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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2007
    Sue: good luck to you. I will be curious how the chantrix works. A little voice tells me to quit everyday, I just flush it out and cant get myself to listin to it.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Good morning campers! Happy Tuesday. I'll be back after I get some coffee.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
    hope everyone has a good day. this is therapy day and hopefully will still have time to visit with my sis , jo before she goes back tomorrow. please pray for her safety
    love janice
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
    now tell me if this is funny

    Sin Of Lying

    A minister told his congregation, "Next week I plan to preach about the sin of lying. To help you understand my sermon, I want
    you all to read Mark 17."

    The following Sunday, as he prepared to deliver his sermon, the
    minister asked for a show of hands. He wanted to know how many
    had read Mark 17. Every hand went up.

    The minister smiled and said, "Mark has only sixteen chapters.
    I will now proceed with my sermon on the sin of lying."
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    LOL...oops! Caught!

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
    i loved it
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited July 2007
    Oh my, doing a quick stop to say hello to all
    Good Morning all you wonderful sunshine sisters.
    Running late for work (again)...I was determined to finish a very special afghan last night.................and I did finish it about midnight. Sending hugs out today....
    Have a great Tuesday
    Those in Texas and Oklahoma - please be careful (our sky looks like it is about to open up with rain)
    Hugs to all from Amy (I sure hope you are having fun in Maine) to Z-(I hope you are okay)
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2007

    Good Morning All .. can't stay as Ava is awake and I don't want a repeat of yesterday! I'll be back later but I do want to say Nicki, I'll take 10 from ya! lol

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited July 2007
    Good Morning ladies. Good Evening Peter. Well I went and got myself in trouble on another message board. OOPS. I should know when to keep my fingers quiet.

    Charlene, poop and babies do seem to go hand in hand. Did she decorate with it?
    Hubby is still in bed. We'll see how his eye is this morning. I think he was truly not feeling well yesterday. He slept ALL day.

    Putting some tylenol outside Peters wagon.

    Ah Nicki no thanks. I'm happy with skinny. I look in the mirror and see my mother too. A very frightening site.

    Vicki, You have a busy week ahead. Hope Nate and Josh have a grand time at the fair. I hate going to the fair only cause it is always so pickin hot and the animal smell is overpowering.

    Have a great time Kristin

    Good Morning Jankay and Jaz.

    Have my mammo today. So looking forward to it.
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited July 2007
    SPLASH!!! Morning everyone - that's the sound of me jumping back in after our trip. Warren and I got home from the Bahamas last night. Trip was great! OK, well, there was a lot of travel trouble, and it was raining when we arrived on Wed afternoon and continued to rain, without stopping, until Saturday (heard there was lots of rain here too!) and some other stuff, but all in all we made the best of it and managed to have a fabulous time!

    I'll probably try to go back and read some to see how everyone is doing, but for now, just wanted to say we're back safely, I missed being able to check in on everyone, and I hope all is well.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2007
    Okay Ava fell back asleep (at least I Think she's sleeping lol) .. I'm going to risk it and finish my coffee!

    Colleen!! Welcome back! Bummer about the rain but glad you made the best of it! Looking forward to hearing more!

    Shirley - fortunately there was No decorating! I think she was afraid to touch it thank goodness!! Hope hubby is better today!

    Jankay - Very funny!!

    Sue - I'm also curious to know how you do on the Chantrix! I still think about quitting but that's all I do...think about it!

    Vickie - That's so sweet about Nate. Audrey surprises me .. I was so afraid to tell her about her fish dying a couple of months ago (she had him for 2 years) but after a few questions and her eyes welling up she asked if she could get another one and then moved on. The logical side of her knew that goldfish often don't live so long! I don't expect the same reaction when her dog passes on though. She's always been such a tough girl and never cried when she got hurt. In fact she hated it if I'd ask her if she was okay. I worry about her keeping those emotions in. But she's so caring and very concerned whenever anybody else gets hurt! Oooh, tell us more about being asked out on a date! Are you going?

    Cheri - I was going to guess Bobby Sherman but after the others guessed Richard Chamberlain I thought I was wrong! Dang it, ahhh well!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007
    Got just a minute.
    Chantix worked wonders for me! I too joined the online support but haven't used it too much. You can still smoke the first week then stop the second. The second week is the toughest and it really isn't too bad. The meds really seem to work...good luck to you!
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited July 2007
    Good Morning all.Been up a while but just now getting moving.My knee is absoutley killing me.Didnt know a bone spur hurt so bad.But I see the onc monday and have my every 3 week herceptin.I am going to ask for an orthopod referral.I gotta get my knee and shoulder fixed.
    Hope everyone has a great day.I am off the the grocery store with my sidekick Noelle.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited July 2007

    Good morning chicas......well it is raining right now and the forecast is rain thru next Monday.......I really don't even want to discuss the weather except to say that at least it is keeping our temps below 100 degrees......Glad to see Colleen back.....oh and Charlene your SO would stare at other women's boobs even if you had Pamela Anderson boobs yourself because men are pigs........(having a major issue with my ex at the moment)sorry Peter but you know I'm right..........I have something to share with you all but I'm going to have to check back in a little later......I have to take my youngest to band in a few has to do with my ex and my oldest daughter.....they are killing me and I don't know why......I truly believe that I can feel the few cancer cells that were probably left in me dividing and growing stress level is running at a all time high......there are times that if my youngest was thru school I would sell my house buy an RV and hit the road where my oldest and ex could never find me......anyway guys leaving work for a few minutes will be back to everyone.......see ya later gators.....

