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  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited July 2007
    Good night, sleepy sisters, and good morning, Peter. Guess I will walk with you for a bit since I am not ready to sack out yet, if that's ok. I will try not to talk too much in case your head is still hurting.

    Last night our BC support group had dinner at a Mexican Restaurant and we had such fun. It is strange sometimes because the group is mixed with folks in diff. stages of treatment. We had a new member last night, newly diagnosed, and so lost! I gave her this website and told her to please come here and read if nothing else. The doc told her it was "bad" so she figures she is gonna die and even gave her dog away cos she thought she wouldnt be able to take care of it!!I hope she learned enough from us to at least get a second opinion and get her dog back! Clyde was so helpful to me when I was in treatment.

    Happy Independence Day, although it is almost over. I am so grateful to be an American and so grateful to those who gave of themselves to keep it that way. Thank you military parents too. Didn't realize there were as many on here with military connections. Pray for you every day!

    Miles made a funny today. He cooked out some burgers for me and him and his girlfriend, Lori. I was telling Lori that we may name our support group "The Breast of Friends." And Miles started laughing and said "Precious Mammaries." He cracks me up. Funny that I cried when he left to go back to his apartment.

    This holiday used to be a fun family event for us. Craig absolutely loved the fireworks so much. I get like a child myself when I see them, ooohing and aaaahing.... I miss my baby. Forgive me for going there again, but dear family, it hurts in my heart so bad tonight that I can hardly bear it. Guess he has a great view of the fireworks.

    Tomorrow means back to the real world. Finishing up all the month's end stuff for June. Back on call for the wrecker phone. Same doldrum. Oh well. I am very grateful to have a job, a company car and a roof over my head. I know I just said the other night I would try to quit complaining and here I go again!
    Angel.... when I hear you speak of Ava I can almost smell her sweetness. I love babies and you speak of her with such love. I know you are a good mother.
    Vickie... Loved the fireworks pics, but you and Nate are really quite the pair. I feel like I have known you for so
    long and you just look like family.
    Puppy... thank you for posting the patriotic things. I know you aren't feeling well, but you continue to lift us up. Know how much Miles and I love our "Aunt Puppy". Feel our hugs and prayers.
    Peter, my son Miles and his girlfriend went fishing today. Lori was really bragging about the fish she caught. Turns out it was a really tiny fish, but Miles didn't catch one so she was just rubbing it in. Better luck next time.
    ((Denise)) thanks for being so kind. ((Madison)) sounds like you have had your hands full as well.
    I have had a "gentleman friend" for almost a year now and it has been nice just to have someone to spend time with. But lately he has been acting just stupid if I may say so. Don't know what's up, but sometimes it just doesn't seem worth it to make the effort. Besides, I kind of enjoy being alone now. Oh well.
    By the way, Peter, Clyde did enjoy his pizza the other night and did NOT get dessert. However, I was wrapping up left over hamburgers and hot dogs tonight. Got the burgers put away and when I turned around, there were no hot dogs. I did not dream that they were on the counter. He ate them. And since folks are shooting firecrackers he is afraid to go outside. He better not wake me in the night to let him out. On the other hand, he better not have an "accident" in the house either. I would have given him the stupid hot dogs anyway.... he didn't have to steal them.
    I have left so many out, especially Z who is still fighting her union battles. Remind me some day Z to tell you the story of my daddy getting arrested while walking the picket line at Lockheed Aircraft. LOL
    I know I have rambled and made no sense, but I wanted to be here with you my family. You have welcomed me with such compassionate arms and I love you all. Didn't mean to leave anyone out... So from A to Z good night and God Bless. Especially Mena and Puppy and anyone else who is having particularly difficult times. Especially difficulties with exes and teenagers. Just love your teenager sweetie. They never seem to get enough. I wish I had been able to heal a rift between my Craig and his Daddy... and glad I am not his daddy now.
    Peter... the night is yours friend. Thank you so much for being our big brother. You can be the little brother when you need to as well!!!!
    God bless you all and God Bless America! Pam
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited July 2007
    Lots to catch up on.

