
  • ptesinge
    ptesinge Posts: 16
    edited June 2007
    cool! i'd order one of the samples, but it probably has to be a US address and my dad receives all my US mail. HA! i mean, he's cool and all, but not THAT cool!

    PS. i like the school girl look too :-) hmm, come to think of it, I think I have a new black pleated mini and pink fishnets that need breaking in. (oh, sorry. did I say that out loud? haha!)
  • whoopsiedoodles
    whoopsiedoodles Posts: 224
    edited June 2007
    I used my coupon yesterday, and scored a costume at 75% off with the additional 15%. It is a nurse outfit with the nametag "Anita Lay." HOW FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got other stuff too, but I'll have to tell you guys later, it is bedtime!
    Love and prayers, Deb
  • FitChik
    FitChik Posts: 392
    edited June 2007
    Deb...NIIIICE! And I'm sure that if you need lessons on role play, you can find a few DVDs at that shop too! I much prefer the films with storylines like that....hard core, for me, is way boring. Funny how the guys don't seem to mind it though....

  • Zzap
    Zzap Posts: 5
    edited June 2007


  • Jorf
    Jorf Posts: 26
    edited July 2007

    I'm just new here (to this thread) and was reading back a few pages and saw "BOB - battery operated boy" and laughed. guess what my dh's name is?

  • leannem
    leannem Posts: 8
    edited July 2007
    Hi all!

    Great to hear everyone is slowly getting on track lately- my partner gets home today from his 5 weeks away so I will be back to square one...*sigh*.

    I have been reading all your posts about L'arginine with GREAT interest and spoke to a biochemist nutritionist who is working with me regarding my eldest sons dietary issues and this is what she said:

    "L-arginine induces prolactin which is the hormone that triggers milk
    production in the mammary glands. Normally this is triggered by oestrogen
    so there is a suspicion that the arginine is actually triggering oestrogen
    for this to happen."

    I have emailed her asking her to further explain this to me in relation to sex drive and vaginal atrophy and I will post her response if anyone is interested? I am desperately hoping this is okay as I REALLY want to try it!!

  • Jorf
    Jorf Posts: 26
    edited July 2007

    I would be definitely interested in hearing her response. It also says on the bottle that it's good for cholesterol so it's nice to feel like it's a double whammy but not if it's upping estrogen at all.

  • susan_CNY
    susan_CNY Posts: 64
    edited July 2007
    whats the dosage for L'Arginine? I broke down and bought some, can't remember the last time I had an orgasm, maybe 4 years now, think I may have
    have issues, but am willing to give this a try
  • FitChik
    FitChik Posts: 392
    edited July 2007
    I'd also be interested in the nutritionist's take on the action of L-arginine. In my own (amateur, albeit) research, it was suggested that L-arginine may actually have an anti-cancer effect
    http://www.pdrhealth.com/drug_info/nmdrugprofiles/nutsupdrugs/lar_0024.shtml ) - check out the reference to breast cancer studies further down the page and the discussion regarding NK (natural killer) cells. As for dosage, I've been taking only 500 mg/day to get the desired effect, but the literature recommends more than that.

    Now for more items of interest....I seem to be being treated to an entire new array of foreplay techniques from bf. He indicates a recent fondness for reading Men's Health magazine and it seems that this sweet journal has been full of effective suggestions for riling up us females. So, if anyone is considering a magazine subscription for her partner, this might be worth checking out. It has the added advantage of advocating exercise and other good health habits!

    So here's to happy MOJO-ing, y'all!!!

  • magsandmattsmom
    magsandmattsmom Posts: 43
    edited July 2007
    Ladies I love this thread! Don't read everyday but love to catch up. Some day I'm gonna have to go shopping. Sadly I'm more interested in taking care of things myself then with my husband I'm working on that.
  • Bancroft9
    Bancroft9 Posts: 18
    edited July 2007
    Come on ladies- someone try these new KY tabs that last four days!!! I just saw an ad in a woman's magazine---- will post it after I try the free sample that Marin referenced.
  • OG_Lou
    OG_Lou Posts: 24
    edited July 2007
    From the book
    Better Than I Ever Expected by Joan Price

    Painful Intercourse Problem-Solving
    By Ellen Barnard, MSSW, and Molly Webb

    Painful intercourse due to vaginal dryness and vaginal atrophy can be helped by using a combination of massage (to bring healthy blood to your tissue), Liquid Silk (to moisturize your tissue), and a silicone-based lubricant like Eros (to seal the moisture into your tissue and provide a slippery surface).
    Many women experience vaginal dryness, whether it's the result of menopause, prescription medications, medical conditions, or just how you are. Using lubricant during sexual activity can greatly increase your comfort level and prevent tearing, friction burns, and painful intercourse.

    1. To get your sensitive tissues ready for comfortable, consensual sexual activity, start by making genital massage a part of your foreplay. You or your partner can gently massage the pubic mound (the part covered by pubic hair), inner and outer labia, clitoral hood, and clitoris. You may notice your genitals starting to turn pink or light red-this is caused by fresh blood being brought closer to the surface.

    2. Next, incorporate Liquid Silk lubricant into the massage. You or your partner can use a quarter-sized amount and rub the lubricant gently into the labia, clitoris, clitoral hood, and as far into the vagina as possible. Think of Liquid Silk as a lotion for your genitals-the same way you put hand lotion on when your hands are dry, you can gently massage Liquid Silk into the genital skin to moisturize the tissues and prevent dryness.

    3. Once the Liquid Silk is slightly absorbed into your skin (and you and your partner are nice and aroused!), apply a silicone-based lubricant like Eros. Silicone-based lubricants do not soak into your skin but rather sit on the surface and provide a very slippery feeling. Applying the silicone lubricant on top of the Liquid Silk seals in the moisture the Liquid Silk brings to your skin, and also provides a layer of protection for your genital skin.

    If you choose to have intercourse, this three-step process will help ensure that your genital tissue is full of fresh, healthy blood, moisturized, protected, and slippery!
    If you experience pain even after trying this approach, we recommend adding a couple more steps:

    4. Use Liquid Silk along with a five-minute massage of your labia, the opening of the vagina, and the outer part of the vagina every day. Gently massage the Liquid Silk into the skin, pressing down and moving your finger in a small circle, not rubbing in long strokes. You can use a small vibrator to help do this deeper into the vagina if you like.

    We also suggest getting a slim vibrator, covering it with lubricant, inserting it into the vagina, and letting it run for five minutes-it does the massaging for you where your fingers cannot reach.

    5. Do your Kegels daily, with a focus on the end of the exercise, which should include conscious relaxation and a deep breath after each contraction. This helps you gain flexibility and learn to relax your pelvic floor muscles more consciously so you can relax during penetration.

    Ellen Barnard, MSSW, is a sex educator, activist, and coowner of A Woman's Touch Sexuality Resource Center in Madison, Wisconsin (www.a-womans-touch.com). Molly Webb is a pleasure specialist for A Woman's Touch .
  • OG_Lou
    OG_Lou Posts: 24
    edited July 2007
    Vaginal Rejuvenation & Health
    If time is passing between periods of intimacy and penetrative sex, you should keep your vagina tuned up and healthy. Myrtle Wilhite, MD, MS, and co-owner of A Woman's Touch Sexuality Resource Center in Madison, Wisconsin, offers the following tips for genital health:

    External Moisturizing and Massage: Increase the suppleness and blood circulation of the skin of your vulva and vagina with a five- to ten-minute massage with a moisturizing sexual lubricant like Liquid Silk, a water-based lotion that will soak in and moisturize your skin, won't get sticky, and will help you massage with very little friction.

    Push into the skin with circular strokes, and massage what's underneath the skin rather than brushing across the skin. Include the inner lips, the hood of the clitoris, the head of the clitoris, and the perineum.

    To complete your external massage, massage into the opening of the vaginal canal, using the same circular strokes. The massage itself does not need to be selfsexual in any way, but if that is comfortable for you, by all means explore these sensations.

    Internal Vaginal Massage: To massage inside your vaginal canal, we suggest using a Lucite dildo, which is very smooth and will not cause friction or tearing. Choose
    your size based upon how many fingers you can comfortably insert into the opening of your vagina.

    After a session of external vulva massage, apply the same massage to the inner surfaces of your vagina with your dildo, with lubricant applied on both skin and dildo. Rather than pushing the dildo in and out, use a circular massage movement. You are increasing skin flexibility so that your body can adjust to comfortable sexual penetration if you choose it.

    You might also choose to use a slim vibrator for massaging the vaginal walls. Coat it in Liquid Silk, and then insert it gently. Turn it on, and let it run for about five minutes. You don't need to move it around, just lie there and let it do its work.

    Orgasm: For women who stop having orgasms, the blood vessels literally can get out of shape, preventing future orgasms. If you are able to bring yourself to orgasm, do so at least once a week for the rest of your life. (Seriously.) This is preventive maintenance of your body.

    Kegel Relaxation: Kegels increase both the strength and flexibility of your pelvic-floor muscles. Pay attention to the relaxation and deep-breath part of the exercise. Learning to relax your pelvic floor will help you to avoid tensing up before penetration.

    Fitness and Exercise: Our Bodies, Ourselves, Our Sex Lives" for Dr. Wilhite's tips for perfect Kegels.
  • OG_Lou
    OG_Lou Posts: 24
    edited July 2007
    My Brain Chemicals Made Me Do It

    According to anthropologist/evolutionary biologist/love specialist Helen Fisher, PhD, different brain chemicals dominate different stages of love:
    1. Lust (craving sexual gratification) is driven by androgens and estrogens.
    2. Attraction (romantic or passionate love, euphoria, intense craving for loved one) is driven by high dopamine and norepinephrine levels and low serotonin.
    3. Attachment (calm, connection, stability) is driven by the hormones oxytocin and vasopressin.

    High levels of oxytocin and vasopressin may interfere with dopamine and norepinephrine pathways, Dr. Fisher explains, which may explain why attachment grows as mad passion fades. It makes sense to me that when our androgen and estrogen levels recede with age, we're more in touch with the "attachment" stage.

    I contacted Dr. Fisher and asked her about the association of oxytocin and kissing. She replied:
    I don't know if levels of oxytocin rise with kissing; I don't think anyone does. I would think they would rise if you were in a long-term attachment. But if you are in the throes of intense romantic passion with someone new, levels of dopamine and norepinephrine may rise instead. I would say that kissing is "situational"-the hormones and neurotransmitters involved will vary depending on the state of the relationship. We do know that orgasm increases levels of oxytocin in women. And this probably contributes to the feeling of union and attachment after orgasm with a partner one loves.

    Dr. Fisher is also the author of four books on the biology of love. These books don't deal specifically with older women, but are fascinating nonetheless. You can check them out at her website, http://www.helenfisher.com. Meanwhile, you can blame it on brain chemicals if you want, but these drugs are legal-so enjoy them!

    along the same line, but by a different author:

    How to Be a Couple and Still Be Free
    Tina B. Tessina, PhD, a psychologist and author. http://www.tinatessina.com

    Making-Up Sex happens after you've had an argument or a struggle and forgiven each other; lovemaking can be extra tender and memorable.

    Comforting Sex is wonderful when one of you is sad or stressed and the other is especially caring and soothing, doing all of your favorite things to comfort and relax you.

    Relaxing Sex is the kind to do on a weekend morning, when you have no obligations and can laze around, have breakfast in bed, and make love for as long as you want. There's no pressure, no hurry, and no demands on each other.

    Reassuring Sex is affection and intimacy intended to reassure a partner who is temporarily insecure, or to reaffirm your mutual love and commitment to each other. It is often accompanied by many verbal declarations of love and explaining again why you are so important to each other.

    Fantasy Sex allows you to act out all the silly, forbidden, or exciting fantasies: nurse and patient, two children "playing house," master or dominatrix and slave, stripper and customer, extraterrestrial alien and abductee, famous movie star and adoring fan, your two favorite characters from a soap opera, novel, or movie, or anything else you can imagine. This is a great time for costumes, masks, sexual toys, leather outfits, or whatever enhancements you enjoy.

    The possible varieties of sexual attitudes, environments, energies, and activities are truly endless. No matter how exciting any of the above options seems at first, if it is all you do, it will become boring eventually-and no matter how tame the option is, if you haven't done it for a while, it will refresh and revitalize your experience of each other.

    Just some information from a book I was reading to help my W who had BC 10 years ago.

    Thanks for the Liquibeads coupon link.

    I am working on condenced list about lubes and moisturizers from another book.
  • Bancroft9
    Bancroft9 Posts: 18
    edited July 2007
    These are great tips/articles. I would love breast caner.org to post some of these mojo tips on the regular site. I will try to remember at least to bump- these up for newbies to see.

    Keep up the good posting.
  • suzca
    suzca Posts: 4
    edited July 2007

    Can anyone tell me if there is a lubricant that does not have glycerin or some kind of sweetner in it?

  • OG_Lou
    OG_Lou Posts: 24
    edited July 2007
    From another book;

    Hot flashes, obvious symptom of menopause and relieving vaginal dryness.

    Hot flashes may be the most obvious symptom of menopause, but for many women, vaginal dryness is just as troublesome. And despite our culture's greater acceptance of public discussion of sexual issues such as erectile dysfunction, for example, vaginal dryness is often too personal and too embarrassing to bring up.

    When the WHI highlighted the potential dangers of long-term use of oral estrogen, millions of women stopped their HRT and then searched high and low for a personal lubricant that would be safe and effective.

    Q. l know this is a sensitive issue, but it affects a lot of women. Vaginal dryness is ruining our sex lives. I had breast cancer, so hormones are out. I'm embarrassed to ask my doctor about this. My husband works long hours, and our opportunities for intimacy are unpredictable. Is there any natural lubricant I could use just at that time?

    A. Readers have suggested olive, almond, and vitamin E oils. Some people are allergic to topical vitamin E, though, and it can cause a nasty rash. In addition, using any oil in combination with latex condoms may weaken them. One woman breaks a leaf off her aloe vera plant and uses the slippery gel that oozes out.

    For some women, this problem is an issue only for sexual relations, but others find that dryness is uncomfortable throughout the day. Oral HRT generally relieves this symptom along with hot flashes, but just as sudden sweats may return when HRT is stopped, so can vaginal dryness.

    Natural Oils
    No studies have identified diets, exercises, or other lifestyle approaches that work for vaginal dryness. We have heard from many women who have found remedies that work for them, however. One of the simplest is olive oil. Other women have found that almond oil has a more pleasant aroma and that it still helps with everyday moisturizing.

    Olive Oil
    I have been using olive oil for this purpose for a couple of years. When my doctor did a pelvic exam, he thought I was taking hormones although l am not. I think olive oil has natural compounds to keep women youthful. If it's safe to eat, it's safe enough for vaginal lubrication, too. The oil is applied to the vagina with a fingertip. At first, daily application may provide the best results. Later, less frequent applications may be effective.

    Side effects., Some women notice oily spots; on their underwear. If is happens, apply less.

    Downside: Some women are, squeamish about fingertip application. In addition, using any oil in combination with latex condoms o weaken them.
    Cost: A few dollars, or less, per month
    There is, unfortunately, no research to show whether any kind of oil applied topically will
    moisturize vaginal tissues. Our reader got a lot of other people interested in using olive oil for this purpose, though, and some of them contacted us to tell us that it helped. We really don't know of any hazard to this one except for people who are allergic to olive oil.

    It doesn't take very much, so use the best-quality extra-virgin olive oil you can find, or substitute almond oil or another vegetable oil if you prefer.

    Vitamin E
    The underground popularity of vitamin E capsules taken orally for hot flashes has apparently inspired some women to try this dietary supplement "off-label." We don't think any
    vitamin manufacturer envisioned women using the contents of a vitamin E capsule for personal lubrication, but some are enthusiastic about it. They prick the capsule and squeeze out the oil for application by hand. Squeeze the vitamin E oil out of the capsule and apply it to either partner for lubrication "a ha moment."

    A capsule may be used as a vaginal suppository for lasting lubrication.
    Side effects: Rash. Test the oil on your inner arm first, to make sure you aren't sensitive to it.
    Downside: Effectiveness has not been scientifically tested. Also, using oil in combination with latex condoms may weaken them so that they aren't effective. Cost: Approximately $2 to $5 per month

    Improbable Lubricants
    Whoever said "necessity is the mother of invention" must be smiling at the ingenuity of women who have taken common, inexpensive cleansers or moisturizers and tried them to combat vaginal dryness. But some household products have been especially popular.

    Q. 1 suffered for years from vaginal dryness and tried a lot of treatments for it. Then I read about using Corn Huskers Lotion. The results have been incredible! The lotion is inexpensive and works better than a progesterone cream my doctor prescribed.

    A. We've heard from others who have found that this old-fashioned hand moisturizer can be helpful for vaginal dryness. Some of the ingredients are identical to those in pricier personal lubricants.

    Corn Huskers Lotion contains glycerin, guar gum, and methylparaben, as well as a few other ingredients. It is not dissimilar to KY Jelly (glycerin, hydroxymethylcellulose, methylparaben), Astroglide (glycerin, propylene glycol, parabens), or Replens (glycerin, mineral oil, methylparaben). All of these drugstore products are designed specifically as vaginal lubricants. Although they are a bit pricier, such products are certainly worth a try. Corn Huskers is promoted as an oil-free hand treatment lotion. The manufacturer makes no claims regarding this "off-label" use.

    Do keep in mind that mineral oil, as found in Replens, could compromise latex condoms.
    We have also heard from many readers who sing the praises of an old-time facial cleanser for this purpose.

    Q. My husband and I have used Albolene as a sexual lubricant since the early 1970s. I'm not sure how we heard about it, but it's great: odorless, tasteless, slick, but not messy.
    It comes in a white tub you can keep by the bed without embarrassment. A 12-ounce jar costs about $11, but a little goes a long way. We've purchased five jars in 27 years of marriage. I haven't seen this anywhere else and wanted to share our secret.

    A. Thanks for the tip. Finding a sexual lubricant that suits both partners can be challenging.
    Albolene is a moisturizing cleanser that contains mineral oil, petrolatum, paraffin, ceresin, and beta-carotene. It should not be used with condoms or a diaphragm since petroleum jelly degrades latex.

    Albolene is certainly cost-effective. Although it is solid in its container, a small amount
    applied to the skin soon liquefies and becomes slippery. One drawback, though, is the mineral oil and petrolatum base. These petroleum products will destroy latex, so they must not be used with barrier contraceptives such as condoms or a diaphragm. (The postmenopausal woman may not need to worry about contraception, but many perimenopausal women still need to be vigilant.) Albolene is available in pharmacies and online; for more information, you can contact the manufacturer, Numark Laboratories, at 800-338-8079.

    I've been using a product from New Zealand named Sylk for over a year now and rind it does a great job in lubricating and relieving pain associated with vaginal dryness during relations.

    Quite a few people these days are reluctant to introduce petroleum-based products into their bodies, and they also worry about the effect of such products on latex condoms. Many of them have been pleased to learn about Sylk, a natural lubricant from New Zealand. It contains kiwifruit vine extract, citrus seed extract as a preservative, and vegetable glycerine. It is water-based, so it can be used with condoms. It is not sticky.
    and, more importantly, does not contain petroleum products. As a result, it is safe to use with barrier contraceptives. Sylk is not available in most drugstores, but it can be ordered by telephone at 602-957-7955 or on the Web at www.sylkusa.com.

    Side effects: None known
    Downside: Effectiveness has not been scientifically tested.
    Cost: One bottle costs $22 to $23 and lasts 3 to 4 months.

    Aloe plant
    People have devised a number of other clever ways to use natural products as lubricants. Some people have found that the gel from an aloe plant is ideal. It certainly is inexpensive! A few drugstore lubricants contain aloe as one of the ingredients, so presumably this is usually well tolerated.

    Q. My husband and I can't use K-Y Jelly or any other brand of lubricant we have tried. They make me itch and burn.
    We have found, though, that the slimy gel that oozes from an aloe leaf when you break off a piece is a very
    good lubricant. I hope this will add to your uses of aloe vera and help another couple.
    . This is a most unusual sexual lubricant. Aloe vera gel has been used for centuries to help burns heal and ease skin irritation.
    Others who would like to try this should test the gel on the inside of the elbow first. If there is no allergic reaction, the slippery texture should make it a surprisingly effective sexual lubricant.

    Hormonal Approaches. Not recommended for most people who have had breast cancer.

    For decades, when women complained of vaginal dryness as a symptom of menopause, doctors prescribed estrogen, often as a vaginal cream. Most of the time when a vaginal cream or tablet was prescribed, the doctor would point out that it would have local effects and would not be absorbed into the bloodstream. Although vaginal estrogen creams can often help alleviate dryness, the dogma that the estrogen in the cream stays put and doesn't get into the rest of the body is bogus. The delicate tissue of the vagina is quite efficient at absorbing estrogen and passing it into the blood

    Q. 1 have been reluctant to take estrogen because I worry about possible side effects, in particular breast cancer. The worst thing about menopause has been the lack of vaginal lubrication, which makes sex very uncomfortable.
    My doctor prescribed a vaginal estrogen cream for this problem. He has assured me that it is locally acting with negligible absorption.
    It certainly has helped the vaginal dryness, but my hot flashes have also dropped off considerably. Is this cream getting from the vagina to the rest of my body to control the hot flashes? And if so, what about the risk of breast cancer?

    Estrogen is easily absorbed from the vaginal lining. In fact, one study of Premarin and Estrace creams published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (December 14, 1979) found that "estrogen vaginal cream preparations, as widely used in clinical practice for their local effects on the vaginal mucosa, actually result in sustained high estrogen levels in the systemic circulation,"

    We suggest that you discuss your risk factors for breast cancer with your physician. If oral estrogen is inappropriate for you, a cream formulation is not likely to be much safer.
    There are certainly times when a vaginal cream or tablet is appropriate. When other approaches aren't effective, an estrogen cream often will help. As with oral estrogen, the idea is to use the lowest effective dose for the shortest possible period of time. Frequently the prescription cream will be dispensed with an applicator. Ask the doctor if you should fill the applicator or use less cream than that. It may be possible to apply just a small dab on the tip of your finger and get adequate relief with less overall exposure to estrogen.

    Topically applied estradiol (a form of estrogen) is available as Estrace cream and Vagifem vaginal tablets.

    Q. A couple of years ago vaginal dryness was causing me a lot of discomfort. I am prone to blood clots, so I can't take oral estrogen.
    My doctor prescribed Estring, an estradiol vaginal ring that is inserted every 3 months. It has only 2 milligrams of estrogen and has solved my problem. Please tell others about this approach.

    A. Estring has been available in Sweden since 1993 and in the United States since 1996. The 2-milligram dose of estrogen is very low, especially since it is released gradually over 3 months. This approach may solve the problem of vaginal dryness with fewer side effects than oral estrogens.
    There is one more way to apply estrogen topically to the vaginal tissues-with a vaginal ring. This silicone ring is inserted into the vagina, where it releases estradiol at a low but steady rate for 3 months. Like other forms of estrogen, it's not appropriate for women who

    Estring is a vaginal silicone ring that contains estradiol that is released at a steady, low rate over 3 months, which minimizes fussing. It is placed in the vagina, usually so that it is comfortable or almost unnoticeable. Side effects: Stomachache, nausea, vagina
    discharge, headache, insomnia
    Downside: Must pay for 3 months' treatment up front;
    Cost: $100 to $150 for a 3 -month ring
    Consult with your onologist if you have or have had breast cancer. Because the dose at any given time is lower than if a woman were taking estrogen orally, it might be use even by women who are nervous about using estrogen.
    Although menopause is a natural process, hot flashes and night sweats can be bothersome Vaginal dryness also may be uncomfortable The ideal treatment for these symptoms show: be used at the lowest effective dose for the shotestest possible period of time, since most symptoms will eventually fade away on their own.
    Here is an overview of our recommenda tions.

    1. Keep cool by turning down the thermostat and wearing layers that can be easily removed if you start to sweat. A tall, coal (nonalcoholic) drink is less likely to trigger a hot flash than a steaming cup of coffee.

    2. Keep exercising to minimize your hot flashes and help you sleep. Then follow up with relaxation and deep breathing.
    Try Remifemin. Black cohosh can help with hot flashes if they are not too extreme.
    3. Eat moderate amounts of soy products with isoflavones. They may help reduce hot flashes.
    4. Take vitamin E capsules. Up to 400 IU daily should be safe and might help.
    5. If nothing else helps with the hot flashes, try hormone replacement therapy at the lowest effective dose for the shortest possible time. Transdermal estrogen might be worth considering.

    Off lable Drug Usage and Summary
    1. An antidepressant such as Paxil (paroxetine), Effexor (venlafaxine), or Prozac (fluoxetine) may calm hot flashes even if you are not depressed. Don't take any of
    these drugs for longer than you need them; you may need help getting off them.
    2. The antiseizure drug Neurontin (gabapentin) may ease hot flashes and does not have the same risks as hormone replacement therapy. Do not stop this drug suddenly, though, since that could trigger withdrawal symptoms.
    3. Vaginal dryness may respond to olive oil, almond oil, or the oil from inside a vitamin E capsule.
    4. Corn Huskers Lotion or Albolene offers slippery lubrication for sexual relations.
    5. For more natural lubricants, try the gel from a broken aloe vera leaf or Sylk, which has kiwifruit extract.
    6. Estring is the most convenient form of vaginal estrogen. The need for Estring should be reevaluated every 3 or 6 months so you won't use it for longer than necessary.
  • OG_Lou
    OG_Lou Posts: 24
    edited July 2007
    lubricant that does not have glycerin or some kind of sweetner in it?

    W and I use ID brand silicone based Lube. You might find some information at http://www.idlube.com/
    Silicone lube http://www.idlube.com/millennium/millennium.php

    BTW, we started with KY wanming, OK but not good enough.
    Then Astroglide, better but it dries out.
    ID brand silicone and Replends a day before or several hours earlier, along with vitamine E capsules, much better.
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Posts: 4,660
    edited July 2007

    Leanne - my gyn is the one who recommended L-Arginine to me after I had my ooph - he was well aware of my ER+ status. I take one/day, but can take up to 3 - just forget to take the extra - really need to as my mo-jo is no-jo!!! WE buy the 500mg - it is free form amino acid supplement with B-6.

  • Jorf
    Jorf Posts: 26
    edited July 2007
    I use Sylk (http://www.sylkonline.com)

    A midwife friend and I went to the sex store one day and checked out all the lubricants. She exclaimed, "It feels like me!" So that's what I bought. Feels very natural, works well. In fact, just putting it on and rubbing it in a little - just by it's slipperiness - is a nice turn-on.
  • jdash
    jdash Posts: 54
    edited July 2007
    ok i have finally joined this thread !!! haha need your help and dont have time right now to go back and reread 47 pages of posts
    after my dose dense chemo last may june july aug- then my dbl mast and reconstruction i am dancing with NEDS - met an incredible guy 2 months ago and didnt think life could be so wonderful again : )
    my reconstruction came out amazing but its still not the same as having your own supersensitive breasts as before - i am trying to readjust to my sex life without them
    sex is wonderful but i find having an orgasm is not happening so easily as it did before- i have told my man it is definetly not him - for us single women who have to begin dating again after BC there are sooo many addtional issues to deal with
    i am sure all my bc friends here have some great suggestions
  • FitChik
    FitChik Posts: 392
    edited July 2007
    With or without bc, some women take a long time to come to orgasm and it's her partner's 'job' to work as long as it takes. Of course, you can always help things along by including toys, especially 'fast-acting' vibrators. So just relax and let it happen. And believe me, men are just glad to be doing it and thrilled if/when you do come, so try not to worry about their wishes when it comes to YOUR orgasm! At least, that's MY opinion!

    Have fun!

  • Pharmmom
    Pharmmom Posts: 18
    edited July 2007
    Ok I tried the KY ovules yesterday. I had sex with hubby on Saturday night. The next day a little dry and sore (what else is new). Then itchy and burny. I have diflucan and took one. I think I might need another. I also used the "ovule" for moisture. I feel like I might make an appt with the gyno and have her just take a look and check things out. I am so angry. If we don't use enough lubricant once I go through this!! If we "do it" to long, I go through this. Its making sex a production. Sometimes I long for the good old days. NO lube no problems!! Anyone else using this new ovule? I'm curious to see your reactions and opinions! Barb
  • Pharmmom
    Pharmmom Posts: 18
    edited July 2007

    Just to clarify I bought the ovule after I had sex. I couldnt find it before. Its supposed to help keep you moist LOL for 4 days at a clip. We'll see.

  • whoopsiedoodles
    whoopsiedoodles Posts: 224
    edited July 2007
    Woo-hoo, the sex store by us happened to be having a "Christmas in July" sale this past weekend, and I totally scored on tons and tons of toys, and "props." We have been having a blast trying out a new toy each night. One of the items came in a set of flavored lubes, oils, etc. The girl said they called it "the magic jar." It is a desensitizer that you put in your mouth, swish, gargle and swallow. It then allows for oral to take place without the gag reflex (I totally struggle with that!). Let me tell you ladies, it TOTALLY WORKED. My hubby was really happy the next day!
    Last night we tried a toy for him, and it actually made us both quite happy.
    Tonight? Hmmm......I think I will use a costume!
  • FitChik
    FitChik Posts: 392
    edited July 2007
    Very cool, Deb! I'm lucky to not have much of a gag reflex, so that works! The numbing stuff can also be used for premature ejaculators....it works well!

    I'm planning a costume also this weekend (just kicked the boyfriend to the curb, so I'm looking forward to exciting times with my 33 year old). My costume is self-designed though, based on some of his known preferences. It's kind of Daisy Duke, but with white fishnet thigh highs, super high espridrilles (sp?), a chain belt and...no panties!

    Let us know which costume you go with...and how it comes off (oh, you know what I mean )!

  • whoopsiedoodles
    whoopsiedoodles Posts: 224
    edited July 2007
    That last line just cracked me up!

    I think I will be going with a very simple one tonight....just a black feather boa. I love it! I swear it really was like Christmas in that store.
    I like your costume idea-very cute, but sexy!
  • FitChik
    FitChik Posts: 392
    edited July 2007
    OK....tell me that ALL you wore was the black boa???! Or perhaps a matching thong with 2 black feathers strategically placed (like the legendary fig leaves) would go well?

    I'm moving to your town....what a store! Certainly better than having a Super Target any day!

  • twingle99
    twingle99 Posts: 1
    edited July 2007
    You are to funny. i haven't been on here in a long time. It sounds like you are doing great, It amazes me when i do get on how nany of you have stayed on for 2 and 1 year. Its terrific, I Tried in the begining but have 3 elementry aged school girls. While they are at school I babysit for teachers kids!!! It's been alot of fun.

    So this magic jar were you able to swallow. heehee
    I just can't bring myself to do that!!


    1 and 3 years
  • Unknown
    edited July 2007
    OK, first of all - "Super Target"??? Be still my heart. We only have a regular Target and that's about all I can handle...

    Anyway, that's not what I came here to say.

    Neither is this but...I can't get into the dressing up/costume thing. It feels so strange to me. I got a beautiful lacy thing for our wedding and it's the first and last time I ever wore it. But I admire you guys for doing it and it's inspiring.

    I did come here to say this. I just had an amazing week and wanted to share it with women who might be having orgasm problems. (Tho that wasn't the reason we did this, I was having less frequent and less, I'll call them thorough, orgasms lately.) Yesterday was the 16th anniversary of the day my husband and I met. We've had a LOT of sexual problems over the years regarding differences in libido and interest. Since BC/menopause tho I'm much more interested. (Love not having a different take on life every week of the month!) So Monday morning we were fooling around (often mornings are non-orgasmic sex for both of us) and DH said, "I have an idea. Let's make love as much as we want to this week but not have an orgasm until Thursday." Well, we made love morning and night all week and it was amazingly fun and hot and freeing. Taking away any possibility of orgasm just allowed the focus to be on just doing it and having a lot of good feelings. It also made me feel like a 14 year old boy the last two days when I just kept thinking about sex! Then last night - for I think the second time in my life - actually had 2 orgasms. Laugh out loud orgasms.

    So - here I am writing about my sex life for all to see.