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  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning Amy to Z. Someone remind me why I like ambien. Ran out of the hot flash stuff so took ambien last night. Yikes I have a headache this morning.

    Lini, so I guess you'll be sleeping standing up for a while?

    Margaret, portable DVD player. I just might have to get one of those. Now I know what to expect all is well. Next stress is the poke for the bone scan tomorrow. I still haven't heard from the dr who is supposed to do the colonoscopy. Guess I have to make a phone call.

    Cherryl, did leaving the lights on work?

    Peter, sparrow farts? HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH Sorry about your keyboard. That is one reason why o so hated parrot now lives at brother in laws house.

    Betty, is the 24 hr collection for a bone test? My bone doc does a test called NTX that is supposed to be 24hr collection but she just does a spot check. So I've never had to go thru the ordeal of collecting it. Mine is for a bone marker. Checks the activity of osteoclasts.

    Nicki, very very sweet of you not to throw rocks at Peter. Have a great day back at work. Only 4 days till vacation. WooHoo!!

    Socal, of course you win a prize.

    Boo, hugs for the day. All will be well. Your meeting me in Orlando? Wow guess I should book a flight. hahahhaha. Wish I could. My family lives in Orlando. Will definately have to hook up with my girls next time I go home for a visit.

    Pupy loved your comments on the "other" thread. Amen!

    Marsha, Donnatal is apparently used for irritable bowel syndrome. Got it from my gyn. I was whining as usual and he said, "well I've heard that this stuff might work for hot flashes, why not try it" So I did and it does. At least it works for me.

    Mena, Mena, Mena, your here twice in one week. How cool is that? I miss the good old days to. Dang we used to have fun. Not much pants wetting going on in there these days. Praying for your tests today.

    Theresa, Shields Up!! Aye Aye Captain. hahahahahahahahah

    anxiously awaiting Shokks return.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Well the info that all of us share with each other is sometimes so funny that I have learned not to drink and read at the same time......other times its just heart breaking the crap that each of us has to bear......brb.......

  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2007
    Shirley - hahahahaha Guess that's what happens when I try to post before my coffee!!!!!! Wish you were going to be there too.
    PS oh my farting boobs and sparrows!! hehe
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited June 2007
    Hi all,

    Taking a break at work. It’s tough to stay caught up with you all, and the piles on my desk!

    Denise – You said you got more diet stuff, but how’s it going? I meant to ask last Saturday and forgot.

    Peter – My cats loved the photo of No Name. I don’t know who would come out on top there though – probably your bird!

    Z – I’m sure Mom is keeping you busy, but how is she feeling? Keep your positive outlook, lady!

    Sheri – Make room in the suitcase – I’m climbin’ in!!

    JanKay – How about if we send the guys from that TV show that soups up cars down to soup up your scooter? I can see you on the interstate doing wheelies now!

    Cheri – We’ll send them down to do your wheelchair when they’re done with JanKay’s scooter. Then you two can drag race like Shirley Muldowney. (I met her once – she’s a really nice lady.)

    Robin – What photogenic GC!

    Lisa – How are the flowers in southern California? I need a new desktop for my computer and the last three have been your photos!

    Vickie – My wagon is safe now. The gun is locked up, and the police took the grenade. (We even made the local newspaper!) And if you’d ever met my DH, you’d know he never behaves – just another big kid! But that’s why I love him.

    Shirley – Glad your appointment went okay. I highly recommend one of those personal DVD players. My onc even bought some for us to use during treatments. And what is it about young adult boys and bouncing checks? My eldest was awful about that, the dumb kid. (and actually he’s very smart, just no common sense.)

    Sue – How long do we have to wait for the results of your liver tests? Crossing my fingers and praying.

    Tricia – Crossed toes for you (I ran out of fingers) and prayers for your PS visit.

    MB – I love your new avatar!!

    Amy - are you there?? How's Dad?

    Cross your fingers for me, too, my friends. I am going in to get my port removed on Thursday. I have mixed feelings – it is a real milestone, but part of me feels like I’m loosing a piece of my support network. That’s a weird way to feel, I know. Anyway, depending on when the surgery is (I won’t get my time until tomorrow) I’ll see you next week!

    Hugs to all from A to Z, ladies and gentleman!

