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  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited July 2007

    Good day sisters....a real quick fly by or should I say swim by......yes I feel like Mario in the old netendo where he gets to the level that he is swimming in the water...think it might be level 4......can't remember....i had know idea that states could actually close lakes but that is what is happening here.......a lot of utility poles are under water and they are afraid someone is going to get electricuted (sp)...........anyway just wanted everyone to know that I have ya'll in my prayers.....know many of our sweet chicas are having "issues".....everyone take care.....maybe I can get on later but right now looks like we are in for another bad storm.....its just black outside........I have been walking my dogs at night (in the rain) and there are frogs everywhere....I think maybe I will try and kiss a few.......maybe I will get lucking and one will turn into a everyone......see ya later alligators.....(haven't seen any of those though.......

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2007

    Well I have just had a splendid day. Went shopping and got a new bathing suit. Walked my dog. And went swimming just like yesterday. Air temp is still 76 degrees and the water was 70 degrees. It felt cold at first, but I got used to it pretty fast.

    I am really so despterate with my hair, I just dont know what to do. Im trying to hard to grow it longer again and it really looks awful right now. So I came in after swimming and set my hair. Yes, I shouldnt complain cause I could actually put curlers on. If I keep looking like this, Im gonna get desperate and cut it all off!!

    And now Im just relaxing and enjoying a glass of wine. So far 3 days off and I havent been bored yet!!!

    Shokk: Well you better watch out for the crocodiles too. I cant believe how much rain you are getting. Its so weird cause I heard that the lake that mainly supplies water to southern Florida is the dryest it has ever been! This weather is sure goofy.

    Vickie: It sure sounds like you are enjoying all the festivities. Thats the fun part of celebrating the 4th of July. Something is going on everyday. Then all of a sudden, the summer seems to fly by once the 4th is gone.

    NS: I have probably shared this story before. So many people told me that the taxanes were a piece of cake next to A/C. I was so excited when I had my last round of A/C. Well - I had a much harder time. Almost quit chemo after my first Taxol, the pain was so bad. Then onc swithced me to taxotere. Would go to work, punch in, come home and spend the day in bed for 2 days. But hey - is this one or two down? Your getting there slowly but surely.

    Beth: Oh that was a good one.


    Jan and Suz: I cant take credit for finding that song. I was reading the forums earlier and saw someone post the name of the song and who wrote it. So I went on youtube and I cried my eyes out when I saw it. We are strong. We are TOUGH! If we ever do another collection of songs for a CD - I vote for this one. For those of you who may have missed it. Well here it is.

    Jan: Our big party is on Saturday. Its for family, but much more for friends. And its usually an all nighter - glad its at my SIL. Im making some Italian Beef, Sauteed sweet peppers, marinated sausage and mushrooms for an appetize, and my famous pineapple soaked in either rum or blue vodka. Think I will stick with Captain Morgans. Talk about being fat? Yesterday I tried to do a sit up where you take your elbow and touch your knee. Well I couldnt touch my knee cause my stomach got in the way.

    PurpleMB: I have absoulutely given up on the chance I might look good in a bra and bathing suit again. I tried so many bathing suits on today. Too low cut - you could see my scars. Then of course there is the scar from my port and my lymph dissection - and nothing seems to hide that. I decided today I will be proud of my scars. It was a battle and I won.

    Beth: Your so funny. I will do anything to avoid talking on the telephone! Just hate it. And what is this with everyone having brake problems. First Vickie, then me, and now you. Except there is one big difference. The two of you got your brakes fixed. My husbands car is sitting in the garage just waiting.

    Pam: I talk about all the friends I have made here all the time. People give me a crazy look, and of course I always get, "your still going there." Meaning coming to this site. Well heck yes - you all are the only ones that can really cheer me up.

    Sherloc and Charlene: Believe it or not, there was a time when people thought I was anorexic. 5'6" and weight 100 pounds. I used to eat things to try and gain weight. But then something happened to me. I turned 40 and the started putting the weight on. Now Im a big fat older lady. Went shopping and didnt even look for things that might make me sexy. Looked for things that would make me appear thinner.

    Liz: Just like my message to Shokk. The rain you are getting is just incredible. This is supposed to be summer. Filled with sunny days and fun things. Not where can we go to avoid flooding.


