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  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited July 2007

    Hey Nicki Vickie and I will have room in the rv can we swing by and pick you up......dh and you getting along......don't want to cause trouble but just in case sweetheart you are more then welcome......we are going to need to pick up Robin and Jankay ......I will get an extra long rv so there will be plenty of room........instead of our usual wagons we will trade them in for the rv's and we will have the cg's rv park and let Peter in when ever he's in the states........brb........

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited July 2007

    We could call ourselves the "boobless express" and have an rv "train" going down the the "airstream full timers" traveling along the coast sipping wine and pina coladas.....not worrying what we look like and if our fake boobs have exploded.....going slow and going "flat".......not caring what our hair looks like or even if we have hair doesn't is optional......freash sea air and sun kiss cheeks is all we need to look beautiful.......just daydreaming ladies....ok will return........

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited July 2007
    hmmm shokk,,,,sounds like to figure out where to put
    so sorry you are caught in the middle///but some one must have a level head..and thank goodness its you...hugs and much chi strength sent your way...
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Maybe you could arrange to have your ex and youngest meet somewhere away from the house and the oldest daughter. Maybe a movie or such.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited July 2007

    Shokk, mind if I tag along in my RV? Just feeling crappy today.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited July 2007
    Jan...sending you hugs...
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited July 2007

    (((Jan))) you bring the wine.....your the expert......Alwayshope actually they are going to the AKA dog show thats in Dallas next weekend........I feel so much better since I have a change to check in.....I know these issues are so stupid compared to what so many chicas are going thru right now but sometimes I feel like I am going to have to duc tape my head or my brains are going to explode............

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007
    oh I am so on to the RV express dream...that would be the life!!!
    home from work...rough day...gonna take a ya all and hugs to Jan!
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited July 2007

    Ok chicas and Peter fixin to leave work and go to walleyworld......ya'll are not going to believe this but it is pouring outside.......right down the highway were I work by a major mall here in east Dallas county had major flooding this morning....stopped raining about 11 and now has started don't want to go to the store but we are completely out of bottled water and need to get breakfast food for in the morning.....I also think I will buy my youngest daughter and me a big freaking box of Russell Stower chocolates........don't even care about diet......I'm so stress cannot believe least I do love sleeping when its raining......everyone have a good and safe holiday.....Gina and Puppy and Mena ya'll take care......happy 4th from Amy to Miss Z......for ya'll gals that are married or have SO hope yall see fireworks for all the right reasons.......ha.......see ya later all youse guys........

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited July 2007
    OK, Shokk, I'll bring the wine (not the whine, lol). We can kick back and have a drink and forget about all the rain you've had . Sometimes we just need to escape life for a little while.
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited July 2007
    I am just kind of skipping around, reading here and there on the pages and pages I missed.

    Shirely - They used to call me "Col-leenie Bean", string bean, you name it. I never understood why folks think it's OK to walk up to someone and say "You're so skinny I hate you" (I have heard that my whole life too) when you would never in a million years walk up to someone and say, "Gee you're fat!" I understand that it's not the same thing, and goodness knows now it's very desireable to be emaciated thin, but it wasn't when I was growing up. I had to buy my clothes in the boys department, nothing ever fit me and wearing a bathing suit was a nightmare. I'm 5'8" to boot, with abnormally long arms and legs, so I look like some sort of freak. Anyway, I'm not sure what came before it, but your post brought back a lot of memories! The two worst things I ever did were: 1. In college, when I walked by 2 girls and the one said to the other, "she's so skinny, she's too skinny, I wouldn't want to be that skinny" when I was all of 3 feet away from her, I turned around, looked her up and down, and said, "I don't think you need to worry about it." 2. In the dressing room (remember the dreaded group dressing rooms?) a woman said, "you're so skinny, do you ever eat?" I said, "I have cancer" (I know, that was just horrible and mean, but I was in my early twenties and I kind of just lost it!)

    Gina - I had terrible, terrible pain from the taxol. I think I remember that you can't take the pain meds, is there anything else they can try to do? I know the majority just have some minor bone pain, but mine was debilitating. I'm so sorry you're having the same bad reaction. Stupid freaking cancer!

    SoCalLisa - I'm so sorry to hear about your bracelet, I hope there is a post I didn't see that says you found it.

    Vicki - Is Nate OK? I saw some posts about a bee sting or spider bite?

    Peter - So glad to see that you've jumped right in. I enjoy reading your posts.

    Did something happen to Mena? I hope not, I hope you are feeling well.

    Nicki - glad to hear you've been swimming away!

    Amy - Haven't seen anything in the posts, but I'm hoping your Dad is doing well.

    shokk - Sounds like you're having trouble with your daughter and ex! I'm sorry and you are so right. They need to stop focusing on what they're trying to do to each other and think about you. You don't need this. I hope they get some sense knocked into them.

    Deb - Saw something about you being sad, but now I can't remember about what? I hope you're feeling better. When we checked in for our flight in Charlotte (I think?) we were next to the Alaska Airways ticket counter and I thought of you and smiled.

    OK, scared I'm going to lose this so I'm going to run

    Love to all, will continue to catch up (Warren is with his Dad and I have no plans for the 4th but to unpack, do laundry and then re-pack as we leave early Thursday AM for our family reunion in Grafton, Il.) I can't even remember who I said we'd meet up with, but now we are flying in and heading right up to the Pere Marquette Lodge to the reunion so there will be no time.
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited July 2007
    Happy Tues!! So great to hear from Cherryl!She has moved into her new place and the internet being installed is taking much longer than planned. She said to tell everyone hello and she misses all of you. She will see you as soon as internet is working.
    Peter…hope your Tues goes well! Maybe you escaped the bad weather.
    Nicki…that is a nice clip and how appropriate. I love the computer lady monitoring her screens…too funny!
    Shirley…I know your yard is lovely.Have always thought gazebos are so neat.

    Vickie…your festivities sounded fun and hope the fireworks are awesome! I love fireworks esp over the water.
    Cheri…hope that you’re doing well today;nice pic of Amber.

    Marsha/Sheri/Boo-Sue…super photos of your get-together! Thanks for posting,Marsha.
    Angel/Charlene…I like both names and hope that you don’t mind. Neat to share the same name and same height. You may have noticed that I’m a night owl,too;always have been.Loved the inf abt Hershey Park!

    Beth…I hope you do get a pic of your son and his girlfriend dressed for the Harry Potter party at Barnes&Noble.They do that here and the crowds really love it!

    Colleen…glad your trip was enjoyable;hate that abt the rain. Enjoy the fam reunion.

    Madison...glad that your daughter and her friend arrived safely.
    Kristin…I almost felt claustrophic inside the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel…lovely scenery;enjoy your trip. hot tea;esp from Cel Seasonings.
    Mizsissy,Amy,Betty…Amy to Z--have a good week!
    My workers have come/gone and one day,I will find my junk,again! I relax when I sit and read;today was a long one;although very successful. Happy celebrating, for those that are!
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited July 2007
    {{{SHOKK}}} You go sweetie, and pick up all of your sisters and "RIDE" It's about time the wagon family have a little fun!!!!! I mean SHEEEEEEEEEEET It is july 4th week


    Go RVING and have a good time, when i come back tomorrow I hope you used your new RV to have a good time!!! Love ya All Puppy
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited July 2007

    Whoa, Puppy!!!! I wish my RV looked that good!!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007
    I'm awake
    barely...gonna work on pics to post.
    Awww Puppy...after I post my pics I'm gonna go sit on the side of the road on my suitcase and wait for shokk to pick me up. I am so ready to be a beach ya.
    Love to all
    I'll be back
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Hi all!
    I've got alot of reading to do, may need some cliff notes! We had a great time at the African Safari a few pics to share, but for now here is my favorite!! All the animals were loose and we even had a huge elk poke his head in the window by my SIL and steal a cup out of the cup holder in the middle of the car!!
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited July 2007
    Can't let it go......gotta post a couple more!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    My Llama won't post!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    I'm gonna spend some reading time.........everyone have a good night (or day Peter!)....we'll keep our voices low for you and your 'headache!'

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited July 2007
    Afternoon ladies. Well that mammo was fun. She took about a gazillion pictures. Kept coming back in the room and saying just one more, haven't quite got the whole scar included. I guess I should be thankful she took the time and I won't get a call back. Those are way to stressful. But holy smokes. I just don't bend like I used to. Worked a bit in the yard this morning before it got hot. In about 200 years the place should be all spruced up.