    Z, I am so proud of you. Your post (guess it was last night) sounds like your Independence Day. It sounds like your fighting spirit is back. We are one big family and in it together. When someone is down, we try our best to lift them up, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. You have discovered what many of us here have - we may feel that it's time to move on but we keep coming back, and I think that says a lot about our circle. I too have thought about cutting back here, but guess what, I am here for a long time to come.

    Lisa, even though I really didn't want to fly today, we did go to LA to look at the car - hubby looks at it as an adventure - if we didn't get it, we'd just fly home. We bought it and drove it home. He saved about $4k buying it where we did. Oh, I didn't bring the Knifty Knitter....

    Peter, hope that headache went away real quick.

    Sheri, welcome back and it sounds like you, Marsha and Sue/Boo had an awesome visit.

    Odalys, powerful picture.

    Nicki, glad you can laugh about Old Lady Owens - you are beautiful dammit.

    Liz, for years our room have all been something like Kelly Moore's Navajo White and for the first time ever, there is color in my house. It's a color that changes tone with the light. My hubby loves it too.

    Peter, our fireworks will be starting soon. Deb is on a later time zone but in AK right now I think she said it's daylight for 22 hours, so our fireworks will have to wake you.

    Will be doing a last minute check around the circle soon. Night all from Amy to Z.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2007
    Pam, Thank you so much for your kind words about me and my Ava. She and her 8 year old sister Audrey are the light of my life and I love them so much. I can only imagine your pain and how much your heart aches missing your Craig. I wasn't here at that time but want you to know how very sorry I am. You can talk about missing him any time sweetie and make no apologies. We're all here for you. My sister lost her 21 year old daughter 6 years ago in a freak fall from a tall building. She was her only child and her passing has left a hole in my heart and changed all of our lives. She's terribly missed as I know your Craig always will be.

    Love and hugs,

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited July 2007
    Hi all. I have spent the majority of my day in the ER with hubby. All is well. But he was having some chest pains and tingling in his arm at work so off we went. 6 hours later they told him all checked out, go home, call your doc for a stress test. At least we got out of there before the crazies came out. There was this poor kid about 16 in the bed next to hubby. Just about got his ear wacked off with a wake board. YIKES. Doctor sewed the darn thing back on right there. What a trip that was. A bit later I was sitting in my car having a smoke and this kid comes out and hops in a truck and drives away. I thought "holy smokes! I know they gave that kid morphine, what the heck is he doing driving" Was gonna go back in a tell someone but then I saw his mother come out. He had just moved the truck out of the hospital driveway into a space father back in the parking lot. Mom got behind the wheel and drove away. Whew!!! I didn't really wanna report the poor kid after he'd just had his ear sewn back on.
    So I hope everyone has had a splendid day. I'm tired so I'll catch up tomorrow.
    Have to tell Socal tho....holy smokes, you have a 200+ year old cradle. WOW!!!
    Love you all to bits.
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2007

    Hi Peter, I had a Great 4th! Keep thinking I should turn in and then I find another thread I want to check out! This board has become my lifeline for the time being. Plus my daughter Audrey keeps getting up. Tucked her in 3 times now!!! She's trying my patience! lol

  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited July 2007
    Wow came home yesterday and climbed in bed! just layed there reading for hours!
    Went to the zoo today and let hubby push me around in a wheelchair. It was preety warm and sunny. My strength comes and goes so decided on the wheelchair so I could enjoy the day at the zoo. We ended it with a nice stroll through the rose garden.

    Just wanted to let you all know I'm thinking of you from Amy to Z and that I think we are so blessed to have each other.
    Off to watch the fireworks
    Hugs & Prayers
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2007
    Thank you Peter, whichever name you like to call me is fine, I like them both! You're right, I wouldn't give up motherhood for Anything! Saw real fireworks in the distance when I picked Audrey up from her dad's. I thought they were cancelled tonight since it was pouring rain and thundering for a couple of hours before they were to start. Turns out they had them anyway but we didn't go and now Audrey is going to be so disappointed that we missed them. I didn't realize until after they started that they were still having them! I hate letting her down like that.

