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  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Hugs and prayers to you Cherryl...sweet dreams.
    Nate's leg is no better...two more kids got stung in the same area of the yard today and BIL thinks there is a mud wasp nest in the ground somewhere...he is currently crawling around on the ground looking for the hole LOL. They had the same problem a few years back and we poured gas down the hole and burned them was bad!!! Thousands of bees!!! Hope it isn't as bad this time. Soooo anyhooo...looks like its a bee sting after all but I am going to see if it's better in the morning and if not off to the ER with him. Was hoping the vinegar would work...teased him that if we added a little dill he could have a dill pickle leg...he wasn't amused.
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007
    {{PAMMY}} I don't know whats in there sweetie, other than an anurysum, and a bump on the top of my head that they are concerned about!!! Now You worry about me too much! BUT don't stop because we have a connection!!! love everyone, see you tomorrow, Puppy
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Good Night, Sleep Tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!

  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited June 2007

    Peter, how does ones "assie" smile? Does one lay down sideways naked? hahahahahah

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007

    Hey Sisters, home from Broads Night Out. God I wished I felt normal like all my friends do. Just seem to catch myself staring off into space on occasion. I've got the weepies for some reason. I AM SO TIRED OF THIS! Where is my sense of humor???? M

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Vickie - have you tried icing it? It could help get some of the heat/redness down.

    Puppy - you have the most wonderful pictures. Big hugs and prayers.

    Nite Denise

    Mena - LOL I am so glad to see you!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    hmmm...I know I am hearing thunder again but it must be a ways off so I should be safe for a few minutes at least.

    Peter...have a great day! Thanks for the link! I could spell anything before it.
    Charlene...just gotta call you angel...fits you better somehow. sweet dreams to you and prayers for your mom.
    Cheri girl...praying for all good news tomorrow and walking on Friday! Love ya.
    Shirley girl...don't worry...arthritis it will be. Sweet dreams dear lady.
    darn...lightning again...see ya all in the morning...sending out love and hugs to everyone!!!

    ALMOST FORGOT...I'm going to an airshow Friday night!!! I am sooo excited and Nate is going to love this! He loves airplanes! Here's a link if you want to see where we are headed
    woohoo!!! Anyone wanna come along?
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    If you click on the schedule and performers it gives much more cool information.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Marsha - give yourself some time. You just finished chemo and are doing rads. I know what you mean about friends.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Mena...ROFLMBO...that was just a very funny visual!!
    Liz...gave Nate your hug...he's been icing it pretty regular. Just took his temp and it's normal so I guess that's a good thing.
    Me thinks I worry too much but geez...
    Marsha...rads are tiring hon...go ahead and weep and get it out of your system and get some sleep. Sending you wishes for a peaceful, happy dream filled night. Along with a hug.
    really gotta shut down or I'll have no computer...and that would be BAD!
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    G'Day Peter - hope it's a lovely one for you.

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited June 2007

    Hey there everyone!!! Just got home from U/S and everything looked great! I have extensive scar tissue from surgeries and extensive rad damage. Lots of sweeling, tenderness soreness and hard ridgy areas, but it's all ok. No new nothing!!!!

    Thank you to Mazer for getting me there safely and home again. Thank you for all of you who were there, I saw eyes peaking from all over that little bitty room and heard whispers and my hand felt like it was being squeezed in a vice (probably Peter and that man grip) and Jankay called just as I was wiping off goop, THANK YOU!! I love Jankay, you called at the perfect moment, then my phone went dead because I forgot to charge it not realizing, I would have folks to call and folks calling me.

    Negotiations are better today, the employers are afraid their employees are gonna walk on the 4th of July - very busy shopping day, so they have better attitudes, YOW WEEE!

    You all mean the world to me, thanks for being there back when, now and in the future.

    My heart is full of you all.
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Evening all, morning (?) Peter! When my mom took her trip to Australia she was always phoning home at odd hours because she didn't get the hang of the time change. I also have a good friend who lives in Brisbane. But that is like telling someone here who is in Florida that you know someone in Tennesee. At least the two places are on the same coast!

    Tracey, new job keeping you busy? Check in if only for a second.

    {{{MARSHA}}} OK, I need to post a funny for you. Somewhere I have some Rodney Dangefield quotes and I will put them up for all of us to have a giggle or two with.

    Shokk, OK, so I ended the sentence with a preposition....I can spell but my grammar can be lacking.

