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  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    gmorning peter

    i hope u had a good night. as u prob have read i had a very good day ar therapy today and on top of that (i forgot this earlier) i fixed spagetti for super. i dont cook as much as i would like so this is a sign at how good i felt.
    cy=i hope u feel better tomorrow.
    tc cyber family janice
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    no doubt Peter the prayers have helped
    on this thread they have a contact list where we give our adddresses and other contact information, if u want to be included u are to pm liz with your infotmaation.
    this goes to z and angel and the other new people
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    Good morning from Amy to Z...
    Ha...I have beat everyone up! My turn to blow the trumpet, tweak some toes and tickle some noses with a feather...where is Betty, Jankay, Nicki...Peter...come on...wake up!

    Denise...Wanted to send you a hug will have a wonderful time and you won't get lost. I drove to Florida and back and it was fine. If I do see you in my neck of the woods though I'm sure gonna have a good laugh. I know what you mean about missing DS...I miss Sarah so much.

    Deb...glad you got the exploding boob taken care of...have a great day.

    CY...sending you a big hug. How many more treatments do you have?

    Cheri...anxiously awaiting news!

    Suz...funny test! Looks like I may need to be on the dementia floor at work though LOL.

    Z...let us know how things are going.

    Amy...gotta check in before you leave for Maine...we's gonna miss ya!

    ok...gotta get ready for work!!!
    Love and hugs all around
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Good Morning Everyone! Well after today - Im on vacation. Yipee. Not going anywhere special, just gonna enjoy 10 days of not having to go to work.

    Well its looks like we all have one thing in common. Very happy that its Friday lol.

    Liz: Rain rain go away, come again another day. I had that brief experience with flooding the other day. Rained 5 inches in one hour - but, its stopped and the flooding went away pretty quickly. Night sweats ugh! I was given an unusal prescription for night sweats and to help me sleep. A small dose of Seroquel. Well besides it being expensive, its an antipsychotic so I weaned myself off of it. The last 2 nights I have been up every hour and the sweat was just pouring off of me.

    Vickie: I am so afraid of wasps and bees. I have heard you must get the stinger out, otherwise the the venom keeps going into the skin, long after the bee is gone. What a simple solution - using a credit card to get rid of the stinger. Im glad nate is ok.

    Beth: The phone is cute, trying to picture you carrying it around with you during your driving.

    Denise: Have fun this week-end. Sure am gonna miss you though. Hey - at least you dont have to drive through Chicago lol.

    Anne: Getting my post out meant closure for me.

    Tgirl: I was truelly amazed at how little pain I had after my port removal.

    Sue: You are not a pathetic loser. Although, some days I feel the same way.

    Susan: good to see you pop in and say hello.

    Sherloc: I love Frankie too.

    DebC: Glad you went to the fitter and hoping the new style bra wont cause irritation.

    CY: My dear friend. Im sorry you feeling tearful. You have been through so much - and your strength has been amazing. So shed a tear here and there. Hoping your feeling better this morning.

    Suz: Ive been to summerfest and the irish fest at Milwaukee. A pretty simple drive from here. This week we are having "Taste of Chicago" but I wont be going to it. Way too crowded, and cant afford a limo. There is no way I would drive downtwon to Navy Pier.

    Tricia: Glad the meeting went well. Hope you got to have some relaxation time while being in Key West.

    MargaretB: Me at boot camp? Oh ahahahahahaha. Im the biggest whimp around. Guess I will stick with my walking and swimming.

    Charlene: Your such a sweetie. My husband and I will be celebrating our 29th anniversary on August 26th. So Im gonna plan on partying with you and Sherloc.

    Have a great day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Betty and Tony
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Good morning sunshine sister Nicki...
    Don't forget's Fosamax Friday...darn.
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2007
    Hi kids, sneaking in for a flybly while hub is packing the car. He would kill me if he knew I was on when he thinks I forgot something. I did...YOU.

    Sue..Marsha....((((smack))) I sure know those "doggy downer days"

    I LOVE YOU ALL...see you on Sunday night...can't wait to see how much I've missed. Hopefully it's quiet. xoxoxo

    Love to all.
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007
    Morning all,

    It's bone scan day. Not looking forward. I know it's no biggie, but I'm just tired of driving to the hospital for another test. I have my iPod ready and my Circle Girl tunes are first on the playlist.

    No coffee, etc for me which means I didn't take my fossilmax either. I'll have a cup of coffee in me before I hit the hospital parking lot later. LOL

    Better get ready. I have to be there at 7:30. Hope the carpet is fired up.

    Hugs to Amy to Z.

  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Good Morning Sunshine sisters and brother. Hoping you all have a grand day.

    Peter - your gonna be stuck with me. Im not going anywhere on my days off. Just working in my garden and swimming in the pool. Might go to the Zoo and out to dinner though. So Im gonna have alot more computer time while being off work.

    Betty: I got to tell ya. I aksed for my bone scan and I was so scared it was gonna show something. Did have hot spots but thank goodness it was just two healing broken ribs. Good luck with your test today.

    OK - gotta go - have a bright and sunny day.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Wow, it's morning already! We got home late and I started reading posts, page after page, and all of a sudden there's Peter and Vickie saying it's friday. Where did my time go? I have sat here all night, not that it's really unusual for me, but I normally notice the time.

    I wanted you all to know that I'm overwhelmed at all the well-wishes from everyone about my dr. appt. Thank you all so much. So many of you mentioned me in your posts. It is wonderful to feel so cared about. I am truly a board addict. My dh commented that I couldn't wait to get in the front door to get on here.

    I still have a cast but it's a walking cast. He said I could start bearing light weight on my foot. No camboot yet, maybe next time. No infection. He said one of the screws in my ankle had moved and it was just below the skin and it would have to come out after I'd healed. My dh told him I'd always had a screw loose! lol I do hate to have another surgery to have it removed but he said it wouldn't be a big deal and not to worry. I had both my legs up on the table and when they cut the cast off there was one little skinny stick leg covered with Long black hair and then this huge pinkish looking tree trunk of a leg. lol They looked like they belonged to different people. My 'good' leg was muscled up plus it was really swelled. It had no hair...and I hadn't shaved it since surgery cos there was no hair growing which is a sign of poor circulation. So they sent me up to have a doppler done and there's no blood clot, thankfully. But the skin is warm and when touched it leaves a white spot where fingers had been. So then they checked my BP. Oh my. It was 169/107. Much too high! They told me to start taking my meds again. duh. I would guess that's why I've felt so rotten the past week or so. I just took it again a few min. ago and it's down to 142/80. I took a BP pill as soon as we got home. My next appt. is Aug 2. Hopefully I'll lose the cast and move on to a camboot but we'll see. All in all, except for having a screw loose, and still having a cast, the trip was successful.

    Peter, nice pics of your homeland.

    Shel, you should post more often. lol

    LisaE, tell us what you really think. Come on, don't be shy. Go ahead and just get it off your chest you'll feel better. lol

    Jankay, very funny mustard joke and I hadn't heard that one. I'm going to borrow it and pass it to my sister if you don't mind.

    Laura, Congrats on the new grandson.

    Charlene, what beautiful little girls you have. Just seems like yesterday my little girl was the size of your small one and now she's 24 w/2 boys. BTW, did you say you shared a birthday with Richard Simmons?

    Janny, I just hated that pic of me in my avatar but I'll find something else to post. Don't know what yet. Am I hard to find with just a name? I'm so flattered. Didn't know you cared. hahahaha (yes i did)

    Iris, you get an A in posting. You're very thorough. I enjoy our IM's.

    Nicki, hope your dry weather dance worked. Ahem.

    Anne, glad getting your port out went smoothly for you. I'm dreading the day mine has to be removed. It was a huge ordeal putting it in. They're gonna have to knock me out. I'm skeered. It's my security, too. Don't understand why.

    Gus & Marsha, hope you all are feeling better today.

    Mena, guess I missed your post. I'm sure you must've had one. Gosh, I do hope you're feeling better lately. We used to have such silly fun.

    Gina, you're not going to have pain today. Ignore the warning. You're going to feel wonderful.

    Vickie, are you packed for Paris? Didn't I read where you have some sort of trip planned this week-end? I hope you played nice while I wasn't here to keep an eye on you. lol

    Amy, hmm. I think you're on vacation so I won't post to you. How bout I toast to you instead!

    Liz, I don't know if I told you but I meant to, very nice car. I'm proud for you.

    Well, I'm over my little snit I was in the other day. Actually, I don't think it would qualify as a snit. Much bigger. I've been letting things that normally wouldn't bother me get to me as of late. Don't really know why. Probably frustration. But looking back on the pettiness that ticked me off I laugh at myself for letting it get to me. I love this site. It has saved me. I've made what I hope will be life long friends. I used to go all over these boards into all the forums and post. Then I stayed mostly in the Circle for quite awhile. Recently I ventured back out. I do think things have changed since I was out there before. Alot of tension going on. We are all amazing women with a variety of ideas and opinions. I think there's been some kind of twisted enjoyment out of the tension. I love twisted enjoyment.

    Wishing all of you from Amy to Z a safe & pleasant day.

    Your Pal,
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Good Morning!

    Just scanned over the posts....trying to find the whiney imposter who posted last night using my name! LOL

    Sorry about that my friends.........and I do mean friends, which is no doubt why I threw the hissy last night.

    Nicki: You have a wonderful, well deserved vacation!
    Cheri: Oh, just saw your post! Yippee.........except for the long black hair, sounds like you did great!! Glad all went well for you, and it's only going to get better from here on!
    Peter: My type of Brother! Nope, you're not scared of us crazies! Glad you feel welcomed here.

    I'm going with the "A to Z" rule today and saying that I'm thinking of all of you and a special thought for those going through tests and procedures and exploding boobs!

    I'm gonna get my 'assie' in the shower and get ready to venture to Indiana.
    Nicki: Don't be so sure that I won't be coming through Chicago...........there is a split in the road, one says Chicago and the other is the right one.........for some reason, that is the split that I've missed before!

