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Poll - How old were you when dx with BC



  • Waldmeister001
    Waldmeister001 Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2009

    20 first DX

    25 stage IV

  • lsmeenk
    lsmeenk Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2009

    29, diagnosed with stage IV from the start. BRCA2+, mom had breast cancer a year and a half ago and is doing well!

  • DeirdreJeanne
    DeirdreJeanne Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2009

    Diagnosed age 39.  Stage III.  No prior mamm. 

    Thankful for negative BRCA1-2 status.   The recommendation for my  daughter is to start screening at  10 years younger than my diagnosis age. 

  • KiminJax
    KiminJax Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2009

    I decided to look at this one again this morning and it is appalling that so many of us (majority) were dx'ed around lat 40 - 50.  That is way too young.  Even though we know that cancer doesn't really discriminate based on age, we need to learn what is permiating our lives now to cause onset of this disease so much earlier in just one or two generations.  My grandma was in her 70's my mom late 60's, me at 47 and we know my daughter is braca2.  It seems like there is more that we could do as an advocacy group than just running/walking for money.  I don't have the answer but I'm not really sure we have the attention we need from the NIH, etc.  Good luck to everyone in your jouney and thank goodness for this blog.  Kim

  • suzca
    suzca Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2009

    I am amazed and saddened to see so many 20, 30 and early 40 yo's.  Nobody should get this nasty disease, but wow. 

    I was Dx'd at 47 stage 2.  I had a three yo daughter at the time.  After a series of complications I ended up with a tram flap on the left side three years later and uncovered a local reoccurance. 

  • 009Anna
    009Anna Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2009

    I was 44

  • mom_of_2
    mom_of_2 Member Posts: 102
    edited March 2009


  • clanzillotta
    clanzillotta Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2009

    52 original dx mets to bone

  • juliejfsrj
    juliejfsrj Member Posts: 9
    edited July 2012

    I was 43.  It was my first mammagram.  I thought that because I already had a painful form of arthritis I had paid my dues, and would be healthy for the duration.  

  • navygirl
    navygirl Member Posts: 369
    edited March 2009

    I was was only my second mamogram...they had pulled me back in for my first one for a second look but then said there was nothing to worry about...I guess that depends on who is doing the worrying? The cancer was in the same spot on the films as the first thing they saw.

  • Lories
    Lories Member Posts: 23
    edited March 2009


  • sherryw
    sherryw Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2009

    DX at 40     I always did my monthly exams,  Did one in Dec 04 no lump.  Then I had a bad shoulder and had to use my other hand to help roll myself over in bed and when I did that i felt the lump clear my right side of my breast almost under my arm.,  That was Feb 05 went to doctor the next morning and found out I had BC.  So my tumor grew fast, it was not there in December but it was 2 cm in Feb.  Going to get a small lump out March 20th and get it sent for a biopsy to check on it but we think it is scar tissue ,  But it will look better to me in a jar.

  • LauraD23
    LauraD23 Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2009


  • REKoz
    REKoz Member Posts: 164
    edited March 2009

    Mom- 3 years ago at 77

    Me- 2 weeks after my 53rd b-day. Tested Brac neg,

    Something I forgot to ask genetic counselor. Maybe someone can help. Mom adopted, no family med history known. Since I was Brac neg, does that def. mean my girls are? If not that gene, I am convinced there's some as yet not identified genetic component. Onc. said my girls should have a baseline MRI (not mammo) at 30.

    These ages and stats are HORRIBLE!


  • Member_of_the_Club
    Member_of_the_Club Member Posts: 263
    edited March 2009

    Your daughters could get the mutation from their father's side of the family, but if there is no history of breast/ovarian cancer over there, not to worry.  I was also BRCA negative and told that my daughter should begin screening ten years before the age at which I was diagnosed.  I think an MRI at 30 is a good idea.

  • SandyInNj
    SandyInNj Member Posts: 6
    edited March 2009

    39, stage 1

    I have a daughter who's 23 who also wants nothing to do with BRCA testing.  She's been told to get her first mammogram 10 years earlier than my diagnosis, which would be at 29 y/o...she promised she'll do that, but she doesn't want to know her risk, can't say I blame her though.  But mammo's failed to find my cancer (found by U/S only), so not really a whole lotta help for those of us with dense breasts.

    Hoping this 40-to-get-your-first-mammogram crap comes to an end and is replaced by earlier and much more sensitive testing so that young women can get diagnosed earlier than what they are.

  • Monique42
    Monique42 Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2009

    37- Stage 11b-ductal

    41 - Stage 111c - lubular

    44-Stage v - bones & liver

  • Squirrel80
    Squirrel80 Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2009

    24 first dx - stage IIIa

    26 - lung mets - stage IV

  • Kavy
    Kavy Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2009

    Dx 43, Stage 3C, seven months later Stage 4, mets to liver and lungs, 4 years ago in April. 

  • swimfan
    swimfan Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2009

    43 Stage 2...(mammo did not show 4.6cm ILC) 45 Stage? 1 possible met to spine and 3 nodes (1 proven supraclavicular and 2 posible axilla)

  • luvtotravel
    luvtotravel Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2009

    First Dx   45

    Stage IV  49

  • ead
    ead Member Posts: 12
    edited March 2009

    I was 38 for orignal dx

    46 dx with bone mets

  • DottieW
    DottieW Member Posts: 7
    edited March 2009

    50 .... Stage 2b ... turned 53 last week. So far, so good... hugzzz to all.

  • jazzme24
    jazzme24 Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2009

    gud pm guys, i really just need your advise, last january i had operated 2 fibroadenomas in both breast, then after th operation the doctor gave me anti biotic w/c is gud for a week, then med for pain, after that i stop after 2 weeks i went for a long trip coz of my work, anf after that i felt too much back pain, likewise the part where operaion takes place, its been a month now but still the pains still there, im just woried is it possible that its not yet healed th einside part of teh breast?do i need to take a rest ist,coz eveyday i travel,and do i need to drink again my anti bioic mdicine coz i stop drinking it aftr 1 week of operation, thank you so much... jazzme

  • jazzme24
    jazzme24 Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2009

    gud pm guys, i really just need your advise, last january i had operated 2 fibroadenomas in both breast, then after th operation the doctor gave me anti biotic w/c is gud for a week, then med for pain, after that i stop after 2 weeks i went for a long trip coz of my work, anf after that i felt too much back pain, likewise the part where operaion takes place, its been a month now but still the pains still there, im just woried is it possible that its not yet healed th einside part of teh breast?do i need to take a rest ist,coz eveyday i travel,and do i need to drink again my anti bioic mdicine coz i stop drinking it aftr 1 week of operation, thank you so much... jazzme

  • TrustingHim
    TrustingHim Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2009

    Hi all,

    45 - lumpectomy - atypia hyperplasia.  had 2x yearly dx mammograms.  all clear.

    49 - same breast - found a lump - dx IDC - lumpectomy and SNB.  Treatment to follow.  Radiation - Mammosite or traditional and awaiting Oncotype DX test.Thinking about genetic testing.  

    Rachel :) 

  • TripleNeg
    TripleNeg Member Posts: 7
    edited March 2009


  • nanasheri
    nanasheri Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2009

    I was 34 when my first dx. 5o when we found mets.

    My oncologist told my daughters to start have mammograms at 24, cos I had probably had it for 10 years before we found it.


  • pitanga
    pitanga Member Posts: 18
    edited March 2009

    39 = IDC R breast, 1 lymph node, lumpectomy, chemo, rads & tamoxifen

    48 = DCIS in same breast ...further testing showed met to spine. awaiting surgery & tx

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Member Posts: 678
    edited March 2009

    diagnosed age 47, found lump and doc sent me to first mammogram.....

    1 year in chemo 6 fec, 18 taxotere

    2 yrs stable

    just starting progression again