
  • SheriH
    SheriH Posts: 472
    edited October 2006
    Good luck at the cardiologist tomorrow Jeannie, even if you don't see this until Sunday.

    I definitely want a heated teepee, I've been freezing the last couple of days, where are the hot flashes when you need them?

    My car didn't start after work today and I called my dh, who happened to be off, and told him I thought it might be the battery and he asked if I wanted him to come. I was feeling really mean and said, no, I think I'll just walk home, why do you think I called? I was like that yesterday, too, just wanted to yell at everyone. Yuck.

    Still no word on mammogram, but actually, that's a good thing. I will probably just get the form letter in the mail saying all is well (Wait, Nicki, I'm really stressing out, really!)

    I hope you all stay warm and comfy tonight.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Posts: 1,159
    edited October 2006
    Hey Jeannie-

    I'm up for a trip to the cardio office. Do they have a table to set up the chocolate fountain, or should we bring our own

    Sorry to hear about the failed nip....what a bummer. maybe you should just get a flower tatoo and call it good

    talk to you soon
    Deb C.
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Posts: 310
    edited October 2006
    Hey Deb---you're baaaack! I'm so happy...:-)

    Never been to the cardio----guess I have to behave myself, at least for the first trip, anyway. The PS told me sometimes they have to do this 3 and 4 times to get it to "stick"---think I'm good for 2---but FOUR?!? At least the scar tissue the second time makes it more likely to hold together---can't figure out how I can have both tough and thin skin---been told both.

    The way my luck's been running I'm figuring the cardio is good for at least four extra tests of some sort. I guess if you're a BC patient you can figure on a festered hangnail turning into a federal issue. And next Tuesday is the blood draw to figure out why the calcium levels are too high. Are we having fun yet?

    But i feel really good---really!!! But I'd feel even better if my docs didn't keep telling me I'm a mess!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Posts: 2,941
    edited October 2006
    Evening ladies.
    I'm just stopping in for a minute...have a stomach virus...use your hand sanitizers, lysol, clorox wipes, etc...lots of bugs going around.
    I wanted to say that I'm so very blessed.
    Stage IV to stage II
    4 months of chemo and I survived!
    Bilateral Mast...and I survived!
    Rads that burned me to a crisp and I survived!
    Two car accidents in two days and I'm still here walking and talking!
    But MOST of all I'm blessed because of all of YOU!
    You are the most caring, compassionate, sensitive, strong, marvelous, beautiful bunch of women I have ever met and I thank you from the very bottom of my heart. You have carried me through and lifted me up and given me support and you are all appreciated more than you know.
    I think of you all daily and your all in my prayers day and night.
    Thank you
    whew...I feel really happy today, stomach bug and all...tomorrow the "no hormone pms feeling" may come back but I'm enjoying this unusual "happy"!
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Posts: 466
    edited October 2006
    Men,what did he expect you to do sit back on your thumb and ride you hand home??
    I guess you made it home ok though? Boy do I hate to have car trouble.and when I have had I can never get ahold of the dh he is always busy with someone else and not able to come help me.Can you believe it.I said it once I say it again MEN.You just cant kill em...
  • 2up
    2up Posts: 944
    edited October 2006
    i once ran out of gas in the "boonies" while i was doing visiting nursing........i called my "dh" in a panic and he said "what a drag, but you're a trooper"........that was several years ago.......duh!!!!! you'd think i'd have learned by now lol!

    packing for mexico......mixed emotions but doing "sorta ok"

    i'm leaving friday, so i'll check in before i go.

    again girls.....THANK YOU! you are my sanity right now!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Posts: 2,941
    edited October 2006
    Shel...hope you have a wonderful, special time in Mexico...you deserve every single bit of happiness and relaxation you get.
  • lizws
    lizws Posts: 789
    edited October 2006
    Evening girls,


    Nicki, yes I know that assisted living should be the next step, however, the in-laws are refusing to pay for it. It runs around $3500.00 per month for both of them. I spent most of today talking to insurance companies and her doc re: med changes, dosages etc.

    Jeannie, I'd love to come with you to the cardiologist! Does this mean I can cancel my root canal? LOL

    Vickie, what beautiful words. I couldn't have said it as well as you, but I feel the same way.

    tgirl, sorry about those triglycerides. Mine were a bit high at the last check also. Have stopped eating the good stuff.

    Sherndon, I miss my dad for alot of reasons, but I could always count on him to rescue me during a car crisis. My dh half the time doesn't answer the phone. I do have to say though, that since BC he is getting better.

    Deb, count me in on the chocolate! I'll tell the doc you made me eat it.

    Shel, you go to Mexico and have a wonderful time! You deserve a great relaxing vacation. Rest and have fun. Here's a couple of things that reminded me of your trip.



    To all of you who I know I've missed and haven't mentioned, thoughts and prayers go out daily.

    Oh, saddle up girls, the root canal is at 12:30!


  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Posts: 310
    edited October 2006
    Liz---I'll be there! I'll just leave my appointment and drag the chocolate fountain over to yours. Not that a choclate fountain goes very well with a root canal.... My Mom was in an assisted living facility and the rate you are talking about really isn't bad for 2 people. Her doc sat down with her and very gently told her that the "house" isn't home---home, for the people who love her, is where she lives. Too bad I don't have a tape recording of it---it was beautiful and reduced me to tears. She moved about a week after that and it was such a relief to know she was safe and well cared for.

    Shel---relax and enjoy the good food and tequila. If anybody deserves a break about now, it's you.

  • baldeagle
    baldeagle Posts: 97
    edited October 2006
    Shel, I'm glad to hear you are off to Mexico. You deserve a smashing time.
    Jeannie - hope the cardiologist doesn't have an attack when he sees the wagon train with chocolate fountains in the desert tent.
    Liz, I will be with you in spirit for your root canal. Hope it is smooth and painless (except for the numbing - that always huts) Chocolate for you when you are well away from the dentist's office. YOu can be my inspiration since it's my turn next week.

    Jeannie - a bummer about the nip. Let's hope the PS gets it right the next time. I am due to get a new nip in Dec. or Jan. - I think I will wait until after the holidays.

    Well, I have to call and change my gall bladder surgery. Chemo brain me didn't look at my appointment book. I have 2 presentations at a conference that day!

    Jeannie - real teepees can be big enough for 25+ people and a horse (if you can get the horse inside. Most teepee styles don't have openings big enough. I am actually looking to buy a real teepee at the moment so I have been reading up on this stuff. My daughter stayed in one of those huge teepees up on James Bay. 16 of them sleeping in one big one.

    I will try to find a picture and post it.
    Good teepees have an inner lining that stops the wind from blowing on people and sends it up and out the smoke hole. A nice fire in the middle can be used for cooking as well as heat. And there is nothing better for cozy atmosphere.
    .nuf said. Time for a night hot mulled cider - cinnamon, cloves and lemon peel. I shall make enough for anyone else who wants to stop by the tent and help me also finish the rice crispy bars that are left over from the other nite.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Posts: 737
    edited October 2006

    Have you ever noticed that in cowboy movies the teepees look to be standard size smallish affairs---but the interior scenes they have twelve people a horse and three big dogs in there?

    LOLOL!! And I have another one! How come the sons on Bonanza were all the same age as the father???

    Beautiful sentiments posted tonight in the circle. Makes a gal feel good. I am sick as a dog again today. This coming and going flu/crud/sars/diptheria thingy I have is NO FUN!
    BUT I am never too sick for chocolate OR a margerita!

    Shel, do you really hate chocolate? I mean- come on! REALLY????? is that - um- normal?
    I hope you have a GREAT TIME in Mexico. Maybe we can call this trip "When Shel got her groove back" trip What do you think?

    Jeannie lost a nip, Jeannette gets to keep her gall bladder, cars aren't starting, Deb is still partying...tests are still pending....wild times in the old circle tonight!

    Nicki the Dessert Tent is ON the South Beach Diet. I checked.

    OK- time for me to lie down again before my body thinks up a new symptom!!

    Love you circle girls!
  • Sige
    Sige Posts: 334
    edited October 2006
    I'm just stopping by with a little gift for Shel...


    Love you sweetie...keep your chin up!! And have FUN in Mexico!!!!

  • 2up
    2up Posts: 944
    edited October 2006
    OMG.....peggy i actually laughed out loud!!!!

    g, i have no use for chocolate (or any sweets) seriously! no, this not normal but then again......what about me IS normal????? i've endured the pyschosis of "captain fantastic" for 18 years....i am truly nuts!!!!!
  • rondab
    rondab Posts: 87
    edited October 2006
    Jeannie - good luck tomorrow, & sorry the nip didn't take. Better luck next time I hope! Hope you can get the cholesterol under control!
    Shel - hope you have a great time in Mexico. And just so you'll know you got a buddy - I'm not big on chocolate either! I'd much rather have steak & taters, or beer, or tequila. lol!
    Vickie-You're a survivor girl! I had 2 wrecks once, neither was my fault. There were 5 days apart I think, and I was pregnant! Scared the cr*p out of the drivers of the other cars. Served 'em right! Loved your post - so heart warming!
    Liz-good luck with the root canal. Will you be upset if I don't go along? I can do chemo, but I hate the dentist! I'm a real wuss, even for cleaning, I tell ya!
    Jeanette - I like the sound of your teepee! I saw that the place we used to camp at in Missouri when we went canoing now has teepees that will sleep 8. I'd like to check those out! What are you going to do with a teepee? Set it up in the back yard, take it camping, or what? Sounds fun, but I'd have to have a cot - don't think I could do the sleeping on the ground thing. I like my camper! lol!
    NS - sorry you're still not feeling good. Rest well tonight - we'll watch over you.
    Peggy - loved your post, wish I could remember it next time I need to tell some a$$hole off!

    Oh yea - I need to email Shel my toast. Shel - check your pm's - I'll send it as soon as I finish here. You can "toast" ol whats his name with this while you're in Mexico!
    I know I probly missed somebody, or several, & I'm sorry. I think of you all though. Ronda
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Posts: 310
    edited October 2006
    OMG Peggy---can I have a framed print of that?!? I almost choked on the water I was drinking---good thing I didn't spitt it all over my new 'puter!

    Where have you been lately? Have missed your distinctive wit and unmatched ability to find the perfect graphics!

    How Shel Got Her Groove Back---hold that thought Shel!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Posts: 367
    edited October 2006
    good evening ladies,

    why do i feel like a 90 yr old woman all the time?
    90 yr old with her periods lol
    all the aches and pains ugh,,, how much worse with age will this get?
    halloween is soon approaching and my kids are excited, lol for candy i guess,,, i will i could remember those days...
    its gonna snow here soon but thats ok as we have two of the biggest resorts in canada for skiing,,, i quit skiing and became a snowmobiler
    life is good today, had a pretty good day all in all.
    shel you lucky girl mexico,,, that would rock, you have fun and some more fun
    please dont think of me freezing my what off?
    have a great nite ladies!!!!!!!!!
    ps mena pls return my im!!!!!!!
  • christineK
    christineK Posts: 735
    edited October 2006
    Hi CGs
    Pffttt at Peggy's post and good to see you posting.
    Shel, maybe you'll like Mexican Chocolate with a lil' cinnamon and spice-yum! Don't be afraid to eat those awesome "tacos" sold by the street vendors, with all you've been thru, they couldn't hurt you and are sooo good. I know you are a Mexico Travelin' Vet, but I love the street food.
    World Series, here in St. Louis cxl'd tonight due to weather, and it looks like more of the same for the next 2 days... aaarrrggh!
    My best real life bc friend, Georgia's dad died last night. She just finished tx and he was really sick while she was going thru it, so sad for her.
    Oh, and I am waiting to schedule a biopsy on my thyroid, some solid and cystic nodules.
    What a crappy rainy day- I am eating Chinese Take Out and drinking wine, makes all better.
    Everyone that I missed- Vicki, NS, Robin, Jeannie, Sheri and others, I do read and pray for trials each day.

    edit: I forgot to add that the fans waited in the cold and rain for over 2 hrs- St. Louis, really has the best bball fan (IMO) I sold my tix, (oh well, a fair weather fan?

    edit: I just heard the longest rain delay in World Series History was 7 days! OH NO!
  • rondab
    rondab Posts: 87
    edited October 2006
    Christine - Go CARDS! Couldn't believe the game got cancelled, but maybe a chance for more delays? Oh no! They're on a pretty good roll right now - hope it stays with them! I am in a couple World Series pots, and actually won a $25 one last night. As luck would have it, it was one I have to split with my daughter, but oh well.
    I think we're going to try to go camping this weekend - hope there's a ball game to watch (or listen to) while we sit around the campfire Sat. night. Ronda
  • christineK
    christineK Posts: 735
    edited October 2006

    Rondab- hope this cold windy wet weather passes for you and the Cards!

  • k4katz
    k4katz Posts: 158
    edited October 2006
    Shel, have a great time in Mexico! It has been chilly here in South Jersey and some sun and fun sure sounds good!

    AlaskaDeb, you go girl! Get those rads done and behind you! It seemed like such a long haul when you started but you made it!

    Peggy, TOO FUNNY!!!!! LMAO!!!!

    Snowmen, snowmobiling sounds fun! I skied once, in 7th grade, and haven't been back since. I learned pretty quickly that it wasn't my thing. But, snowmobiling - I think I could do that!

    NS, take it easy and feel better soon!

    Liz, good luck with the root canal. No one likes those, but you will get through it!

    I know I missed some circle girls (dong this from memory as was too lazy to take notes), but you are all in my thoughts!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 2,728
    edited October 2006
    Good Morning Everyone: It has only taken 4 weeks, but I have finially gotten used to it being dark in the morning when I first wake up, and staying dark until after I take my shower. I sure miss those beautiful sunrises. And the trees in the forest are quiet. No more chirping birds - guess they have all gone south - which is something I think I should do. Living in the upper midwest is crazy!

    Im feel just like Sheri does. I was crabby as all get out yesterday and Im crabby this morning. I just cant seem to shake it. I had a terrible experience yesterday with my "former" dentist. I have a crwon that is loose. Now mind you, I was her very first patient before she became busy and popular! So when I called to schedule an appointment I was put on hold for 5 minutes - now thats a pet peeve of mine. So I hung up and called back - got the answering machine. I left a message saying I couldnt be on hold for along time cause I was at work. Gave my cell phone number and asked them to call me back and at least leave me an appointment time. I got a call back and the message told me she told me to go to an oral surgeon and have the teeth pulled! OK - its a double tooth crown. So do I smile with no teeth? So I called back and spoke to her assistant who is her sister. I have also known her from the beginning. She told me she would call me back and never did! So yesterday morning I called and left another message. Im thinking maybe they are upset with me cause I cancelled 3 appointments while I was getting chemo. Told them this past 1 1/2 years I have been fighting for my life - yadayadayada. I was crying through the whole thing. And said if you dont want me as a patient anymore just let me know. So I got a call back from their snippy receptionist. Oh she was mean. Said she was calling back to let me know they would call me when they had a cancellation!! Now mind you, I wasnt looking for an emergency appointment. I told the receptionist I felt relieved cause I thought maybe the dentist was angry with me. Then she said, yes you did cancel a few appointments and that was after my treatment. My mouth dropped. I was pretty much treated like crap. Hung up and thought about it. Called back and got the answering machine again. This time said, you all think Im trying to schedule and emergency appointment - and Im not. If I have to wait 2 months I will. Never got a call back. For about 1 hour, it broke my heart. The receptionist made light of my bc. She was quite cruel. So when I woke up this morning, I realized, this is her way of telling me she doesnt want me as a patient anymore. Her loss - now I have to find a new dentist! Sorry for this long story, but my feelings are really hurt!

    Theresa: Im sorry about your elevated Triglycerides. Im wondering if there is a connection with taking an aromatase inhibitor. Anyways good luck. I get my fasting blood drawn in November.

    Jeannie: Sorry about the nip. That has to be so frustrating. I still havent decided if I want one or not. You are so right about going to the doctor. Once they see a history of breast cancer - you can count on more tests!

    Sheri: Nothing is more frustrating than getting out of work after having "one of those days" and your car not starting. Sometimes men can be so stupid.

    Vickie: Stomach flu now. Geez! Lots of different infections going on out there. I hope your feeling better today.

    Shel: I hope you have a wonderful time in Mexico. Hope it is a cleansing vacation. Get rid of all the bad feelings, and get your fight back.

    Liz: Taking care of aging parents is so difficult and so stressful. The cost of assisted living is expensive. There are so many seniors out there that cant afford it. And then there is the giving up their independence thing! They dont realize that it would actually make them more independent. I just worry about you. Its a stress you dont need in your life right now. How about a 24 hour caregiver? I have Distored Humor all saddled up and ready to ride in the wind to be with you during your root canal. Hey, at least you have a dentist! Anyways good luck.

    Jeaneete: I loved your story about real teepees. Thats how I vision ours to be. Big enough for many of us to sit around a fire and just talk.

    NS: Im sorry you are sick again. Maybe its time to see your PCP. I think the thing that upset me most when I was sick was how long it took for me to get better. I see people all around me and they are getting better much quicker than I did. I really think our immune systems are still affected and its harder to get over even a simple cold.

    Peggy: It was so good to see you post again. And I laughed my head off. Great pic. Hope things are going well with you.

    Cookie: So camping again this week-end? Sounds like fun. I will be staying at home and just relaxing.

    Tracey: Im still a kid at heart. I love Halloween. Children make it even more fun. Im gonna carve my pumpkin this week-end and roast pumpkin seeds.

    Christine: Im sorry about Georgia's dad. Thyroid biopsy? Geez! It seems to me alot of us are having problems with our thyroids also. Anyways, good luck with it and keep having fun with the World Series.

    Vera: How are you? I know your anniversary is coming up soon. Are you going to do anything special?

    Krisitn: I swear, you and I wake up at the same time and get on the computer at the same time every morning. Good to hear from you. Hope things are going well.

    Well, its time to go. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

  • Poppy
    Poppy Posts: 9
    edited October 2006

    As always Denise & Carrie, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Denise you are an inspiration and a fighter! Stay strong and if you get scared, think of all of our arms wrapped around you. Love, Erica

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Posts: 899
    edited October 2006
    Good Morning circle girls,

    Sherri so sorry to hear about your car trouble. I sure hope that wasnt the new car you just purchased. If it wasnt and since your husband was so nice about the ordeal maybe its time to swap cars and let him drive the one that wont start. Might just change his attitude, but then again hes a man and it would be much worse if it happened to him.

    Chemosabi-so sorry about the ordeal with the dentist. You should never have to beg for an appointment and it will be his loss not yours. You will find a good one,,keep searching.

    Snowmen n thongs-I am like you on the skiing thing. I mean here in Alabama its not like you get alot of chances to snow ski. I have been to Colorado and Connecticut to ski though. I have tried it many times and its not the skiing that is hard it is the getting up after you fall that gets me. I think thats why I can ski as well as I do because I know if I fall I will be worn out trying to get back up. Snowmobiling is a different story,,that is so much fun. I also love sledding and am just like a kid when it comes to that.

    Baldeagle-Please explain why you are looking for a teepee. I am also checking into them as I would love to put one up at the farm. What about a yurt? I am getting down to making my final decision on that. I need to do a little bit more clearing on the land and then will be ready. I have done extensive research on it so if you have any questions just ask.

    Shel-have a great time in Mexico and be sure and have a margarita for me. You deserve to go out and have some fun.

    Christine-sorry to hear about the death. I know it is a hard time for you.

    Cookie-have fun camping this weekend. I will be camping also and enjoying the fire. I have a halloween party on Saturday night to drive to but other than that will be enjoying the woods and the camper. Its finally cool enough to have a big fire and enjoy it. Man I love this weather!

    NS-so sorry to hear that you are still sick. I know when I am sick I can take a day or so but longer than that and my claws start coming out. Crabby is not the word for it. I hope this weekend finds you feeling much better.

    Peggy-Loved the picture and I laughed my butt off here at work when I read it. Been missing you around the circle and hope things are going well for you.

    Vickie-I hope your stomach flu passes quickly. Nothing worse than a stomach virus. YUCK!

    AlaskaDeb-told you on your other post but congrats on finishing rads. wooohooo,,you go girl! Had a beer or two or maybe three in your honor last night. Not to mention they were pitchers. Thanks for the reason to celebrate. Nothing better than bread in a glass. Guinness!

    Vera-Enjoy your anniversary as it soon approaches. Knowing you ya'll will be celebrating in different houses. Got a nice weekend coming up and I am sure you will be outside enjoying the weather and hiking about.

    Jeannie-sorry to hear about the nip not working out. Such a bummer. How long do you have to wait to try it again or are you?

    I know I have missed many but didnt take notes and the ol' chemo brain ain't what she used to be. In fact, I go for my herceptin and Zometa on Friday, or at least I thought I did and got a call yesterday reminding me it was today. Well, cant go today due to work and had already arranged for Friday. Waiting on a call now to see if they can get me in Friday morning when i thought I was to go anyway. Talk about feeling stupid!

    O.K. got Mazer the Tazer all saddled up and she is kicking her heels with anticipation of a nice joy ride. First we are off to a cardiology appt and then off for a root canal trip and might swing by Kentucky to leave Sherri's husband a nice pile for his words yesterday. Its gonna be a busy day. Amy
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Posts: 539
    edited October 2006
    Prayers and Healing thoughts to all of You! SISTERS , we have a BIG Problem with our precious MENA!!!!!!! She, is VERY SICK, SAD, and needs us right now!!! she will not answer her phone win i call, She feels all alone, she goes to the onc. tomorrow, PLEASE, anyone with her phone# or knows where she lives, get in touch with her, She is Crying , and very, very Sad right now!!! Bless you All, and Nicki, You dont need that looser, get Your self a Dentist, that Respect You, for Fighting the Fight of Your Life!! xoxo Puppy (aka debbyfive)
  • Lynn48
    Lynn48 Posts: 69
    edited October 2006
    Good Morning CGs

    Boy work a couple of days and it takes a while to catch up on the posts. You're a busy group of girls.
    Today is windy, windy. It is blowing all the leaves off the trees. Hope they end up in the neighbour's yard!
    Snowman, they are talking snow here this weekend too, but it won't stay. We can see the mountains from where I live, so it's not far to go for snow that stays. I like skiing, but keep me safe and away from snowboarding, that's too hard on the butt. Hope you feel better quick.
    Shel - Mexico sounds great. Have a wonderful trip and come back in fighting spirit.
    Jeannie - I will go to the cardiologist with you and share in Deb's chocolate fountain. Sorry to hear of your nip, 4 tries seems excessive to make it work, hope it only takes the second try.
    Shern - keeping positive thoughts for your mammo results.
    Vickie - keep that good feeling going, you've had enough of the bad. Hope you woke up still positive.
    Liz - oh, I am a suck at dentists, don't know if I could do another root canal so I'll stay up here and send gentle hugs for you.
    Baldeagle - what are you going to be presenting about? Watch your fatty foods so that gallbladder doesn't send you for an unscheduled surgery!
    Christine - sorry for your friend's Dad, too bad they were both going through illness at the same time.
    Chemosabi - what a bunch of 'doinks' (that's one of my favourite words). You would think that health professionals would be more understanding of health issues. Go find yourself a good one.
    I know I missed some but all of you are in my thoughts and prayers everyday.
    I'm off to an arena weekend tomorrow for a weekend of speed skating. 6 hour drive tomorrow to get there and hopefully no bad weather while I'm driving. But I get to go shopping at the West Edmonton Mall!! Woohoo, look out.
    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Posts: 593
    edited October 2006
    ok CG...you try to catch up on work and look at all I missed..it doesn't seem like vacation is worth it...Wow alot has been happening..almost too much.. I have finished unloading the wagon full of wood, anyone need wooly socks....I will try to read back but just know you are all in my thoughts and prayers
    PS Nicki..yup that's me...
  • christineK
    christineK Posts: 735
    edited October 2006
    Good Mornin' all-
    Nicki so sorry you dentist office treated you that way, you do not deserve that!
    I think the sun needs to shine to lift some spirits, and it is only fall! Maybe we should all go to Mexico w/ shel!
    If Mena is reading, please know we are all going to the onc with you. Hoping you feel well soon.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Posts: 893
    edited October 2006
    Hello fellow campers. Had a grand time on my trail ride to South Carolina. Navy boys, Sunshine, History, Sand, Surf, Presidents graves, and Appendicitis. Got to ride in an ambulance and everything. Morphine is now my new favorite drug. Do you think I can get it over the counter?
    Had follow up here at home with my surgeon on tuesday. He says I'll live.
    It's good to be home.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Posts: 2,941
    edited October 2006
    Oh my goodness Shirley...North Carolina and appendicitis just don't go together!!! My favorite drug of choice is demerol (sp?)...glad your ok and happy to be home.
    Back to work for me!!!
    Hugs all around
  • k4katz
    k4katz Posts: 158
    edited October 2006
    Nicki, that is just terrible how your dentist office treated you. I don’t understand why they would do that! It is not as if you cancelled appointments just because there was a good show on TV at that time! Well, you don’t need them….there are plenty of perfectly good and more COMPASSIONATE dentists in the world. I am sure there are scads of them in the Chicago area.

    Debby5, thanks for the update on Mena. I don’t know how to contact her but will put her at the very top of my prayer list. I am glad she is going to her oncologist soon and hopefully that will be a turning point. Mena, if you are reading this, hang in there! I am sending warm hugs and positive energy your way.

    Lynn, sounds like you have a great weekend lined up. Enjoy!!

    Shirley, sorry to hear about your appendix! What awful timing! I hope you are feeling better and heal quickly!

    I am feeling great today and I am SOOOOOO happy that my next infusion is not until November 7. Woohoo! I can even pretend for a little while that everything is normal. Well, except for the bald head. Oh, and the mouth sores. Ummmm, and the port. And, oh yes, the lovely scars. BUT, I have a very good imagination and I can ignore all that and be in my happy place for a while!!! LOL!!!!

    How about some nice hot chocolate with mini marshmallows for those cold sections of the circle today? I even have sugar-free! My DH makes hot cocoa from scratch, but really all I need is a packet of Swiss Miss and I am happy. (PS – I have some Kahlua and Bailey’s Irish cream for anyone who would like to be EXTRA warm!!!)