    Going to have board withdrawl this weekend, but wishing you all a safe and happy one. Try to be good and stay safe..Don't do anything I wouldn't do..and make your mommy's proud! Gee, see what my "adult" kids have to still listen to when I go anywhere!

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    >For the animal lover in you:>>After the tornado>>>>>The story begins with the rescuers finding this poor little guy they named>Ralphie.>>Someone had already taken him under their wing but weren't equipped to>adopt;>>>Ralphie; scared and starved, joined his rescuers...>>>>I wouldn't think anything could live thru this...>but we were wrong.>>>>This little lady also survived that wreckage.>>>>>Here she is just placed in the car - scared, but safe.>>>and then...they are no longer alone!>>>>Instant friends, they comforted each other while in the car.>>>>Add two more beagles found after that...>the more, the merrier!>>>Oh boy, a new traveler to add to the mix...>(note: the cat coming over the seat needing shelter...)>now just how is this going to work??? (and remember they are all strange to>one another )>>>>It's going to work just fine, thank you very much!>>>>Wow! The things we learn from our animal friends...>If only all of mankind could learn such valuable lessons>as this. Lessons of instant friendship. Of peace and harmony>by way of respect for one another -- no matter one's color or creed.>>These animals tell you... "It's just good to be alive and with others.">>Yes, it surely is.>>So... Live, love, laugh.>>>>"Life's a Gift... Unwrap It!">>> _____>>See what's free at <; . _________________________________________________________________Like puzzles? Play free games & earn great prizes. Play Clink now.
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    oh peter
    how beautiful
    we need the rain too but not like that
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    I just thought i would tell u
    i asked my old therapist about laying on your stomach
    He said, when u sit alot, laying on your stomach helps to stretch out your hips
    who would have known
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited June 2007
    Peter, that post brought tears to my eyes. It was beautiful and inspiring. Thank you!

    Just a quick drop in this morning, guys, I have to run off to the gynecologist....just a routine exam. Haven't gone in two years since I just couldn't bring myself to go to another doctor appointment this time last year.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited June 2007

    Good morning all. Everyone seems so awake and I'm feeling like this tired kitty!

    Shirley, I tend to stay up way too late. Audrey is a night owl and until the kids are all tucked in and I spend time with my SO it's already late. Then I get on these boards and three hours fly by like one! lol Yea, Nicki is going to party with us on our birthdays!

    Nicki, 29 years, that's incredible! I made it 17 years with my ex (5 living with, 12 married). We get along well, both of us have Audrey's best interest at heart. Only 4 years now with my SO. Sounds like such a short time but between having a baby, blending families (he has an 11 year old son who is with us part time) and getting bc a lot has happened in that time! He's my rock and I'm very lucky to have him! Enjoy your vacation time!

    Jankay - I'm so happy to see you feeling better. Love your funnies!

    Peter - such a nice thing to say! And the poem is very touching.

    Betty - thinking of you today and wishing the best.

    Cheri - glad to see your trip was successful! hahaha .. no, I said Gene! LOL I missed your sense of humor and love your perspective on things. Twisted enjoyment .. priceless!

    Well I'm starting to wake up some but I still don't feel close to like the dancing bear in Nicki's post!

    Happy Friday everybody from Amy to Z!

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007

    CG Family, Praying for You!!
    Just back in the fruitcake tent for a while!!
    dosent mean i dont watch over you!! xoxo Puppy
    "PETER" we thank God fro You!!! You are very Inspirational!
    OH and on the spelling, I am the "QUEEN" on spelling wrong!! most of the Sisters would never know it was me if I spelled everthing right or wrote it right!! so don't worry about spelling, Sweetie, JUST get used to me calling YOU SWEETIE Just like all the rest of the Family!!!! kinda my way of talking!!! Love You All BBS , Puppy
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Good morning from Amy to Z...........

    Well today is 6 months from the day of my mastectomy surgery. I remember thinking to myself "In 6 months all this will be over". LOL guess maybe that is causing me to be sad. Thanks to everyone for the hugs, and also the kick in the pants on occasion HAHA

    Going to the new Comedy Club here in town tomorrow with my best friends Chip and Mary. Then Sunday going to meet Sheri and Sue/Boo in Orlando. Daquiris by the pool with a couple of CG's sounds like a great pick me up! I talked to Sheri the other night, she is having circle withdrawal pains. haha NOW I have to keep the secret of her afghan??? Man after a couple of drinks no telling what might come out of my mouth. Sheri wants someone to do cliff notes Sunday morning so I can print them out and take it to her. HAHAHA

    Haven't been posting but HAVE been reading. BBL to catch up with everyone!! LOVE, Marsha
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Peter, very nice poem.

    Betty, good luck with your bone scans

    Jankay, you bet I have coffee, come on over and have a cup and we'll get some Krispy Kremes and just have a lovely chat.

    Denise, have a great, safe week-end.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    cheri am i there yet?

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Jankay....wherever you are, there you are! hugs!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Morning everyone! Hope everyone has a great day.