    Charlene, thank goodness there was no decorating. My middle kidlet used to do that all the time. YUCK! Hmmmm maybe thats why he has so many issues now. hahahahha Actually he seems to be doing well. Came over just to hang out for the day with his old mom yesterday. Had him do some heavy lifting that me and the manperson can't do then he took a snooze on the couch.

    Welcome home Colleen. You know I gotta say to all my skinny girls. We rock!!! I guess I'm also glad I'm not tall. Tho I have always wanted to reach the second shelf in the kitchen cupboards. Solved that problem, by not putting in upper cabinets when we remodeled. Just have a lovely shelf that is at the perfect height. I used to have to do the boys department to. And how scary is this....I wore a girls size 8 till I was 14 and got stung by a bee.
    I never think of anything good to say when I get silly comments.

    Robin, gentle hugs for you my dear. Can't you call your doc and ask for a referral. You've been waiting and hurting for far to long.

    OK girls, fess up. We all look just as much as the guys do.

    MB, I think I would just stay home.

    Socal, only going out there in the morning and evening. I would get heat stroke trying to swing a pickaxe in this heat. Shhhh don't tell my doc I'm swinging a pickaxe. Actually I'm pretty impressed that I can even pick the darn thing up. Looked at tillers today. Yikes they are expensive. So the pickaxe and shovel is what it has to be.

    Liz, one of my life mottos is....Just say NO to wallpaper!

    Deb, I will never understnad the trend of addressing social issues (for lack of a better word) in cartoons. I just wanna see Lucy being mean to Charlie Brown and Calvin doing something utterly ridiculous. Hobbes is my hero.

    Theresa enjoy your clean house.

    Nicki, your gonna be ready for the Olympics by summers end. Good for you.

    Iris, O my, my yard is anything but lovely. When it's not so flippin hot out there I will go take a pic to show you just how unlovely it is. Haven't had the energy for even clean up for years. There is 3 years worth of dead weeds and oak leaves out there.

    Wow Puppy, I wanna live in that motorhome.

    Denise, HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHA. Sure hope those critters don't bite. I see your llama.

    It's a beautiful day Peter. I left tylenol by your wagon door.

    Shokk, I saved you for last. Me thinks my dear you need to use the Cancer Card. Tell both of them that you can not handle the stress they create in your life and to take their problems elsewhere cause you will not listen to it anymore. Shame on both of them. On the other hand, daddy needs to be the one to swallow his pride, suck it up and make nice to his daughter. She may make his life miserable but he broke her trust and needs to regain it.

    Off to see the wizard. See ya later.
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited July 2007
    OK, feeling slightly worried about my skinny rant. Not complaining, and obviously I realize that there are many more people, especially women once you hit 40, who struggle not to gain weight. Hope I didn't offend anyone. It's just one of those "grass is greener" things.

    OK, going to read now and see if anyone said, "oh boo hoo!" to me LOL
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited July 2007
    Phew! No offense taken!

    Shirley - All my life I have wanted to be one of those delicate little girly girls. Like I said, if I was born 20 years later, I would have been considered very attractive - fairly tall and really skinny. I would have been sporting those low-rise jeans and belly tops, and would have been all over the belly ring I'm sure. But (poor me, smile) I was just the John Boy Walton of my high school in female form! LOL

    Denise - oh my! those are some pictures!!!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Don't worry Colleen. I used to be one of those skinny girls until chemo and chemopause. It's all good!

    It only bothers me if people start telling me I'm fat now because I'm lazy, not exercising enough and/or overeating. I'm walking 3 times a week on the treadmills at the community center and trying to keep to WW flex of 20 points a day. That's the only time it bothers me.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
    Hi everyone - I'm too tired to post. My fingers even hurt. Yes Shir - NO to wallpaper. It's almost all gone now and we cut the rest of the floor out. Still have to replace a few main boards. I am so ready for Pinkstock!!!!! Calgon take me away. LOL

    shokk - stop by here and pick me up. I am ready to hit the road.

    I'm going to try to go read the rest and going to bed.

    Hugs and Prayers to you all.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007
    Good evening ladies and good morning Peter....
    Fireworks pictures from work last night as promised!




  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007
    Pics of me and Nate (from yesterday at Buttermilk Falls State Park which is just up the road from where I work).





    the dam before the falls...yes you can walk across it!!

    Nate on one of the stone bridges
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007

    how pretty

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007

    My sister and BIL came and took us to lunch there and took pictures. I went back to work and they kept Nate and the puppy and camera and had some fun.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007

    u r beautiful vicki