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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007 is a link to the Illusion Breast Forms that I bought...they are cheaper than any I have found and I love them...they are soft, moldable and really really comfortable. Ummm...the puppy managed to get ahold of them and do a bit of chewing...yeah...don't leave them in the papsan chair LOL...but they aren't leaking!!
    The silicone ones I got on my insurance after my mast were terrible!!! and very very expensive!!! A scam on the insurance company without a doubt!
    I would love to go flat but just don't feel comfortable that way.
    Love, hugs, bugs and fishes
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    One more thing...I found great Amoena Mastectomy bra prices here...
    I bought two of the Leisure Front closure bra's and they are really comfy...very soft and stretchy. These are the cheapest priced I could find anywhere (and I'm cheap LOL...not really...just poor heehee).
    love and hugs...
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    Thanks Vickie-

    My current forms ar a size 12, and I'm not sure the Illusion ones come that big....I will have to call the number and talk to a person about them....
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    Happy Thur afternoon Circle Friends! This is long--went back one day;so great that you allow me to spend time w/all of you. Thanks--been a long week for lots of us.

    Angel: Lovely name that we share;thanks for the compliments. I only have appreciated my name in the last few decades or so. LOL It (Angel)is a family name and at least Iris was easy-to-spell! Ha! Love your children’s pics and thanks for sharing. Glad that your sis is a nurse and also,that your mom is feeling better this aft. Thanks for all the positives and kind things you have written to everyone! Great that you are here.
    Colleen…Wow that was early to be at the airport;hope your trip is great! You left abt time I,finally,dozed off. Ha!
    Peter…Guess it is Fri AM by now. Love the “cool” Wed pic and Melbourne was beautiful.Thanks for sharing the pics. Enjoy reading and learning abt your country;lovely!

    Shirley…I am glad that your test went well and the infusions,too. Loved that abt windows down and a/c on…I do that and love it. Like the blanket and a/c combo…summers need both sometimes;esp after my meds.
    Laura…big congrats..will be looking forward to learning the new name.
    Nicki…that was high water;weird weather in so many areas of this country;don't you have a 4th vac coming up?

    Marsha…love that fish pic and so feel like the fish wins some days. However,we know that humans are the ones catching and eating the fish--right? All those hugs are so lovely--sorry don’t know how to do a pic---you’re in my thoughts.
    Vickie…love air shows and have a great tiem;went to see the Blue Angels at Nate’s age. I taught a kid from Binghamton(in the dino days!) moved to NC to be near g’parents. Funny,never thought that you were near there. Hope the dr finds what is making Nate's leg so swollen.
    Betty…thinking abt you and hope your test goes well;congrats upon 33rd wedding anniv.

    Suz…know all abt missing the exit and my heart starts to race. Shows what a good driver and sense-of-humor you have;great to get Sara registered. Painters are finished---what a mess!
    Jankay…funny joke! That was too funny abt mustard.
    Margaret…thanks for the Comcast info as I had heard and never knew exact what that was. Thinking of you/sis at your colonoscopies--worse part is getting there;great husb!
    SocalLisa…wish I had the groc shopping done;hope that you got them all put away. Nice tennis weather here.
    Cheri…thinking abt you and hope the dr’s visit in Iowa goes well. Thanks for all you do;see you on Fri.

    LisaE…so sorry so much has been happening to you;thinking of you this aft. You have such good friends here,don’t ever forget how much you are loved.
    shel38...hope you are having a good Thur.
    Denise…I am so w/you on that v cleaner. I got the Roombas and thought that would solve the floor issue! Nah! So,now my Dirt Devil sits from the corner and waits for me...hope it brings a book to read so as not to be bored! Ha! Whenever I find the floors,again, that will be something I will think abt doing(think abt does not equal doing!)