    Mena: Im glad you are enjoying some time by the shore. If anyone deserves it you do. I remember just one year ago and we were so active on the boards. Talked to each other almost everyday and sure did get into some heavy discussions on the debate thread. I miss you. Im trying to understand what mzsissy is telling us. The tykerb didnt work so your going back on herceptin. But is there not another chemo out there that you havent tried? Just like on Miracle on 34th Street. I do believe, I do believe, its silly but I believe. And I believe you will find the right combination of medications to fight this battle. I mean there are so many of us standing strong for you. Just wanted to tell you that I really love you.

    Puppy: From reading other posts, I can tell something is wrong but I dont know what. Please PM me and tell me what is going on.


    jasmine: You have to click on the picture and it will enlarge. Not that I want you too, because I am not photographic and it reminds me what I really look like instead of what I think I look lady. Lady bugs. There are good ones and bad ones. When I lived on a farm the bad ones (they are orangish) overtook the house. I litterly vacuum thousands of them. And they bite!

    Cheri: Darlin, I didnt see a post from you today. Hoping eveyrthing is ok. Sure do miss hearing from you.

    I miss Amy but Im sure she is having a grand ole time.

    OK - time to go eat dinner. Hope eveyrone has a wonderful evening.

    Marsha: Those pictures were just wonderful.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
    Hi everyone - well so far today has turned to you know what. We discovered our toilet has been leaking and has soaked through to the subflooring. I've been tearing out baseboards, flooring etc. since 11:00 this morning. This is going to be a major project but on the one hand I get to remodle the bathroom Hehehehe....

    So if I'm gone for a few days you'll know where I'm at. Oh unless I call for bail money in which that means I have murdered my husband. Why can't men just listen. It would be so much easier. LOL

    Hugs and Prayers to you all. I'll be popping in and out.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2007
    Liz: Ahahahaha I sure do understand. Wondering if I can tolerate a whole week at home with my DH myself.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2007
    Nicki.just wait til you are both retired!!!

    I played tennis early this morning for two hours and then spent three hours going thru books donated to our friends of the library bookstore and stocking the shelves. My back is horrible after lifting many,many full cartons of books..I know, I know..shouldn't overdo!!

    I need to jump in the pool!!
    Glad noone can see me there!!!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited July 2007
    So what the heck was up with the boards all day. I kept getting "page not compatable" message. Truly annoying. all my grand schemes of doing more work outside went right down the tube when I went out to water this morning. I think it must have been 90 out there at 9am. Yikes!
    So what have you all been up to today.

    Hope you had a fabulous day at work Pam.

    Hahahahhaahha Beth

    MB 29 days and counting. I got my tank tops today. They look great.

    jan, did you break the camera over hubbys head?

    Hi Suz, lots of flybys today.

    Very gentle hugs for you Gina. Is there nothing you can take for the pain?

    Vicki, take pics of the fireworks pretty please. Not allowed here so I only get to see them on tv.

    Shokk, and if a prince does not magically appear you will at least have dinner.

    Nicki, I am so happy you are enjoying your time off.
    wowsers on the 5'6" and 100lb. 40 didn't do it for me. still scrawny. Tamox plumped me up by 16lbs the first few months I was on it, but over the course of 3 years that has disappeared.

    UHOH Liz, you have my sympathies. A leaky bathroom pipe is what started my remodeling from hell. My advice...move out!!! And leave hubby at home!

    Socal, OUCH! Any good books?
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited July 2007
    Shirley, I sure wanted to break it over his head. I know he didn't do it on purpose. He always says we never have any video of us, just the kids and grands. But not in a bathing suit, and especially not from behind. I feel like I should never let another piece of food cross my lips and it will be a cold day in hell before I get into a bathing suit with anyone around!

    Vickie, boy are you busy, but it sounds likes heaps of fun getting ready for the 4th! Has Nate recovered from the sting?

    Nicki, I couldn't go swimming the last coouple of days. It barely hit 70 today. We keep a solar cover on the pool and it was 80! I'll bet swimsuit shopping was a real treat! I hate it. Taxotere kicked my butt also. Everyone told me how much easier it was than AC, but I got every SE known to mankind. It sounds like you are making yummy food for the party. Pineapple soaked in vodka or rum? We had that at party 2 years ago. Nearly knocked me out !

