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  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Good afternoon Amy to Z! (I like that!)

    I just got done mowing and for crying out loud, it's friggin' 94 degrees outside. I am totally wilting. I jumped in the pool for a minute and now I'm in the air conditioning. Whew!!! They are calling for thunderstorms later on. Tomorrow we are supposed to get really bad storms. I guess it's all that bad weather that Shokk is getting.

    Denise, I can so relate to the losing of the mind, lol! Not a blonde though. You're wearing cheek rider undies??? That must feel real good !

    SoCal, I hope your onc appt. went well. I know how we all hate those.

    Margo, I'm not sure if I said hello to you yet, so "hi!". This is a crazy, wonderful place to hang out!

    Shokk, wow, you have certainly had more than your fair share of bad weather this year. I keep seeing all the flooding on the news. It seems like there is a story almost every night.

    Marsha, I love Cheech and Chong also. My favorite is Nice Dreams, when they are dealing pot out of the ice cream truck . The scene when Cheech is in the mental hospital in the straitjacket still puts me into hysterics.

    Charlene, my son has fraternal twin daughters. They look so much alike, that people think they are identical. As they are getting older, they are starting to look a little different now.

    Amy, have a great time in Maine! I really can't wait for my trip now. I've never been there. Who's watching Mazer the Tazer and the rest of the menagerie???

    Peter, hmm, maybe Pinkstock should be at your house next year!

    Liz, yeah, he will be able to move around, but like you said, he has to be careful for a year. I had knee surgery when I was 15. They removed my whole meniscus. All my life I have been bone on bone and now I need a replacement. Not doing that until I am crawling!

    Z, thanks for the beautiful post.

    Puppy, hugs and prayers for you.

    OK, gotta go right now. BBL
    Hugs to all I missed!
    Bugs and Fishes, Deb!
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Hi everyone: I think I got the cleaning fever started.Way to go gals.I cleaned the carpet yesterday afternoon and now all I have to do is the frig.and I gotta stop talking about it and do it.My knee is killing me today as well as my shoulder.I have got to go see someone else to get these fixed.So much for pain and suffering huh?

    Lisa:way to go gal!!

    Jaz:No waiting on the posse to get together and bring the wagon train here.Loved the pic though..

    Marsha:sorry dont have the energy right now.But later I can be bought lol..All I charge is a trip to the beach.

    Nicki:thank you,I still cant believe Roza is gone.She was so sure she was going to beat this thing.I have spent the morning crying and grieving for her.I worry about her kids also.Poor Roza had a DH about like mine.We were planning on someday me coming to boston and me and her having a wonderful time.

    Vicki:Your daughter is beautiful.Where does she live? far away from you?

    DebC:I would love to move there with you,but my ole joints cant stand the cold.

    Charlene: I am h aving horrible knee pain also.I had plain xrays done a few weeks ago and it showed a bone spur.Whatever it is I cant hardly get up and down.and my washer and dryer is downstairs.My left shoulder was broken while I was in surgery for a port replacement in march.The didnt give me enough anesthesia and had to get "rough with me" or so the sugeron said.I am in the process of looking for an attorney to take my case.Gotta get one from out of town that is obvious.

    Margaret.Yes,it will be a year in august.I dont remember the exact date.But this thread was started just a few days after.Remember then I have 12 spots on my liver and was given two months to live.I will never forget the look on Karen's face when he said that.But God has other plans.

    Jan:I have had my feet up for almost 3 years.I gotta get back in shape,loose this weight and get ready to let the good times roll..Maybe you can teach me to ride a bike and I can get one for myself.that would be so much fun.I would have to get one with a side car for max though..

    Madison:Is there anything I can do to help you?I will in anyway I can you mean so much to me.Know that I am praying for you.

    LisaE:I am so sorry about the herceptin.What about avastin? It is for women who have failed herceptin therapy or cant take it like you.I think about you a lot and constantly pray for you..

    Denise.May I ask what you do for a living?About the 6ft rule,it has been a very long time as you might have guessed by my jumping to conclusions.AHHH,,what was it anne hendrix said? These dream......

    SoCalLisa:Good luck today,let us know how it went.Praying for you.

    MB:I love your tatoo.The 3 of us are going to get one soon.If we ever have time to go somewhere decent together.I cant wait.I just love yours.Did it hurt? What can I expect.Dont know if i can scan ours when we get em but will take pictures of the..

    well thats all for now.Gonna get Noelle to take some quiet time.Tomorrow I will have both of them.Jasmine stays at tesla's dads house on her days off to keep trouble down.
    which reminds me.

