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  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
    I AM P.............ED AGAIN
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2007

    Nicki - relieved for you that you got your coffee! I could sense your panic and I would be the same way! Scary about the neighborhood fireworks .. especially the big ones! I think some people forget how dangerous they really are!

    Vickie - you made complete sense about how sometimes we're more disappointed than our kids are. sigh, i'm not sure about this one though. I'll figure out something to make it up to her and like Nicki said, there'll be more this summer. She Won't miss another!

    Peter - here I thought you were going out for some fun, of course not thinking of the hour over there! Gotta keep that fridge happy!

    I must get a move on, have an appointment with my rheumatologist this afternoon. BBL, Hugs to all from Amy - Z!

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited July 2007

    Post deleted by Puppyfive

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007


    - >A new priest at his first mass was so nervous he could hardly speak.
    >> >>
    >> >>After mass he asked the monsignor how he had done.
    >> >>
    >> >>The monsignor replied, "When I am worried about getting nervous on the
    >> >>pulpit, I put a glass of vodka next to the water glass. If I start to
    >>get >>nervous, I take a sip."
    >> >>
    >> >>So next Sunday he took the monsignor's advice.
    >> >>
    >> >>At the beginning of the sermon, he got nervous and took a drink.
    >> >>
    >> >>He proceeded to talk up a storm.
    >> >>
    >> >>Upon his return to his office after the mass, he found the following
    >>note >>on the door:
    >> >>
    >> >>1) Sip the vodka, don't gulp.
    >> >>
    >> >>2) There are 10 commandments, not 12.
    >> >>
    >> >>3) There are 12 disciples, not 10.
    >> >>
    >> >>4) Jesu s was consecrated, not constipated.
    >> >>
    >> >>5) Jacob wagered his donkey, he did not bet his ass.
    >> >>
    >> >>6) We do not refer to Jesus Christ
    >> >>as the late J.C.
    >> >>
    >> >>7) The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are not referred to as Daddy, Junior
    >> >>and the spook.< BR> >>
    >> >>8) David slew Goliath; he did not kick the shit out of him.
    >> >>
    >> >>9) When David was hit by a rock and was knocked off his donkey, don't
    >>say >>he was stoned off his ass.
    >> >>
    >> >>10)We do not refer to the cross as the "Big T."
    >> >>
    >> >>11)When Jesus broke the bread at the last supper he said, "Take this
    >>and >>eat it for it is my body." He did not say "Eat me".
    >> >>
    >> >>12)The Vir gin Mary is not called "Mary with the Cherry".
    >> >>
    >> >>13)The recommended grace before a meal is not: Rub-A-Dub-Dub thanks for
    >> >>the grub, Yeah God.
    >> >>
    >> >>14) Next Sunday there will be a taffy pulling contest at St. Peter's
    >>not >>a peter pulling contest at St. Taffy's.
    >> >>
    >>>> >>
    >> >>
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2007
    Yep! I went back to sleep too.

    I dont know whats going on with Susan, but we sure do miss her around these parts.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007

    amen nicki

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited July 2007
    Good morning all quick fly by...hope all had a great day...
    thought I would cook today...
    BBQ chicken...and for the bean cakes...
    corn on the cob over the fire and some nice veggies sliced and ready for dipping

    Hugs to all.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007

    when do we eat mb

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
    Morning everyone - off to take mom to the doctor then out to eat with my aunt. It's their birthday today. Then off to see the in-laws it's their anniversary. Not sure how long but know it's over 50 years as we had a party for that one. LOL Can't keep everyone straight anymore.

    Be back later if I get a chance. Still working on the bathroom.

    Susan - you are in the center of the circle wrapped with lots of love.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited July 2007
    Hi all! We had a decent 4th. Weren't sure if home fireworks were ok since we'd been out of town and the grass has been so brown, so we just bought a small package for Micah to at least enjoy. He was happy. Then we were able to stand on our balcony and have a perfect view of the county's fireworks display, the park is right behind our subdivision.

    If you look at the pictures on the afghan thread you can tell our carpet was freshly cleaned. My dh used to work for a friend who had is own carpet cleaning business in CA, so he does a great job.