    Liz, we had plumbing leaks. They really suck! We've had leaks through our ceiling twice. You have my deepest sympathy!

    Hey Cherikins!! How are you today?

    Puppy, what's going on? Are you doing okay?

    Hello to everyone, Amy to Z. I like that. I don't have to tax my chemo brain to remember everyone's name. Have a great evening, all!
  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited July 2007
    Wow, getting on here twice in one day is a record for me I think.

    SoCal - think you're sore today - watch out for tomorrow - yikes!

    ((((Mena)))) hope you enjoyed your get away.

    Gina - now that you know when the pain will be bad - take something for it next time before it starts. Everyone told me too that Taxol would be a piece of cake compared to AC -no one told me about the pain. I called my onc in tears - Vicodin didn't even help. I think they gave me Lorcet and then changed me from Neulasta to Neupogen. Had absolutely no pain from the Neulasta with the AC. After changing to the Neupogen the pain from the Taxol did get a little better. My pain started on day two in the afternoon so I would start taking the pain meds in the morning - that also helped. I don't think the pain is cumulative.

    Nicki - that song really got me thinking about how much I have been through in the last year and a half - and you know what I am a lot tougher than I thought. My Dad would tell me that all the time when I was going through chemo - he would always say I was tough like he was. He was right.

    Liz - you have my sympathy - I say that about my dh all the time. At least you get your bathroom remodeled.

    Shokk- another storm - looks like rain here but nothing yet - we could really use it - the grass in the yard is turning brown. You guys really need a break.

    Shirley - just ordered my Pinkstock gear today - glad you like yours.

    Beth - ROFLMAO too funny.

    Vicki - enjoy the fireworks tonight. Our village puts them on the 4th every year. One of my favorite holidays.

    Okay, time to go eat dinner. Hugs to all from A to Z.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited July 2007
    Good evening all. I am babysitting afternoons thru wed. They have really worn me out today. Ethan isn't any trouble, in fact, he was a big help most of the time. The baby is a little harder work. Ambers daycare is on vacation all this week so I didn't really have a choice but to watch them. My dr hasn't got my Xanex called in yet so I've been without that since friday. Yikes!

    Nicki, it's so nice that you're enjoying your vacation days. OMG a new sumsuit! I do believe it was like 1984 since I bought a swimsuit. I love swimming but way too fat and would lose weight if i could swim. Viscious circle.

    Kristin,have a good time over the 4th on your trip.

    Jankay, what a great surprise for you to have your sister come visit you. Enjoy your visit and maybe you all can get some things straightened out about the caregiver.

    Vickie, shoot you always make me smile. You & nate have a great time tonight.

    Boo, hapy you got to meet Sheri & Marsha bet you had a blast.

    Iris, i've missed our chats the last couple days. You are a sweetie. Thank you for being a good friend.

    CherylCy, sure hope your Mother is alright after her fall.

    Peter, I agree. Theses ladies from the Wagon Circle are very special. We all watch out for one another and that's a very comforting feeling. Glad you can be a part of that.

    Mena, hey girly! Wishing you well and missing the fun we used to have before your...uh...little problem. Don't worry, dear, I wouldn't say anything about it. TAG! Your IT!

    Gina, golly it seeems like you've been gone a long time. Hope all is well with you.

    Marsha, thanks for sharing your pics with us of Boo, you and Sheri. Glad you all had fun.

    Jazz, yes thank you. I slept like a rock last night. I didn't feel like I'd slept much since the dr. visit either.

    Janny, hey there my friend! So glad you had a great time at your party over the week-end. I just knew you would. We used to have company and get togethers all the time and we never do anymore. I made the mistake of letting too many fun squishers get a toe hold on us.

    Nicki, I'm not a phone person either and I don't know why because I used to be. Since the time I started tx I've gotten to where I have to make myself make a phone call. I just kinda climbed into my own little world. I still have this board addiction though.

    Gus, hope everything is alright with you. Hi Charlene and Margaret and Tricia.

