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  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007

    Hey All! No, I'm not a "sunshine sister", this is still the middle of the night in my opinion!! Taking off for the airport, hope everyone has a great week and weekend!

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    i hope u had a good wed.

    just wanted u to know that i am doing much better
    thank u for your prayers
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Well I dragged myself outta bed. Yesterday was way too busy for me. Was driving to my Board of Directors meeting last night - had a big storm pass by. Something told me to get off the highway so I did, and sure enough, the highway flooded. Cars were stuck under viaducks. Got home at 8pm and couldnt fall to sleep for the life of me. I sat there thinking, man - this is how it used to be. I am missing way too much stuff by going to bed so early. But - Im sufering this morning as I am a wee bit more tired than usual.

    5 pages, just since yesterday morning!! OMG I will never catch up.

    Hahahaha. Read the first page and its so weird to hear the echo of my laughing out loud in this quiet house.

    Boo/Sue: The meeting with Marsha and Sheri is gonna be so much fun.

    Puppy: Yes you do know me so well. Love ya too sister.

    Marsha: OMG Cheech and Chong. I remember that scene when he drinks the pee. Always laughed at their movies. I sure did notice you were quoted. I always hate that cause it seems like that person manages to quote things outta context. Donnotal. Hmmmm that drug has been around forever. Used to be used for stomach issues way before Prilosec and all those other new drugs came out. Sometimes I think we should just go back to the older medications - they work and they cost alot less money.

    Liz: Hope your arm is ok. Hope your doggy is ok.

    Shokk: I have been picturing you building an arc! What a great description about the freaksih chemo hair. I never know what Im gonna look like from day to day. And after my shower, by time Im ready to go to work - Im drenched. I mentioned earlier, it seems like I sweat most on my head which isnt great for hair styling. Im just letting it grow out and its in an ugly stage.

    Sherloc: Yep, I say get rid of the Ambien and go for the Donnotal.

    Robin: It is sad about Roza.

    NS: Good luck with the abraxane. I didnt get nausea from taxotere. I did get indigestion and bone aches. I ate alot of fig newtons which prevented constipation.

    DebC: Mothers! Geesh - your beautiful dammit.

    DorisinIn: Oh my goodness you just brought back some pleasant memories. We sure did have fun on the early morning chat. I sometimes wonder how some of those gals are doing now. Always had a soft spot for BevD and Shulamis.

    Margo: Welcome. Hope you keep coming back to the circle. Its a wonderful place with lots of support.

    Charlene: Identical or Fraternal. I would love to have a twin sister.

    Vickie: I always save my comments to you for last and then I run outta time.

    Amy: Camping in the deep woods for 12 days. OMG - Lions and Tigers and Bears! Hahahahaha on SO saying who cares, who is gonna see ya. I also laughed at Lucy missing the cookie. Just love those Donkeys.

    OMG! 2 more pages to read and Im running out of time

    Boo: Good news about the blood tests.

    Kristen: Congratulations on the 1 yr anniversary.

    Tgirl: My DH has become my mother. Tells me my stomach muscles are weak. Thats his way of telling me Im too fat.

    Peter: I could feel that breeze from the fan this morning.

    Charlene: Hey to you!

    OK - so many of you I have not mentioned. But really - I have to go take my shower now and get ready for work. Hope you all have a wonderful day.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007
    I'm awake. Been up for a while. My virus software expired and I didn't want to renew it. So I found a freebie, installed it, had to keep restarting and then found out it's not compatible with Vista. Guess I'll spend the money tonight, but right now I'm living on the edge. LOL

    Got my grass cut yesterday, boy was I tired. But I'm thinking that I'm feeling a little more energetic. I've been off Arimidex since Friday. Can I feel the effects that fast? I wonder

    I read everything, but didn't take notes. SO I'll just say morning and evening. Have a great one. Yippee it's Wednesday.

    Bugs and fishes (someone better explain that one to all the newbies).

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    Jankay...good morning sunshine did beat me up this morning. Wonder where our sunshine sisters Nicki, Betty and all are?
    Gus...sounds like we have the same weather. We have had lots of thunderstorms but all of them have went right around us in our little valley here. We can sit on the porch and watch them and expect them and they blow over the hill and are gone! High of 90 today with thunderstorms again.
    Charlene...I'm pretty jealous of Sarah's long black hair myself LOL. Its down to her waist now and just so silky soft. She my doll baby. Just love her to pieces.
    Shirley...yup, her DH is truly an idiot. He talked her into giving him another try and blew it again...I just can't believe it. She's as sweet as can be, wants nothing but her marriage to work out, totally devoted to the jerk and he's soooo stupid! Men (sorry Peter)!
    Margaret...yup, that's my baby...all grown up.
    Madison...hope you have a wonderful day...someone should have gotten or will be getting an afghan any minute! I need to check the tracking.
    Wake up Cheri...
    Wake up Jasmine...
    Wake up Nicki...
    Time for bed Peter...tucking you in and thanks for tucking all of us in last night and making sure all was safe.
    Gotta get ready for work...
    oh...question...Nate got stung by a bee on Monday. Red spot about the size of a quarter, yesterday when I picked him up after work it was the sized of a baseball, this morning its even mind you, he's a little shorty so there isn't much leg there! It feels hot but doesn't itch. Got me a bit worried. Gave him some benedryl and put some hydrocortizone creme on it but that didn't help. Guess it will be a dr visit if it doesn't improve soon. Maybe I'll take him to work with me and have the nurse look at it. Just rambling.
    Iris...he'll get your hug!
    Love and hugs to all ... have a grand day. Super buried at work so may see you later and may not but I'll try!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    aaahhh...I see, Betty and Nicki were hiding on me! Have a great day!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    SocalLisa need the magic carpet today! Hope all goes well...we will all be with you!

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited June 2007
    Good morning sisters and Peter!

    I made it through my cancerversary. Went to bed early since I was exhausted. I am not on anything except herceptin so I have no idea why some days I just crash right after dinner.

    I am still waiting to for that manager job to post so i am trying to work really really hard until then. It's cutting into my board time but hopefully in the next two weeks the job will be filled (with me!) and I can ease up a bit. So I am sending hugs all around, and special hugs to anyone in need of extra support!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Hey good morning to Jankay, Betty, and Vickie. Im just trying to go back and see what all I missed from yesterday.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Good morning Happy Campers. Time to get up and greet the new day!

    Peter -- I dunno about the lizard. Last night I strung up some crime scene tape around the vacuum cleaner and just went to bed. He's probably still in the bag.

    Shirley -- I've heard that lizards are good critters. Please expect this one in the USPS within the next few days. Just think of it as a lizard vacation.

    Tricia -- congrats on getting your first fill. You are on your way. Have you decided what type of implant you will be getting?

    Madison -- hi and be safe.

    Shokk -- same for you except I'm sending you a pontoon boat to get to the grocery store and to work. Just think of it like living in the everglades.

    Iris -- lots of humidity here too. But honestly, I would take our southern summers to those northern winters any year. I always want summer to hurry up and get here then complain about the heat but I really wouldn't have it any other way. From one 'true southern gal' to another.

    Cheri -- I'm like you. My anniversary date was a non-event. But I had just had scans the week before and NED was keeping me busy dancing to all hours of the night. That NED -- such a dancer too.

    Hi Deb -- best wishes on finding something that works. You are beautiful dammit! Seems like someone I know started that for us -- I think it was you!

    Colleen -- happy flying. I love to fly! And such good airport shopping these days!

    Jankay -- I agree with what has been said. No matter if the caregiver does the extra, she still works for you and should be respectful. Respect is a two way street. If you are showing her kindness and respect as her employer then there should be no reason for 'attitude.'

    Vickie -- I'm awake! We always used to say that and then run to the extra bathroom with a blanket and sleep an extra 10 minutes. Will be finding a new funny for you shortly. Hugs!

    Kristin -- good luck on the job front. It seems like we have several hoping for new positions. I'm glad you're cancerversary went by and NED took you out for a spin.

    Well, I'll be back later. Have a fantabulous day because things are sure look up at this end of the Circle!!!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Liz -- how is your arm this morning? Any better?

