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  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2007
    Hi Colleen, Amy to Z was copied - who said it - Cheri? Can't remember, but it's great.

    Sue, good luck Tuesday.

    Puppy, sending you lots of hugs.

    Shel, my mom had an access port put in her groin earlier this week. I saw her today and you can tell she's getting weaker. She has dialysis M/W/F and yesterday she said it took an hour longer than normal. Apparently the machine keeps shutting off so she's getting very frustrated.

    Silka, I'm sorry, I missed the story about your husband and I understand it was a rough year. Catching up I just read your post. I am so sorry.

    Beth, being a step-parent can be the most most unrewarding job in the world. I have 2 sd and I get along very well with both of them; we raised them, their mother didn't. It's amazing the mother/daughter bond even after all she has done to them. Sorry, I don't have any advise for you. All I can say is he will grow up.

    Liz, how was the spaghetti? I had to have fish. Hubby is on a diet kick again so that means we don't go out because he doesn't want to drink and he's afraid that if he eats out he'll eat something he shouldn't.

    Vickie, you are very lucky you got out of your situation. I left my last husband because he threatened to hit me, he never did and I didn't give him the chance. I thought Scott Peterson murding Laci and her unborn son was bad but this one did it in front of his son.

    Lisa, that's a great picture.

    Tricia, great pictures.

    Cheri, how's the leg swelling? Hard to believe it's storming in your area; was a gorgeous day today.

    Going to take a walk around and make sure everyone is alright. Night Amy to Z.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Evening chicas and good morning Peter.........(((((Vickie and Cheri)))))......Vickie this is the kinda of crap if I hear everything happens for a reason I just might go postal.....I have no idea why men do this to women that are carrying their children.......but this is the type of situation that I wish "ole smokey" (electric chair) was still being used and they could just hook it up directly to this guys balls......(yes Tami and Melissa I said balls).......I have not read all day and just sat down and had no idea that they had found this girls is just to sad to even found the right words to express oneselves.......Vickie it sounds as if this has wounded your so sorry sweetie.....Cheri I'm so sorry you had to live in that kind of terror.......don't understand why God allows Evil to exsist.........going to start a new post.....don't want to continue this one..........

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Ya'll are not going to believe this but wrote a post and then forget to continue and just lost it......what I was saying great pics Lisa and Tricia.........Gina so good to see you posting.....sure have missed you......hope your Mom is feeling better and ya'll had a good visit.......looks like Joyce checked in and Kevin is home......what a relief......have not had a change to go back and read so will do that in the morning when things are quieter around here.....oldest child used her atm for a 4 dollar charge and was overdrawn.....the bank covered it but charged her 35.00 so I am going to strangle her in the morning......she is working ya'll....................

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2007

    Good night CG's - lots of post since yesterday - 4 pages - I have tried to skim them, but way too much to read after two glasses fo wine. Just want to wish everyone sweet dreams. Going to spend some time tomorrow checking in. Glad to hear that Kevin is doing good. Gina thanks for checking in with us. I need to respond to your pm. Got a buzz from the wine so better go. Hugs, Karen in denver

  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited June 2007
    Hi Sisters!I have been MIA for a little while and I sure have missed you all.I am having a real crisis and I need everyones prayers.My Onc has taken my lifeline away,my Herceptin.My heart has gotten alot worse.My EF is now 28!!I am terrified.And on top of that my left arm and hand won't work and it hurts like the dickens.This is the 3rd night in a row that sleep just won't come.I have a knot on the top of the wrist that I just found.I am so scared about having a heartattack.I've had a non-stop headache since last week,most likely stress I suppose.I love you all and I hope my scatter brain will hold up so I can go back and see how you have all been.I promise I will try to post more regularly.Does anybody have any info on how long it will take for my EG to improve?Dang,it was 52 in Feb,I don't know what happened.I got 6 months of weekly tx in but I really want my Herceptin back.It feels good to be home with you all once more.

  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    Hello to everyone! Happy Sun and hope that your summer is going well…we are now officially into summer here… Sure can tell it now!

