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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2007

    Nothing like pretending to be on vacation somewhere when you are home. Made coffee and drinking it with good china, just like room service. Im loving this.

    Liz: I cant help it, its true. Im looking at boobs all the time. Doe they have cleavage etc. I think I have forgotten what I looked like before. I never did focus on my boobs even when I had them.

    Jasmine: Good Morning Darlin!

    Vickie: Instead of watching a movie I ended up seeing a rerun of Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr on a nighttime talk show. It was a trip through memory lane. The Beatles came out when I was in 8th grade. So when I saw old pictures of all those young girls screaming at them, I remember, I was one of them. Ive been in love with Paul McCartney for 39 years now! You gave me an idea for a blue drink. Fresh pineapple and its juice soaking in Blue Sapphire Vodka. Think Im gonna try that one for our big party next week-end.

    Beth: On August 1st my husband and I will be celebrated our first date. This year it will be 34 years!.

    Charlene: When I had my bil. mast they let me bring my own CD's. And one of the songs they played during surgery was "Shes got legs and knows how to use them" by ZZ Top.

    Peter: Good day to you. Hoping you are getting some good sleep with pleasant dreams right about now.

    Shel: OMG the floor from hell! You need to get outta there ASAP.

    Cheri: Finially I found your post. Was looking for you here and there. You sound a little sleep deprived to me. Percocet made me hallucinate! Didnt really sleep and I was picking things out of the air. As far as other stuff going on - I takes things as a challenge. If someone says a mean thing to one of my friends, or me - I will always come back with an answer. I love you posts on the other threads. They are subtle, funny, and right to the point without hurting anyones feelings. Bravo I say.

    Iris: Your so funny. Yes I remember Highway Patrol. How about Dragnet?

    FYI: Denise is in Indiana visiting old friends.

    Marsha: Bets you were up to something fun last night.

    Jankay: Whispering wake up. I mean its Sunday, so you should be able to sleep later.

    Z: I hope you had fun at the beach yesterday. Today, I plan to swim in the pool all day long.

    OK - have a good morning and I will check back later.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited July 2007
    Good morning A to Z,

    Haven't been able to get on for a while and post. and I had loads of posts to read.

    This is our Jonesborough Days festival this weekend. We had a kick off dinner on Thursday. night then the fun began yesterday morning. DH was a judge in the parade. He called me about 30 minutes before it started and asked me to join him. Seems like a couple of judges didn't show. So I got to help judge the parade which was real good this year. It was so much fun.

    Last night I took DH's turn in his Kiwanis booth. He wasn't feeling well. So I made hotdogs and sold soft drinks, etc. That was also fun.

    Friday I had the bone scan. I didn't know exactly what to expect. They took me in early, found a vein pretty quickly (yeah) and made me glow in the dark. Then sent me home for three hours.

    Funny thing happened when I returned. The tech said I needed to take my prosthesis out. He left the room and I got it out, but there was no place to put it. There was a tray at the end of the thing I laid down on. That's where my purse was. And no there was no room in that little purse. So when he came back in I asked for a towel. The female tech with him said, "oh honey he's seen it all." I responded with, "I'm sure he has. I'm not worried about him. But this is a hospital...a breeding grounds for germs. I'd rather not take some nastys home with me." They both laughed and agreed that was a good idea and I got to wrap Suzy Q up.

    The test, yeah wasn't anything until sh said to "look straight ahead"." I turned my head so my nose was pointing straight up and OPENED my eyes. BIG mistake. I'm a bit claustrophobia. Seeing the "cave" wall an inch or so away freaked me. I spend the rest of the time trying to control my breathing and telling myself it would be over soon. I hate that feeling and I hate being in the position that I can't move my arms. SO I was a little stressed by the time I got out.

    I'll have the results on Thursday.

    DH and I had a lovely anniversary dinner that evening.

    Sorry this is all about me. Hope everyone has /had (for Peter) a wonderful Sunday.

    BBL after I take some notes.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2007
    Betty: Im so glad the bone scan went well - except for the claustrophobia. And now its early. Sounds like you are having a wonderful time. Great Anniversary and enjoying outside activities.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007
    Good morning sunshine sisters Nicki and Betty, guessing that Jankay is peeking in right about now.
    Peter...what a blessing you are here. Having a man's perspective is a good thing. (oh...we know all your secrets...we just don't let on and that's our secret LOL). Tucking you in for restful sleep and sweet dreams...g'night mate.
    Looks like we'd better let Angel sleep in this morning...she was up really late. Hope the babies let her sleep in. What in the world were you doing up so late...oh wait...never mind LOL. Hugs to ya.
    Betty...Glad you had a good anniversary. My daughter is terribly claustrophobic. She has a really hard time sitting in the back seat of a two door car. Has to have the window down and usually just won't go if she can't sit next to a door. Have a wonderful Sunday.
    Iris was up too late too...You are amazing, how you manage to keep up with so many is beyond me! I am so chemo brained that sometimes I'll read something and have to go back four or five pages cuz I've forgotten what happened and have no clue what someone is talking about. Drives me crazy.
    Cheri girl...sorry you're not getting any rest. Sending you a hug. I'll try to bring you some laughs in the party thread today.
    Jan...hmmm...I do believe she's off we'll hear some wild tales when she returns.
    Marsha dear...where are you? Come on will get better...I promise. You need to treat yourself today, a little retail therapy never hurts and you've had (I think)two weeks of deserve a treat. Sending you a hug. cleaning today! Put your feet up and relax. good to see you. Hope you can transfer to a less stressful, body aching part of the hospital! We miss you here.
    Does anyone know when Sheri returns...she has a package! Hopefully they are holding it at the post office!'s off to the shower and cook breakfast as Nate just wandered in rubbing his sleepy eyes...saying what he always says..."mom, I'm hungry" LOL!
    I'll be back
    Love and hugs all the way around!
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited July 2007
    Hey thanks, Vickie, I've been slowly cheering myself back up HAHA. How odd, but once I thought about it, the 29th being 6 month surg date probably what got me down. subconsious really working on me maybe? Anyhoo.... I'm over myself, looking for ward to meeting Sheri and Boo/Sue today. I've got to make the drinks and get a shower and hit the road. Taking my camera and will post pics later!!! I'm sooooooo excited.

    Betty I laughed right out loud about the prostisis thing. these people don't think like we do. "He's seen it before", who gives a crap about HIM! This is all about US! hahaha And yes, germs galore.

    Nicki, so glad you went to the meet and greet yesterday. Saw your pic on the Illinois thread. I love LauraGTO!

    Iris, let me just say, you are really funny. And on that note, Cheri, you are sly and cunning in a very loving way. LOL LOL

    Shirley, I am telling ! You said "masterbate". I always heard the way to tell if, is to look for the hairy palms. (?)

    Angel, I looked at my mast scar the first time they took the bandage off. My hubby was there also. Dr. Dreamy said he did such a good job we were both anxious to see what he was bragging about. ha

    OK I HAVE to get a move on here. Love to Amy and Z and all in between! Marsha
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
    well i am here. i was up but jacob was checking all of our computer wires.
    hoping for a restful day
    c u later
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2007
    A quick hello to everyone .. have a bit of a headache this morning, must've been a bit too much wine Gotta run and get some cleaning done before Dad get's here but I'll be back later! Good Day everyone!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Good morning happy campers. Just got up. We have a lovely rain that lulled me to sleep and it was so hard to get up. I'll be back after I get my coffee. Looks like the early birds are already heading out the door.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
    Good morning kids - it's raining. Day 19. I am seriously getting psycho now. This is nuts!

    Going to go read and will bbl

    Hugs and Prayers
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited July 2007
    Good Morning....getting ready to leave for mass....bbl
    Liz, dd is driving into OK day 19 of rain..stay safe
    Okay, now I really have to leave
    Hugs from A to Z
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited July 2007

    So Sorry CG Family, My head has been so painful, I will try to post more next week!! hope everyone is well!!
    cant believe i have to wait until next monday to get the brain cath before they do anything about the stupid anurysum i already have! really freaking me out!
    but knowing all of my family here will be able to carry me trough with all of your prayers and love, helps so much!
    I have gifts i have promised to send and cant and i am so sorry i will soon i promise. the percocett does no good for the pain, and i am alergic to the lorecette anything!
    well gonna go for now, just wanted to post a prayer for everyone, nothing will stop me from doing that! Gods Speed sweet Peter, you are a blessing and i thank you for your prayers, Puppy
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited July 2007
    Good Morning Ladies. Good Evening Peter. Slept in the guest room last night. Woke up with a backache. UGH!!! Definately have to transfer all cushy bed stuff today. The headache is self inflicted so I can't whine about that.

    Jaz, no worries. The Pros will be called. Unfortunately the Pros are very bat friendly and won't do anything till the babies are old enough to fly. But then again I guess thats a good thing. Don't want to kick out the parents and have the babies starving to death in my attic. Now that would be nasty.

    Liz, I agree, food is over rated. I want a grocery store that delivers. I don't think thats to much to ask. Here in the sticks we have such crummy grocery stores. It is so sad. Were an hour from the valley that produces the majority of the countrys produce and all we get is garbage. And Miso Paste. 3 grocery stores and no Miso Paste. I actually haven't a clue as to what that is but it is in the list of ingredients for something I want to make. It is very irritating. On the other hand good wine is easy to come by.
    Am I rambling? I think I'm rambling.

    Socal, only 4". Wow! Sure seems like it rained more than that up here.

    Robin, the only cleaning I did yesterday was the dishes from dinner the night before.

    Deb, I can't wrap my brain around 22 hours of daylight.

    Joyce, glad to hear Kevin is doing well.

    Pam, "Those who walk with us in darkness are that much better to be with when they celebrate with us in the light."
    WOW! that is a powerful statement. I think I'll borrow it.
    I learned to do the copy and paste the first time I lost a post to the cybermuncher. Still forget to do it sometimes.
    25 years at the same job. wowsers. You don't hear that very often anymore.

    Odalys, I'll be praying that you make the best decision for you.

    Madison, if you still have that dust cloth handy my house could use a good swipe.

    Liz, excellent idea. I say run with it. My hospital doesn't have anything like that that I am aware of. I had someone from Reach for Recovery call me several months ago just to ask how I was doing. Had a very nice chat. Have no idea how they got my number tho.

    Iris, smack that puter and tell it to behave.

    Jaz, I think I've mentioned before that "I love FlyLady" I followed her plan years ago and my house has remained uncluttered. Except for the basement which is hubbys domain. He thinks FlyLady is tyrant.
    Such horrific news. Was anyone hurt or killed? sometimes I think the crazies have taken over the world.

    Beth, I think I missed something. Why is your butt turning purple. It is a lovely color and one of my favorites but I don't think it's supposed to be a skin color.

    Socal, what a pretty sailboat.

    Nicki, glad you had a good time yesterday. I'll take bats and snacks over roadrage and smog any day.

    Charlene, hugs hugs hugs. Tho you are probably over feeling sad for now. I do believe greiving is a natural part of this whole process. So let the tears flow when you need to. And stay away from the text button.
    I'm with you....both my sisters are "well endowed", I got the skinny gene and no boobs. Whats up with that.

    Vicki, The Sin Eater was a very good book. Didn't know it was made into a movie.
    As noted last night, the drinks were green and way to tasty. Had one to many. But me drunk makes my husband laugh so all is good. Is that a song? A poem?
    I have a new favorite song this week. Tough, by Craig Morgan. BooHoo everytime it comes on the radio.

    Peter, excellent words to Charlene. I am so glad you are here.
    You didn't answer my question. But I'll let it go cause it was so very inappropriate. OOPS!!

    Shel, hugs to you to my dear.
    Don't go away. Just check in when you can. I do hope you can find a job that is doable for you.

    Aww Cheri, my dear friend. I hate hate hate percoset.
    It has been an interesting week on the boards. I have been sitting on my fingers thru most of it. Loaded up on Vodka last night I almost slipped but decided it was best to just go to bed. I am like the "rubber necker" at an accident. No way I could ever do the ignore thing. Have to check and see whats what several times a day.
    PS, I like having you around too. I miss you when you aren't here.

    Iris, the bats have lived here much longer than we have. Figure they probably have legal squatter rights or something. We have never done anything about them because they do a very good job keeping us mosquito free. Here in the hills thats quite a feat. Do wish I had done some research sooner tho. Hubby and I finally decided they must go because they have begun to tear up the insulation in the attic. We will do our best to keep them around by hanging bat houses outside. Just don't want them in the attic anymore.
    Hate those stupid opinion polls.

    Nicki, the good China? Way to go girlfriend. We should all use the good china more often. What do you have planned for today. I suggest a trip to the Museum of Science and Industry. That place is way to cool. Make hubby wear a hawian shirt and socks with sandles. You get to wear a really big hat that people can't see past to see and stand in the very front when looking at exhibits. How do you spell Hawain? I know thats not right.

    Betty, sounds like you have a lively weekend in store. Keeping your eyes closed till the big box passes your head is the key to not freaking out during a bone scan. Praying for arthritis. I'm glad you stood up for the safety and health of SuzyQ.

    Vicki, whats for breakfast?

