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  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Good morning, Liz! Its fantabulous FRIDAY.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    Wow! Just looked outside - it's not raining yet. Wooohoooo.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Morning All,

    Cheri, welcome back..we missed ya....oh yes, please take your bp meds...we were worried

    Gina, how are you today? Sending you give hugs.

    Peter, very nice poem....Mother Nature has no rhyme or reason...drought, flood, earthquake, tornado, hurricane, etc....these are all destructive. It is amazing to see the resilience of people, how they come together in disasters and help one another.

    Marsha, enjoy your time with Sheri and Sue/Boo…..relax… deserve it

    Jankay, so happy to see you posting and be chipper

    Denise, enjoy your trip….

    Vickie, wow-it always amazes me what those stingers can do…give Nate a big hug from me. I sure hope you are all able to find that next and get rid of those bees

    Puppy-makes our day when we see your beautiful posts-keeping you in a tight hug

    Charlene, your children are beautiful…they do grow fast and each age brings something new and exciting to witness

    Nicki, enjoy your days off….you work so very hard….relax….have some wine…swim. I wish you great weather, lots of good wine and fun times

    Kristin, check in when you get back from the doc

    Shokk-Liz…how are things…just tried calling a business in Texas…no answer YIKES…I know the flooding is really bad….be careful

    Hello SHEL……love it when you pop in to say hi….miss you

    Anne, hope you are resting today… are you feeling?

    Suz, board addiction….our teenagers will never understand… DH asks me every day “how are you ladies doing today?”…..he knows I check on everyone during the day

    Hi Deb, there is another business that is great at fitting after bc surgery…it is call the Total Woman Boutique…..there is one in my city and they are compassionate, knowledgeable and help with insurance.
    Their website is

    Margaret…wow-I think you can do the exercise program….once you get in the routine it will be easier each day

    MB, I know you don’t usually post on Fridays…thinking of you and dh…how was his check-up?

    Shirley, hello-what on the agenda for today?

    Amy, have fun on your Maine camping trip….We’ll send cyber hugs and kisses to Mazer and Hey Jude so they won’t get lonesome

    Robin, oh Robin… make me feel so guilty that I just have to put the crochet hook down tomorrow and clean my house…..try to get some rest this weekend

    Morning Alwayshope……have a great day

    SoCalLisa…..your bootcamp pic made me think of DD’s basic training and survival training…we are going to Georgia to visit her at her base in July….I love our military men and women and so very much enjoy being around them

    Z-I sure do hope you have a great FRIDAY…….miss your posts

    Liz, I was going to try to fly to OK next week…but instead sent $$$ to help DD rent a U-haul and move….plus helping the other DD put a deposit down on her new apartment….anyway….only can do so much….but may still try to sneak a visit to her soon

    Where’s Beth…saw her post yesterday…..still has Ringo….but doing better

    Pam, hello and how is your Friday? Sending you hugs
    Need to get back to work……
    Hugs from Amy to Z…(to any I missed…extra hugs)…
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning sister dears. Happy sleeping Peter. Today is a sad day in our little town. On monday one of my husband co-workers collasped while talking to a customer. Don't know all the details but the story is he was dead before he hit the ground. 27 years old, leaves a wife and 4 children behind. He grew up here. Was well known, and well loved. His dad has been Pastor of one of the churches in town for 30 years. Anywhos funeral is today. The dealership is actually closing so all the employees can go. Please say a prayer for the family of Justin Winn. He will be missed by many.

    Charlene, A new internet. Wouldn't that be something. I get that nonsense mail all the time. Just annoyed me that it was sent by a sister. Not someone that comes here tho.
    I used to be a night owl. Now I'm happy if I can keep my eyes open till 10.

    Jankay, you walked AND you cooked. I am very impressed. Good for you.

    Have a great day Vicki.

    Nicki, I was so thinking the same thing. Me at Exersize boot camp? hahahhahhahahhah. I go to Curves, it's excersize lite.
    So it's set, me you and Charlene party time on the 25th/26th. O wait it's your anniversary. Guess we should invite your hubby too.

    Sweet dreams Peter. See you in your morning.

    Theresa, your gone already but I'll say it anyway....have a great time.

    Betty, they let you use your ipod during the bone scan? I'm right there with you holding your hand. All will be well.

    Cheri, woohoo on the new cast. Bet the old one was getting yucky. Why did you stop taking your BP meds. I don't take them but I hear thats a no no.
    Many eons ago hubby broke his ankle and had to have it screwed back together. The surgery to take them out if I do remember correctly was far easier than the surgery to put them in.
    Glad your over your snit. I got a little snitty last night with someone. Apology made, accepted, and reciprocated. All is well. Most of the time I sit on my fingers tho so I understand your doing so.

    Peter, boo hoo. That was a lovely poem.

    Kristin, pokin and prodding, yehaw!! My all time favorite doc. NOT!!

    Puppy, get out of that tent. Fruitcake is nasty and fattening

    Well Shoot Howdy Marsha, no wonder you've been so sad. Hugs for the day my dear.

    Can I have a Krispy Kreme too Cheri? Pretty Please.

    Liz, woohoo no rain.

    Madison, today will be a sad day.
    It always amazes me that even after they've moved out were still sending them money. Hope you get to make that trip soon.

    Off to exercise. See you all later.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    Update - it's raining! Thinking I should go to the movie Evan Almighty to get some tips. LOL

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Good morning sweet chicas and good night our assie man (ha)..........well ya'll are never going to believe what I saw this morning when I woke up (over slept big time).....the the happy dance) but now it is very dark and getting ready to rain again.......Liz they are saying that Texas and OK are going to get rain all weekend........just might be movie time all weekend.......hey Sherloc so sorry to hear about husbands they have any idea what happen????Oh and thanks on the info on the med for hot flashes....have it written down and am going to check with onc to see if I can take it.........oh and wish you would post your poem/song you wrote is so beautiful......Jankay you ok???????Cheri I love it when you get in a "snit" when one of our cg's are attacked.....and your comment about your pointed chin...just remember some of our most beautiful actress have what I refer as to perfect heart shaped faces......oh and take it from me don't mess around about taking your hb pressure meds......been there done that and lost........Charlene little cute girls they both look just like their mama..........oh geez.....brb....promise......

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007

    dang and here I thought my antirain dance was finally working.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Shokk, an autopsy was done but results haven't been announced. Maybe they will say at the funeral today.

    You are tooo sweet. OK you talked me into it....I posted the unfinished version some time ago. So here it is ladies all done. My one and only attempt at writing. Changed a couple of words.

    New Reality
    words by Shirley Larson

    Doctor said, the tests are back
    the news is very bad.
    Your gonna need some surgery
    And drugs, and lots of scans.
    Don't be afraid, we'll fix you up.
    Your gonna be ok
    By the way, I forgot to say
    Welcome to... your New Reality.

    But the grass is greener
    the sky is bluer
    and childrens laughter fills my ears.
    I've learned to dance,
    O aint life grand
    In this New Reality.

    So here we go, lets kill this beast.
    Come fill me with your poison.
    Yes I'm afraid, but I'll survive
    Living in my New Reality.

    I've changed it's true, of course I have
    I've been to hell and back
    But from this day, till journeys end.
    I'll embrace my New Reality.

    Cause the grass is greener
    The sky is bluer
    Childrens laughter fills my ears.
    I've learned to dance,
    O aint life grand
    In my New Reality.

    Take my hand, my sister friend
    I'll walk with you thru the fire.
    Your candle must burn to shine it's light
    On your New Reality
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    (((Sherloc)))....ok moving on........Gina hoping your having a good day....check in when you can......Denise, Amy, Theresa.........ya'll have fun and be safe.....ok now maybe I'm dreaming but I could have sworn I read earlier that Nicki is taking vacation time.....girl its about freaking time.....((((Gus/Sue))) hope you have a better day today....brb......

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Shirley, I quit taking my BP meds cos the dr. told me to when I was in the hospital because my bp had dropped down so low. Prayers going up for Justin. My condolences.
    I think you must have nerves of steel because you usually always keep a cool head. (But I bet your husbands mouth would drop open if he read that!) haha But really, you don't fuss with anyone. I am just so proud of you.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Suz I always enjoy reading your post......So Called Lisa (ha)......your post pics always say a thousand words......Beth you and ringo need a divorce.....((((Pam))))((((CY)))))))Alwayshope don't forget that the cg's will always be here for you.....this thread just would not be the same without you sweetheart......Puppy thanks for the pep can call me sweetie anytime you want......I have been pondering about my spelling and the spellcheck Peter recommended and not sure I will.......maybe it will be more fun for all of us for my "slips" Texas we refer to the "Bushisms" when President Bush just makes up words.....when my oldest was little she would always say something was "glassable" for breakable and my ex and I still use glassable for an object that is breakable.......anyway you guys hang with me and just couldn't imagine not be able to come here and keep my sanity with my cg's everyone.....Hey Vickie didn't forget you.....just save the best for you too sweetheart........will check back in later gators.......

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Shokk, Ringo and I look like we are parting ways very shortly. He measured 20 cc's yesterday and again this morning. If it stays there under 30 cc's then he is getting pulled over the weekend. I will be so much more comfortable.

    Nicki, guess what? I was on the phone with a bc sister this morning and my cell ran out of battery life! Totally drained. So I will call her back from home from a regular phone that is not dependent on batteries, LOL. Enjoy your vacation!

    Vickie, hope Nate's leg is better. Eric still needs to go through his books. I asked him if he wants his Narnia collection and said he may reread them.

    BTW, does anyone have a child or grandchild who enjoy the Dragonballz series? I would love to box them up and send them to someone. He has another collection too but the name escapes me. Email or pm if you want them. Otherwise, I may take them to the hospital for the pediatrics floor.

    Marsha, there is nothing quite like meeting fellow sisters form here. We have such a good time on our get-togethers even if we are all sober! I will be off my meds soon so I can enjoy a drink or too on July 4th! DIL buys those Smirnoff things and they are sooooo good!

    Hi Puppy! Nicki thinks I talk on the phone too much. What do you think? Our record, according to dh is about 65 minutes. Not too shabby!

    Sleep tight Peter! Mom did a cross-stitch of Australia and I see it every time I am in her room and now I think of you too! She said the Koalas don't smell too good either. She wants to go back especially to the outback and the rainforest...Daintree (is that right?)

    Cheri, no cast, YEAH!! Are you going to have physical therapy when you are allowed to be weight bearing? You and Jankay can swap notes!

    Iris, i decided we needed to repaint our bedroom. First I have to dig out of the clutter. I too am a pack rat and so is dh.

    Tgirl, Kristin and/or Ishop/Sue, need directions to a place in South Jersey. Actually need to know if it is still there. It is a huge farmers' Market off of rt. 47 (I think) and Delsi Drive Circle. Not sure of the spelling, but it was right at the circle. Please let me know if it exists still. We are looking forward to fresh Jersey peaches and boy are the Jersey blueberries great right now! The ones we are getting are out of Hammonton (again sp?)

    Well, gang, gotta unpack groceries, slowly, and then put wash in the dryer. DS will unload the heavy stuff like his Gatorade when he gets home. Also have to deal with my ex to find out what's happening this weekend! Wish me luck I don't lose my cool.

    Hugs to all, Amy to Z! I know I missed some of you but I forgot to take notes, so what is new with me!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Sher - wonderful words. Thanks for sharing.

    Shokk - I saw that. I am so sick of this rain. Stay safe.

    Cheri - glad your bp is down and you have a new cast. You're on the road to walking.

    DH is on vacation next week. Me thinks he needs to go somewhere. He's already whining about the weather. LOL

    Phone - bbl
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007

    BTW, Shokk, I forgot to tell you, I used the spell check from Google toolbar. It lets you add to the dictionary so now everyone's id's won't come up. THANK YOU PETER! I only thought I could spellcheck on documents. Great idea.

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007
    as Mizsissy said to me, this is a "VERY SAD DAY"
    Gods Speed My Precious {{{{MENA}}}} Pup
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    Does Mena have a new plan? This stinks...Hugs if you are reading Mena!

    Deb C
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007

    She is so upset, I hope she call's Mizsissy or someome, I think her choice is going bach to herceptin i dont know deb i am crying like a friggen i dont know i am just so damned mad right now i cant even think but i know she needs us chei honey try to call she might taalk to you puppy

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Oh,Mena I am so very sorry.There are other drugs.Now what is the plan?Praying hard for you.

    Liz: Glad I brought a smile to your face.I just wish he would take my advice.But someday......

    Margaret:Thank you so much.

    Cheri: you must get better soon,we have a mission.Remember??

    I just cant get Mena off my mind.I know how you feel honey if you are reading this.I am sure your onc has something else in mind.

    BBl:got both kids today and NOelle got her shots yesterday and she is a little whiney tale,and tesla has the thrush and she is a whiney tale.But the thrush looks much better today.Hugs everyone.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    I just called Mena's numbers. Left her a message. I'll keep trying her.

    Mena - we love you and are here for you!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    I called too and had to leave a message. Maybe she'll call me back.

    I hate this disease.
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007
    OK {{{Mena}}} It's time Puppy Protects YOU! XOXO Pup


    we will not stop fighting we will just "FIGHT HARDER"
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Oh dear sweet Mena, hugging you tight

    Puppy is so right...we will be your protectors and storm heaven with our prayers

    love you dear sweet sister
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Mena...we certainly will storm heaven with all our prayers...we will circle together around you and protect you, love you and get on our knees before God for you. We will fight with you, we will fight for you. Love and hugs to you dear sweet sister.
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Mizsissy

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    thank you for the hope Mizsissy. Really needed that message right now. Please tell Mena to check in...we need her to feel how much she is loved.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007

    Thank you Mizsissy......we so very much appreciate your letting us know about dear Mena.....we have her wrapped in a tight hug and are saying prayers....

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007
    I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pup
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Mizsissy

  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited June 2007
    Excuse the quick fly by. I took notes for 2 days and haven't had a chance to respond yet. Would someone please send Bubba to my work? My boss (bosses) are driving me absolutely crazier than usual. I am so aggravated trying to do everything I need to do at the end of the month, along with all the regular stuff, plus whatever he (they) decide they don't want to do... and then want to know why I can't get finished. Grrrr.... I am turning into one of those crazy full moon people I always talk about. There are definitely too many chiefs and not nearly enough indians in this family run business (please don't take offense if you are native Americans.... everybody seems to be so sensitive lately.). Maybe it's me. After all, it is not realistic that everyone BUT me is crazy. *sigh*
    I miss my circle!!!! Everyone... from A to Z.... and all numbers, symbols, are all in my thoughts, my heart and my prayers...... hope to catch up tonight. Pam
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    I just talked to Meaner a little while ago. She said she was going to post but she would probably take a nap first. We had a few laughs together. It's good for what ails you.
