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  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited June 2007
    Wow... I always start first thing in the morning making notes and by the time I have a minute to post I am way behind already, so excuse the long post.
    Peter, we are all awake now watching over you...hehe... sweet dreams big brother.

    Nicki. VACATION....Wonderful... did you say pineapple and Captain Morgan's? I used to spend a lot of time not "socializing" as well. For me it was more that I felt like I made others uncomfortable. Hope you make it to the party!
    Vickie.. the air show sounds great. I am so glad you and Nate got to share it. Believe it or not, I also did some storming on my back deck last night. Looked up at the sky and talked to God out loud. Hope Nate's bite is so very much better.

    Beth... the bottom step of my front porch is the one I slipped on as well, only I fell forward. Quite sore this morning. I got to sleep about 4 this morning. Just a couple more days with Ringo for you. Better safe than sorry.

    Peter.. thanks for letting me hang with you last night. Have we told you how much we enjoy having you here? It is comforting somehow. The pics of your homeland are awesome. So beautiful. I would love to see Australia, but have so much beauty here in America I haven't even gotten close to.
    Marsha... thank you so much for the video. Very appropriate at this time. Thanks to all our military and military families whose sacrifices keep us free. We take it for granted all too frequently. God bless America.
    Mena... continuing to pray for you.. for healing, for peace and comfort, no pain, and just a feel good day today!! ((hugs))

    Jankay.. how could you let the batteries go down on your keyboard? You know we need you here... put it on quick charge and get on back to the circle.

    Shirley, sorrow and joy do indeed go hand in hand. Those who walk with us in darkness are that much better to be with when they celebrate with us in the light. By the way..I wish I had thought about "copy and paste" a couple months back.. I only picked it up after losing my longest and what I thought were my best posts to cyberspace.

    Silka.... what a wonderful story. God uses many of us to help answer the prayers of others. This place is an example of that.

    Nice to see ODalys! Too much of anything isn't good for our bodies... especially stress.

    ((((Robin)))) Never keep it inside. You will just be on the pot longer then, and that stuff backing up can cause all kinds of problems... Will you help me come clean??

    (((((Aunt Puppy))))) haven't seen your pretty self today. Come out into the sunshine. Help me send some of this sun out west and dry up some of that water. I am afraid Shokk's closet may float off!

    Madison... I am still practicing my crochet stitches. Amazing how relaxing and fun it can be to see the fruits of your work. Maybe one day I can contribute to an afghan as well.
    (By the way... I did see some Knifty Knitters at WalMart. I backed slowly away remembering all the posts of those when they first got them.)
    I am so sure I missed many of you, even with the lengthiness of this post. BUT... Boss had to go home and change clothes and I figure I am due this opportunity. I really do love my job... but some days..... gggrrrrrr....
    I am, however, grateful to have had this job for 25 years. My co-workers are as close as family.. guess that is why we fuss so much!!

    From A to Z.... much love and many hugs.... Pam
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Afternoon....well I like these boards and my crochet hook a heck of a lot better than I like the mop and dust cloth....downstairs I am upstairs (but so is the computer)....

    bbl...hugs to all

    Liz, I will fly into Tulsa and daughter will meet me. I'll be there from 7/11 to 7/15. I absolutely want to get together!!!!
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    well today,I cleaned the kitchen,done a load of laundry and have another one in the was and 2 more to do,vacummed,cleaned the kitchen floor.and vaccumed the couch.Not bad huh? It is 90 something here.

    Wish I were at the beach.

    Pam:I will help you come and clean anytime.To me it is an obession of sorts.But then I could have others.I like to clean when I am down and out it take my mind of things and makes the time go faster.

    I wish it wasnt so dang hot here.I would love to go to town this evening.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    OMG! Robin - slow down. You need to come here. I so hate cleaning.

    Madison - call me and let me know when/where etc. you want to meet. Can't wait!

    Guess DH and I are going to go try out the new chinese buffet place later. Yes, he finally woke up. Hope they have california sushi.

    Need you guys opinion: our hospital was recently purchased and the new owners are going to make a womens center. This will be where you get mammo's, ultrasounds and biopsies if needed. I would really like to present the CEO with a proposal of having a survivor available to these ladies. You know, be there for them before the biopsy, diagnosis etc. What do you think?

    It's a slow day in the circle. Hope everyone is enjoying their day.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Liz -- I think that's a terrific idea. Is there a local bc support group that cuold help?

