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NOLA in September?



  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited December 2009

    Thanks so much everyone! Who else will be there the week of December 15th when I am there??

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2009

    Well, well, well... ! This thread is so busy! Welcome to Teel, CCBaby and SWAStew! (BTW, Southwest just happens to be my favorite airline - even if they do puddle jump across the country!) Please know that I sincerely believe that you are in the BEST of hands!

    SPRING - I am so glad to hear you are doing well! It sounds like you got the whole enchilada! And Jennifer - thank you for posting for me and updating me as well! You are the best, girl.

    Okay, so I am feeling much better, but yesterday was sick, sick, sick. I have not thrown up post anesthesia since I had my tonsils out at 14! But I sure did yesterday! AND, since I had davinci hyst/bso, they kind of lay you in a recumbent  position - so having been like that for 3 hours I have petechiae all over my face - mostly by my eyes. (these are little red dots that you get from blood leaking from the capillaries - I often get them from standing on my head too long in yoga, but not nearly as bad!) I kind of looks like someone tried to beat me up! I tell you, the gas build up from laparoscopic surgery is NOT comfortable. I have it just below my rib cage and it radiates into my shoulders. I has gotten less since I was FINALLY able to get some Gas X in me (like Jenn said - it only took the nurse 2 1/2 hours to get it from the time the doctor ordered it... !) and even felt better after all the jiggling around on the ride home! So far, no hot flashes, but maybe my body hasn't realized that I am lacking ovaries yet! I am having just a bit of difficulty coming to terms with the fact that I will never carry another baby... but alas, there are always children out there in need of a good home, so who knows?! 

    Jennifer - thank  you for calling and keeping in touch! And to everyone else who PM'd and wrote on here with your thoughtfulness! Honestly, even though this was not a part of my reconstruction process, it is so comforting to know that I have all of  you here pulling for me! And really, we are all here pulling for each other all of the time! I love it!

    BreastCADiva, Jill and Danny - I hope all went well for you this week also! Please update when you can!

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited December 2009

    Had a nice lunch with anniese today, giving last-minute advice on Stage 2!! We're hoping to meet again with DANNY in a couple weeks to share our experiences.

    I am constantly amazed how this tyoe of surgery, and bco in general, has brought so many of us together. It's a wonderful thing.


  • NebrNan
    NebrNan Member Posts: 23
    edited December 2009

    Spring - hang in there and take care of yourself.  Thanks for all the helpful info.  You are a trooper with all the stuff you had done!  Can't believe I'll be there next week.  I have tooooo much to do yet.  I'll be glad to be done before the holidays.  I was originally scheduled for Dec 3 but had to move it back a week.  I have a friend who has a friend who does tours in NOLA so she's been sending some info on events during December.  Sounds like there is a lot to see and do.  How was Emeril's?  We went there is Sept and it was really good. 

    Here's some scoop on an event this weekend if you are feeling up to it:

    Downtown will become a winter wonderland, regardless of the temperature, when the Downtown Development District, along with the Roosevelt Hotel, present the second annual Canal Street: Your Home for the Holidays parade and concert on Saturday, December 5. Holiday-themed floats, marching bands, Saints, Hornets and Zephyrs mascots, Mr. Bingle and a celebrity Santa will lead the way to Elk Place where Jeremy Davenport, Tim Laughlin, Kermit Ruffins and Shades of Praise will offer an uplifting program following the parade. Win a ride on a float by entering your name on the DDD Web site,

    Canal Street Parade & Concert
    December 5; 11am to 3pm
    Canal Street; 504-561-8927
    Free and Open to the Public

     And here's another one:

    Friends of the Cabildo will host A Signature Celebration on December 5th in conjunction with Christmas on the Square. Chef John Besh will be signing My New Orleans: The Cookbook from 6-8 pm at the 1850 House Museum, 523 St. Ann Street. In addition, special holiday store discounts and a raffle of prizes will be offered all day. Entertainment will be provided by Vocalist Jenn Howard and guitarist Felix Wohlleben. They will be per-forming from 6-8 pm. Complimentary wine, holiday drinks and snacks will be provided from 5-8 pm. Also, be sure to check out the store trunk show featuring local vendors! This is one holiday event you won't want to miss!
    John Magill, author of Christmas in New Orleans, will be present to sign copies of his book from 2 pm to 5 pm & Christine Ewy, author of Why People Live in New Orleans, will have the first signing of the day from 11 am to 1 pm.
    For More information, please call 504-523-3939

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited December 2009

    HelloFromCT, I'm sorry that your date will likely change.   I'm going to be in NOLA on Jan 7th and 8th doing a bridal show at JAX Brewery and I was going to PM you to let you know. 

