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  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Jas - I'm going to see what it looks like tomorrow and then go from there. Poor little guy is just so old. His teeth aren't that sharp.

    Does the vacuum cleaner have a bag? If so, just remove the bag while gripping towards the top and throw it in a garbage bag. I would have had a heart attack also.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    OK...are we still working on the list of reasons you should all move to Alaska with me???

    Number one was no poison ivy…

    #2 No lizards or snakes….

    Of course, we do have the pesky bears…but they are big enough you can see them coming…though you do need something bigger than a vacuum to zap one…LOL

    I guess it might be a trade-off

    I am feeling a bit more positive tonight. Thanks for letting me vent earlier. Some days it is just hard......I focused on getting a lot done today and it made me feel better.

    Bugs and fishes to everyone
    Deb C
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    new pictures of my DD...
    sleeping beauty

    Playing mermaid



    with her SIL Cara...Sarah on the left, Cara on the right.
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2007
    Night kids...Was just sitting out back on the deck and watching fireflies. Remember catching them as children and keeping them in a jar all lit up? I just love hot humid summer nights(outside) and come in to sleep in the air...
    Can't wait for 1 more month and hub and I will be sleeping out under the stars at Pinkstock.
    Blowing soft kisses to everyone with a quiet song to send everyone off to sweet dreams of happier days. xoxo
    Love to all
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Great pictures, Vickie! What was the mermaid thing though?

    I remember catching fireflies. It was like being in a fairy tale story with all the twinkling.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    I'm not sure about the mermaid thing...if it's a costume she used or a software program that makes it look like she's a mermaid...I'll have to ask her.
    she did professional photography for a while and has props and backgrounds so it could be one of never know with her.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    Oh darling hubby wins tons of points today. He knows i have been having a rough time the past week or so. My favorite florist just showed up with a dozen red roses and a card saying "You are always beautiful to me". OK...Now I am all teary-eyed. I guess I needed to hear that today. He is SO getting lucky tonight
    Deb C
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Oh kewl! You and you're daughter are very creative.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007

    How in the world did you do those beautiful mermaid photos??? They are SO cool...and DD is beautiful
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    thanks Deb...she is sooo beautiful and I think the most beautiful thing about her is the fact that she has no clue how beautiful she is! I'm not sure how she did the mermaid photo's but I will find out...these are her pictures that she sent me. I so hope she comes up for Pinkstock...I miss her sooo.

  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007

    That might be the fire that is about 25 miles from here Peter. It has burned almost 60,000 acres and over 80 cabins and sad...They have it about half contained right now.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    thanks Peter...It's really hot here and we've had no rain at all in our immediate area. My lawn is now brown, had a couple of hay wagons catch fire last weekend...lots of forest around us so hoping the we either get some rain before the fourth or everyone is really careful with fireworks (which are illegal but done anyways LOL)and campfires. In the county I live in its something like 65 percent state land...nothin but trees!
    Most of the fires lately have been in California and Alaska I think. Usually we have plenty of rain (more than our fair share actually)
    Have a good night all...gonna try to get some sleep...I'd sleep out on the deck but the coyotes make me nervous!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Oh Deb, what a sweet thing to do! You've got a keeper for sure. You are beautifu, dammit!

  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    There are some bad fires in Lake Tahoe, California too. It happens every year. Some areas are more dry than others.

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited June 2007
    Vicky-Your daughter is beautiful.
    Beth-How are you feeling?
    I am thinking of all of you. I've been working from home the last two days. I am going in the office tomorrow. DH is doing the day shift with Kevin and I will do the night. He is doing really well. Still very weak but doing well. I came down with a nasty stomach virus on Sunday. I am just now feeling better.
    My one year anniversery is coming up next month. I thought it would be a good feeling. I am feeling very nervous about it. Did anyone else feel this way? I should be happy I am made it to a year doing good.Everyone tells me it will take time.I have one more complaint for you.
    I noticed more brusing on my legs. Does Tamoxifen cause this?

    Thanks girls,you are always there when I need you.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    Wow...a third of the state?? That is huge! Yes, we have had smoke about half the time, when the wind is right. One day we actually had HUGE flakes of ash falling from the sky. Some were still in the shape of little twigs, but when you touched them they turned to ashy powder...too weird! I have been in ash storms from volcanoes before, but never from a forest fire. It kind of worries me that some of the ash might be hot enough to start another fire, but so far, so good…and we got a good rain, so that will help.

    Here is a link to some photos and info about the fire…
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Vickie - your daughter is gorgeous. Wonderful pictures. Wish I could send you some of this rain! I'm with shokk now - rain rain go away! I know GMA is going to be reporting from OKC tomorrow morning about all the floods here in OK.

    Peter - I don't do snakes either.

    Joyce - I fell apart at my one year. Had panic attacks and the whole nine yards. Sorry you're having a rough time. Hang in there. I'm not on Tamox so can't help ya there.

    Deb - how wonderful! Made me cry. You are beautiful!
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2007
    Vickie, your daughter is beautiful and I love the photos! The heat is terrible here too...and it is supposed to be 95 degrees and more humid tomorrow. Our lawn also looks awful. Usually it doesn't start drying out until July!

    Deb, hubby is a keeper! I'm going to go tell my DH about the nice thing that your guy did for you. If there's one thing my mom taught me, it is how to be passive aggressive.

    Joyce, I am so glad to hear that Kevin is doing well!

    Peter, thanks for protecting us from all the varmits!

    Liz, take good care of that bite!

    Jaz, please keep us updated...I'm dying to hear how one removes a lizzard from a small appliance. Oh, and while you're distracted with the lizzard, I'm going after Orlando Bloom!

    Well, DH made me take an ambien after several days of insomnia and only a couple of hours of sleep each night. I'm starting to feel a little loopy, so I better go.

    Goodnight and sweet dreams! Love and hugs to all of you!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited June 2007
    Hello Amy, it's great meeting you! Thank you!

    Pam, it's nice meeting you as well!

    Theresa, no, my twin and I didn't always get along but probably because we're fraternal. Had some sibling rivalry going in our teenage years. I was the party girl and she joined youth group. Although I now know they did enough partying of their own! But it was appearances! lol Identical twins and multiples are just fascinating to me. Amazing how some are just mirror images of each other!

    Shirley, lol my 8 year old will wipe my kiss off if it feels wet and insist on a redo! Unfortunately she stopped napping by the time she turned 2 and I'm afraid her little sister is following in her footsteps! She's just like her in so many ways! sigh .... btw, an older sister of mine homeschools but I don't have it in me to do that. As much as they may have problems I still prefer the public school system!

    Liz, that's cool about your mom and cousins' kids. I also have a niece with identical twin boys and I don't ever know which is which! It's really quite an amazing thing!

    Deb, I just want to tell you that I'm fascinated by anyone who lives in Alaska! It's such a beautiful state but how do you cope with the cold?!

    Wow Vickie, your daughter is beautiful! I'm jealous of that long shiny black hair!

    Well I have to agree with those who are minding the heat and humidity. I used to Love this kind of weather but suddenly it bothers me. I'm on Tamoxifen and have been having terrible knee pain and red swollen hot sore feet. Makes it difficult when you're a mom of a toddler! Hard to just sit down and put my feet up when I need to! lol Still, I prefer the warmth to the cold any day!

    Joyce, I believe I've heard that one bruises easier on Tamoxifen. I have a terrible pain in my elbow for 2 days that feels just like a bad bruise although I can't see it .. weird. I've only been on it for a month and a half though. Dealing with a lot of extra joint pain though.

    Cheri, you're cracking me up on that other thread! Gotta go check it out some more.

    Take care Everyone!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Yikes girls now I'm getting quilt anxiety. I do hope it lives up to everyones expectations. And that you will all be able to recognize your bras. I kinda cut em up in bits and peices.

    Deb, #1 and only reason not to move to Alaska....WINTER
    Definately a keeper you have there.

    Vicki, WOW!! She's a beauty. Her husband has got to be an idiot. Or blind!

    jaz, lizards are good. They eat bugs.

    Peter, yikes.

    Joyce, glad to hear Kevin is doing well. Tamox can make you bruise more easily. Also makes healing slower.

    Liz, hoping for dry days for you very soon.

    Sue, I'm pulling for the lizard. Poor little thing probably is soooo confused.

    Charlene, My sis and I aren't twins but we had the same issues. She was the "good girl" I was the black sheep. Only differenc between us was I got caught.

    Good Night ladies and Peter. Sleep well or have a great day. Whatever applies.
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited June 2007
    Good evening my friends,

    Thanks for the good wishes today. Everything was fine at the ps. The asst just told me to clean the area with a vinegar solution or Betadyne twice a day. It wasn't even necrosis.
    I was scheduled for my first fill after I get back from vacation in mid July, but since they squeezed me in today, she asked if I wanted one. Woohoo!!! My magical inflatable boob is growing! When I look down, I can swear I see the beginning of cleavage.
    Once again, I have to go to bed now. I feel bad not responding to you all, but I have read all 100 posts since last evening!
    Hugs and prayers to my circle buddies.
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2007
    118 new posts since I logged in....where do I start?

    Peter, you are too funny - noname was almost no more huh? The colonoscopy prep will be a little easier I think so I can take pills instead of drink all that goop. The fires have been in Lake Tahoe on my side of the country and it's pretty bad.

    Jankay, you should still be able to find a caregiver who can do all of that. They get paid the same whether they are taking care of you or driving your kids somewhere. Hope today went better for you.

    Nicki, I have to tell you, you have the best pics. Ok, did taebo this morning. Have to continue this every morning. I have no excuse not to since hubby leaves for work so early except I'm playing on the computer. Is that the epitome of laziness - laying in bed with the laptop and a cup of coffee, reading this thread!

    Boo/Sue, you get to meet Shirley and Marsha. You ladies will have so much fun. Congrats on your results.

    Colleen, packing light is when you work for the airlines and fly standby. You have to have carry-on luggage.

    Mena, good to see you post. You are missed.

    Shirley, my ob/gyn recommended the colonoscopy doc; he said that was who he was going to see when he turns 50.

    Silka, great avatar.

    Anne, I loved having my port but I wanted it out too especially since a lot of the time it couldn't be flushed so I would leave the infusion center in tears because I was so frustrated.

    Hi Margo, and welcome. Good luck Thursday. I had a bilateral with free tram reconstruction; with my clothes on, you would never guess what I have been through. My husband always felt my name was too formal and old fashioned for me so he has never called me by my name - he's always called me Margo, so depending on which group of friends I'm with, they'll call me Margo or Margaret. He he he, I'm reading the posts and keep seeing Margo and have to stop and realize it's not me everyone is saying hi to. We have a magic carpet ride - we pick up everyone who can go on the virtual ride to be with whoever is having procedures. Cheri usually drives but have to warn you to watch out for her loops de loops.

    Robin, has it been a year already?

    Amy, your niece is in the center of the circle. Have fun camping. Glad dad is doing better.

    Z, a spot has been cleared in the middle for you. You're in my time zone so I can join you tomorrow - Cheri, feel like driving the magic carpet?\

    Liz, were you reading the panty thread? If not, check it out, it's hilarious.

    Deb, hugs to you. Yep, hubby deserves to get lucky tonight.

    Vickie, is that your daughter? She's gorgeous.

    Jas, love the pic.

    Ok, I just finished all the posts - how long have I been reading and taking notes? It's not 8:50 and I think I started around 6:45 and cooked some dinner in there too. I'm going to take a walk around the perimeter and tuck everyone in (well, except Peter but I can tuck you in when I get up in the morning).

    Night to everyone from Amy to Z.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Oh my, can't catch up with the posts...
    welcome all that are new
    shokk-hide in the closet-just saw the weather...grab Liz..then I'll come 'cause its heading this way
    will try to lift this fog I'm in and post tomorrow
    Night all...
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    Happy Tues evening/Wed-- Peter! Hello to all our Circle People...Hot day today;not much humidity--take heat any day over Southern summer humidity! I went back one day and hope I didn’t miss anyone--if I did,a big hi from NC! Thank you for allowing me to save my sanity as I stay “out of the way”.Did any of you hear that as children when big jobs were going down??? LOL

    Margo…welcome! You are at the right place with lots of support and friendly people. Best wishes on your surgery Thur. I saw Beth has already written to you;that is why this thread is so special.
    Charlene…It does have a comforting and home-like feel here. Denise is so right abt that;always wanted to be a twin;how neat!
    Puppy…glad that the dr’s off called and you received your date for the scheduled test on July 9th.

    Colleen…I’m so w/Vickie on this one and could easily fit into a large suitcase! You and Warren enjoy Nassau!!!
    Shirley…glad the infusion went well;still hate that macaw,too! Thought I would mellow abt it…wrong! I think he had it in for short little kids w/fat legs! There are two of us w/same fear…good to find a new bud;everyone thought I was crazy(I am--whatever!)
    Peter…hi to you and hope your day is going well;funny abt No Name…was he too”keyed up” after destroying the keyboard?I know not that “punny” to you replacing the keybd.

    Boo/Sue…CONGRATS!!! I know you are feeling so relieved and so glad you shared the good news.
    Vickie…as all have commented…Sarah looked swimmingly beautiful…mermaid! WOW! Love it when stuff from last summer fits!Hope you will soon feel much better. Loved that photo w/the blowing of bubbles…all super pics!! Haven’t forgotten Nate,pls tell him for me. J
    Marsha..neat pics of you;you have a lovely smile and funny wit!
    Nicki…how was the workday after vac? Won’t be long before the 4th week.

    Betty…smiling abt the OJ comment(in fridge);hope your test goes well this wk.
    Robin…your cleaning sounds so wonderful;did some yesterday;cleaning the fridge--me,too on that score.
    Jankay…your day sounded like it was going better;I'm glad.
    Margaret…great doing all that exercise;it does make me have more energy. What is Comcast? You're right abt the group's posts--I just love to read and I am so wordy!!!