    Marsha, have a great time today. You can't tell cause I put in a disclaimer. Alcohol induced statements can not be held as evidence in a court of law. Hairy Palms? hahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahh

    Charlene, have a great time with dad.

    Good Morning Jaz and Madison.

    Holy smokes Liz, 19 days? That is crazy.

    Have no clue what I might get into today. I know there is some race or another on so won't be going anywhere with the man. I guess I could clean something.
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited July 2007
    It's now Sunday morning, 6:30 am, let's see what time it is when I finish.

    Nicki, Captain Morgans and pineapple. Yum. Glad you went yesterday; it was probably good for you. I remember Sky King. I remember Clint Eastwood when he was Rowdy Yates.

    Iris, carpet installed Monday. I've been fortunate because when we did my son's room there was no furniture in it since hubby had replaced sheetrock, painted, etc. Now son is back in his room and the last bedroom is getting done; everything is out of it now while Joe insulates the outside walls, sheetrocks, etc. When he's done and it's painted, new carpet will go in there and my whole house will have been remodeled and updated. What a project it's been.

    Pam, are you ok after your fall? Yesterday was beautiful in the Bay Area so I decided to wash my car - ok, I have NEVER washed my car - Joe or Ryan usually does it or if I go early enough, I can get it professionally washed for $5. Anyway, I decided to wash my car, and since I'm so short I have a hard time reaching the top of the car so I open the back passenger door, grab the handrail, hop up on the little ledge and since I was wearing flip flops and had been standing in the water, promptly slid the length of the door jamb, fortunately, I still had the hand rail or I would have fallen on the ground. My hubby saw the whole thing as he was getting ready to leave - he ended up washing the top of the car so I could finish. That would have been on the ankle I broke last year.

    Jankay, I'd call her and explain how you feel. If you can't call, I'd send her a card. There are some great ones out there, and if you need me to go to the store and pick one out for you and mail it to you, I will.

    Charlene, I think we lose a lot of our friends because they feel that BC is contagious or something (and since so many of my friends are getting diagnosed lately, maybe it is). It brings their mortality to the forefront too.

    Peter, where is the Daintree Rainforest? I know I saw one when I was in Australia and that sounds very familiar.

    Deb, how do you sleep when the sun shines 22 hours a day?

    Joyce, thanks for the update on Kevin; glad he's doing better.

    Robin, girl, sit down, you are doing way too much cleaning. And in 90 degree weather plus humidity.

    Liz, I think that's a great idea. I would so be doing that. I had told my local ACS I would be a Reach to Recovery volunteer doing just what you would be doing but I've been told that they are very bad about following up on their training - I've been waiting for a year - don't think it's going to happen.

    Jas, I remember trolls. Had quite a few of them.

    Iris, ask your computer friend about blocking popups - my hubby or son or maybe even the grandkids must have gone to a site that is now sending popups - it is so annoying - if you are on Craiglist, eBay pops up. I've downloaded Spybot and Adaware and still can't get rid of them. I'm ready to buy some popup blocker software.

    Charlene, as everyone says - you are beautiful. I admit, I miss my real boobs but my hubby is an a$$ man too, and as Vickie says, the alternative to not having my boobs would have been much worse. Grieve for as long as you need to and then realize that your partner seems like a wonderful person and is there for you.

    Vickie, boot camp is supposed to start a week from tomorrow - I have to get an assessment first. Since there will be 3 of us doing it, I'm sure I will finish it. It's just getting to the first one. I used to do Curves at 6:00 and complained that it didn't start early enough. At least I'm doing this during the summer so it's nt raining.

    Iris, I had a Blackberry Pearl but couldn't use it because of the little track ball and my nails. I have a really cool slider phone now but I think it doesn't work the way it should since it's an unlocked TMobile phone and I have Cingular. I also have a Razr and am not crazy about it but may have to go back to it until I find something I really like.

    Betty, I made the mistake of looking at my bone scan after it was done. I saw all this black stuff all over and then worried that something was really wrong. All the way home kept wondering what it was and then realized it was the scar tissue from my bilateral and free tram.

    Cheri, glad to see your post. Hope you are doing ok today.

    Marsha, can't wait to see pics of your meeting with Sheri and Boo/Sue.

    Puppy, sending you hugs.

    I know I missed many but it's now 8:00 am and time to get going.

    Hugs from Amy to Z. BBL.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007

    ahhh...didn't include ya all for breakfast. Broccoli and cheese omelets, homefires, toast with jam (strawberry!), lots of coffee and hot chocolate. French toast for those with a sweet tooth and a cinammon roll for Mazer. Not quite sure what I dare feed bubba though!

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited July 2007
    Hi Everyone! No cleaning for me today just what I have to do and that is finish laundry.

    Vicki:I sure cant drive a backhoe with sore muscles can I.If you cook like that all the time I Want to take you up on your offer you made on another thread!!!I tried to take a bubble bath last night,but something is wrong with the drain thingy.And when I turned the jets on man lady bugs came from everywhere and ruined my nice water.SO I gave up and will do that tonite.

    Nicki: A question for you,do you have any links to ceu's online?
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited July 2007
    Hey Vickie- Thanks for breakfast! I made a big ol' reindeer sausage for Bubba....something for him to really get his teeth around...LOL

    I am sore today! I think we used about 20 of those 22 hours of daylight yesterday. We gardened, cleared around some baby trees, fertalized the yard, weeded, harvested spiniach and radishes, on and on and on! We got a ton of stuff done and it felt great, but BOY I'm bushed this morning.

    Someone asked how I deal with the amount of light...I have NO problem with the light in the summer. I love it! You can garden at 11:30 at night or 3:00 in the morning. You can hike or fish at any hour with no flashlight. You can whale watch from the bluff at midnight. As for how I sleep...I close my eyes! LOLOL. I have 2 big windows in my bedroom and don't even pull the shades. I guess since I grew up with it it seems normal too me.

    The problem for me is dealing with the darkness in the winter. My shortest day is about 5 to 6 hours of light in the winter. If it is sunny, that is enough light that I don't get depressed. If we hit a couldy streatch, I have to use my really bright, full-spectrum light to stay upbeat. Everyone sleeps more in the winter. In the summer you think nothing of calling a friend at 10:00 to see if they wnat to drop by for desert and coffee. In the winter, everyone is in bed by 8:30.

    OK...I hope you ALL have a super day. I have to go wake the kids and get everyone going for church. This afternoon 2 of my Aunts are flying in for a visit from the states, so I may not be on as much the next few days. If I'm not around, know you are all still in my thoughts and prayers.

    Bugs and Fishes
    Deb C
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    I LOVE the teapot! Its adorable.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited July 2007
    <-----rubbing her eyes

    Teapot? I missed the teapot....
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited July 2007
    I missed the teapot also
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited July 2007
    awww gentle hugs puppy.

    Margaret it usually takes me a good two hours to read and respond.

    Have a great time with your aunts Deb

    What teapot Jaz?
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited July 2007

    sure is quite today in the circle.Guess everyone is cleaning.:).Think I will to.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited July 2007
    Good afternoon all. Hope everyone is having a nice sunday. I did finally sleep last night but i'm still really spacey. I hate that dull brain thing where I have to read something over & over before it soaks in. lol I don't think Percocet is a good med for me.

    Nicki, thank you for the compliment on my posting on other threads. I really have to work hard on the 'subtle' part of it, though. lol I enjoy your posts too and for the most part it's all so much fun. You have the same protectiveness (is that even a word? lol) that I do. We gotta take care of our own.

    Betty, your week-end sounded busy but good. I sure hope your tests come back clear for you.

    Vickie, I could use some of those laughs today you promised. Although, don't get too complicated because I am about brain dead. You are so clever & sharp witted. I love that in people amd we have several on here. It's so much fun to have that teasing banter going back and forth. We sorta feed off each other.

    Marsha, looking forward to your pics from today.

    Liz, I'm sick of rain and storms, too. But we've not had anything compared to you! Hope it dries up for you.

    Puppy, hoping that you feel better. Prayers

    Shirley, don't you just hate that self inflicted stuff. When you have nobody to blame but yourself? lol Been there.

    Charlene, enjoy your visit with your dad today.

    Margaret, I remember those TV shows too. Also, High Chapparell, The Virginain, and Death Valley Days, to name a few. You are so smart. You asked Peter about the 'Daintree Rainforest', lol, I thought it was just a typo.

    Peter, takes too much brain power to figure if you're night or day right now but whatever it is, have a good one. Reading your posts is like hearing from somebody I've known awhile. There's such a sweetness about you that's not often found in men. You certainly made a big hit with the ladies here.

    Deb, I keep such odd hours that your light/darkness thing probably wouldn't bother me. Like you said, you grew up with it so you're used to it. Enjoy your Aunts visit this week.

    The house has been mostly quiet this week-end and it's been nice in a way. I love my grandsons but it's nice to have a break. Amber has worked and partied since they're gone. It sure takes me back to when I was young. She gets all gussied up and goes out with friends then rushes in to take a shower and change just before work. lol I couldn't keep up now. I'm a worrier so I'm working hard on letting things go. Let go and let God. I'm always worrying over something happening to her, she is so pretty and naive and that's not a good combination.
    It's another rainy, dreary day. I think I could take a nap but I don't want to waste my time alone.
    Wishing everyone from Amy to Z a great afternoon.

    Iris, I enjoy our conversations.
    Mena, I do hope you're feeling well. I miss you. I'm going to try & call you later.
    Gina, I feel like you're fading away from us and i don't like it. Come home.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited July 2007
    Robin, put the cleaning rag down and back away from the mop. I hate cleaning so I wish you lived close I bet we could work something out. lol You're in the same living situation as I am with adult kids and grandchildren there with you all the time. I bet you don't take your quiet time for granted either. lol

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2007

    Well all I can say is I sure am glad I have a swimming pool. Crazy day today. 75 degrees. Pool water 70 degrees which is pretty cold, but I didnt care, jumped right in and have been swimming all afternoon. Took in some rays, so I got my Vitamin D for the day.

    Robin: Do you get any nursing magazines? Lots of CEU's available.

    Jasmine: Where is the tea pot?

    MargaretB: MargaretB: Im gonna try the fresh pineapple with blue sapphire vodka. Put the pineapple on skewers, put some pineapple juice over them and then soak them in the blue Vodka. Now thats gonna be one good blue drink.

    Cheri: Yes indeed. We are a good team.

    Ok - this was a fly by. Will check back with ya all later.


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007
    Hey Cheri pal...I'll have to come up with some laughs...hasn't been a very funny day here. Mowed the lawn...still have to weed eat it...cleaned as usual...had a visitor that made me cry.
    ok...this is probably really mean and I'm not a mean person. A very good friend of mine just happened to "pop" in today. After years of being best friends I got bc and she totally disappeared. Now I did EVERYTHING for this women...literally! She was a hopeless, helpless wreck. I was with her when she had her kids, she lived with me, I gave her money when I could...talked her out of stupid things and into smart get the picture. She was like my sister and my very best friend. Her daughter got pregnant when I was first dx'd and she called and told me that "we" were going to be grandma's cuz her kids always called me mom too. I was so excited and made a very elaborate, lacey baby blanket for the shower she was sending me an invitation too. Well the invitation never came, calls were never returned...I became invisible. Till today when she knocked on my door. I opened the door and there she was and I don't know what came over me but I said "can I help you"...she got a confused look on her face and asked me what I was talking about, wasn't I going to let her in and I said "I'm sorry, I don't know you"...she thought I was kidding and called me by name and I said "Oh, Vickie...well I hate to break the news to you but Vickie died a long time ago and I'm the new Vickie, you don't know me. You should have stuck around and watched the old Vickie go and the new Vickie was actually pretty amazing...too sad that you missed it all, goodbye." and I closed the door.
    OMGosh...I feel so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What did I do. I was just so shocked to see her standing there after all this time and so shocked at how much I had missed her friendship. She could always make me laugh till my stomach hurt and I needed her damnit! I really felt deserted. Probably being selfish but there you have it. My day today!
    Do I call her and apologize? Not sure what I should do at this point. understand...what should I do? back with somethin to brighten your day.
    Love and hugs all around. I think we need to wake our big brother early.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007
    Hey Cheri...maybe I'll just stand around and make funny faces at ya.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007

    heehee...this does not include anyone here but I do have this sign on my desk at work.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2007
    Vickie: Only call her if you want to remain friends.

    Looking for funny pictures.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
    Just a quick fly by here. I can't believe it - the sun is out! Figures. I feel like crap and don't want to get out. I'm laying in my recliner watching cars go around in circles. LOL

    Vickie - awww hugs hon. I applaud you for doing that. As for what you do now. Write her a letter telling her why you did what you did and why it hurt you so bad for her not to be there for you. JMO.

    Nicki - good for you! Love your pic by the way. You are not fat! I'm so glad to see your face.

    Robin - today is your day off. As Cheri said - walk away.

    Cheri - your post earlier made me cry. Thank you so much for the wonderful compliment you gave me. You are a very giving, helpful person. I'm so honored to know you.

    Okay kids - back to the recliner for awhile.

    Hugs and Prayers