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  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007

    Need to get TONS done today, as I basically played way too much hooky Friday and Saturday, but have a load of laundry in and decided to have another cup of tea and read for just a bit.

    Vicki - it is no wonder you are such a caretaker! You took care of yourself and your daughter under unimaginable circumstances. You take care of us here on the boards, and of course you take care of your sweet boy. I am proud and honored to know someone was brave and full of love.

    Nicki - can't even remember what I said, but didn't mean you shouldn't defend yourself (I don't think?) LOL I guess I just felt like I started to see a pattern with her you know? Like she's doing it on purpose to get a reaction so she can then get the tread deleted. So weird! I'm sorry she used your name/words, I've seen her do that before. It's like she takes something out of context and twists it into something else and then diverts the whole purpose of the thread to something else - really strange! Anyway, I hope you get a good day today weather-wise, and that you enjoy your remaining vacation days!

    Tricia - those pictures are so cute! I love all those cute baby ideas, makes me wish I knew someone having a baby shower!

    shokk - you said something funny about the electric chair, but I can't remember what it was, just that it was funny!

    Peter - for some strange reason, that movie with Meryl Streep about the woman (scientist? doctor?) who was accused of hurting (murdering?) her child (when she claimed it was taken by dingos) has always stuck in my head. This is going to sound really awful, but my old roommate and I used to yell, "the dingos got my baby!" at random times and crack up. There was just something about Meryl Streep in the movie, not the situation itself, that we found funny in a strange way. OK, that sounds really bad, I hope you don't think I'm some kind of freak now!!

    Forgotten what else I was going to say, and have now overstayed my time (laundry and packing for our vacation is awaiting!)

    Have a great Sunday everyone!

    PS. Hey Iris!!!
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Double Dog Dangitt!!! Lost my post and it was realllllly long.

    Loved the pics ladies... Lisa do we know any of the other ladies at lunch? Tricia, my my aren't you crafty? Your friends must have been thrilled with a party without games!

    Nicki, a psychologist??? Your kidding me.

    Margaret, Elwood is ugly and all, I agree, but nobody snarls like our dear Bubba. Maybe you should spend the day with him and get to know his loving side. Watch those toe nails tho, they are a lethel weapon.

    Vickie your story made me cry. You are so brave and caring.

    BBL spending a lazy day around the house. Marsha
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited June 2007
    Good morning chicas and chico.

    Welcome Peter. I hope we don't scary you away with all the girl talk. It's about time we have a brother in this group to give us the male perspective.

    Jankay - my family always calls me O.D. so is very appropriate that you do the same. I always refer to this group as my cyber family.

    Inquiring minds...I ended up skipping the dentist yesterday. I worked on the yard and after a couple of hours the heat got to me so I jumped in the pool with working clothes. It felt great. Steven came out to see what his silly mom was doing and started laughing. I felt like a kid. Life is good.

    Vickie - I know what you mean about ghosts from the past. I kept dreaming with my ex...yikes! So glad when I woke up. He remind me of the movie "sleeping with enemy". Ok - enough already with the past. Did I read you are considering lupron shots? I've been on them for a year now along with Femara. My onc indicated the research shows better success rate with this combo in preventing recurrence for er/pr + bc. PM me if you want to talk some more about this.

    pbd - beautiful creative. I'm glad you had a good time and were distracted from all this bc stuff. We all need a break from it every now and then.

    Lisa - I did not know you like to play tennis. Great exercise. It's also a great way of releasing stress. Enjoy! You just gave me an idea of how to entertain Steven today. We have a tennis court close by so I think we will walk over and play for a while. He has been playing way too much video games this week.

    Oops... I need to get another cup of coffee and catch up with yesterday's posts.

    I'll leave you with a picture that says it all


  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    ooo I made a new page. Love it when that happens.

    oops that should read my very Irish/Non-Italian daughter....duh me!

    Liz did you go to the party?

    Cherryl, remind me what I'm going for? My feeble brain can't remember that far back.
    Gotta give my manperson some credit tho.....he is the observant one in our house. Never forgets a birthday or anniversary. Always notices when I'm wearing something new (probably cause it's his moola I'm spending), anywhos you get the picture. I'm the unobservant one. Dear man came home one day many years ago with military style buzzed head. He had left that morning with full beard and long hair and baby smooth face. Took me 3 days to notice something was different. How sad is that.

