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NOLA in September?



  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2011

    Cherrie - When we stayed at the Hope Lodge there was another Center patient there who's sisters came in for her surgery. They had a car, so they took my husband shopping. I think you may be able to ask the limo driver if he will stop on your way in. Also, I think the Hope Lodge has a van that they will take you shopping in? - I just don't remember any actual grocery stores being within walking distance from there. The Homewood Suites are near the French Quarter - I think maybe in the business district? I think Betsy would know for sure because she used to live there. I never bought food to keep at the Homewood- I stayed there after my stage 2 and we went out to eat on the days that they did not have a light dinner. (The Homewood includes breakfast 7 days a week and a light dinner Sun-Thurs - I am pretty sure, anyway!). There is a Walgreen nearby and several restaurants in walking distance.

    Cider - Wooohooo! Hurray for NED!

    Ahhhh...just read DBDaze post - looks like there IS a van that the folks from the Hope Lodge will take you to the grocery store in! 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2011

    Looks like a party in Nola next week! You ladies have fun!!!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2011

    PS - For any of you lymphedema girls, Lymphedivas has two new sleeves with the Fleur de lis on them for the Young Survivors meeting this year. They are the Grand Krewe and the Versailles. They are normally $90, but right now they are $65. And they are cute!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2011

    Nordy and Cherrie...As I said in a PM to Cherrie, the Hope Lodge is by the levy beyond uptown NOLA, by Ochsner Hospital. There is a grocery store on Carrollton, kind of by Oak Street... used to be a Winn Dixie,not sure what it is now... maybe a 5-6 minutes cab ride.

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited December 2011

    When I stayed at HL I walked to the grocery store by myself, during daylight hours. Walking at a brisk pace it took about 15 minutes or less to get there.

    Winn-Dixie 3623 Jeffferson H'way, NO, La,70121
    Hope Lodge 2609 River Rd. NO, La, 70121
  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2011

    So... I took my nipple guard off today... just about at 4 weeks... and it has already shrunk... I did not have the guard, but was wearing a padded (oversized) bra, at Laura's recommendation... does it stay shrunk or go back and forth??

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2011

    Mine stayed shrunk. Don't forget - The tats will really help!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2011

    my other one is flat, so I was banking on shrinking... and plan to get 3D tats... my reconstructed one may need straightening out... it veers outward, but if it stays shrunk, it may be ok... we'll see.

  • nowords
    nowords Member Posts: 70
    edited December 2011

    AnneW-Did you fly home Saturday? I am still in the hotel-discharged Saturday.I check out of the hotel in the morning. We were in town until late Thursday...looked for you at Fairway but they said that you had gone to the hotel. I was discharged early Saturday afternoon...went to Magazine Street to Shop and to Luke's for (Marga Recommended)Oysters and dinner, and to the Roosevelt Hotel to see the Christmas Decorations and have desert and coffee with Baileys...lovely time this go round...

    Visited Michelle and met her husband. Hang in there is so worth it all....will try and stop in and see you again before I fly out.

    I was to have nipple on DIEP breast; Dr. Marga thought the lifted "good" breast was "hanging low"

    I lost 15- 20 pounds from Stage 1 to she re lifted the good side and did the nip on the recon one. Easy time, no Friday, discharged more lipo...hopefully all will be well and I will finish with tats in a few months....

    Anyone with time to shop...head to magazine street and look up a shop called is owned by one of the Madmen Actors and he created a New Orleans Toille...has towels, tablecloths, trays, cloth coasters etc. all with scenes of New of the Fairway nurses told me about it...

  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited December 2011

    hello so busy with being back to work i have been MIA

    i tried to catch up as best i could.  two pages.

     another option when staying at hope lodge if you dont want to go anywhere...... the whole foods there delivers

    rogam - as soon my discharge instructions said i could take off the DOM i have been DOM free.  two weeks was enough for me.  I can't even stand control top pantyhose.  I havent experiecnced any bloat and i hope yours goes away soon

    betsy - nt nipple shrunk too but i was so glad it did.  it was really sticking out.  now that is shrunk it matches my other one.  just need the tattoing done.  is the group road trip to vinnie still the plan?  i had asked the center when i could get the tattoos done and they asked me if i wanted to schedule it down there.  i told them it depends.  i havent made my final plans but it will be with vinnie somewhere.  oh how i hate needles.

     to all the ladies coming is great so many of you will be there at the same time.  there were a bunch of us at the center for our stage 1s when i had mine done and i was great meeting them.  i still recall the LONG walk to kaitsmom room from my room......i thought i needed a wheelchair back.

     i am gearing up for my next and last surgery.  surgery #4 of 2011 on thursday laparascopic BSO.  one more day of work and then i can prep the house (clean.)

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2011

    Teresa... I am still up for a Vinnie trip... My reconstructed nipple is a little off center... so if they can center it more, that will delay my tats... I can have tats anytime after mid-Feb, but don't want them until the nipple is in the right place... so if you can play it by ear... Where do you live again? In the south, yes??  I hear Vinnie comes to Philadelphia too... thats a lot closer than NOLA for me. AND he told me he charges $350... someone else said when they went to NOLA they were charged $300 per nipple and the insurance only paid for one... saying one per day??

  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited December 2011

    Yes I live and Philly.  I didn't realize he came here.  I am in no rush.....I can wait some.  I only need one done.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2011

    Vinnie told me he comes to Philly once a month or so... he gave me the name of the hospital/center but I was not familiar with the name... so give me another month and then I will know if I need a revision and we can go from there. Anyone else want tats in Philly?? TAT PARTY!!!

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited December 2011

    Tat Party!! Good one, Betsy!!  :-) 

    Leave this coming Saturday for Stage 2 and am finding myself becoming increasingly anxious -- no tthe docs or hospital, but am I expecting too much from Stage 2? My hopes are high after hearing all of your stories, but I don't want to set myself up for disappointment ...

    Just nerves, I guess ... 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2011

    Relax and enjoy getting beautified!!!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2011

    This coming week. Paaaah-tay in NOLA!!! Good luck ladies!

    Dec 13 - Kaitsmom (Amy) - Tattoos with Vinnie

    Dec 14 - Kaitsmom (Amy) - Stage 2b, Dr. D., NOLA (SCSH). 

    Dec 14 - Semper - Stage 2, NOLA.

    Dec 14 - dbdaze - Stage 2b, Dr. S, NOLA.

    Dec 15 - dbdaze - Tattoos w/ Vinnie.

    Dec 15 - Cider8 - Stage 2, Dr. S., NOLA. 

    Dec 15 - KBodie, Stage 2, Dr. S., NOLA 

    Dec 16 - Besa, Stage 2, Dr. D., NOLA

    end of list 

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Member Posts: 133
    edited December 2011


    I saw Amy(kaitsmom) yesterday and she and her husband Are coming again shortly.

    I saw Amy (Nowords) today too. She and her husband are flying out this afternoon. Adrienne was released today and boy she and her are a hoot. Made me laugh out loud. Love you all! She will be heading back to Illinois this week. Me....still here! I saw dr. M and she said I can go home Wednesday however I am under lock and key until then. I will miss you all coming this week by one day! I wish I could stay and see you all but I need my crazy life back! Good luck to you and I will def check on your status. If any of you come in for pre op prior to Wednesday come see me!



  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited December 2011

    Have a question - I received my peo-op letter and it referenced the package to read. All I got was the same packet that described the kind of surgeries they do and general info.

    Is there a specific packet I should have recd? 

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited December 2011

    Thx, Betsy! I know I should just sit back and let Dr. D. to his thing! Will be here alone over Christmas ... perhaps that has something to do with it! 

    To all those hangin' at the Center this week ... BEST Christmas present you could have EVER given yourself!!! And among the best of the best ...  

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2011

    Need2new... I think the package has pre-op washing instructions and meds you need to avoid for 2 weeks... stuff like that.

    Maggie... I understand the anti-climactic feeling of being alone on Christmas... you do need to think about the BIG picture, how this is it and all future Christmas' will be NED, with a rockin body. I suggest you pick a day in January to be your Christmas, with your family.. Then you'll have something to look forward to...

  • heatherbless
    heatherbless Member Posts: 55
    edited December 2011


  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2011

    Heather! We have missed you too!!! I hope you are well!!!

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited December 2011

    Another silly question.I am an avid reader, can you hold a book comfortably after surgery? 

    Also, My cargivers are crossing in the air on Tuesday (my surgery the Thursday before) and we will be at the Homewood Suites. Could most of you get down to the breakfast on your own by then?

    Thanks - Karen 

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Member Posts: 133
    edited December 2011


    I could however I don't think the want you to lift anything...maybe prop it. I read but propped it on my pillow.

    The day I was released my husband and I walked to the quarter no problem. I had a complication the next day but it had Nothing to do with walking. I had hip/gap so might be different for you diep girls


  • semper
    semper Member Posts: 39
    edited December 2011

    Change of plans. There is a papa Noel deal at hotel monteleon so I willbe staying there tonight and tomorrow night.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2011

    Karen.. I had an ipad and had no problems.. and then at home, I had a laptop, which was heavy... again no problems.

    Also, you are saying that 5 days later, can you get breakfast?? I say yes.. elevator donw, maybe make a couple of trip, drinks, food.etc.. you'll be fine

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited December 2011

    Thanks Ladies. Actually I will be a GAPer as my belly is a bit too small for 2 new boobs! Never thought I have that problem.

    Was anyone ablr to wear jeans? Or just give up that idea for leggings and yoga pants?

    Michelle - I am thrilled you are doing well. It has been a rough haul for you. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2011

    Karen... I had Gap/hip flaps first... and had no pain, but needed to wear compression for 8 weeks... so wearing jeans was not going to happen,... I am in compression now as well after stage II and am wearing a Marena which is thinner and easier to wear my clothes, but with GAP flaps, you will have drains for 8 weeks too (probably) and so you will need the side zippers, which add bulk to the garment.

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited December 2011

    Well, after being on the fence for two years about whether or not to do nipples, I can say that even as crazy as they look three days out, I'm glad I did it! I had gotten so used to looking at my Barbie Boobs for 4 years, that I didn't realize how much nipple really do improve things. I'm counting on them getting really small, and then can get the 3D tats for some added dimension. But in due time.

    I promised Marga I wouldn't do tats till I was absolutely certain I was done with surgeries. Tats sort of finalize things, and if you think your nips are off, get the nips fixed first!!

    I spent the day after surgery back in my hotle room with a horrendous headache and vomiting from the pain meds. Nearly ended up in the hospital, but made it through. What a nightmare. Was able to at least eat a little before flying home yesterday. So good to get back to my own bed.

    Now, I need to send back the Marena garment I bought but never will need because I didn't have lipo this time. I did get the compression yoga pants, and like them, so I'll stick with that investment!

    And now, a few days off work, because it was planned (thinking I'd be recovering from lipo!) I could go back to work tomorrow, but will enjoy a day on my own.

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited December 2011

    Karen, I brought a kindle and read it - could have eaily read a book also.  No problem going to breakfast at the homewood suites after I got back from the hospital - I was walking around the French quarter.  Everyone is different (and even in the same person every surgery is different) but for me it went well.  I had a hip drain (unilateral) for 4 weeks. Jeans didn't work for me, they are too close a fit to use with a compresson garment and drains (and I think just wouldn't be comfortable).