    Should be cleaning house right now for MIL, but would rather be here. I am going to do some prep work for school here in a minute. Jasmine, you mentioned writing me a program. What did you have in mind?

    Thankfully we got some rain here today, finally. I know so many of you are floating away, but right now I'm glad to see the rain.

    Sue/Boo, glad you got such a nice gift for making the afghan. That was a great thing to do.

    Marsha, I hope the rads aren't kicking you too badly. My rad dr gave me samples of aquafor. It worked really well. There was also a prescription spray that was helpful, but I don't remember what it was called.

    Is Susan ok? I hadn't heard anything, but I will definitely say some extra prayers for her.

    Have a great day!
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited July 2007
    Jankay, we are having Chicken Teriyaki (from Stouffers) or I may try one of the recipes from the back of the
    Campbell's soup cans. Come on over!

    MB, sounds like a great dinner at your place too.

    Sheri, why do some guys get weird after a while? But I am glad you got the afghan and had a wonderful vaaction. The pics are just beautiful of the 3 of you!

    I just saw such a funny story Lini posted and wondered where she was. She is hanging out and sounds pretty upbeat. Come check in here too! Bring the implant story with ya.

    Nicki, <speaking real softly> how are you feeling today?

    Vickie, got the cute email this AM. Thank you, I needed it. Tried to send a message via MySpace to show you something but got an error message. So it is not just BCO that eats messages! They're everywhere...doodoo,dooodoooo.

    Morning Peter! My Mom wanted to know if they still have those doctors that visit all over the Outback but she couldn't remember what the service was called.

    Hi ya Puppy! Hope to catch up later.

    Robin, you make me feel so guilty for not cleaning around here. Please step away from the bucket for a little while. If not, then I am sending a ticket for you to come up here, spend a few days relaxing and helping me organize my supplies to get this place in order! Love you for being so wonderful these past couple months.

    Pam, you come here and tell us whatever you want, weep when you want and give us belly laughs when you want. It does not matter...we all understand you need to let it out and we all do one time or another.

    Z, how goes the stike? Love reading what you are so very eloquent.

    I know i forgot so many people I wanted to say hi to. Need to take notes.

    I now massage the implants everyday. It hurts but I have to to break up the scar tissue. There is one spot that feels like plastic bending backand forth and it makes a little noise each time, very soft but still makes nosie. Really weird. DH offered to help...gee I am so surprised at that, LOL.

    See you all later. I have to answer the phone from Jankay!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited July 2007
    CY, happy time at the zoo for you…glad you had a good time

    Peter, thank you for the coffee…..two Monday mornings in one week is tough (You actually posted alphabetically…something I have been thinking about doing so I would not miss anyone….smart idea)… Thank you for your words about my Air Force Daughter…..My hubby was also Air Force…..thank you for your service

    Betty, I agree…even though the effexor dosage was increased…it won’t help with CG withdrawal.

    Sue/Boo… was your 4th? Hope you had a great day

    MB…count-down to Pinkstock….I’m trying to get a basket of items together to package and ship to your house

    Vickie, so very sorry your daughter will not make Pinkstock….I know you miss her so very much. I absolutely loved the pictures of you and Nate….You are working so very hard.

    Denise, that picture is just too funny….and I loved the zoo pictures…felt like I was at the zoo….those critters got “up close and personal”

    Odalys, Good Morning and have a great day at work. I actually pronounced your name correctly…..(grandfather was Spanish)… our area was founded by the French and Spanish

    Jankay, looks like you had a good July 4th day…here’s hoping you have a great Thursday

    Margaret…new car owner….okay you didn’t bring a knifty knitter on the trip… shopping is serious business

    Z, your post was wonderful…

    Sheri, dogs tend to “pay us back” for leaving them…don’t know why…but they do. I purchased a carpet shampoo machine and that is one of the best investments I have made… the pics of you and the afghan….sending big hugs your way

    Shirley, how scary was the day for you……ER visit… is hubby today?

    SoCalLisa….a navy officer. WOW…we are military…dh went to Air Force….other brother was on a nuke sub in the Navy….love our military men and women

    Liz, you have been busy, busy with that bathroom……less than a week and I’ll be flying to OK….I NEVER go anywhere by myself…NEVER take these little trips to do something I want to do….and still cannot believe I will be “leaving home alone”…..

    Suz…sounds like a good day was had by all…root beer floats brings back wonderful memories…..

    Jas, let me see….when you drop a dish cloth that means that company is coming….I don’t know what it means when you have multiple lizards visiting the homestead…..hope they leave you alone

    Theresa….hope the weather improves… is a real event when you animals are scared of thunder

    Pam, I am sending you a great big hug

    Cheri, where are you? We need you

    DebC, hi and how are you? How was your 4th?

    Nickie, the old saying “I’d walk a mile for a Camel” is now…”I’d walk a mile for a cup of caffeine”…..being out of coffee is not a way to start the day.

    Charlene, we used to pop fireworks every 4th with the kids….it was the 4th of July and hubby’s birthday….we learned to be very careful and always have a fire extinguisher at our feet.

    Mena, sending you big, big hugs

    Marsha: How many more zaps do you need of rads? Great news on the 3 month visits to your onc deserved the gift from your Mom….I do the same things for my girls

    Shel, sending you great big hugs also and wishing for a better work environment for you….you don’t need any additional stress

    NS, thank you for the post……miss you dear friend

    Sherloc: Hoping all is well with your husband. Being in the ER on July 4th would make me crazy!

    Iris, oink..oink..also ate way too much yesterday (plus chocolate birthday cake)

    Beth, sloth days are wonderful…take advantage of every second of down time.

    Robin, hi….sure hope you took it easy on yesterday and rested

    Shokk….sending hugs…..

    Okay, I need to do a “Peter” and alphabetize to make sure I did not miss anyone

    Oh, Amy-but she is on vacation…have fun in Maine.

    Another missing CG….Susan-is she okay? Has anyone spoken to her?

    Okay, here goes….hugs to all from A to Z
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited July 2007

    Good morning sweet chicas and Peter........Peter you probably don't know this but I drive really slow.....did you see the rv Puppy provided for me.......I'm on my way but at the speed I'm going I probably won't be there until Christmas........Vickie you can look for me around least the beaches shouldn't be crowded then.........well had a very quiet daughters and me have been trying to watch Blood Diamond for comes on tonight at 8:30 but oldest is working so don't know when we will be able to watch it maybe tomorrow.......hope everyone is feeling as good as can be expected......yes it is raining again today.....we have storms coming up from the coast and they are moving from southeast to northwest which is very unusal.....if they stay together then western OK and CO are in for some storming weather.....Liz and Karen watch out.........had some bbq yesterday......when I was in college I worked in a bbq resturant for 5 yrs.....lived on the stuff of course because always broke and even today cannot eat too much of the smoked meats.....did have some bbq chicken yesterday and it was good.......MB love roasted corn.....geez that sounds good........well ladies oldest child has settle down a bit.....I sure am sad about her relationship with her dad.....I'm afraid she is never going to be able to have a good relationship with men and I have talked to her about getting some professional help to deal with her is way to short to spend your time being bitter....that is the main reason I am not angry with her dad......what good is that going to do.....he is having to live with his own consquences of his actions which now I do believe he has a lot of regretes........anyway guys so sorry about dumping all that crap on ya'll but everyone concerns sure did make me feel alot better.....I sure do love all of ya'll so much.......missing so many chicas....Gina praying so hard for you as well as Puppy, CY, Mena, and Shel.....oh geez brb.......

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited July 2007
    Good Morning dears. Today I drop off the quilt at the quilters. Just a little bit scared about not doing it myself, but just don't have the finger power to be pushing a needle thru thick fabric anymore. I picked up my bone scan report. Sure enough says I have a healed broken rib. Good thing its healed cause I have a massage appt today. Also said I have a bladder diverticulum? Whats that? Apparently not something important enough for the doc to mention. One thing that was noticably absent was "degeneration at T5-T7". Hmmmmmm maybe the fossilmax did do something for the old bones after all. Or could the aredia work that quickly? Seems the arthritis in my shoulder has disappeared too. How cool is that.

    Madison, proud Navy Mom here. Tell your daughter thank you for me. Watched Pearl Harbor the other day. Seeing as my kidlet is gonna be working in the bowels of the ship was probably not a good thing for me to be watching.