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    I am having a couple of issues.....first of all I am so tried of getting up in the morning showering, putting on makeup, trying to style this stupid freakish chemo hair, and getting dressed and then having a "HOTFLASH" and literally melting......Denise you should have sent me the wicked witch of the west instead of oldest daughter asked me about 2 wks ago why I just didn't wear water proof makeup.....wth......why didn't I think of that......I was showing up at the office looking like a drowned racoon.....second issue I have is what I am know referring to "chemo brain misconceptions"......when I first was lurking I thought that SOCALisa was "so called Lisa" took me about 6 months to realize that Lisa was Southern CA Lisa.......there are others just can't remember......anyway its always good to see awol girls posting.....LisaElder miss you so much when your not here.....Mena its always good to see you posting.....Jankay I do nothing but worry about have got to be one of the most special women here of course all of us are special but not only to survive bc but to deal with Parkinston is almost to much to comprehend........Nicki (Cher) love your sense of humor....Vickie miss you......your sil must be out of his mind.....not only is your daughter a drop dead beauty but I have a feeling she has her mother's sweet soul.......Peter how can men be so stupid in love........hmmmmmm......anyway phone bbl...........

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Boo/Sue, I try to get home at least once a year and you all are most definately on my list for my next visit.

    Anne, hands (or beak) down the bird wins. My o so hated parrot used to pick up my cats by their tails and carry them around. Poor kittys.
    Boys and money, I'll never get it.

    Shokk, waterproof makeup? hmmmm theres a thought. Ask your doc about the Donnatal. Can't hurt to try it.
    I'll be praying for you all week.
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Good morning all.Hope everyone is having a great day.

    JanKay:I thought about you all afternoon and prayed for you are you having a better day? I so wish we were closer.

    Peter:I love your animals especially your bird.I have always wanted an african gray but they got so expensiver here.I have 2 dogs.My dashund's name is Max,Denise thinks he is my third husband .And our boxer Bruce,who has been with us many years and he is now getting old.Boy I dread when the day comes....

    Denise:If I find a 6footer you can bet i wont even get out of the house.

    Vickie:Well I actually didnt clean karen and jasmines rooms.Karen cleaned her own I just vaccumed.No one can vaccum like me.Jasmine had the most of hers done I just emptied the trash made the bed and put up the baby bed and vaccumed.

    I realied the hard way that I am by no means back to normal.My shoulder is killing me.It is still broken has not healed at all since it was originally broken and now has a bone spur and possible muscle impengement.If that aint cause for a suit i dont know what is.I have been sleeping with my lymphadema pump on at night to try and bring the swelling down.I think it is from the broken bone rather than lymphadema it is swollen all the way down to my knuckles.I guess i am going to have to go see an orthopod.I would like to ask the attorney I saw to define suffering...oh well..
    I have to clean the carpet that is what got me in the whole house cleaning mood.but am not going to do it today.The fridge can wait until tomorrow also.I am going to move my total gym into the bedroom for now.The EVIL actually told karen he would make us an exercise room upstairs.But I dont seen anything happening yet.
    I was so shocked yesterday when I was skimming the boards and found out Roza has passed.She was the very first person who befrinded me when I registered.She was such a wonderful person,who had a miserable homelife also.Much like mine.I know she is at peace now.
    I dont know if it is her passing or what but the black cloud that I fight so hard to keep at bay is trying to circle my head all morning.I can tell I am going to have one of those days when I first wake up.I dont want to spend the day crying.I have come so far.Its just the final step that I must do.I just get so lonesome.I wish so much so of you were close by me.If it wasnt for all of you and this thread I dont know what or where I would be.I have said it before and i'll say it again.I owe alot to you just for caring about me this past year.
    Ok enough of that.

    Thank you all for the compliments of my babies.Can you believe how much they have grown? and Noelle is 2? she was 6months old when I found this site.Boy can she talk,she has just this past week putting sentences together and its so cute.I made the mistake one day of saying s&*t and she heard me well all that day that was her word for the day.I just ignored her and she forgot it the next day.Now I am more careful.Tesla is growing like a weed.She can hold her head up now.She weighs 13lbs.She has to go to the md this morning she has the thrush.

    Nicki:It is so right,how many nurses do we know that have stayed in one spot long?Now that I am older and wiser I so wish I had.Just because I left some places didnt hurt them abit.

    Well I gotta go noelle is at my feet wanting me to hold her and her baby I got her for her b'day it is smarter that I am.It talks,eats,pees, name it.Never had a doll like that when I was a kid.I was lucky to get anything.I asked Noelle what her babies name is and she said tesla lol.

    Charlene:does your sister like being a nurse? I have been in nursing since I was 19 and I am 45 now dont know how to do anything else.

    talk to you all later.
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Mena, Mena, I am fairly new here and you've been gone, but I LOVE to laugh so hard I pee in my pants! If you can do that, WOW!

