
  • Lauri_S
    Lauri_S Member Posts: 7
    edited March 2007

    Forgot to mention - as soon as the Estrace cream started to work my discharge stopped.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    Ps FYI yeast loves sugars...try to keep your sugar intake lower and that includes fruits....
    Good luck
  • ptesinge
    ptesinge Member Posts: 16
    edited March 2007
    It seems to ahve gone away on its own. Which leads me to think perhaps it was just Replens related (particularly as I am not super-consistent with using it. Two times a week. phhh! who can remember that?! haha)

    Regardless, it seems to ahve cleared, at least for now, which is good.
  • tornadogirl
    tornadogirl Member Posts: 13
    edited March 2007
    I got my $25.00 Magic wand (adam and eve brand) and it is fantastic. You dont have to be an expert to give yourself an O and neither does your partner, they can wave that wand and give you an O no matter what.

    But I tried it today with my H using it and the "attachment" on it that goes inside (looks like a rubber penis). No matter how much lube i used, it would not go in very far.

    I never had children but my V has never been that small! It is as if I REVIRGINATED! Oh man, we used to laugh about that in college and now it has really happened! OH NO!

    What do I have to do? Work it out with larger and larger sex toys until finally it can take a normal size penis???? I will never be able to have real intercourse if the sex toy wont enter in there?????? TMI????

    (We have not had intercourse for a year and a half now, but many other types of sex leading to his and my orgasms. But someday I want to have that type of sex again and my H has to take viagra )

    I will experiment every day with lube and sex toys until the opening gets larger. Geeze, what else can I do????

  • tornadogirl
    tornadogirl Member Posts: 13
    edited March 2007

    I just read the post about estrace. I am going to look it up. I had er- cancer.

  • aliciamaris
    aliciamaris Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2007
    Ladies - what's the name of the drug that is in clinical trials (non-estrogenic aphrodisiac)? It was mentioned on this thread but I can't find it and don't have time to look.

    I know it's not available yet, but I want to know more.

  • SpanArtist
    SpanArtist Member Posts: 38
    edited March 2007
    Hi Alicia,

    The name of it is Bremelanotide (used to be PT-141) and Flibanserin. Bremelanotide is a fast-acting nasal spray and Flibanserin is a slower-acting pill. Here's a link to the drug company that makes it and is running the clinical trials. Believe me, I'm keeping a CLOSE eye on developments with this drug...in fact, awhile ago, I called them to ask them about getting into one of their clinical trials, but was told it would be awhile before they do trials for women with pathologies involved...but it might be worth it to get in touch with them (I e-mailed them more recently to get an update and they never answered me). Let us know if you find anything out, ok? AND have you tried the Hitachi Magic Wand (a POWERFUL vibrator)? Works for some of us (not me anymore, though!) You can Google it and find it for sale in many places on the web...should cost about $50.00.


    Good luck and hugs,
  • LiveForToday
    LiveForToday Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2007

    Bumping up for someone in need!!

    edited March 2007
    Hi Gals, I just finished chemo two weeks ago. Two months of taxotere, cytoxan, UT infections, and antibiotics. Went to see a specialist yesterday; she thinks I may be over the infections but gave me a very discouraging diagnosis..."vaginal atrophy"...I am post menopausal, off HRT for several months but mojo was in pretty good shape despite all that before I started chemo and I had an active sex life. But when the infections kicked we had to rule out all activity for several months. The cytoxan and taxotere actually attack the epithelial cells, and weaken the vaginal tissues, and sexual activity can cause breaks in the vaginal lining and make you more susceptible to infection.

    Now...what to do? I stil have some estrace cream from a bygone era, which isn't exactly the greatest thing to use if you were strongly ER positive as I was. I thought of trying it just a few times, to get going, and then work on the "use it or lose it" principle. At this point, getting back in shape down south is not just a matter a sex, but a matter of good UT health.

    Anybody know of *ANYTHING ELSE* that I could use or do to strengthen the tissue...I've wondered about aloe, hyrdrocortisone, other kinds of skin creams, not just lubricants, but creams that heal...Any ideas here?
  • FitChik
    FitChik Member Posts: 392
    edited March 2007

    Linda...If I were you, I'd be careful using anything internally (like aloe, for eg.) that isn't targeted for this specific use. Have you asked your doctor(s) about using an Estring or going back to the cream? And are you certain that a lot of lube won't do it for you? I ask because I find that doctors often declare such things as 'vaginal atrophy' if one or two indications of such are present, but, IMO, they're declarations are just crap and don't mean that you'll have problems with intercourse. What I'm saying is that visual exam may see your tissue as showing signs of dryness, but both natural lubrication might still be quite possible and, if it needs help, OTC lubes (like K-Y Intrigue) could absolutely do the trick. So I say...give it a shot and you just might be pleasantly surprised!

    edited March 2007

    Well... I was just throwing out an idea. If they can make estrogen creams that are safe, why not aloe creams or other creams that would work without endangering BC patients? I mean, I hope we're covering new ground here. Maybe there's nothing safe on the market yet, but maybe there should be. Lubricants are just that, lubricants, I don't think they have an long lasting effects. I think it is so insane that there is so much technology for putting back surgically removed breasts, while ignoring something so much more important and obvious!!!! If they can do it for the face, why not mojo?!!!