  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited June 2007
    Well girls looks like I am in deep doodoo.I had to see my oncologist yesterday morning.He said that I am in cogestive heart failure so no more Herceptin.I said so IF my heart improves in a few months then I can finish my year out.He said no more Herceptin ever,even if I have a recurrance.I asked if I can take Tykerb,also a big NO because there is a big dangeer of cardiac toxicity with it also.I am terrified!!!Her2 is bad enough when on meds for it.And I am pretty upset because my maternal grandmother had BC(guess that's where I got mine).She lived through the BC and guess what she died of?Yep,congestive heart failure!!!No wonder I never regained any energy after chemo.I am having some SOB and I weigh 204 pounds from darn fluid!!!Please keep me in your prayers,I am sooo scared.I know I haven't been on much lately but between that and fighting Social Security,I ain't got the sense God gave a monkey.I love you all and think of you often and always pray for my sisters,oh and brother now.Hi Peter welcome,glad to have you here.Take care and I will be back later.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Lisa -- you never regained energy after chemo because technically you never stopped chemo. I consider Herceptin a chemo drug. I'm so sorry that you can't get this anymore. Big hugs.

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2007
    I will continue to keep you in my prayers Lisa.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited June 2007
    Good morning Everyone,

    Peter, that fan was just the ticket this hot morning!

    Betty - I've seen your 'bugs and fishes' sign off and it always brings a smile! Now I know it sounds like 'hugs and kisses' but is there a story behind it?

    Lisa - I've met you on other threads..I'm so sorry for what you're going through and I'm sending positive thoughts your way.

    Hey Nicki, your sun image looks like how I feel this morning too! lol

    A little nervous today, my mom is going in for angiogram and angioplasty for peripheral vascular disease in her legs. As I understand it they'll insert a stent if they're able. She's never been in the best of health. Hopefully she'll come through this okay and feel better for it.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Good morning Charlene. I hope things go well for your mum today. Sending lots of positive thoughts.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited June 2007
    Hi Jasmine, thank you, I really appreciate it!

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007

    LoveYa CG Family, Puppy
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Mornin' all!

    Jaz, let that poor lizard out of the vacuum! Although it's probably dead by now. I don't mind lizards or snakes. It's spiders that really set me off.

    Deb, I hope your fires are out by now. How scary!!

    Tricia, I glad everything went ok at the ps and you got your first fill. You are well on your way!

    Mena, how did the tests go?? I hope everything is okay.

    Cheri, where's your avatar? I also ignore my specific dates. I only know the month and year of dx. I can't even remember when my last surgery was, just a few months ago.

    Liz, take care of that dog bite. They can get pretty infected even without the node loss.

    Vickie, your DD is beautiful!! Her hair is unbelievable!! I think you shouldtake Nate to the dr. It sounds like he has an allergic reaction of some kind.

    LisaElder, OMG!! Putting you in the inner circle. I don't blame you for being freaked out. I would be too. You know that we will be there for you. Sending a big gentle hug your way. (((((((Lisa)))))))

    Robin, I hope you are going to take some time of today. It's time to put down that dust rag and put your feet up!

    JanKay, I hope today is better for you. You are going through so much.

    Nicki, it must have been scary to be stuck in that storm. I hate driving in bad rain worse than driving in snow. We have been getting a lot of thunder storms. We get just enough rain that my grass hasn't dried out. Gotta mow it today . Hotter than hell here too.

    I have a whole lot to do today. Like I said, gotta mow, do laundry, clean and get my hair cut. I ssaw my son yesterday. His knee is still pretty swollen from surgery. He can't put any weight on it for 3 weeks. This is totally killing him. The surgeon says it will be 9 mo. to a year before he is completely healed. He really did a job on himself! I'm going to get my butt up and get going. Oh yeah, I have to go work out before I start any of this other crap. Ugh!

    Peter, thanks for keeping an eye on us while we are sleeping.
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Lisa, hugs to you sweetie. And you too Charlene for your mom.

    Good morning all from Amy to Z......... Marsha
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007

    Good morning Puppy! We were posting at the same time. Any news for you yet?

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    CG's & G...........

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Oh my! I have 4 pages of notes and I can't read half of them! I should scan them and let you see what I try to put together and make sense of! I do the same thing with clients/ much garble and scribble, then I have to magically turn it into a readable log at the end of the day!

    Thinking of you all, and knowing in advance that I've left out alot..............put middle age, memory loss and Blonde together and it's a makin for disaster!

    Nicki: To scary about the flood waters while driving. I hate driving in rain......Once again I refer to middle age, memory loss and Blonde! Still lovin your attitude!! Any plans for your upcoming vacation?

    Madison: Is there anything I can do for you? You do so much for all of us and I can tell that you are really stressed and upset. Please let me know.

    Okay, this little 'curser' thing that follows my words is blinking and flickering and driving me nuts!

    Lisaelder: I am sooooo sorry to hear of your troubles. CHF is NOT a death sentence. I know that right now that makes no sense to you..........take it easy, swallow the butt load of info you'll be getting and go from there. We are all with you and sending a ton of thoughts and prayers your way.

    JanKay: Better day for you I hope. I missed the post of all the extras your Caregiver does. Is she certified by the State? I believe she is independent of an here do's and don'ts are probably not in writing. Bottom line is that she is there for you. Unless you are asking her to do HUGE extras she needs to realize that she is there for you.

    Jan: Glad you got to see your Son. Sounds like he really did a number.........! All that you have to do and you're still heading to the Dungeon! You be good and committed lady!

    Kristen: Chanting............New Job, New Job!! It has got to be yours! Just don't let it get in the way of your CD that we are all waiting for!! You are awesome and sounds like you are being "discovered!" Now, I have this written after your name: Int. gone...L.nite..........mind telling me what it means??!!

    Lisa: Up at 3:30a! Hope that doesn't become the new norm for you!

    Sue/Boo: So glad your Onc appt. went well!!!! Now hopefully you can enjoy the summer and put all worries (ya, right!) away and have some fun!

    Puppy: I think I missed the results of the phone call you were awaiting. You have a Brain MRI scheduled? Please, Please fill me in. Love you!

    Well Girls, I went to the "other" thread last night and couldn't find who said whatever that had all upset. I didn't lurk long...........I came home and am staying. I just don't trust so many of the other threads.

    Kristen: Got it! Internet gone last night!

    Colleen: I always TRY to travel light...........doesn't happen! Have a wonderful and safe trip!

    Mena: You seem in very good spirits......never got the chance to know you before now..........but am so glad to have the oppotunity!! You have a CT Scan and Brain MRI scheduled? Blessings to you.

    Peter: Dear over us all night long. So, is 'Pinkstock' at your place next year???? Laughed my butt off over 'no name' eating your keyboard!!

    Shirley: Infusion went without a hitch! YEAH!!!! I think you are having a bone scan today and an upcoming Colonoscopy. We're flying with you! I just keep stalling on the Colonoscopy............not the fear of the procedure, the fear of the 'what ifs.'

    Anne: I didn't have a port.......but from what I've heard you will be glad when it is gone. Funny (not) how we look at our treatments as supportive...they become such a daily part of our lives and I think we just feel safer at the time. Lunch soon I hope!

    Shokk: The Flooding in Texas is terrible! I worry about you girls that way, and for all the families involved. Wicked Witch, eh? I'll have to see what I can do!!!!

    Liz: You too. Are the floods near you? How's the Dog Bite? Here's my Bite story.............I was the shift case manager at a small home for Traumatic Brain Injuries. It's been 6 years so some of the details are fading. (But not the scar!) Anyhow, I was putting a shirt on one patient, young guy about 33. Somehow when I reached across him he brought his head up (he is a quad) and bit my upper arm. Very small area, but he broke the skin. Immediately had to leave work and go to their clinic for "wound cleaning and tetnus shot."

    Geesh........ended up with the series of Hepatitis Shots and was tested for HIV for one year!!!! I told the Dr. at the place that I had been a good girl all these years and that if I contacted HIV from a HUMAN BITE I wasn't going to be a happy person! Alls well that ends well!

    I'll be back in a flash!
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007
    Morning everyone..

    I am off shortly to my oncology appointment..those are nevah fun...

    Betty, I too finished up with my arimidex last June. I didn't feel any more energetic, but that is me!! It felt kinda funny tho that I had actually finished treatment when I took that last pill..

    Peter..hallo down under!! Get a good night's sleep!!

    Iris..washing the car was one of the exercises that helped me after my mastectomy. And it actually accomplished something...what a concept!! Tennis was only a dream for two years..

    Don't have time to write more now...have to get going and into the all want me smelling pretty, don't you!!

    Hugs all around...SoCal
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    I'm back..

    Shokk: A second glance at the note beside your name says: Wicked Witch, melt make up and in ( )socallisa me too! WTH?
    I think it means that it took me forever to catch on to Southern California Lisa!! Not to bright in the midwest!!

    Robin: Your attitude is great.........get rid of the black cloud. You're NED, soon to be Free, and getting boobs! Relax a bit and let it all sink in. For the record....when I referred to the 6ft. rule...........I meant Cup size........not where your mind wandered!

    Marsha: My Dear Secret Pal! You have been so sweet and funny..........and I have to give you up. Thanks so much and you can still put a smile on my face with your upbeat posts!!

    G: Hope all goes well with appt. today. Abraxane, right?

    Deb: Gotta love them Mom's! You're beautiful dammit! What a sweet Hubby you have! Mine is pretty sweet himself (when he wants to be!) But the "getting lucky" part....uggggg. I know all you hormone deprived, p.... deprived are flipping in your seats right now! I think I need to make a trip to a 'adult shop' and see if they sell MOJO. God, I don't even know what that is........hope I didn't ask for something illegal!
    I personally don't know of any Mass shops around this part of the woods. But will definitely check into it for you. How long will you be floating around MI before heading to NY?

    Margo: Nice to meet you, good luck on Thursday and we will all be with you on the Magic Carpet. Scary thought huh!

    Charlene: Love the name AVA. Why I have the words '' after my note is a mystery to me! Blessings to your Mom and her surgery today.

    Amy: Glad to hear that your Dad is doing much better. Do you know when he meets with the Surgeon yet? Leaving for Maine Friday! Sounds great..........don't know about camping for 12 days though...........
    Your little Donkey bit you??????????????
    Letting you know that your niece is in the center of the circle and we are taking good care of her. So young for such a scare.

    Peter: Amy is right..........Vickie does a mean water bottle throw!!!!

    Vickie: Your Sarah is Beautiful! Hope she makes it to go with you to Pinkstock! I'd haul Nate off to the Doc if the bite doesn't go down today........probably a allergic reaction. Jump in that pool and try to stay cool!

    Always: LMBO over the post to Robin!! Evil doesn't stand a chance with all of us! And he doesn't deserve a chance. Lizard...........Not only would I have had the 'swat team' at my house to rid me of the pest.........the Vacuum cleaner would be out in the yard too!

    Mice: That is my big fear. No kidding..dead or alive..AND NO DO NOT SEND ME ANY LIVE, DEAD, OR FAKE MICE. 5 years ago, a mouse ran across my living room floor early in the morning. I freaked.........Standing in the living room with a broom and mousetrap I had a brief minute of bravery. Nope couldn't do I took my body out on the deck and panicked for a couple hours. Now, the slimy little thing ran into the bathroom............I hadn't showered for work yet. I called DH at work and he politely informed me that it would take him an hour and a half to get home. Whatever.........just get your butt here! Anyhooooo....with hime on the phone I went in grabbed my Scrubs for work and left. Stopped at the store and bought a toothbrush and toothpaste, comb, and basic makeup to get through the day!
    Haven't seen one since............or there would be a For Sale Sign in my yard! I'm so pathetic!

    Dang, this is long..........I'll be back!
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Good morning sweet chicas and good night our assie man.....well I guess everyone is pretty much seeing our weather on the news..........I have Direct TV so when the cells move thru we lose our signal.....but always have the weather radio on......Madison, Liz, and Jas beware some cells are moving North, then some Northeast and some directly east.......this stuff was suppose to end tomorrow and they have just changed the forecast and said we should expect 2 inches each day until Sunday.......they have put North Texas under a "state of emergency".....we have the Trinity river running thru the middle of Dallas and the National Guard headquarters is right down next to the river and this morning their parking lot is under water and the quards are saying that there are catfish in the parking lot swimming around.....ha........I'm not finish....brb.........

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2007
    Morning sister/brothers. Still hot here today. Snuck into my sis's pool and did an nice pool workout for arms and legs. Think I lost another 1/2oz!!!

    Marsha...Cheech & chong...I still have their albums!! Keep it with my Bill Cosby vinyls. Listen to them from time to time.

    Lisa...sorry you can't go foward with the herceptin. But not worth the future damage. It ain't the cancer that gets you but the side effects. I went through the whole year and will now worry because my dd dropped of a massive heart attack.

    Smelling SoCal all the way on the east coast!

    Peter...Send some more pictures of where you live? My son and his friend keep talking about go there. Son's friend's family is from Brisbane??

    Mena...waiting on news how yesterday went.

    NS...checking in on your progress. kisses...

    (((jankay))) hugs...

    Love to all
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    good morning A to Z. It's a lovely morning here in the hills. Sun is shining, birds are singing. Have to be at the hospital for injection for bone scan at 10:30, then scan at 2. Think I'll go shopping while I'm wasting time waiting. Headache gone this morning. No other ill effects. So all is good.
    Lake Tahoe is burning? Tahoe is only two hours from me. hmmmm maybe I should watch the news occasionally.

    Tricia, glad there is no necrosis.

    Margaret, I'm a little annoyed with my gyn cause he didn't tell me I should have one when I told him about my sister. Was the first thing my onc said when I told him. Onc referred me, they called yesterday to schedule consult next friday. Have mammo on tuesday so I guess I'm gonna have another busy week. I have come to hate this time of year.

    Madison, I get the feeling you need some extra hugs. HUGS HUGS HUGS HUGS HUGS HUGS HUGS HUGS HUGS HUGS HUGS
    How's that?

    Iris, we can start the "We hate McCaws" club. We'll be Founding Members, design funny hats, have our own song and everything.
    I was a grown up when I had my bad experience. Getting chomped when I was a kid would have given me nightmares for life. Stupid bird sent me to the ER. Tore the muscle on my arm.

    Cheri, when does the cast come off?

    Good night Peter, sleep well.

    Bye Colleen, have a great time.

    Nicki, yikes. Glad you weren't caught in the flooding. Give up my ambien? NEVER! I keeping it on standby. I'm pretty sure the headache was from the aredia. All gone now. The Donnatal is fabulous tho. Main issue I have at night is the flashing which makes me wake up. With the donnatal I'm not flashing so I'm sleeping. It is grand to close my eyes and not open them again till it's time to get up. Haven't done that in 3 years.
    Your stomach muscles may be weak (can I smack him), but I bet you have killer legs with all the walking you do.

    Betty, living on the edge can be exciting. Took a good month for all the SE to go away when I stopped arimidex. But I did start noticing life was a bit better after a few days. The first day I got out of bed and walked downstairs without pain was a day for celebrating.

    Vicki, my BIL is a fireman in Orlando. Want me to send him and a bunch of his fireman friends to your daughters house to knock some sense into her man?
    Baseball size bugbite can not be a good thing. Keep him doped up on bendaryl and call his doc. Did you get the stinger out?

    Jaz, I would be honored to have your lizard come for a visit. I'm sure all he will fit in with all my lizard friends who live on my porch.

    LisaE, I am so sorry you got such crappy news. You will be in my prayers daily.

    Charlene, your mom is in my prayers today.

    Good morning Puppy

    Jan, be careful working outside in the heat. 9mths? yikes thats a long recovery.

    Denise, indeed I am. Not stressed about it as it's only to make the broken rib official. I would love to read your notes. Bet they look like mine.

    Socal, thinking of you today. You can come wash my car anytime you like.

    Off to workout. Have a great day ladies. I'll see you this evening. Pray the monstrous machine doesn't break and squish me like a pancake.
    PS, to all you dear sisters who sent my sister cards. She says Thank You Very Much.