    Madison, hope you are not in a funk. Let us help if we can. Know what? There are reports that in our local creek (that is pronounced "crik" here), the Pennypack, there are reports of alligators, little ones. That creek feeds the lake at the day camp ds attends. He has not seen any yet. Yeesh!

    Why are ds and I watching "Dinocroc"????

    Hi Pam! Sending a cyberhug your way!

    Tgirl, I used to listen to WMMR all the time when DiBello hosted it. Loved the Monty Python at the end. Now that I "grew up" I listen to WOGL, oldies station.

    Deb, dh has never told me to lose weight unless it would make me feel better health wise. He himself is a little rotund as is his oldest ds. I have never been thin, always wore larger sizes. I have lost about 10 pounds since surgery but that is because I have not been up to going to the market to get "bad" stuff.

    Little background on the "bad" food. Our youngest gs is 4. After he has eaten what he considers a good meal, he asks if he can have something "bad", usually candy or fruit chews.

    Z, my ds's ex-wife is married to a guy who is a VP with UFCW local 1776. I also worked with Wendell Young III, who is still CEO, when I was active in Variety Club. Small world after all isn't it? Congrats on the u/s!

    Amy enjoy camping. I will live vicariously through you. No more camping since the last time when the log used to hold up the tarp came crashing down on my head! Then we had skunks in the campground because some idiot didn't lock up their food! Good news about your dad.

    Sherloc, any news on the job front? Please post a pic of the quilt after everyone sees it at Pinkstock. I am so anxious to see it.

    Jankay, I will have to look and see if I have any other really good recipes. Margaret and I both get the Kraft Food Magazine and it has great stuff in it. Sign up on

    Mena, saw you peeking in! Have you heard anything yet?

    Nicki, I'll bet you are looking forward to your next set of days off.

    Vickie, I saw the pics of Sarah. She is so gorgeous! I saw her pics on MySpace too and all I know is I would be so proud of her. DS is promising to go through his books this week still but he is a bigger procrastinator than I am! Nate will get his books, I promise! Have squares to send out too.

    Joyce, hi back at ya! You live the closest of the cg's and we never catch up on the phone. Ok, wanna play phone tag again this weekend? Give Kevin a smooch from me and you take it easy in this heat too.

    Puppy, great pic of the Indian Maiden. So pretty. That is what I have envisioned you look like. Say hi to Ed for me!

    Cheri, I do hope you get some relief with your leg.

    Finally got the a/c fixed in the car! Heat index was over 100 degrees today so it was a real treat to have cool air in both the house and the car! SS had his mechanic put freon in and cold air came out. Love that kid to pieces!

    This weekend, no kids until Sunday morning! DH and I are going to check out the casino that opened up in Bucks County. Anybody from this end of the circle wants to meet up let me know. It will be after dinnertime. DH has quarters leftover from a recent poker game with is buds so we are spending a little found money.

    See you all tomorrow. Feeling really pooped out. Who else wanted the ravioli lasagna recipe? I forget!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Meaner, ROFLMAO omg how I have missed ya, girl. You are one smooth talker.

    LisaE, i'm so sorry to hear about you being ill. I sure have missed having you around. If there's anything I can do give me a call.

    Janny, I got rid of the avatar because it looked too much like me lol No, actually, I've always hated that pic it made me look like I had a pointy chin.

    Denise, thanks for remembering my dr. appt. tomorrow before i even posted it. Can you let me know what time it is cos I've forgotten? lol

    Jazz, who luvs ya, baby?

    Liz, very nice car. Bet it's fun to drive.

    Amy, I guess that must've been a well known song and all these years I thought it was just a family thing.

    Theresa, actually my cast doesn't itch because it doesn't get hot. I never go anywhere and just sit here in the air.

    Vickie, thanks. I believe Jazz said Paris for the week-end party, right?

    Z, great news of the Ultra Sound.

    Gina, hope chemo went alright today.

    Wishing everyone from Amy to Z a pleasant evening. I doubt I'll be back on til friday.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    I am so glad I have brought a smile to most faces (Marsha your sense of humor is underneath all the chemo and'll find it again).....Mena you are just too clever........Well guys it is storming again......some counties are having to evacuate.....Peter thanks for helping out with the spell check and for having a sense of humor....I'm not pointing fingers but there are some women on this thread that will make you blush if your not careful.....just wait until we all get comfortable having you around or someone gets really pissed off at their'll see.......quick weather update....raining again......we are between storms and I am going to attempt to walk the dogs......the strangest things are happening.....all the little bugs and animals that live just below ground are coming up onto the top of the ground and people are finding these huge earthworms.....some like 2 ft first people thought they were snakes but closer inspection concluded they are worms.....also the frog population is going crazy and of course now we have mesqitoes (sp) the size of 474's.....(haven't checked out google spellcheck yet).....anyway guys the whole rain situation is really getting out of hand.......anyone who needs rain let me know and I will try and do an indian rain dance in your to all......Peter keep that assie smiling.......Vickie see ya later gator.......

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Oh Charlene before I forget I live right by Dallas......its really not very close to Katy.........Believe it or not Chicago is closer to Dallas then South Padre Island......(most southern tip of Texas) know what they say about people that live in a big state????? Not really too much except that those people live in a really big to all and to all a good night....

  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2007
    Ok it took me 2 hours to read all the posts since yesterday and now I need to go to bed! wanted to say hi to all
    I spoke to Sheri (Sherdon) today on the phone. She is here in Florida and was drinking blue drinks by the pool when I spoke to her. She sends her hello's and hugs to everyone and says she is having serious CG withdrawl. Can't wait to meet her and Marsha on Sunday.
    Hey Marsha - sorry your in a funk. Yes I lost my sense of humor for a good year. Sometimes still can't find it. We'll look for it together on Sun. OK?
    Mena - that was good! Spit my coke on the computer screen reading that one. Thanks for the belly laugh.
    Love and hugs to all from Amy to Z
    Sleep sweetly dear sisters, Have fun today Peter.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007
    Well the trip to the onc was not much to write home about..we are still going to watch one little area where nothing showed up on the mammo or ultrasound and go back in three months..he also put me back on fosamax..and I agree it is probably a good thing to do.
    Right after that I went to an appointment with a new dentist (the one I had for 30 years retired) and I am good to go in that department.
    I just got home and cooked dinner..
    The weather here is what else is new..and I am really worried about everyone in the flood areas and the fires..
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited June 2007
    G'day Peter, Sweet Dreams Sisters,
    Heading off to bed. I have to be up tomorrow before the crap of dawn. I'm not sure when MSN will switch my service from here to the new apt, and then there's the wait for Dial-A-Husband to put my system back together.

    Wishing everyone good health, good friends, fair weather and lots of laughter. I should be back in a day or two.

    Peace and love to everyone.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Well, almost time for Vickies tuck in so just thought I'd check in.

    NS -- how did your chemo go today? No nasty side effects, I hope. Please let us know how you are.

    Jankay -- thanks for the vinegar tip.

    Shopmama -- I have mice to. Or I did. There must be some highway sign up that is advertising my house as a critter resort.

    Robin -- Pizza works for me. 6'8"!!! Wow, we might just have to charge a little extra if we have to find a box that long. I finally took the vacuum out to the garage down by the door and pulled the bag out and stuck it in the garbage can really fast. Nothing crawled out so I think we're good to go again.

    Shokk -- Liz is right. The spelling mistakes can sure make for some fun and brighten the day. I think your's was priceless.

    Cheri -- best wishes on your doc appt tomorrow. I just know that cast is coming off and you are going to be up and about soon. Who loves ya baby! You are a shining star in the circle. Stay here when it gets rough in that other place.

    Liz -- Banana walnut cake?! You're killin me here. I'm trying to lose weight before August and that sounds too good. I'm sorry to hear about your friends husband.

    Angel -- how is your mom?

    Madison -- hi, hope things are better for you soon.

    Tgirl -- I'm an animal lover too but I draw the line at rodents and snakes. Except for squirrels, they're too cute to not like. I would love to get jury duty. I find stuff like that interesting. Good luck on getting out of it though.

    Peter -- good morning! Thanks for the spell check tips. I'm going to check those out.

    Vickie -- did the storm pass yet? Its definitely cutting into our party time.

    Shirley -- I wouldn't panic about the hot spot on the rib just yet. I have a spot on my rib too near one of the joints. Its degenerative. Yahoo!

    Cherryl -- moving is such a pain but the good thing is that you can start with a clean organized house.

    Puppy -- as always you are in my prayers.

    Marsha -- I think you have a bit of runners fatigue. You know the tiredness that sets in just when you get close to the finish line. Its just a few more weeks and then you are done. You can do this. How is the hair looking these days?

    Vickie -- airshows are awesome. A tip before you go....take some ear plugs. Its loud!

    Z -- that is great news on your ultra sound. One less load off your shoulders. Now get these pesky negotiations out of the way so you can come play with us again.

    Beth -- hi...glad you got the car ac fixed.

    Shokk -- I knew the flooding was a concern where you are but when I saw the pics on the TV today, I was just floored. Please stay safe.

    Boo -- hey boo. I'm glad you heard from Sheri and hope she is having a fantabulous time. TEll her we expect her to relax and enjoy herself and come back ready to party.

    SoCalLisa -- that is good news on the mammo/us front. The fossilmax is such a chore but better that than hip fractures.

    Cheri -- we're firing up the magic carpet for you tomorrow. I hope you don't mind if I take a window seat, I tend to get carpet sick. Who loves ya, baby?!
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited June 2007
    is peter keeping his "assie" smiling, or his "aussie" smiling?????

    i'd love a pic of the 'smiling assie' lololol!

    (sorry vickie, but i get lost in all of the posts and usually only read the latest/greatest ....... then i cracked up when i saw 'assie' ........ i could use some fresh assie lololol)
  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited June 2007
    I want to thank all of you for caring about me and keeping me in your prayers.I haven't been on much lately but can't help but notice the childish antics that are taking place.
    Now,people have a right to their beliefs but I'll tell ya,I would hate to meet my maker after not even wanting others to mention his name.
    Far as the "gay" business goes,I am tired of hearing about it.There is no reason to insert that topic in every thread.Personally,I don't give a flying fig what is done in others private lives but stop putting it in our face at every opportunity.We are here to discuss Breast Cancer and related items not to attack someone for having a religous symbol in their avatar.I do believe there is a thread to discuss Rosie.I have some dear friends that are lesbian and this is in no way meant to hurt or offend them.My gripe is with certain someones "hopping threads" to get them deleted or cause discord.At least we are safe in the Circle,at least for now.I must say I will defend my belief in God til the end and I don't apologize for that.Love all you girls.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Vicki, it better not be arthritis. It's supposed to be a healed broken rib. And if they had let me keep my darn glasses on I could have seen the screen properly. I'm not worried so no body else needs to worry either.
    Poor Nate, is he totally drugged up with benadryl. Hate the nasty stuff. My youngest fell into a nest of bees once. Got stung from head to toe. No reactions tho. Me thinks you need to talk to doc about Nate carrying an epipen. Bee stings should not swell to grapefruit size.

    Theresa, if you get called up for the jury be honest with the judge. Last time I did jury duty they let people go left and right for some very odd reasons.

    Madison, it did indeed just like everyone promised. And todays tech got the vein with one poke too. Either I'm getting less stressed about getting poked or the hospital has finally hired some good pokers.

    Peter, why is your assie sore?

    Charlene, thank you so much for prayers for my son. My biggest concern....him getting arrested in a foreign country. The boy has mega smarts and mini sense.

    Liz, please send hubby to my house to clean out my basement.

    Cherryl, yippee on finished packing. I saw a man at OSH today wearing a "Rent a Man" tshirt. Almost got out of line to get his card.

    Laura, babies come when they are darn good and ready too. Glad little one has stayed where he belongs with no flip flops.

    Puppy, beautiful pic.

    Mena, Howdy do girlfriend. Thats three times in one week. That makes me smile.

    Marsha, gentle hugs. hows your skin holding up? I only had one really bad skin day during rads. Spent the night laughing in the chat room while slopping on the aloe gel every ten minutes. Next morning it didn't hurt anymore.

    Z, yehaw for scar tissue.

    Beth, job? think you've got me confused with either Kristin or Vicki. Job is a dirty word in my house...if used in application to me.
    If I cooked I would ask for the lasagna recipe, but since I don't I won't.
    Have a grand time at the casino. Win me lots of money please.

    Cheri, there you are finally. Are you feeling better? Still annoyed? I'll be thinking about you till you check in.

    Shokk, hahahhahahahahhahahahahh you crack me up. I'm praying for the rain to stop. Is it hurricane season yet?

    Sweet dreams to you too Boo

    Socal, bummer on the fossilmax but at least we have fossilmax friday to remind us. Except for me cause I DON'T HAVE TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!
    Dang, onc and dentist on the same day. Thats as bad as my gyn and dentist on the same day.

    Jaz, I'm not worried. Hot spot expected. Just annoyed that I couldn't see it clearly.

