the defibrillator, it should have shocked his heart and possibly got him going again.
    He died in the car in the driveway. He had started to pull back into the garage, was still in his seat belt and able to get the car into park but unable to shut it off. The car was still running when he was found approximately four hours later. He had a Dr's appointment that he was going to.

    We had planned on going to Florida to visit the kids, we had a pet sitter and at the last minute he changed his mind, said he didn't want to leave the animals with strangers and insisted that I go.

    I left around 6:30 am, was driving. I was at the Tennessee/Alabama line when I got a call from a neighbor telling me I needed to come back. I insisted that he tell me what was going on. He then told me that Bob was gone. I had to continue driving south on I65 until I came to an exit so I could turn around. I was 4 1/2 hours away from home. Thought I would never get home, was the longest drive of my life. It is estimated that he died about 45 minutes after I left. I felt so guilty that he was alone and that I had left him. My daughter said, Mom, had you not being going away, you would not have gotten to say goodbye, this way you did. I hold onto that thought.
    Here I go babbling again, I live alone and sometimes I need to share my feelings. Thanks for being good listener's

    Love & Hugs

    Marsha, The ones that I can think of now are: nannypat, choca, terricarolyn, bethny, grace, cat and of course Jasmine. People were emailing Jasmine, so I am not sure who all confirmed. I hope they are having a great time.
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2007
    Evening ladies,
    Oh such sad news about the murder of that poor mom. So hard to believe this world has so many crazies.
    Vickie - God bless you. You are one special lady. Do you realize how kind you are?
    My first husband was not abusive but my DH first wife was a nut. She still calls and is outrageously verbally abusive to both of us.(they've been divorsed > 20 yrs and don't have any kids together!!!!!!). Just amazing to me. I just hang up on her but DH is afraid she will show up on our doorstep one day and hurt someone. So I guess I'm not so surprised about the crazies in this world. LOL
    Marsha - Glad I made friends with Bubba. The first time he popped up on my screen he scared the c**p out of me! Really!
    Gina - Hope they get your chemo straitened out. What did you have the first time around?
    OK didn't take notes and chemo brain won't let me remember the other posts.
    Sending hugs and wishes for sweet dreams to all.
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2007
    Evening to you. We were posting at the same time. Such a sad way to lose you DH. Please feel free to share your thoughts and feelings any time. So many great ladies here to give support. Hugs to you.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Good evening sweet sisters and good morning Peter,
    Whew...this day just flew by...why is it the work week seems to never end and the weekends are over in a blink of an eye. Not fair at all.
    Odalys...sleeping with the enemy...oh yes...100 percent. My ex (this is Sarah's father...left him 9 years ago)was 6'4" and he too would like to trap me in a corner where I couldn't escape. Haven't spent any time looking for anything and Nate are pretty comfortable. Sweet dreams dear lady.
    Stopping in to sit with Silka who sounds a bit lonely. I am so very sorry you a warm hug and telling you to listen to your DD...tucking you in, smoothing your hair and hoping you have sweet happy dreams.
    Nickster has gone off to bed already so I'll just tiptoe by her wagon and not disturb her on her vacation.
    Cheri is off partying I do believe, along with Liz and a few others...think I may join them in a bit.
    Good night Margaret...haven't seen you today...sweet dreams.
    I do believe I saw our Shel somewhere today and she is going to have a peaceful, relaxing, do nothing day tomorrow...good for you Ms. Mighty Nightingale. Type A personality huh...who would have ever guessed LOL.
    Good night Sue...thanks for your kind life is so much better now...I am happy. Well most of the time LOL...I do have my hormone deprived down days LOL. Love ya and sweet dreams.
    Much love to you too Cherryl...I thought for a while about becoming a social worker but decided it wouldn't be for me...I would get wayyyy to involved with everyones problems and end up working 24 hours a day or (horrors)not caring at all!!
    Tucking Jankay in with a smooch and a hug. I will talk to you tomorrow sweet lady. Sweet dreams to you too.
    Visiting with Puppy, Mena, and CY in the center again. How are you girls doing...I do believe I occasionally hear some giggling...what are we missing out on? Love ya all...pleasant, restful sleep to you. I'll throw a log on the fire as it's a bit chilly again tonight.
    Have to tuck in our smiling Susan...its so good to see you again. We really missed you. Sweet dreams and see you tomorrow.
    Taking some extra time and care at Joyce and Kevins wagon...saying some extra prayers for quick healing for our Kevin and some much needed rest for Joyce.
    Marsha...where are you? I did some retail therapy today at the dollar bazaar...LOL...fits my pocketbook and that's all I care! I do believe you are at the drinking party so I'll be right over.
    Iris is out to the drinking party too...gonna have to make sure all these girls make curfew tonight!
    Haven't seen Sheri for a couple of days...where are you Sheri girl? Peeking in your wagon but don't see ya.
    Tracey is MIA the ugly ss getting the best of her...gonna send that boy to the deliverance tent along with Beth's ugly ss. That'll fix em LOL.
    ok...walked as far as I can tonight...sorry to all that didn't get tucked in...probably too warm where you are anyway but you all get my hugs and prayers...every Marsha says...from Amy to Z!
    love ya all...see you in the morning...making french toast again if anyone wants to join us.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007
    Hi everyone..haven't read a word yet because I have been gone all day..also had lunch with our San Diego BCO ladies and went to a shower for my beautiful new granddaughter (I have to brag). Here is our lunch group..
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited June 2007
    One of the girls who works for me (and has been an incredible asset to me while I have been missing work) is having a baby next month. She is 36 and didn't think she was ever going to get pregnant. Her husband is thrilled.
    I live 2 blocks from our office, which is small and has no place to get together.
    Folks brought good food. I decorated and made a delicious punch. I had such a good time making decorations and such, it was wonderful to take my mind off me.

