
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Posts: 737
    edited October 2006
    Hello everyone,
    Oh my! it takes a long time to catch up here!
    I am so glad to be back in the circle. This was a pretty rough week . I think losing someone during BC awareness month really shows how obscene the whole thing has become. There is nothing pink about breast cancer. If I could pick a color ribbon for bc it would be black. Then maybe it would be taken more seriously. But I won’t start on a rant. There is too much to get to here!

    Welcome to Lynne. I am so happy you found us! This is a GREAT place to come to!!

    Liz, I am so sorry about your MIL. The liver can do things that are very unexpected. My brother had liver disease and at one point they told us he was at the end and it completely turned around and healed itself. He later took a turn but that was years after his “liver miracle” I hope your MIL has the same thing happen.

    DebC I sure hope you are almost done with the rads – is this your last week??? Then you will be free!

    Susan, thank you for your support and concern. You really cheered my day today!

    Debralyn, I love your kitchen sign. I want to get something like that for a friend of mine who literally uses her stove as a planter!

    Holley, hello! You have come to the right place girl! I hope you are able to tolerate your treatments better this time around… why on earth do they call them “TREATMENTS”??? there is nothing treat about them! Well, whatever they are- we have a place in the inner circle just for you.

    Amy, Sheri and Vera!I LOVE that picture of you all!!!

    Hey Robin! So happy to see you posting again! And relieved to know you started your new protocol. By any chance did a pink angel visit you????

    Cheryl that is the cutest little girl I have ever seen! Congratulations on your newest grandbaby!

    Nicki, thank you for looking out for me! You are so right about taxol, taxotere… one can be fine and the other can cause such problems. I think one is a Pacific Yew and the other a regular Yew- I can’t remember. I still think it is amazing the drugs they make from tree bark. Who would have thought a bayer aspirin is really willow bark?!

    Shel, you are a wonderful wagoner. You just need to lose that 185 pound stubborn donkey with the unpronounceable name! He has been weighing you down! Just wait til he is put out to pasture! You will have clear trails, and easy path and FREEDOM! And he will be a stubborn donkey, stuck in a pasture with no one around thinking “ Boy am I a dumb donkey!”

    Jeannie, I am so sorry about your nipple… can they try it again later?

    Kristin, I am so glad chemo #2 was good to you! Remember to do everything that you did last time!

    Jeannette, that portapotty would be my mother’s DREAM vehicle!

    Amy I loverd your story about Dana. I am so happy to hear that her mom was able to remember the spunkiness and fun of her daughter. That helps so much. I had such a hard time with my friend’s family. That is why I haven’t been around much. They just weren’t accepting it and looked to me to “explain why” this happened. Kind of hard when you have the same type of bc yourself and they wanted to get all the details. But even with the details they still couldn’t grasp why she was gone and could definitely not picture her in a better place. And I tried, but I am not a minister and I failed miserably.

    Peggy! I cannot WAIT to take a bath! Thank you for pimpin our wagon!

    Shirley! I want one of those for myself!

    Vickie, Oh my! First a deer and now this! YOU should get her address and look up her name in the reverse directory and report her to the rental car company and insurance company. I don’t know if it will do any good but DAMN!
    Keep an eye on your LE side and see if you have any swelling. If you do it would probably go down on its own. I am worried you are going to have some major muscle aches though!

    Hey there Lini? How are you feeling after your exchange???

    There you are Cookie! I don’t see any dinner being mentioned! Laura, you wanna go out and grab something with me, Carrie and Nan before I make my rounds?

    Where are Lisa, Mena, Penny and Debby?

    Love being back with the Circle Girls!
  • b445
    b445 Posts: 980
    edited October 2006
    Ok I think I ate way to many pink M & M's and now I won't sleep for all the sugar! Think I'm going to go take my Ambien and try to rest.

    May there be peace in the circle tonight
  • Naniam
    Naniam Posts: 586
    edited October 2006
    Cheryl, your granddaughter is beautiful. Mine is 18 months old now and when I got the call that I needed to see a surgeon ASAP my first thought was "Lilah won't remember me". She gave me strength too as I wanted to know my granddaughter.

    Deb C. glad that you are on the downhill with the rads. I just about danced out of the place when I finished that last treatment. I know with your sense of humor they have enjoyed having you around though.

    Vicki, I think the circle girls needs to pay that lady a visit. What ever happened to just being an adult and admitting that you did something wrong. Want us to go let the air out of her tires or something similar? The main thing is, cars can be replaced, you can't and we are all just glad that you are OK. I think we all share Rhonda's feelings on this.

    Peggy you did good with the indoor plumbing. Susan glad that you are feeling better and thanks for the words of encouragement. Nicki, thank you too and glad that you are on the mend. Robin, good to have you posting again, we have missed you. Shel, been down your road and it is tough to handle but know you can do it and besides you have an entire wagon train backing you up. Stay close to the fire.

    Carrie and Denise, you are in our prayers and we are anxiously waiting to hear news of this visit. NS our hearts are with you as you have suffered the loss of a friend and felt so helpless in dealing with her family. Glad that they had someone like you with them this week.

    Still thinking I am having gallbladder problems; possibly a small stone in a duct that isn't large enough to show on ultrasound. There is a special procedure but only two doctors can do this at Winston and they will both be at a medical conference next week. Wish me luck on handling this and making it until then. Not feeling to perky but wanted to check in on everyone.

    If I haven't mentioned you by name, I keep up with the postings and everyone is in my thoughts and prayers. Today has been rainy and very dreary, maybe tomorrow will being some sunshine and a smile.

    Hugs and blessings, Brenda
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 85
    edited October 2006

    everything that brenda said times two...:)

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 2,728
    edited October 2006
    Good morning friends. It has taken me 1/2 hour to read all of the posts. This circle thread is just amazing.

    Another cloudy, chilly morning here at the chicago end of the circle. Thats why winter is so depressing. Not enough light and warmth!! The campfire is burning brightly and ofr some reason the coffee tastes very good today. Better than usual.

    I had difficulty sleeping last night! Blame it on my husband. Who in their right mind watches televsion at 2am? Well I know many of you are late nighters, but geez. I woke up, looked at him with a glare, then took my pillows and blanket and put them over my head. He didnt get the hint though. Finially around 3:30 he fell asleep with the TV on of course! Once I turned it off, sleep came very easy.

    Im feeling better at the right time. Work is very busy. I went to 5 different hospitals yesterday to evaluate people. Now thas alot of driving. One of the hospitals I went to is "Evanston Hospital." I was talking to a patient and I looked out the window and the view was breath taking! The Bah Hah temple, which is a wonderful landmark here in Chicago was all lit up and in the horizon you could see Lake Michigan. The waters looked cold and choppy, but at the end of the horizon I could see blue sky! I thought to myself, hey! bring some of that over here.

    Whats really amazing to me is that my flowers are still going strong despite the frost we had last week. But somehow, they look funny now. Seems out of place to have a beautiful garden of flowers when its fall, with winter approaching quickly.

    Sheri: Good to hear from you. Hope all is going well.

    Liz: Sorry about you MIL. Low sodium can be dangerous. If it goes to low, she will have a change in mental status. Sounds like it is probably related to the problems with her liver and elevated ammonia levels. Sometimes, it isnt related to how much salt you eat. The kidneys produce a hormone "Antiduretic hormone" and sometimes they develop a condition call SIADH which is Syndrome Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone. Sorry if Im getting too technical - but is always grinds me when a MD says eat more salt. Thats not the usual cause of low sodium. Anyways, I hope she is ok. Start thinking about rehab for her after the Kyphoplasty. That is what I do. Evaluate patients after surgery like this and coordinate rehab for them. Anyways, good luck. Hope the tooth is feeling better until the root canal.

    Susan: what a funny picture about root canal. Im laughing out loud - in this quiet house. Why is it quiet? Cause my husband is sleeping now!! Oh I would love to go in the bedroom and blast the TV! Om my, thats mean spirited isnt it.

    Vickie: I just cant believe it. 2 accidents. That black cloud definitely needs to go someplace else. First of all, Im glad you are ok! I cant believe they didnt just total you car. $5,000.00 is alot of damage. How much is the car worth? I hope you had insurance with the rental car company. This lady who pulled out sounds just like the drivers here in Chicago. They are ruthless. i think sometimes they close their eyes and hope for the best when they cut you off. Having a UTI is miserable. Make sure you get antibiotics, drink lots and lots of water, and cranberry juice. I think today, will be a better day for you, I feel it in my bones.

    Oh geez, I need to talk faster. Im running out of time!

    Carrie: Catbaby sitting cracked me up. I hope things go well with Denise's appt today. We will be right there with her. Saddle up ladies!

    Robin: Im glad you decided not ti fight the chemo. Just go with it. I found the hardest time for me after taxol was the 3rd and 4th day. Got bone pain from it. So stay ahead of it. Learn your symptoms and then start taking pain medication before the bone pain comes. We have lots of space in the teepee. There are candles lit all around the outside, so those in need can find it easily (there are so many of us now). And inside, I have nice blue lights. Read the other day, Blue lighting is good for healing and anxiety. Will help you sleep better.

    Laura: The massage for Robin sounds wonderful. Can I have one?

    Kristin: This is great. 2 down! I know what you mean about people not knowing about bc.org! It always amazes me, cause I dont know how I would have gotten through treatment without all of you wonderufl ladies.

    Baldeagle: Nice decorating lol.

    Snowmen in Thongs: I just love the name. When I was a very little girl, everyone used to call me a talking machine. As you can tell by my posts, I havent changed lol.

    Shirley: Oh my, your friendship prayer cracked me up. Im gonna use it for sure.

    Deb C: Im so sorry about your friends report after surgery. Sounds like she is probably gonna need chemo. Even though you guys are so far away from each other, you will be a wonderful support for her. Im guessing she felt the same way when you were first diagnosed. Tell her to come to bc.org for sure. We will put her in the middle of the circle. The teepee has lots of room.

    Cheryl: I loved your Hillbilly Terminology. Geez, Im half awake, and laughing my arse off.

    Cookie: So good to hear from you. So you have an x-rated toast? Now that I love.

    Brenda: Gallbladder pain can be awful. Sometimes the stones are too small - instead of stones, they find sludge. So Im hoping they take care of this for you really soon. Try avoiding all fatty foods if you you can.

    NS: So good to have you back. Sounds like you had a really hard week. Sort of hard to help a grieving family, when your grieving yourself. I have always felt it is hardest on the parents. Losing a child is just not right.

    Mena: Where are you?

    Ok - I made it. Just in time. Gotta go and get ready for work. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Posts: 699
    edited October 2006
    My so much to respond to and so little time.
    vicki, give us that ladies address and we can all send her letters that say "we know who you are and we know what you did" maybe she'll think twice next time.

    NS glad you are back. I hope you are feeling a little better.

    For the rest of you--big hugs.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Posts: 466
    edited October 2006
    NS,no havent seen any pink angels yet,but sure could use one on my shoulder right now.

    Last night my hair started to fall out so thats just great this will be the 3rd time that I have lost it.It was coming out by the handful in the shower.Just cant shave it right now though.

    The dh is at it again.He is so selfish.Now all he says is that he wouldnt go thru the chemo.He wants me to loose this battle.I feel it inside.But I wish he wouldnt treat me so bad because i know we reap what we sew and I hate to see anyone suffer even him.
    But someday I will be free of him.I just thought it would be sooner than it is going to be.Just a temporary setback.
    Think i'll go to the massage tent early today.
    Dont know what I would do without all of you by my side thats for sure.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Posts: 367
    edited October 2006
    Cancer free?
    I say no,
    There's great cost
    With nothing to show.

    Doctors, nurses, needles and pills
    Mammogram, bone scan, heart scan, bills
    Surgery at noon, gloom & doom, alone in a cold operating room.
    Sent home too soon, sleep in family room.
    Bags of blood clotting, sheets of white spotting
    Pain yields to urgency, it's a rush back to the emergency.
    Insurance, no assurance, outta network, outta pocket.
    Bills pile up like fuel for a rocket.
    Recoup, recover, rebuild, re-exam
    Off to the doctor's for a brain scan.
    I'm ok, your ok, we're all ok,
    Sit right down for your poison today.
    Cocktail chemo drippen through my veins
    Itchy, bitchy, dizzy and dry
    Sitting in the chair, I wonder why?
    Fours hours later still feeling the pain.
    Shave and a haircut 1, 2, 3,
    'fore it falls out for all to see,
    Get a hat, get a scarf, get a wig, get a shawl,
    Gotta get it soon to shop at the mall.
    Heave, heave ho, whad'ya know
    Into the bucket flows the chemo.
    Good food, now bad, tastes gone, real sad
    No food, no good, all begins to taste like wood.

    Light a candle, light a match
    Hope, to march for the cancer patch.
    Moan and bemoan, raise billions for Sloan*
    Keep the chemo drippin, I'm applying for a loan.
    Read the books, drink the tea,
    Go to groups, survivors you'll see.
    Stay home, all alone,
    Clumps of hair fall out,
    Get out, scream and shout
    Months to go, remission is slow,
    Wear your pink ribbon
    to the show.
    Cancer free,
    I say no!

    this poem was from a husbands point of view

    i found it to be a cool site so wanted to share it!!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Posts: 2,941
    edited October 2006
    Oh Robin...I'm so sorry and sending you a big hug and lots of support. Losing your hair again has to be discouraging but if it saves your life for that beautiful baby your holding it's all worth it. We will see you through, no matter what. Try to keep your chin up (don't you hate it when people say that!)...come to the center and we will comfort and protect you with whatever you need.
    Snowman...wow that poem says it all...I'm going to hang it in my office at work as a reminder to all to get their checkups and mammograms. (As if I'm not reminder enough).
    My UTI is better (thank God) but I'm incredibly sore from the two accidents. The rental company gave me another car and they were very nice about the whole situation. I still don't know if my insurance company is going to total my car or not...they can't seem to make up their minds. I thank you all for your well wishes...they mean so much. I still think I'm going to use the "Anger Management" ploy that I posted in the humor section on the b*tch that pulled out in front of me! It's been a hell of a year but I'm gonna keep on going. My new favorite song by Rodney Atkins...If your goin through hell just keep on goin...don't slow down if your scared don't show it, you might get out before the devil even knows your there. There is also a verse about angels on the street to pick you up when you fall down and you are all my angels on the street...picking me up.
    Ronda...would love to hear what you had to say!
    NS...glad to see your back with us...hugs to you again.
    Brenda...your just a doll.
    Cheryl and Susan...you bring me smiles.
    Hands and arms are too sore to type any more...love to all who are here.
  • rondab
    rondab Posts: 87
    edited October 2006

    Vickie - I'll PM the "toast" to you. Ronda

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Posts: 1,064
    edited October 2006

    Just got this from a friend,and thought I'd pass it on.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Posts: 699
    edited October 2006
    Robin, I hate your husband and I don't even know him. How could he be discouraging you from doing chemo. Banish him to the basement and lock the door. I'll meet you in the massage teepee.

    Vicki, glad your UTI is better but what is that?? I hope you are doing good and your luck changes. Here's something to help.

    Brenda, so now they are telling you it's your gallbladder. Sorry I haven't been keeping up. Well I guess that's better than more cancer but still more surgery is not exactly a prize. I'll be praying for you. Come and meet us in the massage teepee.

    Kristin send your new friends to see us. We can help them laugh. Glad you have 2 treatments down. It will be over sooner than you think.

    Nicki my husband makes noise at night and I make noise in the morning. hee hee hee oh well.

    Liz how's your MIL doing? Better I hope.

    Lini thanks for the reminder about stars. I need to update it.

    God Bless,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Posts: 2,941
    edited October 2006
    Susan...its a urinary tract infection...horrible stuff!! I am very prone to them. BURNS LIKE CRAZY AND FEELS LIKE YOU CONSTANTLY HAVE TO PEE. I swear it's worse than a toothache!
    Robin...I'm with Susan about your husband but I'd probably send his a&& to a shelter along with Shels husband. I do have a baseball bat and a bb gun...we could have some fun with him and his vehicle (as you all know I'm getting good at the vehicle wrecking thing!!)
    Sweet dreams ladies
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Posts: 466
    edited October 2006
    Susan,that is where he stays most of the time anyway.I just wish I never had to see him again.
    I knew he is mean and cruel but never knew he is secreatly wanting me to die until yesterday.Words mean a lot dont they.
    Well I got a big suprise for him,I am gonna get thru this and I am gonna come out the winner in the end.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Posts: 1,159
    edited October 2006
    Ok ladies...I'm feeling whiney, run down and helpless! I just found out my friend Linda is stage 3 and has to do the whole darn treatment…A/C, taxol, rads, Ai’s…the whole shabang. I was so hoping this was going to be easier for her, but it doesn’t look like it.

    I took a Rads break today. I came home to see my daughters play in a band concert last night. I had a great time, but found out another woman I know has advanced ovarian cancer. I’m getting more than a little sick of everyone I know seeming to get cancer!

    I am down to just 4 more rads boosts and then I’m done. Thank God!! I am one big blistered up scab at the moment. It is kind of ironic really. I have spent my whole life wearing 45 sunblock and trying so hard to not get burned in the sun (My dad had Melanoma years ago) and now a doctor fries me to a crisp….

    I know, I know, I’m almost done, but BOY I feel like refried dog crap today. I’m going to take my itchy sore body to the recliner for a nap ladies. I’ll catch up on posts later…

    Deb C.
  • lizws
    lizws Posts: 789
    edited October 2006
    Hi everyone. I'll try to remember everyone but can't make any promises.

    Susan, thanks for the root canal guy! He looks just like me. My MIL is still in the hospital. I'm getting up early (or planning to) to catch the doctor to ask some questions. Things can't continue like they are.

    Nicki, I got copies of my MIL's labs today. Not much on there is in the normal range. Most are either low or high. She received 2 units of blood again today and her sodium is dropping as well as her platelets. All her liver enzymes are high as well. I truly think this is the primary biliary cirrhosis turning bad. She's had it for a very long time. Her sister presented very close to this prior to her turning bad.

    Vickie, gentle hugs to you. Dealing with auto insurance companies are a pain and a UTI on top of all you've already been through. Did you get yourself checked out?

    Brenda, gallbladder pain isn't fun. I lived on banana baby food waiting for my surgery. Everything else caused pain or made me sick.

    Kristin, 2 chemos down!!!! You're doing great. Remember, drink and pee. LOL

    Robin, *%^&*^%$#$%^ those are my thoughts of your husband. You are a strong woman and you will emerge the winner and he'll realize it was his loss when you do. Hang tough girl.

    Thongs, great poem. I loved it. How are you?

    lini, a friend of mine sent me the same saying. It's so true about everyone here for sure.

    Deb, I too hate to hear of friends being diagnosed but you will be a great source and so helpful to your friend. Hugs

    If I've missed anyone I'm sorry. I think of everyone daily.

    I go get labs drawn tomorrow for my 9 month visit with the oncologist next week. Why does this always bring anxiety?


  • Naniam
    Naniam Posts: 586
    edited October 2006
    Good Evening Sisters. You know, I thought after chemo that I couldn't eat that many baked potatoes again - well, I'm on them again. Yesterday even that made me nauseated.
    Susan, not a happy camper with my oncology visit. Because gallbladder showed no problems on ultrasound oncologist pretty much implied all was in my head and didn't really listen to much I had to say and I don't really know what the knot is above my clavicle. I was very hurt, embarassed and P----d when I left there. The GI specialist called yesterday as I had called him on the way to my oncology visit on Monday. I had some elevated liver enzymes in July and he questioned me about them and I told him what I remembered. He pulled them up and told me they were triple what normal levels and to him that indicated his theory that I had a very small stone, to small to show up on ultrasound, in one of the bile ducts. He is only one of two physicians that do a procedure that they scope you, inject dye into the duct, do ultrasound and can remove stone . Problem is he is going to a medical conference and will be gone a week so I need to be careful until he can see me. Honestly, if there is a stone, I want it and I am going to shove it up the oncologist nose when I go back. You would think that after seeing someone through chemo and follow ups they would have a better sense of who they are as individuals. I never complained, I smiled, I was pleasant and formed many bonds with nurses and radiologist. I am seriously considering finding a different oncologist. You know ladies, just because it isn't always in front of their noses doesn't mean something isn't real or not wrong. I am still upset with him!!!!!!!!!!!! and I wasn't happy with the exam and lack of explanations if I had an enlarged lymph node or what. Just a jerk that day, an absolute jerk!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a teaching hospital and so I saw the Fellow first and then both of them together and then the Fellow last - he was worse and if oncology is his speciality then this guy is really going to tick off and upset some breast cancer patients. Bedside manner is not his thing and I can say this as I worked with doctors for over 30 years.

    Thanks, everyone, I just needed to vent as I have been so upset. I don't run to doctors, I don't run to ER's and I wasn't and still aren't on lots of meds. The most I have ever taken in my life was during chemo. Ok, I've vented.

    Robin and Shel, I think you could probably get a group that would agree to come find and kidnap your "spouse" and do a testiculargram. I think they need to feel a little pain!! Just let us know and the "sisters will ride"!!

    Deb C, sorry that you are burnt from rads and I am sorry to hear that your friend has to have an agressive regime. You know, you will be so comforting as you have such insight to give her. As you know, encouraging friends and loving family makes the road easier.

    Mena, I do hope you are feeling better. Vicki, 2 accidents and a UTI. Are you trying to set a record here?

    Liz, I am so sorry that your MIL is not doing well. Not sure if she will have to remain at the hospital or if she will need a hospice house. How are you? Any help from other in-laws?

    Amy, Lisa, Pennylane, Carrie, Denise, Kimmy, NS gentle hugs and many prayers for you. Also for all the others that I have failed to call by name.

    Draw close everyone, sometimes we all just need an encouraging word, smile or hug. YOu will certainly find it here in the circle. Everyone rest well and God Bless, Brenda
  • evilelf
    evilelf Posts: 274
    edited October 2006
    QUOTE "that would agree to come find and kidnap your "spouse" and do a testiculargram. I think they need to feel a little pain!! Just let us know and the "sisters will ride"!!"

    I think we have enough nurses here on the board that we could get the males to a machine that does mamograms and do the exam on them... I little squish here, reposition and do it again... Nope we didn't get it right lets squeeze a little more
  • b445
    b445 Posts: 980
    edited October 2006
    just lost my post again!

    manogram! I love it!

    Wow 1 year ago today I had the mamogram that changed my life, where has this year gone!

    I just sent out save the date notices for our Holiday Family & Friends potluck in Dec. Can it be that the holidays are almost here?

    sending lots of "Care Bear Hugs" to you all
  • b445
    b445 Posts: 980
    edited October 2006
    Ok I just have to share this. Last night I kept slapping my hubby on the rear until he woke up and took his ear plugs out to find out what I needed. He thought something was wrong, then i said "I love you" he said "what and I replied "I love you". The funny part is I don't remember it at all! He was so mad at me! took him about an hour to get back to sleep.
    I'm sitting here laughing my gut out and he says it's not funny. I said it sure is after all the nights he's woke me up with his kicking and swingging arms!
    He hasn't had much luck sleeping lately & was really sick last night so I know it really wasn't funny but it was
  • rondab
    rondab Posts: 87
    edited October 2006
    Cheryl - that is funny! Doug's told me some dumb stuff I've said / did while I was sleeping too. He says lately that I always tell him I'm cold, then when he cuddles to warm me up I tell him it's too hot. And on the nights when I'm already asleep when he comes to bed and kisses me goodnight, he tells me I say "ok good bye, I mean good night."
    I'm with you though - he deserves a couple sleepless nights for all those nights he snored and kept me awake!
    Cookie / Rondab
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Posts: 699
    edited October 2006
    Yes I'm all for testicular manograms for those who misbehave. LOL

    "Honestly, if there is a stone, I want it and I am going to shove it up the oncologist nose when I go back. " Brenda at least you have your sense of humor.

    DebC glad your are almost done!!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 344
    edited October 2006
    Oh, geez. It's late and I need to go to bed.

    I just wanted ya'll to know that I sit here and cry then I laugh. Sad news, and then someone comes up with something funny enough for a belly laugh (yep, BELLY!). I really need sleep because Suzanne Somers said if you don't get enough sleep you WON'T lose your belly. I wish that was ALL I had to do to lose this belly.

    And one more thing, Robin, I'm with the others. We can do some damage to that thing of a husband you have. Or we could be nice and give him some HOT tea! HEHEHE
    (God forgive me again)

    To the rest of you sweet ladies, goodnite.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Posts: 737
    edited October 2006
    Remember in the Debate Thread the post about Gasoline Prices across the country??? And I kept teasing and taunting everyone about how my Mini Cooper never needs gas and I just drive by the gas station?

    Well today-


    Totally - come to a dead halt bone dry!

    Karma has a really sick sense of humor doesn't she???

    She will GET your husband Robin... if I don't get to him first!

    Deb- so sorry about the burns! I had them too- so bad. And I am also sorry about your friend. It is so hard to watch a friend become a BC sister.

    Nan, I sure hope and pray they can find an answer for you!!

    Vickie- please take it easy!!!!!!!

    I was reporting for duty but I am going to make sure my horse has PLENTY of food and water before I start riding the perimeter!!

    How come no one makes dinner anymore????
  • christineK
    christineK Posts: 735
    edited October 2006
    Way too late for dinner, but I have a new favorite midnight snack, Snyders Pretzel Sandwiches dipped in Horseradish Pub Cheese, I had never had this cheese before, it comes in a tub and whipped, about as fake as it gets, but so tasty, that horseradish makes it a great snack to go with a beer.
    Maybe I'll bring dinner tomorrow, I have a fridge full of Lebanese Food, Stuffed Cabbage and Grapeleaves, Fried Kibbee, Lentils and Rice (I can't spell the Arabic words) and stuffed squash (goosa?) I have the flat bread, hummus, olives and cheese to go with it all. A Mediterranean Feast!
    I also have a huge pot of Chicken Noodle, homemade yesterday, all ready for the center circle girls.
    I am serious about having all of this in my fridge, wish you were all here.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 2,728
    edited October 2006
    Good Morning everyone. Its rainy, chilly, and cold! Hmmm, I think I have been saying that for days. Fall here in the Chicago end of the circle has been gloomy! I think I have forgotten what the sun looks like. Its darker and darker in the morning also. Dont see daylight until around 7AM! Pretty soon we will be changing time in this neck of the woods and I cant wait. It may be darker in the evening earlier, but I need sunrise when I wake up.

    The campfire is strong. Put more logs on. The ground is covered with wet leaves. Interesting how mother nature always takes care of things.

    I had an interesting day yesterday. Have to put together CEU program for professionals which means I had to do alot of research. Sat in Barnes and Nobles, had coffee, and skimmed through a bunch of books. By time I was done, I was so buzzed from the Starbucks. I have to remember not to drink it in the afternoon. Anyways, my topic is gonna be "How to use emotional intelligence when dealing with a crisis." Very interesting stuff. I love talking about the "Fight or Flight syndrome" and "Maslows Heirarchy of Needs." Its funny, Barnes and Nobles has become my new library. Alot of the stuff I took notes on, really applies to all of us. Once I pull it together, Ill share it with you.

    Robin: Hair loss for the 3rd time absolutely stinks! I am totally speechless when it comes to your husband! But ya gotta remember, this is all about you! How in the heck does he know about making decisions for himself when it comes to dealing with a life altering medical condtion? Absolutely nothing!! We have an 87 year old man that live at the SNF I work for. Has prostate cancer. Really frail guy. He is going for more chemo next week! And then RADS. So you fight, fight, and fight somemore. The mets is responding to chemo. You have to treat this like a chronic condition. Now I ask you, would a diabetic stop taking meds because the blood sugars are out of control and the medication needs to be increased or changed? For shame shame shame on this pathetic male species (your husband). What you need right now is support and we are here for ya! The testiculargram is funny, but I have my own ideas on what I would like to do to this guy. I have a size 30 foley catheter with a 50cc bulb. I would like to insert it and inflate the bulb before its in the bladder. And then just walk away. Now Robin, I know you understand what Im talking about.

    Snow: Interesting poem. Im not sure if I like it or not. From a males point of view dealing with breast cancer. Wonder how the guy who wrote it would feel if he was dealing with prostate or testicular cancer. Oh geez! I think Im a little crabby this morning.

    Vickie: Im hoping they total the car. $5,000.00 damage! Geez, if they total it, you would have a great down payment for a new car. Im glad the UTI is better. Im thinking about setting up a wagon in the middle of the desert. It would be a special one. No massage, no food, no water, just an Italian girl pointing her finger and saying look at what you did. Hmmmm - sounds like torture. Well I say lets put the lady that cut you off and Robins husband in it. Let them be the first customers.

    Lini: What a great quote. Im gonna use it.

    Susan: OH thank you for the Shamrock. I needed a wee bit of Irish today.

    Deb C: Yes, I must agree, I am sick and tired of hearing about so many that are being diagnosed with cancer. But you are gonna be such a great support for your friends. You have been there and done it. Im so glad that you only have 4 more RADS. With the burns, I bet those last 4 seem like alot.

    Liz: I agree with you about your MIL. Way too many abnormal labs which sounds totally related to the Biliary Cirrhosis. This is gonna be a tough one for her to pull through. What was her albumin?

    Vera: you are so funny. Yes the 2 of us would be a great pair. You can hold the guy down while I do the testiculargram. Or better yet, Robin can hold him down and you can stand next to him with your rifle making sure he stays put while we take care of business.

    Cheryl: Wow, one year anniversary from the mammogram and the rest is history. One year of the most difficult journey you have had to experience in your life. Its emotional for sure. What a difference a year makes. I love the story about hitting your hubbys butt! REally made me laugh. Now if I did that, it would turn my hubby on - not something I want to do just yet if ya know what I mean.

    I do have a funny story. About 10 years ago I was dreaming my hsuband was cheating on me. I woke up angry and punched my husband in the face. Now mind you he was sound asleep and didnt know what hit him.

    Shirley: Great picture and quote. Im gonna use that one for sure.

    NS: You are just too funny. I do miss the thread on gasolene prices. It sure would be interesting to read it now. That post was started when the gas prices were so high. Gas here in Chicago is $2.19/gallon. Thats more than a dollar cheaper than it was when we first started that thread. Running out of gas, what a pain. It reminds me of the "Seinfeld" episode where Kramer is pushing the car to its limit. Oh Man - lets see how far we can go. I always fill up when I have 1/2 tank. For some reason, psychologically, it seems like Im paying less for gas that way. Im sure, after the elections, we will see prices go up again, so right now we should all enjoy.

    Christine: What a great meal you have planned for tonight. Gives me an idea. Wouldnt it be fun for us all to cook a cultural meal for each other? Italian is easy - but since I dont cook, I will have to get the meal plan from my husband.

    Well - time is up. Gotta get ready for work. Lots of coffee, tea, and hot chocolate. Have some Bagels and Cream cheese this morning. Hope you enjoy them.


  • lizws
    lizws Posts: 789
    edited October 2006
    Morning ladies

    I got up and was dressed and at the hospital by 7:30 this morning to talk with my MIL's doc. He was in at 6:30 and released her. He did finally tell her though that all these problems are related to her liver. He wants to see her in two weeks. Nicki her albumin is 2.3 today.

    I'm off to get labs drawn and to a little retail therapy today.

    I've made some orange cinnamon rolls and there's fruit, juice, coffee, tea and hot chocolate. It's cool here so that all sounded good.

    Hugs and Prayers

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Posts: 367
    edited October 2006
    lol its ok if you dont like that poem chemosabi....
    but it sure rang true for me even if a guy did write it...
    i took the poem as bc is never really gone cause either financially and emotionally we will always be paying for it!!!
    i really hope it didnt offend anyone that was not my point!!!
    well have a good day ladies had my 4 days off of work and now i am back at it!!!!!!!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Posts: 2,941
    edited October 2006
    Boy could I use some retail therapy!
    They didn't total my car...$5000.00 in damages and they are going to fix it...d*mn...there is so much damage it will be three to four weeks before I get it back so now I'm stuck paying for the rental car. I swear if that women that caused accident #2 is there when I go by tonight I am stopping and getting her name and license plate number (by BIL is a cop and he said he could run a check on her license) and I just may have to slap her while I'm at it. I am going to fight this tooth and nail...I was upset and hurt...now I'm p*ssed. I've worked all day and can barely move I'm so sore and she's in for it big time. I haven't gone through 4 months of chemo, surgery and rads to have someone screw up my life with lies and deceit.
    whew...there got that off my chest...
    I just needed to vent.
    I'm thinking of you all today as I do every day and will check on you all later this evening (if I don't get arrested that is!).
    love and hugs
  • newvickie
    newvickie Posts: 2,941
    edited October 2006
    Ok...didn't get arrested...she wasn't there.
    I'll cook dinner...venison spiedies over the campfire...corn on the cob...baked potatoes with sour cream and chives...homemade garlic and butter biscuits. Who wants to do desert.
    I'm coloring my hair...my son picked the color...auburn! I used to be blonde and it came back brown so we decided to play...praying it won't be orange...I have brown to "fix" it if it does!!!
    Later ladies...remember...pajama party this weekend!