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Where Are The "Oldbies"?



  • trixiegram
    trixiegram Member Posts: 11

    A big hug to all.  What a joy to find this thread.  I like many of the "oldbies"  don't check in very often.  I lurk once in a while, looking for some of the many friends I made here.  And what a surprise to see so many familiar names.  It is hard to believe it has five years since I was diagnosed and found this board.  I remember so many of you - Dottie, Stacy, Pat, Laura, Lilee, Anne, Barb, Lilia, Jill and Pauline.  So many of us went thru this at the same time - what memories!  Remember the synchronized Monkey sock, wine and chocolate ceremony at midnight.   And a of us wouldn't have made it thru some scary tests without our beachbag buddy parties!

    I am still trying to recover from the my fall last year but Tommie and I are still chugging along.  My granddaughter, Daisy, just turned ten and gets more beautiful each day. 

    I dance a little slower but am still dancing with Ned.  I have noticed that Ned never ages while I just get older and now have a white streak of distinction.  But worth the price of admission to the Ball.Wink

    Like Stacy, will have to check in more often and see who else turns up and what's going on with everyone.

    "Your life can be a parade!  Just watch out for the elephants bringing up the rear!" Tongue out


  • binney4
    binney4 Member Posts: 1,466

    Niki! Hello, hello! How's the stupid LE? Is the pump still...well, pumping? What's the update on the head injury? The lawsuit?

    Great to hear from you. Kiss Man! I got an eye out for those elephants!


  • iodine
    iodine Member Posts: 869

    Leslie, so glad to 'see' you!  I've always enjoyed your board name, and the source: fog creeping in on little cat's feet.  Is that right?

  • NaughtybyNature
    NaughtybyNature Member Posts: 190

    OMG!!!!!!!!!!  littlecatsfeet/Leslie... dressmaker's favorite name to put on the quilts...... HOW ARE YOU??????????????  I miss seeing you around.

    Trixiegram/Niki... just got your PM... response to mine... LOL, (I w/ not let you go now... LOL)...and that's okay, dressmaker still owes me an answer... LOL - Are you there dressmaker?!!!

    So glad to see so many faces that were just there for me five years ago this year... thanks for all your caring and support...

    Always me,

  • dressmaker
    dressmaker Member Posts: 4

    Hello Everyone!

    Almost 5 years and wow does the time ever go by fast. Our oldest still struggles at times with his epilepsy, still living at home but working full time and running a lawn care service on the side(if it ever warms up enough for the grass to grow). Our older daughter was married in August, she is still battling her pituitary tumor but I guess the docs told her that will be a lifetime problem. Our younger daughter just finished her 2nd year of college and is hoping to become a physicians assistant or better known as a PA. My baby is 17 going on 25. He's madly in love and I'm afraid he will be the first to make me a grandmother!!! And as for my husband he works all the time.

    As for me I turned 50 a couple of months ago but the docs tell me my body is that of an 80 year old. I caught a nasty cold and sinus infection that has had be down for over 2 weeks already. Just can't shake it. Otherwise I'm dancing with NED!!!!

    We have had a terribly cold winter and spring. Where is global warming when you need it?????

    It's good to see you all checking in. I'm meeting an old classmate of mine for lunch today. Her bc has returned after just 2 years so I guess I have nothing to complain about.

    Lilia, I have free long distance now so email me your phone # and let me know a good time to call you!

    My computer crashed a couple of weeks ago along with all of my pictures and the hearts that Maria did for me for those quilts. Anyone here from her??? I'ld really like to get a copy of those back if possible.


  • kats
    kats Member Posts: 162

    kats here (same name different avatar) checking in.

    Just went over the 5 yr mark on May 7th. I don't come on the boards much anymore, it's nice to see so many familar names.

    Still have 11 more months of tamoxifen to do, but I'm in the home stretch and can just about see the finish line.

    Hugs to my fellow Oldbies

    kats aka Mary

  • NaughtybyNature
    NaughtybyNature Member Posts: 190

    kats!!!!!!!!: how are the grandaughters? 

    dressmaker: Maria C. from Portugal (my Portuguese side-kick...) is just fine, busy as usual, we exchange e-mails pretty much on a weekly basis.  I w/ PM you my info.


  • trixiegram
    trixiegram Member Posts: 11

    Bonnie!   How are you!  I have missed you.  You are always a bright beacon for me and so many others.   Sorry I haven't written in a long time.  Been a lot going on.

    The pump works but I can no longer get it on by myself due to arm problems caused by the fall last year.  Torn rotaor cuff can't be repaired and right arm has gotten weaker.

    Supposed to hear in next few weeks if the will be setlement or have to go to trial.  Either way - by time lawyer gets his, court costs are paid and the insurance gets their cut - probably won't be much left for us.  Didn't know about the law that the insurance co. gets back (from the settlement) what they have paid because of accident caused by other party. 

    Have other medical problems because of the brain injury I sustained during the fall/concussion.  They aren't going to get better, some are getting worse - but will bore you with details some other time. 

    Just glad to see so many old friends here!

    Mary!  Seems like forever!  You were always such a sweetheart to me.  May have to pick your brain for info on how to restore my avatar on here, if I can't figure it out.  Upon returning after long absence, I found it gone when they changed the boards while I was gone.

    How are you doing?  Still having fun with your granddaughters I bet.  Don't they grow up fast?

    Congrats on your five year mark.  Mine was on May 3rd but haven't gotten offical word  - see onc in two weeks.  Glad you are still dancing with that sweetie Ned.

    Vicky!  Sounds like you have a lot going on in your family.  I still have pics on my computer of those beautiful quilts you made. 50 isn't bad darling!  I turn 58 this year.  I still look in the mirror and think "What the heck happened to the person I used to be!"  Hope you get copies of your lost pics back.

    My youngest daughter lives in Vermont.  I imagine their winters are similar to yours.  COLD!  I couldn't take it.  Hope your sinus infection gets better soon.  I"ve had a few and hate them.

    Lilia!  I took a long time to answer your PM but you have to admit I wrote enought o make up for it!Laughing  Let me know when is a good time to call or you xcall me.

    I have missed my friends here.  Guess I'll have to come back on more of a regular scheldule.

    Ya'll forgive me if I mess up on the typing - brain no longer up to snuff.  I try and go back and correct errors but don't always catch them all.  We all have something  - right?

    Hugs ladies.  Watch out for those elephants - they can sneak up on you!


  • casinogirl
    casinogirl Member Posts: 476

    Hi all~

    I'm kind of an "oldbie", I was dx Oct 04 and "graduated" the end of May 05.  I remember many of you.  I still post, but not as much as I did.

    It's good to hear from everyone!


  • pconn03
    pconn03 Member Posts: 49

    Hi guys:

    I'm popping in again b/c it is soooooooooooo good to see these "old familiar names," again.  Wow!!! It does a heart good.  Kats, Vicky, Niki, Dottie, Binney and of course Lilia - you guys (and forgive me if I'm leaving anyone out b/c I sure don't mean too) are going to be forever in my heart!!!  My official five year mark is in 9 days - May 15th.  I'm in Milwaukee at the moment b/c my daughter just had her second baby - a little girl named Isabella Shea and she is just a doll.  Her older sister, Reilly, is going to be 3 next month and thank God all is well with the world!!

    Much love to all of my friends from 2003!!

    Hugs and blessings,

    Pat (pconn03)

  • iodine
    iodine Member Posts: 869

    Oh, Pat!!!  A new grandbaby and 5 year all at the same time! 

    Well, that better be a damn big celebration!  Sounds like it's time for jewelry!

  • pconn03
    pconn03 Member Posts: 49

    Thank you so much Dottie . . . yes, life is good.  By the way I notice I said my anniversary was in 9 days and then typed May 15th - I meant, May 23rd of course.



  • NaughtybyNature
    NaughtybyNature Member Posts: 190

    Hi my sweet Pat: 

    Lots of anniversaries coming up!!!  A 1,005 CONGRATS TO ALL!

    Drinks to everyone... they are on the "5th year" girls!

    LuAnn also has a brand new grandson...  

    Hugs, kisses and love,


  • trixiegram
    trixiegram Member Posts: 11

    Congrats Pat,

      On having a new granddaughter and on your five year mark.  What great names for both your grandbabies!   Grandkids are so much fun at that age. 

     Enjoy darling!  Enjoy!


  • pconn03
    pconn03 Member Posts: 49

    Lilia and Niki:

    Thank you both for your kind words.  Yes babies really are miracles, aren't they?  I'm glad you like their names - Isabella (Izzy)'s middle name Shea is my deceased Mom's maiden name and Reilly was named after my maiden name.  I also have two grandsons from my other daughter - and their names are Connell (our last name) and Quinn - they are 2 1/2 and 16 months - so all in all these are really"little people."  :):) All three and under . . .

    Again, thanks for the congrats on the babies and on the 5th year anniversary coming up on the 23rd.

    Many many hugs,


  • NaughtybyNature
    NaughtybyNature Member Posts: 190

    Pat: special CONGRATS TODAY... you made it to the 5th year mark... many, many more to come.



  • pconn03
    pconn03 Member Posts: 49

    You have always been a doll, Lilia . . . thanks for remembering me on my special day!!!

    Hugs to you and your sweet Bill and Jade!!

  • NaughtybyNature
    NaughtybyNature Member Posts: 190

    To all oldies that communicated and knew Tinkerbell (Ann):

    It's with great pleasure and pride that I announce that Tinkerbell's daughter, Kristin, has become a RN, just like her mom, yesterday.

    It was a very emotional night for all of us, as I am pretty sure that Ann would have been so proud of her girl as I was/am. 

    Kristin graduated wearing Ann's pin. 

    Two generations of real nurses into one.

  • celia088
    celia088 Member Posts: 975

    It is so good to see all of you oldbies' names and read your words again.  You all were on the boards when i first came on toward the end of 2004, and even tho i did not actually post for a year (i was mostly in the chatroom), i read you all everyday. 

    The boards were a little bit of heaven then, but they have gotten really crappy with the advent of the little "social clubs" of groups of people (i don't mean chemo or rads threads or groups), blogging away on threads, "owning" the threads, and acting like a militia protecting their "soil" from "invaders" with their "guns". 

    There is just way too much drama and showboating and ostracizing these days.

    i miss you all and especially that early time on the boards.


    nbn so glad you have come back 

  • hope_m
    hope_m Member Posts: 24

    Here I am, officially joining the club EVERYONE wants to join--"The 5th Year Girls!"  My dx anniversary has just passed and I am now officially a 5 year survivor of Stage 3 BC.  Still NED since my mastectomy and lymph node dissection on June 5th, 2003.

    I like the new club and remind you all that membership is entirely open!  We look forward to having ALL of you join who are not yet members.

    Wonderful news about Tink's daughter.  Tinkerbell is so proud, I'm sure.

    Hope M. 

  • sushanna1
    sushanna1 Member Posts: 61

    Please tell Kristin that we are proud of her. 


  • iodine
    iodine Member Posts: 869

    Yea, Hope!!

    Yea, Kristin!!

  • pconn03
    pconn03 Member Posts: 49

    Lilia:  Wow, what great news about Kristin !!!  Thanks for sharing . . .

    Hope: so thrilled with your 5 year mark, too.  God's continued blessings.



  • trixiegram
    trixiegram Member Posts: 11

    Congrats to Kristin! 

    You too Hope!   Love being a member of the "Five Year Club"  -  My mark was May 3rd but couldn't see my onc for official pronouncement until last Wednesday.  Yep!  Still dancing!


  • trixiegram
    trixiegram Member Posts: 11

    Congrats to Kristin! 

    You too Hope!   Love being a member of the "Five Year Club"  -  My mark was May 3rd but couldn't see my onc for official pronouncement until last Wednesday.  Yep!  Still dancing!


  • pconn03
    pconn03 Member Posts: 49


    Congratulations on your OFFICIAL 5 year mark!!  You go girl - and please take care of yourself!!!  We love 'ya!!



  • NaughtybyNature
    NaughtybyNature Member Posts: 190


  • trixiegram
    trixiegram Member Posts: 11


  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    My 5 year mark with ned will be Jan. 09. Coming up this month the follow up with the onc.  Not looking forward to it.  I do miss tinkerbell and so many others

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    So good to see so many " oldbies"..when I was dx'ed in 2000, I don't think this was here...but I found it a couple of years ago..After a another dx in 2002 ...I finished up my AIs two years middle son who was in medical school when I was first dx'ed finished that and his residency and has been practicing in the LA area for two years now...lot of water under the bridge!!