    Great big huge hugs for Vicki and Cheri. Ladies my heart breaks for you that you had to endure that.
    My prayers go up for the family of the poor lady and her little boy. Praying at 2 he will not remember it.


    Susan you will do just fine on the test. I get bored at home too but not enough to actually get a job. But then again if I did, hubby would drop dead of a heart attack and I would get the life insurance and never have to work again? Hmmmmmm
    Bad Bad Me!!! Somebody smack my hands for typing that.

    Gina, my take on the whole thing is all those annoying people have always been there, now we just have no reason for tolerating them. Praying they find just the right drug for you.

    Liz, wow you were on TV. Does that mean your famous?

    Colleen, mini golf, bumper boats, and ice cream sounds like the perfect day. Don't ya just love it when strangers comment on how well your kids behave. Daughter is always getting stopped in public with comments like that. Gives me warm fuzzies when I am around to hear it. Went shopping the other day in Sacramento before I came home. Me, the kid, and her 4. We love to go into the fancy schmancy couldn't ever afford in this life time stores and try on clothes. There was another lady in there with her mom? and 2 children who were whoppin and hollerin and just generally causing a ruckus. Our 4 were the perfect angels they always are. On the way out the sales clerk commented to me how refreshing it was to see a young lady (daughter is 25) who is raising well mannered children. Love those warm fuzzies.

    Doris, great big hugs to you too.

    Socal, looks like a grand time was had. Love the new pic of Carlin. Shes a beauty. Her little dress is darling.

    Trish, dang you do parties up right. Next party at your house. Dingos..hahhahahhahhah

    Gina, I am glad you refrained from murder for the evening. Horizontal stripes are so unflattering.

    Cheri, guns? how horrible. I will never comprehend the mind of someone who would hurt a person they claim to love. Just blows my brain to bits.

    Margaret, prayers for your mom.

    Shokk, amen to that. Reason my a$$! There is No Reason in this. It is just pure evil.
    My o so irresponsible son is constantly overdrawing his account and getting charges. Keep telling him the bank is going to cancel his account if he doesn't get it together but he still does it. Silly boy is gonna have to learn the hard way I guess.

    Hi Karen, wine buzz is nice, wine hangover not so nice.

    LisaE, gentle hugs for you hon. You are in my prayers.

    Hi Peter, I'm a summer person to. Hate hate hate winter.

    Iris, Peter Fonda? hahahahhahaahhahahhahah

    Nicki, last two times I ended up in the ER I got asked that question. Silly part of that is the nurse asked with my husband sitting right there. Like an abused woman is really gonna jump up and down and accuse her attacker while he's in the same room. Me thinks they need to work on that one.
    By the way. I don't think your catty or passive aggressive.

    Good Morning Jankay.

    Vicki, don't just slam that door. Board it up and nail it shut.
    You are so very sweet to take care of the cemetary. Being in gold rush/tourist country we have a bunch of old cemetaries around here. They are cared for by docents from some organization that I can't think of at the moment. Tourist don't like to see overgrown graves. There is one grave that is my favorite. It is a little 2 year old boy that died in 1852. Everytime I go visit the cemetary (I like to take pictures there) someone has put a new toy on the stone. That just pulls my heart strings.

    Suz, have a safe drive. I think Nicki wouldn't like it if you moved Chicago. She would get lost going home.

    Boo/Sue OUCH

    Socal, you play tennis at 7am. Good heavens girlfriend. The bats haven't even gone to bed at that time.

    Margaret, nope, only car thing we have ever done was that rally in Nevada several months ago.

    Colleen, all in all I think we all did a pretty good job getting the WTH thread back to fun after a minor interruption.
    I love Meryl Streep in comedy, but have you ever noticed ever drama she does someone dies? Way to depressing.

    Well that took only 2.5 hours. Not bad for 4 pages me thinks. Off to accomplish a thing or two maybe. See ya.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Good morning Marsha. Hate it when that happens.

    Odalys, I knew I liked you. Now I know why. Swimming in your clothes. My kind of woman.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    just talked to z
    negioations broke down
    taking strike foot todAY
    will know something 2morrow
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    vote not foot

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007

    {{{{Z}}}} Praying for You sweetie, sure miss Your Beautiful posts!! xoxoxo Love, Puppy
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited June 2007
    Oh wow...I missed what is going on with Z. Dear Z, I hope things turn out your way. Please hang in there and remember we are here for you whenever you need us.


    You are all invited to join me.....

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2007
    Lisaelder, I had to stop herceptin early, too. I can't remember exactly how many I got, it was either 5 or 6, I was kind of in a blur then. I'm not even sure what my ef was either, but I do know I ended up in the hospital with pneumonia for 10 days. Not something I'd recommend. That was almost 2 years ago and I am doing pretty well. Hopefully you will bounce back, too.

    Marsha, are you going to bring Bubba when you come to see me? I am really looking forward to next Sunday. I hope you are planning to bring your swimsuit. Yeah, Boo is coming too! This will be great! Oh, just so you know, my dh doesn't know I posted that pic of him, so if you say he looks like John Travolta he'll be surprised! He hasn't aged like JT, looks more like one of those older actors.

    Odalys, your jumping in with your clothes on reminded me of that scene in "It's a Wonderful Life" where they jump into the pool that is under the gym. I always liked that part.

    Vickie, I am so glad you are in a better place now. I, too, get angry when I hear of women who are mistreated by their husbands. My sister was in a relationship like that for many years. I was quite naive at the time and at first really thought she was running into doors a lot. She does have bad eye sight, but I am mad at myself for not realizing sooner what she was going through. It took her a long time to finally get out of that situation, but I would just want to shake her and tell her she didn't deserve to be treated like that, but she would call me to rescue her and then go right back. I guess this is really getting to me, too, I need to step back and stop rambling or I might say something I'll regret.

    I'm still around a couple of more days. If I didn't know Boo and Marsha were coming I'd go crazy without my circle fix.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    well dear ladies. Just had myself a happy little panic attack. Geez I'm such a baby. Started thinking about infusion tomorrow and just freaked a little. All is well now but I have some questions.
    Since I didn't do chemo.....(no comment Jazzie) I have no clue what to expect when I get there. I mean I know they are gonna poke me and make me stay there for half the pickin day but what else do I need to know?
    Do I need to bring food?
    Will it be cold in the infusion room?
    Should I bring my own entertainment?
    Will I have to beg for the numby stuff or will they give it to me with no problems?
    I just want to know what to expect.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2007

    We had recliners and a tv in our room. I would bring alittle afghan or something to cuddle with. I also brought books to read and I know some people would bring music (like an ipod) to listen to. My dh usually came with me and we would talk, he would go get lunch, and it really was kind of fun! Nothing hurt more than a poke for the iv and the nurses were really good. I hope it goes well for you.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Hi everyone - a quick fly by right now. I'll BBL though.

    Sher - Most infusion centers have snacks and drinks etc. I always took my favorite crackers and always had a 44oz drink with me. I would walk around with my IV pole and refill my drink. My center had wonderful blankets and recliners. I took a bag with magazines, books and things like that but usually ended up chatting with someone there. You'll do great! It's the first one and the unknown that is getting you. Breathe!

    Okay - back to laundry and yard work. BBIAB
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007

    Must be laundry day all around!! Me too..

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Shirley girl you'll be fine. Think of it as a mini vacation away from the rest of the world...yeah right LOL! My infusion room when I had chemo was actually very nice. Recliners in each cubby with a television, blankets, pillows, magazines and books. Once you were "hooked" up and running you could drag your IV pole around and they had a kitchen you could raid...lots of goodies there all the time! Besides...we'll all be there with ya!
    Back to housework...yeech...gotta get it finished as I have a couple of projects that I am determined to finish today to mail tomorrow!
    hugs and love all around...shhhh...Peter is sleeping!
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007 the San Diego BCO is BMD, Melianne, 3boys4me,Shirlann,me and LisaSDCA

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007
    And here is a picture I took yesterday of my sweet new granddaughter at her shower. She is one month old..

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2007

    Oh, Lisa, what a sweety! I just want to cuddle her close.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007
    Afternoon and Morning (Peter),

    Well, I did not do a bit of work work today. I'll pay for it tomorrow, bur today I had fun. I planted some more flowers and herbs, painted a knick knack I picked up yesterday, painted a little stool and a basket.

    The coals are getting hot and the salads are chilling. So is the wine. I figure if I gotta pee for 24 hours starting tomorrow it might as well be alcoholic. LOL

    Bone scan is Friday. So could someone tell me what I'm in for. This is the dye and full body, not the bone density scan. I'm nervous about it and it's not the way I wanted to start our 33rd anniversary.

    Better check the coals. It's steak, grilled fries, salad and strawberry daquari ice for dessert. Come on down or over or up.

    Hugs Amy to Z. (I love that),

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited June 2007
    The bone scan is easy---just a little time consuming. I've had two and the routine was the same both times. Go in, get the injection of radioactive trace stuff and go read, shop, whatever for two hours. For the actual scan they just put you on a flat table like the bone density scan and this machine just kind of passes over you. The place where mine are done has pretty paintings on the ceiling to look at. The scan itself doesn't take very long. Really a pretty stressless test as long as you don't count what they're looking for! It did show on the second one that the early arthritis in my feet and knees is gone---I guess all of the glucosamine/chondroitin I take is doing some good! We still don't know why my hip hurts but hey! I had to cancel my dentist appointment after the first one because I was still radioactive and the dental assistant at my doc's was pregnant at the time----I bet you they never heard that excuse before----sorry I can't come, I'm radioactive!

    Thirty three years? Wow---I'm impressed! Do you share recipes? Strawberry daquari ice sounds really good....

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Just a fly-by! Did nothing yesterday so today I cleaned the toilets (manpersons have no aim), 3 loads of wash and a trip to CVS. Made a ravioli lasagna and texas toast. fresh fruit for dessert since they all had rita's water ice last night.

    Vickie, evil ss must have heard your threat to put him in the deliverence wagon with Tracey's evil ss. He behaved all day! Also, his father had a long talk with him.

    Puppy, thinking of you and sending lots of love! :):)

    Talked to Mena yesterday and she said to say hello to all. She is tired and just frustrated with life in general. She is having problems with her (and I quote her directly, pardon me Melissa and Tami) "rat bastard ex-husband". Need I say more?

    Talk to you all tomorrow. They start the siding on the house from the fire we had. My best friend is coming over here to get in her training for the breast cancer 3-day. We can spend some long-overdue time together.

    Hugs to all, Amy to Z (thank you again to whoever started this)!
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007

    Goodnight cg family, try to come see you tomorrow!
    Love, Puppy
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Beautiful post Puppy!

    Hi to all!

    Granddaughter just left so I'm going back to see what everyone has been up to the past 24 hours!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007

    good night dear ladies and good morning Peter. I'm gonna go bond and watch cars turning left. See ya tomorrow. Thanks for the input. I'm guessing this place is gonna be decked out since it's brand new. Full report tomorrow.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    gn cgss
    i may be bk later
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007
    Betty - yup, as Jeannie said, the bone scan itself is no biggie. I made sure I had a book to read, and actually had a nice time sitting at a little table with an iced coffee and my book last time as the weather was beautiful! Best of luck to you...

    Beth - OK, I don't know what ravioli lasagna is, but I want some!!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited June 2007
    Hi everyone! How does one become a Circle Girl? I've had pleasant and fun conversations with many in this group and just discovered this thread that looks so inviting and warm. Is there an initiation or do I wait to be invited? I've only been around a few months, dx'd on 03/14/07. Sometimes I feel very much alone. I think it's the whole BC thing that only those who have it can understand! I don't know if I could keep up with everyone the way you all do though! Anyway I enjoy being on the perimeter of the circle and feeling the warmth radiating from within it!

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007
    Whoops! OK, very productive day! Laundry and general cleaning and straightening. Warren and I leave for our vacation to the Bahamas on Wed, and I have this weird thing about having everything in order in case the plane goes down or something. Like I'd care what people thought of my housecleaning capabilities if I was dead! (Does anyone else do this? It can't be just me!)

    Also, worked for 4 hours straight. My back is killing me from sitting at this computer without moving for so long, but I am so glad I got a HUGE chunk of work done. Feeling like I might actually meet my deadlines for this week and still have time to pack!!

    I'm off to watch some bad television (I think a new episode of Bridezilla's is on tonight - when I say bad television I mean BAD!! LOL) and then go to bed.

    Hope everyone had a good day and has a restful evening.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Charlene, Welcome. We'd love to have you join us. This is very compassionate, understanding and kind group of women. Plus, we have alot of fun. Consider youorself a member. That's all there is to it is just to want to get involved.
