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  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908

    Diana--Hooray for improving blood work numbers!And going to just one drug, can't help but think that's going to minimize the side effect issues.Very weird about the Her2 testing, how can 3 tests give such different answers?Glad they are doing more testing.Very glad you are feeling ok.


  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I caught it out the corner of my eye back in May. Upper right shoulder on my back. Mentioned it to the FNP in July or August along with several skin tags I wanted removed. We were busy working on another issue, so by the time I remembered again, it was October and I called and asked for a longer appointment so she could remove the skin tags. She went ahead and took the biopsy on the mole too. And the rest is history!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Holy cow. I had to see a dermatologist due to my gene testing coming up with something. It takes a year to get an appointment. I moved so had a new guy. He wasn't even going to look at my body like the first one did! I showed him a couple of weird spots and he said don't worry about it. I was stunned with how blase he was. Didn't fell treated at all and wonder if I have anything I can't see that is bad! There is only ONE guy for the area of a couple hundred thousand people. He was WAY late at the appointment too.

    Glad you've been taken seriously sweetie. Keep us posted on your treatment.

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    Eph...sorry abut your diagnosis, I've had a few friends and family memebers that have had Melanoma and they are fine...I wish you the best in care and recovery!Smile

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Eph, You've got to be kidding me! Does this stuff just never end? Melanoma can be sneaky in its own way so do what's best to get it GONE, and adhere to future precautions and follow ups. I don't trust it one bit!

    Dianarose, You are one amazing gal. We said that way back when you opened your shop and it is even more true these days.

    Barbe, Sorry, did not mean to create suspense. My surgical path. on the parathyroid tumor was just some benign finding. No biggie. Parathyroid cancer is rare; but even when a benign growth is on a parathyroid, it can cause the gland to pump up the volume on the hormone and, thus, create the problems. So, now I'm *good* with my three remaining parathyroids (and they were all visualized too.) Now, my surveillance has to turn to that 1 cm thyroid nodule (biopsied as likely papillary cancer) and there will be periodic ultrasounds of it to make sure it is indolent. My mind gets a little taste of what it is like "living with cancer" and that is loathesome to think of it in there, but thyroid is so different and I do not feel in physical danger so I think I can put it out of my mind for the most part.

    BTW, my scar is coming along slowly. Here's what I don't like (and you just knew there would be something)...the surgical area is still a lump of hard scar tissue and probably some internal medical stitch witchery, so I can feel that with each swallow, moving up then down. No one tells you about that!

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Have been saying I have an infection for two weeks now. Thursday night I took two samples of pee. One from left kidney and one from the naphostomy tube on the right. Left had no odor and the right would knock your socks off. Called cancer center to get a lab order. They said they did not think it was an infection but gave me the order basically to shut me up. Well doc called this morning and there is a bad infection. Looking forward to the smell going away! I am allergic to most antibiotics so on a new one and so far so good.

    El- good to hear from you and that you are okay. That scratching would drive me crazy

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    hey everyone , remember me? I'm sorry I disappeared . I don't even remember what was going on.

    I'm glad that I have caught up with you all. I do admit to skipping some pages . whew it's been a while.

    I ended up in the ER with heart palpitations the day I was getting a chest x-ray. They did a bunch of blood work . It turned out I tested positive for Lyme disease. But still no one wanted to treat me because of all the controversy. They thought the palpitations were from the Cymbalta I was taking for the Fibromyalgia. But my caring but inept PCP had changed out my blood pressure meds too. I ended up stopping almost all my meds. When I stopped the Fosamax the horrible pain in my side stopped. The one that felt like a hot poker sticking in me. But when I told the PCP , he said oh that wouldn't effect that. sheesh!

    So I found a Lyme literate Doctor in Rhode Island that is finally helping me. She diagnosed me not only with Lyme , but 5 co-infections. She looked up from the test results and said no wonder you are feeling so crummy ! I burst into tears, someone actually believed me! Now I am on lots of antibiotics and anti malaria drugs and feeling crummier. But even tho I'll feel worse before I feel better, Just knowing what I'm dealing with is such a release. She thinks I have had Lyme for years , before my BC dx. The TX just made it all so much worse.

    It's so great to catch up with you all, even though some news isn't great!

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Macatacmy- so sorry about the Lyme disease. My daughter was so sick for years and no be would listen to her either. At one point they even told her she had MS. She's a nurse and even knew what test she needed. Finally found a doc who listened after many years of hell. She is seeing a Lyme specialist now. She has Lyme, Rocky Mountain fever and mono. She's been on heavy duty antibiotics for a few months and says it's awful. They also tested my 4 year old granddaughter and she is positive too. She's been sick since birth. I am glad they finally found it and you can get treatment now. Hang in there sweetie.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908

    El--good for benign parathyroid thingy. The thyroid nodule would probably drive me nuts to try to live with, you are a stronger person than me to live with it. But I'm glad you don't feel in danger from it. You have had to deal with so much, it is so not fair!