    Cherryl...did you say color-coded chart in new place? Why didn't you come here when you had the chance? Wow--I am luck,I would lose the chart! LOL
    Amy….hope the Maine trip is fun. I camp-out at a Holiday Inn. I know,I am spoiled…grew up in your woods(almost)and know all abt those poisonous snakes! Yuck! Hope you have a great time and see you when you get back. Thinking of your niece and nephew.

    Theresa…I went and sat for one jury summons and when they found out I was a teacher,got dismissed. It was for a juvenile drug case and teachers(they inferred)were judgmental! Works for me…some I knew and being impartial was hard. Good luck;once I was excused due to administering state testing to the students. Last time,my no just did not come up.
    Beth…love the fairies pic and the cute stork!
    Puppy…cute pics--hope your day goes well.
    Liz--Wow,cool car! Too much rain and flooding for you and shokk…thinking of everyone in your areas.

    Jasmine…yep,I surely do like being in this area(except blasted humidity);love the NC beach areas.
    Deb…sorry abt the trouble and hate that it is someone/something annoying to deal w/and not familiar w/the company.
    Pam…so with you on not sleeping well many nights..tonight’s another Ambien night! Some nights,I just need that med.
    purblemb…good luck to your husb tomorr w/6mos heart check-up.

    Robin…hope the knee feels better today.
    Kristin…wishing you good thoughts for the mgt position.
    Madison…hi to you;hope your weather isn’t as crazy as some areas near you.
    Lini…hope the job goes well this wk.

    Z…Yeah!!! Glad abt your u/s being scar tissue;great abt the labor negotiations,too/
    Gina…hope dr’s appt went well;scary w/five police cars--something was happening somewhere.
    Boo/Sue...hi to you in FL. I read lots,too--just start and can't stop until I have read abt everyone.

    Amy to Z--so creative,Ms. Cheri….My first step is done--painters departed this morning after a wk! Yes! Next, the carpet will be replaced; and then,I may be replaced as I prob won’t be able to find me as I sure can’t find anything else in here. Guess this is one positive thing as the house burglary made me clean up and throw away junk from over 25 yrs! Yuck! Feel that a trip to donations in in the future.
    Happy Friday/weekend coming!!! Thinking of everyone!

  • DoreenF
    DoreenF Member Posts: 59
    edited June 2007
    Koala's are very cute animals... I heard that the eucalyptus leaves that they eat make them kind of drunk - that's why they are always so sleepy and groggy looking.

    I spent quite a bit of time in Australia about 10 year ago - on business. I was primarily in Syndey but spent time in Melbourne as well... I loved Australia so much that I seriously considered moving there... its' a beautiful country with beautiful, friendly people - and of course a very interesting language. I have photo albums filled with photos from Australia. Syndey, Melbourne, Brisbane, the barrier reef, the outback - I did a really cool 10 day tour of the outback on a small prop plane - w/ the pilot, his two sons, a nurse at the school they went to and an exchange student from the UK ...

    I'd love to go back to Australia for an extended vacation ... Peter - you are so lucky to live there.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited June 2007
    Deb, I know what you mean about wishing you were brave enough to go flat! I don't have the Jodee forms so can't answer your questions about them. I do have the Amoena Essential Light Silicone Forms and they are touted as being 30% lighter than other light forms. I don't have anything to compare them to as they are the only silicone forms I ever had but they are soft and squishy. Expensive though .. I think they were $376 a piece! Could not have got them if I didn't have insurance to pay for them. I don't know sizes though.. Good luck!

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Deb, looks like you need some funnies and I did promise them for Marsha. i know we can all share and get a few giggles.

    Quotes from Rodney Dangerfield:
    My wife only has sex with me for a purpose. Last night she used me to time an egg.

    It's tough to stay married. My wife kisses the dog on the lips, yet she won't drink from my glass!

    Last night my wife met me at the front door. She was wearing a sexy negligee. The only trouble was, she was coming home.

    A girl phoned me and said, "Come on over. There's nobody home." I went over. Nobody was home!

    A hooker once told me she had a headache.

    I went to a massage parlor. It was self service.

    If it weren't for pickpockets, I'd have no sex life at all.

    I was making love to this girl and she started crying. I said, "Are you going to hate yourself in the morning?" She said, "No, I hate myself now."

    I knew a girl so ugly that she was known as a two-bagger. That's when you put a bag over your head in case the bag over her head comes off.

    I knew a girl so ugly, they use her in prisons to cure sex offenders.

    My wife is such a bad cook, if we leave dental floss in the kitchen the roaches hang themselves.

    I'm so ugly I stuck my head out the window and got arrested for mooning.

    The other day I came home and a guy was jogging, naked. I asked him, "Why?"
    He said, "Because you came home early."

    My wife's such a bad cook, the dog begs for Alka-Seltzer.

    I know I'm not sexy. When I put my underwear on I can hear the Fruit-of-the-Loom guys giggling.

    My wife is such a bad cook, in my house we pray after the meal.

    My wife likes to talk on the phone during sex; she called me from Chicago last night.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited June 2007
    Thanks everyone about the kind words regarding my daughters. They are the most beautiful girls in the world to me! Sorry the pics were so big...I was rushing to upload them and not paying attention! I will add updated ones soon.

    Especially for Marsha and all the CG's needing hugs right now:

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Let's see today we have bee stings, exploding boobs, haven't see Lini today but could be having boob farts, aniversities, vacations, treatments, hopefully a cast removed, and let's see oh yea flooding in has been raining without stoping for 4 hrs and just now has stopped at least were I am in Dallas County......we now have had more rain ever since they started keeping the stats 100 yrs ago........the lakes are now so flooded that many of the campgrounds and day grounds are completely under water and it looks like the 4th of July is going to be a complete washout........the lakes are so high the the marinas are completely flooded and it is too dangerous to get the boats out.....I didn't even know that could happen........I least my home and my work place are in good far no leaks at the house.......there are some leaks here at my office building but not in the suite where our business is located.........I was walking the dogs last night (in the rain) and one of the houses in the neighborhood has a skylight and it had completely collasped and the skylight was laying in their entrance hall and a huge hole in their roof........also many of the trees like cottonwoods that have shallow root systems are just falling over.......anyway guys I am doing ok and so far dry.......hope everyone has a good evening.....any new developements and will check back in.......see ya'll later gators.........crap I'm having a hot ya'll

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Good afternoon! Thought I'd sneak in for a quick post.

    Peter -- sweet dreams.

    Shirley -- I love Chinese food. Hope you had a nice lunch.

    Madison -- hi, hope your day is going well.

    Liz -- no rain here. Looks like Shokk sent it directly north to you. Aren't you lucky.

    Shokk -- let's talk rain!

    Laura -- congrats on the happy baby news! Wow, that's a nice size football player.

    NS -- they're giving you pina colada chemo?? Too kewl! I hope the pain isn't too bad.

    Angel -- what lovely pictures!

    Robin -- all natural it is! We need to wait for Cheri though. I know she wouldn't want to miss out on all the fun. We can get Vickie to drive the backhoe.

    Marsha -- I don't have any cute 'hug' pictures. It does get better.

    Lisa -- You have such an active life. I want to be you when I grow up.

    Vickie -- I emptied the vacuum cleaner bag last night and put it in the garbage. I'm afraid Lizzy is now in the Lizard Lounge in the sky. I'm sure he's having some blue rinks right about now. I would think Home Depot or Hobby Lobby would have some bird house kits to build.

    Marsha -- I always love that dancing baby. I remember the first time I saw it on an Ally McBeal show. It was hilarious.

    Hi Puppy and Z

    Iris -- teachers are judgmental?? LOL...I just don't see it. Sounds like a nice remodel project you have going.

    Doreen -- I guess we need to set up a rehab clinic for drunk koalas. At least they don't chew and drive. I think Australia would be a great place to visit too. Maybe after I back from Rome...

    Well, be back later...

    My cable company just called. They were supposed to come fix my setup because last week my close caption disappeared on half the channels I watched. I tried to suggest it was a signal problem but they were convinced it was an idiot problem that didn't know how to set up the close caption on the TV correctly. Apparently, they have just discovered the problem....a weak signal on the main line. It seems they've gotten three other calls from my area regarding this. I'm just sayin.....:p
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Hello! Yes I got home a little early today and I can actually take some time to read everyones posts.

    Peter: Im glad you got a good laugh at that other post. I think I was caffeine and hormone deprived this morning. The wild woman came out of me. Had to get rid of it though, as it wasnt in the spirit of what should be.

    YIKES! Never let me make a post before my morning coffee.

    Marsha: Now that was one big fish you caught there.


    By the way, I must say many of you are getting pretty darn good at posting pics. I feeling challenged and who knows how creative this will get

    tgril: A family reunion sounds like so much fun. I hope you have a great time. Go Bears!

    Jasmine: Glad I didnt get to read posts the last couple of days. Love ya.


    Peter: Unless you wake up at the bewitching 3:00 am hour, me thinks you are sleeping and having pleasant dreams of all the new friends you have made. And how lucky we are to meet you.

    Suz and Sherloc:

    Madison: Howdy friend. Hope all is going well in your part of town.

    Liz: I heard about Oklahoma on the news yesterday. Record for days in a row of rain is what they were saying.

    MB: I am absolutely shocked that it is already 6 months since DH heart attack. My goodness, it seems like only yesterday. Cardiac Rehab used to be my speciaty in the 80's.

    Shokk: Also heard on the news about Texas breaking records. I saw a picture of the flooding. This is down right serious. Saw an amusement park where the roller coaster was under water. Chemosabi will do a dry dance for you.


    NS: I heard about power outages in New York yesterday. Was scary at first, cause they didnt know the cause. So I was worried about you. Wondering if it happened right in the middle of you getting chemo. Bone pain comes second to third day. If you can, start taking extra strength tyleonol tonight. For me it lasted 2 days. Went to work, punched in and came right back home. Love ya.

    Charlene: The pictures of your 2 little girls brought tears to my eyes. They are just beautiful. It made me think about how young you must be. Im 57. My son will turn 40 this coming October. My grand son could have a child as young as your baby. Just sending you a great big hug. Ive felt like your sister from the first time I met you. Think that was on the smoking thread.

    Jankay: Have you been reading. You and I are getting the reputation of being funny and making people smile.

    Robin: I cleaned out my briefcase today. Does that count?

    Beth: I swear, you must spend hours on the telephone. Love Rodney Dangerfield. Got some good laughs from you post.

    Jan: My drining buddy. Oh how I wish vacation was starting today. Enjoying my third glass of wine - and lets just say Im relaxed and feeling good.

    LisaSoCal: Someone mentioned on another thread about chemo brain and your name. For the longest time I thought your name meant if you need help, well then "So call Lisa." It was months later that I figured out you lived in California.

    Cheri: Here's hoping the cast is off, the new one feels better, and they addressed the swelling in your legs. You are way too quiet these days.

    Susan: You too.

    Vickie: My dear sunshine sister. We are so connected. Little did I know when I posted my pic, that you were gonna talk about making a bird house. I say go for it. If you can do a patio, you can do a bird house. How about home depot or menards?

    Denise: Im so lost in posts, I cant read what I wrote to you. But I love ya.

    Iris: Now this is weird. Today, around 10 am I was cleaning my briefcase and I pulled out a card with a picture of you. You have the greatest smile. So know that I was thinking about you today. Vacation - yes! One more day. Then Im off for the week. Gonna spend the 4th swimming and watching local fire works. Then we have our big party which will be on 7-7-07. Its usually an all nighter, and man - I got to bed at 7pm nowadays. Hope they have an air conditioned room and couch I can sleep on.

    Doreen: I have 2 places I want to see in my lifetime. Italy and Australia.

    DebC: If this wasnt so upsetting to you, it would actually be funny. I mean only this group could talk about a fake boob leaking during a meeting - and relate! My first question is - I know you hate to think about it - but can they do some surgery to remove those dog/elephant ears? My second thought is the American Cancer Society has a book with lots of stuff. Wigs, hats, and prothesis. Third, and most important - man we should all get together and start a business. Provide what we can find. Sending big hugs to you my friend.

    Well - getting later. getting hungry. See ya all later.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2007
    Just doing a fly by during lunch so I can try to stay caught up with everyone.

    Jankay, you are a sweetie, always available for your real and cyber family.

    Lisa, I wish I could just hop on a plane and give you some real big hugs instead of the cyber hugs I have to send. "And you are beautiful, dammit" to quote Deb.

    Peter, how are you my brother? Melbourne looks beautiful. I was only in Sydney and Cairns but I do plan to go back. Hope you are having some sweet dreams.

    Betty, I missed the drama too yesterday and I was here. Don't know what happened and don't care, as long as it stays out of here and I'm not involved.

    Cheri, I'm with you. Like Vickie says, hand holding and prayers.

    Kristen, fingers crossed that you get that job.

    Marsha, that was pretty funny - yes, I have days like that.

    Shirley, is my husband a glutton or what? Brave man - he's doing it cuz he's going to make us laugh all the way there and back. I know my man.

    Laura, congrats - can't wait to see the pictures.

    Charlene, what beautiful girls you have.

    Robin, love what you told Evil.

    Lisa, no discount - you'd think we'd get something huh?

    I'll come back later and give Marsha and Madison, and anyone else who needs them some BIG HUGS.

    Doreen, we checked into moving to Australia but they are very strict with who comes in that there is no way we could do, I'd be too far from the kids - but maybe that's not a bad idea sometimes.

    Ok, I finished and it's time to go back to work. Oh, I forgot to tell you guys that guess what I signed up for......a four week exercise boot camp from 5:30 am to 6:30 am three days a week. My girlfriend has already signed up so I have to go. What do you think - think I can do it?

    Have a good day and I'll be back.

  • DoreenF
    DoreenF Member Posts: 59
    edited June 2007
    Margaret ... you can do it ... you can do it... I'm sure your friend will help keep you motivated ... that sounds like torture though ... that is awfully early in the morning!! Yikes... If you think of not doing it - think of Cheri and Vickie with their quitting smoking .. one of them would come kick your bootie...

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Margaret: Whoo Hoo! Not that sounds like it could be fun! Make sure to take pictures before and after.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Margaret I think you have lost your ever loving picking mind.....ha............I think you will end up questioning your own I think you should do it.......yes......and besides getting whipped into shape you will get to spend time with a good friend........have fun.........

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    A really long nice detailed post is in cyber space. I hope the cyber people are enjoying it.

    Hugs to everyone. BBL

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    of course, you can do it. after aLl u fought bc if u can do that u can do anything.
    nicki= yes i was reading. who would've ever thunk it. at least we're not making them cry!!!!
    Margaret- my real family knows i am here and i thought my cyber family should know too.
    for inquiring minds= i am back from therapy and i think it went well. i was at the standing frame 30mins annd walked 80 feet. tuesday i just walked 25. for my sister nurses,
    why would they tell me tolay on my stomach more?
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited June 2007
    Hi All,

    Just wanted to let you know that my port is out and I am fine. The anesthesia is making me sleepy, so that's what I'm doing, except that my cats can be persistent when they decide supper time has arrived. Of course having one curled up on my lap purring all afternoon more than makes up for that.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Afternoon/Evening/Morning to all. Guess what? Yep, it’s raining. Roads are closed, ground is soaked, mud is everywhere, bridges have collapsed, kids were rescued out of the drainage ditch (where were the parents?) and several car accidents.

    Charlene – gorgeous babies. Thanks for sharing.

    Laura – Oh Congratulations Grandma! Can’t wait to see a picture.

    Beth – wow! I hadn’t heard about the PA/NJ storms. That’s horrible about the houses.

    Robin – I almost spit my water onto the screen when I read that you told EVIL that there were lots of houses with bedrooms he could have. LOL You go girl.

    Gina – I sure hope you don’t have the pain. I had bone pain with the Taxol and once I knew it was going to happen, I would premedicate myself and it was tolerable.

    Marsha – Oh hugs hon. I remember those days. People kept telling me it would eventually get better. I didn’t believe them – but it does.

    LisaE – I think I read where you’re seeing a cardiologist or you saw a cardiologist. What have you found out? Sending lots of prayers and thinking of you lots.

    Socal – Wish I lived closer as I would enjoy taking up tennis again. The league they have here for women my age is out of my league! They are too energetic. Hehehehe

    Betty – hope the scan went well. Happy Anniversary.

    Jankay – good for you! I told you yesterday that things were going to keep improving.

    Sher – I missed 10 years younger. Darn. Maybe they’ll repeat it soon. Never did tell us what you bought yesterday. LOL

    Jan – hope you don’t have storms. Be safe

    Vickie – what did you find out about Nate? Anxiously waiting. How was your day?

    Jasmine – sure you don’t want this rain? My BIL is headed to your area tomorrow to help move his MIL to OK. My SIL has been there for 2 weeks now. Don’t ask where because I have no idea. LOL

    Deb – Oh my! I don’t have any advice for you hon, but I can imagine how frustrating this is. I read an article about some prosthesis called The Still You. They’re supposed to be light and comfy. They are made by a lady and her friend that had BC and a mast.

    Suz – oh my! Glad you made it home safely. I’ve been known to end up in some interesting parts of towns.

    Cherryl – okay – color coded boxes? I am mega impressed. Hope you get things hooked up soon.

    Iris – I so need to paint my house. Of course I can’t decide what colors I want so I’m still waiting to do it.

    Cheri – hope you had nothing but good news today at your appointment. You’ve been in my thoughts all day.

    Shokk – the roof of a historic building collapsed early today from all the rain. What a shame. It was a really pretty building. Glad you’re staying safe and somewhat dry.

    Jas – I know – banana walnut cake is not something to just have sitting around. I so want to lose more weight before Pinkstock. Hopefully I can convince DH to take the rest of it to work with him tonight.

    Nicki – I’m so glad you are taking some time off for yourself. You so deserve it. Your week sounds like it’s going to be really fun. Sure home Chemosabi dries things up here.

    Madison – any decision on visiting DD yet?

    Margaret – you are such a determined person that I know you’ll do great in boot camp. Do I admire you? You bet I do. I’d love to do something like that. Good for you! Go and have fun.

    Anne – glad the port is out. Take your time to get the rest you need. Ahh nothing like a nice purring kitty to calm you down.

    I’ve missed many and it’s not intentional. Each of you are always in my thoughts and prayers.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Good evening sweet sisters and dear brother...time for you to wake up...someone around here is bound to be making coffee.
    Well...Nathaniel update...all is well...would you believe there was a stinger still in his leg! That sucker was BIG! Probably close to half an inch long. The swelling is going down now and the redness is fading. It's a little infected so still using the neosporin and he's still taking the benedryl. We may be on the verge of a bee allergy judging by his reaction to this one but doc says you never really know for sure. He could get stung next week and have no reaction...who knows. I was just worried it was a spider bite as I know how nasty they can get! Oh...stinger removal trick...scrape a credit card over the will pop right out!!! Nate was pretty impressed with that (suprised he didn't want to bring it home...he had stitches once and when they took them out he brought them home...God only knows where he has those stashed!).
    Deb...did you call the number to see if they have your size. I so hope they do as they are truly the most comfortable I've found yet! You can swim with them too. I just submitted my bill to my insurance as I am supposed to be able to get one pair of prosthesis' a year and four bra's...we'll see if they actually reimburse me. As Nicki gotta see the humor in an exploding boob during a meeting! You did read on here about the women who lost her size D prosthesis in the supermarket. Oh...we laughed so hard. Everyone teased her about it being on video, who would have found it, what they would have thought, going to lost and found to claim it etc. could be worse! More bugs and fishes to you though. is only about 30 minutes from where I live. We are out in the sticks in Newark Valley if you remember the area at all. My sister is thinking of moving to North Carolina and has been looking for large plots of land. I would love it...they want lots of land cuz they don't like neighbors but I could have a couple acres on it and move with them. Dreaming probably but what the heck. I've grown to hate winter and want to be nearer to my DD.
    Laura...yippee and congratulations! I love new baby stories. I should have been a midwife.
    Marsha...come out of hiding and get a hug. I know how you feel...I thought I was done too and had my trip to Florida all planned and then they slammed me with six weeks of radiation. I was so down and out. I cried for weeks. I felt like I'd been slapped in the face just one too many times. Rads are so tiring...get some sleep if you can and hopefully you will feel better. What is the countdown at now? I said I was going to count weeks and not days cuz it would seem shorter but I ended up counting days anyway.
    Talking with Jankay...brb
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Nicki, I spend quite a bit of time driving dh to and from work everyday so I talk on the cell to people like Mena who also have Verizon service. I have unlimited long distance with our DSL package so I call all over! My mother was convinced the phone was growing out of my ear when I was a teen. AND.....I have been home for over a month and bored! But here is the phone I want for my birthday:
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    I swear, I'm gonna blow!!! I just got bumped off the site and back to the Verizon home page, for no reason! Lost a really long post !
    OK, the cliff's notes version:

    Vickie, we had the storn earlier when I was on my way home from work. 3/4" of rain in 15 min.! How is Nate's leg?? Those stings can be a real b*tch!

    JanKay, Congrats on walking 80'! That is great news.

    Anne, I'm so glad you got your port out. It must feel so much better.

    Liz, you and Shokk should take a vacation together, far away from the pouring rain. It is really awful!

    Nicki, my drinking bud, I am on my 2nd glass of Cabernet
    and feeling no pain!

    Now that my good post went "poof", I cannot for the life of me remember what I said. Most of it was from memory and that's gone . Everyone from Amy to Z have a good night, and I'll see you in the morning (or afternoon). G'day Peter!!!
    Bugs and fishes, Deb!
    Hugs, Puppy
    Marsha, come out, come out........
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    ok...back to finish my rounds...
    Gina dear...take some Tylenol and get some rest and relaxation for a couple days and you'll feel better before you know it. Sounds easier than it is...sorry. Hugs and love to you. are one busy lady...out playing tennis again! You have far more ambition than I do!
    Margaret...oh my...what in the world were you thinking LOL! I couldn't drag myself out of bed that early to start with. Just teasin and yes I do think you can do it! Trust me...if me and Cheri can quit smoking then you can do this and feel wonderful about it! With you all the way. were wondering how Peter became your brother...well its like this...we kinda roped him in and adopted him and we are refusing to let him leave. He's such a great asset here (did ya catch that shokk LOL)and we've needed a big brother for a long time.
    Jasmine...I have tried the hobby stores, Lowes and Home Depot. I have a jigsaw (handheld)and some plywood so I'm gonna search the internet and get a pattern...what the heck...learn something new every day! Can't do more than cut my fool arm off LOL. Just kidding ladies...I'll be fine! (did I say that when I hung the porch swing...or climbed the ladder...can't remember LOL)
    Nicki...we are so connected. It seems like every time I think of you I come her and you have posted. You picked such a perfect picture...I thought at first that you did it on purpose! Love ya sunshine sister.
    Beth...May have to give my rent a hubby a call this weekend...going to replace the floor in the toy room and Nates bedroom with the new wood floors that lock together...I have way more ambition than I do hours in a day. Well...don't know about the ambition part either...lets just say I have more ideas than hours in a day.
    Doreen...hmmm...pretty sure I have some eucalyptus leaves around here somewhere!
    I'm so tired I have no idea who I have posted to and who I haven't...geez I hate that. I should have taken notes...I know I missed Jan, Cheri, Madison, Liz, Susan, Cherryl, Puppy, Mena, oh crap...too many to count. I am going to make a list of everyone and start writing a book so I can keep track LOL.
    Speaking of books...the journal is coming along. I just got adobe photoshope and illustrator on my computer!!! (no...i didn't pay for it...I know I know...bad girl that I am...)...anyhoo...its going to be the most beautiful book you girls have ever seen! I promise. There is actually still time to send me your journal thoughts and pictures if you want to. I will repost my email under my "home page" so you can send me stuff through there.
    Gotta run and dope up my boy...poor kid...brb
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    Liz...oh my...please stay safe...I am always terrified of the drainage ditches when we have floods. Parents just don't seem to pay attention at all any more...well...some of them anyway.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007