    Hey Shirley, ahhhh to bad you aren't joining us this weekend but let Boo/Sue and I know when you visit the Orlando family next time!

    Shokk, maybe we need to try this donnatal for irritable bowel syndome. I'm gonna have some kind of irritible something if these dang hot flashes don't stop soon! It's the middle of the night for me. Literally have to go outside and cool off. Geez

    Puppy, still waiting on your results! Thinking about you.

    Oh goodie, Charlene has joined us! Just by your picture, you look like you would be fun!

    Anne, I am so jealous. I want my port out too. Going to the med onc next Tuesday and that is on my list of things to discuss.

    MB, so funny, I bet your neighbors stopped answering their door! And I am with you, I want to go to one of Jans Biker parties too!!!

    From Amy to Z, love ya! Marsha
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited June 2007
    Hello everybody-
    I went away for a day and come home to find more threads zapped? What on earth????

    I haven't been arrested yet so all is good.

    I start the abraxane tomorrow if it is approved. They say I don't need the Emmend or anything for it - how can that be???

    I heard there is a man here now.

    Thank God.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    Good morning all...

    I have a bit of a gripe...i hope writing about it will make me feel better.....

    I have been really struggling with how I look lately…I know, I know…looks don’t matter…blah blah blah…but it is bugging me. I can not wear my “good” silicone forms and bras for more than a day or 2 without getting pressure sores on my sides. If I wear the light weight forms in bras they ride up. If I wear the light weight forms in a cami, I am comfortable, and I can tuck it in so they don’t ride up, but they look more obvious to me since the gap and move funny…..You get the idea….

    Anyway, I was talking to my mom about it and she said for about the 20th time “Well when you loose 20 or 30 pounds it won’t be nearly as obvious.”

    WTF??? If I loose weight I still WON’T HAVE BOOBS!! My mom has always worried about my weight, and she doesn’t usually nag, but that comment keeps running through my head…like loosing weight will somehow “fix” everything. I don’t think she gets it at all.

    I guess I am just having a rough patch. Realizing that it WILL get better still doesn’t make me feel better now.

    Deb C
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    NS:i took abraxene and avastin since january and hardly ever did it make me sick.When it did I took a zofran or compazine and that did the trick.The only thing I have really needed the Emend for was when I was on adri.

    Yes we have a man now his name is Peter.Very nice man.

    Where have you been for so long? I have been missing you.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited June 2007
    Deb, come sit by me. My recent visit from my mother was chock full of "helpful hints" like that!

    ((Robin)) THANK YOU! You always ease my mind. I am so glad you are doing so much better- it is like a dream come true!

    (Now that you ARE better we have to take care of that other "problem" I promised to help you "get rid of!" LOL!
  • Silka
    Silka Member Posts: 45
    edited June 2007
    NewVickie, when and if you visit me, I will let you sleep in. I might even serve you breakfast in bed. I did Bob most of the time; he would use the cell to call the landline and say, “Where is my Breakfast?”

    Margaret, I got to sleep in this morning…..think there must be another guilty party.

    Cheryl, When I packed for myself, I found myself sorting a lot, pretend like it isn’t “your stuff” and just get it done, goes much faster.

    B445…my posts seem to disappear for me too, post bandit out there.

    Peter, I enjoy reading your posts’, you already seem like a regular, I am still stumbling along myself.

    BRSTN…..I would hate to have to collect my urine and put it in the refrigerator at work….you are a brave soul

    Good Morning Madison, I just learned that you are a sister southern girl, so was I.

    Puppy, It is hard to always turn the other cheek when bad things happen, let the Lord handle it sweetie; he does a much better job than we can.

    CMB…when my children were small, one of them got sick during the night and milk came in a cardboard carton. I got an empty one for them to use and my brother was staying with me and he came in after we were in bed. It was sitting in the floor by the trash and he thought one of the kids had set it there because he felt that it wasn’t empty. He put it in the refrigerator and next morning he was up for work before the rest of us and poured him a glass. When the chunks started falling, he realized what it was and what he had done. LOL, I still love that one even though he did it himself.

    Anne, I was reluctant to give up my port, it was another one of my comfort things even though I didn’t like to go for the flashings, but it also comforted me to know that the oncologist didn’t think I would need it anymore. Perhaps you can look at it that way.

    Deb, Happy to have you back from your camping trip. I talk about you to my friends here. I like sharing your escapades.

