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  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
    LOL - sun is gone. It was nice to see though.

    Madison - keeping your DD in my prayers that she arrives safely in OK. Hope she doesn't get into too much rain.

    Cheri - you mean we have to grow up? LOL
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited July 2007
    Hey Vickie,
    I think you did what you needed to do and what was right for you. Don't want to do a TV talk show's name here (Dr---);don't know the rules abt saying famous names. There comes a time when it has to be a two-way street and am right w/you. We are both survivors(not just bc) survivors. I was an A-1 fixer/caretaker as I worked all my life to fix everyone else so they would be taken care of first. That happens when some of us have experienced some real let-downs and losses early in life. This perhaps explains why you feel empowered and yet,the role is reversed. Am I I think we are alike in many ways(you are more sane,though!)

    So,in my opinion the woman was gone and my resp would be and you came because you... So,am I hard-hearted now? I don't think so;but,I come first and will defend myself and my right to be happy. What would this person add to your life now? I think I would feel stronger and relieved as you are the kindest and most caring soul that I think that I have ever "cyber" met. You have a right to own your feelings and never feel guilty. She should feel the guilt. Will she...prob not!You and a few friends from this site saved my sanity when I was sinking really low many times! That is what I keep in my mind...I have lost touch w/sev people I knew before diagnosis;life is different now.

    I had to work at forgiving a friend that disappointed and disappeared during the stuff as I called it. She had serious issues going on. So,there are reasons and maybe this person could not handle things.Friendships are to make us feel good and not be so much hard work--JMO! Sometimes,I just have to do what is right for me and it might not work for any one else. Maybe that is our LEO nature,what do you think?

    All the best,
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited July 2007
    Cheri:I have backed away.Gonna go cook some steaks and baked potatoes.You better believe I cherish any quiet time I have now.As it is usually just 1/2day a week.not enough.ANd what little I can get in at night.

    Nicki:now you got my mouth awatering.I do get RN magazine.I just rememberd it today I have got to come up with some.I think tn was supposed to started last year requiring ceu's.Dont remember though.Been to sick to care.

    Iris:be as wordy as you want.

    Liz:not cleaning today,just gonna do laundry.dont have it in me.

    got some pictures downloading to share with you.If it dont storm first.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
    u did great proud of u
    i agree with liz
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited July 2007
    Robin I didn't clean, but I have spent the whole day in my yard. Raking and pulling and moving rocks. Me's is very tired and I only made a small dent in what needs to be done out there. I hate yardwork. Will someone please win the lottery and hire me a gardner.

    Cheri, I do indeed. I will add Amber to my prayer list. I know all about worrying over grown up kids.

    Vicki, great big huge hugs for you hon. Ditto what Iris said. Don't have anything to add. I think you did the right thing and now the ball is in her court. If she wants to renew the friendship she will take what was said and come back with an apology and an explanation.

    Liz, cars going in circles!! you have my sympathy. Unless that is what you want to be doing then yehaw for you.

    I'm gonna go wash the grime off my bod and plop myself in front of the tube while hubby is taking a nap. It's the only time I get control of the remote.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2007
    Well, shucks, I have had a frustrating day...I discovered this morning that my bracelet my husband gave me on our 40th anniversary fell off my arm somewhere yesterday...I spent all day so far retracing my steps to no avail. I left my card with the restaurant and store. So I need a restful place to sit for a moment...

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited July 2007
    Oh dear Lisa...that just stinks! I hate losing things that mean something special. Maybe it will turn up. You might want to post a lost and found with a small reward in the paper and on Craig's list on the computer. Someone may return it too you. Good luck and gentle hugs....

    Deb C
    edited July 2007

    Post deleted by Mizsissy

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2007
    My Dad and his wife just left and it was a Great visit! Better than the last time when she decided to show me her Augmented breast when I told her I was having reconstruction. Sigh..... Not the Same Sally!! LOL

    SO took Audrey to Hersheypark and Ava is taking a late nap so of course I had to come here!

    Cheri - I will do as you said and enjoy all my loves!! I'm so glad to be here! I'm sorry you're feeling so spacey, that's an awful feeling. It's wonderful that Amber has you to worry about her. I don't think I'll Ever not worry about my girls!

    Hi Iris Angel! I will invite my twin to the partay!! That is hilarious that people don't get that joke! Of course I've heard it a million times but I still smile about it! LOL

    Nicki - I Love that ZZtop song! If my SO is elsewhere and he hears it he'll text me to tell me the radio is playing my song LOL I'll flaunt those .. and try to stop rubbing my sore knees while I'm doing it! LOL

    Betty - I know the feeling you went through with the bone scan. I felt exactly the same way when I had mine. I thought it would never end .. ugh!

    Vickie - LOL love your style! My babies sleep late (usually til 9 or 9:30) so I'm lucky that way! Of course they're up late at night and then I suffer! I need my quiet time and it's usually late at night! You should Not feel bad about what you said to your friend .. it's perfectly understandable! I hope she contacts you though with an explanation of where she's been.

    Mizsissy - I have a sister we call Sissy! Her real name is was too hard for all of us to say when we were little! I'm happy to read that Mena is at the beach enjoying herself!

    Hey Jasmine! - teapot? I think I missed something!

    Nicki - glad you're enjoying some fun in the sun today!

    Marsha - Great link to the artist who paints the soldiers. What a great woman she is! Lucky you had a Dr. Dreamy! I had a woman but she did a great job also .. at least that's what my Onc and PS tell me! You're exactly 3 months ahead of me with your surgery date. Mine was on March 29th. I know what you mean about the 29th .. it's an anniversary we don't always want to think about.

    Jankay - hope you're getting that restful day you hoped for!

    Liz - you poor thing .. 19 days of rain would make me go batty! How depressing, I so hope it stops soon!

    Puppy - I'm so sorry to hear of your pain, you're always in my thoughts.

    Shirley - I do feel better for now, thanks to all of you. Thank you for all your hugs! I'll heed that advice about the text button! I do need to just let the tears flow more sometimes. That's what I always said, "what's up with that?" LOL Then I had to continually defend myself to one sis that I'm Not anorexic or bulemic dammit! Hello, my nickname is Peanut remember!? I finally just started excusing myself from the table when we were done eating if she was around to say I had to go stick my finger down my throat! Not funny to people who've dealt with this. Very sorry if I offended anyone but it was my way of dealing with her accusations. Sometimes it's not easy being skinny either!

    Margaret - thank you for your wonderful words. You are such a nice woman.

    Deb - It's like you're in a different world altogether! I find Alaska so fascinating and beautiful! If it weren't for the cold I might like to try living there.

    Robin - I only cleaned for my Dad, otherwise, I've barely cleaned since my dx. I can't figure out how to care about that anymore or get the energy! And I used to be somewhat anal about it! Still, you worry me girl!

    Well my sweet Ava is up so I must go. Have a great evening all!

    Hugs and Love,
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited July 2007
    Hi you guys! Had a late start to the day, Jankay will attest to that! I spent over an hour trying to undo what my evilss did to the computer. His mother gave him a mini digital camera with a disc for software and drivers and a USB port and he tried installing it thereby totally screwing up the computer! OK, I am through venting.

    Spent most of th eafternoon with my mom at Sunrise where she is now in charge of a knitting class. She has 3 ladies signed up and more interested.

    Spoke to Ishop/sue this afternoon when I got home. She said her port removal went well, she is very sore. She still needs to get an MRI. Tomorrow she and her dh leave for Connecticut to see the newest grandson and will be back on Thursday. Then, her Mah Johngg group are going down the shore for a couple days of rest and massages and drinks by the pool. So, although she is busy, busy, busy she still loves us all but asked me to give her hellos!

    Have to finish gettign dinner together. Baked floudner, buttered rice and steamed mixed veggies! Fruit salad for dessert. See you all later or tomorrow!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited July 2007
    Jazz, where is that darned Teapot. lol Nobody seems to know.

    Mena, I hope you're feeling alright.

    Gina, haven't heard from you in a bit, hope all is well.

    Charlene, so glad you had a nice visit with your dad. Nobody slides anything past you, do they? That's one of the things I like about you. lol

    Nickie, I hope you're having great fun on your vacation.
    Be back later on.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Evening to all!

    Got home a couple of hours ago and had to stop by and say "HI!" Had a great time visiting with old friends and I didn't get LOST one time!!
    I've got a lot of reading to do to see what all have been up to............and we are leaving in the morning (early) to go to the African Safari Zoo! Will be back probably quite late tomorrow night.

    Sue and Nicki: Glad you got your Gift Certificates! Enjoy! And we all thank you!

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited July 2007
    Hi Circle Girls and Guy!

    Had a busy weekend. We are going away for 1 night for the 4th (going to my friend's house in the mountains), and then leaving on the 7th for a week at the Virginia shore. So I had lots of shopping and prep to do! Trying to keep up with laundry for 2 active boys is a challenge in and of itself.

    Took the kids to a movie in the park yesterday. We saw Happy Feet. Some of it was cute, but it dragged in the middle. And the environmental message was totally lost on the kids. But they enjoyed it anyway!

    I missed about 6 pages of posts so I will try to go back and catch up. I will stop in tomorrow before work!

    *Hugs* Amy to Z!
    edited July 2007

    Post deleted by Mizsissy

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2007

    Mizsissy, she's just beautiful!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Well bummer....I just got everything plugged back up, turned on and back online and here comes another storm front. So...just a quick pop in, then going to have to crawl back behind the desk and unplug again.

    Some sweet lady from the circle sent me the most adorable little teapot in the mail. THANK YOU! I love it!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited July 2007
    Good evening all CG's and Peter...
    Mizsissy, thank you for the update of Mena....just let her know we absolutely love her and are sending hugs and prayers her way.
    Your Mizsissy, I'm sure, had a wonderful life with a wonderful home....but know you miss her
    Gina, how are you? We miss you.
    Trying to finish an afghan by Tuesday......I've read the posts...and sending hugs
    Marsha, can’t wait for the pics from your visit….hope you have a good time
    Vickie, call her only if you want to call...."Good Weather" friends sometimes can't be called "friends"....true friends cry with you, laugh with you, share joys and SORROWS....that is why this circle is so special..
    Welcome home Denise..
    SoCalLisa, I'm saying a special prayer to St. Anthony for the recovery of your bracelet.
    Hiya Deb….hope your day was GRAND
    Shirley, you may have to take a warm bath to ease those muscles you used in the yard today.
    Robin, rest-you deserve it
    Nicki, glad you were able to swim (your high temp -75 degrees- would be a cold from down South)….
    Liz, I am so nervous about dd driving from Alabama to OK….spoke to her a few hours ago and she still has 8 hours on the road….her dog (big BAD JAKE) is upset about the move and her two cats are going MEOW-MEOW. She is following a fellow vet that has 2 dogs-3 cats-2 snakes-1 turtle and a bird (this one is specializing in animals at the zoo)-anyway….dd says that can’t really make many stops because of all the animals in their vehicles.
    Betty, yep-I don’t like MRI’s either….the last MRI I had was in the new “open” machine…hope the test rests are GREAT
    Charlene, how was the visit with your dad today.
    Jasmine: are you supposed to bring a tea pot?
    MargaretB-saw a great drink suggestion – gonna give it a try
    Puppy, hope you are feeling better…holding your hand
    Cheri, been missing your posts…..
    Iris, what you typed made sense. care with those plugs
    YIKES, forgot I was watching a movie
    Hope to be back later
    Hugs to all from Amy to Z
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited July 2007
    Evening kids...Had to post and then finish reading. I was away and just came back to the news about Mena!! Sick to my stomach and had to call her.
    Mena is down at the Jersey shore (Avelon) with her daughter and brothers family and doing good. Felt really good to speak with her and she sounds really strong and ready to keep fighting. She and her onc talked and they will take a break from chemo and work on hercepin and that hormone you all were talking about. But she's relaxing and complaining because she's not getting tan!!! I just wanted you all to get a heads up from earlier and if you're having trouble reaching her, she should be back Tuesday pm. ps...she's pissed because she can't get Bridezella on tv tonight. !!!
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited July 2007

    Sorry just started reading the past posts and see Mzmissy's. Oh well just keep on reading. xoxo

