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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007 Jasmine feelin like Charlie Brown for some reason? Whats up buttercup?

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited June 2007
    I realized around mid-morning that today is my one year anniversary of being dx'd. I am not sure how I feel about that! It certainly has been an eventful year, from my husband's surgery for colon cancer (he is fine now) to my own surgeries, chemo, rads, etc. What a journey! I can still bring it all back if I think about it...the fear, the anxiety, the wondering if either one of us would live to see our boys grow up. But, I am going to try to just enjoy today for what it is and not dwell on what was going on this time last year.

  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited June 2007
    (((((Sue))))) Best news I have heard so far today!!! Wonderful. Always Hope has a wonderful post there for you!
    Very nice.

    Have been lurking mostly and waiting on word from my dear ((Aunt Puppy)). Praying for good news. I have been working til 7 (as usual) and when I get home and feed and play with Clyde (Siberian Husky / German Shepherd mix) and get in the house, so tired and these posts have been so plentiful lately!! I mean, it is great, but it takes forever to catch up.
    Then when I try to post at work someone always interrupts then I am no longer valid

    Just a couple of things... or three...
    Anne... congrats on the big step of port removal. FYI... it isn't as easy coming out as it was going in. I was not
    prepared for it. They give you more local anesthetic coming out and less narcotics than when they put it in. At least they did here. Hope your experience is more pleasant. And it is always a good sign that you don't need a port!!

    DebC...I know exactly what you mean. This is a bit sad but have to tell you cos it has a funny ending. When my mama was dying from metastatic colon cancer, she told my sister and I she wanted us to lose weight and take better care of ourselves. What a burden!! My sister says "Mama wants you and me to lose weight.... did she ask our brothers not to be a**holes?" Thought you might appreciate that. I just wish everything didn't have to do with being overweight. I know I need to be healthy, but
    hate having it crammed down my throat (bad image there... wonder if that is fattening?)
    How about all you early risers tweak my toes in the morning? I have not been sleeping well and therefore don't want to get up.
    Marsha.. I think maybe Bubba needs to hang out with Puppy a little while. Nobody should mess with our Puppy!!! Or any of us.

    Somehow I missed the pics of Peter's animals.. are they on another thread? I will try to catch you all again later. At latest tomorrow. Those in rain, stay covered up.. and those not... get out and rain dance (what was that about naked lawnmower races?)...
    Susan, glad you are back.. welcome to all the new.. and welcome back to those who have been away.
    From Amy to Z.... I love you!!!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Nah Miss Vickie...I'm practisin' to kick Sue's fanny like she asked me too!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Robin...did you start without us!

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2007
    I too have gained alot of weight(blame it on chemo & drugs) and my mother is always giving me helpful hints.

    Margo...welcome to the crazy thread....

    Amy...glad you're back, was worried about you. Who's taking care of the "kids" while your all away playing?

    Angel...did you and your twin always get along? My friend has identical twins and they are their own country, always together. Even went to the same college, but mom made them get seperate rooms to start being independent

    Boo...great news! I get my port out in August after over 2 years. I too am chicken to see it go.

    Beth...just how long have you and Ringo been a thing? It seems forever...My ps is a real hottie too. Dr Copit from Jefferson.

    Must walk Ted... love to all.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    MARSHA I GOT IT and it tickled my funny bone
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007
    Hi everyone..

    I took heart from Robin and cleaned all day today..and washed the car!!

    Amy..where are you going in Maine?? mother does the same thing with me...she is really ".... and what size are you wearing now??"

    Mena and good to see you both..

    Shirley..glad it went well..I knew it would!! will be good to get that port removed! How about using the lighthouse picture for a desktop..I haven't taken any pics of flowers lately...

    Doris ..good to see the that the same one that is on pup's site??

    Margo..welcome..holding your hand on Thursday.. you see the sunshine yet? glad to hear your bloodwork is back to normal..what a relief, huh!!

    Kristen..Happy Cancerversary..

    Theresa..have a good walk!!
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2007
    Anne - I was afraid to get my port out too but it is so nice to have it gone.
    Kristin - Hugs to you. I know just how you feel!
    Jasmine - ok you are elected official butt kicker. Use your power wisely.
    Margo - Welcome!
    Thank you all for wishing me luck today and sharing my happiness. Will be working the next few days so may not be here much but will try to check up on you all!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    So I love my ambien again. Looked up the SE for aredia. #3 on the list is headache. So I'm blaming this skull crusher on that. Have spent most of my day in front of the tv. But the good news is......THE QUILT TOP IS DONE!!!! Off to the quilter by next week. I'm getting excited to see it finished. Have never used a quilter before. I like to quilt by hand but the bra fabric is way to thick. I wouldn't have any fingers left. Soooooo everyone keep your fingers crossed that a perfect stranger doesn't screw it up. Have to say so far it looks great. Don't ya just love a good tease.
    so did everyone have a good day? Lets find out.....

    Robin it warms my little heart to hear that Karen and Jasmin cleaned their own rooms. Have to admit I was quite annoyed when you said you had cleaned them.
    I'm very sorry about your friend.

    Marsha, ya'll have a blue drink for me. I'll be thinking of you.

    Gina, I'm so glad you are still among the nonhorizontal stripe wearing crowd. Keeping the fingers crossed for abraxane.

    Deb, smoochy hugs just for you. Mothers are supposed to make us nuts I think. At least thats what I tell my daughter.

    Doris, O my gosh, I love your new little picture (whatever they are called). You are gorgeous.
    hahahahahhahhahahahhaha I would so have trashed the cell phone.
    eeeeeeewwwwww your just full of grand stories today.

    Margo, welcome to the circle. And great big hugs for you. The unknown is always scary but you are gonna be OK.

    Charlene, baby smooches are simply the best. One of my favorite things to do is smooch on my grands. My 6yo grandson tells me I'm a sloppy kisser. hahahahhah Naps are a must till Kindergarten, unless of course you home school, then naps are a must thru high school.

    Amy, SO is sooooo right. Only way my hiney (since I promised not to cuss anymore and can't say the A word) would be caught in the woods would be with large amounts of alcohol.
    Her docs been watching it for two years? Holy Smokes!!!!! Grrrr that makes me soooo mad. What the ___ was he watching? A young girls boobs on a regular basis no doubt. Ok now I'm ticked. I am so glad she got a new doc. She will be in my prayers. Glad to read Daddy is doing better.

    Liz? Dog Bite? I missed something. What happened? Speaking of dog bites. There was this poor kid at the infusion center yesterday who was there for rabies shots. I felt soooo bad for him. Poor thing looked like he was holding back the tears when walked out.

    Cheri, you talk on the phone in your sleep? hahahhahahhah I have so done that. Wake up the next morning with the phone wedged in my back or some other equaly uncomfortable place.

    Denise, another problem thread? Geez!!! I think we've all decided Ignore is the best policy.

    Boo/Sue, yehaw!!!!

    Kristin, special hugs for you today.

    Socal, and washed the car? I am so impressed.

    Think I should go tidy up something before the man gets home. At least make it look like I did.
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Jankay, LOL just wanted to give you a little giggle for the day. You know that is my prized possession and now I pass it on to you......... hehehehehe

    Boo/Sue OMG that is great news!!! Celebration needed. OK it is going to be blue daquiris at Sheri's cause I got a whole bottle of rum. What time do you want to go? Noonish?? Let me know. No plans for that day except meeting my CG buds!

    Kristin, great for you, one whole year. I think that is cause for a celebration for you too! Would love to hear you play your music in person!!

    Pam, you are so right, Puppy needs the watchful eye of Bubba. His nails are sharpened (thanks Boo) and ready to attack or, if need be, lick someone from head to toe. Puppy, you have the Darryl brothers and then cousin Bubba standing over you.

    Vicki, you have been mighty quiet today.

    Lisa, if you are done with your car, want to clean mine? Pollen and love bugs, yuck......

    Teresa, my BS is the hotty for me. I call him Dr. Dreamy....... But now, my rads doc is Mr. GQ... so put together.

    Cheri, hahahaha on the thread meant to NOT interest one person. You are a mess I swear. I love it!

    Amy, what a great trip you have planned! Glad to hear dad is doing better. And of course, your dear niece is going to the center of the circle. Hoping that turns out to be B9, let us know OK?

    Hi Doris, nice to meet you and welcome Margo, this is the best place for love and support, glad you found us!

    Gina, how's it going girlfriend? From what I understand from my chemo buddies, Abraxene has few SE! Hope that is the case for you, you deserve a break! I think of you often.

    Robin, of course you won't back down! After all you ahve been thru, my goodness, you go girl! BTW, my house could use a good scrubbing.

    Deb, you are beautiful!!!!

    Nicki, hey girl how's it going?

    From Amy to you guys!! Marsha
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Sherloc -- congrats on finishing the quilt. I can't wait to see it.

    Peter -- a belated welcome to our Circle.
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited June 2007
    Hi there Circle Girls and Peter (C Guy):

    Just a quickie. I'll be back later. Just got my so-called emergency ultrasound appt for tomorrow at 1:30. I'm freakin out, two major melt downs in two days, last night cried for 2 hours straight and refused to talk to anyone because I just wanted to cry. Today cried at work because I thought I messed up payroll really bad and it was taking me forever to fix it. I'm on the edge and even sitting here typing this is hard. I am beyond scared, not that I have cancer again, but that I may even have to have to surgery, surgery sucked for me because the anesthesia made me horribly ill. This bullshi* sucks!! I hate the wait and the worry. I need ya now, so I'm reachin out.

    I hope you are all well, I wish you all peace and contentment and the serenity from this dreaded disease we all need.
  • Silka
    Silka Member Posts: 45
    edited June 2007
    Sue, WOOHOO on the enzymes. Hope you are more relaxed now and can enjoy life a little more. The ca word is always in the back of our minds, but I try to not let it take my joy. Most of the time I am successful.

    Sherloc, you are far too kind, but thank you anyway. And no woods for me either, (might be a snake there) and I cannot imagine a quilt made out of bras. Interesting

    Socal, Yes.

    Jasmine, hope you have better balance than I do, I need to keep both feet on the ground, not as agile as I used to be…. but than girlfriend, I have a few years on you.

    Jankay, surely must be frustrating to deal with the caregiver and well as the teens. You have enough going on in your life without them adding to it. Sending a big hug.

    Kristen….This is one, they will keep rolling around. God is not finished with us yet.

    Thanks Marsha and also to you.
  • Silka
    Silka Member Posts: 45
    edited June 2007

    Zazette, I used to always get terribly ill from the anesthesia, last 4 surgeries I have had, (4 this year) a patch was put behind my ear in addition to the antinausea drug. Ask for that, I wasn't sick at all.

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007


    {{{{{{{{{{JANKAY}}}}}}}}}} Your angel took care of me!!!XOXOXOXOXOXOXO Thank You for sending Her! Puppy
    I go for my Brain Cath. July the 9th at 7 in the morning
    then I guess we go from there!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!
    May JANKAY'S Angel watch over YOU ALL!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    {{ Puppy and Z }}

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007

    I forget...what did you decide was going to happen to the quilt? Are we all bidding for it? Oh Oh...I KNOW!!! It should go to the person who flies the farthest to come to Pinkstock LOLOL....I think I would win unless Peter decided to come

    In all seriousness, I am SO excited to see what you did. I can just see us all standing around the fire pit at Pinkstock going..."That's MY bra" LOL.

    Got to go pick some greens for salad from my garden. I am so excited that I have stuff ready to eat…makes all the work worth it:)
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Okay, Miss Vickie....I finally caught the lizard in my house so its ready for the party! Now, I just need to figure out how to get it out of my vacuum cleaner!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Help I think I may be melting! It is unbelievable hot here! The humidity is unreal. I truly may melt by morning...if you find a puddle in my wagon...that was me!

    Hey Peter wanna walk the perimeter with me and get everyone off to bed. This is kinda neat ladies, we have a big brother watching over us all night during his day! My daughter had an African Parrot...he was sooo pretty (or she...never did know for sure)and talked a blue streak. Would say..."gimme a kiss" and make smaking noises, if you told him to go to bed he'd get in his cage and pout and say really low "shut up Mikky, go to bed Mikky, good night Mikki" like he was mad. He love any comedy on television that had people laughing in the audience and he would laugh along with them. He'd say "come here", "I love you", "here kitty kitty kitty" and if he was out of the cage and ended up on the floor he'd start yelling "HELP HELP HELP" until you picked him up again. He was a hoot. I miss him sometimes but don't miss the allergy problems he gave me!
    ok...lets see what's goin on around here today!
    Shall we sneak into Shirleys wagon and see if we can get a peek at the quilt. It's a bra quilt...did you know that...did you also know she put your name on it! It is sure to be beautiful and I can't wait to see it. I'm sooo excited.
    Gina girl...comin in for a visit. I am still only five hours away if you need anything. I've driven to Florida and back so I can handle five hours with no problem. Let us know how everything goes ok...we miss you when we don't see you in a few days.
    Marsha anything really really cold to drink...or pour over my head! I have been so horribly busy today that I haven't had a chance to post. The end of the month again along with it being a payroll week really wipes me out. Just found out that they are waiting two weeks to hire for the new job! Damn...I am sooo sick of waiting!!! The women who will be doing the hiring is going on vacation starting tomorrow so they got a temp from Kelly services till she gets back. grrrr.
    Gotta pop in and give our Sue a big ole hug and a yippee happy dance for good news today. Sweet dreams dear girl...big sigh of relief.
    My oncologist was a real Mr. McDreamy too!! whew...hard to get out of there without a hot flash or too. (sorry Peter...hope you don't embarrass'll never make it around here LOL).
    Jankay...I know what your surprise was so I'm peeking in to see if you have put it somewhere LOL! Glad you got a laugh...isn't Marsha a sweetie.
    Need to have a little chat with listen up missy...don't be postin links to good lookin men and then bustin my bubble by tellin me they are married...geez what kinda girl do you think I am (shut up Cheri) LOL.
    Grabbing Jan and draggin her to Cheri's wagon for a blue drink...all are welcome. Cheri...has the swelling gotten better...I sure hope so! You really should call if it isn't better. Did you decide on a party spot. Jasmines house was fun but I think we scared her neighbors.
    Margo...where did you go dear. It's ok...just come in and pour your heart out. It's what we are here for. We are the best listeners around! whole year. I know I felt really mixed emotions on that day. Still not sure how I feel most of the time.
    gonna hitch a ride to Maine with Amy and company...notice how I always invite myself along LOL. Just teasin ladies...I'm a homebody at heart. We could all go to Amy's and party this weekend though since she isn't going to be home. Pet all the pets and have a whoopin good time. Do you think she'd notice?
    Pam...I was thinking of you today and missing your posts. Glad to see you are still here. I am still working on your little project and having a heck of a time with it...I'm too much of a perfectionist but I haven't forgotten...way too important to me to forget.
    I don't see Jeannie, Cherryl, CY, Deb, oh a whole bunch of sisters tonight. Lots of nice posts today though...great to hear from Mena...oh how you are missed around here.
    Denise...what are you up too?
    Shokk...where did you go?
    ahhh...I'm too hot and tired to go on...will be another sleepless night so I'll probably be back.
    Tucking you all in and wishing you sweet, happy, wonderful dreams.
    Love and hugs all around,
    star light, star bright
    first star I see tonight,
    I wish I may,
    I wish I might,
    Have the wish,
    I wish tonight.
    My wish would be for all of you. To be happy, healthy, safe, loved and full of joy.
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Hi circle gang! Just a quick drive by before I go for a shower and beddie bye. The heat really got to me today.

    Theresa, Ringo and I have been together now since my surgery on May 7th. I sometimes feel he is going to be permanently attached!

    Boo/Sue, great news! Thank you for taking care of Bubba.

    Is it good morning to Peter if its nighttime here? I am so confused because don't you cross the international date line on the way to Australia?

    Deb, I was wondering where the quilt was going that Sherloc has been sewing. And as far as the battle of the bulge, I was so miffed at my mom last week. She pointed to my tummy and asked what is that? I said my fat stomach, you notice it more since my boobs are still not formed and don't stick out like before.

    Mena, see if I can come up and share your shrink with you to deal with moms. I think we all could use a rule book on that.

    Be back tomorrow. Have to get moving and clean up the dinner dishes and to bed.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Well look who all sneaked in as I was typing.
    Jasmine...a lizard in the vacuum cleaner is better than in your bed...put the vacuum cleaner outside!!! I'll send Peter over to take care of it.
    Deb...HI...heehee...I too can see all of us lookin for our bras in the quilt.
    oohhh...Z...Sending you hugs as it's all I can do for you from here. I would do so much more if I could. Continue to vent helps too. Let us know how you make out and what you need okay?
    Puppy...we will all be with you July 9th!! Holding your hand and making sure everything is perfect! Love ya.
    Love ya all
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Vickie, truly sorry to make you drool unneccesarily. His pic is a really good one of him too! Makes the weekly visits more bearable...even if Larry is there too.

    {{{puppy}}} sent the Ravioli Lasagna recipe to you and Ter on a pm each. Enjoy! You never know it is turkey sausage in it.

    Missed a lot of you but as always sending cyber hugs to all.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Evening girls,

    For some reason I couldn’t get onto the boards earlier. It’s so good to see everyone.

    Peter – wonderful pics of your animals. My great uncle used to raise birds and as a child I helped him. I remember one of them pecking me and that took care of birds for me. LOL

    Amy – so glad dad is doing well. Your niece is in my prayers. My idea of camping is running water. I would have to have lots of alcohol to keep me in a tent. Camped twice in my life and both times a tornado came through. That did it for me.

    Sher – yes my dog bit me last night. He’s getting old and I guess I spooked him. I’m keeping antibiotic ointment on it and have it covered right now. Of course it had to be on the arm I had the nodes removed. Grrrrrr. Can’t wait to see the quilt. Do you need donations for the cost of the quilter? Just let me know.

    Vicki – Nate sounds a lot like my son when he was his age. Thanks for the info. I’ll help you baby-sit Amy’s farm animals. Wouldn’t that be fun? Hope your day has been good.

    Deb – hugs. You are beautiful! A mother’s job in life is to irritate her children. Hmmmm you think the one coming to Pinkstock the furthest should get the quilt. Interesting idea. LOL

    Jasmine – love the little guys. I missed something – a lizard? Ewwwww.

    Jankay – Missy needs to pull her panties out of her you know what. She gets paid for taking care of you and she doesn’t work that hard. Hugs

    Susan – any word on the job? You’re still going to come to Pinkstock aren’t you? What kind of job is this?

    Robin – those babies are just too cute. I could see me spoiling them big time. Glad you are resting a bit. You are really making me tired.

    Cheri – so Amber over slept. Oh how many times did I use that excuse? LOL Shame on her – she is to call from now on. I hate that Mike is having such a rough time. He is a great guy. I know Jen’s death has devastated him. How are the kids?

    Margo – hi and nice to meet you.

    Charlene – my mom is a twin and my cousin has twin boys who are 21. Most people can’t tell the boys apart – they are identical.

    Jan – oh you’re having a party? That’s great. Do we need to bring anything other than our bright and shiny smiles? LOL Have a great time.
    Beth – my PS was adamant about me keeping my arms to my sides while I had my drains in. Doing that, they were gone in 6 days. I am glad your surgeon is being cautious though. I can’t imagine having Ringo that long!

    Sue – Great!!!!!!!!!! I love to hear good news.

    Kristin – Happy Anniversary. I am slowly learning not to dwell on the past. It gets me nowhere.

    Anne – they removed my port when I had my exchange surgery. Hope all goes well for you.

    Pam – I can’t keep up either. Loved the comment about the brothers. LOL

    Z – Oh hugs honey. Anesthesia used to make me sick. Now they administer Zofran in my IV beforehand and if you tell them you’re allergic to Nitrous Oxide they don’t use it. Makes a world of difference for me. We’ll all be with you.

    I’m an only child and am so glad to have so many wonderful sisters and a brother now!

    Hugs and Prayers to everyone from Amy to Z.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    Hey Beth - Ravioli Lasagna? Send me the recipe please? Sounds wonderful!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Liz -- do you think you might need a shot and some antibiotics for that??? It sounds kinda bad. Hugs!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Peter -- do you remove lizzards from vacuum cleaners? At least it wasn't a snake. Almost had a hard attack when it dashed in the door.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Goodnight, Miss Vickie. Don't you worry -- that job has your name on it and its going to be fantabulous!