    Jaz:Do you think the posse can do more than one when the wagon train comes??

    Bye for now.Shokk:Send us some rain.It has been almost 2 months since we have had any to speak of and the yard is dying.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    ok...poppin in quick before i lose my internet point in comin to work if I can't get here and make sure all is well. No time to read other than to tell Shokk to come on up rain! No boats needed unless you want to go out on one of the lakes. Be safe ok!
    Nate's leg isn't any better, a little worse...he got bit on Monday so it should be getting better by now. It's about the size of a flat grapefruit now (only way I can describe how big it is)with a white spot in the center and is turning a bit blue around the white spot(and he's a little guy so this looks really huge on his poor little leg)...thinking spider bite...have a call in to the doctors so I'm waiting to see what they sis will take him since I am not "allowed" to leave work today!
    Z...sending prayers...gonna post before I lose connection and hugs all...
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Robin...we can handle both jobs for the price of one!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Oh Vickie - let us know how Nate is and what you find out. Could very well be a spider bite. Bless his heart.

    I know I haven't gone to the grocery store yet. LOL I just might not do it today. Hehehehehe

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007

    Wow Vickie! Please let us know how Nate makes out at the dr. (((Nate)))

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    Jas - I love a good bargain! LOL

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    Hey Vickie!
    Just read abt Nate and sure have him in my thoughts! Be sure to let us know what the dr says. So sorry---I am thinking of you and same I said to Z,my mid name is Angel. So,I'm thinking abt Nate,too.

    Love ya,
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Hugs Vickie...I hope antibiotics will clear that up for Nate. It does sound more like a spider bite.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Vickie - the more I think about this - sounds like a spider bite with cellulitis. Hope you hear something soon.

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2007 careful with a spider bite. Can get nasty. Let us know.xoxo

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Here's pics of my new car. It's dirty from all this rain. Can you tell my hubby is an OU fan? LOL The garage isn't finished yet either.


  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Wow, its awesome! It looks like a sports car.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited June 2007
    Leaving now to see what I get.
    Supposed to be Abraxane unless my insurance backed out and then it will be Taxotere.
    I am driving myself so they better not give me anything like last week.
    Wanted to share a couple of things since I can't catch up...
    Last night we had five police cars on our street. They were "looking for someone on the loose" ON THE LOOSE? from where?

    It was about 11 and around 12 they all left. They left WITHOUT the person on the loose. I locked every door and window and turned on every light in the house... even the oven light.

    Second- my air conditioner is broken again and the repairman came this morning. I do not know this man from Adam and he turns to me and says, "My mother told me you are in chemo. How is that going?"
    AND YOU ARE??? AND WHO IS YOUR MOTHER???? This town is WAAAY too small.

    Lastly- my sister is in town to visit her friends. She stopped by yesterday to see me for about an hour. She is looking at my legs and asked me. "What do you use on your legs? Nair? Neet? They have no hair on them."

    I am sitting in baseball cap with no hair on my head and half my eyelashes and eyebrows gone. HELLO?

    OK- I am done griping.

    Nervous as heck to go to this appointment today. After being allergic to Benadryl anything is possible.

    Love to all,
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    G - we'll all be there with you. Let us know how it goes. I would have turned all the lights on also. That's scary. Sometime people sharing things is a bit scary also. As far as your sister - hmmmmm.

    Thanks Jas - it is cute isn't it?

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Ah hugs, NS. They did not give me benadryl for the taxotere so you should be okay to drive.

    That's really scary about the police thing. Maybe you should look into getting an alarm system.

    Most people are clueless about the SE of chemo. A newbie I was chatting with thought it only affected head hair.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    Hello Circle girls and guys,

    Tgirl-my neice is staying and taking care of all the "kids". My little pups, 2 rat terriers and 1 chihuahua is going to my moms and Bean the Boston Terrier is flying with us. Everybody should be good to go or at least I hope so. I sure hate worrying about them.

    Betty-love your description of "living on the edge".

    Lisa-Headed to a very small town in Maine called Montville. Its not too far from Belfast so its would be the southeast side. Flying into Augusta and will visit Rockland Maine also. SO parents own the many acres and her whole family will be there camping with us. Fun, fun fun! Deep woods of Maine, nothing better.

    Shokk-I just died laughing when I read the first line of one of your post,,talk about typo,,lol,,assie man. Is there something about Peter that you know and we dont?

    Z-Mazer is driving today for your ultrasound. Shes not very careful so hang on.

    Silka-One good thing about Maine is that there is no poisonous snakes, unlike Alabama. We have all the nasty ones down here.

    Adrionna-loved the mice story. I dont like those at all nor do I like opossums which are big mice to me. Got home from work one afternoon and called SO to see how close she was to being home. She said probably about 15 minutes or so maybe longer. I said, well I will be here waiting for you in the truck cause theres a possum on the porch. She laughed and for some strange reason thought I was joking. There I was reading a book in the truck when she got home. Once when I was younger I was in the bathroom and closed the door and a mouse was behind the door. I screamed, jumped up on the vanity and yelled for my mother to save me. I would do the same thing today if it happened also.

    Deb-what else do you have in your garden besides greens? Nothing better than home grown veggies.

    Robin-oh my gosh, the visual I got of you driving with a side cart and Max beside you with goggles on was priceless.

    Cheri-Forgot to tell you that my mother always sang that song to me also and I sang it to my son.

    Beth-Is the ravioli lasagna hard to make? Sounds good but I dont like to spend forever in the kitchen. If simple, wouldnt mind the receipe either.

    Liz & Vickie-you can come babysit Mazer and the animals if you want. They would love it.

    Lisa-sorry about the CHF. You are in my thoughts.

    Liz-nice car-I will take some of that rain. I did see Oklahoma on the news last night with all the flooding though. No wonder that car is in the garage.

    Gus-loved the passive aggressive statement,,Did it work?

    Tricia-beginnings of clevage huh? Wow, the things that excite us now.

    Adrionna-cheek rider undies huh? Sometimes referred to as Indian panties cause they sneak up on ya.

    BikerJan=have fun at your party and boy do I wish we were partying in Maine at the same time. Then again, Maine would never be the same.

    Shirley-Shopping in between times sounds like a great idea. Retail therapy.

    Madison-sorry to hear you having a rough time,,anything I can do?

    ok asking for some more thoughts here,,,geesh that seems to be all I am doing lately. My airforce nephew left Friday for Iraq for at least 4 months and they will let him know in August if its for a year. I think here lately there is always something going on in my life. Geesh!

    ok gotta get some work done here.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    for inquiing minds

    on most bug bitees, use vinegar on the bites.f u do it before u scrtch it doesnt sting. jess used to get big welts and the vingar made thm go away
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Just checking in quickly to see if any of our sisters have floated away yet. You all be careful...I did see OK on GMA this morning. And those of you near the fires........take care. It's been thundering here for hours, but the rain hasn't come yet. A few sprinkles, but that's it.

    Kristen: You applied!! Fingers and toes crossed!

    Deb: Enjoy your day!

    Liz: Did I catch my procrastination from you or did you catch it from me? Yup, vacuum is still sitting where I left it!

    Vickie: How's the bite? Hope you get him in internet at work and they won't let you leave...Gotta love it!

    Jan: Out mowing again! Isn't it you that has several mowable acres?

    Z: Sounds better!

    Robin: Bone Spur on knee and broken shoulder..........hmmmm, all the cleaning and moving things and scrubbing carpets........I'm sure it's not what the Dr. ordered!!!!
    What do I do for a living, eh? I'm not sure...mostly just lurk around here and give valuable advice. Shop, and hide from the Visa Bill! You curious cuz of my charm or because of my sporatic schedule? Really, I am a PCT with Home Health and Hospice. PCT means 'patient care tech.' Patient Care Tech is a lot of title for little pay. I've slowed down alot the past few years. I do alot of patient care in Hospice.........but like all else, the State keeps taking away some of the 'procedures' we are allowed to do in homes. I guess if I worked in a Medical Office, I would be called a Medical Assistant/Clinical. No office job for me...I need to get my hands in there and help. Should have kept going for my RN, but when I was single with 3 kids I didn't have time or I don't have desire or patience!

    Shokk: Can't let it called our new Peter and Assie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Love you!!

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Amy you read my post to closely.....I have got to be the worst speller in the world....with the chemo and my "Texas Twang" my spelling has just gone from bad to worse since I really do try and sound out my words but in Texas talk it just comes across as mere stupidity......but maybe your right......Peter has an issue with bc but I will assume that his backside is in one piece sort of......ha......