    Margaret, you go girl. When I was teaching aerobics, I could never understand the girls who got up at the crack of dawn!!! Vickie is right, if she and Cheri can quit smoking, you can do this! Good luck!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Good evening everyone.

    It should be getting close to time to wake Peter up! Hope you have a fantabulous Friday.

    Nicki -- thanks! Who loves ya, baby?! Hope you enjoy your week off.

    Liz -- cyber gremlins 1, liz 0. Bummer. I usually open up Notepad if I'm going to type a long one.

    Jankay -- that is a good question about lying on your stomach more. I've always heard to sleep on your side to your spine doesn't get out of whack.

    Anne -- congratulations on getting your port out. Maybe in another year and a half, I will get mine out too. Right now I'm kind of attached to it. :>

    Vickie -- I'm so glad you took Nate to the doctor. It would have taken forever to get better with the stinger still in there. Must be a ground nest then.

    Beth -- I love that phone too!

    Hi Jan

    Well, going to go watch an Ugly Betty rerun. I love that show. A true example of beauty on the inside. Be back later....

    Cheri -- please let us know how things went today!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Hi Suz,

    Lake Chemung is probably 10 or 12 miles from me! Let me know if you're going to see 'lil bro' and we'll set something up! I'll pm you my info!
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2007
    Hi everyone. Ok here goes...
    THIS WEEK SUCKS.except for Laura new baby boy what's his name???hehe

    Too much crap (and I mean it) going on in everyone lives.

    Marsha....I am or was just like you. Always happy, laughing, looking at the good things and brushing off the bad. I had a sick sense of humor and could rip on liners with the best...until cancer. I'm getting better, but radiation kicked my butt hard. It still confuses me how it did, but towards the end I could have cared less if anything was going on outside my world. But happy to say it does get better slowly. Giving you hugs and waiting for your quirckyness to come back.....

    Shokk and all of our sisters in the bathtub zone. Please be careful, water is the most deadlest source know to man so praying for some sunshine to come your ways in the midwest. xoxo

    Vickie...great new on our Nate. I had heard that before about the stinger but you know my chemo brain. I knew everything ..Once...

    Anne...great news on your post. Ishop had hers out this week and she was in a lot of pain. How is yours? I get mine out in August.

    Jan...I was and still am the most uncordinated person in the world. That's why I swam. But remember once doing a step class and was so happy I was following along with the music until I looked up and was facing the wrong way from everyone else!! Gave it up and did kickboxing, way more fun when you can put someone's face on the bag. xoxo
    Have to go and finish packing. Leaving very early in the am. I will try to get on and read.
    Everyone please take care of our brother...
    Love to all.

    Ps....the jury thing?? It's the day before Pinkstock!!!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Hi to all!

    I will try to get back tonight...or in the morning. It's been a hectic day and I haven't read but a couple posts. Gotta try to keep up before I leave, so plan to read after I put DH to bed!
    Reminder that I will be gone Friday morning till Sunday Evening and leaving again Monday until Tuesday.