    Diana--I do hope you will be asking whoever thought there was no infection what they think now that a bad infection has been proven. When will medical folks learn to LISTEN to people? We live in these bodies, we know when something is different/wrong.

    Macatcmv--I do remember you! Welcome back! Lyme disease is such a sneaky disease. Glad you found someone Lyme literate (I'm going to have to steal that label!) and are getting properly treated. Praying the crummier feeling is short and better feeling comes ASAP.I know a doctor, no retired, who specialized in taking care of older folk before gerontology was a specialty, he would routinely put his elder patients taking more than 5 meds into the hospital, stop ALL the meds, and run tests and monitor them closely to see what meds they actually NEEDED. Most of those people left the hospital doing much better pain wise and cognitively, and usually on only 1 or maybe 2 meds. Too bad we can't do the same thing now. Most people, and most doctors, do not realize how many of our symptoms are from medications, not from diseases or conditions.

    Diana--prayers for your daughter and granddaughter.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200


    first off for all a little humor!
  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    thanks so much for the get well wishes! it will be a long, hard row to hoe, but the glimmer at the end of the tunnel is so enticing! I just want some kind of normal in my life. Or at least some energy.

    I was dx with: Lyme, Babesia Duncani (funny since my son's name is Duncan), Babesia Microti, Burcella, Bartonella, C. Pneumonia. No wonder I couldn't get better!

    Yes, I feel the doctor community has to learn to listen to us. They are tied up by the CDC's protocols, and the fear of repercussions. They need to get back to the motto "First do no harm!"

    Diana, My PCP kept telling me that I should see a psychologist or at least go into CBT (cognitive behavior therapy) I told him I liked the therapist I had and she and my acupuncturist were convinced I had Lyme. I kept questioning my sanity, which is easy for me to do. lol

    guess what, he is not my PCP any more!!!  

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    mac, Heaven help us when we get into our senior frailty and cannot strongly advocate for ourselves. We will be goners for sure. I am glad you had the stamina to press for answers and get to the bottom of your symptoms. Also, good for you to keep the people that helped and throw out the others (who needs 'em!) Despite your woes, it is good to hear from you. I luuuuuved the comic.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Melanoma removal, Thursday, the 8th, 7:45AM PST. Glad it is sooner than later.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    eph, is your removal with a MOHS surgery or excision? Is it an all day affair? waiting for clear margins? whatever it is I will be thinking of you and praying all day!

    Interesting enough that is the day I see my dermatologist up in Boston. My kids won't let me drive off island anymore ( I'm too spacey) So my DD is gonna drive down to the boat to pick me up and then after the appt. she gets me over to my DS who drives me back down after he gets outta work. I said just put me on the bus! But no they have to keep track of momma. lol

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306

    eph - that was my question too. If you can do the MOHS surgery, you may be there awhile but you can be sure they will get clean margins. I've had five MOHS so far. I'll keep you in my thoughts.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Hmmm I do not know. Will find out though. Thanks.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Mac, so sorry for your travails and happy you are finally being treated. But counseling??? Seriously??? It makes me completely livid 5 times from Sunday that when women have medical complaints, they tell us to go see a shrink.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Guess where I was this afternoon? That's right, getting my mammogram that I was supposed to get in summer. Had to squeeze it in in this benefit year, and I think I will wait til 2018 for the next one. THAT'S RIGHT, I AM TAKING 2017 OFF!!! You heard it here first.

    Anyway, the whole appt. was a breeze. the best once I've had since 2008. Wait make that 2007, since they missed my BC in 2008. I was outta there in 45 quick minutes. I made myself some hospitality hot chocolate (first serving this season) and only had a few hot sips because they called me back so quick and then even in the inner sanctum waiting room I had only time for another lukewarm sip or two (and enough time to find one jigsaw piece) before it was on to the machine.

    I told this tech that she had ONE SHOT to get each view. No retakes due to blur or underarm skin folds. No extra radiation of any kind due to tech error. She was a woman of my age and she STEPPED UP to my challenge and then topped me by taking only 5 views instead of the usual 6. "I think they can see the nip good enough on the lateral view," she said, except she did say nipple because she was not quite as casual as I am making out.

