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  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited July 2007
    wow, Vickie great pics. You look beautiful and nate is so handsome. I wish he could meet Steven. I think they would be good friends.

    BTW- did I read someone is trying to play matchmaker??? Oh, oh,

    here is another tribute to our soldiers
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2007

    Hahahahaha! Hey by the way. I dont even know who Old Lady Owens is. Figured she must have been their old biddy school teacher!

    I can actually laugh about this whole thing now.

    Have a great day. Im going back to bed. yes - I have the alcolhol flu.

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited July 2007
    Hey Nicki - Steven just saw your signature line and said "heyyyyyy, that is not right! Boys, are not stupid!"
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited July 2007
    Want me to pack up a bear to come eat your lizard??? Actually, we could just trade! I have lots of bugs the lizard could eat...of course we world need to knit him some itsy-bitsy sweaters for winter.....

    Can you put a bowl over it and kinds "scoop" it outside? My grandma in Florida would never kill the lizards because she said that if you did 2 more moved in to spite you. She would chase them around with Tupperware until she could scoop them outside LOL

    Deb C
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    The bowl would work except he's really fast...and of course my dog thinks its a new toy to play with and won't stop chasing it when it comes into the open. I must have a nest somewhere near my back door because they are coming in when I open it to let the dog out.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Hi all!

    Marsha, you wondered why I didn't post my picture with the animals. Well, you all know that I have been on a diet, so if you are ready.................HERE'S THE REVEAL!!!!

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited July 2007

    Denise ROTFLMAO

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited July 2007

    My My, You do have a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way to go!!!!
    oh goodness finaly laughing Thanks Sweetie!!! Puppy
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited July 2007
    Exactly how long have you bn following this diet? Gee....I just ate a big sandwich and now I feel like oinking! LOL After I looked at the pic,I went and ate another pc of cheese bread. Somebody has to do it;today...I volunteered.You sure got a good tan on Safari!


  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited July 2007
    Well, I have been a sloth all day. Did ab-so-lute-ly nuthin'! Well, I did change the wash but it didn't get folded. I did however have an argument with dh's ex who wanted to know if I would mind bringing over some bottles of soda to the party she is having for their son's half birthday! Humph! I said no way, I am not supposed to lift that kind of thing and it was her idea to have a party! The nerve of that broad. I told her being 34 she should have more energy than I do and she has plenty of relatives who can go fetch and she is no longer married to Larry and too bad if her dh cut out and left her to do the party (he said he didn't want anything to do witha kid party). OK, i vented! If I vent to dh it will only make today that much worse.

    So, TCM has been very good and has had a Neil Simon filmfest, of sorts. The Odd Couple is on now. Only me and dh for dinner and I have no clue what to make! I don't feel like going to the ss and dil's house. We shall see.

    Love you guys! Oh and Denise, I think the diet worked, LOL. I saw other pics of that same woman, scary huh?
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007
    Pretty quiet around here this afternoon...I've been totally lazy and dozed on and off on the couch. Time to fix some dinner.
    Jasmine...that's how Nate caught the lizards at the resort...he got really good at it (he has tons of patience)...shall we head down? We'll catch em and then head to Deb's and drop them off! That is if Shokk ever shows up with our new RV!
    Pouring rain here! All day's about time. Only problem is now I'll have to mow the lawn!
    Gina...great post.
    Gotta run but I'll be back
    love and hugs all around
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2007
    It appears our fireworks are going to be postponed due to the lousy weather we're having today. Oh well, SO and I took Shokk's advice and made some fireworks of our own for all the Right reason's! ooooh aahhhh sorry, was that TMI? lol

    Peter - wow you alphabetized! wonder if other's noticed that! good idea! hope you're having a great night! wait, are you sleeping now? my brother lives in Hawaii and I still can't keep straight what time it is there!

    Nicki - well, it's nice to know I'm not the Only one not going anywhere! that sucks as to why though. As far as those stupid boys, throw rocks at them! I know somebody else said that but I second the notion! jeeeez, sad how rude some kids (and grownups) can be.

    Suz - wow, you duct taped! my Ava is 20 months old and probably ready to start potty training soon .. but she may have a few months to go yet and I have a lot going on in the next month so I'm not quite ready to potty train her yet! I may have to make a trip to the hardware store! lol

    Marsha - wow, can your mom adopt me? lol i say don't think about it, go to the beach and enjoy those pina colodas! and have one for me while you're at it!

    Puppy and Gina - Love your posts, let's' not any of us forget what this day is all about!

    Odalys - I Love your name. May I ask where you are from? You're so right, we are truly blessed to live in the land of the free.

    Jasmine - I did have a fantabulous day with my SO and Ava! Audrey is at her dad's but she'll be back this evening. Always happy seeing your posts, love your wit!

    Denise - The zoo pictures were great, especially like the zebra one myself! You know how I stay chipper? By coming to this wonderful circle group. You guys keep my spirits up! I can say with all honesty that I would be so down in the dumps right now if it weren't for my friends here. I'm lucky to have found you all! Oh and as for your diet .. suddenly I don't feel so thin!! LMAO

    Iris Angel - you're Too funny LOL

    Vickie - you deserved your lazy day, enjoy!

    Okay, now I'm hungry! Luckily dinner is served and I'm going to eat! Catch you all later!

    Hugs from A - Z

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
    Jankay here
    yes vicki i had anice peaceful day, i slept all afternoon. I guess it is from the running i did when jo was home. she hs left here and hopefully she is almost home.
    yesterday in therapy i walked 150 ft and stood in the standing frame for 30 min; thurs i start pool therAPy yehhhhhhhhhhhhh.
    we are getting ready to have rib eyes for supper. Jacob is playing bobby flay!!!!!!!!!
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited July 2007
    Thank you Odalys for the reminder of what we do have to be thankful for in our country. Gina, I LOVE the declaration of Independence. I am one of those old-fashioned teachers who still has my students recite the beginning, that and the preamble to the constitution, rights of Americans, Gettysburg Address and the American's Creed. Parents griped at me, but I truly believe it is important for our children to be familiar with these important documents.

    Shirley, this was a few pages back, but I loved your poem or song. It was right on.

    Marsha, thanks for posting the pics. They were great. I wasn't dancing on the table because I was afraid I might break it! You never once let on that you've been kind of bummed! I had no idea when we talked on Sunday. You are such an inspiration to me with all your energy.

    Sue, you remind me so much of a friend I had in high school, I could almost swear you were her. Was your son relieved you returned home safely?

    A couple of more things I want to share. When we got home last night, after I got the hugaghan, we realized our dog had taken out her frustration about being left home by pooping all over the living room carpet. A friend came over twice a day to feed and let her out, but I guess she wasn't very happy with us. She never does it, so it was a not so nice surprise! My dh had to clean the carpets first thing this morning.

    Also, in the mail was my teaching contract for this year and I was pleasantly surprised at a significant raise included. Our school is trying to get us up to a more normal pay scale, so this was pretty cool.

    Still not enough rain here, I sure wish we could have some of all of yours! Our grass is very brown.

    Peter and Charlene, nice to meet you.

    I'm thinking about changing my screen name, but don't want to confuse anyone. The Sherndon actually stands for my first initial and my last name, but my last name starts just like my first name, so it's kind of weird. So it's like "S. Herndon". We'll see.

    It's good to be back, but lots to do before MIL arrives Friday. Wouldn't you know dh has to work and I have to pick her up? Lucky me.

    Have a happy fourth.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2007
    Jankay - good to see you! glad you got lot's of rest today. congratulations on your therapy! mmmmm rib eyes. k, now i'm Really hungry! going to eat now, bbl!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2007
    Sheri - very nice meeting you! sorry to hear about your pooped on carpets..not fun to come home to! congrats on the contract tho! I'm happy to hear that you teach as you do! It seems the further in time we get away from those important dates the less our kids know or care about them. What grade/subject do you teach?

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited July 2007
    I taught 5-8th grade History last year, as well as 8th grade Literature and Spelling. This year I will do 7-10th grade History and I'm still not sure what all else. I love my job, so I guess I'm lucky.


    Here is another picture of Marsha, Sue and I at our condo. Would you believe we didn't even make it down to the pool? We sat on the balcony the whole time.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Evening All!

    Just checking in why The Hubby is still outside doing whatever! Actually, he decided to rebuild the front porch so he's cutting ashpalt and cement and measuring and writing and drilling and something with "re-rod", and playing with some stringy thing strung across the porch with a little thingy like a level in the middle! It's just a small porch, guess he is raising it a bit and adding a step.

    Vickie: That reminds me, my friend in Indiana that I went and visited last weekend just finished building a patio! I have a couple pics of it, not the best shots but I'll send them to you once I look at them and see if it is identifiable!

    Sounds like everyone had a good Holiday.........even those of us that just stayed home!

    Charlene: No fireworks in my little rinky dinky town either. And definitely No fireworks in the other department either!! Glad you had a good day!

    Back to work tomorrow, yuck. As usual, schedule is messed up again. Boss leaves half baked messages for me and then I don't know what and where I'm supposed to be!

    Alot of people MIA today, I won't worry cuz it's a Holiday!

    Glad you all liked the pic of the "new Me!"
    Puppy: Glad I made you smile...........and that pic you posted was way to funny!!!!

    Hope all have a good night and If not later, tomorrow I'll be back!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2007
    I was just remembering today, that my great, great, great, great great grandfather and his father both fought in the Revolutionary War in Conn. After the war was over he and his wife(her family came over on the Mayflower) trudged through the forests to a little town near Troy, NY with their baby and a cow. He also toted with him a cradle he had made. Now my new granddaughter is using it. What continuity!!!

    Madison..thinking about your daughter in the Air Force..I was a Navy Officer 43 years ago..seems like forever now!! Give her a hug for me... fun would that be if you were able to come to San Diego after the wedding!! Do you have any idea about the dates yet..for sure if we are here we need to get together!!

    Peter you are right!! I did catch alot (not fish).

    Sheri..looks like you had a wonderful time...

    Happy 4th to Everyone!!

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
    Hope everyone is having a great 4th.

    Subflooring is all done (thank heavens). Now we have to put the plywood down and then decide on what kind of floor to put in. Also have to decide what color to paint it. DH wants white (of course) but I want some color. Any suggestions?

    I haven't had a chance to read anything. I'll try to catch up.

    Everyone having weather be safe. It's been dry and hot here.

    Counting the days until I get to meet Madison!

    Hugs and Prayers
  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited July 2007
    Good evening ladies,

    We have had just a spectacular day here. Went to the gym in the morning, walked home and then turned around and walked back to our village Fourth of July parade. There were so many people there. Lots of bands, gymnasts, clowns, kids, dogs - you name it. When the last float goes by everyone joins and follows to a local park where they have food, games for the kids, and music all day long until the fireworks start at about 9 tonight. On the way to the park a local church was giving out free root beer floats - so of course had to have one of those. The park is situated on a bluff above Lake Michigan. At the bottom of the bluff is a beach - so of course we had to walk down there so Jack could skip stones in the water. Then we walked back up - you can either take half a gazillion stairs or walk up a path - we took the stairs. Then we got to walk home. I think I more than got my exercise for the day. When I got home I took a nap! Forgot the sunscreen and got a little sunburned.

    Jankay - your progress in therapy is awesome! You go girl. You will love the pool therapy. When I go to the gym - I make myself do other exercises and then reward myself with a swim in the pool. Also take some aqua fit classes which I really enjoy.

    Marsha - crispy critter indeed. Last year at this time I was finishing up rads and remember it well. I used natural vitamin E capsules - would cut them open and rub the oil into my skin - really helped with the burning - would put it on at night and by morning would be a lot better. I did the same thing - had my port and uni-boob removed at the same time a couple of months after finishing rads.

    Nicki - who in the h__ cares who old lady owens is - you are beautiful - what do 7th and 8th grade boys know. Glad you are enjoying your time off.

    Jas - hope you catch the lizard. Haven't had that problem so no advice from here.

    Sheri - welcome back. Sounds like you had a great time and you got to meet Boo/Sue and Marsha. Sorry about your dog and the carpet - not what you want to come home to. But you did get a hugaghan and a pay raise.

    Denise - that picture is just too funny.

    Odalys - we really are lucky to live in this country. Even with all its faults - there is nowhere else I would rather live. I lived in Bangladesh for six months during a time of political turmoil there and it was an experience that made me appreciate what we have here that much more.

    My sincerest thanks to all of the men and women in our armed forces who risk and lay down their lives so that all of us can be free.

    SoCal - that is so cool about the cradle - I just love stuff with a history like that.

    Liz - sounds like you are getting a lot done. Why do husbands always want white? Mine was the same way - we needed to repaint the living room and he wanted white. Decided to paint after my treatment and I got the color I wanted. Now of course he really likes it and if you heard him talk you would think it was his idea.

    Okay, guess it is time to head back to the park for the fireworks - if we don't get there soon every piece of grass will be taken.

    Hugs to all from A to Z. Good morning Peter (I think - it will take me forever to get that time difference straight).

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited July 2007
    Happy Independence Day sis & bro. girlfriend told me her great-great uncle wrote that poem...I guess I believe her, why not?

    Jasmine...beautiful picture of NY. I have a picture of the George Washington bridge a week after 9/11 and there was this massive American flag hanging over the traffic. I blew it up and love it (saddly)

    Ran in to work today so I can try to catch up because I was out Monday.

    Sky is getting dark, so must turn off and hide with the dog.

    I love all of my cyber family. xoxo Love to all
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited July 2007
    hi girls......... love to all!

    i read everyday after work, then i crash lol!

    i miss you all like crazy, but i just can't keep up anymore!

    going to water my plants and then hit the sack ........ love and hugs to all!

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited July 2007
    Sheri – welcome back, glad you had a good vacation.

    Madison – I had no idea your daughter is in the air force. Wow, what a sacrifice both of you are making. God bless her and keep her safe. Big hugs to both of you.

    Lisa – you are just full of surprises – 43 years as a Navy Officer? Wow!!!!

    Adrionna – I think it’s time to stop dieting…too funny……

    Charlene – Welcome to the group. Thanks, my name is pronounced… O-da-lees in Spanish. However, Americans pronounce it O’Dallas. LOL. Dad named me after a famous Cuban actress from the 1950-60’s. I was born in Cuba and came to this country at age 9. I became a US Citizen as soon as I turned 18 and am very proud to be an American. USA is home.

    Jankay – Did you peak in my kitchen? We too had rib eye for dinner. I also made some fried sweet plantains. I could not resist this opportunity to blend the two cultures. Yummy…

    Is anyone else watching the Macy’s fireworks spectacular on TV? Awesome! We have lots of fireworks in our neighborhood and Maggie is going crazy, poor beagle. Happy independence day everyone. God bless this great country! May He protect our soldiers oversees and keep us all safe from evil.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2007

    No, Odalys.. I was in the Navy 43 years ago, but was only in for five years..I resigned as they wouldn't station my husband and me together..he retired after 22 years..good to see you!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007
    Good evening sweet sisters and dear brother,
    Hmmm...looks like we'd better set off some fireworks and wake Peter...he seems to be MIA so far. Headache still?

    Looks like it was a fun and relaxing day for our circle's late for me but I slept off and on all afternoon so now I probably won't sleep. Do believe I have bit off more than I can chew this week! Just agreed to be the new Sunday school teacher ( the idea), our Pastor is taking Nate and I to the movies tomorrow night (its his reward for learning his far he's the only one), Friday I start the wedding photography job. At 3:30 I have to be at the rehearsal and dinner for the wedding on Saturday which I have to be at by 9am and will go most of the day...remind me to take the lens cap off ladies!!! A little nervous but not too bad. Also working on our journals, the afghans (have another almost finished) and a couple of special projects that have fallen by the wayside but not forgotten!
    Gonna make a quick walk around our circle and tuck everyone in.
    Shel...we miss you too...a bunch. Love right back at ya! Tucking you in and hoping and praying you get an easier position soon.
    Theresa, wow...that would be cool if her great uncle wrote that poem...I still love it today. Hugs and sweet dreams.

    Jankay looks tired...she's working so hard and doing so well! Big applause for you and you will love the pool therapy. tucking you in with your afghan and sending a wish for sweet happy dreams.
    Deb has been mighty busy lately and I miss her so I'm gonna stop in and see if I can get a cup of tea. Maybe I'll sit a spell and read with her and watch for bears and moose. Sweet dreams sweet lady.
    Iris has cheese bread...guess where I'll be for a bit! Sounds wonderful and all I want to do is eat lately. Need to slow it down...getting a serious tamoxifen belly on this not so skinny any more body! Not liking this at all. Hugs love and happy dreams.
    Lisa...what a wonderful cradle story! That is quite an heirloom to be proud of.
    Peter...wake up!!! Tweakin your toes. Time to take over the night watch. I'll probably be up for most of it as the rain has stopped and the neighbors are all goin crazy with fireworks! It's a bit noisy in the valley tonight LOL.
    Jumpin on Jankays scooter to finish tuckin ya all in so get ready ladies...Madison, Nicki, Sheri, Denise, Colleen, Angel and babies, Robin and babies, Odalys, Tricia,Jasmine, Amy and family, Mazer (gets a cinammon roll), CY, Puppy, Susan, Liz, Betty, Anne, Joyce and Kevin, Marsha, Boo, Gus, oh gosh...runnin outta gas me out ladies. I hate to leave anyone untucked LOL.
    Gotta get this butt to bed so I'm not snoozing on my desk tomorrow.
    Love and hugs all around the circle.
    Special prayers tonight for all those in the armed forces past, present and future for the freedom we enjoy today.
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited July 2007
    Lisa - oops!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007

    i watched macys OD IT was awesome

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited July 2007
    I agree, Jankay, serious fireworks!

    Peter - hope you are feeling better.

    Okay time to call it a night. I need to get an early start tomorrow in order to drop off Steven at my parents before going into the office.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2007
    Odalys - thank you for welcoming me and telling me your story! I was born in Germany .. my dad was stationed there in the Army. Moved back to the states when I was one but I had to choose whether to be a German citizen or American citizen when I was 18. Not the same as immigrating but my circumstance was always weird to me!

    Hope everyone had a happy and safe holiday! Dang, I missed the Macy's fireworks.