    Cheri…Ma Cheri Amour…I always think of that Stevie Wonder song and prob was written for you,right? Thanks for helping me with a tough day! You are a kind lady to be so comforting and caring;Jen’s husband really appreciated your kindness.
    Susan…thanks for helping me with the Not So Secret Pals…you are so thoughtful and considerate. are so right,my stuff does reproduce during the night…rememb that movie abt “Gremlins”? LOL
    Lisa…Wow! Good for you to play tennis and washing the car.

    Denise…hope your wrist is not as painful;painters nearly drove me out-of-my crazy mind today! Spoke too soon yesterday,didn’t I? Your husb doing it sounds better and better,trust me! I know the dryer door is a little creative;however,it was real unique! How was the visit w/your granddaughter--lovely child! Also,thanks for asking abt my parents--everything was fine this wk--so far.
    Amy…hi and enjoy the Maine camping;will think of your niece and so sorry that she is going through it. Great news abt your dad.
    Suz….hi to you in Wisconsin and hope the family is well. Is your son still attending camp this wk?
    Beth…good luck to you and your husb on your dr’s visits tomorr

    Tricia…hope the trip to Key West goes well tomorr;glad the PC visit went well;reading 100 posts--that’s great!
    Theresa…still see lightning bugs;but not like yrs ago;fireflies just not here like they were;still rememb catcing them.
    Liz--Hi from another only child;how is your arm today?
    Anne…remembering when you came on the bds last yr;the Mich thread and the Chemo girls…a yr sure has gone by so quickly. Guess it has for you,too. Have you decided on a specific style of house yet?

    Deb…roses are so wonderful;what a caring and terrific husband to appreciate his “gift”! Enjoy!
    Joyce..good to hear that Kevin continues to make good progress;thinking of you and your family.
    Mena…hope the brain mri and ct scan went OK today;thinking of you today.
    Pam…so with you on not sleeping well many nights..tonight’s another Ambien night! Some nights,I just need that med.
    purblemb…funny abt neighbors running when you drive up.

    Kristin…the anxiety factor is annoying;best to you and love your music!
    shokk…totally w/you on the hotflashes,the humidity and rain! WOW! Texas has been on the news so much lately.
    Doris…gag me w/a spoon…poor brother! Putting that barfy stuff in the fridge…did I read that right? Poor kids…
    Cy--hate the invalid posts stuff;Word saves me as that is so much work to lose it.
    Sheri…enjoy the vac in FL with family; have fun w/Boo/Sue and Marsha when you visit.
    Jasmine…Leaping Lizard(s)…call Daddy Warbucks and Annie…swept under the rug w/vaccum--prob out the door.

    Z…thinking of you and so sorry that you work,med appts and Mom have been stressors this wk. Hoping for a better Wed.
    Jan…have fun at your party! Sounds like good fun/food!
    Gina…too funny--not arrested yet are you talking abt your friend’s husb?
    Madison…how are you and hope it is not as humid. Miss you and hope you are not working too hard--prob you are still making all those beautiful afghans. I think I just saw a post and am going to read it now.

    Lini..glad that you are feeling better and that you lost the 3 lbs(I think I read that on another thread).
    Gus/Sue…hope the basement is cleaned-out and all the presents unveiled.
    Christine…you are so right that I feel the connections with the Circle People are in my heart.

    Amy to Z--so creative,Ms. Cheri….Good Night,everyone!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Good evening all. I have way too much time on my hands. I'll be glad to get this cast off my leg and start walking again. I don't know what I'd do without this computer.

    Boo,Congrats! So happy your enzymes are normal.

    Kristin, I don't want to re-live my anniversary date and the past year so I don't even know dates of anything just the month and year. It was good that you didn't realize it til in the day so you didn't have to dread it. I guess it causes some of the girls stress. I just choose to ignore it.

    Shirley, when I get really sleepy I guess it doesn't matter what I'm doing. I've woke up like you have, with the phone in my back or in my hand. lol

    Z, awwww sweetie, come to the middle of the Circle and we'll keep you safe. It's going to be alright tomorrow at your Ultra Sound, we'll be there holding your hand. I know you're worried but try and rest.

    Vickie, let somebody else pick the party place. Or we could just show up at someones house uninvited. We've been known to do that. Beautiful pics of Sara. I know you're so proud of her.

    Liz, Mike said the youngest child slept with him since Jen passed. You know we had so much fun in the middle of the night in chat by ourselves, but it sure would've made it less painful if we hadn't got so close. But I wouldn't take it back, she was exceptional.

    Goodnight to everyone from Amy to Z. May you sleep well.

    Mena, sure wish I'd been on when you were today, sorry I missed you. Good to see you posting my dear friend.

    Gina, glad to see you around too.

  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    Hey Michigan any of you know a great shop in MI for mast bras and forms? Mine fit for crap and I want to try someone new. I thought i might shop around while I am in MI before Pinkstock. I will be in the greater Detroit area and up near Houghton Lake....

    Deb C