    Having a little peace and quiet right now. I got the baby down with Ethans help and he's calmed down. Amber just got home from work and I'm worn out. Wishing all of you from Amy to Z a peaceful nights rest.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited July 2007
    For Nicki, read this before any more vacation time might tempt you to do the wrong thing. For Liz, Denise, Bikerjan and all the rest of us who have Mr. Fixits living in our homes! This says it all:
  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited July 2007
    Hopefully an early night for me tonight. Thinking about Vickie and her busy but fun evening with Nate. I miss fireworks. Haven't been in severl years. Brings back so many memories! I love the way everyone goes "ooohhhhh" or "aaaahhhhhhh".
    I talked to Puppy this evening and she had a really tough day today. The head pain is very difficult for her. (((((Puppy))))) we are going to be very quiet around your wagon. Dropping you off some earplugs so the fireworks don't hurt your head worse.
    I have decided that I complain way too much. I am most fortunate and blessed. Problems that I have are so insignificant compared to things some of you are dealing with. I thank you for being so kind to me. I am going to try harder to build you guys up.
    Susan, where are you? I got a pm from Puppy asking about you. You don't want us to send Bubba after you. Check in and let us know how the job search is going.
    Peter are you awake yet? Still can't get it right... is it really already tomorrow there? Thanks for being such a good big brother. Since Vickie is gonna be out late, I think maybe you should be in charge of tucking in til she gets home!
    I just knew we were getting rain tonight. It got dark and thundered and there was lightning... I felt 2 drops of rain. That's it. Oh well. Hope you gals in the Midwest are staying safe and dry.
    When I got back from the grocery store tonight I opted for junk food. Took that little frozen pizza from the oven and cut it in many pieces and put on a tray. my sister called me on the phone and I put a napkin over my food and went into the kitchen. When I came back, almost all of the pizza was gone. My dog Clyde looked at me like "What? Didn't you leave that here for me?" My sister said Clyde is trying to help me be more healthy. Oh well. He just better be glad I don't like dog food.
    Marsha, the pics were great... table dancing indeed! I get so envious when others of you get to meet. I wish so much I could go to Pinkstock!!
    Love you all... from Amy to Z. If I left you out, blame it on chemobrain. Good night! Pam
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
    Popping in to say goodnight. I am so tired but we have started getting the floor dry and we'll have to see how much more we'll have to do. I am way too old to do this stuff nowadays. I hurt everywhere!

    Hugs and Prayers
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited July 2007
    Evening all,
    Hope everyone had a good day today.
    Nickie - oh my that song made me cry too. Love your kitty card also LOL
    Gina - Oh man the taxanes were awful for me too. I had taxotere. About 2 days after each treatment I felt like someone had beaten me with a baseball bat!. I wouldn't say the pain for me was cumulative but it continued for months after treatment was done. So slowly got better. Even my neuropathy is pretty much resolved now. Many hugs to you.
    Pam - Come on down a little south and Marsha and I will come out to play! It was the first time I ever met any of the circle girls and hopfully not the last. I can't make it to Pinkstock either. I wish I could.
    Cheri - hi lady nice to see you posting more!
    Vickie - sounds like you had a busy day
    Marsha - Thanks for posting pictures. I loved meeting you and had so much fun!
    Hugs to all from Amy to Z
  • newter
    newter Member Posts: 2,670
    edited July 2007
    It has really been a while since I popped in. I have not been on the boards as much as I used to.

    Vicki, thanks for asking about me on another thread. You reminded me to pop in and say hi.

    Sunshine, I am willing to fight for MY Joe Don but if I win, I promise to share although I am not sure a 13 year old will appreciate him as much as I would. I was pretty fickle at that age. I am much more loyal now.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    His father sends a small boy to bed. Five
    minutes later....
    "What?" "I'm thirsty. Can you bring drink of water?" "No. You had your
    chance. Lights out."
    Five minutes later: "Da-aaaad....."
    "I'm THIRSTY. Can I have a drink of water??"
    "I told you NO!" If you ask again, I'll have to spank you!!"
    Five minutes later......"Daaaa-aaaad....."
    "When you come in to spank me, can you bring a drink of water?"
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited July 2007
    Over slept today, was 3 hours late to work! Yikes so i won't saty on her tonight and am off to bed!
    Hugs and prayers and it's good to see some folks finding their way back to the wagons!
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited July 2007
    Evening girls, morning Peter.

    CY, sorry to hear about your mom's accident. She was lucky; it could have been so much worse.

    Peter, I've been to Daintree - when I went to Australia, I went to Sydney and Cairns. Two highlights of my life were the Daintree Rainforest and the Great Barrier Reef. Boot camp doesn't start until next Monday so I hve a reprieve.

    Betty, how sad about the lady in your town who wasted precious time on crap.

    Jankay, what a nice surprise to see your sister. Hopefully she gets your caregiver in line.

    Nicki, I heard that song on the radio for the first time last week; it made me cry when I heard it. Loved the pic.

    Liz and Shokk, you must be so sick of the weather you have had. Stay dry.

    Shirley, I've been to that Hersheys factory. One of these days we'll have to meet.

    Beth, I pay most of my bills online. Yum, the pulled BBQ pork sandwiches sound great. Would it work with Diet Dr. Pepper? Oh, two funnies tonight.

    Mizsissy, I'm not a cat person but what a gorgeous cat.

    G, I wish I could take the pain away for you. Here's a hug for you.

    Cheri, I hope Amber appreciates you. Know how many times my mother babysit -0, zilch, nada, never.

    Puppy, image

    Jan, Pam, MB, Puppy, Boo/Sue, Jasmine, and everyone from Amy to Z (love that).

    Taking a walk around the perimeter and will tuck everyone in.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited July 2007
    took advantage of the sun going down and went and did a bit of work outside. Layed some more pavers in my gazebo. Only need 7 more and it will be done. I've only been working on it for 5 years. How pathetic is that. Also made a rock wall around an oak tree for a flower bed. Have to get some chicken wire for the bottom. Hoping that will keep the gophers away. Now I'm tired and ready for bed. Perfect timing since it's almost dark.

    Margaret, I heard a rumor that the hershey factory is closing. Bummer cause I've never been there.

    Cy, 3 hours? yikes indeed.

    Sweet dreams sisters. Peter have a fabulous day.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007
    well boy have I missed you all today! I am wayyyy to tired to catch up...I see Pam tucked some of you in for me. Peter mate...sending off a firework to wake you up...where are you big brother.
    Got a very sweet card in the mail with teddy bears on it and a sweet surprise inside from a very special ya too and you can show up on my doorstep any day of the week!
    That actually holds true for each and every one of you! My blue drinks may be koolaid but I promise you'll be well taken care of if you should show up here.
    I'll take a break tomorrow and catch up and I took some great pics of the fireworks that I will post tomorrow night (as i suspect I'll be too tired to do much else LOL...15 hours today and 8 and a half tomorrow...YIKES).
    Sweet and pleasant dreams from A to Z and a wonderful, happy day to our brother Peter. Rise and shine!!
    Love and hugs all around our wonderful circle. What a grand family we have.
    Newter...glad you popped in...we missed you!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2007

    Well this morning I was nursing my headache with a cup of coffee and listening to Ava happily chattering away on the baby moniter. When my head felt well enough for me to move I went to get her out of her crib .. and of Course she was standing there with her diaper off and poop around her feet. UGH!!!!! What is it with babies wanting to take their diaper off all the time!!!

    Cheri - not too much gets by me, all though these days there's probably a Lot more than I realize that does! Cognitive malfunction LOL Be sure to get some extra rest while you're caring for the kids. You know you're doing a great job when you're worn out at days end!

    Denise - glad to hear you didn't get lost! Have fun at the zoo!

    Kristen - have fun at your friends house and at the shore .. I envy all of you going on vacations!

    SoCal - so sorry about your bracelet. I hope it turns up somehow! I lost a ring my SO gave to me that had a lot of sentimental value and it broke my heart.

    Jankay - That's great about your sister visiting! My sister from Texas is coming to stay July 18th for a couple of weeks to help me with my little one while I start reconstruction surgery. Enjoy your visit!

    Vickie - you just Gotta laugh sometimes! Boy you sound busy, I don't know how you find Any time to post! But it sounds like you're having a blast!

    Sue - it's great that you got to meet Marsha and Sheri..looks like a great time was had by all!

    Pam - sounds like you got a real shiner on your shin .. not fun. Thank you for your compliment and yes, my SO Is wonderful. He's doing the dishes as I write this! (just one of so many wonderful things he does!)

    Iris Angel - OMG there's chocolate Everywhere at Hersheypark! The smell IS divine! I just can't believe how expensive it's gotten to go there! Thank you for such sweet words about me. I do feel like I'm part of a very loving family here!

