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    edited February 2007
    Where do you get Vigel?!!!

    Anyway, we tried ALL the condoms. We didn't like 'em. They were all too rubbery and "antiseptic." I am really glad I am not on the dating scene because "protected sex" is far too boring. So we're looking forward to end of chemo.

  • FitChik
    FitChik Member Posts: 392
    edited February 2007

    Mizsissy....I know that some are advised to use condoms during chemo, but many docs think it's definite overkill. I never even thought of using them and had lotsa sex. But I guess you should follow your own doctor's advise.....

    edited February 2007
    And now I am paying for "unprotected" sex again, with my third cystitis infection in three weeks...

    Actually, I never got any medical advice on this, I think I read this somewhere.

    Thanx, Fitchik!
  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Member Posts: 1,227
    edited February 2007

    Since chemo messes with the flora and fauna in the intestinal tract you need to up the good bacteria by eating more yogurt and possibly supplementing with acidophilus capsules. That's what I did.

    edited February 2007

    Jaybird, thanks a lot for the tip. I'll definitely give this a try!!

  • Zzap
    Zzap Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2007
    Hey Ladies! I've got someone to introduce you to...

  • iodine
    iodine Member Posts: 869
    edited February 2007

    Well, I ck'd out the Brawnyman---whew, very strange.

  • cheryl58
    cheryl58 Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2007
    Hmmmmm Jenn... I checked out Brawnyman, too. I listened to "that thing you're going through"....I agree with Dotti...very strange and kinda creepy!!
  • Zzap
    Zzap Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2007

    OMG! - I hadn't watched "that thing you're going through", I only saw the intro when you reach the site. I thought he was cute, in a romance novel kind of way. You're right though, some of those clips are kind of creepy.

  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Member Posts: 1,227
    edited February 2007
    Yep, kinda weird and creepy (I didn't like the camera 'nodding') but he IS cute.....
  • FrannyK
    FrannyK Member Posts: 8
    edited February 2007
    Gals, I think this is a good thread to ask this (uh...personal..question). Did you have pain with intercourse during chemo? My hubby & I tried it once and...yowwch! So we didn't try it again. Now it's been 6 weeks since my last chemo treatment..we tried again...ow..same thing...even with lubricant. Anybody have that experience? I'm going to see my gyno...see if she see's anyting in there causing this. What a drag. HOpe it goes away!
    edited February 2007
    Hi Fran,

    Sex in chemo is not good...hope you don't have to be on chemo for a long time. The only way is with lots and lots of lubricant and very gentle...I mean, don't even try for the O. It was not only painful for me but I got a terrible infection that almost put me in the hospital on IV antibiotics!!!!

    And it's better to use a condom to prevent either your partner from being exposed to chemo chemicals and you from infection.

    The reason for this is that chemo attacks all fast growing cells, and this includes skin cells, and probably the lining of your vagina...

  • FrannyK
    FrannyK Member Posts: 8
    edited February 2007
    Hi Mizsissy:) thanks for getting back. well my chemo is done..last tx Jan 4...but I guess it's still doing it's damage right? We didn't have intercourse all thru chemo (except once we tried)..i was having enuf trouble battling UTI's & URI's & every other infection that pops up during chemo. After I posted this I went to the first thread. Now I'm blown away after reading how many of us are in this situation. There seems to be a lot of good advice here huh?

    edited February 2007

    Fran, there's lot of great advice here. Mena is the author of this thread and she's *very* entertaining. If you want to read the entire thread, start at the beginning and read just her's quite a story!!!

  • yowyow
    yowyow Member Posts: 36
    edited February 2007
    Hi all, It wasn't until I read this thread a couple of months ago that I felt sooo normal. I am now 5 months post chemo' and although things are geting better, I havn't had hot flashes in a week or two but my period hasn't returned. The mojo search is still on.

    I did take the advise here and went on a shopping trip to find a BOB (batt op boyfriend) and the $30 small tube of amazing lube. Bob has only been in our lives for a few days but OMG OMG OMG thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.

    I must have been a prude, I am 36 and thought I shouldn't be needing one of those.

    WHERE HAVE I BEEN!!!! My total mojo may not be in my vision but I can hear it calling and is getting louder every day!!!
  • FitChik
    FitChik Member Posts: 392
    edited February 2007
    Niiiiice...everyone should have a 'BOB'
  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited February 2007
    Hi Ladies ~
    I have a question to ask all of you. I have heard several of you talk about "burning" sensations during intercourse and you use lubs of several types. My question is I am fine during the sexual intercourse itself, but once he ejaculates it burns like hell. Both DH and I wanted to ask if anyone else has that problem and how they handle it. Does anyone have your DH's or SO's pull out before ejaculating?
  • ptesinge
    ptesinge Member Posts: 16
    edited February 2007
    Hi Judy,
    I do not have that problem, but I have heard of it before. I don't remember if it was ever a sudden development or what though, so I'm afriad I am little help. I will be in terested to hear if anyone else knows more...
  • barbara913
    barbara913 Member Posts: 9
    edited February 2007
    that does happen to me... don't really know why... maybe it has something to do with the combination of the lube and the ejaculate. i don't really want to him to pull out beforehand, that would ruin the intamacy for me. so, i just get him out alot quicker than i used too... lol! no real time to wallow
    if anyone has any ideas for this, to make it better, i'd love to hear it.
  • acgw
    acgw Member Posts: 7
    edited March 2007
    I think it has to do with the pH of his ejaculate. I read (can't remember where) of a woman who would actually get burns from her husband. I can't remember if there was a fix for that. Sorry I'm not much help but maybe you can explore the pH thing.
  • soccermom
    soccermom Member Posts: 55
    edited March 2007
    Hello all- I'm lost...looking for a thread where we were discussing dating after bc, internet dating sites, men's reactions to finding out you'd had bc, etc. I forgot to favorite the thread and now I can't find it at all! Anyone know where that thread is?, there is lots of good info here.
    Pharmom- I hear you. Like you, I've never been a "toy" person or needed anything extrinsic, but times are way different now. During bc, had mast/recon, went through chemopause, and my 2nd husband filed for divorce. So I have been basically sidelined for... OMG 3 years! This is so unlike me. I'm 54. But I had so much on my plate, another relationsship was th elast thing on my mind. But now I'm kind of missing it. Well, having mixed emotions...I don't miss the high maintenance of my last situation, for sure. I need the lover who won't drive me crazy!
  • FitChik
    FitChik Member Posts: 392
    edited March 2007
    soccermom...It's on page 3 of this forum...all in caps and starts with the word 'HELP' I'm getting ready to post on it again since I finally got a few fairly decent pics of myself and have selected 3 online sites to join (diversifying my investments, ya know?!). I'm sick of toys and want the real thing so I'm getting in touch with my boy toy to step in (or 'something' in ) pending responses from the cyber field!
  • LisaSDCA
    LisaSDCA Member Posts: 178
    edited March 2007
    I can highly recommend the boy toy therapy option - thanks in part to your encouragement, FitChik