    So, you see, if I had invited any pocket company along, you would not have even had time to nestle down into my pocket lint, let alone try to get me to share my hot chocolate with you. I was home within the hour and am sitting comfortably now, NOT EVEN FEELING SQUISHED because I told my tech my treatment side was a delicate flower and to be gentle with it, and she was. Double-plus good.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306

    Love the hot chocolate picture & story. Almost time for that in Houston. Eli - so glad the mammo tech was responsive and the pictures were a snap. Hooray for good techs.

    Eph - any word about the plan for Thursday?

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Freaky, I had my first hot chocolate today too! I wonder if it was at the exact second as you...

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Eli, glad you had a breezy mammo day! Hope the results are as good!

    momine, I feel like sending all those docs that misdiagnosed or failed to dx, copies of my blood work. But then I think, I don't want to spend any more energy even thinking about them! But I will educate the docs I still see.

    barbe, I love your new (?) picture.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Barbe, I bet yours was better. I just had the food service mix packet that I found laying on the coffee bar. Exact same second? Maybe it was. If so, we will have to coordinate our first seasonal wassail as well, or would you prefer eggnog?

    mac, It probably would be a waste of time to inform your ex-docs where they erred in judgement. Their minds have probably moved on, and you can't shame egos of doctor proportions anyway.


    Now, please read following HOLIDAY TALE of how I did take just a little time time to communicate with one doc...

    So, back when my mom was in the ICU on a ventilator (which was during both Thanksgiving and Christmas--there's your holiday tie-in) and it was touch and go, her PCP was stopping by on a daily basis and one day he said to me, "Your mom and I go way back, and I know she would not want to live all hooked up to tubes and machines..." Guess he was trying to feel me out on if I was a "pull the plug" kind of daughter or not. Well, first of all his "way back" was a crock because she had just started with him 9 mos. previous (!) and he, unlike me, was not spending hours with her and was not there for the few moments when she might come out of the heavy sedation long enough to give a barely perceptible nod of her head when asked, "Do you want to keep fighting? Can you make it back?" So, my reply to the doc was this, "You told me no one knows if she can get off the vent. and ever breathe on her own again, but she wants to, so let her TRY. (Right here, I cannot type those capital letters big enough.)

    (Intermission to say it took a good while, but she did get off the vent., rehabed in record time, made the move to my state, and came to live in my home for 13 mos.; and my mother had a good laugh too about what the doctor considered going "way back.")

    So, for Christmas that following year, my mom and I made sure to send her PCP a Christmas card, which included a pic of her and I having a great time out at my son's soccer game that Fall. That was just our way of putting an happy epilogue onto all the doom-and-gloom hospital drama. Did the doc actually get the card? Who knows? Did we get a return card? Are you kidding me? But who cares because sending that card FELT GOOD and was the symbol of the plug that didn't get pulled.

    (The end.)


    I know, I you are all thinking, "Oh, that elimar! Even her warm, fuzzy holiday tale had to portray the doc in a bad light." I'm sorry, I can't seem to help myself.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908

    El, now THAT is the way mammograms should be done--all the time, for everyone!

    And good for you for sending that Christmas card!

  • kkuziel
    kkuziel Member Posts: 77

    Hi all, have enjoyed reading all the good news and some of the not so good news. I guess I fit into the latter category. Had mammogram today. They saw some calcifications and want to do biopsy. To say the least I'm pissed. This is not how I wanted to spend yet another Christmas (cancer diagnosis was in December of 2012) I'm either in shock right now or I'm taking this better than the first time. I was not prepare for this stuff to come back, even though it was in the back of my mind. I take that stupid little pill like clockwork and had hoped it would be the magic bullet. Maybe it will be, maybe this will be harmless calcifications. But the fact that they didn't brush them off as harmless concerns me. Has anyone had a similar situation? Thanks for being there when I need you all.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Kkuziel, having a new primary isn't the same as a recurrence so you can always "hope" for that...amazing what we consider good news once we've had cancer in the first place!

    Hugs to you, sweetie.

  • molliefish
    molliefish Member Posts: 650

    All the best tomorrow E

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    We'll be there with you today, sweetie. E has already made us some hot cocoa.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Thinking of you today E.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908

    Kkuziel--after we are diagnosed they don't brush off any mammogram findings.Praying it's B9. So not fair to be going through this for another Christmas season.

  • kkuziel
    kkuziel Member Posts: 77

    Can't get in to see the surgeon until January 5th. This is so reminiscent of 2012-2013 I can hardly stand it. Everyone goes on vacation (understandably) and things grind to a halt. If these are harmless calcifications I guess it won't matter. I just hate the wait. Like a giant black cloud over my head for the holidays, again. Guess there's not much I can do. I remember hearing how things don't have to move as quickly as we think they should when it comes to cancer, from this very surgeon, so I guess we'll see how it goes.