    Jeff cleaned up the house and the yard (OK, I helped more than I should have).

    My cranraspberry punch [image]image[/image]

    My bouquet made from baby socks [image]image[/image]

    The proud Dad with the Daddy tool belt I put together: nose plugs, ear plugs, cabinet locks, powder, lotion, shampoo, goggles, hand sanitizer, pacifiers, wipes, butt paste (loved that one) and a bib that says I love my Daddy. He is in construction and promised to take it to work to show all the guys. [image]image[/image]

    The Mom

    Our Keys "stork" - a pelican that Jeff plans to put on our mailbox. image
    Table decorations made from large life savers and jelly beans. image

    We had 4 men and 9 women and NO GAMES! It was great - people stayed quite a while so I knew they were having a good time.
    I was exhausted afterward, so I have been very lazy today.

    Some time today Jeff took down the stork baby without telling me, so I ran around outside looking for him yelling "THE DINGOS TOOK MY BABY! "
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited June 2007
    What a wonderful picture Lisa!

    (((Doris))) hugs to you

    (((Vickie))) hugs to you too!

    I managed to not kill anyone tonight. Had dinner with my dear friend and her DH who I cannot stand and I didn't throw anything at him. Hope this is a bad as the "moodiness" gets because I won't get a special cell like Paris did!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Awww Gina...we'll make sure you get a much better cell than Paris. Actually we'd come break you out LOL.
    Somebody tell me wth I'm still doing up at 11:14pm...I'll never drag my a$$ outta bed tomorrow and I promised Nathaniel minature golf...YIKES.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Lisa...what a great picture! you sure know how to throw a baby shower...great ideas and pictures...I am soo impressed.

    Now off to bed with's late and we need our rest...pppfffttt.
    Love ya all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Hey Gina...I'm working on the you want to contribute anything? Just a short little story with a couple of pics. I can use something from your website and pics from here...we didn't want to leave our fearless leader out. It isn't going to be published or anything...everyone who contributes will get a copy. I am in the process of putting it all together now. Have a ways to go so you have plenty of time.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Vickie, I can identify. I would never take that kind of abuse again. Mine usually involved guns, I won't go into it. Nobaody that knew me could ever beleive I put with all that but they beat you down mentally along with the pistol whippings and the whole nightmare. This just isn't verbal abuse, which is bad enough, this is not knowing if you're going to wake up the next morning. I decided if he was going to kill me it wouldn't be because I was too scared to was cos I was too scared to stay.

    Alrighty then. That's just a subject that once you live it, you will ALWAYS feel strongly about. Anyway nuf of that or I won't be able to sleep tonight.

    I've been in bed most of the day so I doubt I sleep anyway. It's just storming to beat the band here tonight. Been gloomy a couple of days. Amber is in Springfield only 30 miles away and says it's not raining a drop there. Go figure the weather.

    Wonder what ever happened to LisaElders? I liked her.

    Hey Susan. Janny, Iris, Gus, Boo, Nicki, Jazz, Marsha oh shoot like I said the other night everybody between Amy and Z. That includes you Meaner.

    And Vickie, read a book, watch tv or something before you try and sleep. You're doing good now.
