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  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning A to Z, Sweet dreams Peter. Cheri is on her way to Iowa. Waiting on pins and needles till she checks in.

    Suz, so glad you didn't have to move Chicago. Your driving sounds so much like mine. Take the wrong exit, oooo lets see whats down this road. I get lost going to the bathroom. I drive with the windows down and the A/C on. How's that for goofy.
    No worries about the bone scan. We aren't looking for anything bad so nothing bad can show up. Right?

    Shel, pffding on your screen is a no no. Can't have you breaking your puter. I certainly hope the 100 year old next door is mega rich and you are in the will.

    Margaret, OUCH!!
    Gyn should have shouldn't he. Hmmmmm If I didn't love him to bits I might have to fire him. But I do so I won't.
    Two drugged women with sound effects in the same car? Your hubby is a brave man.

    Charlene, continued prayers for your mom. Hope there is something they can do for her.

    Cherryl, I love bonding. My dad was a Navy man.

    Jankay, my advice, Flat Rate Long Distance. Hubby will never gripe again.

    Peter, Melbourne is a beautiful city.

    LisaE, no words of advice. Just great big hugs for you hon.

    Betty, I'll be on the carpet tomorrow. Remember, when that thing is two inches from your face.....BREATH!!!! All will be well.

    JanKay, BadBabe is AWESOME!!!

    Nicki, only two more days till vacation.

    Vicki, hope Nates leg is better this morning.

    Have a great day Theresa.

    Kristin, they are certainly making you work for that promotion.

    Note to self....go find Nicki's funnies.

    Good Morning Jaz

    Marsha, hahahhahahah on many occasions my dear. I've always been spit back out on the shore. A bit tattered but still functional.

    Have a great day everyone. Lunch with my girls today. Going for Chinese. I love Chinese.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Oh my Peter, it is so wonderful to have you in the circle....

    Morning all....

    Marsha, I am officially late for work and I think the time clock is going to be a little like that fish you have featured.....Is there a prize for how long one hits the snooze button on an alarm clock (2 hours-YIKES) oh well,

    off to work.....have a good date Peter (or evening)...and all CG's from A to Z

    Shokk and Liz, be very, very careful...that rain just won't leave your area

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Morning kids - guess what? It's still raining!

    Nite Peter - sleep well.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited June 2007
    ok no time to read back and like Kristin today is MY to spend quality time with DH...otherwise he won't help with Friday his 6 month appt after his heart attack...he hasn't been good but we will see....
    trying to fly thru things at work so I can get out of

    hugs to all and by the time I get back there willbe less than a month...whoo hoo...
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Ok guys its still raining and I don't even want to talk about it........Marsha I bump a thread for you by LisaE called One Year Ago Today that I think might be of some help sweetheart.......Depression is so much a part of this stupid journey of bc........I think that you are a woman very much like our beloved Gina that thinks you can control cancer and Gina does a pretty good job but in the end cancer becomes more of roomate that you can't get rid of....doesn't pay his rent, torments you, doesn't clean up,makes your life a living hell........Marsha I think you thought you were not going to let cancer change any part of your were going to ignore him and step on him and kick him to the curb for doing this to you but sweetheart he is going to change will not be the same Marsha when this is will be wiser, stronger and will have been to battle that your friends will never really a year you will have a new funky hairstyle, you will look great and your friends will want you to move on and forget about this whole experience but everytime you have to go for a mammo, scan, bloodwork its going to come back screaming in your will move on but Marsha you will not be the same.....this is not a bad thing........we will always be here for you and we all will always get it......we love you chica..........

  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited June 2007
    It's a Boy!!! Born at 7:51 this morning. He's quite a bruiser. He weighs 8 pounds, 10 ounces and is 20 inches long with lots of blond hair. No name yet. They like to be with him a while before they decide who he is. I'll be checking back later maybe with some pics.

    Hugs, healing, and prayers for all from Amy to Z.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited June 2007
    Hey Shokk, cancer ain't livin rent free here! I am getting rid of the SOB with everything my onc can give me- (except Benadryl!)

    Did the Abraxane yesterday. Looks like pina colada mix.
    Then came home to horrible thunder and lightening and kept losing power.

    They told me I should be expecting some pain tomorrow. What a pleasant little way to send me on my way!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited June 2007
    Good morning all and thanks for continued prayers and good wishes for mom!

    I've been a bad picture mommy .. haven't taken many pictures since my dx and any before that are still on my camera phone! I do have some from New Years Eve that I will share here but know that especiallly Ava has grown quite a bit and now her hair is all ringlets instead of straight. Will work on getting some more current ones uploaded soon. Enjoy!

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    y ipp ee

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Gina one thing I know for sure as long as cancer is your roomate you are the one that is giving him hell.......hope that pain is manageable......stay dry and keep your doors ya with all my heart..........

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007


  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Laura:congrats.Grands are wonderful.

    Peter:love your pictures

    Vicki:Ok,I get the hint.Dont have to worry about locking EVIL downstairs thats where he stays remember?This morning he told me someday he is going to have his own bedroom.I told him there are lots of other houses with many bedrooms he can move to.

    Jaz:Maybe we will just skip the box on the last one,and go all natural with the dirt and all.

    Lisa:My teeth are falling out to.I am still waiting for my blood to rise so I can have 5 pulled.

    Theresa:my dentist wanted to go on vacation with my 4 teeth also.He wanted 6,000 to fix them.I told him to make me a plate and pull em.

    Marsha:I am sorry you are down.I suffer daily with depression,most days I am able to rise above it.This week it is after me bad.I cried off and on all day yesterday and today it is trying to hit me again.I had a good live bc before cancer,and it took everything just about away from me.Now I hurt all over,gained wait and I still cant figure that one out since while I was on chemo I went for days without eating anything.Hang in there,there is a better day coming for you,I feel it.I hated every minute of rads it was terrible.So that cant help.Give yourself some time.Look at me I am just waiting my time until I can get rid of the EVIL that some call a dh.If I were working he would already be gone.He treated me terrible all thru my cancer ordeal.but enough of that.Pay back is coming.I will continue praying for you.

    Z:I love that picture.That is going to be me when I get my new boobs.DENISE: What did you think of it.Pretty good to add to the 6foot rule huh?

    Cheri:Gods Speed today.

    Shel:Couldnt have said it better myself.I sure do miss you.
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007

    Charlene:beautiful pictures.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Laura, congratulations! Post a pic when you can. Love babies, they are the best when they are grandchildren too.

    Charlene, oh what beautiful girls! Enjoy them.

    CG's in the PA/NJ area, what storms last night!! 40,000 without power at one point. Did you guys see about the lightening strikes that set fires on 4 homes? Tonight they are predicting more storms with hail even. Love summer!

    Gina, hope the prediction for pain does not come to pass. These days the docs tell you everything that might happen, ad nauseum!

    Marsha, I promise, I will find that email. Or I will get ss to send it again.

    Jule, the weekend is coming...anybody coming for a visit (wink, wink)? Take pics of the grandkids fishing!

    Hi Robin! I think I forgot to tell you how cute your gd's are! Tessla is getting so big! I have not been to the dentist in 3 years, I know, bad girl.

    Hi Mena, Puppy, Pam, who else needs hugs today?{{{CG'S}}}

    OK, gonna run. I need to go through piles of stuff that has magically accumulated since my surgery. If dh didn't know what to do with it, it got put in a pile with no rhyme or resaon behind the sorting!

    See you later!
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Here ya go Marsha...come on girls...Marsha needs hugs!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Marsha, big hugs to you
    The CG's are great at giving hugs .......
    GROUP HUG EVERYONE!! So many of our CG's are in need of hugs

    Laura, a new pics pretty please....
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007
    Laura..congratulations..aren't grandkids just the greatest things!!!

    LisaE..have you tried Lyrica for the neuropathy?? Sending lots and lots of hugs your way!! After treatment my teeth were horrible and then all the sudden they are OK now..don't have a clue why.. those pictures..especially the looking up from the floor..

    Suz..what a drive!! You need a navigator..
    Glad your daughter is at Purdue safely..isn't that where they have the Boilermakers mascots?? I think I rode in a little engine for a football game back in 1963 when I was a senior in another college..we had fun..

    Margaret..your hubby must be a good guy to take both you and your sis to colonoscopies.
    Did you get a discount??

    Peter..I just love kualas..we have quite a few here at the San Diego Zoo..they seem to sleep alot, but are so cute when they are awake..
    Those are neat pics.. mordialloc looks alot like Southern California.. sure get up early..

    Betty hope your bone scan goes well today..Happy you..

    I just got back from playing tennis and grocery shopping and it isn't even 11:00 here to put it all away...

    Hugs to everyone..SoCal
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007

    FYI.....10 Years Younger on TLC is doing a makeover on a BC lady.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Laura, congratulations!!!!!!! What wonderful news .



    Cheri, I hope all went well for you today. Geez, either put the avatar back or get a new one.

    Vickie, my DH got stung by a mud wasp last summer. It got him right through a leather work glove. His hand swelled up like crazy and was very painful. I hope Nate is feeling better soon.

    LisaElder, you said it VERY well. Thaks!

    Shokk, it just has to stop raining soon!

    Charlene, yes, the twins do have very distinct personality differences. They are both a real trip ! I hope all goes well with your mom.

    G'night Peter! Sleep tight! Great pics from Australia!!

    Well, lunch hour is over. I just spent 3/4 of it catching up on all the posts! I'll try to check in when I get home. Hopefully we won't get the big storms that they are predicting. Had lots of thunder, lightning and rain last night. BBL
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    hey all...taking a quick break at work to check in. Taking Nate to dr's tonight at 6 to have his leg checked...doc said better safe than sorry...sis was supposed to take him at 1:00 but they called and changed it...darn...I hate waiting.
    Predicting big storms for here this afternoon and tonight as a cold front comes through...lightning, rain, wind, fun.
    Shokk...where are you my dear...I got in the shower this morning and jumped right back out again...I do believe your bugs are migrating to NY!! There was a huge centipede in my shower! I swear that sucker had a thousand creepy legs (ok...maybe not quite that many but I wasn't gettin close enough to really check it out). Thought about getting the vacuum but I would have had to throw my vacuum out and get a new one LOL. Washed him down the drain (hopefully he will stay there...kept a close eye on it as I was showering!). Thinkin of you and hoping you are staying safe.
    Jasmine...did you ever release the lizard. Don't tell Nate...he'll wanna keep him. He chased lizards when we went to Florida at the resort and actually got pretty good at catching them. The employees were pretty impressed as they are really hard to catch. He wanted to keep them too but we took pictures and sent them home to their "mommys"...heehee. I think I told you that he builds frog houses out of rocks...I'll get some pictures. He wants to build bird houses but we haven't been able to find any kits anywhere and mommy with a power saw probably isn't a wise idea LOL!
    Angel...oh what two beautiful babies!!! They look just like their mommy. Thank you for sharing!
    Robin...sendin ya a hug!
    A big hello to everyone from Amy to Z...I will be back after the dr's appointment but probably not until then...way to much work to do.
    Love ya all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    I think Madison is needing some hugs and love lately too...
    womens intuition is all
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Laura, doing the New Baby Dance for you!!!!!!

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007

    {{MARSHA}} Thats more like it!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!
    BBL, Puppy
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    AAAAH, Marsha, I see you peeking out and it looks good!
    This is for all the cg's who need a little hug!
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited June 2007
    For All The CG'S That Need It!!!


  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    OK...I posted this on the No recon thread, but thought I would get you ladies' opinions too. I don't know if I should re-order this thing or not....
    I am beginning to think I'm cursed!

    I have posted all my woes with my forms…them not fitting right, hating the bras, pressure sores on my dog-ears…. blah, blah, blah…

    Well after wearing my lightweight forms in camis for about 4 months and not being happy with how I look (though it is very comfortable) I decided to give my expensive silicone forms another try. I wore the things 2 days when one EXPLODED while I was wearing it!

    Mine are Jodee Sincerely Lite forms. They are the lighter weight silicon forms and the “skin” split open in a Y shape across the whole front of the boob and began leaking all the whipped liquid stuff out! What a mess! And of course I was in a meeting and the damn thing was practically disintegrating while I sat there….Grrrrrrrr!

    My fitter is only open 5 hors a day, when she happens to get off the butt and open the shop. I was hoping to never have to deal with her again, and now I have to deal with this. Can you tell I am more than a bit angry??

    Does anyone else have these Jodee forms? Have they ever broken open while you were wearing them? I have a bilat mast, so if I get something different I have to get both of them, but I really don’t want to replace this one if they have a habit of freaking BLOWING UP.

    I am beginning to feel like the whole industry that makes and fits these forms is a scam to get even more money out of us. I wish I was brave enough to go flat….

    Deb C

    Any input would be appreciated...thanks
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Hey Deb sorry you have this issue.....I really don't know how to help except to say that its smart people like you that are having troubles and invent something themselves that not only helps themselves but other people as well.......just a thought.......

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Wouldn't it have some kind of warranty? I would think you could get it replaced for free.