    LOl re my fireworks, i have to remember the whole world can read this! Have fun going out Peter!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
    hey if anybody is up
    i was sleeping and had to visit the powder room. I had a good 4th and i guess jo got home since no news is good news right.
    cy- i think ofu often and how beautiful it is there. the first time i went to seattle, i was walking along the farmers market downtown. i think it had Peak in its name, Jenny had pointed out landmarks to me, i guess i looked like i knew where i was. This red-headed guy asked me for directions and as soon as i opened my mouth=========he started grinning. Wonder Why?
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
    hey peter
    \did u have a good day
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
    quiet but good
    play puzzles sometmes
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007


  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2007

    I HAVE NO COFFEE!! Forgot I used it all yesterday. This is desperation. Guess I will shake the sleepiness away and run up to McDonalds - Im not a nice person in the morning without my coffee.
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited July 2007
    No toe tickling for me, Peter. I'm up. Had to read all the posts from yesterday, but have been up for about 30 minutes.

    It does sound like we all had a pretty good 4th. We spent the afternoon/evening with friends. We celebrated 4 July birthdays and one June one. Our friends and host grfirst grandchild and family drove down from PA yesterday. Kyle was 1 last month. My DH's birthday is the 23rd so he had gifts and cards to open.

    Well, two more days at work and then drive to St. Louis and the conference. I should be able to check in while I'm on the road. I better....cause I'll be a basket caase if I have to go through CG withdrawal. My onc upped my effexor last month, but I don't thisk that will help with no being with all of you. Major depression that would be.

    More later. Got to get some more coffee.


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007
    Good morning cg's all!
    Oh my it's only Thursday...I'm too tired to go to work LOL.
    Good morning sunshine gal Jankay and good night Peter...hope you have sweet dreams. How was your day? Oh an don't let the bedbugs bite!
    Nicki and Betty...time to rise and shine...oh wait, Nicki is still on vacation so we'll let her sleep in.

    Pam...sending you a warm cyber hug. My heart just aches for you. We don't just look like family we are family...always.
    Angel...sorry the kids missed the fireworks. Sometimes I think I am more disappointed about disappointing them then they are disappointed to begin with LOL...did that even make any sense.
    CY...glad you enjoyed the zoo...sending you a hug.
    Cheri pal...where are you?
    Looks like DD isn't coming home for Pinkstock. She won't come right out and say it but mom's know how to read between the lines. Not gonna let it get me down. Oh hell it already has. Need the Florida girls to posse up and drag her home!
    gotta you all!
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited July 2007

    Oh no Nickie
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007
    Good morning sunshine sisters Betty and Nicki. to bed with you...the weekend is almost here!
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited July 2007
    Good morning everyone!


    Betty - I know you will be glad when the conference is over. I hope you have a large turn out and it's a success. You deserve it after working so hard.

    Pam - (((((hug)))))

    Nicki - Do you want some Dunkin donughts coffee? I just made a pot. It smells so good. image

    Got to shower and run. I'll try to check in later in the evening. Good day!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2007

    Ok! Let me try and start over. Yes, I just got back - had to run out a get a large cup of coffee from Oh thank heaven for 7-11. As I am driving to the store, I normally walk to - I thought about how crazy this is. On my way back, my DH calls me on my cell phone and wants to know where I am, and when I get back home my dog is walking around with a paper plate - like I went out and got food or something. This is definitely not the way to start a day.

    Odalys: Dunkin Donuts happens to be one of my favorite coffees. Too bad there isnt one close to me - but then again, thats good, cause I would probably have gotten a donut too. And the one thing that hasnt been lacking during my time off from work, is the fact that Im eating like a little piggy. Who diets on vacation? Right!

    Good Morning Jankay, Betty, and Vickie. And goodnight to you Peter.

    Betty: Hope you have fun at the conference. I believe that fighting depression r/t bc has many factors. For me, antidepressants and this site is what keeps me at an even keel. That is when I have my coffee in the morning.