    Welcome home Sheri. Did I say that already?

    Jaz, no bulking up for me. Can barely lift the thing up to my knees. So it's just itty bitty swings. Pickaxe is the only thing that can break up this rock I live on. I'm determined to have a path in by the end of summer.
    I can indeed get myself into trouble. It wasn't an angry post. I would say more catty. Response to some snippy young thing thinking he knows all there is to know about photography and disrespecting his elders. Couldn't keep my fingers quite for that. Got them slapped by another snippy young thing. All the other old timers on the board came to my defense. Started quite the lively discussion.
    Another lizard? Look on the bright side. At least it's not a snake.

    Gina, such an amazing document. I was reading somewhere yesterday (can't remember where) that a teacher still made her students memorize and recite the preamble and such. Seems the parents gave her a hard time about it. What the heck is up with that? Are they not teaching this in schools anymore? I was shocked.

    Denise, 800ct sheets. WOW!!!! I have been so impressed with my 600ct. Now I'm jealous. Ummmm honey I think you need to stop that diet right now and eat some ice cream.

    Vicki, glad you made it to the parade.

    Beth, sloth days are good for you. That is the bad part of being a stay at home mom. (I'm not a stay at home mom anymore, just a stay at home wife) Anywhos the bad part is we never really get a day off. Don't have the weekend of not working to look forward to. So I say more power to us for taking a day off every now and then. I call them my couch potato days.

    Charlene, I'm sorry you guys missed the fireworks.

    Sheri, what a crappy memory I have. I say good for you for teaching our history to the kidlets. I agree.
    Thanks for the compliments on my song/poem. Told my son I want him to put it to music. Not sure if they are gonna let him take his guitar on the boat. Hmmm I sure hope so. Poor boy is gonna be lost without at least one guitar.
    Sorry about your carpet.

    Denise, my porch needs rebuilding desperately. Send that man to my house.

    Liz, my bath is Forest Green with tan tile and purple accents. I love the colors in there. But I also have a huge window in there so it's not to dark.

    Socal, still amazed about the cradle. What a treasure.

    Geez Suz, reading about all that walking makes me want to go back to bed.

    Theresa, are you out of hiding yet?

    Shel, hope you got some good rest.

    Odalys, I am very happy your parents immigrated from Cuba. if they hadn't we would not have had the pleasure of getting to know you.

    Vicki, good for Nate for memorizing his verses. I could never be a Sunday School Teacher. Much rather do the nursery. Children over the age of 3 scare the heck out of me. Good luck with your wedding. Don't forget to take off the lens cap.

    Pam, that is so sad about the newbie giving her dog away. Geez, some docs just tick me off. Why do they say such stupid things?
    Never apologize for talking about your Dear Craig.

    Charlene, I am sorry to read about your neice.

    CY, good for you for staying in bed. Glad you had a good time at the zoo.

    Thanks for the coffee Peter.

    UHOH I think Nicki needs your coffee more than me.

    Betty we will miss you when your gone. You will have a good time I'm sure.

    Vicki, I'm sorry Sarah isn't coming to PinkStock. Did you tell her there will be two other girls her age there? My daughter was looking forward to meeting her.

    Nicki, glad you got your coffee. I am weening myself off the teeth staining stuff. Down to half caf/half decaf. Figure another two weeks I should be good to go. Can't be drinking coffee when I get my pretty new teeth. Next have to get rid of the smokes. Thats gonna be a lot harder.
    To funny about your dog.
    ER was packed. So packed the moved hubby into the hallway and pretty much forgot about him once they figured out he wasn't having a heart attack. More pressing cases to worry about I suppose. Wacked off ears definately take precidense. However that is spelled. Me personally thinks his thyroid meds need to be adjusted. We'll see if he calls his doctor today.
    Sometimes I get the impression I am the only one in the world that didn't do chemo. Worries me just a bit, then I get over it. Can't remember who said it but I loved when I read someone had "the Sheryl Crow" version of BC. That just cracked me up.
    What do you have planned for your vacation today?

    Shel, woohoo 5 days off. Rest up today then have fun.

    Peter, the wacked off ear was facinating. Poor kid was crying buckets till the pumped him full of morphine. Then he was in warm fuzzy land.
    Sweet dreams to you. Hope you have a restful night.

    Puppy, whats up with Susan?

    Susan, we love you and miss you when you are not here. Please come to the center of the circle and let us care for you.

    Good Morning Jankay. I think I read back a couple of pages that you did great at PT. Congrats to you. What is pool therapy?

    Wow Liz, 50+ years is amazing.

    Happy Morning Sheri and Beth.

    Madison, hubby is fine this morning. Thanks for asking.

    I'm to shower so I don't scare the quilt lady. See you all later.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited July 2007
    Shokk, I've wanted to see Blood Diamonds. What channel?
    You didn't dump anything on us. Sisters share their worries as well as their happys
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited July 2007
    Hi All,
    I am having a quiet day off today. Work gave us an extra day off for the holiday. I go in tomorrow and then have the weekend off. I could get use to this schedule!
    We had a BarBQ at my neighbors house yesterday. We had a great time even though it did rain. Weather is still crappy here today. Kevin wanted a meatloaf so that is what I made for todays dinner. Comfort food! I go to WW tonight. I lost 10 pounds but I seem to be at a standstill now.Too many BarBQ's I guess.
    Take Care,
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited July 2007

    Ok guys I am going to have to sign off in a minute.....I think I forgot to tell ya'll but remember MR.GQ that was in the office and I could not stop having hot flashes...well he is not coming but some girl is coming instead.....Thank Goodness......anyway she is due here on Monday so am trying to get everything done to prepare for her today and tomorrow......I promise to check in over the weekend....when is Amy due home....I miss that girl.....its no fun getting in the closet without her around to make fun of thing my girls are duing is cleaning the house and I mean cleaning the house out.......we have lived in the same home for 13 yrs and have not really cleaned out drawers, closets, etc in years.......they wait till I go to bed at night and then start throwing stuff away....I first I was freaked out but I made them promise they can't throw anything away that they made during school or pictures otherwise if I haven't used it in the last yr its really is a great feeling......they are vacuuming, dusting, moving all the furniture and cleaning all the furniture.....they really are the best......I love both of them so much.......the youngest is a very good painter so tomorrow afternoon we are going to Lowe's and get her some paint and she is going to paint the den.......I will let ya'll know what color she chooses.....ok guys stay out of trouble.....Cheri I hope you are still eating will be running circles around us in no time.......ok sweet chicas and Peter see ya later gators.........

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited July 2007

    Sherloc we have direct tv and it comes on channel 179....its not going to be on too much longer....need to watch it before it leaves pay per view.........

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited July 2007

    A while ago someone mentioned seeing Susan Sarandon doing a spot for this website. I just saw it on Lifetime channel. Just a quick saying to go the site for education and help. I thought it was wonderful to see a celebrity on board.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited July 2007
    Hope everyone has a grand day!
    I'm off to pay MIL's rent and take her an airconditioner.
    Was nice to sleep in an extra couple of hours I could get use to that!
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited July 2007
    OK...we survived the storm, but around 2:00am a large crack of thunder hit something near our house. Ted and I were in the hallway going to the bathroom and must have jumped a foot. Ted gave up on walking the rest of the way and ran back to the room for cover!!!

    What is it with lousy days and just feeling miserable? Body is so much in achey pain today with the muggy weather. I don't think morphine will work...

    Spent half of the 4th at work trying to catch up. Then stopped at a friends and had some people from my old work show up. My friend still works there, so that was fun.

    Heading to the shore this weekend with Ted after he gets his haircut so he can swim in the bay and not drag so much sand around. My hub spent the last 3 days down there fishing and came home very happy (yeah) He caught all kinds of fish even a 34" striper!! This man usually can't catch a cold, so very happy for him.

    Thinking of you all today and getting ready for pinkstock. Ordered new tires for the car and getting the basket ready.
    Last chance, come on and be real circle girls under the stars, in tents and just partying for a few days and forgetting our troubles. Love to all xoxo
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Sign on company bulletin board: “This firm requires no physical-fitness program. Everyone gets enough exercise jumping to conclusions, flying off the handle, running down the boss, flogging dead horses, knifing friends in the back, dodging responsibility, and pushing their luck.”