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2007
    Shokk - I Know on some level you're right .. how else do you explain the success of "girls gone wild" and other such pathetic enterprises? It sickens me that girls now get breast augmentation as graduation gifts and that surgery has boomed in the past 4 years. I don't blame a woman for getting it done but let it be for the right reasons and parents shouldn't be buying it for their girls. What message is that sending about what's important in a woman? Our society has gone south in that regard and it scares me for my girls. I'm sorry you're having trouble with your ex and oldest daughter. Kids can bring such joy .. and they can break your heart.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited July 2007
    quick stop...
    Colleen glad your back...sorry about the's my vacation story...for the last 18 years it has rained on our vacation...doesn't matter where or when we take it it we have gotten good at enjoying the big thing is " at least we are not at home and the phone isn't ringing"...

    Sue..good luck with the can do it..
    Nicki...hope vacation is treating you well....
    Vicki...I just love the fairs have our yearly date night at the Demolition derby....)
    ok customers keep I must run..hugs to all
    Happy 4th...
    Oh by the way peter I haven't meant to ignore you..we seem to be on different nice to have a big brother...(especially since I'm the oldest in my family)lol...hugs...
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2007
    The pictures of you Florida gals were great..looks like everyone had a good time!!My Mom lives in Winter Park..maybe I will get there one of these days..

    Newter.good to see you come sit for a while..

    Liz and Shokk..hoping for lots of sunshine for you.. sorry for the pain..wish I had a magic salve ..for Robin too

    Cheri..Amber is a that a pout on her face??

    Shirley..the outside work can wait for some nice cool weather!!

    Sorry about the headache, Charlene..and to have to watch a baby to boot..

    Peter..I used to love to fish from our boat..when I was a teenager we would put lines over the side to look like we were time the game warden came over and asked for our licenses and of course we didn't have one, but I said look at the lines..of course there were no hooks or bait...but the boys would sure stop by to chat...

    Nicki..I will not go swimming til our pool is 82 degrees..

    Vickie..hurry , hurry!!

    Kristin.have a good trip.

    Have to run..the pest control people are here for our quarterly spraying..out ants!!

    Jankay..I felt that tickle on my toes..

    Shirley..hey there..good luck with mammo

    Colleen..glad you are safely home

    Hugs, SoCal
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007

    shokk...sending you a hug...if you buy the mobile home swing by and pick me up too...we'll be the modern day Thelma and Louise without the cliff scene at the end LOL. Love ya and later gator....

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
    Haven't had a chance to read anything but wanted to pop in and say HI!

    Taking a break from scraping wallpaper. Actually, the fabric softner/water works really well.

    Hugs to you all - will try to pop in later.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited July 2007

    Ok ladies and Peter I'm back.......sorry Charlene I didn't mean to imply that your SO is a pig just that men will always look at other women....they are very visiual right???????One of my favorite comedy bits is Jeff Foxworthy talking about getting ready for "pool season" his wife gets waxed, tanned, new bathing suit etc and for men all they need is a pair of sun glasses.....that way they can check out other women without having to turn their heads.....ha.........Charlene I'm sure your man loves you very beautiful as you are its probably your soul that he loves the most.......just my opionion........brb phone.......

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited July 2007
    Jumping in for a quick hello and back to work for end of month reports.

    Robin...I know that spur pain. I have that ligament thing and a bone spur on my right heel and the pain is intense. It takes me a good 20-30 steps to start walking with only a slight limp!! Get whatever help you can..

    It was really nice talking to Mena and I hope her brother is taking good care of our little firecracker.

    Hub went to the shore for a few days fishing and I don't know when he's coming back. Kevin (ds) is on a 2 week class camping in the Pine Barrens so right now I'm loving my clean house until they both come home. Just have to keep my mother in line.

    Happy 4th and Canada Day to all on this continent!!! Love to all.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited July 2007

    Ok ladies and Peter here is my story from my ex called the house soon after I got home from work and wanted to swing by and visit with the girls........I didn't really care and told him to come by....ok now the oldest child and her dad have a terrible relationship.....when she was about 12 is when I consider it to be the time he lost his mind.......drinking, staying out and doing behavior that was very self destructive.....we stopped having her have friends over to spend the night because we never knew what he might do as for as drinking and coming home and causing a scene.....just like any typical "after school special" well so i manage to get her raised and tried my best to protect both girls as best as I we eventiual divorced I got cancer but he really has pulled his life back more drinking.....medication to control what I believe to be bi-polar disease etc.....well oldest child has never forgiven him for what he put her through during her teenage years........(I hope ya'll don't mind my telling ya'll this but I have no one else to talk to and I trust all of ya'll) anyway he's coming by and the oldest child has a complete breakdown...yells at him on the phone and pretty much tells him he is not welcome at our home......youngest child wanted to see brb......

