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NOLA in September?



  • WPLD
    WPLD Member Posts: 21
    edited December 2009

    Sassie,  I won't be in St. Charles either due to my insurance.  I will be at Fairway Medical Center which is about 45 min. from NOLA.  We will be flying in on the 15th.  I am staying at the Monteleone.  We were planning to eat at Mister B.'s since it is across the street from the hotel and I have heard such good things about it.  It would be great to meet up.  Might help with some of the anxiety being around people who will be going through the same thing.  My surgery is on the 18th.  I am planning on packing tie closure yoga pants and baggy sweater/shirts for after surgery.  I also bought a long extra large sweater to wear outside but I'm starting to wonder if I'll need a coat instead.

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    Hi ladies! 

    Melanie, I will be sending you and e-mail w/ pictures.  I am pretty sure I've outdone myself this year on christmas decorations.  VERY close to being finished.  Discovered I have given away every single fleur de lis christmas ornament I purchased so guess I'll have to get some more of those, among other things, on Tuesday.

    So happy to have the Christmas stuff up and pretty much done....I feel SOOooo much more put together and at ease-nowhere NEAR as flustered and nervous as in August for consult and Sept for stage one.  Funny...other people(friends, family) are much more worried and concerned about this than I am.  Not that I am discounting the fact that it IS surgery and general anesthesia.....but??? 

    At any rate....Melanie...I echo what you said about a more positive outlook.....sorry can't click back to see the exact words.  But, I feel like I can finally MOVE FORWARD w/ living now!  That almost sounds pathetic but....and that is truly my restoration. When I think to how I was living every day for the past year or so. I am VERY GRATEFUL....just now that I'm closer to the end of this piece...It is very exciting, sort of scary -but no more worry consuming hell.  And mine so pales in comparison to what some of you have been thru.

    Better go do laundry and pack!  Party in my room this week girls! hope you like 80's music....I have been so stuck in the eighties while decorating....Wham! pre George Michaels going off on his own.....didn't know that one of my favorite christmas songs was THAT old! Had to go to itunes to download because I'm pretty sure my original must've been on cassette! 

    Oh yeah clothing?  I think waterproof is the biggest ticket....still putting that together but am going w/ long london fog w/ light liner as well as bringing a Columbia packable shorter jacket......I'm bringing the same stuff I almost always travel w/- wicking fabrics and layers and comfortable slip on shoes that are waterproof and walk well.  No cotton.

    My project on return is my office/spare bedroom...I WILL hang pics and bulletin boards and already have my helpers enlisted.  And someday.....I WILL read the twilight series!

    ok, sorry to drone!

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited December 2009

    I love 80's music!  I am a child of the 80's!  Band Aid's "Do They Know It's Christmas" is my favorite Holiday song!  I'll sing it for you over and over and over again.  Just ask my poor family....LOL!!!

    Can't wait to meet you!!!  

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited December 2009

    Warrior hon...thinking of your entire family!!!  (((HUGS)))

    Pam~What's your online store?  Post a link!  

  • jacee
    jacee Member Posts: 219
    edited December 2009

    Ladies....I've been reading the thread for several months. I am in contact with Jenny at Dr. M's office about DIEP surgery late next year. Still in chemo and then rads will follow.

    Can't remember if I've read anything about you have regular mammograms after recon? Is there a period of healing before that is attempted? Have any of the Dr's at NOLA mentioned a reoccurence rate in the tissue that has been taken from other parts of the body? 

    Sorry if this has been addressed already...I've tried to find it somewhere.

    Also, if they are doing a prophylactic mastectomy at the time of recon, is that tissue biopsied immediately while you are in surgery, or do they just go ahead and do the recon anyway?

    Thanks in advance...Joni

  • sassie62
    sassie62 Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2009

    Dear Jacee

    I had delayed recon Diep in June.  When they removed a lymph node and some other tissue they did biopsy it.  But no, they did not wait until they got the results from the biopsy to proceed with the reconstruction on me.  I received the written results at my post op.  I guess they feel that all of the testing done before you arrive is the safeguard that all is well.

    WPLD  I was supposed to go to Fairway the first time around and then they change to Oschner.  I hear Fairway is very nice.  I am going to look up where your hotel is and maybe we can hook up for dinner on the 15?


  • sassie62
    sassie62 Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2009

    Snowbird I will be thinking of you tomorrow.  Best wishes.  Let us know how every went in SC.


  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited December 2009


    Welcome! You do not have mammograms after recon, and you cannot have reccurence in tissue from another part of your body. Since it's not breast tissue, it can't get breast cancer in it. There is a very small chance, however, of it showing up in residual breast tissue left behind from the mastectomy. Apparently it isn't obviously clear where breast tissue ends and non-breast tissue begins. For that reason, I'm pretty sure that Dr. DellaCroce suggests breast MRI's for follow-up surveillance, as if there is any breast cancer that would occur in that residual tissue, an MRI could pick that up. It wouldn't be right in the bulk area of the breast, but either way back or perhaps by the nipple, if you elected nipple-sparing. If it were to occur there, tho, it would be pretty obvious. No biopsy is done if you have no breast cancer - nothing to biopsy. 

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2009










    You are all UP THIS WEEK!  You will do just fine, I will be sending warm healing thoughts for each of you and praying for you all.  xxoo Mel

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2009

    Sasie62 - I will be at St Charles, surgery on the 17th, pre op on 16th.

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited December 2009

    Jennifer, I can just see you bopping to Wham! I had that cassette! My hubby and I run a spin class at the Y, and I had so much fun putting together a disc from the 80s. How could I choose just one hour?

    Weren't those early years of MTV just the greatest??

    I know what you mean about not being nervous. I wasn't either. Not one bit.

    Jaycee, Minnesota summed up the mammo issue well. I laugh when my onc does his standard breast exam on my butt-fat breasts! Fortunately, he's the kind of guy I can wise-crack with, and tell him to watch his hands, that's my ass he's feeling! But really, a recurrence would be against the chest wall or in the skin. I don't plan on routine screening MRIs, unless I hear a good reason why I should...

    I have Dr. Massey and Jenny. Let me know if I can help you in any way!


  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited December 2009

    Have been without a computer for awhile and I just wanted to wish everyone heading to NOLA this week a "Bon Voyage"! I love the city this time of year..Just for y'all, the NOLA weather forecast for the next 10 days....Innocent

    Dec 6




    High not valid after 2pm

    Dec 7

    Few Showers
    Few Showers




    Dec 8





    Dec 9

    Partly Cloudy
    Partly Cloudy




    Dec 10

    Partly Cloudy
    Partly Cloudy




    Dec 11

    Few Showers
    Few Showers




    Dec 12





    Dec 13

    Partly Cloudy
    Partly Cloudy




    Dec 14





    Dec 15





  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Hi ladies, home sweet home!

    Doing okay - 5 days post op. The lipo bruises are huge, but are now getting better. Walked a mile today! (not as fast as I used to - this binder feels like you're walking through water, lots of resistance)....

    Didn't need narcotics today or yesterday, just using Percogesic (over the counter Tylenol with a muscle relaxer) and the BMs are now back to normal, YAY! 

    A friend did healing touch on me, that was nice.

    One of my butt drains was 12cc yesterday, and will be low like this again today. So that one is soon OUTA HERE. I'm waiting until Monday to call them, but if I can't get through, I am taking that sucker out.

    Good luck all you ladies going soon! I suggest Yoga Pants, big tops that are long and loose, and a good warm coat - it was really cold in NOLA last week! cold enough for snow!


  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited December 2009

    Joni, I think that they might do sentinel node biopsy for you, during the mastectomy.  They'll proceed with the reconstruction, and then results of the SNB and of pathology on the removed breast tissue will determine whether treatment is necessary.   Dr. DellaCroce said that mammograms are okay as an added means of surveillance if your team of doctors recommends them.  It's been 2.5 years since my bilateral mastectomy, and I have not had any imaging done.  My oncologist is comfortable with clinical breast exams in my case, and he absolutely LOVES Dr.D's work!!!!!

  • iamc
    iamc Member Posts: 87
    edited December 2009

    YEAH SPRING!! Glad you are recovering. But ugh....drains again!

    It's so great to have us all here together! Hoping to see a couple of you Tuesday!

    I leave here tomorrow afternoon, a friend will be driving me three hours to Charlotte. I'll spend the night, and fly out of there Tuesday around 11am. Straight to my pre-op with Dr. S and then in surgery on Wednesday! DH comes down Wed night and will stay at St Charles Surgical with me. Hopefully I will be discharged on Thursday. I have reservations at the Marriott this time. We fly out on Saturday.

    Christmas will be a bit tough this year (I haven't done one thing yet, eek!) but by March when everything is really settled into place I'll be thankful for my "Christmas present", LOL

    Hope to pop back in tomorrow, but I am scurrying around doing laundry and getting things in order for my girls here at home while I am away.

    Thanks in advance for your kindness, good thoughts and prayers.


  • WPLD
    WPLD Member Posts: 21
    edited December 2009

    Sassie, Fairway is really good and I usually had a nurse all to myself.  I forget where you are staying but I think it is on the other side of Canal from the quarter.  I am staying in the quarter just a block or so from Canal.  If you are near Canal, you can walk there.  It's one or two blocks from Bourbon.

  • jacee
    jacee Member Posts: 219
    edited December 2009

    I knew you ladies would come through...thanks for all the info. I love following all your progress, and have learned SOOO much. By next fall I should be very prepared.

    Anne- thanks. As the time gets closer I'm sure I will be pm'ing you with questions.

    I think it would be great if there were a NOLA Stage 1 thread, NOLA Stage 2, NOLA Stage 3, NOLA Nipple Recon, NOLA tattooing, NOLA lodging, etc. It would be so much easier to find info. There is so much good info here, just hard to find.

    Thanks again...Joni

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    "Last Christmas I gave you my heart but the very next day you gave it gave it awaay...  This year to save me from tears I'll give it to someone SPECIAL..special......I LOVE George Michael w/ or w/o wham!! 

    And the 3 dollar album has extended version in 2 formats PLUS a very extended..."Somebody told me... boy everything she wants is every thing she sees!....doo doo doo la la la la la la! somebody tell me.... won't you tell me...why I work so hard for give you money...Oh! to give you money!  "

    OMG  1980's!  Yes, high school grad and college, and the years you think you knew so much!...I am ashamed to say I briefly had a mullet haircut...but while it was actually IN!

    YES Anne, early MTV and VHI were great!  And I do remember when cable was a novelty!  Next I'll probably go looking for Billy Idol as he was hot in the mid 80's too!

    OK...on the mammos post recon......Dr. LaGarde advises to have a baseline mamo at 6 mos to 1 year......mostly I think because some women have fat necrosis?  I think my BS at home veoted it but pretty sure if I was having issues my BS here would do her but she has control power/ issues.  So.... not sure if she just vetoed because it was a NOTHER BS's recomendation or ???  sorry....just the truth.....some of this could be egos.  MY issue was 5 cm behind the nipple and I have huge breasts so not close to chest wall....therefore I think it's ok?(I'm OK) w/ no MRI's.  I DID also have nipple sparing.  They core the back of your nipples whilst in the OR and doing your mastectomy and send that off to pathology.....Path takes a while to come back...Per Dr. D.  If anything comes back positive they would then remove the nipple(and apparently I believe he gave me figures of 1 in 300?) if something were to come back from the coring of nipples positive then they would then remove the nipple at stage 2.  That's all I know, but I'm sure there's more.  I didn't have to have any nodes done because I had no active CA at the time(Thank you God).

    I think I'm done w/ laundry and packing started....but I DO have reliable transportation to the airport tuesday am...this is good.  " God I thought you were some one to rely I guess I was a shoulder to cry on......I'll give it to someone special!.......Happy Christmas ...I am sure the Britishness of wham make it even more appealing!  Cheers! 

  • LindaG47
    LindaG47 Member Posts: 97
    edited December 2009

    Spring-  Hope your doing well and loving your new body.  Wow!  You had a major overhaul.  Can't wait to see the new Avatar of you in your bikini!!  Just to let you know why there was no one in the office on the 4th......................I heard through the grapevine that they (nola docs) rented out the whole House of Blues and were having a Christmas party there.......what!  you weren't invited? LOL!!

    This questions is for anyone that would like to share.  I am going on week 4 with my drains.  One will be ready soon.  The other is a blood sucking vampire.  Nordy, I know you were juicy.  How many weeks?

  • LindaG47
    LindaG47 Member Posts: 97
    edited December 2009

    Jacee,  I am almost 4 weeks post-op.  I had a delayed reconstruction and a prophylactic mx.  I had a skin sparing and the contents of my breast went to pathology while I was in surgery, but I don't think we got the results until the next day or two.  I had a mammogram last April, and it was "clear."  My pathology report showed a small cancer!!  The day before I left they did a SNB and nodes were negative..  I'm not sure at this point what my onc will recommend, but will have an appointment after Christmas.  Good question to ask your Surgeon.  I had Dr. Massey in SC.

    Good luck,


  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited December 2009

    LindaG47 - all I can tell ya is Stacy at the center said they HAVE to come out at 8 weeks no matter what they are doing.  But then, not everyone is as juicy an old broad as I am! LOL  But, hopefully, if one comes out soon....the other won't be far behind.  Will have my fingers crossed for ya!!

  • PamGator89
    PamGator89 Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2009

    Gin, Linda,

    I had one hip drain for 6 weeks and the other 8 weeks--it was still really producing--40-50+ cc's/day.  I finally pulled it at 8 weeks.  I found it continued to drain whenever I put any manual pressure on the donor area for a few more days.  I then sandwiched myself into the tightest garment I could get into (and still breathe!) and that put a stop to the drainage--Finally!  Hard to believe I just had them out so recently, and now I am on my way back to NOLA later this week for new ones--Ugh.  I plan on wearing the tightest girdle I can right off the bat this time!

    Soccermom--thanks for the weather post :-)

    Anyone going to S. Surgical in Slidell this week?

    Best wished to everyone on their way this week.....


  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    Oh breast tissue was sent off as well as the cored (back of)nipples-retroareolar tissue....FORGOT !  Yikes!  My path report had 2 separate areas(actually 4) resulted breast tissue and 'retroareolar  tissue".  AND Linda.....It was you....sorry can't click back....way to follow your gut.

    ok, paying bills, wrapping up loose ends here.  Have to bring in a couple more plants today as we will surely hard freeze in the next 7 days.

    I am so ashamed of the fact I'm probably the same weight or possibly 2-3 lbs more than I was in august/sept.. which is 20-30lbs too much.  I have so blown off exercising the past couple weeks esp and feel like a beached not proud of how thick I am.  But I guess that gives them plenty to work w/!  Eeks!  I dread seeing those before we get photo'd again before stage 2?  I told my family I think I have the opposite of know how they have a distorted image of themselves as heavy...I think my distortion is that I'm not.  I should probably get a copy of my before pics as reminder and reality check.  Really looking forward to getting fit again.  Are the restrictions the same on 4 weeks until aerobic activity?  Trishia weren't you on the treadmill soon....and lifting restrictions?  anybody...or is it again dependent on what they do?

    Anniese, snowbird are you travelling or there?

    And all the 12/9 people Teel. NebrNan, iamc you are travelling too,? and if not you're packing.

    Then Trishia and I(yikes) and warrior and Pam/gator...Pam will you be preoping at the center?

    Guess I better go back and get all the logistics!  Nancy and Carolynn gulp...tomorrow?  guess I will use the streetcar.....will get back on later...I do text too- if you guys do.

    ok, this is REALLY happening!  yay!

  • PamGator89
    PamGator89 Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2009


    I will be pre-opting at the Center the 10th in the afternoon.  Best of luck to you.  When are you getting into NOLA?  We are flying out of NC Wed AM--going to try and have 1 fun day there before the "craziness" ensues!  Who is doing your surgery and which hosp are you at?  We head home the 15th in the early about you?

    I will be thinking about you!

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    Pamgator-are you stage 1 or 2?  you're second stage by your timeline....Sorry confused?....2 docs for stage 2?  Are there 2? Or was that just for stage 1?

    Leaving tomorrow and get in at 1130.  Pre op on 12/9 at 3pm. I am w/ Dr. DellaCroce.  Surgery 12/10 at 7am.  Overnight at St Charles Surgical and hopefully back to Marriott friday?  Staying thru the wknd and home Monday evening.

    Will be thinking of you as well!

  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited December 2009

    WOO HOO!! Some of us Warrior Babes are up this week!! My pre-op, believe it or not, is right before the surgery....I better make sure I have all my questions written down. There won't be any time to think of something else later! lol

    I arrive this Thursday evening and surgery is scheduled for 11 on Friday at St. Charles. Who will be IN the hospital on Saturday? Plainjane?? Iamc??  I thought there was a couple of you.....I can make some rounds Friday night or Saturday morning before I am discharged! I would love to meet any of you awesome girls that I can!

    Plainjane- I, too, GAINED some weight than losing you are not alone!! I blame it on this being my 5th surgery this year alone!!  lol  or lack of exercise,too! Play your 80's music in your room so I know where you are! lol

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009


    You have a good connection in NOLA. They indeed did have their Christmas Party Dec 4th (Fri) Eve! I was in the waiting area, walking around looking at the Christmas decorations, (otherwise I get stiff!) and a nurse started chatting with me. She said they rented out the House of Blues, were having a band and a catered buffet or something like this. Everybody was excited. Apparently, as with everything they do, they go ALL OUT for parties! :)  

    That same afternoon, while waiting for my post surgical appt (I waited a Loooong time...) I saw Dr. Massey and three of her office assistants. There was one from SC, one from Chicago, and one from Salt Lake, She remembered me (she did rounds in the hospital an discharged me from my Stage 1 in Sept) and she introduced me to them. Said they all flew in to get a tour of the NOLA facilities, and were there for the Christmas Party.

    Update: I am down to just Tylenol 4x a day! Feet and lower legs still swollen, and need to call about drains. One or two ready to come out.

    JennJane, Pamgator is my neighbor! :)  She is stage 2 lumbar.

    I can just see St. Charles Hospital rockin' with the 80's music!!!!

    The BIG ROOMS are 200, 201, 202, 203, and 204. Warrior, you remember! (she got one of the palatial rooms!). I never got one of the big rooms, the others are also wonderful, but the big rooms are enormous!!!! I think they probably save them for Stage 1 ladies who are going to be there for many nights....  

  • BreastCancerDiva
    BreastCancerDiva Member Posts: 29
    edited December 2009

    Hi everyone!     We're hanging out in NOLA today.   I have my Stage 1 Post Op with Dr D on Tuesday and will be flying home on Wednesday.     So far all is good.     The point where the doppler wires go into my chest continues to seep and it's hard to keep enough gauze on it to absorb it all!    I've still got four drains, but we pulled the On-Q pump this morning.     I still look a lot like a suicide bomber with grenades strapped around my middle carrying this drains!   

    When we checked out of the hospital yesterday (Room 208 - gigantic with full wall of windows!) I was the only patient still there!     There had been four of us early on Saturday, but they were all discharged by late Sat afternoon.    I had the most amazing care and the nurses (Eunice and "MC" (I think) were just incredible.   

    We're heading out for a walk, maybe lunch, maybe a beignet!  

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited December 2009

    OMG! A beignet! Were there street musicians playing at Cafe du Monde?

  • PamGator89
    PamGator89 Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2009


    Stage 2--is it just 1 surg?  I guess I got used to having "My Team"!  Ha  In that case, I guess its Dr. S.  Dr. Trehan was my second during Stage1.  Follow Up appt is Monday is 11am for me--when is yours?

    Maybe our paths will cross down there...
