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  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007
    Goodnight Family!

    {{{DENISE}}} Thank You, "I LOVED IT" Puppy


    PS-Look out I think Mena will be back soon, UHHHH someone should let peterj know HAHAHAHAHAHA ! Peter, You will Love, Love Our Mena!!! Welcome {{CHARLIE}}Charlene, dont know if i did that yet! sure do love posting with ya! xoxo Puppy
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    A few more and I'm done for the night!

    Robin: Those Grands are just to cute!!!! Glad you clarified the 6 foot rule........thought you were talking about size!!

    Sheri: Have a safe and fun trip and have fun with Boo and Marsha! Will we see a pic of you dancing on the Bar?

    JanKay: Your caregiver forgot your Wheelchair and then got mad cuz she had to bring it back???? I think you need to look for a new helper. Hope tomorrow is better for you.

    Puppy: Goodnight and Your Welcome! No news yet?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Good evening ladies and gent. An uneventful day just like yesterday and the day before. But you know, that's a good thing because it means nothing is getting any worse. There's a whole lot worse things than boredom and frustration. I know that for a fact.

    Jankay, am i going to have to come and kick some caregiver butt?? I don't like her attitude and you don't have to put up with it. SHE works for YOU. That makes you her boss.

    I tell ya, I'm not sure what's come over me but I have zero tolerance anymore. I've always been for the underdog but my patience is just nil lately.

    Iris, what an excellent job of posting. I am so impressed. I don't think you missed anyone. I've gotten lazy because I used to post to everyone now I cut corners.

    Robin, beautiful granddaughters. I adore my grandsons but I sure would love a little girl. Sweet revenge, let her mama see what it's like raising a teen-age mutant.

    LM, if you're reading just drop in anytime. Nobody expects anything of you so don't worry about keeping up. Just feel safe here. It's all gonna be alright. We're living proof.

    I don't stray from the Circle very often anymore. But the last few days I just couldn't resist. Too much controversy to miss out on. There were a few threads deleted. What to do? I created a new thread for fun. It's on the other Beyond forum, called Speaking of Men... and it is fluff. We'll see how long it lasts because not everyone will have an interest in the thread.

    Wishing everyone from Amy to Z a pleasant evening.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited June 2007
    hi Robin, the pictures are so cute.

    Jankay, I gotta tell you. I know you are frustrated and I offered to take some of it on but instead of me it's my husband who is getting extremely frustrated. How did you do that??

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007 those pictures..what cuties..

    Z..sure hope you all don't go out on strike..
    take care of yourself now!!

    Nassau...we went there on our honeymoon over 40 years ago..
    Need I mention we had a good time??

    Wow Jankay what a day..whew... did it go?? took me a while to get out in the world again..but I am sure glad I did..lots out there...
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    oh what a long day. I hate payroll days and end and beginning of the month when it comes to bookkeeping. I never seem to get caught up. Came home and jumped in the pool which was bathing suit from last year still fits!!! Yippee...I was so afraid it wouldn't but it stretches quite well LOL.

    Good morning Peter...I hear that you and Nicki are throwing rocks at each other...gotta watch her, she can be lethal when she wants to be LOL. Hoping you have a grand day.

    Gonna do my little walk...the sun is setting on a hot an humid night. No need for a campfire but I'll light a bunch of candles around our circle to quide everyones way. Maybe just a little fire so we can make smores would be nice.

    Deb is home so I have to stop in and say howdy to her and help her with her job I don't mind...just don't ask me to wash dishes! I made sure the wagon was safe while you were gone and there was no earthquakes makin anything disappear! Glad you had a good time. We missed you...bugs and fishes.

    Cheri is home and I'm betting that Miss Amber is stayin home tonight too. Hmmm...overslept huh...heehee...leaving that one alone.

    Miss Marsha is having fun around town at a few other threads...gonnna have to stop reading some of her comments when I'm eating or drinking...I'll choke to death one of these days.

    Nickster has gone off to bed so I'm tucking her in...I have figure it out...she needs this extra sleep so she can pop off with her "cute" little comments. I so love it.

    Theresa is sneaking into her sisters pool again. Can't say as I blame her...anything to cool off! Have fun and sweet dreams tonight.