  • QueenSansaStark
    QueenSansaStark Member Posts: 27
    edited April 2007
    Bumping this up because it's been on my mind a lot lately. I'm single right now and hope to be in a relationship eventually, but don't want to find I'm incapable!
  • FitChik
    FitChik Member Posts: 392
    edited April 2007
    Thanks, Crystal Cat! I share your thoughts...in fact, 'mojo' is never far from my mind! I can report that I was celibate, by choice, for almost 6 months and it made me delirious. The Hitachi Wand is fine, but there's never anything like the real thing! I finally consented to a date with my ex-bf this past weekend and having read all of the posts about drying up and stuff, I was slightly worried it may have happened to me due to lack of use (though I did make sure to use the Wand attachment off & on in order to avoid such a thing). Well, I'm happy to say that everything is truly in fine working order...especially my enthusiasm! I think I'll stick with him for awhile and maybe intersperse dates with him with hook-ups with the boy toy. Sweet!
  • QueenSansaStark
    QueenSansaStark Member Posts: 27
    edited April 2007
    I'm glad to hear that, FitChik! W00t for working girl parts! And it sounds like you have a nice arrangement. I myself wouldn't mind a toy boy. Just not a live-in one because I like living by myself for now.

    Being ER/PR+++ means Tamoxifen and absolutely no hormone supplements for me, so I'm very concerned about keeping my girl parts in working order. I do not want to have a hot date turn cold because "I can't!"
  • FitChik
    FitChik Member Posts: 392
    edited April 2007
    CrystalCat...I getcha. As I mentioned above and many others have mentioned throughout this thread, there are 'mechanical' ways of both deriving pleasure AND keeping the girl parts working fine while you await the 'hot date.' Maybe if you read over this thread a bit, some ideas will come to you. PM me if you'd like more explicit ideas
  • FitChik
    FitChik Member Posts: 392
    edited April 2007

    Bumping this up for fear it will fade off the board entirely. Nothing much to add...ex-boyfriend has now become FWB (Friend With Benefits) and it's very hot, like we'd never done it before! Was going to 'test drive' that new KY lube, Intrigue, but no time or need for lube, so far, at all!

  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Member Posts: 1,227
    edited April 2007
    Rock on, Marin! At least someone here is getting it - and enjoying it!

  • playwriter
    playwriter Member Posts: 10
    edited April 2007
    I subscribe to the Lark Letter, which is a from lady dr giving u natural solutions to many common women's problems, and she said:
    estriol: "of the 3 estrogens, estriol is the weakest and safest type of natural estrogen. it helps prevent breast and uterine cancers. esritol has been shown to be particularly helpful in relieving sympoms of vaginal atrophy by building up the cell lining and restoring sensation, thereby improving orgasms."
    1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon daily of testosterone cream daily.
    The following smells: cinnamon, cloves, ginger, nutmeg
    The following foods: licorice, pumpkin pie, honey, tofu, oysters
    exercise: 20-30 min/day of cardio, plu do your kegels
    diet: fruits, veggies, whole grains. avoid red meats, saturated fate. eat foods rich in fatty acides: salmon, tuna, trout, walnuts, 1-2 T of flaxseed oil.
    supplements: mucuna 300 mg/day in capusle form, standardized to 60 mg L-dopa (if u are taking anti-depressants, check with yr dr 1st) mucuna is one of the few natural sources of the precursor to dopamine, the brain's neurotransmitter responsible for energy, alertness, and libido.
    maca -- 2-10 grams --a peruvian herb-- stimulates and regulates endocrine system and immune system, increases energy, mostcommonly used for libido and hormone level probs. if u have a hormone-related cancer, she recommends u avoid it, however, due to lack of formal studies.
    the amino acid L-arginine -- 1,000 mg, in capusle form with 250 mg of B5 and 250-350 mg of choline once a day to promote better blood flow to pelvic organs and tissue. L-arginine produce nitric oxide whice inhibits muscle contraction, which promotes blood flow and vascular relaxation. The L-arginine/nitric oxide patheway has been shown to be responsible for sexual arousal.
    if you're not taking estriol, 40 mg of black cohosh extract(standardized).
    1,000 mg daily of tyrosine and 25-50 mg of bitamin B complex

    i haven't tried any of these, as i'm undergoing chemo, and i don't feel up to much sex cuz the rest of me doesn't feel good. (maybe 5 times in 2 months), but i thought i would share with y'all.
  • QueenSansaStark
    QueenSansaStark Member Posts: 27
    edited April 2007
    Thank you FitChik and Playwriter! I told my best girlfriend that I want to take a "field trip" to our local Good Vibrations and get myself a BOB for the lean times. Since I don't want to lose it, I'd better use it, right? I've also made it very clear to my onc that I want to preserve my sexuality. Poor guy, his ears got a little red. What can I say, I'm a Sagittarius and we're known for being outspoken!

    A nearby drugstore had a sale (!) on Replens so I stocked up. You're not getting away from me, Mojo!
  • FitChik
    FitChik Member Posts: 392
    edited April 2007

    FYI...This topic is being touched on over on the 'Hormone Therapy' board, under the '...vaginal atrophy...' thread.

  • roseg
    roseg Member Posts: 15
    edited April 2007

    CC - do you have a flexible spending account? Replens is something you can get reimbursed for if you save the receipts.

  • Zzap
    Zzap Member Posts: 5
    edited April 2007
    I haven't posted much, but have read this thread with much interest. I'm currently going through radiation, finished chemo Feb 22. The chemo made me lose what libido I had and made penetration VERY painful, no pleasure in it at all. It was like my body wasn't mine anymore. I think my boyfriend was resigned to the fact that our sex life was ruined forever.

    Well, I've noticed that my hot flashes have been going away the last few weeks and some of the urges coming back. So last night we had real sex for the first time in MONTHS! It still hurt a little at first, but it felt so good to have my body respond in a healthy way, like before chemo. And it 'ended' well for both of us.

    Now I'm worried that when I start Tamoxifen when radiation is over, it'll set me back again. I'm going to try and keep the ball rolling and keep 'using it' so I don't 'lose it'.

    Also, I found a new lube that I like. It's called System Jo that was recommended by the gal at the local adult store as it's non allergenic, non irritating. It was nice and slippery without getting gummy like some others we've tried.

    They've got a website and I looked and found they have many other products as well. Can't tell you about those, just the personal lube.


    The radiation oncologist's nurse recommended Replens and Astroglide. She gave me samples of Astroglide, but I haven't tried it yet. I also haven't tried the Replens yet. not sure that I will unless things go south with my sex life again.

    Anyway, I appreciate all the tips I've read here and would love to hear others experiences with Tamoxifen.

  • whoopsiedoodles
    whoopsiedoodles Member Posts: 224
    edited April 2007
    Ok, I need some guidance. Can you guys give me some links on where to find a moderately priced selection of *ahem* toys? I have been trying to comb through the many pages of posts, but there are way too many and I need to go to bed!
    I want to know what is the BEST one, and I would prefer not to spend $100. I'm willing to shell out about $50-$75.
    Thanks, ladies!
    Love and prayers, Deb
  • FitChik
    FitChik Member Posts: 392
    edited April 2007
    Deb...The best sites for toys, etc. are


    The only trouble I've had with purchases from these companies is that the packages need to be signed for and I'm always at work. I live alone and, so, have no one to sign for me, but I guess given the nature of the delivery, that's a good thing Anyway, I'd find myself leaving work early just to go get my new vibrator and somehow that just seemed a bit odd. Nevertheless, I've never regretted my purchases. At first, I tried the cheapo little bullet, but once the batteries wore down, I couldn't find a replacement. 'Graduated' to some simple stick-like things and even tried a Rabbit. But the BEST of ALL (and if you do read back some pages here, you'll hear many of us singing it's praises) is the Hitachi Magic Wand ! It's rather large (about 10-12' - not for internal use, obviously!) and purports to be for 'massage.' (It's actually a very good massager too!). But lemme tell ya, it totally gets the job done...over & over & over! The downside is that you're, at times, tempted to forego your man and hang out with the Wand instead! As many of us believe, there's nothing like a good, hard man, but sometimes a little help can't hurt!

    BTW, you can also find the Wand in some local sex shops. One in my area (Frisky Business - I think they're all over) carries a huge selection, including this one...and attachments (yes, the Wand has attachments, but they're unneccessary. I'd recommend the silicon 'member', though, for ladies who don't have a partner and want to keep things in good working order for future endeavors).

  • iodine
    iodine Member Posts: 869
    edited April 2007

    The Wand is also available on Ebay if you are a regular shopper there and know how to shop Ebay and save a few bucks on NEW, UNused stuff. LOL

  • QueenSansaStark
    QueenSansaStark Member Posts: 27
    edited April 2007
    That's it. I'm gonna get the Wand and one of those silicone "members." Hey, the Wand won't snore, drink milk from the carton, or barge into the bathroom without knocking, right?
  • whoopsiedoodles
    whoopsiedoodles Member Posts: 224
    edited April 2007
    hee hee......

    I ordered the Wand yesterday! I felt "naughty" because I did it over the phone, and I felt silly requesting a sex toy. How immature am I?!?!
    Love and prayers, Deb
  • FitChik
    FitChik Member Posts: 392
    edited April 2007

    That's right, Crystal Cat...the Wand doesn't even hog the remote! Like a special servant, it just patiently awaits your command!

  • iodine
    iodine Member Posts: 869
    edited April 2007

    And doesn't fart or burp.

  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Member Posts: 1,227
    edited April 2007

    hee hee......

    I ordered the Wand yesterday! I felt "naughty" because I did it over the phone, and I felt silly requesting a sex toy. How immature am I?!?!
    Love and prayers, Deb

    Well, when you get it I hope you enjoy being "naughty!"
