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  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Denise you crack me up. I have a few mouse stories of my own. Hate the nasty little vermin.

    Shokk, O my gosh. How scary that all sounds. Be safe.

    Theresa, you still have vinyl? wow!

    Really outa here now, see you latr.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Back again!!
    Geez, I've got cheek rider undies on and they are driving me nuts! (bet you're glad I shared that!)

    Cheri: I'm sure the boredom is getting to you, but it will be worth it in the end. Your appt. in Iowa is Tomorrow, right? How is the swelling in the other leg? Are you staying for the night or doing a one day trip again?

    Kristen: I didn't realize your DH had Colon Cancer at the same time as you were DX'd. What a year for both of you..makes your singing all the more special!

    Joyce: Hope you are feeling better. I'm sure you are run down........but I am so happy to hear that Kevin is doing very well!! I think we all get nervous with cancerversary dates...and follow up appts. Part of the "new normal." You'll do fine.

    Gus: DH is feeding you Ambien!! Hope it is working. I take Phenegren at night. Don't know if it works or not....just a generic Benedryl I think.

    Shirley: The quilt will be beautiful! Can't wait to see pictures after Pinkstock! Wish I was going to see it in person...........still thinking!

    Tricia: The Boobs are growing!! WOOHOO, you go girl! Glad all went well at the PS and there is no infection!

    Iris: Good job keeping up with all!! My wrist will be fine. Just chalking it up to another "PLUS" with the Femara. If it is still like that the first of the week I might have it looked at............only to be told what I already know!

    Peter: Probably sound asleep!! Thanks for the Cool Wed. picture!! So you're having winter now?

    Madison: Still thinking....(scary in itself!)....trying to put together something in my head....(even scarier!) and present the idea to DH! I just feel so guilty cuz I haven't seen my DS since Sept., feel like the next trip should be to see him. However, he is getting married in Nov and we will be back out there then......was gonna bring him home, but his job comes first. (my thinking, not his!) Going to AZ in July or Aug doesn't sound good either.

    Z: Pulling and tugging to get you out of the dumps. Please come here and let us and aging parents are both hard to deal with. Medical problems on top causes alot of emotions. Good luck and a prayer for you.

    I've been at this for hours and I've still missed many. If I stay any longer the post will be "invalid" or something equally frustrating!
    The Vacuum Cleaner is still sitting exactly where I left it on Monday...........Gotta get my butt in gear!

    Before I forget........I am going to Indiana Friday Morning to meet up with 3 High School Friends. First time we've all been together in like 15 years! I'll be gone until Sunday night and then we are going to the African Safari Zoo in Ohio on Monday. Will be home either Monday Night or Tuesday Morning.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Denise we were posting at the same time.......hey we are all smart intelligent beautiful (Deb) women dammit....Deb your post yesterday about your mom's comment was classic....quick story about my dad (of course Deb I have to make your post about me) when I was little my dad was litteraly the image you have of a Texas Lawyer......big man cowboy boots unlit cigar hanging out of the corner of his mouth talking like he has marbles in his mouth with a strong southern accent......when he was sixty had elective sugery on his discs in his neck and in the process had a major hospital for two months not expected to live.....anyway recovers and in the process loses about 80 lbs went from about 250 down to 171 at 6'3".......anyway growing up I looked just like him.....tall but until I was thirty yrs old weighed in at pregnant with first daughter and gained about 65 lbs....never really lost dad for the last 19 yrs has made "kind" remarks about my weight always asking my how my "diet" is going wether I have been on a "diet or not" Deb you made my day yesterday......its so nice to know we share so much more then bc.....everyday life is never promise.....

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Morning kids,

    Will someone PLEASE take this rain away? My backyard looks like a pool now. This is now the type of pool I wanted. LOL

    Haven't read anything yet. Need to go call BCBS about my FIL insurance. They got a letter yesterday saying they were going to be sued soon. Time to get into the "nasty" mode and take care of this.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited June 2007
    GM ladies & so much to catch up on...
    (((lisaelder))...please take care....
    Angel.....I'm sure your mom will do fine, she has to look out for you....hugs for you and prayers for her....'t that what we parents are supposed to do...hmmm...not me..or at least I hope not..cuz I was never just right in my parents eyes...hugs and just know you are just right the way you are...
    Denise..thanks for the GD is always picking her undies out be they only make wedgie undies now... your DD is lovely...just wanted to remind you of how much you are loved here...
    Margo welcome..we do get a little crazy...and even for us old hands its hard to keep up...
    Peter...hmmm...sleeping while we are awake and watching over us while we rest...what a great brother...
    to all A to Z...hugs and pryaers...just know that you are loved and feel the warmth of our hugs...
    Ok those not attending PINKSTOCK...aare you interested in sending me video so I can play it Saturday eve...?...if so PM...we would so love to share the evening with you ,,,if not in person then in video...(ps nothing we can;t show while kids are
  • Silka
    Silka Member Posts: 45
    edited June 2007
    I allowed my weak flesh to overcome my spiritual nature. I am sorry.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Ya know, one of the things for the wagon circle is that we keep disputes out of it. I will let people decide this for themselves and let things fall as they may.

    At least, it is now posted in public that I have given you a written request for no further contact. If you persist in disregarding this request, I will feel free to use it for legal proceedings to stop the stalking behavior.
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Doris I don't know what to say. I am basically non-confrontationalist, except with dh's ex-wife. Sent you a pm.

    Just flying in and out between docs appts. PS pulled my stitches out. Ringo is still hanging in. PS said it is looking better, color of fluid is where it should have been weeks ago if I had not had an infection. Still on antibiotics till next Tuesday when I go again. I also told him Vickie thought he was a hottie and he blushed!

    {{{{{LISA}}}}} Just let Puppy take over with her angels!

    See you all later! Gotta take dh to his appt.
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2007

    Oh, NOT in the Circle, please!!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007

    I very respectfully and with love in my heart ask both of you to take this elsewhere to solve the problem. This is not the place.....

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    Lisa- I just wanted to send you a big hug. I know a gal that had big heart problems on herceptin that WENT AWAY after she was off the drug for a few months. I know that stopping the meds is scary, and the heart problems are scary too...but they may resolve with time. Take a deep breath, gather all the info you need and let us know what we can do to help.

    Someone wanted to know the "bugs and fishes" story....I have a friend with little boys and they never wanted "girly" Hugs and kisses from their they came up with "bugs and Fishes". It is just a silly little thing that makes me smile....SO

    Bugs and Fishes to all
    I'll be back later
    Deb C
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    iam with lini "not here"

    u guys can settle elsewhere. when i read thhe post my mouth dropped open
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited June 2007

    Just stopping by briefly to say thank you to all my CG's! I'm better today, so far. I go to ultrasound at 1:30 - who's along for the ride?

    Sorry to hear the discord on the board, there is enough crap out there for us to contend with - the circle is supposed to be our sanctuary - and no one leaves.

    Hi to Lini!!!

    Hi to Jankay!!!

    Peter this is for you:

    I'm not sure if I have shared this piece with you all, it's one of my favorites, so I dedicate it to all of you today (Peter, you too):

    To the women on my journey
    Who showed me the ways to go and ways not to go,
    Whose strength and compassion held up a torch of light
    and beckoned me to follow,
    Whose weakness and ignorance darkened the path and encouraged me
    to turn another way.

    To the women on my journey
    Who showed me how to love and how not to live,
    Whose grace, success and gratitude lifted me into the fullness
    of surrender to God,
    Whose bitterness, envy and wasted gifts warned me away
    from the emptiness of self-will

    To the women on my journey
    Who showed me what I am and what I am not,
    Whose love, encouragement and confidence held me tenderly
    and nudged me gently,
    Whose judgement, disappointment and lack of faith called me
    to deeper levels of commitment and resolve.

    To the women on my journey who taught me love
    by means of both darkness and light.

    To these women I say bless you and thank you from the
    depths of my heart,
    for I have been healed and set free
    through your joy and through your sacrifice.

    Rev. Melissa M. Bowers

    Have a great day beauties/handsome!!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Hey Ms Z -- how are you today? Thanks for the lovely poem. How are the negotiations going?

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited June 2007
    Charlene, your mom is in my thoughts and prayers for a successful procedure and a speedy recovery!

    Lisa, CHF! I am sorry you have to go through all of this. But you are strong and you will persevere. One day at a time, sister!

    Jan, my brother had knee surgery a few years back and it also took him about a year to completely heal. However, he was healed enough within a few months that he could move around pretty normally and just had to be kinda careful to not re-injure it. He wore a brace for a while which helped too.

    Denise, you are just the sweetest! I love reading your posts. Thanks for being there!

    SoCalLisa, good luck at your onc appointment today!

    Amy, so glad to hear that your dad continues to get stronger!

    Deb, what can I say? Moms! My mom does a number on my self-esteem from time to time, too. And I really think that she thinks she is helping. Ugh! I wonder if I am destined to do that to my kids! I hope not!

    Shokk, I hope you make it unscathed through the storms and that sunnier weather is headed your way! (But not too hot!)

    Tgirl, good to see you, sister! How's it going?

