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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Well! Im not ging to Florida. Dont have a family reunion. Not going on a cruise. But its official Im off work for 10 days of just having fun and relaxing.

    Cheri: OMG your back! I missed your post by minutes this morning. Guess it was cause I was looking at some of the other twisted posts. Which sure do intrigue me. Im so glad they did a doppler and there isnt a blood clot! Whew. At that blood pressure was scary. Glad your back on your medications. Have you talked to you PCP about the leg swelling. Im thinking, even though you dont want to hear this, that you need either TED hose or a compression stocking. Good news on the cast being changed. Removing "hardware" its a piece of cake compared to what you have been through.

    Jankay: Tomorrow morning I will have coffee for you. Will set up a table. Regular, DeCaf, Hazelnut, Chocolate Silk, Vanilla - and iced coffee for any Starbucks lovers out there.

    Denise: Im not doing anything this week-end. You get lost in Chicago. You better call me.

    Peter: Oh I had the grumpiest day. Drving home, I felt like I was in a war with everyone. Thats how Chicago traffic is! And even this ladylike nurse gave the finger to some guy who cut her off. Of course then I locked the doors, put my windows up, grabbed my cell phone and pretended to call the police lol. Anyways, thats was such a beautiful poem.

    I asm touched!

    Kristin: So your finially going on some "routine" appts! Still hate the gyne though.

    Charlene: My DH and I have known each other for 34 years. 5 years of which we lived in "sin."

    Betty: hoping your tests went good today.

    Marsha: The thing abou thtis whole journey. Nothing happened like I thought it would. And I certainly wouldnt have believed that 2 years later I would still be thinking about this dang bc. But at least now, I can feel the wind blowing in my hair again. Have fun with Sheri and Boo. Cliff notes? Ahahahahahaha

    Liz: Whining DH and he is on vacation? Better get him to do some inside stuff!

    Gina: Hoping all is well with you today.

    Madison: Board addiction? Oh its beyond that for me I think.

    Shel: Just saying hello to you my frie3nd.

    Sherloc: Im so sad about Justin Winn. 27 y/o is still just barely a man to me. So very young. I also have a note that say "leave hubby at home; but goodness knows I dont remember what that was about.

    Shokk: Maybe I should do a rain dance instead?


    OK! 3 glasses of wine and Im hungry. Gonna go take my first vacation nap.

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited June 2007

    Yep, that's right, I'm on vacation until next Thursday!!!
    Nothing really planned, just being away from work is enough. Going to the beach a few days and lunch with friends I haven't seen in a bit. But I am not obligating to anything.

    So sorry to hear about Mena and the meds not working, keep fighting girlie, you'll win!

    To all of you, I am trying to keep my list updated, we just keep growing so fast, let me know if I omit someone.

    ((((((((((Alwayshope, Amy, Anne, Bearlysane, Beth, Betty, Biker, Brenda, Cahterine H, Charlene, Cheri, Cherly Holt, CherylNC, Christine, Colleen, CY, Deb C, Denise, Doreen, Gina, Ginney, HollyAnn, Iris, Jan, Jas, Jeannie, Karen, Kristin, Laura, Lini, LisaE, Lizws, Madison, MargaretB, Marsha, Mena, Mizsissy, Nicki, Odalys, Pam, Peter, Puppy, Robin,Rondab, Shel, Sherndon, Shirley, Shokk, Sige, SoCalLisa, Sue, Suz, Theresa, Tracey, Tricia, Vickie))))))) From A to Me - I am hoping and wishing the best to you all and sending my heart felt peace.

    I'll be away from the computer for a couple of days, hanging out at the beach - but I am with you in peaceful spirit - if you need a hand to hold, I'm there, hugs - free of charge, kick in the butt - I'm ya girl. I'm fighting along with you, even if you cannot see me, you'll feel me around, cheering you to victory.

    Thank you all for your support during this sometimes difficult time, but I am hopeful that I will prevail in the face of all the adversity and come out stronger for it and I will be able to use my resolve to assist the others who need support and a source of strength through their own trials and tribulations. I've been away and back and away and I really do not like staying away for too long because I feel like Samson after the haircut and it makes no sense to me that if I have a place to go to get the support I need , why do I not go there. Well, honestly, I am a stubborn butthead sometimes and I get tunneled into each problem and until solved nothing else exist and I am learning that having support while I deal with crap works better.

    So, again thank you for putting up with this sister, thanks you for looking for me and calling me and just generally being there. I think thank you is often so trite, so I will say, I THANK THE GODDESS FOR YOU ALL!

    Oh, and for any of you who may wonder why I thank the Goddess, I beleive in God too, I am very spiritual, I have just always believed that there was a Goddess up there too looking out for me. I don't think we can ever have too many looking out for us.

    Have a great weekend CG beauties and handsome Peter.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    Hey Mena-

    What can we do to help??? Do you need someone to do research or something??? Do we need to send a squad of chipindale dancers to your house to cheer you up? Do ya need chocolate???

