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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007

    Hi Jankay...hugs to you...just getting around to tucking everyone in...hope your day was a good one. Love and hugs...Vickie

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007
    My sweet sis and BIL
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited July 2007
    OK, not humanly possible to catch up except for this page. Shokk, please stop by here and pick me up too. I just split a case of Raspberry Smirnoffs with my dil so I will lovingly contribute that and whatever we want to cook! I am bringing the crockpot too.

    Great news! Ringo is GONE! I thought maybe I would need to file separation paperwork since we had gotten so close, lol. It hurt a little because scar tissue had started to grow. The ps thinks the infection is all but gone except I need to get bloodwork done to check white cell count. He is a little concerned that I am still running low-grade fevers. Me too!

    Liz, I do not wallpaper! I will paint, stain, drywall, sponge paint, or panel but no wallpaper! So sorry about that leak. We had one when I was with my ex but it only leaked into the garage. I was pregnant at the time and he hired someone to repair it since he has no clue.

    Speaking of exes, Shokk, mine, yours and Vickie's all deserve a little time in the Deliverence Wagon. Mine has now broken a 3rd promise to ds. Apparently, ex has a new girlfriend and wants to spend time with her and ds feels ignored. I guess so, when he cancels plans 3 different times in favor of her. He still pulls the mind crap on ds and me to some extent.

    Colleen I was never skinny. I was always "chunky". I have "Jewish" thighs and proud of them. I always wanted to be built like Marcia Brady complete with long, straight blonde hair. I got the blonde finally! I will lose weight when and if I so choose to, not when my mother hounds me or my ex tells me I look bigger (like he should talk). I told him I look bigger because my boobs are smaller, what a donkey's behind!

    Speaking of which, Denise, great pics. I have yet to go through the one here at Six Flags and don't even know if they still have it. We did go to the one in Disney but you do not get that close to the livestock!

    The Llama reminds of a poem by Ogden Nash:

    The one-L Lama, he's a Priest,
    The two-L Llama, he's a beast.
    And I will bet a silk pajama,
    That there is no 3-L Llama!
    (author does note there is a Three Alarmer however)

    Did I see something earlier about fishing? My dh and I have a philosophy...if a fish wants to commit suicide on one of our hooks, so be it. Otherwise, we have fun doing nothin' and spending time together. A few Smirnoffs help too!

    Charlene, what did dear little Ava do to upset her Mommmy? She looks like such a sweetie. Give her baby toes a nibble for me.

    Puppy, if you are online, does your phone line just ring and ring and ring....? If so, I called earlier and got no machine but here I am. (Yes Nicki, Jankay and I both have a growth called a phone, lol) Hope that you are feeling better today and I will check in with you tomorrow. Wuv you!

    Yes, Deb, cartoons should be left for fun. I was upset a while back when For Better or Worse did a bit about Alzheimers but it was treated with respect. I don't know about Winkerbean though, have not seen it. I'm with Sherloc on this one.

    Sherloc, I will take a pic of our new grass we grew! No, not that kind....the green blade kind. And since we removed some old bushes that had some kind of parasite on them, our hydrangeas are beautiful! I will take pics tomorrow. The rest of the yard looks like a war zone!

    Peter, did you get your tylenol? What did you do to cause it? I hope soem fun and dancing on tables was part of it. See Marsha, Sue and Sherndon for pointers on the table tops!

    Robin, what can I say? Will you be home tomorrow? I am catching up with as many of my friends as possible since I will be alone in the house in quiet! DH has to work and no kids.

    Vickie, give Nate hugs for us and it looks like you had a grand time. We may go in town to Penn's Landing for the Welcome America celebration but then again it will be shown on TV and we have those drinks....

    I am in too good a mood to even let any exes spoil it. For the first time in 8 weeks I have no drains, no Betadyne rinse on incisions, no surgical pads on top of them and can't wait for the massage to begin! DH "volunteered" to help with massaging the implants to help break up the scar tissue, LOL. Methinks he may enjoy himself!

    You have all in some way or another helped me through this. I go in 2 weeks for another follow-up with ps and also to the Onc for a new baseline exam post-surgery. I have been so greatful for the encouragement and advice I have gotten here and the continued support. I am hoping that all the preventive measures I have done have kept bc at bay. I need tests done in 6 months to check up on me. MRI's, Ct Scans, bloodwork, body scans, etc. I am feeling a little like a guinea pig with my onc because she said she really has not had too many patients who have had the opportunity to be proactive. I am humbled by the courageous journeys you have all taken to be here to help me and so many others. Without you, it never would have been the same. Ok, I am crying now and need to call my mother back before she has her nightly snit-fit.

    Love to all, Amy to Z!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007 glad that I have tomorrow off. Tired tired tired. Tired of being tired LOL.
    I've missed you all the past couple of days and have gotten behind. Truly have no idea whats goin on.
    Stoppin in to see if Peter will share his Tylenol. Achey from all the walking and photo taking yesterday. It got very cold last night and it didn't help these estrogen deprived joints of mine at all. Hope you have better luck if you go fishin today! I may take Nate tomorrow after the parade in the morning. (just a small town parade with tractors and farm animals mostly it though).
    Nicki has most likely gone off to bed. Good night sunshine sister, will see you in the morning. You've been spending lots of time in the pool...lucky girl! It's been too cold here lately.
    Popping in on Puppy to give her a gentle hug and tuck her in. I love the motor home...I am so ready to go! I would love that life if I could only win the lottery. A dollar and a dream...only problem is I never put down the dollar!
    Robins wagon is quiet tonight...oh wait...she's in the motor home with Shokk and a bunch of other girls running away from home. Don't forget to pick me up please! I promise to be good and not have any blue drinks till we get where we are going...and yes, I'll keep my clothes on...don't listen to Cheri...she tells stories about me that just aren't true! LOL.
    Cheri girl...where are ya. Peeked in your wagon and don't see you in there. Saw the new picture of your pretty girl. Very nice!
    Denise...I love the pictures...what off to bed with your book. I'll throw an extra log on the fire as it looks like another chilly night. Sweet dreams.
    Have to stop and see my pal Iris. I loved the fireworks, the grand finale was amazing and very loud! It was really cold though and really late for me! There are fireworks tomorrow night too but I think we may skip those. Have to work Thursday and Friday and have the wedding to photograph on Saturday which will be an all day affair. Thank you for being so good to me and you.
    Marsha's tent is strangly quiet...what's up buttercup? Where are you today and are you ok? Sweet happy dreams to you.
    I think I will tuck Angel's babies in tonight. That way she can get a break and I can get some cuddle time with two extra little ones (my little one is growing up way to fast). I'll read Wynkin, Blynkin and Nod to was always Sarah's favorite. Had to read it every single night before she'd to to bed.
    Jasmine...where are you? No hiding now...hmmm...maybe at the party tent...sounds like the place to be cept I'd end up under the table after one drink tonight!
    Jan...sending you a hug and tucking you in for happy, peaceful dreams.
    Beth is off to sleep, hope we get to see pictures!
    Cherryl...where are you? Did I miss a post...I think I've missed a lot the last couple of days.
    Stoppin in to see Robin and share the tylenol with her but I think she needs something stronger. I'm sure someone has something that will help.
    Pam and company are heading to bed...sweet dreams sweet lady. I had a dragonfly land on me yesterday at the park and thought of you. hugs and love your way!
    MB...oh my you are way to busy. I can't imagine the task you have taken on.
    Amy's wagon is too quiet too..oh she still gone...oh my...I haven't fed Mazer! I'm in big trouble now!!
    I haven't seen bubba lately...he's not hiding under my bed is he?
    Madison is tangled in her yarn so I'm gonna just untangle her and tuck her in with a smooch on the forehead for being such a wonderful friend. Sweet dreams to you too.
    Poppin in to say hello and welcome home to Colleen. We missed you. Nate is ok...turned out to be a bee sting and the stinger was still in his leg so it wasn't healing and letting just enough of the venom out every time he touched it to keep it swollen and nasty. It's all better now...just a small spot left.
    I don't see anything of our Z...wonder where she is hiding?
    I am missing a whole bunch of you but it's late and I am just exhausted...even after my nap. Takin some tylenol and crashing for the night. I think I will feel much better tomorrow.
    talked to DD...doesn't look like she'll be here in August. Said I could come see her in October. Pretty bummed but oh well...why she is sticking with that worthless piece of "you know what" hubby of her's is beyond me but there is nothing I can do so I am staying out of it.
    Love and hugs and sweet dreams to each and every one of you wonderful sisters and brother.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007
    thanks Peter, Jankay and Beth...I'm off to bed and I'm proud to call you my family.
    wish I were as truly carefree as I was before bc...Nate makes me carefree most of the time though.
    Sorry...just having a sad day...for no good reason.
    love and hugs all around and truly sorry if I missed writing to you.
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2007

    Vickie..I just loved the pictures of you and Nate in the Park..

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited July 2007
    Hi everyone from Amy to Z. Might not get on again until tomorrow night so thought I would check in now. I'm hopping on a plane at 0 dark hundred tomorrow morning to fly to LA. My husband found a Camry that is about a year old for a really good price so we'll fly down and drive it back if it's a good deal, otherwise, we'll fly back home. We fly for free, well for the tax anyway, so I'm making him fly me first class even if it is only an hour flight.

    Newter, glad to see you dropped in to say hello.

    Madison, that's dedication - finishing an afghan at midnight. Oh, that gives me an idea, I'll take the Knifty Knitter and maybe while I'm in the car for 6 hours I can figure it out.

    Shirley, did you get yourself in trouble. Now I'm going to have to go find that thread.

    Vickie, beautiful pictures of the family.

    Shokk, come get me too. Shokk, hugs to you. We're here when you're ready.

    Beth, Raspberry Smirnoffs.....yum. Congrats on losing Ringo.

    All you ladies with exes in the deliverance tent. Mine is actually in state prison for child molestation! Imagine my surprise when I found that out. Fortunately, we never had kids together.

    Got to go fix dinner. Back later.

  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited July 2007
    Good evening, friends,

    I have been so busy lately. We are going to Reno, leaving at 5 am. YIKES! We are going to visit my middle brother, and my older brother will be there with his family, too. The last 3 days we will go to Vegas, and we have tickets to the Beatles Cirque show. I adore my brothers and their families. I know they will be relieved to see with their own eyes that I am fine.
    I have had to do so much work to get ready, since I had already missed a lot of days at work. Everyone is being so supportive, though, saying just go and don't worry about it.
    I sure hope we don't run into problems at the airport. We plan to get there 2 hours ahead. I guess airline travel will never be easy again.
    I sure have enjoyed the pics today. Vickie, you are as beautiful outside as you are on the inside.
    I'll post some pics during my trip. My Reno bro is an artist, and I love to show off his work.:D
    I hope to post more while on vacation.
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2007
    Good evening everyone!

    Shokk - I agree with Shirley. You Really don't need that stress. I hope it gets better.

    Jan - sorry you're feeling crappy, hope things are better now.

    Iris Angel - I don't mind at all you calling me both names, I think it's nice! I agree, cool sharing a name with you! Enjoy seeing you online with me in the late hours!

    Shirley - glad your middle one still turned out okay! Stung by a bee - too funny!!!

    Colleen - my fault for starting the skinny talk. I was fretting about not having boobs (even before my mastectomy!) even though all my four sisters are big bosomed along with my mom. I said but I was the skinny one, so there!, and it went from there. I can attest to what both you and Shirley say as far as the rude comments go! I always liked being thin but I Really wished I was curvier. Grass is Greener is true!

    Peter - hope the strong coffee did the trick and eased your headache!

    Vickie - Beautiful fireworks pictures and my goodness you are gorgeous! Nate is a Real doll too!

    Beth - Ava is the Sweetest! She just decided too take her diaper off before she did her business in it so I found her standing in the middle of it in her crib! Sometimes she'll take her bottoms off as well but just as often she'll take the diaper off and still have on her bottoms! I've heard of some women using duct tape for this....
    Congratulations on losing Ringo!

    Awww, Vickie, thank you for tuckin in my babes. You know I've heard of that book but I don't have it. I'll have to get it now! Goodnight Moon is the current fave. You're so sweet!

    Margaret - OMG about your ex! Thank goodness is right and thank goodness he's your ex!!

    Tricia - Have a Great Nevada trip! My sister and BIL saw the Beatles show there and said it was AWESOME!

    Cheri - missed you today, where are you girl? I hope everything is okay.

    Waaahhhhh, am I the ONLY one not going anywhere this summer????

    Too all my sweet sisters and brother from Amy - Z, I know I'm early but I can't resist:


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007
    Angel, Here you go....

    Wynken, Blynken, and Nod (Dutch Lullaby)
    by Eugene Field (1850-1895)

    Wynken, Blynken, and Nod one night
    Sailed off in a wooden shoe---
    Sailed on a river of crystal light,
    Into a sea of dew.
    "Where are you going, and what do you wish?"
    The old moon asked the three.
    "We have come to fish for the herring fish
    That live in this beautiful sea;
    Nets of silver and gold have we!"
    Said Wynken,
    And Nod.

    The old moon laughed and sang a song,
    As they rocked in the wooden shoe,
    And the wind that sped them all night long
    Ruffled the waves of dew.
    The little stars were the herring fish
    That lived in that beautiful sea---
    "Now cast your nets wherever you wish---
    Never afeard are we";
    So cried the stars to the fishermen three:
    And Nod.

    All night long their nets they threw
    To the stars in the twinkling foam---
    Then down from the skies came the wooden shoe,
    Bringing the fishermen home;
    'T was all so pretty a sail it seemed
    As if it could not be,
    And some folks thought 't was a dream they 'd dreamed
    Of sailing that beautiful sea---
    But I shall name you the fishermen three:
    And Nod.

    Wynken and Blynken are two little eyes,
    And Nod is a little head,
    And the wooden shoe that sailed the skies
    Is a wee one's trundle-bed.
    So shut your eyes while mother sings
    Of wonderful sights that be,
    And you shall see the beautiful things
    As you rock in the misty sea,
    Where the old shoe rocked the fishermen three:
    And Nod.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007
    ok...really going to bed now. wonder I'm tired all the time.
    Peter...thanks for the tuck in mate...its a comforting thought knowing we have a night watchmen keeping track of us all. Have a grand day.
    Margaret...oh my...boy am I glad he's your ex too!
    Thank you for all the compliments...see you all in the morning...
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Good evening everyone. Just sneaking in between storm fronts. Poor dog -- between the thunder and the fireworks, she's never going to come out of her hidey hole.

    Good morning Peter. Hope you have a lovely day.

    Sleep well everyone.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2007
    Vickie, that's beautiful!! and you are the BEST! Thank you so much!

    Wow, I started nodding off there at the end! Very soothing!
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited July 2007
    Tricia, my sd is going to Vegas tonight with the grandkids and she's there until Sunday night. Too bad I didn't know, maybe we could have hooked up. definitely see Cirque du Soleil, Beatles was dark when I was there so saw Mystere.

    Have fun.

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited July 2007
    Hi to all my CG Sisters and Brother!! I've changed my avatar for a bit. I think it depicts where I am right now and where I'd like to stay, feeling strong and ready to take on the world (greedy employers beware). Strike is imminent and picket signs are on the way!

    I also feel more like this about my life in general, bring it on!! I'm ready! It's going to happen, whatever it is, it's coming this way, good or bad and darn it all, I just want to be ready to fight and win and have victory parties and look all the bad shi% in the eye and say "SCREW YOU".

    I am so tired of being mad, sad, angry, in pain, frustrated, misinformed, short on time, short on patience and just generally overwhelmed with everything. I want to be strong again, I think I'm getting there.

    Sometimes, just for a while I feel like the old me and when crap happened I would say first if it don't kill ya it'll make ya stronger! Well then the bc came and it could've killed me, but it didn't - so hey, I guess I gotta be stronger - well most of the time I don't want to be stronger - I want to wallow, wallow hard and wallow deep - so you can only see the whites of my eyes, barely.

    Most days just mustering up the energy to find two, flat, comfortable shoes,opened heel and toe (not too much work) that match is a chore and navy blue and black, hey it's the grocery store, you'll never see them again, I tell myself. I thank the goddess for my job, because there have been weeks when one dress fits all meant everyday of that week. My job forced me to get up, pretend the pretty thing, pretend the nice and professional thing, pretend the normal stuff. Now I feel like I don't have to pretend so much.

    I bought some summer dresses last week for my vacation and they are bright and colorful and sleeveless, this is a big deal for me, I hate my arms and I don't think even my 14 yo has ever seen them. But I got them and I wore them and even got a pair of shorts too, wore the hell out of those and guess what, I did not disintegrate, I didn't feel like folks were staring at the incredible shrinking boob or the ever expanding middle gut (which btw, is shrinking, I've lost 9 pounds in 3 months).

    It's coming back, slowly but surely, my old game, because I did have game before, I had major game, I could play hardball with the best of them and leave 'em wondering "Why didn't we put that GIRL on our team?"

    It's hard, on the really real, it's damn hard, if it weren't for this Circle of Girls and Guy, and I mean every one of you has given me something to put the steel back into my spine, if it weren't for your constant presence even when I'm not here, I don't know where I would be or maybe it would just take a whole lot longer.

    What we do for each other here is what should be practiced earth wide in all political arenas, could you imagine the greatness that could be done if folks took two seconds out of their frickin' day to just consider what someone else may be going through and tried in any way large or small to cheer that person, encourage, support, share or just listen dammit. Just imagine if the world knew that know matter what they were dealing with there is one place they could go for a few minutes and vent and cry or just ask for a hand or a shoulder. Even to see pictures of other families or hear stories because hey, everybody has issues, everyone, if they say they don't, they are liars, plain and simple.

    I come here and I will continue to come here first and foremost because I am a Circle Girl now and the choice is no longer mine, Jankay and that darn scooter! But mostly, I think honestly in my heart dear ladies and gent that we are on to something, to turn a most famous quote, but truth be told, Let the Circle be Broken, Let it Grow, Let it Spread. Let's keep showing these folks out there that the old phrase "Misery Loves Company" is a falsehood, we've all been through the misery, some of us are still stuck right in it - but never alone, friends abound, sisters afoot everywhere, a brother down under keeping watch over us in the day when the night is upon us. Circle the Wagons - I'll keep watch for a bit, no harm will come to you here, if you are new to us, welcome, grab a log and tell us all about you. The fire is warm and the drinks (hot cocoa or blew) whatever you need is here.

    Be safe my beauties and handsome Peter. Have a wonderful 4th of July!.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited July 2007
    Like Alwayshope, I am checking on everyone between thunderstorms....
    hugs to all
    loved the pictures
    sweet dreams everyone
    have a great day Peter
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2007
    Well, Z..sounds like you are BACK and stronger than ever..keep a good watch now!!!

    Margaret..that is a long way to go for a car!! If you can figure out the knifty knitter on the way back, it was worth it..I still stitch my squares, stitch by stitch..
    BTW, I would love to fly first class!!

    Jas..good to see you if only for a sec

    Peter..what's biting today??
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited July 2007
    awwww poor Liz.

    Beth, hip hip hurrah!!! and fair well and good riddence to Ringo. He was such a leach.

    Did Tinkerbell show up?
    You and Nate are darling. Love the haircolor.

    Colleen, Curves? Whats a curve?

    Margaret, yep got my fingers slapped and everything. OOPS! But sorry wasn't here. Was on another message board I am on. Have a safe trip. Hope the car is perfect.

    Tricia have a great time.

    Peter are you feeling better?

    Sweet Dreams dears. See you tomorrow.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2007
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited July 2007

  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
    grrrrrrrrrrrrrr grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007

    he ate another post i hope he is full

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
    I QUIT
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008


  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007

    good morning always

  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Good morning Jankay! How are you? Good night Peter. Sleep well.

    Well, its the holiday! Yahoo. Unfortunately, my dog doesn't own a calendar so here I am. We're supposed to have more storms today so I will try to sneak in as I can.

    Have a fantabulous Fourth of July everyone. Happy Independence Day.

    Let us never forget the price of freedom...