  • FitChik
    FitChik Member Posts: 392
    edited March 2007
    Lisa....I'm so glad that you were encouraged to try the 'boy toy therapy'! I try to recommend what I know to work, but some people resist advice if they haven't really tried something. Yes, having a boy toy for emergencies really helps me stay sane and able to focus on 'real' relationships. And when he's young and well-endowed, it's even better!
  • LisaSDCA
    LisaSDCA Member Posts: 178
    edited March 2007

    And when he's young and well-endowed, it's even better!

    Oh, my yes, Marin.
    My concerns about the bruising/incisions being a turn-off were entirely alleviated. He was gentle at the first, to make sure I wasn't uncomfortable with breast contact, post-lumpectomy, but he was able to prove to me how well the equipment stll works!
    He's even been more attentive than usual - keeping up with how I am doing, not our usual modus operandi at all. He got a real kcik out of my message inviting him over to "kiss 'em goodbye". Now that it looks like the bilat.mast. will happen post-chemo, he feels there's a lot of saying goodbye to be done.
  • FitChik
    FitChik Member Posts: 392
    edited March 2007
    Oh Lisa...DO enjoy all of his attention! And then if you need to incorporate body changes, well, there are plenty of 'tricks' well as other body parts that ned to be attended too as well! Yeah.
  • ptesinge
    ptesinge Member Posts: 16
    edited March 2007
    hey girls-
    going to dive in with an embarrassing question here.

    in brief, i have a discharge with no other symptoms. I did recently have a bacterial infection, for which I was treated (as was my bf) and it cleared accordingly. The discharge seems the same, but this time there are no other symptoms. Before I pay to go back to the doc again(!), is it possible this is something differnt? Anyone experience something similar, related to our general "post bc" changes, and/or using Replens?

    I know using Replens can cause discharge, but I thought that would be kindof, well, wet-ish. This seems different from what I'd expect--it seems pretty innocuous on the surface. To see it I might think it was (hypothetically) small clumps of wet toilet paper. Sorry if this is gross. I feel pretty crass, but....a girl needs to know!

    If indeed it's still/another infection, I'll guess it is somehow BC treatment related as my entire life I've never had one infection until now...might be interesting to look into.
  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Member Posts: 1,227
    edited March 2007
    As you describe it, it sounds yeasty. If I were you (I'm not a doc so I can't tell you what to do!) I would take or up my intake of a pro-biotic and also cut out yeast products (bread) and see if it cleared up. Good luck!

    Jansi L
  • Lauri_S
    Lauri_S Member Posts: 7
    edited March 2007
    Just thought I'd drop in and add my experiences.

    During chemo I didn't feel up to having sex. I know, I know - Use it or Lose it. But I'm the type that gets nauseous easily and the rocking motion was too much for me (ANY motion). So for quite awhile we didn't do anything.

    Then I was feeling better so we tried - YEEEEEEEEEEOUCH!! The pain was unbelievable!! We tried all the lubes - didn't help. We tried getting some dildos that were small (to gradually 'stretch' me) - didn't help.

    Then I started having discharge. Went to my Gynie and she said it could be yeast infection and put me on vaginal suppository. I had also talked to my Onc about the lack of sex and he ok'd the use of the Estring - a very low dose estrogen release ring that is inserted into your vagina. I tried that but it didn't do anything.

    And the drugs would clear up the discharge but as soon as I stopped it came back. It wasn't until my third trip to the Gynie that they found the real answer - lack of estrogen. My vaginal wall was a MESS!! That's where the discharge was coming from and the pain during intercourse.

    It was obvious that the ring wasn't enough so I started using Estrace vaginal cream. My Onc wasn't thrilled with the idea since my BC is ER+ but it came down to a quality of life issue for me.

    I am happy to say that just a few short weeks after starting the Estrace we're back in action!! It's still slightly painful but it's doable. And I see it only getting better!!

    We're hoping to wean me down to using the cream only once or twice a week once everything is back to normal (or as close as we can get). That would lower my risks.
  • ptesinge
    ptesinge Member Posts: 16
    edited March 2007
    your imput helps. thamks guys. i will keep those things in mind as I proceed to figre it out. will let you know!
