Dancing with the Stars



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2016

    Getting excited for tomorrow night, I'm looking forward to having Len back, my girlfriend has tickets so I'm going to be on the lookout in the crowd for her - see you all tomorrow!!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,791
    edited March 2016

    Let the fun begin!ThumbsUp

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited March 2016

    Cue the music! da-da-da-da.....

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited March 2016

    I took notes while I watched:

    Kim "Tootie", a bit of a lightweight but could improve, very pretty.

    Carrie Ann-hair and gown gorgeous

    Erin's dresses often resemble athletic wear...

    Mark Ballas' partner Paige, a nice surprise!

    Same with Peta's partner Kyle.

    Mark's hair-ugh!

    Karina's partner, Doug, Geraldo and Micha not that great.

    I'm pulling for Jodi but not sure how good Keo is as a teaching partner.

    Marla and Tony, great pairing!

    Lindsay with Boys II Men Wanya, fabulous! Maybe my favorite of the night.

    Ginger and Josie Sweetin, room for improvement

    Living an hour from Pittsburgh, we are Steelers fans, but I found Antonio just average and Von was a bit bland.

    Happy Len is back and DWTS is back, too

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,791
    edited March 2016

    I am glad to see Len too. I like the chemistry he brings to the trio. I missed the first two dancers & will have to go online tomorrow to see what I missed.....I came in with Doug. Here are my notes:

    * Doug and Geraldo-no (although Geraldo LOOKS great for 72!)

    *Jodie-nice sharp moves but needs to loose the grimace

    *Marla-I really liked her, she seemed happy & smooth

    *Wayna-very nice & a lot of potential

    *Ginger-very good, sounds like an awfully tough schedule for her to manage!

    *Mischa- too low energy. I didn't think she & Artem were a very good match height-wise. She seemed bigger & taller than him.

    *Nyle- Wow! I am very interested to see what Peta can do with him. Amazing dancing for anyone, all the more so for someone who is deaf. Also quite gorgeous to look at!

    *Antonio- great smile, looked like he was having a blast, peppy dance, lots of potential

    *Von- he seemed a little stiff & heavy on his feet, could come around

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2016

    Great show, yes Geraldo looks great for 72 but can't dance worth a lick, Doug Flutie is cute but also a non dancer same as Mischa. Wayna was fabulous, loved him and as for Nyle agree WOW. I was surprised at how good I thought Jodie was and I don't know how Ginger is going to keep up with her schedule as she onlycame back from maternity leave this week add a new baby and flying back and forth across the country, she's really going to be exhausted.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited March 2016

    Agreed, Nyle is great eye candy and has lots of charisma, a winning smile.

    Mischa s a bit odd. I recall she's had some psychiatric issues. Not sure how that's all gonna pan out.

    Jodie-yes, loose the grimace. My husband kept telling Geraldo to quit smiling. I said it's all that plastic surgery, his skin is pulled so tight plus all those veneers on his teeth, he can't help it.

    How about Lindsay and Edyta's skinny amazing bird legs. Such knockout, svelte bodies!

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited March 2016
    I also wanted to mention this. Our Pittsburgh news station is on ABC, the network that DWTS is on. I saw a commercial advertising that Antonio was a contestant, and it was encouraging all Steelers fans to vote for him. Steelers have one of the biggest fan bases. So it makes me wonder if Antonio will be around maybe even to the finals even if he's not so good. I for one wouldn't vote for him simply because he played for the Steelers tho I wonder how many will just for that reason regardless of his skill. And not every contestant has a tv station airing commercials telling you to vote for them.

    I also felt Ginger was given higher praise by the judges because she is a Good Morning America (on ABC) weather person and ABC is going to make sure the judges support her. Or maybe the judges make sure they stay on the good side of ABC. Schmoozing, that's what I call it.
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,791
    edited March 2016

    I just went back and watched Kim & Paige. Kim so-so. Paige I liked. I hope Mark doesn't make her dress up in stupid costumes & makeup.

    Yes, the 'politics' part has always bothered me. I remember when Bristol Palin kept winning and one guy in Wisconsin got so mad that he shot his out TV screen!

  • blessings2011
    blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited March 2016

    Totally agree with you funny ladies! Happy

    DH and I DVRd the show so we could skip through the boring parts, and yes- there were several.

    I went into it rooting for Ginger (love her!) but Nyle is definitely my second favorite.

    And yeah, poor Geraldo, and Doug... don't think they'll be around too long, although things could change...

    One thing we noticed about Mischa was in her pre-interview segment, she made the comment "Oh, I've done lots of types of dancing..." or something like that. Well, that was obviously the wrong thing to brag about if you suck on the dance floor. She set herself up for that one.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2016

    Yes yes yes Blessings I swear I heard that too in her pre interview but while it was on I was flitting in and out of the room, getting myself some dinner and playing on my ipad and when it came down to it I thought I must have heard wrong. I liked Paige as well and I sure hope Mark doesn't delve into his "weirdo" closet - maybe she'll give him a right cross and put him in his place Happy

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited March 2016

    That's what I mean about Mischa, something isn't quite right. She did say she'd had some dance background but it didn't show.

    I think Doug will be the first to go. Or Mischa

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,791
    edited March 2016

    I think Mischa. She didn't seem to have any life in her at all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,791
    edited March 2016

    Here is something I found about Nyle:

    DiMarco, a graduate of Gallaudet University, didn't originally start off wanting a career in front of the camera.

    "I got my mathematics degree because I wanted to teach Deaf children math," he tells EW. "I was doing a little modeling on the side. Then ANTM found me on social media, and it pretty much flipped my life around, all for the better. My goals are the same. Now I'm using my stardom to educate the world and invest in Deaf children. Seventy percent of parents who have Deaf children don't know how to sign. Still. It's one of the reasons I want to do Dancing with the Stars, it's a platform to educate."

    So, nice and gorgeous both.

  • blessings2011
    blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited March 2016

    Oooh, where's the "LIKE" button? Happy

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited March 2016

    Just read that Mark Ballas is injured and may not dance tonight.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,791
    edited March 2016

    And Nyle DiMarco had to be hospitalized and receivde stitches after being elbowed in the eyebrow by Peta.

    Latin Night!

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited March 2016

    Oh Ruth didn't see that one.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,791
    edited March 2016

    It was on your link Smile

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited March 2016

    Dancing is dangerous! Looking forward to the show tonight

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited March 2016

    Too funny Ruth. Can you tell I'm a headline reader?

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited March 2016

    Jodie, good, tho can still tone down the facial expressions

    Carrie Anne, very pretty hair and pink dress

    Marla, okay, not too exciting. Her makeup made her look too old.

    Mark's man bun, gag. Geraldo, gag.

    Paige, great energy, fun to watch.

    Antonio, big ego. Average dancer.

    Kim, bit of a slip up in the routine but she's so pretty.

    Nyle, amazing. He and Peta are a good physical match.

    Mischa, a bit of a train wreck.

    I think Von is a better dancer than Antonio. Witney's print skirt with blue jean jacket was adorable.

    WanYa, Wan-Yay! He's fabulous. Has the moves and what strength. Yowza.

    Doug was much better than I anticipated. I attribute that to Karina's teaching.

    Ginger, average. Didn't seem like a very long dance.

    I was okay with any of the couples they put in jeopardy being eliminated.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,791
    edited March 2016

    Good Grief! I kept getting phone calls! Devil

    Erin-She makes the most stupid & inappropriate comments. Ick!

    *I totally missed both Marla & Jodie due to a phone call I couldn't ignore.

    * Geraldo-no

    *Paige-I really liked her tonight. I thought she danced a lot better with Allen. He seemed a better match for her size-wise.

    *Antonio-I liked him better than the judges did.

    *Kim-I liked her less than the judges did.

    * Nyles-another phone call during his dance so could only 'kind of' watch it. I thought it looked good, but apparently Peta broke some of the dance rules.

    *Mischa-cranky, whiney, pouty. She was sure not having much fun and was not at all gracious about it either. I feel sorry for her partner.

    *Von-I thought he looked a lot better than last week, looser.

    * Wayne-I liked him best of all the guys. Great moves, looked like he was having lots of fun.

    * Doug-I thought he looked a lot better than last week too. An attractive fellow.

    * Ginger-very good.

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited March 2016

    Hi Everyone! Just started watching here in California. I am a big fan of Nyle. I have a friend who is an interpreter, so he was on my radar way before appearing here. Nyle is so genuine and nice.

  • blessings2011
    blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited March 2016

    I'm so glad we DVR it.... takes about an hour to watch, minus the commercials, and Erin's blathering.

    I understand that the judges can't make special exceptions for contestants, but when Carrie Ann told Nyle he wasn't getting the "tone" of the music.... I just wanted to smack her. He will NEVER get the "tone" of the music, as he has been deaf since birth, and has never heard music. Many deaf people can feel the beat of a song through their bodies if it is loud enough, and move accordingly, but that's just a physical feeling -  not an emotion brought on by the "tone" of a sad, happy, upbeat, sorrowful, etc. song. Other than that, I thought he looked great. (Ruth - there was a lift during their routine, maybe more than one. Big no-no.)

    Ginger was perky, and I'm wondering, with all of ABC behind her, will that make a difference in the end (if she is not eliminated?) After all, the fine print says the winner is ultimately at the discretion of the producers.

    Wanya did a great job for a husky guy... but being a musician, he can definitely get into the groove!

    Is Paige Mark's partner? She did great without him. He sure looked grim all night. Was he seeing his future replacement on the dance floor? Or just loaded with painkillers?

    Poor Kim just doesn't have the body type to hold those long lines, and I think she looks out of shape every time she dances.

    Marla? Meh.

    Geraldo.... can't dance, AND did a Trump imitation? Argh. At least he doesn't take himself too seriously, and I'm not surprised he went home.

    The rest are kind of a blur, except for Mischa. YUCK!!!

    I can't stand to look at her or listen to her. There is something really off there. She is definitely the EEYORE of the show. Please let her go home next.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited March 2016

    Wait...what? The fine print say the winneris ultimately at the discretion of the producers? I don't think I ever knew that.

    I don't see Ginger winning despite her affiliation with ABC. At this point, my money is on Paige, Wanya,Von, Marla, not necessarily in that order. Antonio might get to the finals simply because of a fan base not talent.

    I think they showed the dysfunctional side of Mischa so viewers could decide whether they want to vote for a contestant that clearly doesn't wan to do the work. Poor Artem reminds me of Tony when he was stuck with Kate Goslin. You see is huge smile on Tony this season because he's so happy paired with classy Marla.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,791
    edited March 2016

    I went back & watched the ones I missed. I still think that Nyle's dance was lovely. Jodie was better than last week, but still didn't really do anything for me. I very much liked Marla's dance. Yes, I am sure that Tony is thrilled to have a good partner who wants to be there!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited April 2016

    Just one statement to echo DMsM, Mischa is a "shopping cart"!!!! (What they used to call Kate Gosselien. IE: you just push her around on stage the best you can! LOL)

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited April 2016
    The Pittsburgh channel that airs DWTS is channel 4, so they're promoting the slogan "I'm 4 Antonio". Carrie Anne mentioned something about how Antonio needed to tap into the artistry that is Sharna. I loved how she phrased that. He is not connecting with Sharna. I can see she is sort of struggling how to relate to him. Right now, he is all super collosal ego. It's all about him and his image. He thinks he has enough charm and maybe fans to win the mirror ball without learning how to dance. Maybe he thinks he can buy the trophy with advertising for votes. I'm looking to see if he has a breakthrough where he's approaching the dance from a personal level and not the projected image of a superstar football player.
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,791
    edited April 2016

    I think maybe he is too young (emotionally). He just seems like a big goofy kid at the moment. Cute, likable, but not a lot of depth.