    CY - Wonderful hearing from you! So sorry to hear about your mom. That's so frustrating when they don't tell you when something like that! Sometimes they just don't want to be a bother .. my mom is that way. But I agree, it's not right!

    Peter - nice to hear about your visit with your uncle! It's supposed to go down to 49 degrees tonight here, which is might cold for July in Pennsylvania! brrrr, Hate the cold!

    Vickie - Nathanial is the same age as my Audrey and she would be exactly the same about that poor baby bunny! I hope he was gone and he didn't have to see him again.

    Nicki - my SO emailed the song "Tough" to me .. said it made him cry and reminded him of me. What a great song that is! btw, you are Beautiful! It was so nice to get to see your face in the picture you posted! My sisters always told me I'd gain the weight once I hit 40 and especially after having my babies but I'm still 5'6 and 105bs!!! Maybe my magical age is 45! My SO says I'm not too skinny and he loves the way I look so that's good enough for me! btw, you Should be very proud of yours scars! Good for you!

    Liz - "why can't men just listen" hahahahahahaha Boy do I know what you mean! good luck with the bathroom!

    Marsha - it looks like you had so much fun with Sue and Sheri! Thanks for the pics.

    Jasmine - it's funny how people just don't get it, even after you've explained to them! That's why I love being here .. I Know everybody here understands!

    Shirley - your daughters friend better be careful!! You poor thing, I would've Hated that nickname too! Lucky for your surgeon that he was hot huh!? Oh yes, it's so nice to be hated for your thinness isn't it?! I Am lucky that my babies sleep late, but I suffer at night for it because they're up until 10! Oh well, that get that from me. I'm a night owl and I like to sleep in! I sure hope your hubby's eye is okay!

    Beth - my kids always slept through the night But my eight year old still wants to sleep with me. It doesn't help that when she's staying with her ex that he Always lets her fall asleep on the couch and then sleep in his room. She hasn't slept in her own room at his house in probably 4 years! So whenever she comes back from there I go through this cycle where she Really can't sleep in her own room .. sigh, it's frustrating! I think you're right about your sil's cousin!

    MB - that's Great about your DH! The get together you're having sounds like it's going to be a real blast!

    Jan - funny, my SO always wants to take my picture when I'm at my worst. I Hate having it taken anyway but at least get me when I'm half decent! He'll take it when I haven't showered or made myself "pretty" ... grrrr!

    Gina - so sorry to hear about your pain. I hope it gets better for you soon!

    Shokk - stay safe, hope the alligators stay away!

    Hello to Theresa, Suz, Margaret and everyone from Amy - Z! Nice to see you here Newter, I've enjoyed some of your posts on some other threads here.

    Sweet dreams everyone!

    Hugs and Love,
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2007

    Good Morning Everyone! It feels so good to get up and not have going to work over my head. I think I could get used to this really fast.

    Peter: My idea of fishing is getting a row boat, going out to the middle of the lake and putting down the anchor and playing scrabble with my husband. Never did enjoy catching a fish, but love the serentiy of being out on the lake.

    Charlene: When I was younger and much thinner, I remember looking at my mother. She had this big fat belly - looked like she was pregnant. I remember telling myself look how fat she is. Now when I look in the mirror, I see I have turned into my mother!! Not only do I find myself looking at other womens boobs, I also find myself looking at how thin someone is. Of course its through the eyes of jealousy.

    Vickie: Many towns will be having their fireworks display tonight. I suspect I will be watching them from my backyard. Sounds like you had a great time.

    MargaretB: Sohave you started the exercise program yet. I curious to hear how hard it really is.

    Jasmine: Thanks for the early morning laugh. That was a cute little story.

    Newter: So good to see you pop in. Im hoping life is treating you well and that you are enjoying the summer.

    Boo/Sue: Man I hated taxotere. And there was no pain medication that would make the pain go away. Just like a nagging, painful toothache but in my legs.

    LisaSoCal: Retired? OMG I dont even want to think about it. For my sanity, I will have to become a volunteer.

    Sherloc: I have about 30 pounds of extra weight, all in my belly - I will be glad to give some to you and Charlene - FOR FREE!