    Nicki, No explanations needed for me, have known you too long and I know you are a sweet person. I used to log into chat early in the mornings just because you were there.

    Jasmine, haven’t seen you posting. Hope you are ok.

    And to the rest…A to Z….Faith, Hope and Peace.

  • mtc1971
    mtc1971 Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2007

    Hello everyone, I am new to this thread & pretty new to the site. I am going in Thurs for a bi-lateral with recon. I have DCIS , had a lump with unclear margins. I decided to go this route as I am in my mid-50's, diabetic, have a history of blood clots & overweight. I don't know really what to expect but don't want to do this again. Tomarrow is my last day at work for awhile as I'm getting pretty nervous. Thanks for letting me ramble. Margo

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Dear Margo, welcome! This is such a great place to be when you need help, support, advice and love. I am considered high-risk because of family history, I carry the BRCA2 gene, had dense breasts and 2 scares. May 7th I had a bilateral with immediate recon with saline implants. I have been a rare case with post-op problems but no cancer was found. So many on this thread and others have had masts, some opted for recon some did not, but we are all united to help one another gt through it all. Please feel free to send a pm or email me (look on my profile for the email) if you want to talk, before or after surgery.

    The breast recon forum is a good place to go as well. I got lots of help there too. Don't be too nervous, they let you sleep through the whole thing! Sorry, I do try to interject humor if I can. I look down at my new "girls" and think, I made a good decision because I will be able to look at my friends and family for a long time to come.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited June 2007
    Sue, thanks for your warm welcome! I'm so glad to join everyone here!

    Shirley - she did smooch ya back! her kisses are the sweetest!

    Tricia, thank you! Wow, you're busy!

    Margaret, thanks for your advice, I will heed that!

    Gotchya CY! Oh that's so frustrating losing a post!!

    Peter, thank you! Oddly enough I haven't had any sweet dreams since my dx. I'm only 3 months into it though and from what I've learned from the wonderful women here, eventually they will come back!

    Jankay, so happy to see things are better for you today.

    Nicki, my twin is fraternal but it's still really cool. We actually don't even look like twins (different sizes, hair color, eyes, etc!) that it's funny when we tell people we are. And our personalities are very different. But we are very close and she's been so helpful to me through all this.

    Robin, wow, that's a long time! She Loves nursing but now her passion is to teach nursing. She's got that leadership thing going strong for her.

    Marsha, thank you for the compliment! I think you grew up in the same time as me .. I read your posts and go, "oh yeah, I remember that!". I enjoy your funny posts immensely.

    Gina, thank you for starting such a wonderful thread! What a great place this is to be! It's amazing how big it is!

    Okay Ava is still babbling and I lay her down over an hour ago for her nap! Please don't tell me she's ready to give them up at 20 months old!! I Need that break in the day! lol I better go check on her, BBL!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited June 2007

    Just want to say you were right on in that post!

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Gina:Thank you so much for your kind words.Dont worry I havent forgotten about the "other problem".I am gonna call in the favors of those who promised to help me.Glad you remembered.
    It is a miracle I am still alive.Can you belive in just one month it will have been a year since I was given two months to live.And here I am still.

    I believe you starting this thread for me and others had a huge impact on my survival.Knowing there are people who care means alot.

    Doris:Where have you been for so long?

    Margo:welcome,you are in the right place.I am still waiting for recon but it will be as soon as I find a ps.The one i was going to go to retired may 31.just my luck.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    good afternoon pals...super hot outside here so can't wait to get home and jump in the pool.
    Deb...sending you a hug...what a crappy thing to say! We love ya just the way you are. As for a comfortable prosthesis I found that my favorite is the Illusions Breast Replacements...hang on...I'll get the website... I ordered mine from here and I really love them...they mold to your chest wall and are really soft. Can wear them swimming too. They were also the least expensive ones I could find (that dear puppy has umm...made a bit of a mess of them...they still work ok though).

    Gina...we have missed you. I wanna come help take care of Robin's "problem" lol!

    Silka...well if I had any idea where you lived and if you could get Harrison Ford to bring me breakfast in bed I just might take you up on the offer LOL.

    Margo...pull up a wagon and come sit in the center and we'll give ya lots of good advice, hugs and whatever else you might need...just ask and it will be answered. Don't worry about getting to know us all right will eventually.

    Marsha...Mena can most certainly make you laugh that hard! Ringo still hangin around? Time to get rid of that bad boy you know!

    Shokk...waterproof makeup...well guess what...I never thought of it either! I'm so chemo brained and I hate would think it would be getting better but some days I can't remember simple words. Later alligator.

    LOL at go girl...we love you too!!!

    Jasmine pal...wheres my bestest girl today...miss you! Gonna round up a posse.

    Cheri berry...another quiet bestest pal...where are we partying this weekend...its Wednesday tomorrow so it's time to get the party started. Jasmines house was great fun!!! I'd go there every weekend given a choice!!!

    ok...gotta finish working...only 45 minutes to go and I think I can manage to be productive that much longer!
    hugs and love
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    Hello CG's guys and gals!

    Hows it going? Things here are hectic. Getting ready to fly out to Maine Friday morning at 6 am and as you all know I am NOT the morning person. 6 am is not as bad as having to leave the house at 3:30 am!! I might as well sleep in the truck. Anyway, running around crazy as we will be camping in the deep woods of Maine for 12 days and you can only pack so much stuff. You also tend to get dirtier when you camp so decisions decisions. Oh well, SO says not to worry cause all we need is the alcohol when we get there and nobody will notice what we have on. Gotta love her thought process!

    Margo-welcome and you have found a great place to hang out. Good luck thursday with the bi lateral and the new boobs.

    Mena-wow 2 times in one week? Whats the world coming to? Glad to see you popping in cause been missing your spunkiness!

    Shirley-yep boys and money,,they just dont get it. Mine gets money and thinks he has to spend it before it burns a hole in his pocket. I have noticed he likes to spend mine more than his though.

    Vickie-Have you warned Peter that you have a tendancy to throw things also? He shouldnt be only worried about Nicki and her rocks.

    Nicki-Glad you enjoyed your days off. I cant imagine it being too cool to swim but then again I'm in the South.

    Madison-Hot and Humid-have we said lately how much we hate summer?

    Deb-glad to see you made it through the camping trip. When camping you end up taking everything but the kitchen sink or at least I know I do.

    Biker Jan-Glad you could take the kidding on the sandals and shoes. Can you imagine somebody really wearing those? Oh my gosh! Then again, I bet I have an aunt somewhere down the line that has the exact pair.

    Anne-wow excitement in your town huh? Never knew you were so popular did ya? Glad you got it all cleaned out and congrats on the future purchase of a new home.

    MB-Are you off today? How did you rate that? I bet you have tons to finish before pinkstock and it will be here soon. Pout pout, I wanna go!

    Shokk-its really not fair that you get all the rain and we arent getting any. I've beg and pleaded and still nothing.

    Boo have fun meeting Sherndon. I enjoyed our visit when I got to meet her and you will too.

    Marsha-I know it wasnt funny but I laughed at your description of concern with the bathing suit. Never thought you would have to worry about that crap did ya?

    Iris-hello to you and if I get rain I promise to send you some.

    Peter-Nicki isnt the only one that throws things. Vickie has a way of having great aim also. I think you are already on everyones good side so you should be safe. Nice to meet you by the way. You are the first brother I've ever had.

    Doris in In-nice to meet you also. Its hard to stay on top of things around here. WE are a fast moving bunch.

    Z sorry you are dealing with strike issues. Thinking of you.

    Puppy-hoping you hear news today. Geesh, how long does it take?

    Cheri-Amber over slept huh? Thats a good one. Love the man thread also so we shall see how long it last. Are you talking about both men in your life or just the husband? lol

    Robin-sit down please. You are making me feel bad. Not bad enough to make me want to go home and clean but you get the picture. Relax,,drink a bud light. (your beer of choice)

    NS-you are right, our mothers always know just what to say,,NOT! Hope your treatment goes well tomorrow.

    Angel-Dont think we have met,,hello! Nice to see you around these parts.

    Liz-hope your arm isnt hurt too bad from your dog bite. I got bit by a donkey last week and had a nice bruise when I went for my herceptin. Nurse said she didnt think she had ever heard anybody say they got bit by a donkey. I was giving out treats and Lucy missed the cookie and got my arm. I'm thinking she was a bit too excited for her vanilla wafer.

    ok gotta put my neice in the middle of the circle. She has a lump and of course is scared. Shes young, 22 and says she has had this spot for 2 years and ob/gyn has been watching it. Well it started to hurt and she changed doctors and this doctor says mammogram and ultrasound on July 3rd. Hoping its nothing but sure hate the what ifs! She is not big breasted at all and her concern is getting it in the mammo machine. Hard not to laugh when she says but what if my boobs dont cooperate and wont go in there. I said oh somehow someway, they will get in there no doubt. Anyway, you all please remember her.

    ok thats about all the brain can remember without notes. I will be back later no doubt.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    Well after all that rambling I forgot to give a dad update. He is doing very well. He is getting stronger and meets with the doctor soon to discuss surgery. He looks really good now that he is home.

    ok I shall return.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Amy...We have missed you!!! You are going to Maine camping for a week...oh lucky you. Hope you have a wonderful time. Do you need a babysitter for the farm...I'll pitch in!
    shhh..don't tell Peter I throw things too...LOL. I must say though that I am getting to be a better um "pitcher" than I ever thought I would heeeheee.

    Deb...that website didn't work...let me try it again.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    Just got back from therapy. Did pretty well considering the fact that i changed from mornings to afternoons. I didnt walk as far but when i got there i couldnt pick up my feet. so walking 30 feet is pretty good.
    Anne-that is a good idea to call those guys from the show.
    do u want to call them or do u want me too.
    Shokk-thank u for worrying about me. Ido appreciate it but
    i am too mean and bullheaded. so i be ok i promise.
    robin-things are going alot better. i worry about u also.
    so who is going to move?
    Margo=u have definitely found the right place. these women and gentleman are awesome and will help in aNy they can.
    c u later gators
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Jankay:thank you,you are the kindest person.If you were asking me who is moving it sure as heck aint me.I said it before and I'll say it again.I wont back down!!Not now after all that has been said and done.Glad your therapy went better.

    Amy:I thought you were gone.I am finished except cleaning the refrig out which I am going to do tomorrow.Only because I need to go to the store.I hope you have a great time.I have always wanted to visit the coast of Maine and someday I am gonna.Rest up while you are gone.We are going to have to get the backhoe up and going soon.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Good afternoon all. Hope everyone is having a good day today. Vickie, you must be busy at work as I've not seen much of you. I slept good last night so I feel a little better today.

    Jankay, I guess if you get perks with the caregiver you have now you just have to decide which is most important.

    Puppy, don't worry about the 'other' thread. You weren't out of line and stayed polite.

    MEANER than me! You've come home! Or are you teasing us again? Say it ain't so. Hmmm. I'd wondered who I talked to on the phone in my sleep. Gee, what if you're not the only one?? Yikes! Good to have you back. Good luck with your tests and thanks for the condolences. She was a very nice person and so was her husband. He PM'd me yesterday and we met in the chat room that Jen and I used to go to. We talked awhile and he's so totally devastated.

    Anne, good luck with getting your port out this week. I still have mine, too. It's a security thing with me.

    Margo, welcome to the Circle. You wiil love it here. Just jump right in and don't worry about keeping up. Everyone is very friendly and supportive.

    Gina, the boards are falling apart without you. Well, ok. Maybe they're not exactly falling apart but we need you.

    Wishing all from Amy to Z a good day and evening.

    cheri Hi ya, Amy. I'm talking about ALL the men in my life
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007

    Hi Cheri! I'm at work and need to go back and read everything. BBL

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Hi Girls and Guy,

    I've been reading........gonna go try to find the thread that is causing so much crap. Even got our Puppy going.......If I don't come back, please come and look for me!

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Amy, sure missed you! Glad to hear dad is doing better. We got worried!

    Vickie, Ringo is still hanging in there. I talked to the ps and he said he wants it under 30 cc's for 48 hours and would prefer it to be bone-dry. I really respect his judgement. I finally looked at his website,, and read he is well-versed in wound care. BTW, if you go on, take a peek at him...he is a looker! Very married too. I am making him an afghan as a present and making the girls earrings sort of like yours but not quite as fancy.

    See you guys later, have to p/u dh at work. Big doc day tomorrow for both me at the ps and dh at the pain mgt center.
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2007
    Ok ladies and gentileman
    Back from my onc visit and my liver enzymes are ....drum roll please...... BACK TO NORMAL!!!!! WHAWHOOOOO
    So I made it thru my 1 year ann. of DX (6/6) and of mast. (today). I have seen all 3 docs this month: rad onc., BS, and med onc. None found anything to check further. Oh my God I feel like crying. A year ago I kept hearing one bad thing after another: trip. neg., basal type, positive nodes, stage 3, poor survival stats, and it went on and on. I honestly didn't think I would still be here.
    So it is time for me to stop obscessing and start enjoying life again!!!!! Please kick me in the butt if you hear me obscessing.
    Love you all,
    Marsha - get the blue drinks ready for Sunday!!!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008