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited July 2007

    to tired to catch up. I'll see you all tomorrow.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
    my sis from twxas us here
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007
    Hey all...good evening. Well Sunday night has arrived and it's back to the races tomorrow. I will be gone all day tomorrow. Ithaca College has fireworks for the fourth and we are right across the road so I will be "working" our fourth of July celebration. Going in at 8, bbq starts at 5, square dancing in the pavilion, music out front, games for the kids till about 9 then fireworks at 9:45. Won't get home till 10:30 or later! I will sneak in here and there though...can't do that much work and not get my board fix!!
    Sweet dear brother Peter...thank you! That meant a lot. Hope that you have a grand day and to be honest it's kind of comforting thinking when I wake in the middle of the night that we have a brother out there that is watching over us too. Being in a different time zone makes it even more special...our big brother angel watching over us through the nights. hit the nail right square on the head. I felt pretty bad at first but feel so empowered now!! You're right, we are alike in so very many ways. Long lost twins maybe LOL. It's not bothering me now and to be honest (oh this is bad)I'm actually feeling a bit smug. No more fair weather friends for me. I have enough friends here to make up for any fair weather friends I had out there. You all know me inside and out and you all "get it" you.
    Cheri pal...did I manage to bring a smile?
    Jasmine got a surprise in the mail...hope you enjoy deserve special surprises. Smooches your way.
    Angel...not the same Sally...pppfffttt...that was too funny.
    Madison...sending you a hug. I have two names for afghans and two started (along with our third "surprise" one).
    Shirley has control of the remote...hope you're watching something good! The Sin Eater was pretty good, a bit sad, a bit happy. 50/50 opinion I guess.
    Thanks you Mizsissy for the Mena update. Its good to hear that she is have a mini vacation and enjoying herself. Sending many prayers her way.
    Oh Lisa...I'm so sorry about the bracelet. I hope it gets found and returned soon. Hugs to you.
    Nicki...did you post a picture of you? I must have missed it somewhere so looks like I'll have to do a search. Sweet dreams sunshine girl. are you feeling and is there anything you need?
    Puppy...sending love and hugs from me and Nate. Don't worry about mail right now...worry about you! Get better and all will be well.
    CY...haven't seen you today...are you ok? How are things going and what is the plan...are you nearly done? sending love and hugs.
    Denise...have a great time tomorrow at the zoo! I love zoo's! It's our county fair starting this week so I may take Nate down one night to check out all the farm animals.
    Shokk...put down the hammer and leave the ark for another day. Looks like your weather is supposed to straighten up soon. Sending you a hug as I tuck you in.
    Liz...looks like sunshine is coming back your way too...I've been doin the sunshine dance for you girls so it's gotta work sooner or later LOL.
    Where is Susan...MIA? Me thinks Christine has kidnapped her again! Hmmm...
    Gosh I am missing so very many and I hate to miss anyone but I'm tired and need to head to bed.
    On a side note...had an injured baby bunny in the yard today. So sad. Nathaniel cried and cried cuz he wanted to bring it inside and make it better and it was obvious that it wasn't going to get better. I told him we would take it into the woods for the mama bunny to find and she'd take care of him. He isn't happy with that plan at all but I truly didn't know what else to do. The poor bunny should have been put out of his misery but oh way could I bring myself to do that! Nathaniel has now decided that there is no way he is ever going to be a hunter...wants to get rid of his bow and bb gun. what a kid he is. I'd be so lost without him.
    I'd be so lost without all of you.
    love and hugs all the way around the circle tonight. Throwing an extra log on the fire as it's going down into the 40's tonight (summer has disappeared!).
    into a peaceful night.
    Have a grand day Peter...hugs all the way to you.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2007
    Is this the same teapot??

    Earl was fixing a door and he found that he needed a new hinge, so he sent
    his wife Mary to the hardware store. At the hardware store, Mary saw a
    beautiful teapot on a top shelf while she was waiting for Carl, the manager,
    to finish waiting on a customer.

    When Carl was finished, Mary asked, "How much for the teapot?"

    Carl replied, "That's silver and it costs $300!"

    "My goodness, that sure is a lotta money!" Mary exclaimed.

    Then she proceeded to describe the hinge that Earl had sent her to buy, and Carl went to the back room to find it.

    From the back room Carl yelled, "Mary, you wanna screw for that hinge?"

    Mary replied, "No, but I will for the teapot..."

    This is why you can't send a woman to a hardware store.
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited July 2007
    Evening all,
    I had the wonderful experience of meeting Marsha and Sheri today. I enjoyed myself so much and am so glad to have met them. We met at Sheri's condo outside of Orlando and just talked for hours. I felt like I was meeting old friends, not people I have never seen before. Sheri's family was there also and are so nice.
    Marsha made us "blue" drinks that were so good!! What were they again Marsha? oh and I want that recipe. Marsha is as much fun in person as I thought she would be.
    Sheri is so nice, she sends all hello's and hugs. They head back home on Tues. so she should be back in the circle soon.
    I'm sorry I still haven't learned to post pics. but I think Marsha will.
    These 2 ladies are the greatest. Marsha - enjoyed dancing on the table with you!!!! Sheri - be safe going home. We miss you here.
    Hugs to all,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007
    hmmm...I wonder how Jasmine got that teapot LOL!
    Jasmine...your reputation is goin down the tubes over a teapot heehee.
  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited July 2007
    Good evening Sisters and Brother,

    Hope you all had a good day. I didn't get anything done I planned on but the nap that overcame me this afternoon about 3 was incredibly helpful.
    My fall on Friday night is catching up with me. Pain was incredibly intense last night on the "strawberry" on my shin. Have never had one hurt quite so bad. Guess the ones on the thighs from sliding in softball have a bit more fat than the shin. (Who am I kidding? A LOT more fat). lol I feel like I got hit by a truck rather than fell off the bottom step. Hope my falling buddies are none the worse for the wear.
    No long post for me tonight as my earlier nap made me I would like to say I am so glad Mena got to go to the beach and have fun. And Puppy, honey I am so sorry for your pain. I love you and we will all keep praying for relief of your pain. Charlene, you are beautiful and I am so glad that you have a great SO. Lisa thank you so much for the funnies.
    It has been another day of thunderboomers and lightning and no rain at my house. Many parts of the state had some dangerous storms with hail and high winds. Grateful no damage here.
    With the 4th of July coming up,(sounds like a great party Vickie), I would just like to say that I am proud to be an American and I am grateful to have the freedom to come here and share our lives. My holidays are all bittersweet without my Craig. This will be the second 4th of July without him. Miles and I are still at a loss about what to do. In time I know we will have new traditions. For now I will be grateful for some time off from work (at least not in the office). I can smile at the memories of the way his blue eyes used to light up at the fireworks and his big smile. Guess he has a better view than we do.
    Peter, keep the midnight watch going. You better make sure Vickie is covered up, sounds a bit chilly.
    Lisa, love the pics once again. The sailboats are beautiful. Have to take some ibuprofen and try to sleep again. Love, hugs and prayers to you all. Didn't mean to leave anyone out, so from A to Z....know you are in my heart. Pam

    P.S. Susan where are you? Did you get the job??
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited July 2007
    Happy Sun evening…Circle Friends,

    Peter…sorry to read abt spilling coffee on to was it the comp keybd? This is not the one you replaced when No Name pecked the keys,is it? That cartoon character could do a great othodontic commercial w/all those white teeth! LOL;funny grin we needed.
    Angel/Charlene…hi to you and the beautiful girls and Karl! Glad you had a good visit w/your dad;super trip to Hershey Park. Do they have choc things to eat and is the smell divine? Seen pics of the park and it looked so fun. You are so lovely and such a kind spirit;always rememb that,Angel. Since your first day on this Wagon Circle,you were like family;Cheri said it well.

    Puppy…so sorry to hear abt your headaches and thinking of you.
    Shirley…you had a busy day and accomplished so much. Is that miso paste used in tofu? Also,hate to sound so dumb…exactly what are bat houses? I think of the days before TV remotes when the buttons on the TV were so simple like Off/On/Vol. Now,the remotes are so diff that you almost have to get a child to explain it. Children are so fast w/stuff.

    Nicki…great pics on the IL get togethers thread of you/friends. Loved that menop cartoon---I thought I’d be one…well,all of them are me! LOL I sure do rememb Frank and Friday…”Just the facts,Ma’am.” Enjoy your vac~and the pool sounds good. Thnx for explaining abt tiramisu;now I know.
    Jankay…hope that your visit with your sister goes well.

    Margaret…not sure abt the iPhone and if it will be better;got a Razr and it is OK. Sad,we have all these diff things to keep up w/the tech and still people don’t communicate as well--JMO. So many unknowns...
    Mena…thinking of you and hope that you are enjoying the beach w/your relatives.

    Vickie….enjoy the festivities tomorrow! If they have corn-on-the cob,apple pie or watermelon,make sure you eat some for me! Too cute abt the litle bunny. Maybe Nate will be a vet one day. He sure is a thoughtful and compassionate little one.
    Betty…sounds like lots of fun at the festivities and being a parade judge sounds fun.
    Cheri…hope the Percocet didn’t mess w/your Sun. That stuff always gives me the weirdest dreams. Guess all those narcotics are designed to get Morpheus on the ball.

    Cherryl…good wishes going your way and hope the unpacking is abt all completed;miss hearing from you,Cuz!
    Marsha…can’t wait to see pics of the wkend and hope there was some table dancing! LOL What can I say..I am nutty and it is genetic. Ha! Just kidding if any relatives read this thread---think I am safe!

    SoCalLisa…hope you locate the bracelet;hate losing my special jewelry.
    Beth…your meals make me hungry;still thinking of the sourdough rolls;love sourdough bread. Too bad all the carbs taste so good.Doing more fruit today and less junk;med appt is coming up soon. Yuck w/the weigh-ins!

    Liz…glad to hear that the sun came out(even if briefly). Just got to have sun coming that way real soon. That was cool abt the circle driving…kind of like going arnd in circles. W/that much rain,I can see that lots of things prob have changed.
    Jasmine…glad you explained abt the teapot. I went back and thought it was something that I had skipped. Hope the thunderstorms are over.
    Theresa…hope the wkend trip was nice and you had a good time.
    Deb…What a busy day you described! I bet your yard is beautiful;love the ourside and natural areas.
    Boo/Sue…Sounds like you had great fun w/Marsha and Sheri today. Can’t wait to see the pics.

    Kristin…hope the trip to Va is fun and the trip this wk,too. I get bored w/the cartoon-ish movies,but the graphics are cool. I thought that “Happy Feet” looked like the kids would like it.
    Robin…thanks and hi to you! I think that I have bn near where you are yrs ago while traveling in TN,GA,etc. Take care and hope all the ladybugs decided to fly away home…did you ever say that as a child?
    Denise...glad your trip to IN was good and knew you wouldn't get lost. Not familiar w/the African Zoo Safari;is that near you? Sounds fun...enjoy!

    Pam...sorry to hear you are bruised and sore after your fall;ibuprofen sounds like it is a good idea;take care.
    Madison…your wkend sounds nice and hope the movie was a good one;another afghan--you are amazing and so kind. Hope your daughter and her friend are having a good journey.
    Mizsissy…cool pic of your pet.
    Amy…I know your are prob camping-out in the Maine woods.However,if you check-in a big hello and can’t wait to hear all abt it.

    Amy to Z--have a good week! Tired tonight and going to bed earlier--sorry,if I missed anyone!Got to be up earlier w/the workmen coming. Enjoy the 4th celebrations!
    edited July 2007

    Post deleted by Mizsissy

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited July 2007
    I'm here! Sorry i didn't get on long yesterday. Wait a minute... did I get on at all????
    Took MIL out to the old apartment to let the gals there say goodbye while I finished the last of the cleaning. Turned in the keys and now we are done with it! Thank goodness!
    I was really tired when I got home!
    No more long weekend trips to put on my car or me!

    Mom & Dad have made it back home. But not without more problems. This time it was Mom, she didn't see a board that was sticking up on the pier and fell, knocking her out cold! They took her in and did a cat scan and she apears to be OK but I'm still mad that she did this on Monday and didn't tell me until last night!
    I had to tell my younger sister that drives trucks cause Mom is afraid to call her while she's on the road! She was hopping mad too! We'll both be calling her tomorrow to make sure she followed up with her Dr.
    All week long we've been feeling like something was not right and I've talked to Mom twice this past week. She knows we get feelings when something is not right with family and for her to let it go on all week is just not right. So I told her she better knock it off and tell me when something is going on instead of keeping to herself!

    Slept in late today and it felt good!
    then we hauled a bunch of the paneling and drywall I knocked out of the bathroom a few weeks ago to the dump.
    Did some cleaning around here and took a nap then off to the laundry mat, cause my washer quit.
    Finally back home to relax and catch up on here. I have read many many pages and didn't take notes. I see we have some on vacation, visiting with new friends, old friends that just don't get it that now is not the time to walk away but rather to stand by us, some that have taken falls, done too much cleaning, some that are feeling the affects of their meds and mostly that this is home and I never want to lose all my wonderful sisters and brother!

    hugs and prayers from Amy to Z
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2007

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