    Jan: The pool came with our house when we bought it 4 years ago. The neighborhood is older and has lots of trees. So there really is only one hour of full sunshine on the pool. When we first moved here I was disappointed and I was an advid sun bather. But now after breast cancer, Im glad I can swim when I want and not have the sun beating down on me all day. We have a solar cover, but the water rarely gets above 78 degrees. Let me tell you water that is 70 degrees, feels like I am swimming in lake michigan! But if you recall, I whined so much about the pool not being open, I figure heck - Im swimming.

    Cheri: OMG! No xanax since Friday. I love my xanax, but it is addicting and you have to wean off of it. Going cold turkey? Your braver than me. Now how in the world do you baby sit with a cast and being in a wheelchair. That my friend, has to be hard. Ive isolated myself, like you. My home is my safe place. For some reason work doesnt bother me - but social activities throws me into a tizzy. Im already get nervous about the big party on Saturday, wishing I could just stay home and watch television.

    Beth: Hahahahahah! thats a good one.

    Pam: This past week-end they had a 5K fundraiser for children with cancer. Looked at those pictures, and thought my goodness - my life isnt that bad at all. I was also thinking of Susan and wondering where she is. Not like her to stay away for so many days.

    Liz: Hoping you wake up to sunsyhine this morning.

    Ok - I will check in later.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007

    Good morning all for A to Z.
    Where are my sunshine sisters? Not at all worried as I know you are there, I can feel you all the way through my keyboard...alway's a great feeling.
    Gonna need some toothpicks to keep these eyes open today! I must admit I am exhausted. Nate is tired too but awake. He will sleep this morning at my sisters and she is taking him and his cousin Josh to the fair this afternoon (its kids day). Busy week for Nate as we have fireworks tomorrow night too (if I can manage another late night), the wedding that I am photographing on Saturday along with going to the fair with me!
    On that note...does anyone wanna drive me to work?
    Margaret tucked everyone in last night are you? You are so sweet and always post to everyone but are you?
    Jankay...have a great time with your sister!
    Nicki...wake up sunshine girl. ya! We do seem like sisters don't we. Nate sends a thank you and a big hug.
    Angel...the baby bunny was gone (yup...mama picked it up to take it home and make it better) so I was really thankful for that. He can't even watch sad animal movies without crying. I won't even let him watch Bambi...he'd be down for days! He's getting better with his understanding of it but just too tenderhearted. Cried once yesterday as there was a bigger boy at the fireworks who was being mean to all the younger kids and Nate was trying to get him to stop and he called him a name. He's better at sticking up for others than himself. Thats a hard lesson to teach...I feel a bit quilty sometimes as I'm doing this alone and he isn't getting the "mans" side of things...I don't know. I did get asked out on a date though.
    Peter...sorry you didn't get any fish, I get mine the easy way too LOL! Actually we can catch them but we usually let them go unless it's something really big (which hasn't happened yet). Good night mate and sweet happy dreams.
    Cheri can IM me at work today if you want. I don't think I will be straying far from my desk.
    Jasmine...same to you!
    Beth...did I read you are still stuck with Ringo? Yikes if so!!!
    I gotta run...moving rather slow this morning and have to get my tired butt to work.
    Love and hugs all the way around and I'll check in at lunchtime.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007

    Nicki...good morning sunshine sister...that women looks like I feel LOL! Have a relaxing day today! Love and hugs comin your way...

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited July 2007
    Good morning Jankay, Vickie, and Nicki!

    Good night Peter!

    I am off to the Poconos after work today....won't be back until late Weds the next time I will check in will be Thursday morning! Have a great 4th, everyone! Stay safe and enjoy the holiday!

    Love ya all!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007

    enjoy kristin

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2007

    Good Morning Vickie, Kristen, and Jankay.

    Vickie: Dang you sound tired.

    Kristen: Have fun in the Poconos, will miss ya here on the boards.

    Jankay: Hope you are enjoying time with your sister.

  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited July 2007
    Morning everyone,
    Ok I picked up a script for Chantix and started taking it today. Also joined the support plan online that they have. Not going to say another word about it unless I am successful. Some of you may remember that last month I was Quitting and I failed so miserably. Was too embarrased to even bring it up but am going to try again. Hoping the Chantix and support plan will help. Anyone else try Chantix?
    Hugs to all,