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  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007

    You just did it - all it takes to be a Circle Girl is to post.

    NoSurrender (NS or G for short) started this thread many moons ago when a number of ladies were having a hard time. The goal was to give them some "extra special" loving, prayers and support to help them through. As you can probably tell if you've been reading - those positive thoughts and prayers, love and support is shared with everyone here.

    Welcome, we're glad to have you.
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    Welcome,Charlene! You are a circle person by just coming and being part of the group--no initiation needed. You will like this group as there is much support and comfort. I stayed on the perimeter and just read for many months until I just jumped right in. So,pull up a wagon and rest for awhile. I like your sense-of-humor and think you will feel at home here.
    Glad you are here! I post at odd hours so don't be surprised if you see 3AM with my name---just kind-of-batty!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited June 2007
    Woo hoo! Thank you! I like the idea of having fun. Sure takes my mind off things. I'm going to go watch Dreamgirls with my SO now (I deserted him an hour ago and he's wandering what's taking me so long!). I'll be back though! Love the idea of being inside the circle!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited June 2007
    Iris and Colleen,

    Thank you both so much! Gosh, I Love this place!

  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Hi Charlene, you are now a Circle Girl. No invitation needed or initiation. You might watch out for some of the girls in the party thread though. Just kidding.

    Don't worry about keeping everyone straight or keeping up. Post when you can and we're glad you joined us.

    Pull up your wagon and we'll learn more about each other each day.

    I was diagnosed July 18, 2005 with ILC Stage 2 Grade 2. I chose to have bilateral mastectomies with immediate recon. I did 4 rounds of dose dense AC and 4 dose dense Taxol. I've been on Arimidex and other than the occassional aches and pains am doing well. Trying to lose the chemo weight - ugh.

    Sher - no I'm not famous! LOL This was a low wattage TV local station. Little old people would point at me at the grocery store and Wal Mart though. I did do a promo commercial for one of the TV stations in OKC and lots of the nurses etc. would come into my dads room and tell me they saw me on that.

    Nicki - I don't work there. I do this for free and fun now. We have a way of trading things out. I could go back there fulltime but just am not ready for it. I don't have time.

    I didn't take notes but do know that Lisa's grandbaby is just too precious. She needs lots of loving from me. I love babies.

    Beth - glad evil ss is behaving. I had 2 in the last marriage. It was not fun. Their dad (my sons dad) passed away and they went away. I do see one of them occassionally but he avoids me. Think he did get his life straightened out after spending time in prison. Sure hope so.

    Vickie - I need to know what Nate's interests are please.

    Madison - any decision on visiting your daughter yet?

    Marsha - I so love your humor. You always make me smile.

    Jasmine - where are you? I know you're not in NC or did you change your mind?

    Odalys - jumping in the pool with your clothes on. Good for you!

    Okay everyone from A to Z have a peach of a night. I may be back but need to read back as usual.

    Hugs and Prayers
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited June 2007
    Thank you Peter! Oh, I know about the too many years of smoking! Good luck at your appt.!

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007
    Hey Iris

    How are you? Hope you had a great weekend!
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2007
    Hi Ladies & Peter!

    Another crazy weekend here, so I've missed something like 6 pages of posts! I'm gonna be up late reading and trying to get caught up!

    Welcome Charlene! As you can see, this is an amazing, funny, supportive group! It is my safe place to land when everything is driving me nuts, and I'm so glad you decided to join us! Wanna talk about Paris?

    Colleen, have fun in the Bahamas! Have a pina colada for me!

    Peter, good luck with your appointment.

    Cheri, good to see you! I was worried about you when you weren't posting much last week. How's your leg doing?

    So, obviously, I've only read page 560, so I need to go back to find out what is going on tomorrow with Shirley and to see the picture of Lisa's grandbaby.
    My kids can no longer participate in weekend sports or dance activities unless there is a wi-fi connection available!! I just miss too much here if I'm not checking in every day.

    BBL...Good night! Love to all from Amy to Z!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited June 2007
    Hi Liz,

    You are all so wonderful. I've been known to be a party girl so I think I'll fit right in with them! lol

    I had bilateral mastectomies 03/29/07. Opted out of chemo. Tough decision but I have a lot of pre-existing chronic pain issues that I concerned myself greatly with the long term SE's of chemo and decided the benefits for me did not outweigh the risks. I'm highly ER/PR + so hormonal therapy is best for me. Turns out the tamoxifen has greatly affected my chronic pain issues as well but I'm dealing with my rheumatologist to help me with it.

    I have a so sweet miracle baby (well she's almost 20 months now) named Ava and a wonderful, smart, free spirited, naturally athletic 8 year old daughter named Audrey. I've been with my SO Karl for 4 years and he's the sweetest man who will do Anything for me! I'm very lucky to have him! He has an 11 year old who is here part time. I have a tough time with him at times .. but I'm working on that relationship! It's not easy though!

    Well that's enough about me for now, I must go before Karl sends out the guard looking for me!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited June 2007

    LOL Sure, we can talk about Paris. It's the "R" one we must never dis!

    Thank you for your welcome! btw, you look a lot like my cousin Kelly. You aren't related to any Fish's are you? Fish is my maiden name.

  • Silka
    Silka Member Posts: 45
    edited June 2007
    Just got back home from my niece's. She had a dinner today for her step-father. She never does anything on Father's day, he spends it with his children and she honor's him the following Sunday. They have a good relationship, good to see in merged families.

    My pastor called me yesterday and asked me to call one of our member's who was told Friday that she has breast cancer. I spoke with her, she is very optimistic, strong faith. Pastor announced it to the church this morning, all the member's are so supportive, good to see the church family have compassion and offer support. Lots of teary eyes.

    Socal, do any of the ladies you had lunch with come to chat or to the boards?

    Lisaelder, I was on herceptin weekly for 52 weeks, my ef would fluctuate but not enough that I ever had to miss a treatment. I had muga scan’s every 3 month’s. Hope your’s goes up and you can resume your tx.

    Peter, thank you for your nice words, I am honored to have you as a brother.

    Cheryl, if you were nearby I would help you with your move, I worked for Bekins many years ago, I think I still have my touch.

    BRSTN…..I garden myself, I love it (Take care of some little plants and watch life. The world is too dark right now.)

    NewVickie, sorry you had a rough evening, ghosts are bad, I have a few myself. You are a special person to take care of that cemetery. I understand totally, I would do the same myself. My home is open to you if you ever need to getaway for a break.

    Sherloc, I had my own numbing stuff, EMLA cream. They didn’t provide it where I went. Infusion’s aren’t bad, the unknown is bad, after my first treatment, I wasn’t nervous anymore. We had recliner’s, no tv, I took my own books and snacks.

    Beth, too funny. (manpersons have no aim) I say that all the time, say I will never marry again because I don’t want to have to clean the pee off the commode. LOL

    I am going to use the A to Z myself. Have a wonderful week and Blessings to each of you.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    good evening sweet sisters and Peter,
    I'm with Peter on the too many years of smoking but I have quit...not sure how many days it's been now but I think I may have the habit kicked...woohoo.
    Not walking the perimeter tonight...just gonna say howdy to our new circle girl Charlene. I ususally go around and tuck everyone in but need tucking in myself tonight. Too tired.
    Think I will be calling tomorrow and get the thyroid checked out.
    Hi Liz...Nate loves everything. Seriously. He loves to read, likes animals, swimming...has discovered a love of National Geographics magazine LOL. Those are fairly easy to come by! LOVES bubbles...always has. Some days he's a cowboy, some days he's a pirate, some days he's a forest ranger or an archeologist...entertains himself very well. Is very fond of Florida...hmmm...wonder why LOL.
    Lisa...that grandbaby is sooo precious. Thanks for sharing.
    Haven't heard from DD all weekend and I'm a bit irritated with her at the moment...brat.
    I had planned to accomplish so much and accomplished so little...the weekend just flew by! Whine whine whine...someone pass the cheese.
    Gonna go to bed, suck my thumb and pout...anyone care to join me. I'll be in the pissy tent.
    I loves ya all...I'll see ya in the morning!!!
    yup...that looks just like me...frazzled! LOL.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Thank you Silka for the sweet invite...just may take you up on it one of these days!
    Can't go to bed without wishing you all sweet pleasant and happy dreams...from Amy to Z...I truly love ya all.
    Blowing some stardust over you all...

    Oh and Peter...hope you have a grand day...we'll all have to have a late night party some night or meet in the chat room for some fun. There was a food fight there once that was hilarious...maybe it's time for another!
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007

    Doris, the gals in the san diego photo all come to the boards...don't know about chat...

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    so I lied. I hate watching cars turn left. So much for bonding. He did let me hold the remote between race shows tho. Thought that was pretty nice of him.

    Howdy do to Charlene. A 20 month old and an 8 year old. Me thinks you are busy.

    Colleen, just in case I forget....have a simply fantabulous time. Don't forget your sunscreen.

    Liz, people pointing at walmart means your famous. I know a famous person. How cool is that? Do you carry a dog in your purse?

    Gus/Sue, don't bother searching back about me. I'm having my first aredia infusion tomorrow for my crappy simply must however go see Socals beautiful new grandbaby.

    Doris, whelp I don't have that stuff so they better have it or get it right the first time. I always give them one poke without the numby stuff then I throw a fit. Somehow it always miraculously (sp?) appears. Infusion center is at my hospital so numby stuff shouldn't be hard to find. And my dear doctor is right next door. I'm sure he won't like the sound of my tears if I don't get it. Last IV I got outside of surgery (the anesthisiologists puts it in cause the surgery nurses refuse to even try anymore)it took 13 sticks before they got the darn thing in a vein. They even tried my foot that time. My poor daughter was with me and totally freaked out by the whole process. I have drunk about 4 gallons of water today so the little suckers should be all puffed up tomorrow. Anywhos I'm rambling. I'll live thru the process I'm sure. Just something new to whine about.

    Vicki, glad your calling your doc tomorrow.

    Hmmm not time for bed yet. Think I'll go see whose in chat.
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2007
    Hope everyone had a good day. I picked up my grandkids and took them to the pool for 3 hours this afternoon. I ended up with an allergic reaction to the sunscreen I used - red rash up the side of one leg...looks great. Anyway, they had dinner and just left so it's calm down time now.

    Shirley, my son is like yours. Told me he wanted to get a credit card to build up his credit and then I saw his first bill - it was for overdraft charges! Did you see Meryl Streep has a new moving coming out- and I think her daughter is in it too. For my infusions, we had recliners and individual TVs and there were some private rooms. We brought a laptop to watch movies, had lunch before but brought snacks and drinks. I got the spray stuff before they poked me. That might be a good time to learn the Knifty Knitter - I still have to learn it - You'll do fine.

    Lisa, she's beautiful.

    Betty, yummy dinner, and dessert even yummier. Strawberry daquiri ice. I made a strawberry sorbet tonight but yours sounds much better.

    Charlene, welcome. Pull up your wagon and just jump in. You will find this to be a good group. Don't worry about keeping up. Just join in when you can because this thread does move fast.

    Colleen, have a wonderful time on vacation.

    Peter, are you still smoking or did you quit? Hope your appt goes well.

    Vickie, sleep tight.

    Jankay, hope you are feeling better.

    Cheri, have a good evening.

    A to Z, sleep tight, and Z, hope the vote goes your way. When any of the major grocery stores around here strike, I can't shop in them since my hubby is a union man. I didn't shop at Safeway the entire time they were on strike.

    Night all.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited June 2007
    New pics of the kids and grandkids in the picture thread!

    Shirley, now you need to compare the two suncreens to see what the one has that yours does not and you'll know what it is that's causing the allergic reaction! I had to do thet with cough drops! That's how I found out I was allergic to eucalyptus!, WHo would have guessed that I grew up in San Diego where there are eucalyptus trees every where!

    I hope to see the last two grand kids tomorrow so will get their pics posted as soon as I can. They are all growing up so fast!

    The Salsa night at the Spa was fun but I was hurting too much to dance. I had a grand time watching the others anyhow!

    OK I took your advise and did absolutely nothing but nap and sit in my chair and play with Leilani yesterday!

    We moved the last of my MIL's things out of her old apartment today and have most of the cleaning done! We will turn over the keys next week and be done with it for good! Now I can get back to remodeling my bathroom!

    Broke down tonight and opened a botlle of champaine with a little absolute, strawberries and OJ. Yummy! I think I deserve to have a little every once in a while and I've been really good for over 6 months!

    Ok need to go read!

    Throwing some magic logs on the fires, ones that will warm you if you need it or will just be pretty and cool if you need it.
    Hugs and prayers to all
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    C U IN AM
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2007
    Good evening CG's

    Well, we leave for the airport in about 40 minutes. Will be gone till July 10th. Not sure if I will be able to check in or not. DH is taking his laptop, but don't know how much time I will have to visit here. But I will try to check in every now and again. Will need someone to give me an update when I get back. This is my trip of a life-time!!! The celebration of surviving breast cancer. Craig, Miriam and I are going to Israel for two weeks!!!! I have wanted to go for over 9 years and the time was never right. Last year after I finished chemo and rads I told Craig that I wanted to either re-finish the kitchen (definitely not in the budget) or go to Israel. The kitchen could wait, but Israel could not. Spedning money we don't have, but I am so excited to be going to Israel. Noah is taking care of the house and the dogs. Leah is in school in Chicago. Thought I would have time to read today, but everything took so much longer than I thought. Well, need to go jump in the shower. Wishing everyone feel good days. Hugs to Lisaelder (i read your post) and to everyone else having hard times. I love you all. Karen in denver
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited June 2007
    Awesome Karen! takes lots of pics and you can take us to Israel when you get back!

    Welcome Charlene!, I have a sister by that name but we call her Charlie!

    JanKay you are up late tonight. how are you doing?
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007

    Does anyone know where DebC is camping? I just read that there are fires in Anchorage, Alaska, and they said something about the Kenai river - isn't that near where Deb lives (Soldotna?) I hope she's nowhere near there!

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited June 2007

    I don't think she said where she's camping.... Will say extra prayers that she is safe!

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007
    Hey CY and jankay - we're up late huh? I'm about to hit the sack though....

    jankay - sorry you're having a tough time, hope you sleep well and that tomorrow is a better day
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited June 2007
    What up sweetie?
    I think about you every time I hear the commercials for Swedish Hosptial about parkinsons up here and the new treatments they have. Did you ever get results from the one you went to in Atlanta??

    I'm so out of the loop on here I just hit and miss. Tonight is a good night for me but I'll have to go to bed soon. I have to be at work early tomorrow
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Good evening ladies & Gent. Been an uneventful day. Getting a little tired of just sitting here but trying to keep a good attirude.

    Socal, beautiful granddaughter.

    Peter, you just caught right on here in the Circle.

    Iris, thanks for the compliment, I like you too.

    Jankay, I sure hope things are going better for you today.

    Gus, nice to 'see' you.

    Socal, I noticed you posted on the 'Born Between' thread. lol I think we'd have a heck of a time holding an actual conversation, we sure word things differently. hahaha

    Vickie, hoping you sleep better tonight and feel much better tomorrow.

    Wishing all of you from Amy to Z a peaceful, restful night...

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited June 2007
    Mon Cheri` how are you I missed you!, But als I need to go to bed for the alarm will be yelling in my ear before I know it!
    I will try to get on earlier tomorrow night. Which is still late for most of you! It's nine PM here and I'm off to bed!
  • Silka
    Silka Member Posts: 45
    edited June 2007
    Looks like I am the early bird this morning, this is Monday, another work day, up and at em.
    Think I will get a feather and go tickle some noses, bet that will wake em up. I have a biscuit in my pocket for Bubba.

    Have a glorious day cg's
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007
    Oh my nose is still twitching from Doris' feather.

    I'm up and the coffee just got done.

    After my day of gardening and watering, we got a thundestorm last evening and then another one during the night. So all my new plants and seeds should do nicely.

    Hugs Amy to Z,
