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  • Poppy
    Poppy Member Posts: 9
    edited July 2005

    A few more months like this and I'll be ready to write "The BC Husband's *illustrated* Guide to Masturbation--includes video clips on CD!"

    but b/c she hasn't been touched there in so long. Which, in a way, makes me feel good, 'cause at least I know she's not entertaining the mailman while I'm at work, lol.

    OMG Greg I am dying here! lmao. I am going to have to go back to the beginning of this thread and read all 3 zillion posts. My poor dh. I think you and he are in the same boat what with writing that book. I'm going to have to start making sure tonight that his name is not going to be co-author!

  • BethNY
    BethNY Member Posts: 74
    edited March 2008
    fitz- I read your post, and I was so excited you ordered the magic wand...(is that weird)
    I think it's so important that we honor ourselves, and our femininity, and pleasure ourselves on a regular basis.

    question... how long after tx did you resume regular GYN visits? And should I expect normal pap smears or does chemo change all that? I finished tx five months ago, and this month is when I am due for my yearly appt with the GYN.
  • Jenster
    Jenster Member Posts: 25
    edited July 2005

    So, if someone *ate* the donuts off this guy would they be giving him a doughjob?

    LOL, Greg! And what kind of donuts? Glazed, powdered? It would make a huge (pardon the pun) difference to me!

  • Jenster
    Jenster Member Posts: 25
    edited July 2005

    Have any of you ever been to a "Fun Party"? I've been to a few (pre BC)and they're great. They have all kinds of lotions, creams, toys, lingerie, and you can order whatever you want discretely and take it home with you that night. DH and I always enjoyed my "purchases", but we didn't appreciate them nearly as much as we do now!

  • Notsopuny5721
    Notsopuny5721 Member Posts: 17
    edited July 2005
    Jen: I vote for glazed; they slide down easier. Powdered ones can make you gag Or, for a real fun time, go with Boston cream... But, bearing in mind what Beth said recently, best to keep 'em out of the bedroom.

    Which reminds me of the time (many moons ago!) when I was in high school and had too much to drink (on the weekend, not in class, lol), and nearly choked to death on a powdered donut! They really ought to put warning labels on those things!

    Keep smiling,

    So, if someone *ate* the donuts off this guy would they be giving him a doughjob?

    LOL, Greg! And what kind of donuts? Glazed, powdered? It would make a huge (pardon the pun) difference to me!


  • BethNY
    BethNY Member Posts: 74
    edited March 2008
    Jen-- every party that I go to is a "FUN PARTY"

    At the YSC conference in Philly they actually threw a "pajama party" and I was very impressed with the products. They really spent a lot of time on the different lubes, and which were best for us BC gals. Unfortunately, I wasn't paying much attention because lube (or lack thereof) hasn't really been an issue for me.
    A few posts back someone was talking about painful sex being somewhat bearable due to her pain meds kicking in.
    Not that anyone should make a habit of that... but I have had some of the best sex EVER while on Ambien (and i swear I wasn't dreaming). I am so relaxed, and my brain is completely shut off to anything in the outside world, including all my daily thoughts about life with cancer, upcoming appts, whether or not I look fat... etc.
    Anyway, I'm not recommending this method... I just wanted to note that if anyone is having psychological issues that are holding them back from enjoying great sex, maybe an ativan or some ambien might help.
  • Bancroft
    Bancroft Member Posts: 14
    edited July 2005
    Maybe we should start a website for b/c survivors and mojo toys!!!

  • Notsopuny5721
    Notsopuny5721 Member Posts: 17
    edited July 2005
    Just to put things in a bit of an historical perspective,
    check this out:

    Apparently, the "ancients" didn't just spend their time hunting and gathering...

    If my conversion-on-the-fly is correct, I put that baby at around 8 inches. I wonder if that was standard-issue or jumbo?

    So much for the "patriarchal" society...I can't wait for them to discover an ancient blow-up full-size "party" doll.

    Maybe we should start a website for b/c survivors and mojo toys!!!

  • Jenster
    Jenster Member Posts: 25
    edited July 2005
    BRILLIANT!!! And we could put the little pink ribbon on all of them.
  • Fitztwins
    Fitztwins Member Posts: 144
    edited July 2005
    Thanks! LOL. I didn't tell DH yet.

    I went a week after I started chemo. My pap was normal. You are right, they can be affected by chemo. My GYN said that since I don't have multiple partners and I have had clean paps for several years, he wasn't too concerned.

    Just what we don't need, any abnormal test!

  • shelliks
    shelliks Member Posts: 10
    edited July 2005

    Beth, I was at that party with Geeta! We didn't stay long because we went to the pool.

  • BethNY
    BethNY Member Posts: 74
    edited March 2008
    I didn't even know they had a pool there...
    I'm definitely bringing my suit to Denver in February...
  • prayer
    prayer Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2005

    Oh my gosh! this is the funniest thread I have ever read. Greg you are absolutely hilarious. When your book and video come out...send it to my DH. Poor guy. I just heard blow jobs and sex were off limits during chemo. When I told him...I think he was crushed. Is this really true?

  • Jenster
    Jenster Member Posts: 25
    edited July 2005

    I just heard blow jobs and sex were off limits during chemo

    Uh-oh!!! I hope not!!!
  • Pharmmom
    Pharmmom Member Posts: 18
    edited July 2005

    What does DH stand for?? I keep reading DH in the post and is it divorced husband, dear husband??? I'm confused??

  • Jenster
    Jenster Member Posts: 25
    edited July 2005
    Usually it's dear husband, though I suppose divorced husband would work too. lol. And maybe dunder-head. I suppose it may depend on the mood.
  • Bancroft
    Bancroft Member Posts: 14
    edited July 2005
    I have another helpful hint for getting back in the mood-
    reading women's erotic fiction.
  • BethNY
    BethNY Member Posts: 74
    edited March 2008
    you should hold off on the "fun" activities for three days after chemo.
    You can pass the toxins back and forth through your body fluids.
    Isn't that a yummy thought?
    Also, keep in mind that even if you feel great, your immune system is still compromised, and you need to be careful around anyone that isn't 100% healthy.
  • Bancroft
    Bancroft Member Posts: 14
    edited July 2005

    So how come no one told me this???

  • bugsy
    bugsy Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2005

    I just found this site last night, you guys are great. I want to give you a suggestion on a lubricant. It's called Slippery Stuff and you can buy it online at I was given a sample and liked it better than astroglide and KY products. The manufacturer is Wallace-O'Farrell. I wish I'd have found you all last year, will tell all the women in my support group. Thanks for all the laughs.

  • Jenster
    Jenster Member Posts: 25
    edited July 2005
    So fun a week or so after chemo with the same guy you've been with for the last 21 years is okay, then. Right?? 'cause I'm thinking that if I'm feeling that way, I'd better act on it now! Who knows when I'm going to be feeling that way again. lol. Only trouble is DH works out of town and he's only here on the weekends.

    Thank heaven for toys! (Did I say that out loud???)
  • Notsopuny5721
    Notsopuny5721 Member Posts: 17
    edited July 2005
    If that floats yer boat, check out this site:

    And be sure to see this one (which is also available as a link from the one above):
    "Best literary sex scenes published in English." Updated each month.

    Have fun & remember to clean the monitor afterwards.

    I have another helpful hint for getting back in the mood-
    reading women's erotic fiction.

  • conniec
    conniec Member Posts: 31
    edited July 2005
    Well, if BJ's and other sex are out the window during chemo, then I may have REALLY messed up when I was on it! LOL!

    Basically, your immune system is being knocked down, and about 10-14 days AFTER your chemo session (each of them!), that is when you are at your lowest.

    But, hey, let's face it. Unless you live in a hermetically sealed room, you ARE going to be interacting with your family. Some good advice, though, is during those few days, it is best to wear a mask and NOT GO OUT INTO PUBLIC PLACES, because EVERYONE has a cold, cough, etc.

    Why medical mask? Even at home? Kids come home with sickness from school, and you MIGHT get it 10 times worse -- or be perfectly fine. But why take the chances?

    My hubby was in hospital for surgery two days after my second A/C tx. I was there for a solid week, in his room, in the ICU "sleeping / waiting" room, and wore those wretched masks. It was a running joke. If I forgot, the nurses would "nag" me about it and kick me off the floor, for MY sake! they were just great!

    and I definitely remember BJ's while on chemo .... until I got so sick, I didn't WANT to, that is.

    So, enjoy it when you feel up for it and while you still have MOISTURE AND DESIRE!

    have fun!

  • SpanArtist
    SpanArtist Member Posts: 38
    edited July 2005
    I would suggest WRITING erotic fiction to get in the mood! I write for my partner and we both get turned on!
    Also, someone was asking recently if any of us take Cymbalta. I've been taking it since my dx (asked for it because the sexual side effects are very low if they occur at all). It's a dual-purpose's also used to treat neuropathy, and I had only very, very slight numbness under two of my small toes at the end of my dose-dense Taxol and it's going away now (finished 4 rounds of Taxol 3/31 after 4 rounds of dose-dense A/C).

    Hugs to everyone! Liza
  • Bancroft
    Bancroft Member Posts: 14
    edited July 2005
    Now we are getting creative---along with our website/line of pink ribboned surviving b/c sex toys...we could post our writing as well!

    Keep it up ladies! My mojo is making a come back!!
  • Notsopuny5721
    Notsopuny5721 Member Posts: 17
    edited July 2005
    Forgot to mention:
    [Where you can read/submit stories
    of all kinds of "genres"]

    Should help to get the juices flowing...

    Now we are getting creative---along with our website/line of pink ribboned surviving b/c sex toys...we could post our writing as well!

    Keep it up ladies! My mojo is making a come back!!

  • Fitztwins
    Fitztwins Member Posts: 144
    edited July 2005
    So my 'wand' came in the mail. My DH opened the package. He never opens my mail? I came home later than normal with the boys. ANYHOW...At bedtime he pulled it out! you see I didn't tell him I ordered it. I was LMAO!

    Ladies, I highly recommend something like this. It was the first time I had fun in a LONG time.

    He asked me not to post this on the board. I think he meant details?
  • Bancroft
    Bancroft Member Posts: 14
    edited July 2005

    Yeah Janis! So happy for you!

  • conniec
    conniec Member Posts: 31
    edited July 2005
    YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And, well, ok, maybe he doesn't want you to share ALL the details, but I, for one, would LOVE to hear and know if you have achieved "happiness!" ;-)

    Oh, if our DHs only knew what we actually tell our dearest girlfriends, eh? I think the poor dears would die of heart failure and embarassment! One of my friends and I are always talking with each other, more so to give advice to the other and relating our exploits with our S.O.'s.

    In many ways, that helps. Gives us both idea we may not have thought of, and other ideas that would be a BIG NO, THANKS!

    Well, after reading ALL these posts about this MAGIC WAND, I guess I better go out and buy one. Sure I LOVE, LOVE my "pocket rocket" (though one seems to have died -- guess it got worn out? or something of that nature..... ), so the Hitachi Magic Wand might be a nice alternative.

    As long as we keep the cat locked downstairs, as she LOVES to "join in" when there are sounds of mechanical devices! HEE HEE -- OMG!

    OH, someone had mentioned about all these LUBES turning STICKY before "success." Yup, that has been my experience, as well. So, we put a very large towel under wherever we are in the mood, so that we can continue to re-apply as needed.

    If ANYONE knows of a lube that does not get all sticky, I'd LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to buy it! And so would my DH! The amount of money we've spent on lubricants is disgusting, and I just can not wait until this most recent bout of "yeast infection" disappears, so I can try our new product, REPLENS.
    It sure felt good between my fingers, when I just wanted to know what the feeling would be like. Did NOT seem like it would be sticky at all.

    On the same subject -- at our "new" Walgreens, they have decided that WOMEN MATTER! OMG, I almost jumped up and down with joy!

    Don't have the name of it, but there are a number of items that are for US, women who do not have natural lubrication anymore. One if something you use a plastic push-pump to put lubricant inside; the other is a vaginal suppository.

    THAT one sounded better, as it takes a little bit longer to "melt," so you have more time to stay standing, sitting upright without leakage! LMAO!

    Of course,I would/ might recommend buying a box of pantyliners, having NO IDEA what amount of these products actually get absorbed by the vaginal walls (and supposedly act as a STIMULANT!!!!!), and which just sort of, well, um, leak out over the day. You all know what I mean!

    FITZTWINS, happy to hear of your husbands being inventive enough to give anything a try -- gotta give him some mega hugs and goodie points for that! and, oh, I surely, surely hope that YOU got some good, hair messing up, bed-gripping fun out of it, as well! (big grin!!!!)

    with love and hugs to all!

  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited July 2005

    Hey Connie...I haven't bothered with the Pocket Rocket since I got the Magic Wand, at Liza's recommendation here. So Fitz, good for you! I've been touting the wonders of the Wand here since I first tried it. Btw, it works real well as a neck massager for my tension headaches, too...of course, without the attachments.