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited July 2007
    Good afternoon all. I slept most of yesterday away. Both boys were gone and Amber worked so not much happening. We're celeberating our 4th this evening. We have Ethan & Kevin back until the week-end. So we're doing fireworks tonight and having filet mignon on the grill. My favorite steak. I thought this was going to be the first 4th that we didn't celebrate at all but then my dh got home unexpectedly last night so we're doing it right. He's gone after a new small chest freezer that we bought, our other one finally quit.

    I just talked to Susan on the phone. Everything is fine she's just busy filling out applications and tying to get the SP stuff in order so Liz can take over. She'll be back to posting in a day or two. She said thanks to you all, but there's no need to put her in the inner circle. Dhe appreciated the kind thoughts but really didn't know how it all turned into her needing help.

    Vickie, I'm here. Just really haven't felt myself the last day or two, done alot of sleeping. I guess to make up for the time I couldn't sleep. So glad you & Nate had a busy but fun 4th. Sounda like you had a ball.

    Charlene, how very observant you are. If we ever play a game of Clue, i want you on my team. lol

    Nicki, so glad you're enjoying your vacation. I thought maybe you'd be ready to go back to work before now but I guess not.

    I didn't take any notes and I can't remember much without them.

    Oh hey Sheri, nice to have you home and so glad you had a good time. On our of our Cyber parties your house was suggested to party at. Hope we didn't leave a mess. Oh and that broken window was Vickies fault...I think.

    Denise, are you home?

    Janny, I had alot going on during our pm's. lol I don't think Percocett is good for me.It caused hallucinations, very real ones. Didn't know my behind from a hole in the ground. Could you tell?? lol I stopped taking it but it has some lasting effects for awhile.

    Iris, gee you and I always talk. I just haven't been myself lately. Dont really like that. Maybe we can talk soon. I've missed you.

    Mena, thinking of you and hoping you're doing better.

    Gina, hoping you are feeling better amd come back and post when you feel like it.

    Gus, where are you, everything oK?
    LisaE, did I miss a post from you or not? Miss you.

    Vickie. nice pics.

    I can't think of anybody else right off hand. So from Amy to Z wishing you all a beautiful day.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2007
    Cheri: I was about to put my hands on my hips and say "and where are you missy?" Glad to see you posted. I have kept remarkable busy just relaxing and enjoying life during this time off. Some of our July 4ths have been maginificent. This year, I made sure to go out on the back pation and light a morning glory. That big sparkler just didnt look the same this year. Filet Minon? Oh yummy. We celebrated the 4th on the 3rd lol, and thats what we had.

    Also, thanks for the update on Susan. Somehow, I knew everything was going to be ok. But - people move on. Our poor Tracey is working her butt off and seems like Susan has taken a new direction - and thats really good.

    Jasmine: Oh my goodness. Well that tells it like it is. Never did have a position where some of those things didnt happen in real life.

    Tgirl: When you first wrote 34" striper, I thought you meant stripper and I was really trying to figure that one out for a bit. Drinking wine and chemo brain - well need I say more.

    CY: Man I cant believe all that you are doing while getting chemo. I could never have gone to the zoo, no way - no day. Makes me think - they should have more of those motorized wheelchairs! Despite the fact that I was almost run down by an older guy going way to fast in Walmart today.

    Jan: HiYa! Im waving at you.

    OK - back to swimming. While some of you are getting nasty weather, today is a very nice hot, warm, summer day. Better go out an appreciate it.

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited July 2007
    crap ......... i woke up to blue skies so i thawed out a big old bag of perch to fry up on my sideburner outside........ damned if we don't have wind, storms and hail now!

    go figure lol! i'm finally out of that hole for a few days and the weather turns to sh!t lol! story of my sad little life lmao!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2007
    Shel: I have one window of full sunshine in my pool. Thats between 12:30 and 1:30 pm. Full sun all morning. Got in the pool and clouds. Figure that is a stronger power telling me to avoid sun exposure for too long a time. Either that or its incredibly bad luck.

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited July 2007
    Cheri, don't tell Sheri about partying in her house in Ky while she was gone. Didn't you read? Something pooped on her carpet and she is blaming the dog!