    Odalys: Great news on getting a secretary. Yes, I do believe that delegating is one of the keys to success and less stress. Your new job does sound awesome. As far a being a DON again. The only thing I would consider at this point is a retirement community. The pay is good, but you have to earn every nickle of it. Seems like there is a crisis that has to be dealt with everyday. Sometimes I think, I should just go back to the hospital as resource in ICU. Lots of money to be made, when a person isnt looking for benefits.

    Marsha: Good news on the 3 month visits to your onc now. Thats fantastic. I do believe I may be one of the only persons who didnt have to get RADS. Surgeon and Onc said I didnt need them cause of the bil mast with clean margins.

    Sheri: Welcome back. Sure sounds like you all had a great time with your little get together.

    Denise: OMG! That picture is too funny. Remember my office partner who got fired? Thats exactly what she looked like.

    Charlene: I bet you there will be other fireworks going on before summer is over. It was crazy here last night. I didnt go to any firework display, nor did I watch them on television. I went outside to light a monring glory and I was shocked at how many people in the neighborhood were shooting off fireworks. Some of them were big ones too. Why is it when someone else is shooting off fireworks they seem to explode right over the house a person owns. After this dry spell we had, I was a little concerned to say the least.

    SoCal: I love the idea you were a Navy Officer for 5 years. How cool is that?

    Suz: It sounds like you had a wonderful day. Living near Lake Michigan is great isnt it? I just love walking along the shore. We have a little town here in Illinois called Lake Bluff. Its a beautiful place, but let me tell you, those stairs are killers.

    TGirl: One more month and preseason football should be here. Cant believe we are gonna be talking about football again.

    Shel: You work too darn hard, and after all of your years working, you should have a better place than the floor from hell. I was nurse manager of one of those floors in the 80's. No one wanted to work there. Funny to think of it now. It was a combination of oncology and general medical. The general medical was all the really sick and debillitated people from nursing homes. Now that was a tough job.

    Vickie: Your week does sound busy.

    Peter: You are so funny. Look. I changed the picture.

    Pam: My dog steals food all the time. Boiled some Italian Sausage once and before I could put them on the grill he ate them all! Just turned my back for a second. He steals things all the time. And then he is so stupid. I got "what did you steal Mister" and he actually comes and shows me what he stole!

    MargaretB: Sounds like you got a heck of a deal on that car. Definitely worth the trip

    Sherloc: Hoping all is well with your husband. Being in the ER on July 4th would make me crazy!

    Well - I spent most of the day in bed yesterday. Just lying around and watching movies. I totally broke my diet. For some reason McDonalds tastes good when I have a hangover. Talk about ingesting fat and carbs! Even got large order of fries. Oh and a chocolate shake. When Im hung over I like to dip my fries in the shake. My belly aleady looks bigger!

    So I guess I best get myself going and take the dog for his morning walk. I definitely need that exercise today.

    See ya all later.

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited July 2007
    lol at nicki!

    i don't need coffee in the morning, but i'd be dead in the water without 3 or 4 diet pepsi's to start my day!

    why the hell am i awake right now????? i have 5 days off from that hell hole i work at, but i've been up for an hour already!!!!!!

    guess i'll go catch some rays!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Good morning campers.

    NO COFFEE???!!! What were you thinking! Just kidding. How bout some fresh ground starbucks coffee. I get the whole beans from Sam's.

    Morning Vickie. Sounds like you are going to be busy busy busy. I got tired just typing 'busy'.

    Morning Jankay, Angel, Betty. Sweet dreams Peter.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2007
    Ahahaha good morning Shel and Jasmine.

    Shel: Enjoy your 5 days off. Dont even think about work.

    Jasmine: Starbucks sounds yummy, but desperate times call for desperate measures. With that being said, I settled for 7/11 french vanilla.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    That's okay Nicki...I couldn't find a straw that long anyway.

  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2007
    Peter: You msut look again. I changed the picture lol.

  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj