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  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    gm cgs

    A minister decided that a visual demonstration
    >> would add emphasis to his Sunday sermon.
    >> Four worms were placed into four separate jars.
    >> The first worm was put
    >> into a container of alcohol.
    >> The second worm was put
    >> into a container of cigarette smoke.
    >> The third worm was put into
    >> a container of chocolate syrup.
    >> The fourth worm was put into
    >> a container of good clean soil.
    >> At the conclusion of the sermon,
    >> the Minister reported the following results:
    >> The first worm in alcohol -
    >> Dead.
    >> The second worm in cigarette smoke -
    >> Dead
    >> Third worm in chocolate syrup -
    >> Dead
    >> Fourth worm in good clean soil -
    >> Alive.
    >> So the Minister asked the congregation -
    >> What can you learn from this demonstration?
    >> Maxine was sitting in the back,
    >> quickly raised her hand and said,
    >> "As long as you drink,
    >> smoke and eat chocolate,
    >> you won't have worms!"
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    ok...felt someone tickling my nose!
    Good morning sunshine sisters Doris, Betty and Jankay...
    Thanks for the funny Jankay...a perfect way to start the day.
    Betty...we really need the rain here...have had some nasty lightning storms but no lawn is turning brown. out for Bubba...he drools! were up late and I missed you! How are you feeling? Hugs and smooches your way!
    Cheri pal...hang in there, this has to be easier than not smoking and you did that. The cast will be off before you know it. Do you need some books, magazines, puzzles...something to keep you busy? Say the word and it's yours...(no you cannot have Capt Jack to keep you busy...he's mine).
    Not sure where our Deb is camping but she's a smart cookie and she'll be safe. Will say an extra prayer for insurance though!
    Good night Peter, tucking you in and throwing a log on the fire...sweet, happy dreams to you.
    Well it off to shower and head to work...supposed to be hot again today which means my office will be freezing. New building and you never know if you're going to be hot or happy medium. Could wear shorts in the winter time there and need mittens in the summer LOL.
    Love and big hugs to you all...I'll check in later if I get a chance.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    may not be back

  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Well I had a great day yesterday. Realized there is a whole world of fun going on and Im just missing it. Went to to SIL and her town was having a festival so we walked around there for a bit. Fun watching all the little children have so much fun. Then on the way home we stopped at a Strawberry fest in an antique sort of village. It was fun just being outside and doing something.

    The weather has not been nice to me during my time off. Rained and cool the first 3 days. Im hoping today it will warm up enough so I can go swimming. Of course tomorrow when I go bact to work, they are predicting hot and humid!

    Charlene: I sure am glad you hopped over and found this thread. We have alot of fun here, and no one needs to be invited. Everyone is welcome. Its my safe haven - as we are always nice and supportive to each other. It moves fast, so dont get discouraged - you donthave to answer everyone, just come sit by the campfire and talk for a while. As far as feeling alone - I sure do understand. No one really understands our true feelings and fears. Moving on after being diagnosed with bc is so very hard. So park yourself a wagon and come on down.


    Colleen: Going to the Bahama's on Wednesday? Now that sounds like alot of fun. Wish I could go with you.

    Peter: Oh I just laughed so hard. Too many years of smoking and hard playing. Hmmmm that seems to describe me too. Before bc, I must say that I really enjoyed life to the fullest.

    Liz: I had one big moment of fame. Was on Peoples Court with Judge Wapner. I was supposed to be the witness for my husband, I saw the TV cameras and got so nervous. My legs were quivering, I started sweating, and I had to sit down through the whole thing. Seeing it on TV and seeing the reruns was fun though.

    Iris: Its always good to see a post from you. Hoping all is going well.

    Gus: Hahahahahahahaha! Want to talk about PH? That cracked me up. Seems like I always get myself in trouble when I wander from the wagon circle.

    Charlene: My goodness, your children are so young. You really have you hands full.

    Sherloc: Make sure to drink lots of water this morning. Makes the veins easier to find. Oh and car racing! I know some people just love it - Im not one of them. My sport is Football.

    Doris: Sorry to hear about another person being diagnosed with bc. It seems like the list never ends. Im sure you will be able to help her through this sad time.

    Vickie: OH my! That cat was a great picture. Frazzled is a good description. Hoping you feel better today.

    SoCaLisa: Your grand daughter is just beautiful.

    CY: Man that drink you had sure sounded good. You always sound so positive. I just want to hug you.

    Karen: Oh my goodness, a trip of a life time indeed. Hoping you take pictures and really enjoy yourself. My trip of a life time would be to go to Bari, Italy. Thats where my parents were born. Bet I have family there that I dont even know.