    Gonna give Charlene a hug...she needs one cuz she got her hand slapped today...don't let it bother you...we all get in trouble from time to time. No big deal. You are safe here. We are good girls when we stick to the circle...only good natured teasing. did your day go? Hope it was all ok and not as stressful as you had imagined. I may need that parka...geez...94 degrees outside and 55 inside...quite a shock to the system when you leave to go home.

    Stoppin in to give Robin a hand with the housecleaning. Actually I'm gonna grab her and we are going to sit on the couch and play drill sargent...gonna get those big girls busy and make them finish the job while mom gets some rest and relaxation. Did you really say you cleaned the girls rooms! Oh my my!! Those are some beautiful grandbaby pictures! Wow...thank you for sharing.

    Gonna give a yell as I go by Annes wagon "Sweet dreams sweet lady"...not gonna go near that place till they get rid of the guns and hand granades...not a safe place to be LOL. Hope her hubby is behaving himself!

    Lisa played tennis this afternoon...something I'm not about to try any time all know how coordinated I am. Have a restful peaceful night.

    Gotta see if I can twist Susans arm and get some secret pal clues before I end up naked mower racing LOL. You are such a doll for starting the Secret Pal thing...hugs and happy dreams.

    Jan...I'm gonna sneak off to your house for the fourth...heehee.

    Iris has returned. Don't think she's figured out that I flattened her tires so she can't disappear again...shhh...don't tell. I have a really hard time working when I'm cold! I had a boss once that insisted that you'd work harder if you were cold...wrong!

    Sneakin in Colleens wagon cuz I'm pretty darn sure she's got a suitcase big enough for a stowaway LOL. Have a wonderful time and you're welcome...I'll post pics any time. Sweet dreams.

    Visiting with Denise for a minute or two. Kicking the blues again. I don't know what it is with me. I did call the doctors today and they are writing an order to have my thyroid checked as I am showing all the typical symptoms...yeah. Don't know when but they are going to call me and let me know. Cleaning, painting and yardwork...that's my life.

    Jasmine...thanks for the laugh this morning. I love's a great way to start my day.

    I have to stop and see Shokk...I sure missed her posts today. I'll sing along with you and we'll do a sunshine dance to make the rain go away. Later alligator. Sweet dreams.

    Z...we'll its so good to see you...we were getting a bit worried and I'm sending prayers that all works out well for all. Get some rest! Have you and DH planned any kind of getaway yet?

    Gotta stop and hug Jankay. I talked to her yesterday and ladies, she has the prettiest, sweetest voice you have ever heard. What a doll. I so enjoyed our visit and we will have to do it more often.

    Puppy...Nate wanted me to tell you hello and send you a snuggle...

    CY...sending you a hug.

    We seem to be missing Amy...where are you lady! It's not the same without the farm stories around here and we are missing you.

    Marsha girl...where are creating controversy somewhere...don't be getting yourself booted my dear...we need your humor here.

    Speaking of...I've been reading all the "controversal threads" and getting some good laughs but I want to warn you that I believe we have one person who is going to pop in and create a stir no matter how innocent the comment! I just want ya all to be careful. I think she would love to see some of us get booted and I don't know what I'd do without all of you. I would really hate to lose any of my sisters over one persons hypersensitivity (or just plain game playing...whichever it may be). Come home and play here in out circle where no one gets hurt or runs complaining to the moderators about silliness.

    Gotta get off to bed...have GOT TO GET UP ON TIME TOMORROW!
    Love and hugs to you all....Amy to Z
    see you in the morning

    wishes for you.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007

    howdy do dear sisters. You all were right. Which of course you always are so that should come as no surprise. I love love love this chemo nurse. O my gosh, one poke and I barely felt it. Then a long boring 3 hours. No tv's, kinda comfy chairs, fluffy pillows, warm blankies, food and juice available. Tho all the chairs were full not much socializing going on. Everyone keeping to themselves. I read a book, took a little nap. Now to catch up with everyone. I'll be back.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Good evening all,

    Denise and Vickie, I wish all of you could be at the party. Actually, it's on 6/30, since the 4th falls on Wed. It is a real bash. We have a bonfire and a firebowl going, roasting marshmallows, playing guitar and singing badly, swimming, eating and just acting all out stupid. It's a good time. Oh yeah, lots of DRINKING!!!!!

    Z, what a pain those union negotiations must be. I'm sure it takes up a lot of your time.

    Charlene, I've been at my job for 24 yrs. I also started when I was 12, lol! BTW, I'm also in PA, near Bethlehem.

    Robin, those are adorable pics of your granddaughters! Stop cleaning, woman! You're giving me a complex!

    Amy, where are you?? How's your Dad?

    Cheri, I'll join you in the pissy tent!

    Nicki, did you get shopping today?

    Well, it's getting late for me, so I'll sign off now. Doing an early walk around the perimeter, making sure everything is okay. It's really getting hot and humid, so I agree with Vickie. No campfire tonight. Candles are the order of the evening.

    Good night all, and good morning Peter!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007

    Shirley, I'm so happy that it went well for you today. I knew it would. Just boring.

  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2007
    Jan, my fellow metal head, I would love to party with you! I'm excellent at acting stupid, and I sing a fabulous version of Turbo Lover!

    BTW, if anyone is out patrolling the perimeter, could you tuck me in too?

    Good night everyone! love you all!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited June 2007
    Hi Z, it sure is nice to meet you! I look forward to getting to know you as well!

    Hi Shokk, "rain rain go away..." thanks for the hey and love in your busy day!

    Denise, thank you for welcoming me home! So sweet! I already Never want to leave!

    Robin, my twin sister is a nurse. Went back to school after her kids were older and realized her dream at 40. She's an RN now. Those girls are gorgeous!

    Puppy, thank you for the hugs! I Love your nickname and I've enjoyed posting with you too! Looking forward to a lot more!

    Cheri, you are a brave one! I do love your new thread though. I promise to behave no matter who comes there trying to start something! LOL

    Vickie, thank you for the special hug. Good natured teasing I can do! You all made me feel a lot better today! You've got wise words about being careful out there on the other threads.

    Jan, there sure aren't too many these days that stay in one workplace so long anymore! I always said it just proved that I was crazy! lol

    Well I'm going to tuck my baby in now that her daddy is done bathing her. Sweet dreams to everyone!

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    hi susan i didnt mean to get your hubby frustrated
    i guess i dont know my own power
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2007
    Hi all. Had a busy day and didn't get on here all day. Having withdrawl symptoms!!!!.
    Charlene - Don't remember if I welcomed you yet? So nice to have you join us.
    Gus - I'm taking a walk around the circle and will be sure to check your wagon and bring you a blankie for your tuck in.
    Cheri - You have some explaining to do. You are just not here enough and I sure do miss you.
    Puppy- No news? Praying hard for you.
    Jankay - Hope tomorrow is a better day.
    Asking for a little prayer from you all for my onc appt tomorrow. Hoping my liver enzymes are back to normal. This is the last of my 1 year post dx appts so if all goes well maybe I can breath easy for awhile. Appt isn't till late afternoon but will try to check in tommorow after.
    Did not take notes so will wish all from Amy to Z happiness and sweet dreams.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    this is an email from liz that i got today tthought u guys would like it

    >>>>Subject: Three women in Mexico ~ chuckle for the day ~>>>>>Three women go down to Mexico one night to celebrate college>graduation, get drunk, and wake up in jail, only to find that theyare>to be executed in the morning, though none of them can remember what>they did the night before.>

    >The first one, a redhead, is strapped in the electric chair and>is asked if she has any last words. She says, "I just graduated from>Trinity Bible College and believe in the almighty power of God to>intervene on the behalf of the innocent." They throw the switch and>nothing happens. They all immediately fall to the floor on theirknees,>beg for forgiveness, and release her.>>

    The second one, a brunette, is strapped in and gives her last>words "I just graduated from the Harvard School of Law and I believein>the power of justice to intervene on the part of the innocent." They>throw the switch and again, nothing happens. Again they allimmediately>fall to their knees, beg for forgiveness and release her.

    >>The last one (you know it), a blonde, is strapped in and says,>"Well, I'm from Florida State University and just graduated with a>degree in Electrical Engineering, and I'll tell ya right now, ya'll>ain't gonna electrocute nobody if you don't plug this thing in.>>>>>
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Hey Jankay...I used to resemble that joke LOL. That was before chemo...lost all the blonde and now have dark brown/reddish hair.
    Yup...still up. HOT HOT HOT HERE! Got the windows open, fans going, hot flashes galore. Got up and had a popsicle...thought about sleepin in the freezer...popsickle fell off the stick...half went down my pj's, half was in my mouth...serious brain freeze goin on, trying to jiggle the half a popsickle outa my pj top and get to the sink to get rid of the half in my mouth before I seriously have a frostbitten tongue and start giggling like a fool. Damn near choked to death on the popsickle and all I could think about was Debs remedy for choking on an ice cube...pour boiling water down your throat.
    Gonna be a lonnnngggg night ladies.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Ok back, had to feed the man.

    MB almost time. I'm soooooo excited.

    Anne, O MY!!!!!
    Good Luck with the house hunting.

    Susan, thank you for canceling the naked lawnmower races. I was really worried.

    Colleen, love the luminarie.

    Robin, when your done my house could use a good scrubbing. Still haven't started laundry from my trip.
    Your babies are beautiful.

    Theresa, bombs and UBoats. WOW!!

    Deb, glad your home, glad your safe. Can I send you my laundry?

    Jan, if everyone knew how to put in IV's like this lady did today I wouldn't be scared of them either. Unfortunately not everyone does. Next one is on wed for bone scan. Radiology techs suck at IV's. Not looking forward to it.

    Nicki, I'm so glad you enjoyed your time off and have more to look forward to.

    Iris, I have one of those scars to. Every time I look at it I hate that bird all over again.

    Charlene, awwww thanks. Did she smooch me back?

    Denise, mine doesn't believe me either when I tell him the bank will eventually cancel his account if doesn't quit with the overdrafts. Silly boys.

    Z, I'm sorry your dealing with so much stress. But I'm glad you checked in. My daughter worked for Ralphs when she got out of high school for a bit. She hated every day of it.

    Shokk, rain rain go away, rain rain go away....did it work?

    Have a great time Sheri

    Hi Peter.

    Trisha, I don't want a baby but you can throw me a party anytime.

    Jankay, the more I read about this "caregiver" the more I think she needs to be fired. She works for you my dear. Don't take any guff from her.

    Vicki, hahahahhahaha I'm betting Amber is playing mommy this evening as well.

    Cheri, lots of very nice fluff on your new thread. Love it.

    Tucking in Gus/Sue, did you all know she snores?

    Boo/Sue, praying for your numbers tomorrow.

    Jankay, hahahahhahahahahahahhahah

    Have a simply fantabulous night one and all. I love you all to bits no matter how many cuss words or &*^% you use.
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited June 2007
    Good evening everyone,

    My goodness, we are a chatty group! I have almost caught up reading all the posts, but I am running out of steam.
    I am getting squeezed in to see my ps tomorrow, or maybe it will just be her asst. There is an open place on the underside of my non-cancer breast (she did a lift and reduction). It looks a little strange. Went to my pcp Thurday and she didn't think it was infected, maybe necrosis? Is that the right word?
    I worked all day today, and it felt pretty good. The day flew by.
    Wednesday I will get up early and drive to Key West for several meetings. I will stay overnight for an important budget meeting with the bigwigs. I so hope our little agency gets more money this next year. Our salaries are comparatively low, so it is hard for me to keep good people.
    Anyway, I wont be able to get on too much this week, so I want to let you all know I am thinking of you.
    Welcome Charlene!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    i"m thinkin somebody better wake peter up...shall we tweak his toes, blow the trumpet or tickle his nose with a feather?

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Sue...gotcha covered with prayers!!! Let us know but I do believe that all will be well...hugs and love to you.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Vicki, my gyn gave me something new for hot flashes that is working fabulously. It's called Donnatal. Doesn't alter my brain waves at all and I haven't had a hot flash in over a week. I've been taking one in the morning and two when I go to bed. Sleeping thru the night without ambien. I swear it's a wonder drug.
    Did you call your doc about being so tired? Maybe your not getting enough deep sleep cause your flashing at night?
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    hmmm...I haven't seen our Lini girl...where are ya sweet lady. Are those boobs sloshin or fartin still? Enquiring minds wanna know.
    hugs and love your way
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007

    PS, forgot to say, this stuff works so good I haven't even looked it up. Don't want to know the bad stuff.

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2007

    Hey, Vickie. I just posted over on the "men" thread. I figured out they only fart when I've been lying down and get up. As long as I remain vertical the girls are quiet.

  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited June 2007
    Someone help... Where is a big pic of MB's Pinkstock tattoo?
    Robin- Your gd's look like living dolls, really!
    Jankay- I hope things get easier for you.
    Where is the new Peter? Welcome to you.
    Hey lini- good to see you. I have saved a pic to post for you, but will later.
    Z- glad to see you back and posting here. You disappear like I do, but the CG's are in our hearts always.
    G'night and hugs to all
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2007
    Ok, I'm going to pull a Nicki (started today) and no more computer time for me in the am unless I finish everything I need to do, including exercise. I can't stand it any more so this morning after hubby left, I turned on Comcast and did one of their exercise programs - walked a mile before I got in the shower. Tomorrow it's taebo so I have to do my reading at night; hope I can keep up.

    Silka, was that you I felt tickling my nose this morning?

    Shirley, glad the infusion went well. Bring a portable DVD player and watch a movie. I know about not wanting to go - it's like me and going to see the dr. about my colonoscopy. I don't want mid-July to get here because it means the colonoscopy gets closer.

    Jan, sounds like my kind of party. If you were closer, I'd invite myself.

    Sue/Gus, I'm tucking you in as I walk around the perimeter. I think the only time zone behind mine is Deb's so she'll have to tuck in whoever I miss.

    Charlene, don't let the other thread affect you; this is a great thread and like Nicki said, I don't usually wander too far away either.

    Jankay, that caregiver works for you, not the other way around. I'd be checking Craigslist or something to find a replacement for her.

    Peter, our day is just starting as mine is winding down. Don't feel bad, I'm an ex-smoker too. Living in California though, the majority do not smoke. I have to admit I'm so used to our non-smoking laws that I forget to ask for no-smoking seating when I go out in states that allow smoking - not used to that any more.

    Betty, I hated working in the garden until I was home recovering from my bilateral. Must have been experiencing the growing or something. Now I plant flowers and I actually have some basil, strawberries, cherry tomatoes, sage, and cilantro growing too.

    Nicki, did you spend today shopping?

    Cheri, I hope you gave Amber a kick in the butt this morning when she came in. I hate when the kids do that. Cheri, it does get better not smoking. It takes awhile but it does get better.

    Tracey, good to see you.

    Theresa, LM is now in the inner circle. Hope she joins us here.

    Madison, we missed you.

    Liz, hope your headache didn't stick around too long.

    Colleen, are you packed yet?

    Robin, quit cleaning for a bit, although I admit I love a clean house, especially if someone else cleans it.

    Anne, I hope you find the house of your dreams, and at a bargain price.

    Deb, glad you had a good time camping.

    Iris, thanks for thinking of mom. I've tried calling her twice tonight and no answer.

    Z, glad to see you posting.

    Sheri, have fun on vacation.

    Vickie, hope it cools down for you.

    Walking the perimeter and checking on everyone. Amy to Z, everyone Sleep tight (Peter, you have a good day).

    Love ya all.

  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited June 2007
    Dear Friends Amy to Z,

    Have not been able to post as I would like due to the friggin' packing. I'm leaving all the lights on tonight because, I swear, my things mate during the night and produce more things!!lol.

    Sweet dreams and a good day tomorrow.

    Peter, should be about lunch time there. Have a good rest of the day and a good night.

    Talk to everyone later.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited June 2007
    Well the boards are back to their trick of posts no longer being valid. so remember to copy and paste so you don't lose a long post!

    Too tired to retype so to all a good night
    hugs & prayers

    Oh Charlene, CY are my initials. there are several Cheryl's on her so I thought this would be easier to keep us seperated. My sisters initals are CY too!
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    GM CGS

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007
    Hey, I thought I'd be first today but jankey beat me.

    Good morning all.

    Peter, loved seeing Jesse and No Name. So glad your appt. went well.

    Robin and Lisa, GKs are beautiful.

    Anne, scary about the grenade.

    Deb, so glad you are back and had a good time. I do think Alaska when I think of earthquakes. I have two big events from childhood that I remember...when JFK was shot and the Good Friday earthquake in Anchorage in 1964.

    To change subjects, my 24 hour pee is done and I managed to take care of business at work and no one noticed. I was so afraid someone would ask who's large orange juice jug in a white Walmart bag was in the frig. Now if I can manage to leave it there until I have to take it back to the hospital.

    Hay would the magic carpet do a quick run with just the orange, almost full jug?

    Had rain again yesterday afternoon. My grass will never get cut, but we sure need the rain.

    Amy to Z hugs,
