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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Good Evening Everyone: Well I had the grandest day. Got to meet up with some of the Illinois gals - andno panic attack!! Maybe I am moving on. We were an interesting crew we were. Some finished with treatment, some just finishing treatment, some in the middle of treatment. For a moment, I looked around the room and felt a tear come to my eyes. Some were older than me, some were my age, some were younger. We all had one thing in common. Breast Cancer. I saw myself in each and every one of them. It was very nice. They took lots of pictures and I hope they will post them. Ya all know me, I still dont have a camera, not even a picture phone. I sure do need to get with the times.

    Odalys: Man I so understand what you are saying. I keep looking at Director of Nursing positions again. Pays alot more than Im making right now - but ya work for it thats for sure. I admired you, when you accepted that postion, in the back of my mind I thought man if she can do that stress maybe I can too. Of course that idea quickly left when I was able to come leave work at 12:30 yesterday and start my vacation a little earlier. Good luck with your soul searching.

    Liz: Its a great idea. Lots of hospitals now breast cancer centers. I saw one looking for a "Breast Cancer Avaitor?" The job was to be available from mammogram to surgery. A Proposal sounds great.

    Pam Never did bring the pineapple in captain morgans. Guess I will bring it to our big party a week from today. It sure is great. And when they are all gone, the juice is excellent!

    Sherloc: OMG! Bats. Rattle Snakes? Man life in a suburb of Chicago sounds so simple.

    OK - no more time. I will see ya all in the morning.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited June 2007
    I need a hug .. and probably a big kick in the rear end. I'm really feeling sad. My SO took his son and my oldest daughter to the pool today. My idea. Ava was napping and I really didn't want to go because I haven't tested my forms with my bathing suit yet.
    So now I'm envisioning him looking at all these women's boobs and it's got me down. I even started to text him a message that said, "i bet you're enjoying seeing boobs in the flesh again, i'm sure you miss them" ... the logical side of me saw how stupid that was and erased it before hitting the send button! My boobs were never huge to begin with and he always likened himself to being an ass man (can I say that?) lol. But he has also Never been one to look at other women to begin with and since my surgery he has done nothing but tell me I'm beautiful and that he wants me here and not my boobs. He's never done anything to make me feel otherwise and continually shows me his love. So what's my problems ladies??????? I'm sorry, I know a lot of you have much bigger issues than this. So kick me in the rear and tell me to stop being so vain and jealous! LOL sigh, I never thought I'd miss my boobs so much.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Charlene: Your beautiful dammit! Maybe you really did want to go to the pool, of course trying new forms out on the week-end before July 4th sounds pretty worrisome to me. So glad you deleted that text message. You SO loves you for who you are. And besides, why give him the idea to look?


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    awwww Angel...he's stuck with you this far and I seriously doubt he's gone to the pool to pick up a new pair of boobs. He took the kids, he's giving you a break (much needed I'm sure)and probably feels pretty good about himself, as he should. He won't go anywhere, you are beautiful...besides...if he should leave you we have a deliverance tent and we'd rope so fast it'd make his head spin! Lotsa men in there that would love to get out LOL.
    Gotta tell ya sweetie...I miss my boobs too. Feel so "unsexy" some days but the alternative would have been much worse...we wouldn't be feeling anything!
    Love ya and here's a hug
    bb in a bit...almost done...really need a day of no work!!!
    Love ya all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    Angel...I use bath scrunchies as swimming forms...they are perfect! You can pin them if you need to.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited June 2007

    lol Calvin & Hobbes! LOVE them! Thank you Nicki! I needed that. I know I'm being shallow and I Hate it! Maybe I'm still grieving the loss of my boobs. I miss them because they nursed my babies and for the obvious reasons as well. Now Everywhere I look I see them. I don't think I need to give him any ideas, you can't help but see them everywhere! But of course that would have been a terrible thing to say to him. Well, I'll just have to remind myself that someday I'll have them back again. Surgery is July 20th for the expanders. I'm sorry I'm such an idiot sometimes!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited June 2007

    LOl thank you Vickie too. I feel so much better already. Sometimes I think i just need to get it out. You're right, he's doing a wonderful thing with the kids and he'll get a Huge kiss from me for it the second he walks in the door!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Angel: You are not an idiot! I find myself looking at other womens boobs all the time! Not something I did before breast cancer. I mean I do it all the time! And Im a 2 yr survivor!

    Hey a huge kiss and maybe plan a nice quiet picnic, in a quiet area. A little wine! Oooo La La.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited June 2007
    Vickie, great tip, thanks I'll give it a try!

    Nicki, ooohh laa laa Great Idea! I guess I'm normal ... and can plan on looking at womens boobs forevermore lmao

    Funny thing, I have 4 sisters and they are All well endowed, including my mom and all the women in her family. I'm not sure what happened to me .. always teased that my twin got them all (she had boobs three years before I did!). Oh well, I was the thin one nanananana!!!

    But of Course, my life is so much more important than my boobs. Press on everyone!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Charlene: Nananananana is right.

    Well - time for me to go watch a movie and fall asleep. Hope everyone has a wonderful night. Say hello to Peter for me.

    See ya in the morning


  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Charlene - you are gorgeous with or without boobs.

    Nicki - I had to laugh. I catch myself looking at boobs all the time. I'll even whisper to the person I'm with about them. LOL I never did that either.

    Vickie - I never would have thought about your tip. I need to tell a friend of mine that one.

    Jas - good idea about Komen.


  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Angel -- its not vain and shallow to grieve for the loss of what made us who we were before breast cancer. You are beautiful and you have a keeper who loves you.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    awww geez...the minute I get a minute to get online a thunderstorm rolls in. Figures...oh, gonna live dangerously and keep right on typing!
    Way overtired tonight even after my nap today. Colored my hair and then highighted it...don't like it...gonna try something different tomorrow LOL!
    Time to walk the perimeter. Gotta check in on Shokk and Liz after I wake Peter and start some coffee.
    Peter...wake up buttercup. Time to rise and shine. Have a grand day!
    Liz and Shokk...we are getting a very strange storm here right now...rolling endless thunder! I did hear on the news that you are supposed to start drying up next week. I'll do a sunshine dance for ya!
    Angel...hope you are feeling better, not gonna venture into you wagon tonight with all the oo laa laa's goin on!! Sweet dreams (or whatever heehee).
    Gonna sneak in and see what Nicki is watching. I have The Sin Eater and Pan's Labrynth to watch but don't know if I'll be able to stay awake long enough tonight.
    Stoppin by to see Jankay and check out that growth on the side of her face LOL. Thanks for the call and hugs to you...may tomorrow be a happy one.
    Cheri have been mighty quiet today...where are you or did I miss your post.
    ummm...this storm is getting scary...brb
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    wow...some serious thunder and lightning...knocked the phones out for a minute.
    Onward I go...
    Iris...the airshow was wonderful and Nate was so amazed. My sister went with us and she just called me to thank me for asking her to go. She had never been either and had just as much fun as Nathaniel. Tucking you in with wishes for a peaceful night (don't feel quilty about not getting anything done...I didn't accomplish much today either). Sounds like a lot till I look around.
    Beth is still hanging out with Ringo I see. Geez...he's a real leech! Nates leg is 95 percent is amazing! Got all paranoid and it was nothing more than a stinger. Sweet dreams.
    Lisa has posted another beautiful picture. I was hoping to get some pictures of the moon tonight as it is supposed to look really big and low but now we are having a storm so that idea is down the drain.
    Have to stop and see if Shirley got the pineapple and Capt. Morgans...heehee...don't know if any blue drinks are being served tonight or not so I'll start with that! Sweet dreams sweet lady.
    Madison pal...I put the crochet hook down a dozen times today and kept going back to it! What the heck...housework can wait. Need to hire a maid. Someday when I win the lottery but of course if I did that I'd have to clean my house from top to bottom before she arrived!
    Z has spent the day at the beach....lucky girl. My favorite place to be! Hope you had a grand day and pleasant happy dreams tonight.
    Odalys sounds like she needs a hug. We've missed you here. Tucking you in early so you can get some extra rest. If the new job is too stressful maybe it's time for another new job!?!?
    Pam...thanks for tucking everyone in last night and all your sweet words. Don't know what we'd do without you. We were probably on our back porches at the same time LOL.
    Jumping in Joyces wagon to give her and Kevin a bit squeeze. We have missed and worried about the two of you but it sounds like things are going well and I'm so very happy. Good night, sleep tight.
    Robin my dear you seriously need to take a break. You need to let your body heal. Off to the bubble bath with are you gonna operate the backhoe if you're sore? We really need to get this job done!
    Where is Denise? I don't see her anywhere...
    Checking in on Gus and giving her another big ole hug. How are you feeling now sweet pal?
    Making sure all is well in Karen's wagon as they are away. Hope they are having a wonderful and safe trip.
    Lini girl...just sendin some love your way!
    Deb...Nate talked all about you today and must have asked a hundred questions. I told him we'd look up Alaska on the internet tomorrow. He was making you a penquin out of a flower pot, pom poms, a fishin pole and it had a sign that said "No ice fishing"...well...lets just say it didn't work out to well LOL. He's on to a new project now. He's trying to make surprises for his "aunts" but don't expect anything soon LOL.
    Jasmine girl...what's this I hear about a wild night last night? Were you girls runnin around naked again! And to think I missed it!
    Margaret...have you started boot camp yet? How's it going if you have? We're behind you all the way (just don't ask me to join LOL).
    I am seriously so tired and achey that I can barely sit here any longer.
    I love you all...CY, Puppy and you in my heart and prayers as you hang out in the center of the circle.
    Peter...have a great day...did I already say that...oh well...later mate!
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    She's been there, God knows, she's been there
    She has seen and done it all
    She's a woman, she know how to
    Dish it out or take it all
    Her heart's as soft as feathers
    Still she weathers stormy skies
    And she's a sparrow when she's broken
    But she's an eagle when she flies
    A kaleidoscope of colors
    You can toss her around and round
    You can keep her in you vision
    But you'll never keep her down
    She's a lover, she's a mother
    She's a friend and she's a wife
    And she's a sparrow when she's broken
    But she's an eagle when she flies

    Gentle as the sweet magnolia
    Strong as steel, her faith and pride
    She's an everlasting shoulder
    She's the leaning post of life
    She hurts deep and when she weeps
    She's just as fragile as a child
    And she's a sparrow when she's broken
    But she's an eagle when she flies

    She's a sparrow when she's broken
    But she's an eagle when she flies
    Oh, bless her, Lord
    She's an eagle when she flies
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    hmmm...trying to find a song for you Peter but will have to work on it tomorrow. Any suggestions anyone.
    Have a great day...
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited July 2007
    Good night to all of my extended family. Good morning Peter!

    I am so tired but dinner was wonderful and I feel like a did a good thing giving Randee a place to be tonight so she wouldn't feel so alone.

    Well, today is the anniversary of the first date I had with dh, 6 years ago! How time has flown. It seems like so long ago and then it seems like it was yesterday. It took a long time to find my soul mate but he is definitely the one! I love him so much.

    Charlene, I know what you are feeling. It took me over a week to actually sneak a peek at my chest after I came from surgery. I still avoid the mirror. My dh also says he marrried me not my boobs, he too likes butts better. Good thing because there is plenty there, LOL. As much as he reassures me, I still have so many doubts and fears in my mind. Whenever you want to talk about it, we are here and understand. I talked to one of my very best friends and she really can't fathom what we feel about losing our breasts. Ok, I am rambling but you get what I mean.

    So, a bid you all adieu, bonne nuit and sweet dreams. We have Peter to keep watch overnight. What a sweetheart you are! Cyberhugs to all.

    BTW, Vickie, Denise is on her way to meet people, but what I can't remember is what state!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited July 2007

    Vicki, no capt morgan but hubby and I are getting quite toasty on appletinis...I will not be held responsible for any typos are stupid comments from now till morning. Dinner ready I'll be back

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited July 2007

    I just got this email in my bulk folder saying a school mate has sent an e-card and it was from DO NOT OPEN IT....DELETE IT!

    Seriously, we send lots of ecards back and forth especially with NSSP. This is what the real company put out as a warning:

    "Email Scam Alert!
    Security Alert: Fraudulent E-mail Purporting to be from

    The GCA name is being used in a "phishing" scam. Fraudulent emails containing malicious links and viruses have been sent to businesses and consumers around the country claiming to contain an ecard from None of GCA's computer and email systems are involved in this hoax. GCA does not provide e-card mailing services and the instructions contained in these messages should not be followed."

    Just thought I would let you all know.
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited July 2007
    A Porky Pie? hahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahh
    Peter my hubby says any man who says he doesn't masterbate (hmmmm can I say that here, we'll just chalk it up to appletinis) is a liar and can't be trusted.
    Is it true?
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited July 2007
    hi you guys!

    work and hotflashes are kicking my ass!!!!!!

    on my few days off, i seldom have the energy to post because i'm just so discouraged............ i'm being transferred to a unit from hell at work, and since returning to work, my ankles are wrecked, my right thumb and wrist are wrecked, my right shoulder is wrecked and my hotflashes have quadrupled!

    ok ....... bitchfest over lol!

    i miss you guys, but i'm thinking i won't be around much anymore until i find a less stressful job ....... i hope you all keep up the antics, the happy banter, the comraderie and the love that warms my heart each and everyday!

    i love you all, and i'll try to keep up when i can ........ but please know that i'm bundled up in my beautiful afghan every night, wishing that it was a magic carpet!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2007
    Liz, thank you, that is such a sweet thing to say!