    Let us know girlfriend. You are in my thoughts and prayers

    Bugs and Fishes
    Deb C
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    this hAs been a very slow

    be back later
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Mena: Im repeating what DebC just said. What can we do, what can we research?

    We are ready to join in the fight and help you.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    sigh...we'll ladies I gotta whine and vent for a minute here and feel free to pass this post right on by if you wish. Truly considered saying "goodbye, so long, farewell" today. Nearly broke my heart reading Mena's news. I want so much better for all of you and I don't know how to give it to you. Then I heart can't take this any more, I have to leave here. I can honestly say that I worry about you all. I really feel like we are so very connected.
    Which lead to my next do you walk away from people that you love and care about. People that are your "sisters and brothers"...that understand and support you because "they get it".
    You don't. You laugh, cry, pray, joke, tease, love, hug, live with them in your heart each and every day for as long as the God Lord lets you.
    So I'm staying, I'm praying, I'm here for anyone, for any thing...whatever it is...if I can do it, it will be done.
    Storming heaven for each and every one of us tonight. I am going on my knees when I get home and giving God a good talking to...gonna ask for the impossible and expect that he will give us what we need. I believe he will.
    I love ya all...more than you know.
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007

    Praying for you sweet sister! Love, Marsha
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    i would love your e mail addy
    iwant to send u something. will u send me a pm?
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    Off to the air show...I'll check in when I get back...somebody wake Peter!

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited June 2007

    Mena, hang in there, sister! When you feel you are out of strength, let the Circle hold you up and renew your resolve!

    You are at the top of my prayer list tonight, Mena. Sending positive thoughts your way!

    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Mizsissy

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007

    Oh Mizsissy you are an absolute saint and you deserve another gin and tonic. Let us know however we can help. Is Mena close to you (in location) or any of our sisters? Hugs, Marsha

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Just got home and was so relieved to hear an update on Mena. Mizsissy - please let me know what I can do to help out. Personally, I gave up on Oprah years ago when it comes to BC. I do know Ellen DeGeneres' mother is a bc survivor.

    Mena - I so wish I were closer to you. I will be calling you again. Make a list and let me know what I can do for you.

    It's still raining here - so far near 8". DH and I drove out by the dam earlier and the water is so very high. On our way to the vet we got into an area of high water. Good thing we were in the truck.

    Okay, so my dog has staph infection of the skin. I have to give him a shot everyday for 10 days plus more pills. Poor guy, he's getting old. She thinks he's still showing signs of Cushings Disease. I may end up having to take him to Stillwater (maybe I can get Madison's daughter) to have him tested.

    Need to go clean up the kitchen but I'll be back later.

    Hugs and Prayers to you all.
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Vicki:you best not leave.I cant make it without you.
    I will be in a side car with JanKays rent-a-scooter and we will come and give you a good ole tn whooping!!!
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Well, I think Tgirl, Ishop/Sue, Kristin and I probably live closest and that is about an hour and a half. I may not feel up to a long drive but if we need to run up there armed with chocolate, mint Milanos and more chocolate, then we will. {{{{MENA}}}} Please know we are here to storm the fortress, batten down the hatches and (to quote The Godfather) "go to the mattresses"! We will fight for you and write letters to Oprah, Maury and even Dr. Phil. You may not like being national news but we need to do something. Maybe Mizsissy can compose a letter and we will all write something similar and get some action! This is our call to arms cg's!

    OK, I am off of my soapbox. Just got home from picking up DH. Busy afternoon. DS was playing volleyball today at camp and he was trying to do a spike and jammed his finger. So I picked him up, took him to the doc, got x rays and it is just sprained. So, no volleyball for the week and his coach will miss him as he has a wicked serve, thanks to his mom!

    Vickie, you mean too much to all of us to leave. We want you to stay and be able to have your bright input every day and encouraging words. Who else can find that silver lining? Who else can crochet a silk purse? You get the idea!

    Puppy, you are the best, love the pics! You can lead the charge!

    Liz, Nicki and Z, have a great vacation. Enjoy and relax!

    Jankay, I may have another recipe, I just to cut and paste it in a pm or you can send me your email and I can send more! I don't think Z would ever intentionally forget you! Remember, we do have two Jan's.

    Ringo (my fourth and final drain) is finally petering out. Only 20 cc's this morning and hopefully tonight it won't be over 30 cc's for the day and they can pull it tomorrow! I already talked to the office and the PA will meet there to remove it. Then I will go to Wegman's for lunch and celebrate!

    Hugs and prayers to all of my best friends ever!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    Vickie -
    I understand what you are saying....caring for people opens you up to feeling their pain. It sucks, but it's true. Like you's worth it though.

    sending prayers
    sending hugs
    Deb C
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007

    I just want to say "I LOVE YOU ALL" Puppy

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007
    OH and one more thing Mena, I almost got in trouble again
    BUT Mon Cheri, made me get my but back to he circle, and I
    don't want to be the one to see who is the Meaner!!!
    Thank You {{CHERI}}
    {{VICKIE}} I often wondered about you taking on so much sweetie, How is my little buddy {{NATHAN}} RUB HIS LITTLE LEG AND TELL HIM AUNT PUPPY LOVES HIM!!!!! and just know this, We could never be who we are without "YOU" Who Loves Ya Vickie, We Do! Goodnight, Mizsissy called and made me feel better too!! she is a wonderful sister, with so much heart, I hope she feels welcome!!!! {{PAMMY}} UHHHH I am Cherokee and Sicillian that makes me a "WHAPAHO" You could'nt hurt anyone if you tried!!! {{BETH YOU KNOW HEHE)
    OK I think i have let off some anger, sadness and pressure. thank God I have a home full of Family that i can do that at!!! Puppy
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Back from the funeral. It was very very nice. So many people they set up chairs and monitors in the parking lot and still probably a hundred folks standing. I can only pray my life impacts that many people.

    Well Shoot Howdy Cheri, you can't win for losing. Did the doc adjust your dose?
    Nerves of steel? hmmmmm maybe, my family says I have the emotions of a door knob. There is very little that ruffles my feathers.

    Just got off the phone with onc. He says I have a healed broken rib. Well duh wasn't that what we were looking for? So broken bone officially documented. That'll make my enod happy. And yippee for me I officially now have Advanced Osteoporosis.
    On the phone so long now I have to go. Hubby is taking me out tonight. woohoo! Have to go get pretty.

    Sending special hugs and prayers to Mena.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Oh my, so much going on in the circle tonight! Mena, what can we do? I am praying for you sweet sister. Thank you for the updates, Mizsissy!

    Nicki, I am the world's worst driver. Not that I'm a bad driver, but I have terminal road rage. *&%%#**&!!!! I'm actually a very good driver, but the idiots on the road drive me nuts!

    I haven't read all the posts, there is a lot of bad going on. I have so many of you in my heart! Puppy, I am praying for you

    Uh, Peter, is it time to make the donuts???? Get up!!!!

    I have got to get ready for the big partay tomorrow. Sleep tight CGs. I love you all!
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2007
    Almost 100 posts to read. Watching TV as I'm typing - so who is going to buy an iphone today?

    Shirley, 27 and he died with no warning? I'm sorry to hear that.

    Mena, I'm sorry tykerb didn't work. image Deb, good idea of research - Mena, I can help with that. I have access to all kinds of journals, articles, publications, etc.

    Mizsissy, thank you for the update on Mena.

    Nicki, enjoy that vacation.

    Z, you enjoy being away from work.

    Vickie, you don't walk away. We are family, even if it is cyber family, I feel like it is more family than my own family, and we take the good with the bad and when it's bad, we hope for the good. I'm glad you decided to stay. We're all with you tonight thinking about Mena and having a chat with God.

    Have to go start dinner - be back later.

    Love ya guys.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Good evening everyone!

    I've kind of delayed posting in the main thread because I really don't know what to say to the news. I'm at a loss for words. Mena, I'm sorry that the Tykerb didn't work.

    If this oncologist seems to be out of ideas of meds to try then please look into the research that is being done and try another oncologist. I have a hard time believing that there isn't something else to try or some clinical trial that you could get into.
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2007
    (((Mena))) I am so sorry that the Tykerb didn't work. I am keeping you in my prayers and I've added your name to a prayer line at my church. Please let me know how I can help...I really want to be able to do something for you.

    Vickie, please don't walk away. The Circle needs you and I need you. I think of all of you as my family, and as hard as it is to hear bad news, we will help each other through it.

    I've had a few margaritas because it has been a hell of a week, so I'm not sure I am making any sense right now. I probably shouldn't drink and type in the future...

    I love you all!!!
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007 sorry to hear about the know right now you are in our circle and being held tightly by all of us..I hope you can feel the warmth of our campfire and the warmth of our hearts.
    Hugs all around!!!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Good night CG's and Peter.....
    I'm going to work on a new is so very important to send our hugs to our sisters....

    SoCal you are so right....the campfire is burning bright for all to find comfort...warmth and love
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited June 2007
    (((MENA))) we are here for you!

    This is the latest news that came out at June's ASCO conference...
    even BCO brought it up in their conference the other night:

    There were also results of data shown on patients using some newer agents in the HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer setting. One drug is a chemotherapy agent vinflunine as well as another drug that works directly against the HER2 proteins, pertuzumab (brand name: Omnitarg).

    I think you need to come to NY and see my onc. He is the guy who invented dose-dense treatment... he is Dr. Genius. I can set up the whole thing for you.

    Love you and you have my prayers and remember


  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2007
    I saw this and thought of my sisters and new brother:
