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I'll bring the toilet paper. Can't wait to go TP-ing. Who's wagon should we sneak up on first???
0 -
I'll bring a bag of dog poo. We can go light it on fire on the doorstop of the gal who ran Vicky off the road! Ohhhhh, I'm up for a night of mischief!
Deb C.0 -
OK...I have desert ready. I have a pineapple upside down cake made with fresh pineapple and spiced rum. There is homemade chocolate pudding, still warm. Add a scoop of vanilla ice cream to either...YUM. The left over rum is sitting next to the big chair near the fire.
Have a good night ladies.
Deb C.0 -
Paging Nurse Nicki!
Nicki, how did your flu start? I am feeling awful. Spent too much time in public places for the funeral and in the hospital for my scans. What can I do? Can't even sit up to type this.
I don't get stuff like this! I only get big ticket items!
Make room in the medic tent. Ugh.0 -
NS you're not suppose to get sick! Drink lots & lots of water and chicken soup for you tonight.
Vicki, if it does turn orange at least you could blame it on Halloween!
Deb C, I can tell you are the desert queen, Yummy!
Well Nicki I think you sent some of thast rain to Seattle. It's been yucky for a couple days now, but this weekend promise to be nice again.
How about some stuffed potatoes with all sorts of goodies for dinner tomorrow.0 -
Oh NS not the flu!
I've put chicken soup on the back burner for you. Just let me know when you want a cup. Mean time I'll brew some herbal tea - special medicines from my Aboriginal friends. Guaranteed to chase the aches away.
Will burn some cleansing sage (picked it meyself a couple of months ago) to help the healing.
Vickie - I am ready to round up a posse and go after the not so nice person (won't call her a lady) that was so dishonorable. I have stronger words but they are censored.
Deb C - great desert. My mouth is watering.
Jeannie, how did you make out at the docs?
My teepee is full of provisions. Stopped at Cosco and loaded up on goodies for the pajama party. I may show up in a polar bear suit. It's cold here. I got to play while I can. Got a root canal in 2 weeks and getting my gall bladder out in a month! Will this ever end?
We will need some good stories, games, music, food. And lots of logs on the fire. How about some of those sparkling logs that give off different colours?
Jeannette0 -
Tracey you are important here! OK?
vicki glad you were not arrested. You are a wild child!
Deb you are my desserts buddy
( did you all know desserts is stressed spelled backwards)
Cheryl glad you are thinking about tomorrows dinner. I've been eating to many desserts. LOL
NS, I'm sorry you are sick. Take care, ok? It's not tooo surprising considering how much stress you have been under.
I miss Debbyfive and others. Ok, maybe I'll go to work on the stars.
s.0 -
I'm almost embarrassed to post after being gone so long. I did pop in for a bit last night, but was so tired I couldn't stay long.
I haven't caught up on everyone's posts yet, but it seems we've had some sad times here - I'm so sad to hear that.
I'm so sorry for those of you who aren't feeling well - been going through a bit of that myself. Felt like crap when I woke up this morning, I just hurt all over, sore throat, etc. Probably has to do with our crazy Kansas weather, as we go from 90 degrees to 30 degrees in a matter of hours.
I haven't been cooking a lot sorry to say, but did do the Fiesta Chicken stuff last weekend. A real warmer upper, and it was good!
Kinda down in the dumps tonight, as we lost another young man from our area to the war. I didn't know the family, but it's still sad. And Crazy Fred Phelps and his group came and protested at the funeral, which was really maddening to me. Thank goodness the Patriot Guard was there. One of the protestors (Phelps group) got arrested, and I'm glad of that.
The soldier who was killed left a wife & 4 kids - so sad. Ronda0 -
oooh I have a crown. Oh its a birthday cake. Happy birthday to me.....Happy birthday to me.....da da da da
0 -
Good morning everyone. It's another cold morning. Im gonna start pulling out all of my winter clothing. Time to put the summer things away - Sigh! I always wait to the very last minute to do this. Somehow it lets me hold onto summer for a bit more. But summer sounds so far away now.
As I was driving about yesterday, the color of the trees are just beautiful. The Maple trees are bright red, well most of them. I rushed home cause we have an old Maple tree in our backyard. Dang it! its not red or orange. Just a sickly yellow with drooping greenish brown leaves.
My cats know winter is on the way. Nocturnal as they are, ya never saw them at night. Always prowling about and looking out the windows. Well, ahaha, it was cold last night. So in my bed was my husband, me, 2 cats and my dog!
No wonder when I woke up I felt stiff!
It is nice and quiet. Sitting here drinking my coffee and there is a soft, cold wind. The only noise is the sounds from the trees. If it wasnt cold I would enjoy it. Wait until you all wake up. I put 5 logs on the fire. I want to be warm. And now its glowing. I think this is the biggest campfire we have had yet!
Susan: Happy Birthday! On another thread someone asked what our favorite Holiday is. I said "my birthday." Get lots of food including a special dinner, lots of presents and I dont have to anything but enjoy. Everyone else has to do the shopping!! So anyways, I hope you have a wonderful day. You are so special here to so many of us.
Well, before I go on, just wanted to let everyone know I am having big time trouble this morning with the computer. I dont know if it is or my computer but its very slow signing in and even slower trying to save my posts.
Tracey: Dont you worry, you wouldnt hurt anyones feelings here in the circle. We are friends. We can pretty much say what we want. I went back and read your poem and it certainly does hit home. Pretty much describes what we have been through. Guess I was irritable yesterday - or maybe cause it was written by a male. But it sure does describe our journey. The circle wouldnt be the same without "Snowmen in Thongs."
Medic alert: Ok for everyone. This is how my cold/flu started. Had a tickle in my throat. Then felt some burning in my chest and was really, really fatigued. Each day I had a new symptom. Kept taking over the counter stuff thinking it was a virus and antibiotics wouldnt do anything. In the beginning I thought each day I was getting better, but one week later I was sicker than a dog. Had body aches - actually bone aches. To be honest with ya, the bone aches and fatigue made me feel just like I felt when I was getting my taxotere. So dont try to treat yourself like I did. If its going in your chest and you have a cough, get an antibiotic!! Get a cough medicine that will loosen the mucous, I took Benadryl for the head congestion, and darvocet for the sinus headache and bone pain. For me, the cough was the worst part. Couldnt lay flat without coughing. So I got some sugar free "Ricolla" cough drops and they helped also. Drink lots of water and lots of warm things. I made my own concoction of green tea with cloves. It cleared my head and soothed my chest discomfort. Chicken soup a must. And lots of bedrest!
NS and Rhonda: I hope you are not getting what I had. It was the worst cold I have ever had! What really angers me is that I other people at work have gotten the same thing and they bounced back after 3-4 dyas!! So Im thinking my immune system is still a mess from my chemo. Even though Im 10 months post chemo, I think the immune system is still compromised.
Liz: Sounds like your hands are full with your MIL. She is dealing with a long term, chronic illness now. Hope the rest of your family steps up to the plate. You need your strength to concentrate on yourself. Watch that Albumin. If it goes low, ya got some problems. I havent forgotten the day of the appointment with the dentist. Its the 26th right. Dont you worry, we will be there with you.
Vickie: I laughed when you said you wanted to slap that person. I want to bite her! Its fun thinking of what we would like to do, knowing we would never do it. I cant believe didnt total the car at $5,000.00 - the car will never be the same. Stupid insurance company. Pajama party sounds like fun, I probably wont be there, husband isnt working at a pub tonight. This is his only week-end off until after the 1st of the year. But I will be there in heart and soul. My jammies are pink with cute little cats smiling at ya. And my robe is pink with starts, moons, and sun. Have fun. Ill catch up tomorrow morning.
NS: Yes I do believe being in crowds is a health hazard. People that are sick, should stay home, but they dont. And then surprise, 3 days later your sick. Come to the middle of the circle. Got lots of hot soup and a great steam room. The warm steam will clear your sinuses and loosen the mucous. Its your turn to be taken care of for a while.
Cheryl: Stuff potatoes sounds great. Im already hungry and its only 6AM.
DebC: Yes you do make the best desserts. Im getting fat just thinking about them. So is today the last day of RADS?
Rhonda: I hope you are feeling better. Its so sad to hear about another young person gone cause of War. I thought after Vietnam this wouldnt happen again. Lost so many friends during that war. Seems like we have a repeat here. And there are so many women on these boards who have young men and women going to or in Iraq right now. I heard they are gonna call back members of the National Guard for a seond tour of duty! Im praying hard this will end soon.
CRAZY FRED PHELPS: There is a special place in hell for him. Here in Illinois they passed a law preventing him from Marching at the funeral of a young person lost to war. But I am so angry cause the ACLU is gonna take on his case!!! I always thought the ACLU was a protection for us, but lately it seems like they protect the wrong things or wrong persons.
Yes, there are many people I am missing. Only have time to come to this thread. Shel, Peggy, Debbyfive, Carrie, Denise, Lisa and many many more. Hope everyone is ok.
Carrie/Denise: how did the doctors appointment go on Monday.
Nanium: I dont know how I keep forgetting to talk to you. I am so livid at your onc. No one, absolutely no one, should feel being sick is in their head. Helloooo! We are recovering from a life altering illness! I agree with the gastroenterologist. It only takes one stone to cause alot of symptoms, and like I said earlier, alot of times there is what the medical people call "sludge" too small to show up on x-rays and ultrasounds etc. I still see my PCP. He is my quarterback and connects with all the other doctors. So maybe see a PCP and if you dont have faith in your onc, then change. I did that in the middle of chemo and I am so glad I did. Anyways, good luck to you and I hope your feeling better.
Ok, time is up, gotta go. Hope everyone has a great day.
Nicki0 -
Happy Birthday Susan!! Hope you have a great day!
May need to throw a few more logs on the fire - it's 9:30 and still only 38 degrees. Brr!!
I feel less achey today, no more sore throat, but still tired, just no energy. Hope everyone in the medic tent is on the mend. NS - how are you today?
Nicki-one of my favorite drinks when I have cold & sore throat is hot tea with a spoonful of instant orange drink (like Tang), and a spoonful of honey or sugar. Feels so good on a scratchy throat! If I fix this in the evening, I sometimes add a splash of DH's Crown Royal.
We're helping with a fish fry at a local bar tomorrow and you're all invited! Some friends of ours are doing the fish and french fries. They've asked Doug & I to do biscuits and some side dishes in the Dutch ovens. I hope it's warmer than it is today!
Crazy Fred Phelps: There's a law here in Kansas that keeps the protestors a certain distance away from the family at a funeral. Not sure what it is, close to a block I guess. The Patriot Guard riders line up in a circle around the family, friends, etc., so they are between them & the protestors. And they hold up large flags to help hide the nasty signs & upside down flags of the protestors. If the protestors start shouting through bullhorns, the riders turn on their bikes and let them idle, to drown out the protestors. I don't know that hell will even have this guy!
Vickie-how did the hair coloring episode go? Hope you didn't end up looking like a pumpkin!
DebC - Your cake recipe sounds yummy! Got a recipe?
Gotta get to work - have a great day all! Ronda0 -
Wow Ronda I didn't know you were sick too. Get well soon. I went and got my flu shot today. good thing!
Thanks for the birthday wishes Nicki. I love the little cake. It does look like a crown and I get to be queen for a day. But I won't be posting much. something must be wrong. the server is so slow I'm falling asleep waiting.
s.0 -
Happy birthday!
I won't try to post a picture - it took 4 tries to even get on the boards so anything with lots of bytes won't go thru.
I'm with Niki, birthdays are for being treated royally by those around you.
Jeannette0 -
I totally understand what you are talking about.
I am for the manogram if he cant use it on his wife why should he be allowed to use it on someone else?
I am gonna win this cancer battle then I am gonna come out the winner in this situation also.He is gonna end up with nothing and no one but he did it to himself.0 -
Susan! It does look like a crown! Remember that old commercial when people ate the margerine and suddenly a crown appeared on their head?
I hope you are having a great birthday!
Love,g0 -
Happy Birthday Susan.I didnt know it was you b'd.Hope you are having a wonderful day.You deserve it.
Do we have a party tent? If not we need to make one to gather.0 -
Hi everyone... I've tried all day to get on here, must have been problems from what I've read.
Susan... Happy Birthday! Hope you've had a great day. You deserve it.
NS...I do hope you get to feeling better. Rest and drink lots of fluids and go to the doctor!
Ronda.. I understand the Kansas weather. I have no idea what the temp will be from one day to the next here.
Vickie... hang in there. I'd be happy to go help you slap that woman. How is the soreness?
Robin... good for you! You will kick this and he WILL realize what a wonderful strong woman he lost.
Cheryl and DebC... the food was wonderful! No wonder I can't fit into my clothes.
Nicki... yes I have my hands full. My MIL is home and she's feeling pretty well. Problem is, labs won't be drawn for 2 weeks as the doc didn't order home health or anything else. Both daughters will be there this week which is good. I told my DH it has to be taken one day at a time.
I know I've missed many tonight but am going to go soak in a warm tub.
Hugs and Prayers to you all,
Liz0 -
Just typed big long catch up post and the server says it isn't valid. Well, I thought everything I said was pretty pertinent!!! Afraid to make this very long.
NS---get over the flu FAST! That's an order.
Vicki---deer falling out of the sky---very creative of you but not amusing. Hope you are feeling better. Still can't post pics---I think my new Mac is incompatible with my Windows riddled brain. What color is your hair? You really should've saved that for the party so we could give you a new hairstyle too.
Jeannette----the gall bladder surgery is a snap and you will feel SO much better. And such a relief to go back to eating the stuff you're afraid to eat now.
Susan---happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, your BC sisters all love you, happy birthday to you!!
So many of you had sad news while I was off the boards trying to keep up with life in general and I know I haven't called you all by name. Just know you were all in my heart while I read along.
Jeannie0 -
Wow...I tried several times to get on luck. I'm going to post a "fast one" here and hope it goes through. I will post the pineapple cake recipe on the recipe list...if I don't get kicked off AGAIN!!
Hugs to everyone.
Deb C.0 -
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Susan! wishes you much happieness!
I love birthdays , except my own, which most people forget anyway!
Ok this may sound a little weired but there are a few drinks that are usually drank cold that I loke hot, like OJ, Lemonaide and gatoraide
Ok everyone get better!0 -
Glad to see you back. And home and baking up a storm. Read the recipe for the upside down cake---sounds absolutely scrumptious but it made my blood sugar go up just reading it! Glad to hear you are almost done except for a few tweaks to finish up.
Jeannie0 -
wow and i thought it was my computer to deb!!!
i feel like yuck today think i gots the flu!!!
my arm is swollen and my hubby and oldest have the flu, guess its almost a forsure thing!!!
have a great weekend ladies!!!
tracey0 -
I usually check in for patrol at this time, but tonight will have to do it from the medic tent... can I do it through Google Earth?
I am not sure what is wrong with me, I don't have the symptoms that Nicki mentioned. Mine are more all over body, a wicked headache, I know I have a fever, bad tummy and not being able to sit up or stand for too long. My throat is fine - so far.
Deb, I read about your burns. I had that. Mine got infected because the skin deep inside turned necrotic. Try to keep an eye on any swelling or redness that is more than usual from the rads.
Tracey, you feel bad too? Do your symptoms sound like mine?
Liz good luck with your MIL being home!
I am trying to catch up and read what everyone is up to but I have to try again tomorrow because it really is hard to sit up this long!
I am thinking of all of you and love being a Circle Girl.
Love,g0 -
yep its the flu ,, i knew it!!!!!!! ugggggggggh!
hope you feel better real soon nosurrender..
i am off to bed work comes early again, and then on sunday driving a friend to the big city of calgary... hehehehe
her husband was in a bad car wreck early sept he looks like he might be a pairapalegic ( spelling ) but thats good as docs said a quad!!! eekssssssssss
so the guy is moving his arms great stuff!!!!
so back monday!!!! i love typos the most
cause i know i am just about the best at it...
tracey0 -
Well, I had a great day. thanks for the birthday wishes. Went to see a Neil Sedaka concert. All the details are in my birthday thread if you are interested. It was great.
Jeannette you are having a root canal AND gall bladder surgery. Goodness. I think that's about enough problems for you for a while. Are you in the medic tent or still trying to ride patrol??? Get thee in the medic tent.
NS and tracey and ronda and ??? Get better ok. No riding patrol today, lots of fluids and whatever your favorite concoction is. Cheryl will bring you hot lemonade and OJ!!
Dessert buddy, I love ya!! Wish I could bake.
Vicki, check in! We need to make sure you haven't been arrested. LOL
Tracey so sorry to hear about your friend. I had a friend who was a quad and I was totally amazed at his sense of humor and get up and go. He's a member of all these clubs that do all the most outrageous things. flying airplanes, racing cars, etc. I think it takes a while to get there but he can still have a fun life. My friend even married someone else who was a quad.
Robin, hugs to you as always.
Liz, blessings to you for being such a source of strength right now for your family.0 -
Took a break from reading a book and thought I would check in on everyone.
Susan, as many others have mentioned, trying to get on the board yesterday was frustrating so I hope it didn't mess up all the birthday wishes that were sure to come your way. Glad that you had a good one.
Deb C., I loved the sound of that cake and thank you for posting to the recipe thread. When you post about food makes my mouth water.
NS, Tracey and Rhonda, hope you are feeling better today. My mom always made us drink this mess of "whiskey(sometimes nontaxed apple brandy;I'm from the south remember), rock candy, and hot water. It was rather strong and then we were to hop under the covers, stay warm and "sweat it out"
It was awful then and I laugh at it now but normally we did feel better. Do hope you don't have to resort to these measures.
Nicki, Monday was one of those days that I knew no matter what I said it wasn't going to get better so I left extremely upset and in tears. You know, after all I spent money wise and endured last year, well, I don't need sick again and am not looking for it but I know when I hurt. I know my husband mentioned this to another BC hubby and he said that his wife had severe abdominal pain off and on for more than a year after chemo. Anyway, I came home and composed an e-mail to my oncologist. Read it to my hubby and he said you've kicked him in the ass and then at the end gave him a pat on the back, send it. I did and felt so much better. That was on Thurs. Friday got a call from the oncology nurse, not the oncologist. Said my doctor was upset that I was upset and didn't understand. She had read the e-mail - anyway, her call was to smooth ruffled feathers but he didn't call and I doubt that he will. Anyway, I felt better and I am checking out a lady oncologist locally that a friend really likes.
Has anyone heard from Mena lately, JoJo or DebbyFive? Denise, Carrie, as always in our prayers.
Oh, I know I have missed some again that I should mention and I don't leave you out other than I don't write things down.
Take care everyone. The leaves here are at their peak and they take on a different look as the sun changes positions during the day.
Much love, Brenda0 -'s Vickie checking in...I didn't get arrested but only because I can't find her! I managed to take my son and my niece to the mall today without any accidents!! Woo hoo maybe the streak is over...just wish the soreness would go away...all in good time.
NS and Tracey...oh...the flu...I'm sorry, go to the medic wagon and have lots of soup and tender loving care. need to be there too!
Ronda...the coloring went isn't orange which is a relief...I posted my picture in "put a face to the name".
Getting ready for our pajama party!!! Going to post my pj picture here later if the site is working right. I have been having a terrible time getting on and posting.
Wait till you see my halloween costume!!!
Love and hugs to everyone here...can't take notes to write to all of you...hands are pretty sore but you are all in my heart and prayers just the same.
Later circle girls
Susan...I'm glad you had a great birthday, you certainly deserved it.0 - more thing. I got home from work Friday night to a message from my oncologist to call right away. Immediate freak out! It hasn't been my week and it was the last thing I needed to hear after 5 when I knew they were closed. I called and got the answering services and they tried to make me wait until Monday and I flat out demanded that my doctor call me back. There was no way I was going to worry all weekend that something was wrong. The answering service wasn't pleased and I told them that I really didn't care. My doctor actually called me back within 5 minutes!!!! No problems...just wants me to stop procrastinating and set up my genetic testing appointment! Whew.
Just a reminder to assertive...demand the attention you deserve...IT WORKS! I was never able to be "this" way before...must be the lack of hormones LOL!
O/T...the powder that is the airbags in your cars is TOXIC!!! I had no idea...I simply thought it was can burn your skin if it isn't washed off ASAP. It will also make you think your car is on fire as the powder floats around for quite a while and looks like smoke. I pray that your airbag never goes off but keep this in mind if it's nasty stuff in there!0 -
Good Afternoon All
Gave up yesterday trying to read the boards.
Susan, glad you had a good birthday. And if someone made DebC's cake for you, that would be the cat's a**! Deb you make my mouth water.
All you ladies with the flu, drink lots, stay warm (hot flashes don't count, lol). There is some wicked colds and flu going around my work. I've just been back for 3 wks, so hope I don't get any. Flu shots are a must!
Had good news Thursday, endometrial biopsy was negative and son's CT scan of brain (sudden onset of migraines) was also normal. Told him that they didn't say that they'd seen any brain matter (he's 14), but they didn't see anything that wasn't supposed to be there!!
Vickie, hope your soreness is going away. Lots of ibuprofen and warm baths are great. DebC, hope your rad burns heal quick.
Robin, you are being a tower of strength, hope you have someone close to home to lean on too, as hubby is obviously useless as 'tits on a bull'! Saying prayers for you.
Gotta go and get supper ready, hubby heads out again tomorrow for a couple of days, so will do chicken!
Gentle hugs and prayers for all.0 -
There is powder in those airbags? And it is toxic??
Oh Vickie- what else?!
I am so glad to hear you have a proactive doc and that you refused to wait the weekend to hear what he wanted. They should not permit phone messages to be left on Fridays. That should be a law or something.
i am sorry to see other girls are sick. I don't know what mine is, but it got a little worse today in the stomach dept. So today it is only ginger ale and crackers... this is the ONE time I was hoping NOT to see food listed on this thread!
I am going to take a nap. If I get up later and can sit up I will check back then.
XO Circle Girls0
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