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  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Welcome Charlene,this is the place to be.

    Well I still am not finished cleaning.I over did it and fri and sat couldnt do anything.But one bathroom,karen and jasmines room look like new so I did get something accomplished.Got Noelle's baby bed put in Jasmines room for Tesla.She actually sleeps in it.I still dont feel so hot but have got to finish what i started.
    Yesterday was noelle's birthday she had a great time.She was exausted last night.
    anyone who wants to come by my tent later we will somkem pipe to celebrate clean house and bright future.
    I cant wait to go back to work I have been thinking about it alot lately.But then I dread leaving the grands.I dont want them to have to go to a daycare or a sitter.
    I have had a break this week as karen has been on vacation and has been gone most of the week.
    Talk to all of you later..
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited June 2007
    Godd day its almost lunch time and nothing least on the boards...hehehhe..
    welcome peter...good to have another perspective in the circle...
    charlene..welcome ... I've been thru

    Liz you partying fool..your supposed to save it for

    Ok lots to do no time to least that 's what my boss said this AM...hmmm...too much chat time?....
    lots to do for pinkstock and only a month away so I just want you to know I'm thinking and praying for all opf you...
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited June 2007
    Just when I thought things were calming down, life got busy again. No time at work, meetings every evening, and working at my dad’s on the weekends. My brother decided we need to get the house on the market by next week. Anybody looking for a fixer upper in Michigan?

    We did have some excitement this weekend at my Dad’s. I was going through some old boxes in the trunk attic off the bathroom, and opened one to find a hand-grenade. Tami and Melissa would censor me if I told you the word I used. I looked very carefully (No, I didn’t touch it) and came to the conclusion that I couldn’t see any of the signs that the Army taught me that told me it wasn’t a live grenade. We called the police, who decided to call the bomb squad. Let me tell you, that got the neighbors peaking out of their windows. The bomb squad guys determined the explosives had been removed so it was safe, but somehow the things that make it obvious it’s safe had never been done, so even they couldn’t tell just by looking. My DB and DH thought I was nuts, because as each officer arrived they wanted to see it, and I kept taking them into the house and crawling into the attic to show them where it was. Heck, I’ve had cancer – a little thing like a WWII grenade doesn’t scare me!!

    I have to share a little happy news – we are house hunting. Some bumps in life had us renting for the past 8 years, but my Dad’s estate is going to enable us to buy. I am so excited! We’ve found an agent and been approved for a mortgage, so now we’re looking at houses. Another thing that’s keeping me busy, but a fun one.

    There were almost 900 posts, so I didn’t read them all: I scanned the last page or two, and jumped back in. I love you all, and miss you. I’m doing okay just really, really busy.

    Welcome to Peter and Angel.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007

    anne:congrats on the new house.That is so exciting.and I am so happy for you.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007

    Anne - So nice to see you and congrats and happy house hunting!! A live grenade, the bomb squad? Yikes! Glad everyone is A-OK!!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007
    Tracey...good to see you!!

    Peter and Charlene..welcome aboard.

    Theresa..the sneak in pool party is just what you needed!!So glad you did the Relay for Life and it turned out well...

    HI Madison fair getting pay for someone else's partying!!

    Colleen..I just love iced coffee..I have some no sugar Amaretto syrup for flavor..yummm will do fine..good for you drinking all that water!!

    Jankay..hope you have a better day..I sure have to watch out for those worms!!

    Robin..glad you are almost finished ...

    Anne..YIKES a Grenade..sure glad you knew what to do..the Navy never taught me anything about that!! Two years ago we visited my friend in Kewadin Mich..sure had alot of fun up there..
    Where are you looking for a new House??

    Cheri.we probably would converse differently in cigs now...take three deep breaths... are too busy for words...

    Nickie..sounds like you had a super day yesterday..hoorah

    Kristen ...camping are a trooper

    Sue...granddaugter is a good thing, I can turn her back to her parents when I have had enough!!

    CY..good to see you..we have to get the kids together!!

    Hugs to everyone..I played tennis this morning and did horribly..think that Lyrica is interfering with my least I have something to blame,. I do my library volunteer work this afternoon..
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Hi Charlene! I hope we can have as much fun here as we did last week! I can wait unitl the Fall to figure out a mid-way point to meet. I need to look at the map!

    Colleen, as soon as I read "down the shore" I knew you were from these parts! Want us to send a Tasty Kake care package? Do you remember when butterscotch krimpets came in wax paper? Love Pt Pleasant, we are going tubing at the end of August, if I get the OK from the ps. Who knows what is in the Delaware!

    If anyone wants the recipe for the ravioli lasagna it is a snap. Send me a PM.

    Lisa, I meant to tell you that pic of your gd is so beau-ti-ful!! She is a living doll. Have lots of fun with her.

    Hi Puppy, hugs!

    Karen, a trip to Israel! What a lifetime dream. Stay safe. Are you going to the Wailing Wall? Put a prayer in for all of us if you do. Please post pics when you get back and have a marvelous time.

    Nicki, what happened over the weekend on WTH? PM and tell me. Hope it wasn't my posting about dh and my top five list!

    Been busy this morning adn need a nap before ds comes home from his first day of camp. Of course it poured all morning here!

    Vickie, my friend Marge (Joyce has met her at a get-together here) is going to make some squares. She would love to participate on the boards but she took on more tutoring appts this summer and has no time. I showed her the pics today of the afghans and she was enthralled! She walked to my house this morning to help her train for the 3-day walk in Oct. She is a 3 yr survivor.

    Ok, off to lay down. Hugs and kisses to the Circle Gang!
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited June 2007
    How's my circle girl family. Youse all are GREAT!!!

    I took my test, I did ok, they seemed to indicate that they had a lot of part-time work. That would be good for me. Don't want to rush into anything drastic now!!

    Welcome Peter and Charlene and all new circle people from A to Z (hah hah Cheri)

    SECRET PAL NEWS - I am taking advantage of my queen position to say "start giving clues." you have until Saturday to find out who your secret pal is. No naked lawn mower riding penalties. yeeehaw. we will start a new party soon.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    Isn't she just the greatest...Colleen and Kevin made a great team!
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007

    Cheri:I just checked my email.Boy did I need a laugh.Keep em coming as only you can!!

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007

    Anyone wanna come and help me finish cleaning my wagon? I am so exausted dont know if I can finish it or not.This was a project should have left alone for a few more months.But gotta get my house in order and get ready for new boobs.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Hugs Robin, I need to clean my wagon as well. I just can't seem to get it together and start. Try to get some rest. You've taken on way too much right now.

    Woohooo - new boobs.
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2007
    Colleen...We stay farther south on LBI. My sister goes to Ocean city. Way too busy for me, like it quiet on the "Island". We are coming up to SE Mass in Pembrooke this weekend for a family reunion. Love it

    Annie...some of our beaches on LBI were closed where my aunt lives due to uncovering WWI granades and bombs from the Uboats that sank. Just opened before Memorial Day and not allowed to dig in sand deeper that 12". The sand from the south end of the island is always moving up to the northern end. The south beach is maybe 50' while where we are, it's a 1/2 mile walk just from the street over dunes!! sound great...You are the queen for a day!! remember that show?

    Amazed at the WTH was fun and I didn't see any problems lately...everyone was playing nice with eachother.

    Back to work. People get smoke breaks, I take my computer break. xoxo Love to all.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    We’re Baaaaaaack

    Camping was fun, but BOY you guys were chatty while I was gone! There is no earthly way I can read all the posts and still get my house clean and laundry done…and since this is REALLY dirty camping laundry, I HAVE to do it ***grin*** I skimmed a bit and was glad to see Kevin came through surgery OK…I also saw a post from Peter. I can’t remember if I have said hello or not…so howdy Peter.

    Just a quick update…The fire that is just south of us seems to be getting under control. It has burned 55,000 acres in the Caribou Hills. DH said that they have lost 80 cabins and houses, but that sounds really high to me. I hope he heard wrong. We started getting a bit of rain on Saturday and the huge winds died down to just breezes, so hopefully the fire will be out soon.

    No more earthquakes after the one on Thursday. With all the fire, and earthquakes, I can tell you if we get a swarm of locusts or if it starts raining frogs, I’m SO out of here

    I hope everyone is doing well. I will try and go back and catch up a bit.

    Bugs and fishes
    Deb C
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007

    Theresa:I do remember that show.I am ready to be queen for just a few minutes.Wheres the massage??? and the martini?

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Good afternoon everyone!

    Aiy yi yi!!! I can't believe how many posts I had to read!!!

    Shirley, the dishwasher is fine. It had a small leak, but my manperson fixed it. You be fine with your infusion. I hate needles, but chemo was ok. Now I'm not so scared anymore .

    SoCal, your GD is just gorgeous.

    Charlene, welcome to the cirle. I enjoyed your posts in those other, shhhhhhhhhh, deleted threads. You will fit right in here.

    Peter, hello. It sounds like you've gotten comfortable with all your new sisters!!

    Cheri, WTH!!! I can't believe what you went through . I hate abuse of any kind. I'm glad that Amber showed up finally. She needs a good butt-kickin'.

    Colleen, have a great trip!

    Kristin, how great that you and the boys had such a wonderful time camping.

    Nicki, have fun spending that $100. That's one of my favorite things to do.

    Robin, hey girl. Just what kind of pipe you smokem?????? Oh my!

    Anne, you found a hand grenade??? That would have shaved a few years off my life!! Yikes!!!

    JanKay, I hope you're feeling better. I can't even imagine what you go through every day.

    My son (the one moving) DIL and the grandkids came over yesterday. It was a beautiful day, so we all got to go swimming and we had a cook out. Today is not so nice. This Saturday, we are having our annual July 4th bash. Both sides of the family and the immediate neighbors are coming. People always end up spending the night, lol. We are having the party early, because my FIL was going to come up from Georgia. I made all the plans and he called a couple of weeks ago and said they can't come. Now they are coming in Aug., so I have to have the big get together all over again. Cripes!!

    Well, doing laundry again! BBL
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Oh Im having such a good day. Last one of my four day week-end and its partly sunny. Gee what are the list of fun things I did today.

    ...Got to go grocery shopping with my husband

    ...Got to take my dog for his morning walk. Did one mile today. He now knows where other dogs live and tries to get them to bark at him!!

    ...Got to work in my pretty flower garden.

    ..Got to vacuum the pool and then swim in it with my husband for a bit.

    ...Finially at 2:00 in the afternoon, I get to come on this wonderful site and talk to all my friends. And of course - last day - I am enjoying a nice merlot.

    I didnt realize it, but I planned this pretty good. I work 4 mores days and then I have the whole week off and dont go back til July 11th. I know, Im probably repeating myself, but for the last 2 years I dont know what its like to take time off to have fun. All my vacation time was used to recover from surgery and stuff. So this is great.

    Tracey: Your back in the real world my friend. I'm so happy for you. You are too busy - thats good, but dont you forget about us, cause I do love you so much.

    Robin: You inspired me. I cleaned off the top of my dressor. Thats where all my crocheting stuff was. That was it! So much for Spring cleaning.

    DebC: Welcome back. Somehow I dont think about earthwaukes and fires when I think of Alaska!

    Vickie and Colleen: Awwww that poster is great.

    Susan: Getting a new job is pretty exciting. Always good to hear from you.

    Beth: I dont know how I keep forgetting to mention this. I too was interesting in the ravioli lasgna. Actually I made Lasgna yesterday. One of the few things I can cook and people will actually say how good it is. That and Italian beef. Im make the best.

    LisaSoCal: Im learning that to start enjoying life again, I need to open my eyes and see what fun things are out there to do.

    PurpleMB: Since I dont know anything about car shows - I never answered you. Go figure, the town I live in has a big festival every year and they are having a car show. Im gonna remember it for next year. Have a great day.

    Anne: Grenades? Yikes!

    OK! So much more to say, but I gotta go. If I missed ya, I still love ya.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007

    Yeehaw Nicki, just relax and have a good time!!!

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    Hello to everyone!Happy Mon! Have painters here and my stuff is everywhere and anywhere! Thank you for allowing me to come here and not do damage to anyone as my place is crazy!
    Going to be clean,again…one has to believe in miracles and dust rags!

    Charlene…Glad you joined us and what a nice family you described.You will find support here;it’s a comforting and friendly atmosphere--my wagon is crazy;but fun!
    Puppy.. some of those puppies have some unique dental issues…LOL
    Shirley…hope the infusion went well;love your sense-of-humor --yes,I have watched cars turn left for fun,myself!We had a macaw,too. Still got the scar from that bird(47 yrs later!)
    Peter…glad that the dr’s appt went well today and thanks for posting the lovely photos of Jess and No Name.
    Vickie--how did you manage to post my pic in my bunny slippers and hair rollers? Well,atleast my green eyes looked good! LOL Hope that you don’t freeze! I am like the only one in the groc store w/a hooded fleece jacket.
    Nicki--sounds like your Sun/Mon went well and enjoy spending the gift cert.

    Betty--wish that I had been nearer as a steak dinner sounds mighty good;strawberry daquiri,too. Good luck w/dr's appt.
    Robin…loved that Betty Anderson…felt like calling for Princess,Bud and Kitten and of course..."Father Knows Best",anyone want to go back in time?
    Margaret…sounds like fun at the swimming pool w/ the grandchildren;hope your mother is improving;thinking of her. That Elwood is one unique creature! LOL

    Cheri…glad Amber is OK and you must have bn the one Helen Reddy was singing abt in “I Am Woman” or in you case Superwoman--two grandchildren and one throwing up….can’t keep up with you. Hope you are feeling better this aft.
    Cherryl..hope you got the apt shown and that you did not have to use a broom as transportation for the WW of the MWest!Kidding…have a great week! You should have bn here for this fun!
    Laura--hi to an only child sister;any news of a little one,yet?

    Colleen…hi to you;you and Warren have a wonderful vac in the Bahamas. You were calling my name as a fellow Irishman and pastry lover,weren’t you? Love all those things…way too much! The sign is awesome-so are you!!!
    Amy--won’t be long before your Maine trip! Hope that you had a great wkend. How is your dad? Got to share that I just found a 1964 Calhoun Co 4-H book of mine!!! Talk abt an antique hiding behind a cabinet. Wonder if they still have the mtgs there?
    Beth…hope the workmen have begun replacing the siding for you;great that your friend is doing the walk.
    Sue/Boo…hope your shoulder is better;pulling weeds is a never-ending job,don’t you think? I bet your yd looks great!

    Marsha…how are you this Mon? Hope that your rad treatments are not as tiring this wk.
    Suz…hope the trip to Chicago to visit your son was enjoyable and that Sarah got registered at Purdue w/out too much trouble.
    Odalys…funny pic at the pool!
    Susan..glad that your test went well.
    Anne..WOW! You are a brave lady even w/a de-activated grenade! Good luck on the house hunting.
    Denise--had that annoying message many times abt post expiring;saving on Word now thanks to Nicki and Colleen. Can’t tell you how many “happy”words I have said after losing tons of posts.

    Theresa...vac sounds fun to that area!Glad you stopped in n a computer break and hope your Mon has gone well.
    Gus/Sue…funny abt the wedding gifts…throwing out junk today as I refuse to move it one more time.
    Silka…niece’s dinnner on Sun sounded fun. Your support to a newly diagnosed bc sister is so kind.
    Lisa---that is one beautiful baby pic!
    Betty…the steak supper sounded wonderful and we,too,got much-needed rain. Sounds perfect for your plants and herbs.

    Tracey...your job sounds very busy;hope your day goes well.
    Liz--hope the headache has improved and doing laundry is enough to give me a headache any day.
    Cheri--you are so witty and smart---Amy to Z! Love that! Hope you are having a good Sun;thinking of you this wk w/dr appt.
    Cy--lovely daughters and grandchild,Cy! Hope that you have had a good Sun.
    Karen…enjoy the trip to Israel! What a great vacation!
    Kristin…glad the camping trip went well.
    pmb.,Jan and Jeannie..happy Mon!

    All the best as it is cooler after the rain;a pleasant no-humidity day!Not too many in the South in June!

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007
    Vickie - thanks for posting the picture for me!! That's the lumiaria bag from the Relay we did the first weekend of June. If I knew how to use my camera, I could have taken a picture at night with the candle lit, maybe next year!! Warren did a really cute one for me too, as did a number of my friends. They are so beautiful at night!

    Deb - glad that you are OK, heard about the fire just last night on CNN, sounded HUGE!!

    Beth - yup, I'm a Jersey Girl. And yes, I do remember the wax paper!!

    Theresa - I used to go to LBI in my younger days, was just wearing a t-shirt from one of the bars last week (something about a pelican or something? I forget!)

    Later gators!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited June 2007
    Colleen - I worked for 23 years for the same company (people always kidded that I must've started there when I was 10 lol I was 18) and I never got to stay home with my first. When my second came along I got lucky! Thanks for your PM's today .. they were very helpful!

    Smooched my baby for you Shirley!

    Hey Robin, thank you! I like your tag line .. I'm a HUGE Petty fan!

    MB - thanks, you've been through Mechanicsburg?! You'll have to let me know if you ever are again!

    Anne, Lisa & Susan, thank you for your welcomes!

    Hey Beth, it's nice meeting you here!

    Jan - thank you for your nice words. I'm mum on those other threads! LOL I think I'll fit in wonderfully with this awesome group!

    Nicki - you get so much done in a day and still find time to post so much! ahhh, I guess I'll learn! lol

    Hey Iris - I Love crazy and fun!

    Well I must run and start dinner before my baby wakes up from her nap! Time flies on this board!

    I hope I didn't miss anyone but I just want to say a big thank you to all for making me feel so welcome! This really does feel like a warm safe amazing place to be!

    Hugs to all,

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Hi ladies! I'm all set to try this again....hopefully I won't be 'invalid' and hopefully DH doesn't come home and interrupt me!!

    Today I started with such good intentions..........then I heard that Nicki was going shopping..tryed to sneak out without me! Didn't happen though! Had to run to the "diet place" and pick up some of their "nutrients!" So just kept on going. Down side, it's 4:30 now, vacumm is sitting right where I left it and towels are in the washer!!

    Cheri: How perfect.........From A to Z........leave it to you to come up with that!! Amber.........she's not to big to get her butt grounded!!!! Is there ever a time when they don't scare us to pieces?

    Vickie: Hope you are coming out of the "blues." Anything I can do to help? Also hope you hear about the Job this week! Did you get any down time this weekend to finish up your projects? Knowing you, your projects probably entailed cleaning, painting or yardwork!

    Madison: I forgot you were gone this weekend...In my post that went to CyberHeaven I asked where you were! Hope you had a good time.

    Deb: Welcome back! Dang girl, you must be a regular little firecracker...........Earthquake and Fire in the same week! Glad you had a good time camping!

    Karen: You're gone, but what a wonderful trip you are having!

    Colleen: And you are heading for the Bahamas???? Is Warren going with you or are your truly escaping? Thanks for the nice of you.

    Peter: I never had a brother..........until now! Thanks for joining us! And especially thanks for letting us know that you know how to aim!! Your Jess and No Name are to cute....does No Name talk?

    Nicki: So glad that you had a good time yesterday. You sound so much like me.....spend so much time trying to NOT go anywhere that I forget how much FUN is out there waiting to be had! I think it is great that you are on a full blown vacation starting next week!!!! Any plans? Peoples funny!!

    Theresa: Still Blue.........we need to cheer you up Dear. Let us know if there is anything we can do. Also, your dear friend is with us.........Come on in LM, you can't help but love us!!

    Liz: How nice of you to take the Headache for one of our party hardy girls!! Hope you are feeling better.

    Robin: Hey Mrs. Cleaver.......still got that apron on and going strong, eh? You deserve some ME time and when those NEW BOOBIES come along, I will make sure you are Queen for a Day!

    Anne: Geez, I thought we walked you to death last weekend! To Funny about the Grenade and the Bomb Squad!! I'm such a ditz I probably wouldn't even know it was a grenade!! Congratulations on the House Hunting........Good news is, in Michigan it is definitely a Buyers Market.........Bad news, selling your Dad's house is gonna probably take some time!!

    Susan: Took your test for work, eh? Sure hope you get the job you want..............if not, feel free to take mine! Can be very interesting............and poopy (literally!)

    Jan: Sounds like you had a great day yesterday! When is DS making his move? Are we invited to the Bash on the 4th????
    Have a great time!

    Iris: Painters are there and you haven't gone nuts yet?! I'd like to hire painters and have it over with, but I'm married to Mr. do it yourselfer!

    Shirley: Cars turning Left, Bonding with DH, Taking his car in to have the imaginary scratch fixed........sounds like a "interesting" weekend! I second that about the Credit Card God............No way can the Boy get a Credit Card.......Just wouldn't believe Mom when I told him that his crap would stay on his record for years!

    Husband's home, I'll be back!!

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited June 2007
    Hello CG's (Girls and Guy):

    First I love the Amy to Z! So can I say Amy to Me! LOL!!!

    I figured I better post soon or it was going to be Amy to Who??? ha ha

    Anyway, here's a brief update on the srike vote we took yesterday:
    Southern California grocery workers voted Sunday to give their union the right to strike if negotiations for a new contract fail. Union officials said the measure passed by an overwhelming 95%.

    Contract talks between the United Food and Commercial Workers union and Ralphs, Vons and Albertsons over a new agreement for 65,000 workers from Bakersfield to the Mexican border broke off late last week. Sunday's strike authorization vote was set by the union after the grocery chains failed to meet a Thursday deadline for a formal offer.

    The voting, at 25 locations, continued as late as 9 p.m. with a high turnout, the union said, and a formal announcement of the results was scheduled for this morning.

    I am happy that our members are standing up for themselves and I will stnd right along with them even if it means on a picket line. They deserve better, we all deserve better.

    I am handling things ok. I am a little stressed out. My mother is driving me nutty and doesn't get that I am under a lot of stuff right now.

    I am currently waiting for my surgeon to contact me about the ultrasound and what the oncologist thinks may be going on with the scar tissue and the not so good feel of the breast that was operated on. So I sit and wait (not really) I have tons to do and I will not worry until there is something to worry about. Until they say something definitive, I will not jump to the worse conclusion. Besides, I am too busy jumping through hoops at work and at home for dear mother.

    I miss you all, I miss being able to post and read regularly. I do lurk sometimes and I see we have new CG's - WELCOME!!!! I look forward to getting to know you, I am the Z in the Amy to Z. Where is Amy, how is Amy?

    Jankay, keep calling, you know if I do not answer it's because I am under a ton of paperwork or something to that effect. But I do love that you keep in touch and keep checking in on me, even when you are not doing so hot, love ya girlie.

    To everyone, bbl - gotta do some real work.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Can everyone chant with me "Rain...rain.....go away....come again another day...............hey Amy all the way thru Z love all of you.....even the neebies......awful busy back when I can........

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2007
    This will probably be my last post for a week. I don't know what I'll do without checking in each day. I'm sure there will be tons when I get back.

    Lots of packing to do. I've got Boo and Marsha's numbers in my purse, will call you as soon as I have our unit number. We can decide on the time, I'm pretty flexible. Feel free to bring food, drinks, etc. I'll have some stuff, too. I can't wait!!!!!

    We are hoping to leave at 4:30 am and drive straight through. Should be interesting. Got some books from the library, a stack of cd's and a bag of knitting. I'm good.

    I hope you all have a wonderful week. Don't forget about me while I'm gone!
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    I'm back! Funny, DH doesn't seem to be as impressed as I was with what I bought today!!

    Lisa: Your Granddaughter is Beautiful!! Can I have a bitty baby hug and a quick nuzzle on her cheeks??

    Trisha: You are one creative lady! Love the ideas you came up with for the baby shower! Makes me want to have a baby so you can throw me a shower!! Glad you are feeling good but don't you think you might be doing just a bit to much??!!

    LisaE: We've been worried about you! Sorry you are having troubles..........don't know much about Herceptin so all I can offer is Love, Hugs and Thoughts. Do you have an appt. to have the knot on wrist checked? I have a sharp pointy thing on my wrist........think I'll have our "on Call Nurse" take a look at it in the Medic Tent!

    Nicki: You're not on call until tomorrow, I know....but I peeked in the Medic tent and no one was there. Question: I have been DX'd with Tendonitis since starting the Wonder Drug. It's tolerable now........but the left wrist is doing what I thought was the same thing. Over the weekend DH noticed that there is a sharp pointy thing on bone/tendon. I can feel the tendon or whatever move around when I play with it and it doesn't cause anymore pain then usual. At night when I move it or in the am it is really sore..(just like the right one was/is).........Should I make a special trip to have it checked or just wait and see what happens? Thanks!

    Charlene: I don't remember if I welcomed you or not, so I will definitely do so again! Welcome Home! You'll love it here and won't want to leave. We have girls that wake us up in the morning and dear Vickie who tucks us in at night! Cheer you up or hold your name it and we've got it!

    Shokk: Rain, Rain go away, come again another day, little Shokky wants to play!!

    Z: Thanks for posting, we miss you! I know how the MOM'S can make you NUTTY! Glad things are looking better at work. Great attitude that you won't worry until there is something to worry about! And I'm pretty sure you won't have to worry!

    From A to ya!

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Charlene:I wish i had kept a few jobs I have had that long.Thats the trouble with nurses we get mad we move on.There is one job in particular I am going to try and get back in their good graces when I am able to go back to work.

    Denise.Mrs.Cleaver is still here still got the apron on although its a bit sweaty and dirty.I am just about finished.I have got to shampoo the carpet then I am going to call it finished.I was going to clean my closet but there is no way I am going to tackle that right now.Got most of the toys out of my bedroom and got some space back.
    You better believe that everyone will know when I get my new boobs.I am going to go by the 6 foot rule,everyone I come within 6 foot of I am going to show em to them.So when I get to be queen for the day do I get a new washer? I sure need one.oh i almost forgot tomorrow I have to clean out the refrigerator.

    Here are some fresh pic of the grans and I do mean fresh just made today.







  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    jankay here
    this morning was bad but hopefully it will get better. iwent to the dr this morning and guess what i have a uti. and on top of that i forgot my medicine because this dr is usully prompt. today he wasnt and by the time i left i had the shakes. then we had to pick jessica up from band camp. when i got home i ate and went to sleep. i am just waking up.
    after that when Missy left, caregiver left,
    she forgot to leave my wheel chair. i called her to bring it back. She blew a fuse.
    hope tues is better
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Jankay so sorry you are having a bad day.You are such a joy and inspiration to me i wish there was something I could do to make you feel better.

    Nicki:Hey,you did clean so therefore you did your spring cleaning.and besides cleaning the pool counts.

    I wish we had our pool up but there is no way the EVIL is going to do it.Karen has been begging him all summer to put it up.

    Has anyone heard from LisaE? I am getting worried about here.