    Robin -- do you keep your arm in a sling while you are doing all this cleaning? Just wondered if it didn't make your should ache alot?
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    Hi Liz,
    It is annoying time on this goofy computer(or am I the goofy one trying to master it?) Anyway,I think that is a wonderful idea to have a survivor available. The hosp where I went does that;I think? I wish that I had had someone knowledgeable as I got some real conflicting info. Would have so loved to talk to someone...real. Does that make sense??? My one contact was so annoying as hers was much diff and she was not not the most helpful person. We are not friends any longer...not just that;just sorted priorities.

    Enjoy your meal! I will try not to damage this is eating my email! LOL!

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007

    Liz:i think that is a great idea.Someone who has been there can talk to someone just diagnosed better than someone who dosent have a clue.

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    Hi Jasmine!
    How ya doing this aft? Was just reading some of the threads and there are some funny posts out there. Too tired to post on the party thread last night,partied w/you in cyberspace!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Hi Iris...big hugs. The good thing about a cyberparty is that we can do it anytime day or night! Its the neverending party. I could sure use some help keeping Marsha, Cheri, and Liz in line. They were wild women last night. I just knew Mom Vickie was gonna come in and catch us. The neighbors called a keystone cop on us.

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    Wow! Love the Keystone Cops! I think it is their coordination that I can relate to~ha! So,how is your Sat going? Ya see what I am doing??? Hiding from the house! I am camping-out in my kitchen because it is safe in here! LOL

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    LOL! I think your house will find you in the kitchen. :> Its going well. Watching Fox and CNN right now with all that Glasgow stuff. Hope any of our scottish sisters are safe.

    I've got another big box of catalogs and mags ready for the trash pickup. My closets are beginning to look a little better organized. Nothing like what Robin is doing though. She's a cleaning maniac!
  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited June 2007
    Liz... What a wonderful idea! You know, at the hospital where I go, the oncology department has a social worker available at no charge who has been a wonderful resource for me. She leads a writing class and support groups. But a survivor care base would be so helpful and very much on the "cutting edge." The American Cancer Society has a volunteer program called "Reach to Recovery." This would be a great place for them to have a resource center! Kudos to you for getting the ball rolling.

    Our local hospital has finally revived a breast cancer awareness / support group. It is a wonderful group of mostly survivors and care givers. We have planned some wonderful events this year to raise funds for some 3 day walkers. "Paint the Town Pink" will be an event on the town square in the fall with a really upbeat focus on prevention. Then we will also have a "Queen's Ball." We are currently looking for a name for our group and have gotten many suggestions. What do you ladies think about "The Breast of Friends" or "Breast Friends for Life"
    another idea was Circle of Hope with the pink ribbon symbol. Any ideas from you??? Come on ladies.. I suggested Bosom Buddies but someone said they thought that name was copyrighted.
    There are clouds moving in here in West Central Georgia and thunderboomers in the distance. Hope it actually rains with the storm today. So very dry. Praying for all of you TX and Okie girls for relief from the rain and safety from the storms!

    Have a great afternoon. Pam
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    I don't know where the closets are! Just kidding...took a break from it. Hi to you Robin and Madison!

    So,are you sorting things or just general cleaning? I need more boxes and am too lazy to go to the store. I don't do TV;so,I am not sure what is happening in Glasgow. My telev is not plugged in--on dining rm table;just do dvds now and internet news.

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    Hi to you,Pam!
    Think you have some great names there and wonderful to be in a support group. I am not in one;although I talked to the leader at a local hosp. There are sev in the cancer ctr where I go for follow-ups. Your plans sound great for your town and support groups.

    We had a few thunderstorms here on Fri and lost the elect for a few hrs. My friend had a tree come down in her yd.
    Take care!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Iris -- I'm working a little at a time to de-clutter my house from junk I don't need and never use. I follow the Fly Lady's technique ( and work on it 15 minutes at a time. She says we can do anything for 15 minutes. Slowly but surely junk is either heading for the landfill or for the charity stores. It feels very freeing to get rid of stuff I've been hanging onto for no reason. I also follow Suze Orman's philosophy from her book The Courage to Be Rich. I hope that eventually my house will be a clutter free zone. No more hoarding.

    They had a car loaded with gasoline bombs try to plow through the Glasgow airport earlier today. I just heard on CNN that they have definitively linked the two car bombs in London with this effort in Scotland.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Hey sweet pals,
    Just poppin in to say I'm here and I've missed ya today. Trying to clean house, took a nap, went and grabbed what we needed for groceries and have basically watched the day fly by! Weekends are so very short!
    I am coloring my hair at the moment...need to check the afghan thread to see if the surprise I mailed has arrived...
    I'll be back
    Love ya all!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Hey Miss Vickie...come play with us!

