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  • Miss_Lolli
    Miss_Lolli Member Posts: 72
    edited June 2008

    Well, I'm only on my third bottle of tamox and don't have dryness probs yet, but I'm planning for the future. lol If we have to avoid estrogen and progesterone wouldn't testosterone be safe? I heard that can do wonders for mojo... so wouldn't a topical cream made with that be just fine?

  • Miss_Lolli
    Miss_Lolli Member Posts: 72
    edited June 2008

    P.S. otter, after my last chemo (Nov 07) EVERYTHING in the world looked black for about a month, and it seemed that it always would be. Everyone's allowed to have "moods" including our loved ones, and we're allowed to come here and complain about them all we want to. No one's going to hold you to it. LOL  Like everyone said, cut yourself some wide slack for awhile. Things do calm down.

  • Mary-Lou
    Mary-Lou Member Posts: 630
    edited June 2008
    Marin_ You are so right on the last post....
  • Mary-Lou
    Mary-Lou Member Posts: 630
    edited June 2008
    Just a bump for the gals who don't know that MOJO is for SEX!Wink
  • drgnfly
    drgnfly Member Posts: 5
    edited June 2008

    I just picked up my rx for testosterone ointment...1/2 gram applied to inner thigh 2-3 times a week. Anyone else using this? My gyno checked with my onc for the go ahead. My mojo is no-jo. It is sad sad sad. 47 and no desire. She said the test. would help me get that "hmmm, let's do it!!" feeling back. I will admit that I am nervous about using it, but I need to do something.

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited June 2008

    So?  How long before we should have report back on it, Drgngly?  I mean...YOU will keep us updating on this and whether it's something we can sink time and $$$ into and have actually work? :) AND NOT be against the rules of hormone positive cancer survival?  Interesting reports I bet they will be :D 

    We're all waiting to hear!  AND rooting for you!  Go D, Go D, Go D! :)

  • FitChik
    FitChik Member Posts: 392
    edited July 2008

    OK, girls, now I need YOUR help. I know that some of you think I have all the answers, but it's not at all true, so I'm posting here in the hopes that one or more of you have some experience and advice in this area. If you feel shy about posting an answer, could you please PM me? Here's my question: are there any things that you can do to accomodate a man who has an extremely large penis (both lengthwise and in girth)? I guess I know that additional lube will help, but is there anything else (preferred positions and techniques, for example) I can do? Also, in your experience, do you actually get used to the size over time?

    I hope that someone can help. I really, really like this man and want to be with him without worry that I'm perforating something!

    Thanks, my chicas!


  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited July 2008

    Oh my dear!  I remember that 'problem' ONE time.  Fortunately it wasn't now while I'm withering away to nothing! :D  J/k! But seriously.  There must things, and I have no advice, other than to try different positions. I heard that side or in the spoon position works for painful intercourse for other reasons, perhaps it would help for that?  Deary, you seem to keep us on our toes with these questons! :)  I hope someone can help in your quest of a solution.  Sorry I couldn't help, but it's an interesting subject. 

    Then again, while I wait for the gyno to be 'reminded' that I'm STILL waiting his educated solution to MY problem, sex in interesting, b/c I'M NOT GETTING ANY :(  HATE DOCS! (this should be my bi-line)

    Still waiting on drgnfly's test results! :D

  • Calif-Sherry
    Calif-Sherry Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2008

    Marin, I sent you a PM.  I have some ideas for you (and some experiences) that might help.  Have fun with IT!!!  hehehe

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited July 2008

    Just not fair not sharing!  :D  Just kidding!

    Just finished a triple pump mocha frappachina dd made me!  Mmmmmmmmmmmm!  But I normally don't have triple pump java, just the triple mocha. So I'm flying! :D  Guess I better stay away from the NO cleaning thread today, b/c I've got to find some release for this caffeine kick! Whooooooooooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 33
    edited July 2008

    Hello gals...very sorry to interrupt this wonderful thread with some very sad news... I heard from Mena over the weekend.  She is doing OK, but she called to tell me that her daughter Dawn had died suddenly and very tragically.  I just posted a short little tribute to Dawn over int he Prayers and Inspiration section.  People who want to know more about what happened should contact Mena directly.

    Mena needs our love, prayers, and support now more than every.


  • katesf
    katesf Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2008

    Has anyone tried testosterone cream?? I spoke to my Dr. today and he got the ok from my Oncologist for me to try it. I have an appointment in a couple of weeks with a GYN who specializes in menopausal women who have lost their libido. After my breast cancer diag. last summer I had to immediately discontinue my HRT. My surgeries are done, I've healed, but I have no sexual desire. It's not fair. We've been through enough. My husband has been so patient and we are still intimate, but I want some desire again. I'm tired of going through the motions but without feeling anything......Just curious if anyone else has tried the testosterone and had any luck.

    Hope to hear back from someone out there. Thanks.


  • whoopsiedoodles
    whoopsiedoodles Member Posts: 224
    edited July 2008

    Oh my gosh-

    I'll be praying for Mena and her peace.  I can't believe the news.  Thank you for sharing it with us. 
    Love and prayers, Deb

  • Shirlann
    Shirlann Member Posts: 60
    edited July 2008

    Hi Stacey, this is way after your post, and a study of one, which I just love.  But anyway, my mom had a complete hyster when she was 42.  Complete.  My dad died an she remarried. She and her new husband were married 20 years before she died of a stroke.  AND, she took Premarin, which may have made a difference, but still.  At 82, I swear, I am not making this up, she told me, "Oh my, Bruce cannot get it hard anymore, and I miss sex so much!"  I was shocked.  If you have problems, it is possibly many things, and of course, one woman does not mean we are all the same.  I just couldn't resist telling you this because I was so stunned that my mom would even tell me this!

    Hugs, Shirlann 

  • ellenoire
    ellenoire Member Posts: 7
    edited July 2008

    Marin, by now I hope you have had the time to work this out on your own. WRT to the post about your partner's large penis. Yes, you will get used to it over time. The Vagina is built to accomodate all sizes with patience and lube. At first used on top positions and ones where you are in contol of the speed and depth, you will be able to handle it b4 you know it.

    Good Luck!

  • ellenoire
    ellenoire Member Posts: 7
    edited July 2008

    ok, after reading the last months posts I have a piece of totally new advice.

     As many of you know I run a natural skin care company, so I know a lot about ingredients and skin and how the body absorbs stuff.  

     Bad Lube- NEVER EVER EVER use vaseline or baby oils or any other petroleum based anything on or in your vagina!!!!!!! Petroleum is a total moisture barrier, and is simply useless for human skin for the most part. Avoid anything with any added scent or perfume too.

    Good Lube -My fave for the last 5 years is pure unadulterated organic Shea Butter. African families have been using it for 1000's of years and me and the bf love it.  With my chemopause we use it, and sometimes add a little Astroglide if I have not had enough foreplay, but by day 7 on chemo we only need the shea butter and a little patience. Get unscented, 100% pure Shea with no other ingredients except Shea, most good health food stores have it....If you cannot find it let me know. I sell it and will ship it to you.

     Let it warm in your hand until it melts , or put a little in the microwave for 15 seconds until it is softer, but not too hot and keep a bowl by your bed. Use as much as you need, it is not messy like liquid lube and has a texture that is more real than most lubes. 

     Shea is NOT NOT NOT condom safe, nor safe for diaphrams or toys made with rubber or silocone. It is 100% skin safe though. It is a great lube for monogamy.

     Try it- if you don't like it, use it on your feet or legs or something. I use it head to toe for all dryness/ dry skin issues. 

     Cheers, Noelle

  • FitChik
    FitChik Member Posts: 392
    edited July 2008

    Welcome, Noelle! Aren't you a sweetie for giving us such great advice! I have no idea what shea butter is, but it sounds yummy. I love lube but would never consider using petroleum jelly ot baby oil either. Only the best for my va-jay-jay, ya know Wink!

    Thanks also for your support regarding the large penis issue. You're absolutely right about getting used to it. In fact, I'm beyond used to it and on to being addicted to it Surprised! I've definitely changed my mind about size not mattering....not only does it matter, but I'm afraid it will now be most desireable. As I said on the other board, one you've had a "big mac," there's no going back! Laughing


  • whoopsiedoodles
    whoopsiedoodles Member Posts: 224
    edited July 2008

    Ha!!!  BIG MAC!!! 

    Oh Marin, how I miss our sex talks....

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited July 2008

    MARIN!  I'm blushing for you! :)  You crack me up also!  These threads area always so interesting and :D

    Do you ever worry that someone you know (like this guy) will read these forums some day? 

  • FitChik
    FitChik Member Posts: 392
    edited July 2008

    Funny you should ask....he actually did start checking the board over on "Singles..." after I mentioned my posts to him. I don't really mind and expect that he'll tire of it. I don't post anything that I don't share with him or would if I thought he cared.

    And believe me, he already KNOWS that he's big!


  • snowyday
    snowyday Member Posts: 121
    edited July 2008

    Okay someone remind what the hell is MOJO.  Just kidding.  I feel like an it again.

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited July 2008

    I can honestly say, I only encounted one WELL endowed young man and I'm thankful he wasn't the one I married, b/c I've got plenty to handle with all these NO ESTROGEN problems plagueing me these days!

    But I'm glad you are Happy!  I could hear your uh...satisfaction reading your post the other night! :D

    Snowy... :(  Been there, feeling it hon! {{hugs}}

  • magsandmattsmom
    magsandmattsmom Member Posts: 43
    edited July 2008

    Marin - I've only had one Big Mac but I will agree that it's really hard to go with anything smaller after that!

  • FitChik
    FitChik Member Posts: 392
    edited July 2008

    Here's a question for our more adventurous, free-thinking about anal sex? I ask this because we are on a thread initiated because so many of us experience vaginal atrophy after our treatments and feel badly about how this affects our partners. So why didn't this occur to me before? This type of sex seems to be more "popular" of late, so maybe it's a possible solution to the va-jay-jay problem? I, personally, haven't really given it serious consideration, but maybe it's really pleasureable? Any ideas or experiences? Or is this just weird? What do you all think?


  • whoopsiedoodles
    whoopsiedoodles Member Posts: 224
    edited July 2008


    I am hopefully one of the more adventurous, free thinking posters, but I have never been one for that variation of a romp in the sack. 

    The theory makes sense, but who here has tried it and finds it to be worthy, and not uncomfortable? 

    I've yelled out one too many times before, "wrong one!" when we get a little too close to that area....EmbarassedSurprised.  Can't believe I just wrote that-

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited July 2008

    Surprised Oh my! After the BIG MAC discussion, then this, and MY ONLY thought was OWY!  We need and OWY emoticon for this thread!  OWY!

    Seriously, I'm with Whoopsie, on this one, it's a certain type of panic (?) is that the word for our reaction to it.... when that comes to mind............ Just call me anal anal sex, but uh...Nope, don't believe it would be option for me, just to satisfy dh, if you know what I mean. THERE are other ways for both to be happy, and I just can't imagine that scenario being one of them.....

  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92
    edited July 2008

    Nope, me neither ladies!!!!!!! I agree with Wish.....there are way to many other ways to pleasure each other without adding that to the mix....

  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Member Posts: 1,227
    edited July 2008

    I think if I REALLY loved and trusted the guy and he was SMALL I'd try it but otherwise not. I did date a guy (a pilot who broke my heart.....) who was small and we had the best sex ever (and he still says this to me despite us both moving on!) and he really wanted to try it with me but I refused because I didn't want to 'give' him that if we weren't going to get married/be together indefinitely (the trust issue) so I said "no, unless we get married....." and sure enough we broke up and I'm glad I didn't give in as I would have regretted it. For some it's no big deal but for me it would be a BIG deal! It seems most guys I've met over the past 8 years (since my broken heart relationship) have done that with at least one woman and I'd say that's a big percentage so women are doing it but whether or not they're enjoying it - who knows? I think many who do do it won't admit to it since it still is a bit taboo. JMO.....

  • Pharmmom
    Pharmmom Member Posts: 18
    edited July 2008


     I wanted to say that for me things have been improving.  No not exactly like before (diagnosed in 2002) but with lots of lubrication (from a tube!!! LOL) things can be pleasurable and not as painful as they were.  I also think it is mental as well.  Sometimes we just have to close our eyes and use our imaginations which helps us to relax and feel like we once felt or think that we look like we would want to look etc etc.  For me this helps (along with some sexy teddies etc) and then things move along.  I think its not as easy as it once was but with some effort it can be a good experience.    hugs Barb

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited July 2008

    Ladies, I only WISHIWERE able to let the mojo take over.  IF that were the only problem, we wouldn't have a problem :(  Alas, it's not so simple, and I'm beginning to think that 'older' people frowned on sex after retirement, b/c they weren't having any, b/c there was nothing for women to help assist in the pain and maybe that's why LUCY and Ricky oh, shoot....who are those others couples you always saw in separate beds!...anyway....I'm glad we have lubes and tubes and all that helps.  Now if I can get to the point that those would HELP, instead of doing nothing, I'd be set!  Hoping to get there, if I can get to the point of trying that estrogen cream...some day....  some day....some day we'll be back in the 'saddle' so to say :D