    Puppy..sorry that you are waiting until Tue for more med info;thinking of you;enjoy the pics.
    Gina--so sorry that you have had a rough day;glad your evening was nice with your friend/her husb.
    Shirley--kept thinking of Peter Fonda in “Easy Rider”when you described your man person. Don’t we all pay the price the next day?
    Peter…enjoyed reading abt Melbourne and thanks for joining the group;hope you got the grass mowed.
    Vickie--working on the load in dryer;good for you w/that delish ice cr as I had to have more reading abt yours;never did taste like what you were describing! Trip to g store tomorr,anyone? Hey to Nate and enjoy minature golf.

    Jankay--hope the teenagers are doing better today;difficult time of life,for real.
    Nicki--hope the vac is going well;cool temps sounds great;love that cat w/that mouth opening!
    Tricia…loved those “flowers” from baby socks;so creative!Those were lovely pics;loved that tool belt and what is butt paste???
    Shokk--that was a big charge for an ATM /acct overdraft;annoying for all of us;hope your dad is improving daily.
    Betty--I saw that abt the nudity;would be interesting in this area of the country;did he get any feedback?
    Lisa…so sorry abt your Herceptin and we have missed you;thinking of you today.
    Margaret--your weather sounds great!
    Beth--ss sounds like he is a sad child;worked with many young people who were needy;not an easy task;thinking of you.
    Cherryl..hey there,Cuz! Hope that packing is abt finished and glad you are getting a bigger place.
    Lini…hope the party was good and that your new job will be enjoyable on Mon. Is it a schl where you work?
    Laura--maybe a new grandchild will make an appearance today..or very soon.
    Colleen…your outing with the three boys sounds fun;ice cream sure sounded good.

    Amy--hope the wkend goes well and that your dad is getting stronger ea day;hey to Hey Jude and Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds and all the other friends. Hey to Tucker and hope his summer vac is going well.
    Sue/Boo…glad your husb and son are back from trip; will think of you this wk at the dr’s appt;first one is tough;you’ll do fine.
    Marsha…neat pic w/your friend,Sheila;how did you like “Dreamgirls”? Great music--JMO!
    Suz…hope the weather cleared to go strawberry picking Sat.
    Jan--a new dishwasher would be awesome!
    Susan…hope the Mon test goes well for new job.
    Odalys…root canals are the pits…had three of them and two in same tooth…all that junk caught up w/me from my past! LOL

    Denise--too funny w/the latex gloves--even if we are are so funny! Pinky pouting…why need a trip to NC?
    Silka…glad you are here and glad you are feeling better;so sorry to read of so many med issues in your family;thinking of you.
    Pam--love it abt Wally’s Garage…do you hear..Hey,Goob or see anyone that looks like the Mayberry family? Loved that show!
    Joyce--glad Kevin is recuperating at home and glad to hear update.
    Lisa--lovely pic of the luncheon in San Diego,right?

    Shel…hope you have rested up from the teens party;what a great parent! Size…wow! You really are tiny.
    Liz--spaghetti sure sounded good and hope your husband’s tooth is improved;sounds like he made the right choice.
    Madison--another wedding in this heat and humidity;hope that you didn’t melt.
    Cheri--you are so witty and smart---Amy to Z! Love that! Hope you are having a good Sun;thinking of you this wk w/dr appt.
    Cy--hope that you had a good time at the salsa/spa night.
    Karen--glad you are out for vac and enjoy your trip!
    Catherine...glad to see you and hope you are doing well,

    All the best to everyone in the gang---great that we have gotten larger since we began last yr;I joined in August and am so glad that I have met so many neat people! Thinking of everyone…hello to any one that I have left out!
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    Fire sounds real warm right now,Peter. How chilly is winter in Melbourne?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Well Im hoping today ends up being a nicer day here in the Chicago end of the circle. They say hot and humid. Im not complaining though. My flowers and grass really needed the rain.

    Vickie: I dont know how it is elsewhere, but here in Illinois nurses are required to ask if anyone has hurt them or are they afraid to go home. It was a new law to try and give people who are being abused a chance to get out of the situation. I have been asked that several time. When I went with my friend for her mammogram she was asked it. Problem is, most abused women would be afraid to say anything. I also deal with alot of people who are the recipients of elder abuse. Children, abusing their older parents! Sometimes ya gotta question what is this world coming to.

    Liz: Working for the radio station sounds like so much fun.

    Colleen: I know ignore is the way to go when someone is getting nasty. But it is hard to ignore when one is being personally attacked. Not only were comments directed at me, but my name was used before the comments - as if the writer was a representative for "many" people. Now that is against the rules of conduct and Im hoping the moderators will address it. Then, someone who is a psychologist by profession chooses to call me passive-aggressive! I will always stand up for myself and any friends that become victims of this negativity. Its the Italian in me.

    Odalys: What kind of person would kill a pregnant women in front of a 2 year old? That poor little boy. Its a very sad story.

    Cheryl: You being a social worker, understand what Im talking about regarding elder abuse.

    Boo: Verbal abuse is just as bad. Maybe worse, cause it tries to take awake a persons soul.

    Doris: I remember talking to you alot on the chat about your DH. Very sad story.

    LisaSoCal: What a great picture of the group. You have to tell us everyones names.

    PDB: What creative things you did for the baby shower. Sounds like you are recovering well. This is my favorite pic for baby showers - just dont get to use it much.


    Shokk: I love using my debit card and thank goodness, if my account is low, it wont let me withdraw money. The $35.00 charge is a bogus charge as far as Im concerned.

    Lisa: I had to stop Herceptin after 12 rounds. My EF went down to 48%. Stopped it for a month and it went back up to 67% so I was lucky there was no permanent damage. I stopped the Herceptin after that. There were studies (The Finnish Studies) that showed 9 rounds of herceptin looked to be as good as more. So Im counting on that study. Good luck to you.

    Peter: One thing for sure, its hard to keep up with this thread. When Im at work during the week - sometimes I feel so lost, and upset cause I dont have the time to repsond to everyone.

    Iris: It is amazing that the circle thread will be 1 year old in August. Hope you have a grand day.

    So here I am, day 3 of my vacation - its 6 in the morning, and Im already bored. I think I live a crazy life.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007
    Good morning and evening everyone,

    Wow, I see Nicki beat me posting. I've been up about an hour but it's taken me that long to read all the posts.

    So sad about the Ohio woman. I didn't have a good feeling about it from the start. I had been following the other horrible murders in IL where the dad was arrested at the memorial service for his three kids and wife. Authorities now say he did it. I will never understand these things. Never.

    I'm going to garden some today. Take care of some little plants and watch life. The world is too dark right now.

    I'll BBL.

    Hugs to all,

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    gm cgs

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    today seems to be a little better. od u do not kknow how lucky u are to have a husband who goes with u to your doctors appointments. i have been sick since 1999 and my husband has been to a total of maybe 3 doctors appointments and one was when he had to take me to lexington ky. it usually was mom or my sisters.
    then he would get upset if i forgot to tell him something and i told him if he wanted to know he should go with me.
    he never did go so i guess he didnt want to know. for inquiring minds od is odalysis.

    peter a background history of me. i am a 8 yr bc survivor
    with a movement disorder w/parkinsons like systems. they still cant give it a name for sure but they call it parkinsons. i also have 2 teenagers a 19 yr old and a 13 yrold girl. a husband of 20 years who could bemore supportive. i have been sick at least 10 of the 20.

    puppy- i love u and hope that u get some answers soon. i love your prayers and angels. i collect angels. imagine last week i went to sunday school and church. w3hat a difference a week makes.
    getting tired will post again later.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    wake up vicki

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning Jankay and Betty. Hoping your day is filled with sunshine.

    Looks like Vickie went to bed way to late. So I wont blow any trumpets at her this morning.


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Good morning all,
    I just love that picture...isn't it the cutest!
    Yup Nicki I went to bed wayyy later than usual for me. Couldn't get the ghosts of the past out of my head which ends up with nightmares all night...which I hate so much. Got myself too worked up about another women gone for no reason...but...enough...can't talk about it, it's behind me and I am slamming the door!
    Sweet dreams Peter...I was just teasin about you leaving. I had to mow my lawn yesterday and I mowed the cemetery next to my house too. It hasn't been mowed in years and it just looked so sad. I decided that it was time to fix it up. I've mowed it six times this year and it's starting to look really nice. It's very old. I would love to plant flowers on every single grave as it really upsets me that no one takes care of it and the people in it are relatives of all the people in the area...disrespectful if you ask me. Sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite.
    Oh sweet Lisa...I'm sorry. Will your heart repair itself after a bit of a break? Sending lotsa prayers your way and an angel to watch over you.
    Cheri had a good idea but it didn't work. Today is a new day and I'm not watching the news! Hope you have a grand day.
    Jankay...good morning sweet lady. I used to collect angels too. I had quite a collection and then my mom got sick. I prayed my heart out for months that she would survive but she didn't and I was so very angry with God. Just one more crappy thing in my life and I gave all my angels away. I see things differently now and thank God every day for all my blessings.
    geez...aren't I just the picture of gloom and doom today...somebody kick me!

    Ok...making french toast, sausage, homefries, any kind of omelet you want, orange juice, coffee, hot chocolate and of course cinnamon rolls (gotta watch Mazer or he'll swipe them)for breakfast...come on over and we'll enjoy the beautiful sunshine outside. It's supposed to be much warmer today than yesterday...81 degrees...sooo hopefully I will be able to swim some laps as my body if feeling a bit stiff this morning.
    Love ya all and I'll be back later
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Iris..were you up all night silly girl LOL!
    love ya
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Breakfast sounds wonderful.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    i will be right over for the french TOAST.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Happy Sunday dears. Hubby and I took a drive to Modesto yesterday (an hour away). Had to go to Michaels and Joanns for some stuff. I think I figured out what caused my bumpy bits. It's the sunscreen he keeps in his car. Only put it on my arms this time and bumpy things started showing up about an hour later. Hmmmmmm I love solving a good mystery. Now just have to remember to put on my own sunscreen next time we go anywhere with the top down.
    Anywhos stopped for Chinese on the way home, crashed on the couch as soon as we got here. Tooling around with the sun beating on your head is tiring. Have to go catch up. I'll be back.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Good morning Shirley girl!
    Hurry up ladies...Nates about finished off the french toast already.
  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning All,

    Breakfast sounds good - I'm with Jankay I'll be right over for some French toast. Too bad I am in a hurry this morning and don't have time to make it cuz it sure sounds good right now.

    Vickie - that was one powerful post you wrote yesterday. I try not to watch the news - just so distressing. I am so happy that you made it out - you are a very special person.

    Went to church last night and have to leave in a few minutes - taking my daughter Sara down to Purdue to register for classes tomorrow. Takes about 5 hours to drive there from here - if you we could move Chicago we could get there faster. Have to stop in Chicago on the way to drop food off for Andrew (ds #1). He was supposed to come home this weekend but called on Friday to say he couldn't come - too much work but he needs food.

    Went to the Public Market yesterday for the first time. Quite nice. Did not get to go strawberry picking - just ran out of time. Maybe next weekend.

    LisaE - so glad to see you posting. Not sure about the EF thing as I did not have Herceptin. I will keep you in my prayers though that it will rebound soon.

    SoCal and Tricia - great pics. Tricia loved your decorations.

    Gina - I do hope they approve the abraxane for you.

    Cheri - so glad that you got out of that situation too. Your leg is swelling? Keep it elevated as much as possible.

    Susan - good luck with the test and the job hunt.

    Peter - you have to mow the lawn in winter?

    Okay, running out of time - will be back on Tuesday.

    Hugs to all from Amy to Z (whoever came up with this - thank you - a lifesaver for those of us who have hormone deprived brains not to mention chemo brain). I hate leaving anyone out but it would literally take me hours to reply to each person all the time - but all you guys are always in my thoughts.

    Have a great Sunday,
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Boo/Sue, praying all your numbers are where they are supposed to be. This is my anniversary month too so I'm also in doctor mode. Three years later I like to lie to myself and say I've got over the stress of it all. hahahha yeah right. Bone scan on wednesday, yippee that one is so much fun.

    Odalys, so the decision was???? root canal or the pool? inquiring minds want to know?

    Nicki, so did you stay in bed reading a book all day?
    Or just curl up and purr in your basket?

    Shel, me thinks it's just one person with her knickers in knots. She needs to visit the pantie thread.

    Poor Lizzie. I'm sorry about your manperson. Pain meds keep mine up too. Hope yours is better today. Mine spent yesterday whining about pain that wouldn't have been there IF!!!! Silly man.

    Jan hows the new dishwasher?

    Vicki, my darling girl. There was no way I was upset with you. You wouldn't believe how many times I have heard things like "O my onc would never give me tamox, he says it doesn't work."
    I say to that "Well Shoot Howdy it better!!!"
    I do understand about the crappy side effects tho. The general consensus is tamox is what destroyed my bones. Very very rare side effect. Lucky me! But since I had to choose, cancer or bad bones...I picked bad bones and wear bubble wrap.
    Just say no to the socks and sandals....PLEASE!

    Denise what time did your o so late daughter arrive? Offend? never? You make us smile and that is a good thing.

    Beth, 11 year olds in my house got the belt when they misbehaved. Oops did I say that out loud?

    Laura, I say tell the bride and groom to be they just have to reschedule. hahahhahahhahhahahah

    Dear me Nicki's pulling weeds in the rain. Someone tie her down.

    Liz, I am so bummed I missed dinner. Sounds fabulous.

    O my Lini, don't explode. That would be bad. Gentle hugs girlfriend. Hate it when that happens.
    Tiramasu is my all time favorite dessert. My very Irish/Non-Italian makes tiramasu to die for. Well not really but you get the idea.
    On to page 557
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Hey Suz: Hope you dont get tangled up in baseball traffic. Its the Cubs against the White Sox this week-end!

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007

    Good morning Circle Family!
    Peterj, It is so Special having a brother with us! You are exactly what we would ask for, "A BROTHER THAT CARES"
    God Bless, Puppy
    I did somthing yesterday that I have not done on the boards in a long time I HAD FUN!!!!!!
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2007
    Good morning sisters,
    pbd - Adorable party decorations. Love the sock boquet.
    G - Hi. Remember dinner rolls make an effective weapon when your trying to not land in jail!
    Cheri - Hi lady
    Margaret - So sorry your mom is having a hard time. Sending up prayers for her.
    Lisa - Oh I am so sorry you are going thru this.I am trip neg so don't know much about herceptin or have info about EF improving. What's up with your arm and hand? Please come to the center of the circle where we can watch over you. Sending lots of hugs and prayers your way.
    Peter - Nice to meet you. Welcome. My DH was in Australia many years ago and loved it. Hope to make it there myself some day.
    Iris - Loved your post. Sure helped me catch up with stuff I missed. Have a great Sunday,
    Morning Nickie - Do something fun today. You deserve it.
    Jankay - Good morning to you.
    Vickie - Gentle hugs to you to chase away the demonds. Breakfast sounds great.
    Shiley - Mystery solved. Yippeee.
    Well I worked on pulling weeds yesterday and guess I did too much. My right shoulder, axilla, back and chest wall are sooo sore. I knew better. Silly me. I'll be good today. Good excuse not to do much work!!!
    Hugs to all,
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007

    Good morning everyone..I am in for a quick peek and then off to play tennis..mixed doubles today...could you have breakfast waiting when I get back, Vickie??? at the moment it is only 0649 here...

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2007
    Morning Puppy - Fun is good!!!! Love the angels.
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2007
    Morning all, I'm alloting myself 30 min to read and respond or I waste the day laying in bed....

    Lisa Elder, we've missed you. Back to the middle of the circle for you so we can take care of you. I can't answer your questions but I can be there with a cyber hug.

    Peter, you are probably sleeping now so hope you are sleeping well.

    Iris, hope you are having a good day.

    Betty, have to go back and read about the dad arrested at the memorial service. I have a girlfriend who had split up with her then husband and had been dating someone new. We used to vacation with this family, the hubby was great with the kids and grandkids (mine), not at all the type you would expect htis from. One night he went over to her house with a loaded gun, kicked in her front door, shot her boyfriend in the leg and was wrestling with her with the gun. Now keep in mind her boyfriend is an ex-pro football player and is a fireman so he's pretty big. She was able to call the cops and he took off. He's out of jail now but obviously something made him snap that night. Very scary.

    Jankay, I'm sorry your family is not very supportive. It does make a big difference when a spouse/significant other is involved. My hubby has been my rock through this journey and I realize how lucky I am.

    Shirley, does your hubby ever go to the Good Guys car shows in Pleasanton? If so, maybe we can hook up at one of them.

    For those that haven't read the panty thread, it was pretty funny. And for those following the ugliest dog contest - Elwood won - Marsha, I still think Elwood gives Bubba some competition.

    Vickie, I'm leaving for breakfast now...see you in a few.

    Ok, my 30 min. is up. Going to be another nice day here and I have lots to do today since I spent half the day with mom yesterday and got nothing done. The laundry basket is reproducing now so have to get that taken care of.

    Back later to catch up.