    Shirley, happy bone scanning. Positive vibes going out for good results!

    As far as the 'conflict' goes, I would also respectfully ask that it be taken elsewhere. The Circle is really the only place I visit regularly on this site, and it would be a shame if I could not enjoy the companionship and support of my sisters anymore.

    Update on the job - the posting finally showed up, so I applied! Now I just have to wait again. There will probably be rounds of interviews….it will be weird to interview with people that I have worked with for over 10 years. But you do what you gotta do!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Kristin -- keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you!

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Ok guys sure enough getting close to lunch time and it is dark as night outside and getting ready to let lose once again.....since I am not a chatter I am so clueless as to what goes on in actual time on these boards but do know love Alwayshope and don't know Doris so whatever happens Jas please don't go anywhere.......didn't you offer to send my a platoon boat?????? So sweet.......anyway LisaE I will be glad to share my heart with you......since I'm not her+ don't really understand it all but Nicki can probably share with you her experience.......I think she decided not to do the herptian (sp)......I get so tired of being scared all the

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Shokk...that was a pontoon the party maybe you can load up on the blue drinks and float downstream.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Okay so meanwhile back at the peaceful ranch. Update on my dog bite: it looks better today so I think it will be fine. I really need to go to the grocery store. I so hate doing it. I need to find a boat first! LOL

    LisaE – I am so sorry you are having such a hard time. Know that we are all here for you and have you in the middle of the circle. Gentle hugs my friend.

    Shokk – wow – the parking lots are filling up. The meteorologist from GMA was in OKC this morning. Stay safe.

    Nicki – how scary. Water on the roadways and flooding is bad. Hope you are safe today while you are out driving.

    Jankay – so good to hear your voice earlier. You sound great today.

    Robin – REST! You are making me tired.

    Mena – waiting for an update.

    Cheri – just remember this is going to help you become active again and you’ll be running circles soon.

    Tricia – I remember watching my boobs “grow”

    Sher – howdy! Hope you have a productive day of shopping.

    Jas – have you removed the crime scene tape yet?

    Z – beautiful poem. Thank you for sharing.

    Jan – with all this rain, I need to mow again. Problem is the lawn mower will sink.

    Kristin – crossing fingers and toes for you to get that job.

    Peter – I feel so safe knowing that I have a brother watching out for me overnight.

    Vickie – poor Nate. I am allergic to bee’s/wasps etc. I swell up pretty bad at the site. Hope he’s okay. Let us know what you find out. Give him a big hug from Aunt Liz.

    Charlene – hugs to you and your mom.

    Denise – a human bite. Glad all turned out well for you. I am very impressed with your posts.

    Lisa – hope you get a good report from the oncologist today.

    Madison – you get extra special hugs today. What’s wrong? Anything I can help with?

    Okay – everyone from Amy to Z have a great day. It’s stopped raining for a bit and I’m headed out.

    I’ll check in later.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007

    Deb and Lini, I agree. Take this somewhere else. The circle is a warm safe place. Please!

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    I have no idea where I got platoon boat???????but yeh sounds like a winner.....except for the blue drinks.....not a drinker but if this weather keeps up I'm heading for shots of tequila.............

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    You can also put some ice on the bee sting until you can get to the doc. Are y ou sure it was a bee? Some wasps are even more toxic than bees and can cause bad reactions. Big hugs to Nate

    Deb C
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Oh and I would love to have Antonio Banderas serve them to me.......ha.........

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Shokk....kewl innertube!
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    Hi Z,

    I am so with you at your appt(that would be what 4:30PM)on the East Coast? Just look over your middle name is Angel,too. Hope work issues soon will be resolved. All the best!

    Thinking of you,
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited June 2007
    UFCW Negotiations Update - we are back at the tables today with the employer, hopefully with our 95% strike authorization, the employers will come prepared to get this contract done. My hope and prayer is that by July 4th we will have a good contract - Do you hear me Goddess???

    Thanks for asking.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    Hey dear ladies and Peter...
    It is a beautiful day here and I need to get off the computer and go enjoy it. I have found that when I am having a rough time I spend more time than is exactly healthy on the web. I'm going to try and cut the umbilical cord for a few hours and get out of the house. I hope you all have a beautiful day.

    Bugs and Fishes
    Deb C
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Ok sweet chicas and chico going to attempt to run home for lunch and check on my chicas......will check back in when I everyone Amy to Miss Z.........bbl alligators....

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Z -- please keep us updated. We miss seeing you in the circle.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Deb - have a grand day! You are beautiful!

    Z - oh I hope things go well with the negotiations. Let us know how your U/S goes also.