    Jasmine, You're right about it not being vain and shallow. I thought I was over grieving but I guess that is a process that probably comes and goes. My SO, Karl, is definitely a keeper, thank you!

    Vickie - LOL thank you, feeling ooh laa laa much better now! I'm sorry to hear you're so tired and achy, I hope you get a good nights rest tonight.

    Beth - funny, I never hesitated looking. Karl and I looked at them together for the first time and strangely I even smiled a bit. It took weeks until I suddenly broke down and realized I needed to grieve a bit. Maybe I was still in shock. My surgery was 2 weeks after my dx .. it all just happened so fast. Thank you, I know you girls get it and I appreciate so much your support!

    Big hugs to all of you!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2007

    I'm so happy that you took the time to respond to my post, I appreciate your perspective. Don't worry, it's No Secret! LOL I'm sure my SO steals plenty of glances, he's just very discreet about it. I never know and I'm Very observant! Hell I look at beautiful women and understand how a man can't help it sometimes!
    Seriously though, you are sweet to call me that and you're right about our relationship having gotten even stronger since my dx. I'm usually such a strong person that I surprise myself with these weak moments. I Know it's true .. I think when I first saw myself after surgery my smile was because I was proud of having done something so courageous to get rid of that beast .. but really it was a bittersweet smile. As I tell my children, what matters most is what's inside. Being able to be here for them is worth doing what I had to do a million times over. Thank you Peter for your understanding, your best wishes and your Big Hugs!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2007

    I believe that must be true Shirley! LOl Peter??

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited July 2007
    Good evening all. Hope everyone had a great day. I may ramble a bit and make a few typos but i figure it's better than not posting at all. I am so spacey. Ever since we went to Iowa last thursday I haven't been able to sleep hardly at all. He gave me Percocet for the pain in my akle but it buzzes me!! I laid in bed and dozed off and on last night with my mind doing that 'popcorn' thingy where random, inane thoughts pop around in my head. Things I hadn't thought of in years. Green Acres song so it wasn't all bad and got a short nap today. So bear with me here please.

    Peter, hope your day is going well. You certainly seemed to have made fast friends here. The Circle is wonderful, isn't it? I must say that you certainly caught on quickly and it's like we've always known you.

    Vickie, so glad you enjoyed the air show last niight. I'm tired tonight too. Rest well and we'll play tomorrow.

    Nicki, um...can't read my notes but I know you're on vacation. Oh I remember! So happy you got out and went to meet new friends that is so great. You did good. I am a hermit myself and rarely go out of the house unless its to see the dr. In fact, I seldom get dressed and wear my jammies all the time. Not the same pair, of course. Ewww.

    Liz, I just wanted you to know that I want to be like you if I ever grow up. lol You are such a nice person and you're always helping others.

    LisaE, I hope things are alright with you. I sure miss you around here. Check in when you can.

    Pam, how are you doing after your fall? Probably sore. Hope it starts to feel better soon.

    Iris, my friend. I sure enjoy our IM's. I can't even remember how we got started doing that but I'm sure glad we did. You are one of the most observant of anyone I've ever known. You pay such attention to details that you make people feel special.

    Mena, hope you're feeling alright. I meant to call you tonight and time got away from me. I miss my playmate. You and I together would've had great fun this past week! lol

    Jankay, I'm so glad we met in chat and you decided to check out the Circle. You are such an asset to us.

    Charlene, sounds like you have a great SO. I think what you feel is just normal for the situation. Just enjoy all the loves in your life. I'm glad you came here with us.

    Jazz, I sure enjoy your posts funny girl.

    Tricia, so glad you're home safely. We missed you.

    Susan, missed your call tonight. We had some kinda storm didn't we? Wow. Missing you in the party thread, especially.

    Robin, my lands girl, no wonder your whole body aches. You've been cleaning for days!

    Marsha, lets see. what were you doing tonight. maybe the comedy club? have fun.

    Gina, hoping you're feeling alright. I sure miss your presence here.

    Gus, you know I wander around strange hours so if you can't sleep sometime just PM me and we'll have us a nice talk. Do you Yahoo IM?

    Boo, hey! I was beginning to think I was going to have to post to Boo-who? lol Nice to see you.

    Sheri and Denise, hope you're both enjoying trips.

    Laura, bet that new grandbaby is really something.

    Madison, doesn't seem like I see much of you anymore. Hope all is well.

    Margaret, Theresa, hey to you all. I don't think I could figure out the new phones Margaret. lol

    Shirley, I like having you around.

    CherylCy, how are ya darlin? You sure are one special person always thinking of others and not complaining. You are entitled to whine now and then you know, we all are.

    This past week was rather interesting here on the boards. Seems alot of us had some lively banter. So many opinions were...shared. There's topics that I try to avoid if possible such as politics and religeon. When I read someones post that offends me or I don't agree with I should leave. We've all said it. "If you don't like it don't read it." But sometimes that is so hard to do. lol We all know that feeling when the perfect retort just has to hang there on the tip of your tongue, unspoken. I have a bad habit of 'defending' a friend involved in a heated discussion...when they don't need I think that's called butting in. Most of the time I'm able to ignore the post that bothers me. And BTW, you guys that are actually able to put someone on 'Ignore' and leave them there are sure stronger than me. I'm afraid I'll miss something. lol Anyway, I'm planning to behave this week and not let anyone bait me. But then we all start out with good intentions.
    Sorry guys. I started rambling quite awhile back. I'm gonna leave it though.

    Rest well to dear friends from Amy to Z.

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited July 2007
    Happy early Sun or a late Sat for some of you,

    Peter…G’day--trying to go 14 hrs in advance. Great to learn abt you from your posts.I enjoy the internet;thanks for the compliments abt my writings. The CG fits me to a T(or from A to Z)! Lovely photos of Australia!
    Angel/Charlene…hi to you! So glad that you joined as I like your sense-of-humor; always great to meet new friends w/angelic names! LOL Forgot to say to bring your twin to our Aug party! Isn’t her b’day abt the same time as yours? Used-to-make jokes like that at schl,and sometimes people just wouldn’t get it and start explaining the time-of-birth/day to me! Too funny!

    Shirley…loved that descript of where/what you ate; first I thought you were kidding abt the bats. That is awful--had one that got into my attic and tried to get into the house via the chimney--I freaked out! I am batty /old bat enough w/out a bird(you know how much I LOVE birds!) I’m so w/you on sleeping downstairs---I might be calling Ghostbusters or pest chasers--yeesh,I hate that you have them.
    Nicki…great abt your Sat gathering! I could relate on social stuff;I can talk and write at home and get me in a crowd w/unknowns and I panic. It sounded like such fun! Oh,boy,do I rememb“Sky King”…Penny and the Songbird. How abt “Highway Patrol”? I could do a Broderick Crawford like you wouldn’t believe 10...4...

    Cheri…hi~ just got another stupid call asking for my opinions;told him I don’t have opinions. LOL Rememb I told you that it came up last night? You are observant,my friend!
    I just am so grateful to find so many kind-hearted people.
    Marsha…Wow..thought this was going to be abt 4th of July! So great the artist can use her talents in such a giving fashion. To be a cancer survivor and giving back as she does,amazing!

    Jankay…hope you got the keybd recharged;had a friend that I was so angry w/as she left me during my med treatments.I liked the ideas of writing/calling the person.
    Margaret…I am not sure abt the I-phones we will see; I do love the BlackBerry once I figured-out the technology.
    Vickie…you are so thoughtful to think of all of us. Just reading abt all you do makes me (almost)get up and work. I am amazed at the lovely photos. We are definitely celebrating b'days...usu I do my alone w/cake;so can't wait!

    Cherryl…hope by now you are all settled in your place;thinking of you and wishing you a good Sun.
    SoCalLisa…your photography is just so great;the bay;the sea and so lovely of San Diego.

    Beth…that is one more scam to watch out for---thanks. It is like it is a job some days in watching out for the scam artists.
    Liz…18 days of rain…enough of that and more sun surely. Hope that you didn’t have to get a boat;unreal pics of the weather.

    Jasmine…hope the meal was good;thanks for the Trolls pics;brought back some good memories;need to find mine(I know abt where they are or used-to-be!) LOL
    Odalys…know all abt supervision and the added stressors;hope the wkend is restful.

    Deb…Relay for Life party sounded fun.
    Boo/Sue…have fun w/Marsha and Sheri. Wish we were all there to party w/you…enjoy!
    Pam…liked your idea abt the survivor’s support group.

    Robin…Good to see you this aft;know all abt the cousins that have two names--funny!Got sev family members named Bob.

    Madison…your Sat sounded like you got lots of cleaning done; hope you’re having a good wkend.
    Cy…hope the wkend goes well;good to hear from you.
    Doris… cute kitten story.

    Shel38...sorry that you are so busy at work and that it is so difficult;thinking of you.
    Joyce…glad that Kevin is improving;good to hear from you today.
    Mizsissy…hope your Sun will go well.
    Z…the beach would be a real pleasant sight;love the ocean and the peacefulness there. Enjoy the weekend/days away.

    Amy to Z--happy weekend to each one of you! It is early Sun morning here and abt time to catch some zzzzzzzzzs.
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj