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NOLA in September?



  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    Insomnia here!  warrior...Kathy...... So sorry it is ALL hitting.  I was thinking the other day I needed to ask about your DH as I was sitting w/ 3 family members w/ heart issues....I bet w/ pain meds, somebody else driving you'll be ok.....of course you want to be there!  You and yours are most definitely in my own and MANY others' prayers.  Please let us know what else we can do?  We will work hard to distract you next week when/if appropriate.

    katiejane......I think you have to do what's right for you...BUT...I can't tell you how many of we sat and thought OMG!  what am I doing? questioned.....esp when after all the treatment(and you've had more than me), etc.  AND you are finally getting back to speed and you love the idea of the reconstruction but you also have this nagging voice or are  thinking YIKES, I'll have to be sort of disabled, AGAIN, depend on other people and go thru a long process w/ many risks...and there are NO guarantees!!!.......I think if you didn't have some of these feelings you wouldn't be normal.... You're right in the fact this is just not something to be taken lightly....  BUT once you accept that(If you do) then GO FOR IT!  I had immediate recon....for me NO regrets whatsoever...but I am also SO grateful I had the time and took the time to process all this, do the research, pray and then come to the conclusion that YES I was willing to take all the risks. 

    On that note!  I'll stop droning on at 345 am......YIKES! might as well get up  and take a nap later! 

  • Snowbird
    Snowbird Member Posts: 26
    edited December 2009

    Nordy, Warrior517; thanks for the good thoughts and right back atcha for all you've survived and are healing from! and thanks to all for the encouragement to proceed...  we're leaving today for Charleston and am just starting to feel a bit nervous, but there't no turning back now and I really don't want to anyway..  I just want it to be next Wednesday, already!!!  Anyone have a time machine???

    Note to anyone thinking they're too old for this...  I'm 61 and never let that interfere with my desire to restore...  the tummy tuck is what clinched it for me!!! 

    Good luck to all who are recovering, and all who are about to, including your hubby, Warrior. Special thanks to LindaG47 who's hoping to get rid of at least one of those pesky Stage 1 drains next week. Off we go!!!

  • MargitN
    MargitN Member Posts: 73
    edited December 2009


    I bet some people will tell you things like "God only send as much as you can handle," or they will tell you not to feel overwhelmed. Personally, I think that is bullshit. What you have decribed is overwhelming, big time. Somehow we muddle through, because we don't get choices. I am a big believer in chemical assistance--meaning, anti-depressants. Both my husband and I have taken them for years, and we think we have much better marriage because of it. (We don't take them for depression --we take them for anger management and we're just better people for it).  Unfortuntely, anti-depressants take a while to kick in, and you are dealing with stuff now.  This is time to take care of yourself as best you can, even though you are helping all your family members. Stress takes a real toll on our immune system, and that is something you can't afford.

    1. get soemone else to clean the house

    2. get someone else to shop and prepare meals

    3. take time from work if you can

    4. get yourself a massage, facial, etc.

    5. don't be afraid to ask others for help. it is one of the hardest thngs to do, and one of the wisest.

     The holidays are coming. Few of us really need more things in our lives. What we need is time.  Tell your firends that what you could use now are gifts of time. If your friends asked that of you, would you hesitate? No.

    Well, sorry to sound preachy, but I was overwhelmed when I read what you are dealing with, and I am not the one delaing with it!

    Just some thoughts for a saturday mornng.... 

    Take care of yourself.


  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited December 2009
    Ugh.... one year ago Dec 2, I had a BLM.. which was followed by chemo and oophorectomy... and now  my mom was just diagnosed with breast cancer in the same breast she had it in 20 years ago.  She's 72.  I am on my way to Cincinnati to help her through her mastectomy on Monday.  Breast cancer sucks!!  Keep the good results stories coming ladies.... because my reconstruction on 2/23 is a light in all this darkness and I need to remain pumped about it.... did I say breast cancer sucks??!!  Don't wanna repeat myself...... Undecided
  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited December 2009

    katiejane, it's a big surgery, and a big decision, but--from my perspective, since I had no complications--SOOOOO worth it.  But because it's such a huge choice, and a slow recovery, you really need to take the time to be in a good mental and physical space to get this done. Maybe you aren't quite there yet.

    There's no time table for getting it done. Meet with the surgeons (I promise you'll fall in love with Dr. Massey!) listen to what they have to offer. But they'll be the first to tell you to make sure you're really ready to get it done. Take whatever time you need. The surgeon's will still be there when you're sure.

    It's normal to "be ready" and still have cold feet. We all go through that. All it takes is hearing that one of our sisters here had a flap failure or a second surgery to keep a flap from failing. It's a very sobering reminder that this is a very complex surgery with a long recovery. Very sobering.

    Whatever you decide, whenever you decide it, we're here for you. Every step of the way.


  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited December 2009

    So much happening here.  Im having internet problems.  SoI hope I can get this typed with my chicken peeking & posted!  Warrior!  My Gosh That is all too much at once.  Not fair.  I will be thinking of you & your family.  My heart procedure was different then your dhs.  But it was the easietst thing I have done in the last 1.5 yrs health wise (Had  Cathetor PFO-hole closure in my heart last dec)

    Holtbolt- Hoping for good news for your Mom After her surgery!  And an easy recovery for her.

    Snowbird Have a safe drive.  Wed. will be here & over before you know it.

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited December 2009

    Thought I send that before I get kicked off!

    Nordy.  Hope you are doing a little better today!  Thinking of you.

    KatieJane- What Anne W said!  I will add that I have no Regrets!  It also was easier then my BLM with expanders & my implant fiasco...Although at 1-4 days Out I would not have said that : )

    Linda- Slow that drain down!

    My right one that I still have has jumped up in speed; (...ssure hopeI get to get rid of it before Sat.  I have a Band show I want to get to-without a drain!

    Any tips on getting the left over stitches out of my butt?  They should be dissolved by now- right?

    Oh- Today is my 1 month!!

    Happy Saturday to all of you...Hope all are doing good.


  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited December 2009

    Oh My!! So much going on!!  ((((((((((((Warrior)))))))))))  I agree with MargitN about "God not giving you more than you can handle" stuff.....   As a matter of fact, God and I had that conversation, and I told him that I know he didn't MEAN to overload me, but maybe he was busy with someone else and it "snuck in"!  Anyway, he and we will help you thru it!!  You haven't made thru all you have already to lose it now.   I'm one of those that try to see the good side....if you give me lemons, I make lemonade - so start stirring, girl!!! 

    BTW, pulled my last drain.  It wasn't where it should be (still about 40cc day), but tomorrow will be end of 7th week, and Stacy said it had to be out by 8 weeks, and I wanted to be able to have one day at home after I pulled it to see how it would be.  So a few little prayers and crossed fingers when you guys can spare the time, k?  In the meantime?  Gotta go.....gonna make us some lemonade and get ready for chemo to start on the 10th.   Wink

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    MargitN.....LOL!  You're funny..bUt very GLAD you said all that!

    Katiejane...AnneW is much more articulate than me and I ditto!

    Pam, do you know a girl I used to work w/ had a stroke recently...and they found she had a PFO never detected and she's 50...I'm so glad you're fixed....and take it easy my friend give it a couple more WILL happen!  Meant to tell you cracked me up on the debriding offer!

    ok, so christmas tree maybe half done....decided I am counting ornaments when I pack away because it is waaay over the top...I'm way too sentimental-bringing an ornament EVERY time I go somewhere plus all the other ones from years gone by.  But all will be lovely when finally done!

    We've definitely had 'green death/first freeze' .As soon as I'm done w/ decorating will be hitting the yard.


  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    GIN!  You are something!  you crack me up!

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited December 2009

    Gin- Hope your fluid just absorbs!  Good Luck on the 10th.

    Jennifer- I have these stitches that have to go...:)

    I had a Mini Stroke 10 yrs ago.  Dr on Call during the night said to stop the pill.  That was it.  I didnt know it was a TIA until I researched it 5 yrs later.  But for 10 yrs I told my Drs something wasnt right.  Severe shortness of breath & fatigue.  In 2007 I really pushed for tests.  Everything came back normal.  Finally a jerk Lung Specialist said it was Anxiety.  So I gave up (again)  And in 2008 when I was DX with bc  my Onco finally listened to me & said well you need a Bubble Echo! ( I had only had an Echo.)

    Exactly 2 months after bc DX I found out I had a PFO & Atrial Septal Aneurism.

    Had a 2nd TIA last Nov.  Good I never had a Stroke!

    The PFO closure was rather fascinating to 'watch'  They scolded me when I lifted my head to see the US Monitor (they should have told me I wasnt supposed to move!)

     Anyone hoarse 1 month after surgery?  I only have a voice 50% of the time still.


  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited December 2009

    Hi Pam, glad your onc was so careful with you---they seem to be that way with us, don't they?   Sassie had issues with her voice for quite a while too, but is fine now. 

    Katiejane, I had complications and nearly lost a flap, but have never regretted my decision to have a bilateral mastectomy and DIEP rather than lumpectomy and radiation.   I only discovered DIEP due to my own internet research after being diagnosed, and feel so fortunate that I learned of it in time to do immediate rather than delayed. 

  • BreastCancerDiva
    BreastCancerDiva Member Posts: 29
    edited December 2009

    Hi everyone!    I am 3 days post DIEP and doing well.    Pain is kept to a minimum with pain pills and the On-Q.    I'm walking laps around the floor and will go back to the hotel (Homewood) tomorrow.    My nurse just came in and offered to help me shower.    This place is great.   KatieJane -- I understand your fear.    I was diagnosed with IDC in Nov 08.    Chemo first, then BMx then radiation.    I am 5 months post radiation when I had my DIEP.    I love the new girls and have NO regrets at all.

    I do have a question for all you who have done this before.    I'm having severe pain in my right thigh that the docs have all said is "nerve pain" and it will go away.    The front of my thigh feels mostly numb, but when I put weight on that leg it feels like it's burning!    Has anyone else run into this?     Anything that might help?   

    Take care all!

  • WPLD
    WPLD Member Posts: 21
    edited December 2009

    KatieJane, I had a hip flap procedure almost 3 months ago at NOLA.  I am BRCA2 positive and did not have cancer but because of my risk, decided to remove my healthy breasts.  Before my surgery I kept thinking how crazy it was to do this but after I would think it out I always came to the same conclusion and knew it was the right thing.  I have absolutely no regrets.  If you decide to have the surgery, make sure it is with the best surgeon possible.

  • macksix6
    macksix6 Member Posts: 125
    edited December 2009

    Yahwhoooo!!!!! I played my first game of tennis today(2 months post op)  and I kicked butt. I could not believe how well I played and moved. My serve was a bit off since my shoulder is stiff from lack of use but I had no trouble with the high overheads. I most likely will not be able to get out of bed tomorrow. I am sure everything will be hurting but it felt great. I'm back!!!!!

    Nordy I feel your pain about closing up shop, but you are a great mother to those two adorable girls of yours. You need to stay healthy for them. Would love for you to join me for stage 2. My sister will be going with me  and has not been to NOLA so she wants to see and do everything.

    BCDiva I did have constant pain in my left hip that ran down my leg. I am a side sleeper and I think I developed a pinched nerve from sleeping on my back. Once I was able to sleep on my side it went away. I found laying on my back to be the most difficult part of stage 1 . You sound great take it slow.

    Regrets, not a one. I had bilateral stacked diep/ lumbar and I was very concerned about having 3 harvest areas. I thought all of the surgery would add to my recovery time. I will not kid you, I had a few rough days in the hospital but that was due to the anesthetic meds. Once my body got rid of all the meds I was fine. I was back to work at 3 weeks part time. My results are so good I am not even sure I need stage 2 ,but what the hell I could use a little something, something!!!

    To all  that have had surgery this week and the many sisters next week, good luck to all and speedy recoveries.

    Jill my Canuck sister hope all is well with you. I have been thinking of you.

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited December 2009

     I am planning on staying at the Hope Lodge a couple of days before and after I have my surgery on the 15th. has anyone here stayed there and did you like it? Was it nice, etc? 

  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited December 2009

    KatiJane...NO REGRETS here either. I had a dbl mx and did expanders that failed due to rads.My new breasts (DIEP) feel warm..they look so real in clothes and most of all, they JIGGLE! lol

    BCDIVA-Congrats on completing the hardest part of the stages!! Keep walking when you can and drinks lots of water! Listen to your body,too! Come here for all the support you need!

    Macksix-Way to go on your game! What an inspiration you are!

    Thanks SO MUCH for all the kind words and love and support from so many of you here!! Some of your blogs brought me to tears, as if you truly understand what I am feeling...Special hugs to you Dejaboo, Nordy, Ginnie, Plainjane and MargitN (Loved your list) and anyone else I may have missed!  This place is such a saving grace...I wish you were all up the Corner Bar! lol

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2009

    ccbaby -  I will also be at Hope Lodge, stayed there previously for stage 1, about 10 days or so. It was just fine.  My husband and I were very comfortable there.  So we should DEFINITELY try to meet. 

    katiejane - I felt the same way about deciding on DIEP.  But this is something you must decide to do or NOT do for you. Its very personal. It was hard for me because I just dont do things for myself, and after chemo, bmx, then radiation, how could I possible CHOOSE more surgery, and put my family thru more!  Well, I did it and I can not believe how different I feel about my future now.  It has been just a wonderful experience and I am so hopeful for my life now.  So think about yourself and make the decision for YOU! 

    warrior517 - everything will work out, I just know it.  Sending prayers for you.  BTW - I think I could handle the multiple surgeries and the possible layoff better than I could handle 14 girls overnight!  YIKES!!!!!!!

    GIN Goodluck with the chemo next week,  you are gonna sail thru it with that attitude!  I will be remembering you! 

    PJ- glad you are working on that tree!  I am wrapping gifts baby!   whoo hooo!!!!!

    Nordy  - it will get better. Promise!

    xxoo Mel

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2009
    macksix6 - CONGRATS on the tennis,  Its great isnt? Amazing how quickly we heal!
  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2009

    breastcancerdiva!  WELCOME BACK!  Glad you are doing well.  The shower will make you feel so so much better.  I did not have the leg pain that you are describing. Just be sure you are telling them about your pain to be sure that it is common for your surgery.  xxoo Mel

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2009
    breastcancerdiva!  WELCOME BACK!  Glad you are doing well.  The shower will make you feel so so much better.  I did not have the leg pain that you are describing. Just be sure you are telling them about your pain to be sure that it is common for your surgery.  xxoo Mel
  • sassie62
    sassie62 Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2009

    CCbaby, MelanieW, Warrior and WPLD what hospitals are you all going to be at?  I am flying into Nola on the 14th and staying at the Marriott on Canal.  Tuesday the 15th I have Pre-op and I am on the table the 16th.  Unfortunately, I will not be at St. Charles.  Anyone going to Oschner Baptist?  Would love to meet up with you ladies and have dinner one night.  Since we walk to the restaurants they are usually around the French Quarter.  Any takers?

    Warrior please check your PM I can't believe you live in the same town as me.  Small world.

    I know that I am getting nipples, I know that Dr. D. wants to revise some scars, whether he is going to go in and suture up the muscles in the abdomen will be decided on the 15th.  They said they could do a little filling in with fat on the one side that needs a small amount.  The nurse said that they over fill due to the fact that some of the fat will be absorbed.  Any comments on that ladies?

    Would really love some feed back on whether the lipo - pain - recover - is worth it from the people who have already gone through the second stage.

    Spring I am so glad that you are doing so well. As far as the constipation I get constipated with the change of the weather.  What got me through stage one was acidophiles and coffee. All the antibiotics kills all the good bacteria that you need in your intestines.  Acidophilus puts it back.  I was taking acidophiles 3 times a day with the stool softeners.  I told them I wasn't leaving the hospital until something moved.  All went well.

    Nordy I am so glad you are on your way to recovery. A big hug goes out to you. Don't go back to work until you are ready.  I know that it will be a challenge for me when I get back from NOLA.  Right in the middle of the holidays and a short time to heal before school starts.  I plan on taking some time off.

    Well, I am more nervous this time then last.

    Hugs to all Ladies that are doing Stage 1 or 2


  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited December 2009

    Sassie, YES YES YES to whether lipo is worth the pain or not.  It's temporary and the results keep improving for six months to a year.   I had fat injections too, and some did reabsorb, some lasted.  I am happy that it was done.

    ccbaby, I spent 3-4 nights at Hope Lodge and it was very nice.  It is a bit far from the Center and the Quarter, but they have a shuttle service you can take advantage of.  I actually enjoyed the community dining area because I got to meet another Dr. D patient, and we enjoyed meals and hanging out some for a couple of days. 

  • sassie62
    sassie62 Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2009


    After Stage 1 and being under for 9 1/2 hours I had only about 50% of my voice.  It really hurt to talk for any length of time.  I always felt I was straining to talk.  Lasted about 7 weeks.  I was really anxiety ridden because I was afraid it wasn't going to return to normal.  Well, voice is back.  I did go to a throat specialist and have him look down my throat to see if there was any damage done by the tube they put down your throat.  Thank goodness he said there wasn't.  It just took time and resting my voice.  I was also trying homeopathic remedies: I was gargling with Aloe, and I bought a throat spray with aloe at the Health Store.  It made it feel better and who knows it might have been the thing that did the trick.


  • sassie62
    sassie62 Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2009

    Stage 2 ladies what should I pack?

    I know somewhere in the 62 pages on this site the information is there.  But could anyone revisit this question?  I know what to pack for the hospital, but I am wondering about walking around town and dinner.

    Last time I was at NOLA it was 95 degrees and sunny.  I brought large dresses, button down blouses and sandals.  Now it is going to to be in the 50's. and I don't know if I am going to have drains?  Do you have drains with a revision of the scars on your breasts or with nipples?  And if you can't wear a bra what do you wear on top?  I suppose I could bring sweat shirts.  My main tops in cold weather are turtle necks.  But I don't know if I will have any problem with pulling anything over.  What do you think?

    Suggestions are welcomed.  I am starting to pack today.  Very unlike me.  Usually, I pack the night before.


  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited December 2009

       Ladies,      Thank you all so much for your input and support!!!   Reconstruction  is such a huge decision and I do feel rather selfish to put my family through more surgery after bilat. mx., chemo, and rads.  It scares me to think of moving "backwards" in the recovery process.And my lymphedema is hard enough to deal with and I don't want to do anything to worsen  the swelling.

    So I will probably keep my Jan. appt. with Dr. Massey and then make a decision.  Again, thanks for your support!!!!   Katiejane

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited December 2009

    Katiejane, when you see Dr. Massey you can ask her about the VLNTx (vascularized lymph node transfer) procedure and see if she thinks you might benefit from it.  It can be done during your reconstruction and I met a woman recently who had it done and no longer has lymphedema.    She's a police officer and was having trouble at work, but all is well now.  Also, I just read today that losing weight can really help with lymphedema.  I don't know what your situation is, but thought that was really interesting.

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited December 2009

    Thanks Sassie for your Post.

    Im glad you had no Dmage & got your voice back.

    Mine is starting to do much better.

    I work by mself at home...So I dont talk alot during the day.

    Im sure that is helping it rest.

    Good Luck on the 16th.  I hope the shorter surgery is much easier on your throat.


  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited December 2009

    Hi, Sassie,

    I didn't have any problem getting things over my head. I have been wearing compression garments since surgery 3 weeks ago. Wore yoga pants over that. I had lots of lipo around my wiast, and YES it is worth it! But it has just been in the past few days that I can wear my jeans again.

    I didn't have any drains. But if you get more than lipo on your tummy, I would expect them. I could have worn a bra after the scar revisions, but I just chose to go braless or wear a shelf-cami.

    Good luck, girl!!


  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited December 2009

    Sassy, I had 2 breast drains that were removed before I flew home.  I could pull anything over my head. Like Ann said, you will be in compression garments on the lower half, so soft yoga pants or lounge pants. 

    Also, if you are having nippple reconstruction you will have these insane nipple guards on that make you look like one of the fem-bots from Austin Powers or Madonna in her cone bra video!!!  So bring jackets or sweaters you can wear over things and oversized shirts. 

    The lipo is ABSOULTELY worth it!  I am almost 3 months out and every week I am still seeing changes.