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    Shokk, I thought that it might be that you have been in the closet for so long so I started to let it slide then I figured I would let you down if I did.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    I don't blush easily but you girls need to stop it........

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    thanks all for your Nate concern. Will see how it looks when I get home and probably go to the ER.
    Gina..right there with you holding your your sister blonde duh. (I can say the blonde thing...I was one till after chemo!).
    Liz...I LOVE that car...what is it?
    Jazzy or Janny or any other party girl...Cheri said she isn't pickin a party spot...where shall it be?
    back to work
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007 did what!!! ROFLMBO!!!

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    Vickie - thanks - it's a 2004 Mazda 3

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    How about Paris! We can pick up some of those sexy french lala!

  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited June 2007
    Afternoon my sisters (and guess you are maybe still sleeping, Peter? I can't ever figure it out.. sorry)

    Allergic to Benadryl? Now that is the first time I have heard that. Try not to be too nervous. We are all with you. We hope for whatever is going to be best for YOU!

    It amazes me how much is being posted. I take a break to read at work to try and catch up and when I have to stop and go back, it seems like there is another page added! I know that I will miss so many things so forgive me.

    Lisa... I was diagnosed with CHF during Herceptin as well. My ejection fraction was down to the low thirties. I saw a cardiologist and he started me on a medication (Coreg) and the last test I had done (last month), my EF was back up to between 45 and 50%. It IS reversible. Just take care of yourself sweetie!! Big hugs to you and prayers going up on your behalf!

    I haven't commented on pictures... A couple of days ago there was a most beautiful grandchild on here and of course Vickie's daughter... wow.... she is quite photographic. I am sure she is very talented. The mermaid pic was really awesome.

    Denise, your story reminded me of the time I let our cat in the house at night. She was acting funny outside and it kind of worried me. Very furtive and slinky acting... so I called her and she came in the back door. There was a tail coming from the side of her mouth... wiggling... I yelled and she took off into Miles' bedroom, dropping the mouse of course... it was a riot (after I got my heart started back).
    Bad Weather People... I am so sorry for the horrible flooding and storms. In the South we are still at such a rainfall deficit it is hard to imagine. Please be safe if you must be out in the weather... and since I haven't heard different, may I assume Shokk's closet is still open?

    Great looking car, Liz! Sporty. Gotta love it.

    Vickie... a SPIDER bite???? ewwww... that is one creature I have an innate fear of. Especially the hairy ones or the "big-butted" ones, as Miles calls them. Prayers for Nate as that can be very nasty. And you as you continue to worry.

    Puppy... you know... correct me if I am wrong, but did you tell us that you have a tumor or not? All I remember you saying is that you have another appointment to have some kind of catheter(?) test on your brain? I want to be able to pray specific. The enemy is all around trying to beat us down. We will fight him with prayers.

    Denise... you seem not quite yourself.... big hug for you.

    Boss back and gotta run. Later!! Pam
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    G:I am there with you in spirity.

    Liz:I love your new car,it does look like a sports car.

    So:Jaz and Liz are in for a twofer.I am so broke right now how about pizza is on me when we finish the job(s)?
    Lets start with the oldest first.The second might pose some problems as he is 6'8.But with a steam roller and a backhoe I think we can get the job done.

    Vickie:I hope the antbx takes care of the bite.Just watch it carefully.I have seen some spider bites do some major and I mean major damage in the past.

    I almost Jaz did you get the lizzard out of the vaccum?One was in my living room a few weeks ago and I didnt know what to do.SO I got a plastic cup,put it on its tail so it wouldnt get away took a piece of cardboard and put on the top of the cup took it outside and set it free and dared it to ever come back or it wouldnt be so lucky next time.Havent seen it since.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Now I could go back and edit that post but am not going to so the rest of my cg's can get a chuckle at my expense....Peter sorry about that......I'm not sure but men sure have been making me nervous these last few years..Liz there are some more storms coming your way....better keep that sweet ride in the garage.......ok ladies I'm going to go sit in the corner and feel sorry for myself wondering why in the heck does this wonderful website not have "spellcheck"......hmmmmmm.........

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    shokk - It's okay. We all make spelling mistakes. More storms? Geez! I think it's time you and I plan a vacation somewhere where it's nice, dry and sunny.