    I love SWA too, other than the connections.  I always pay the extra $10 to get a seat near the front of the plane, and love the free baggage---I'll be checking four bags or boxes (all free!)  to do the bridal show, plus we'll have carry-ons.   SWA took very good care of my 17-year-old son last summer, and I actually wrote a letter to management to say thanks.  He became very ill on the way to Oklahoma, traveling with his 16 year old cousin to visit my aunt.  The flight attendants put wet towels on his forehead, found a doctor on the plane who gave him oxygen, and called for an ambulance to meet him at the gate.   They checked on him every few minutes--poor kid spent half the flight in the restroom throwing up.  The crew was awesome and I was grateful that they took such good care of my youngest, especially given all of the fear of H1N1.

    Minnesota, I trust that you are drinking that CDM coffee from genuine CDM coffee mugs.  Mine are huge and I love them.

    Nordy, glad you are better today!  I had a tough time for a couple of days after my hysterectomy, but then felt really good and was so relieved to have had it done.

    Spring, can't wait to see YOUR bikini pics!!

  • LindaG47
    LindaG47 Member Posts: 97
    edited December 2009
    Hi to all my girlfriends,  Sorry it has taken me so long to give you my story.  3 weeks (today)Stage I  post-op and at this very moment I feel better than I have in days!!!Smile  Surgery was long 11-1/2 hours.  I had a delayed DIEP and an immediate DIEP.  I wanted my "healthy"  breast removed even though I knew my insurance co with not approve it, but guess what????  They found cancer!  Yes, wasn't that a blessing that I went a head and had it removed or what?  I had a mammogram last April and nothing showed.  Three days after I was released from the hospital I had to go in for a sentinel node biopsy......thankfully the two nodes they removed were negative.  Not sure if anything will have to be done or not.  I will see my oncologist after I am feeling better.  Drains are still putting out a lot.  I am trying to be patient, but it is hard.  It is hard to manage a compression pantie and drains....ouch!  Any suggestions??  There are pages and pages of posts that I will have to go back and read, but best wishes to all of you that just completed stage I or II or are heading out soon for either one of these.  I am so thankful for this thread.  You ladies are the best.  Take care and I will be busy catching up.  Hugs to all, Linda
  • MargitN
    MargitN Member Posts: 73
    edited December 2009


    Take care of yourself after surgery and give yourself time. A hysterectomy takes a huge toll on your body. You start to feel better and start to do things, and then you hit a wall. I think I fell asleep DURING dinner when I started back to work too soon (after 3 weeks). They say it takes 6 weeks to recover, and it does.

    Bettye, I am 59 and having a bilateral SGAP next month. I felt the same way, and heard a lot of ageist remarks from who needs breasts in their 60s...

    The answer? I DO! and so do you.


  • macksix6
    macksix6 Member Posts: 125
    edited December 2009

    Nordy good to hear that you are feeling better today. Hope your recovery goes well.

    Spring I am curious, with all of the work that was done did you have anything done to your breasts? You will look MARVELOUS!!!!!

    ccbaby that is great that they got you in so quickly. Good luck with your surgery you are in the best of hands.

    Hey Sandy can I carry your bags to NOLA???

    The whole time I was at NOLA  I did not have an appetite and could not eat. My husband was with me and everyday he would order a lunch and I was so mad that he was able to eat. He tried everything on the menu and I couldn't eat a thing.The one day I did feel well enough to eat I had a bowl of their wonderful gumbo. What the hell was I thinking. I had the most terrible heartburn that night.

    Pam that magic six week mark will be here before you know it and you will finally be able to sleep on your side and get a good 6-7 hrs of sleep.

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2009

    (((((((((NORDY)))))))))) Glad you are thru it and starting to feel better.

    (((((((((LINDAG47))))))))) I am so thankful that you went ahead and had the other breast removed.  My goodness was that a blessing or WHAT!  You go girl! 

    CCBaby and SWAStew  - WELCOME!  CCBABY,  I will be having stage 2 on 12/17 at St Charles, so if you are at St Charles I can come see you!!!! Best of luck to both of you.  GOSH I HOPE I DID NOT MISS ANYONE!

    Bettye - What Eve said...62 is the new 32!  Go for it if that is what you want.  The only opinion that matters is yours. 

    MargitN 59 is the new 39!  And I would be willing to bet that anyone that said you didnt need breasts at 60, more than likely had both of their breasts!  Very INSENSITIVE!  Who needs that?  NOT YOU!

    Spring - sounds like you are doing pretty darn good for only 2 days out. DONT push it.  Are you having a post op appt? Thanks for the PM.  Also were you only in the hospital one night for stage 2?

    PJ - how was the snow? We are supposed to get some snow on Saturday.  NICE......I plan to have ALL of my shopping done by end of the day on Saturday! I will get a pic in the email to you this weekend of the decorations.

     xxoo Mel

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2009


  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009


    You are so organized!    I think we'll actually have a freeze tonight and there is more precipitation in the forecast.

    Talked to Sally this eve. she called for preop info. She said I was down for abd incsion revision...can't remember what she said about breasts...I know incision revision but I was so fixated on the abdomen it didn't matter to me!  I'm pretty sure he's going to make it 'go away!'...the open area.  She said about 4 hours and depends on what he'd have to do w/ the abd wound issue in regards to whether I'd have an abd drain or not.....I'm not worried...whatever it takes!  Oh she did say lipo abd and buttocks(yay!...I think!  gulp)  and no pain ball but PCA -demerol and phenergan-same as before for the first night. 

    I FORGOT to ask....are there lifting restrictions?  anybody know?  Guess I just need to know how long I have to ask for help?

    I think I'm more swollen calling tomorrow.


  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited December 2009

    Stephanie, you can most definitely help me carry bags!  My DH really doesn't want to go next month again already because he gains weight in NOLA and he's been doing so well the past few months at losing.  The only thing is that the person who goes with me has to help me at the bridal show Thursday evening, and then will be traipsing around the AmericasMart building in Atlanta with me all day Saturday and Sunday, attending the Gift Show.  Are you game???  LOL

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2009

    PJ -  Have a great day!  You are ALMOST there!!!!!!!!!

    I am drinking my BARIUM...........YUMMY BREAKFAST of CHAMPIONS.  Having my CT and Bone Scans today......I will be in a funk until I get the results.  WISH ME LUCK!  I hate this part of it.  Its the only tiime I cry, when they roll me thru the CT scanner............I have no idea why then, but I do...EVERY TIME! 

    Have a GREAT DAY GIRLS! xxoo Mel

  • swastew
    swastew Member Posts: 110
    edited December 2009

    NORDY.....Chemo threw me into menopause BIG TIME in '99 - I was 41 - and the hot flashes/night sweats were the worst part of my journey! 18 months later I read an article published by The Mayo Clinic - that stated that the anti-depressent EFFEXOR cut the severity and frequency of hot flashes.....I got my prescription that day, and three nights later had the first good nights sleep in over a year! It works for me, and I have had no other side effects from taking it!!

    SANDY-MOMS DAUGHTER - I LUV that you love SWA! I've just celebrated my 27th year of flying for them - "they" are my family! Awesome airline!!

     Beverly - take it easy on yourself, and let your body heal!! (and don't forget the milk of magnesia!)  :)

    ANYONE- Has anyone had their surgery at Fairview Medical Center? That is where I am scheduled due to insurance.....

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited December 2009

    Hope all of this weeks Ladies are doing good!

    Next week is so busy- All of you that are on board take it easy this week.

    Nordy- Glad to hear you are doing ok.  I forgot about that terrible gas!  I used heat on it way up in my neck & shoulder & it helped.  Hopefully it has gone away by now.

    LindaG47- So good to hear from you!  That was a Blessing that you went ahead & removed your Healthy breast!  Oh, the thought of them not approving that makes me Mad!

    It gets better!  Hopefully you are turning a corner & today you will feel even better then yesterday!

    The drains & Compression are a pain!

    I got to get rid of my left Drain yesterday!  That was great!  of course I thought I would wake up with a Big seroma on my Butt this morning- LOL

    No- nothing there : )


  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited December 2009

    Hi LouAnn!! So glad you are here!! You will find SO much information about the procedure here!! It can take days to Great group of woman here!! You will love them!

    Are you still on Tamoxifen?? I ask because many of the anti-depressants interact w/it now so I just wanted to dbl check on that. I assume since its been a long time, that you are not!!

    Pam- You will hit that month mark and turn the corner! Almost there:)

    Mel- Your tests will come out JUST FINE!! I am praying for you, kiddo!! xo

    Nordy- I hope you are healing well

    SPring- TY for calling back yesterday...was a crazy busy day so I hope to call you today! I just need to hear your

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009


    Sunshine, I am thinking of you and please feel the prayers.  I cried during my CT prior to rads, probably almost exactly a year ago....Had been so up following surgery and clean marguns and nodes but went in to do the whatever they do prior to rads and just totally lost it, my sister told me she did too when they were tattooing her(just dots-but still). 

    I hope your people are nice.  I'm pretty sure they won't believe how fabulous your new additions to chest are.

    It finally happened temp was 31 this am we have 20's predicted in the next couple days but still have very green stuff on my enclosed atrium...we'll see how long that lasts.

    OH!  Sally said weather was crazy they were 80 degrees one day and snowflakes predicted there....I'm bringing layers, wicking stuff, and some short sleeves, maybe even a pair of capris

    Well, I am not working today....woke up at 3am and decided I am swollen and I cannot stand for 12 hours(and truly this is busy high volume time-people doing just as we are and get cases in before end of year).  It's not worth it if I get more swollen-yes, the swelling is uncomfortable in that Oh so sensitive area.  Not to mention I'd never put my patients at risk if I'm not up to snuff .  Going to have my Physical therapist/wound therapist/lymphedema therapist give me her 'in person' opinion on if I should ask for antibiotics and will call Nola at 9am and probably send more pics....really doesn't look any worse just sort of like w/ lymphedema you feel... 'full' .

    better get moving! 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Hi ladies, Day 3 of post-op stage 2, and feeling better all the time. My legs are still bruised (sitting on toilet *hurts*!) but less so every day. I took out the OnQ pain ball thing today b/c I wanted a shower, and it was threaded THROUGH the garment - through a small cut hole! Would have had to cut a huge hole, so pulled it out. Sorry now though, it was still full of stuff!!! ugh. Hope I am not hurting a lot from removing that pain ball! I thought it was empty this far out from surgery, but after it was out we messed with it and it was full of pain killer! ahhhhck! 

    The incision is very low, thank you Dr. D. :)  My whole shape is wonderful. My breasts, which I thought were great after phase 1, now are much less "boxy" looking around the edges and perfectly rounded. Beautiful really, not to brag on me, but just so you can anticipate great results.

    There are no docs in the office today, apparently, so I am having a post op appt with a nurse, then going to visit BCDiva in the hospital at St. Charles Surgical.

    Did I answer everybody's questions? I can't remember. I hope so! Still a bit fuzzy from the meds. ha.... I hope I don't have to make any important decisions soon.  

    We are hoping to fly out tomorrow, Saturday, but they are forcasting snow tonight! ahhh! I just feel in no shape to be stuck in the Atlanta Airport. Praying for no flight delays!  

  • WPLD
    WPLD Member Posts: 21
    edited December 2009

    ccbaby, I will be having my stage 2 on Dec. 18.

    swastew, I think you are referring to Fairway Medical Center.  I was there for my stage 1 and will be there for stage 2.  It's not as fancy as St. Charles but I got lots or attention and really good care there.  I usually had a nurse all to myself.  It's a surgical hospital so not many people stay over night.  When will you be there?

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited December 2009

    (((NORDY))))  Hope you heal quickly, but don't over do it!!! 

     (((LINDA)))  Wow!  Way to follow your intuition girl!  What a blessing. 

  • swastew
    swastew Member Posts: 110
    edited December 2009

    Surgery scheduled for Jan 27, 2010 at this point!

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited December 2009

    Boy, this thread is a hoppin!

    Melaniew and WPLD...Come by and see me of you can!

    Dejaboo....Congrats on the drain removal. That has to be a relief!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2009

    Gosh, I hate it when I write a post and it disappears!!!

    Okay, so, as I was saying:

    Spring, BCDiva, Jill, and Danny - I hope you are all doing well today and resting as needed! Hang in there!!!

    SWAStew- Congrats on your surgery date! And thank you for the info on the meds - so far (knock wood) no hot flashes, but I also was in menopause when on chemo, so am wondering if they will start in again! Maybe my body is utilizing the rest of my estrogen from my fat cells right now!!! 

    Tricia, Mel, Warrior, Dejaboo, Mack6, Sandy, Spring, Jenn, Jamieh, Margit, Anniese... and quite frankly, anyone else I have forgotten... THANK YOU. Whenever I am having a pity party (which was earlier today - and that is really not my personality) I come on here and there is something to cheer me up! So thank  you for the well wishes!

    Linda - How lucky for you that you pushed for the bilateral mastectomy!!! I am so glad to hear that this was something found most likely in its earliest stages! Hurray for you and being proactive!

    Margit and Betty - You can not put an age limit on feeling whole again! Yes, someone else said it, did that statement come from someone who still has their breasts??? I love people that have breasts that used to tell me (when I was flat and concave) that they would be happy not to have them... Uh, right. I thought I wouldn't mind not having them... until I didn't!  You both go for it! As far as I am concerned everyone is right, you are never "too old" to feel whole! And besides that, when did 60 get to be old????

    Tricia - not that I want you to have this sugery, because I don't, BUT if you and your docs do decide this would be best for you, please check with my doctor. It is not often (except for at the Breast Center in NOLA) that you come across a whole bunch of people telling you how lucky you are to have used "the best" doctor for something. Let me tell you, I heard it the entire time I was in the hospital about my onc/gyn. So... if you need him, I will PM you all of his info.

    Okay, so like I said - had a pity party  earlier today... just going through the grief process on losing my reproductive organs... just like anything else I suppose. But, like everything else, I will just take a deep breath and shoulder through it. I AM thinking however, that with this surgery in the middle of everything, I may just delay my stage 2 a couple more weeks. I really feel slammed with these two surgeries back to back, so think I may just want a bit more time in between, even if it is only an extra couple of weeks to a month... So, Stephanie - maybe I will end up there at the same time as you! (I promise I am not stalking!!!) 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2009

    Oh, and one more thing - Look at all of you on deck for next week!!!! Wow!!! I hate to miss a good party! Undecided

    SO, for the weekend, sending healing thoughts and prayers and good vibes out to our graduates from this week (Spring, Danny, Jill and BC Diva).

    For next week - wishing you a feeling of peace and calm prior to surgery: Anniese, Snowbird, Teel, NebrNan, Carolynn, Tricia, Plainjane/jenn, Warrior, and PamGator - on your stage 1's, 2's, and tats!!!

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    Nordy......and the rest of friday night club!  WE'LL be OK!  we'll be waaaaaay better actually!  Nordy, don't's OK to grieve- but you are waaay more than  that stuff....and we want you here as long and as HEALTHY as possible and so do those sweet little girls of yours!  Effexor is a good drug if you need cyp2d6 issues...I'm weaning...down to 37.5 mg.....  Ok so finally Tgiving packed up and christmas decorations started.  Had MLD today and will repeat monday. Wound NOT infected but I AM getting special treatment...but all will probably resected next week anyways...doesn't matter, I'm better for now!  More later...cold here for TX. 

    tty soon!, xoxo,jjd

  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited December 2009

    Spring- I wish you safe travels. I wanted to chat today but got sidetracked because my 11 year old is having a sleepover with 14 girls tonight! one free moment to check in on MY girls here! :)

    I am hoping all that completed surgery this week are feeling better each day. Just look how far you have come from when you first woke up from surgery...let alone diagnosis!! WOO HOO

    Keep your prayers flying our way....between Dec 10-14th, our lives are going to be really hectic. We just found out the day I leave for NOLA, the 10th, my husband will be receiving a call if he will be one of many getting laid off! Arggh..we saw it coming but timing STINKS! But we are preparing for the worst, hoping for the best! Just bad ju ju before surgery. Teach me how to stay happy and  Also, my dear Mother in Law will be getting a Pet Scan to see if her cancer is back on the day of my surgery...a very rare cancer..3 time survivor! And last but not least, my soulmate(hubby) goes in for a heart procedure for his afib on the 14th. I am going no matter what..even if I have to suck on pain pills! lol My surgery is on the 11th and 3 days later I have to be at his I going to be really hurting for that?? Any tips to get thru it?  Sorry I sound like I am whining but I think my cycle is due and I tend to get more emotional and overwhelmed! lol

    Good luck for those on deck...Anniese, Snowbird, Teel, NebrNan, Caolynn, Tricia, Jenn and PamGator!!(I cheated off your list, Nordy!) lol and I took your pity party to my house! lol Who wants it now??

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited December 2009

    Just stopping in to comment on the "60 being old" thing.  I am personally 57 years young!  It never crossed my mind to think I might be getting too old for this surgery!!  My motto has always been " I have to get older, but I don't have to grow up!"  It's not a number that makes you's an attitude.  Just gotta keep the attitude that you are a winner, and you deserve the best.....  YOU ARE, and YOU DO!! 

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited December 2009

      Hi Ladies,  I have been doing alot of research and have seen  2 Doc' regarding possible DIEP reconstruction.  When I first started looking into this, I was very excited and couldn't wait to get the ball rolling!  I have an appointment scheduled w/ Dr. Massey in January but I'm actually beginning to think that this is just too big of a surgery.  Recovery after bilateral mastectomy, chemo, and rads. was tough & I'm just not sure I want to go back there again. Am I crazy??????  Do any of you regret going ahead with your reconstruction??   Thanks!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2009
    Absolutely ZERO regrets on perforator flap reconstruction... ZERO. It is the best thing post cancer that I have done for myself.
  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2009

    Warrior - Prayers coming your way for your hubby too...   ((((((hugs))))))