    LisaE, the circle is where you need to stay my dear. I think we have all agree to ignore the nasties elsewhere.

    Love you all to bits. See you tomorrow.
  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2007
    Good Evening all from A to Z,

    Geez,it took me two days to catch up on all the posts. Don't know if I will remember much though - started to take notes and then had to run and pick up dd from work.

    Got the middle dd down to Purdue and signed up for classes. Did not have to move Chicago to get there LOL. Did have an interesting trip though. On the way had to stop at ds to bring him groceries and got off at the wrong exit. Started driving and thought geez nothing looks familiar - why did I not see some of these things before - then looked at a street sign and oops! wrong exit. Did find my way to his apartment. Then we left and started for Indiana - made another wrong turn and had a scenic tour of Chicago. Youngest dd commented "Mom - do I need two seatbelts?" Anyways we got where we needed to be. I have trouble not being able to sleep anywhere but in my own bed so after driving for 5-1/2 hours did not sleep at all at the hotel. Bed was so uncomfortable (at least to me)- my two dd slept just fine. Forgot to bring Xanax with me so watched the clock all night. Monday was unbearably hot and humid and we had to walk all over campus. They have two fountains that you can run through - I was so tempted but didn't want to embarass the daughters. Then I got to drive home. Traffic wasn't too bad, but I was so tired - came home took some Xanax and went to bed. Ended up very groggy all day yesterday. Today, it was really hot and humid again - just cannot take the heat. On the way home from picking dd up from work we argued over the A/C - I wanted it on - she loves the heat. Oh well, they say the high here tomorrow should be about 70 - my kind of weather. This heat and humidity is good for tomatoes plants not people!

    Nicki - all the rain must be going south of here. We got just a brief shower this afternoon. Know what you mean about the hair - haven't been able to do anything with mine all week with this humidity. Hope you have been able to go in your pool.

    (((((LisaE)))))) hugs and prayers for you. I have heard about heart failure and Herceptin and know it can be reversed. Going to pray really hard that it will be that way for you. Miss your posts.

    Vickie - your daughter is beautiful - great pics. Sure sounds like Nate is allergic to something that stung him. I have a 10 yo ds who would not be amused if I tried to put vinegar on him. I love airshows - my dad would take us when we were little to Selfridge Air Base in Michigan to see the Blue Angels. Nate will love it. We have an airshow by the lakefront in the summer here - they practice right over my house and scare the begeesus out of me.

    Cheri - good luck in Iowa. I hope you can get your cast off and get a walking boot.

    Charlene - don't know if I have welcomed you to the circle yet or not - but if not welcome. I hope your mom's procedure went well today.

    Iris - the flowers are beautiful - will take a pic when they are all in full bloom. Did I hear you have painters? Now that is what I could use around here.

    Robin - Now I know why I am so tired - reading your posts and all your cleaning! - you need to slow down, put your feet up and have some blue drinks. No wonder your shoulder and knee are hurting. I wish I could get into the cleaning spirit - maybe this weekend - a cool front is supposed to come through.

    Shirley - I also watch the screen when I am getting tests -don't know from beans what I am looking at but its better than staring at the walls I guess. Hope that hot spot is nothing serious.

    Mena - now that is one funny visual.

    SoCal Lisa - beautiful granddaughter.

    Shokk, Liz, Madison - all you ladies who are having bad weather. I think it is bad here and then turn on the TV and see what you ladies are up against. Geez, wouldn't it be nice if we could send the rain where it is needed instead of having some places dumped on and others bone dry.

    Z- so glad your ultrasound results were good. Also see that your negotiations may go your way. Good to see you posting - loved your poem.

    Kristen - have everything crossed that you will get the job.

    Marsha - hugs to you.

    Liz - nice car.

    Peter - great pics of your animals. Picturing the bird pecking apart your keyboard - so funny - not to you of course but imagining it is pretty funny.

    Amy - so happy to hear that your dad is getting stronger. Putting your niece and nephew in my prayers.

    Denise - how far away are you from Lake Chemung - I think it is near Brighton. My lil bro lives there and I may be visiting him on the 8th. Need to talk to him to see if he will be home that day.

    Okay, this post has taken me a lot longer than intended. Wishing everyone from A to Z sweet dreams.

  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited June 2007
    When it comes to men, renting is so much better than buying!!
    OK Peter, feel free to weigh in on this!!!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    So wishing I knew how to make the font bigger.