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited July 2007
    Hey all-

    Just popping in for a quick hello. I have been reading along, but don't have much to say I guess.

    This is going to sound so stupid, but is anyone else upset by the Funky Winkerbien (sp?) comic with the gal who has breast cancer? I can't read upsets me. Why would you give a comic character cancer?? How is that funny?? I saw a few of them and they made me so sad I have quit even opening that page in the paper. My friends ask me if I have read it like it is some huge social commentary on cancer....why is it upsetting me??? I swear if he kills this pretend person off I my blow a gasket. What do you want to bet the story line will carry on until some type of cancer sweeps-week....

    I guess the real question is why this is bugging me??? silly I know…

    OK…kids are off with my folks for the day and I am going in to town to have lunch with my sweetie. I’ll check back later.

    Bugs and Fishes
    Deb C
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited July 2007

    So we have a large front proch with chairs so I told the ex I would just send youngest out to visit with him and told oldest to just stay inside.....she 18 she doesn't have to see her dad.....her choice......well she could hear him talking to youngest and decided to go outside and confront her dad and he ended up slapping her at some point.....and the fight was guys have to understand I keep a very quiet house.....I'm a merry go round person......I don't like personal business in the front yard so all the neighbors can hear and watch whats going on........I have to restrain her from calling the cops on her dad and finally get him to leave and try to calm her down and she has another breakdown wanting for me to chose between her and her dad......I've already made the choice but I'm not going to let her tell my what to do and keep her dad from seeing her little sister.....its my freaking house and if I want to have Hitler to dinner then thats my choice......geez.......and to top it off last year when I was going through chemo her sister and her were having an arguement and she all of a sudden slapped her little sister right across the face........her little sister is very gentle and I told her if she ever touched her little sister in anyway she was not welcomed back home again............brb.......

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2007
    Thanks Shokk and of course they'll always look! WE always look, well, I do. Gotta see what they're looking at! Love the Jeff Foxworthy bit .. LMAO .. how true! You're right, he calls me his soulmate and there is nobody else in this world for him but me. I'm constantly reminded how lucky I am to have him.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited July 2007

    So last night at about 2 am my ex calls and he's crying and so ashamed....yada yada yada.....and kept me on the phone until nearly 4 am........then today daughter keeps calling me at work to complain about her dad and chicas and chico I am at my wits end.......both of them are slowing killing me and they either don't care or its just to important for the other to try and destroy each the meantime I'm stuck in the middle so I'm getting that mobile home swinging by and getting Vickie and I think we will go to NC shoreline and rent a small space at a rv park and we will watch the sunrise and sunset, collect sea shells and fish and not worry about all this crap........oh and drink all day and eat fresh seafood.......Nate and my youngest are coming with us......ok guys going to finish some work and go home alittle early and take a nap......thank god oldest is working tonight and if the ex calls not anwsering the phone....I'm taking a ya'll all.......bbl.......

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007

    oh shokk...we are so alike. I cannot stand drama and we have a very quiet peaceful existance at home. I'm on the merry go round too (and actually prefer the seats over the horses). I am packed and ready to roll, watchin the sunrise and sunset on the ocean, pickin seashells and livin on fish and wine suits me just fine and dandy! I think Miss 18 year old would get a harsh awakening...she is not the boss in your house and if she wants to be boss then maybe she should move out and support herself!! Let her Aunt Vickie give her a talking to! Hugs to ya sweet sister.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2007
    Good Afternoon: Just a quick pop in. Already swam 4 Olympic laps and jogged a mile in the pool. Why is it so easy to jog when you in water? No shortness of breath, no sweating.

    I never did tell you the end to my story about setting my hair. Do any of you remember the bubble style of the 60's? Well thats what I looked like. Absolutely ridiculous. Never was good at styling hair, thats why I always wore mine long.

    I did catch some rays and for the first time since my surgery I got a tan mark over my implants. Feels pretty good I must say.

    Charlene: Ya know what really scares me? They now have a pill to shorten or just stop your periods. Gotta have some bad side effects down the road.

    Shokk! Once you can get past the frustration, I sort of laughed trying to picture this whole scene in front of your house. Dad should not have slapped daughter in the face. Daughter should have showed some respect or at least restraint. But who can tell an 18 y/o anything.

    Well, DH just waked in with a Bloody Mary. Ill check back later.

    LisaSoCal: Swam again and the temp was 70 degrees! Im bound and determined to use this pool!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2007
    Nicki - you make me tired. I feel like I should get off my lazy butt and do something but I think I'm going to go take a nap! lol

    About that pill, I'm with you. Scares me to death. What are they thinking???

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2007

    Oh BTW. My DH and I are celebrating July 4th alone this year. So our party starts now.