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by bearlysane

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    Hey there,Vickie!
    All those things you accomplish make me feel guilty! Not really,I am just chilling out this aft. Of course,I chilled out all wk and will pay for it on Mon when junk is not moved.

    Air show sounded marvelous! Bet Nate loved all those loops and maneuvers. I just get amazed every time I go!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    I'm glad you liked the grass growing site. I thought it was hysterical too. Its amazing what people will put on the internet. Plus, I also love that sense of humor people have to do stuff like that.

    I do remember cyberchatting with you last year. We had alot of fun. Do you remember these guys...?

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    Just deleted the post instead of editing! What a funny day w/my computer! I do know the Trolls well.Got sev from when they were popular from another go round in the what 70's or 80's? Keep saving that stuff and who knows??? Could not give away CareBears and they are so pitiful--prob from the 80's!

    Why do you think the emails disappear? I use Thunderbird and emailed my comp friend that I think they are going to a hidden folder! Gee,I wonder what we did before we had all this fun? Maybe I worked and moved my body? Nah.....

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    I think the site times out while you are typing the posts and it loses the link for the thread maybe. I usually type long post in notepad and then cut/paste.

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    No,this is on the server...I have finally learned abt the Word stuff. Saves me lots of time as I just cut/copy and paste--got that from you,Nicki,Colleen,Cheri and can't rememb the others who helped.

    Whatever--I have this really great friend/comp eng and he can fix that junk that drives me nuts. I thought I had the printer on my wireless network and something is amiss. It is worth the cost to save my sanity. I got Thunderbird and Mozilla instead of Internet Exp and that is prob where I have a hidden folder;who knows?

    I found my old games last wk! LOL Like Candyland,Trivial Pursuit,old card games. It was really wild! That would be parts of them as some are nearly 40 plus yrs old! Ha!

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Ya know you guys...I am supposed to be making dinner right now but I am much happier with all of you! I am making a fresh tossed salad with all the fixin's, beefaroni, fresh fruit salad and sour dough rolls. My friend who is still moping over her ex-boyfriend is joining us, again. I feel bad that she is feeling so alone and I invite her when I am feeling up to the company.

    Jankay, this is the friend who I told you about. She cried over the phone for 30 minutes this afternoon. I had much more fun talking to you!

    Nicki, hope the get-together was a blast. And yes, I was on the phone...again.

    Vickie, what color did you do this time? Same as its been or did you go different? Mine needs it desparately but not until I have some extra bucks. How is Nate's leg?

    Liz, if I remember correclty, Ishop/Sue is a liaison person at her hospital with cancer patients. I don't know if it is volunteer or paid but it is a marvelous idea eithr way. My ps had a patient talk to me who went the same surgery before I had mine and it was so reassuring.

    Pam, how are you feeling today? My butt is starting to turn a wonderful shade of purple! Good thing it is my favorite color!

    Joyce, I will let you know when I am going for the road trip to Mena. Glad to hear Kevin is recuperating well. Give him hugs from all of us!

    OK, I left out some but not intentionally. It is almost 5:30 and I have got to get moving with dinner! Evil ss is on his way some time tonight, oh joy! I am posting a funny email on the next time I visit!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    hey cgs here i am lol
    today has been a guiet day. I talked with beth on the phone and boy we had fun. there goes my growth again lol
    liz and madison= u can celebrtate my birthday and then tell me all about it. my birthday is july 14.
    jas - ilike the idea that i cheer people up, this site has done so much for me.
    vicki=i am glad that me and robin didnt have to come talk to u. u know how i feel about this chair so i guess i scared u.

    I dont know if ebody saw my post about lying on my stomach.
    it turns out that if u sit alot u shorten your hip muscles and laying on your stomach stretches those muscles.
    interesting huh
    BTW the growth on my fac e is the phone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    love janice
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    BTW LIZ THAT IS A GREAT IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007
    Back from lunch..the bay was hazy and warm today..great day to watch the boats..

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Back from eating. I ate wayyyyyy tooooo much! Oh well, back to my diet on Monday. Really want to lose at least 10 pds before Pinkstock. Hmmm me thinks that isn't going to happen.

    Socal - you always have the greatest pictures.

    Thanks for thinking this could be a good project. So now, I'm depending on you guys to help me write this proposal. What do I add, etc. I really feel passionate about this. I know several ladies in town who were just thrown into masts with all lymph nodes removed without SNB or other options.

    Now I'm going to go back and read.

    Hugs and Prayers
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Liz -- why don't you contact the Susan B. Komen foundation for help too!

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Iris:Hello yoursel,you dont come around enough.I miss you.

    Jazz:I have a sling I was supposed to wear but it is torment and so darn hot.I put it in the closed.