    Cheri: Its good to see you posting. You have been so quiet lately, and we do worry about you.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    wwhy me

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    my p chair is in shop-rental chair
    i csnt get comfortablee
    i am tall
    this is too low
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    ty ;peter

    i have parkinsons roo
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited June 2007
    Good morning!

    Back from camping! Had a great time but am SOOOO tired today! The boys had a wonderful time too. There was a lake and a pool and fishing and campfires and hayrides.... and they were so exhausted they both went to bed early last night!

    There are pages and pages to catch up on but I have to get to work....ugh, I hate when work interferes with my board time!

    Still waiting on the job posting to show up so I can send my resume to the hiring manager, who is right down the hall and a friend of mine. Seems kinda stupid, but I guess I have to follow the process. *Sigh*

    Jankay, I saw your post and, while I don't know what is wrong, my heart goes out to you. Sending prayers your way.

  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Good morning we are a chatty bunch for Monday morning! Looks like we are all stalling when it comes to starting our day LOL.
    Jankay...sending you a hug...can't they bring you a differnt chair?
    Kristin...I'm still waiting for the job to post too...does seem a bit ridiculous! Maybe today will be the day.
    ok ok...I'm to work I go!
    love and hugs
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    A cheery Good Morning to all our sunshine sisters and brothers.

    Silka, Betty, Jankay, Vickie, Peter, and Kristin. Hope you have a fantastic day or night - which ever applies.

    My SIL gave me $100.00 gift certificate to go buy some new fitted bras! Im so excited. Cant seem to find the right size since my reconstruction. And besides, I love shopping.

    I will check back later.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Good morning ladies and Peter. Had a restless nights sleep but was sure sleeping well when I had to get up. Isn't that the way of it? My SIL just brought the baby home early this morning from the week-end. My dd had went out last night and Ethan and I had some time to ourselves. I swear he is the smartest 6 yr old I know. lol I just can't imagine where Amber is. She's always here when she's supposed to be. I hope she's alright, she's got her phone shut off or it's dead so I can do is leave a message. So I'll sit here and worry til she gets home.

    Doris, if you're going to feed Bubba a biscuit, I'd toss it at him and run or you might draw back a stub. lol

    Jankay, thanks for the funny. What does, "May not be back" mean? Hoping your day gets better. Call someone about the hght. of that chair until they get it right.

    Vickie, thanks for the offer of the books & whatnot but I'm doing good on those. Shirley sent me a crossword, too. YOu know that Capt. Jack is just using you for your eyeliner right? lol

    Peter, after you've been here awhile you'll probably venture out into other forums and maybe even chat, but it's always nice to come home to the Circle.

    Nicki, sounds like you had a good day yesterday.

    Kristin, glad your family enjoyed your camping trip. Sounds like there was alot of things to do.

    I dreamed about cigarettes again last night. It's about 10 weeks since I've had one. They say it gets easier. They lie.

    Everyone from Amy to Z have a good day and I'll be back later.

    This day isn't starting out very good so far. My 2yr old grandson that SIL brought back from the week-end just threw up on my sofa. Now that's a whole lot of trouble getting this big old wheelchair around to get everything cleaned up. My dd better have an awfully good excuse for not being home this morning!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Cheri: I did have a good day. Cant imagine trying to watch littles ones while being stuck in that wheelchair! BTW - I didnt sleep well last night either. I had one of those wake up every hour and cant wait til its time to get up.

    I forgot to tell all of you - I also had a surreal kind of day. First fo all my SIL gives me this big ol bottle of Mangostein Juice! Says it will help be stay healthy. Then I find out she is a distributor! She said why dont you tell your friends on that site you go on. I looked at her and said, beleive me, we already know about it. Some of you may remember, this was a hot and heavy subject on the boards about 1 year ago. And despite her trying to convince me that this stuff really works - I was able to tell her it sounded quacky to me. I would rather eat and drink fresh fruit and vegetables to get my antitoxidants. Cant be to angry with her though, cause she also gave me that gift certificate.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    may not be back meant i was having a lot of trouble
    typing and didnt know how long it would take me to bounce back
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Ahahaha good morning Peter. Hmmmm I may have to change my signature. When my husband saw it, he said "hey stop throwing rocks at us."

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007
    Morning Everyone!

    Chatty morning, but I don't have much to say - still sleepy I guess!

    Have a good Monday...
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2007
    Good morning!

    My little man is off to karate camp today, so I have a thrilling day of cleaning the basement planned. It really needs to be done...I have wedding presents down there that I've never used and my 15th anniversary is coming up next year!

    Charlene, as far as I know, I am not related to anyone named Fish, but I'll check with my parents. When you asked if I was related to a Fish, all I could think was, "no, but if I don't stop seking comfort from Ben and Jerry, I'll look like I'm related to Shamu!"

    Peter, wi-fi is a wireless internet kids' activities seriously interfere with my computer time, so I need to find something for them to do where I can surf the net at the same time. Probably not possible, but I can dream.... By the way, my daughter has a fish named No Name!

    Cheri, I can't imagine caring for and cleaning up after two kids while in a wheelchair. I hope that Amber checks in soon!

    Nicki, aarrgh...mangostein juice is back! I just had a neighbor try to sell me supplements since I got cancer due to my inadequate consumption of green, leafy vegetables. Guess those salads I eat every day just don't work as well as these fabulous pills that she is selling!

    Jankay, sorry you are having such a tough time. Hugs to you!

    Lisa, your granddaughter is beautiful! Sometimes I want to have another baby...but then someone yells "MOM" from the other room, and I snap out of it!

    CY, great pictures of your beautiful family on the picture thread! Hayden looks like a little angel!

    OK ladies, I'm gonna start cleaning while I'm in the mood to throw things out! I'll check back in later.

    Love to all!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007

    Jankay, did you call someone to see if they could adjust your chair? I'm very tall, too, so I know how uncomfortable you must be. Don't tolerate it. Putcha foot up someones behind and get it either switched or adjusted. You start calling the shots. Don't make me come down there!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Well, my wayward dd checked in and is on her way home. She fell asleep at a friends house and over-slept. Ahem, been awhile since I've heard that excuse. lol Beleive me, I have heard just about every excuse in the book, when she was younger they were much more creative. Anyway I know she's safe and that was the worrisome part.

    cheri (both kids went back to sleep, go figure)
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning CG Family!
    Jankay, you have Angels all around you sweetie, get on the phone as soon as your fingers will let you, and just see waht Your angels will do!!! Love you sweetie, and I Loved the funny this morning!!
    Peterj, I once had an Aussie, Blue meryl! many people called him checkered. I also had 3 German Police dogs!
    My Aussie "MUGSY" (HEHE Yes our family does have a wiered name for dogs) was the best protector in my life! he lived to be 17. Your babies are Beautiful!
    where is our Pammy and Tracy and many more!!???
    well wish I could spend more time with you, but it is set by the phone day and hope to get a call. All My Love to each and every one of You, Puppy
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited June 2007
    good day ladies!!!!!

    omg there is 500 posts since i been here last....
    I am so flippin busy with my new job.:(
    I have 4 full timers that includes me and i still need at least 2 part timers to make life easier!!
    I will try to get in tonight!!
    miss you guys so much!!!!!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    What a way to start the week. I just wrote a 'nice' post to my friends and guess what???? Whatever is no longer valid..

    I'll come back later..

    Love and hugs to all,
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2007
    MORNING CG'S Monday blues again and just couldn't wake up, so getting a late start.

    First we need to bring a friend of mine into the inner circle. She just finished her 1st treatment and I begged, I mean begged her to come onto this board and once she does, she'll understand why I said so. Sat with her for a while just talking things out. So if you're here LM, please give a shout out. xoxo

    Sat. was our Relay for Life. Was a good time except when they called survivors and a small boy of 4/5 yrs walked up. Took the breath right out of my lungs! Beautiful fireworks display at night. Was totally wiped out yesterday.
    Yesterday we "snuck" in my sisters house for a family pool party, she had just left for the shore for a week. We waited until she left with her very active children. A day with no kids and just "vegging" out. Perfect way to recover your aching body.

    Must go back and ready posts.

    Hi Peter....glad you're staying with us.

    Welcome to our new girls...pull up a wagon and start in on the singing, cooking and keeping Mena and Cheri from starting trouble. xoxo

    Mena...I tried you yesterday, just wanting to give my love and check in. xoxo
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2007

    Ps...I'm so sorry, I also spent the day with Sue(Ishop) at the event. She's doing well, just so much going on her life with family issues, so send her a prayer. xoxo

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited June 2007
    Vickie, thanks for the howdy. I hope you were able to get some good rest last night, being so tired is really hard to deal with. The stardust angel image is beautiful!

    Shirley, yes, I am busy with the girls! They are the light of my life though and keep me going!

    Margaret, thank you for your welcome! It will take time to get to know everyone here and I'm looking forward to it!

    Jankay, thanks to you too. I'm sorry you're going through such a rough time. I hope things get better for you.

    CY - my grandmother actually wanted to name me Charlie but my mom wouldn't have it! I am called that by some friends along with Chuckles or Chuck. The funny thing is I have a brother named Chuck! I always liked the nickname Charlie though! Is CY short for something?

    Peter - your border collie is beautiful! I used to have one named Alex. They are the smartest dogs in the world!

    Nicki - Thanks for your welcome message and picture! Your images are great! LOVED the Stop Interrupting Me While I'm Ignoring You one .. made me laugh out loud! I've enjoyed conversing with you on some other threads and look forward to more here! It's nice to have a safe haven!

    Sue - that's funny about the Shamu! lol Well, in your pic the resemblance to my cousin is uncanny. You look just like her!

    Hi Theresa, nice to meet you! I'm sure I'll learn what you mean about Mena and Cheri LOL

    I must go to my youngest. I'm fortunate to be a stay at home mom. I couldn't imagine working during all this! I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning and hello to all from A to Z
    Returned home last night....So many pages..I'll try to read the posts....
    hopefully I'll be back later
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Morning everyone - woke up with a horrid headache today. Hmmmm did someone party last night and I'm paying for it? LOL

    Sher - it's going to be okay. Let us know when you get home. As I said last night, the first one is the worst. Gentle hugs.

    Now I'm going to go find something for this headache and lay down for a bit.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007
    Hey Puppy - love the name Mugsy!

    Peter - love the pictures, though I have to admit I'm a little bit afraid of birds. (OK, a lot afraid!)

    Tracey - nice to see you! Glad to hear the job is going well, if busy.

    Denise - I know, bummer huh? I wasn't posting, but reading each day and cracking up.

    Theresa - bringing LM to the center of the circle, I know what it's like to not want to talk to anyone about it, but if you're reading and taking some solace that way, that's a good start. I got hit with a wave of tears when I read about the little boy doing the survivor lap. Luckily, I was one of the youngest survivors I saw during our lap, I would have definitely lost it if there had been a little one there. Where do you guys go down the shore? I grew up going to Pt Pleasant (my aunt has a house on Ocean Drive) and now my dad lives in Sea Girt. We usually make it down at least once a summer. Need to get my fill of cheese fries, taylor ham and tastee kakes!!

    Charlene - I'm half stay at home mom, half work at home mom, I'm so fortunate to have a job that lets me work from home and yet still keep a roof over our head! Hope you're enjoying the day.

    Madison - welcome back!!

    OK, sneaking out to get myself an iced coffee - toasted almond flavor with cream and sugar - yum! I'll bring back lots, regular and flavored, and iced tea and some lemonade too. And might as well pick up some of those raspberry sticks and cinnamon sticks while I'm there. Does anyone else love those? It's the Irish in me, I love any kind of dry, crumbly pastry!! LOL
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning Ladies, Good Evening Peter. Have to take hubbys car to the painter at 8am today for some imagined flaw. I can't see anything wrong with the paint but I guess if you pay mega bucks for a fancy paint job you have the right to gripe.

    Margaret, I thank the credit card gods that they have not seen fit to give my son a credit card.
    Hmmm what kind of sunscreen were you using? I broke out in bumpys when I used the stuff hubby keeps in his car. Will have to check out the name of it.
    Making squares would be a productive way to spend my time this afternoon. I know I'm just being whiney but I DON'T WANNA GO!!!!! I can't sit still for ten minutes and they won't to chain me to a pole for 3 hours. Yikes!

    Cy, your cocktail sounds yummy indeed. I will snag hubbies sunscreen and compare it to mine.

    Karen, you won't see this but HAVE A GREAT TIME!!!! Israel is on my list of Must see before I die places. A group from my church goes every year but it has yet to be in the cards for me.

    Good Morning Jankay. I'm sorry your having a difficult morning.

    Have a good day Colleen

    Doris, feathers!!! No fair. I woke up sneezing.

    Betty, do we get to see pictures of your gardening efforts?

    Vicki, I have a parka you can borrow.

    Peter, Jess and No Name are cute. We used to have a McCaw. Hated that bird with a passion. He now resides with my husbands brother and my sister in law hates him with a passion.
    Hubby does occasionally watch cars turning right. I agree just as boring. And yep he got the remote back.

    Nicki, I am soooooo happy you had a good day yesterday. Just getting out of the house sometimes is good. I've been guzzling water by the gallon. The veins should be nice and plump today.
    100 bucks. way cool.

    Have a great day Vicki

    Kristin glad you had a good time camping. Welcome home and have a great day at work.

    Cheri, I am sooooo happy that Amber checked in. I was worried too. Give her a good chewing out from me when she gets home. You know the drill......don't care how late it is call call call.

    Gus/Sue, I'm cracking up here. Are the gifts still wrapped? Recycle them.

    Puppy, I had a dog named Mugsy once.

    Hi Tracey, hope your enjoying your new job even if you are way to busy.

    Denise, hate it when that happens.

    Theresa, I can see the headlines now......Family arrested while dipping. Hugs to your friend.

    Good Morning Charlene, give the baby a smooch from me.

    Hi Madison

    Off to the painters. Everyone from Amy to Z (that does seem to be catching on) have a great day.