
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Thank you gcarter.  On this site we try to be caring, informative and just a bit off-center to keep it interesting.  Let us know what stage you are in treatment, and feel free to take an irreverent tone if neccessary. ;-)
  • gcarter
    gcarter Member Posts: 53

    I am a 44 year old. have 2 great kids and a handsome husband. My high school sweetheart. I am 3 weeks post op with expander. Delayed on expansion due to not healing well where the cancer was. Tissue was thin and not healing from the inside. Going back to surgery tommorro. Not really looking forward to it but it has to get done. I am meeting with my onocologist next week. They should have the results of the onoctype test by then. Hoping no chemo. Has any one not received chemo? I am concerned if they tell me no because I worry. Then again I worry about if they do,too. Lots to think about. Insurance what a bunch of political ****. They are not sure if they will cover it 3800.00. The brac test is not covered because no family history. I am meeting with a genetics counsler to try to get it covered. I would have made a different decision if I knew before my original surgery. Oh well it is what it is. I feel great. And all my numbers are good. I have alot to be grateful for. Just looking for june 2010. I should be well into my bikini by then..lol

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Good morning, MIDDLERS!!

    It's FRIDAY!!!! ****Just in case you missed the memo.

    Hope that everyone has something to look forward to this weekend. We are now at the two week mark for the wedding celebration of our youngest.

    Oh my, my.

    Such a bunch of emotions.

    E: I'm now over 2 years out from rads -- and what I have to tell you, is that you forget all of the crazy details with time. And I'm thinkin' that's a good thing. I slathered on all the goo. I was pretty purple in the boost area by the time all was said and done..... none too comfortable, but there is absolutely not any color distortion at this point in time.

    Everyone's experience is pretty unique to themselves and their situation. I'm hoping that at the two year mark, you can be telling someone in the midst that you've forgotten some of the specifics. You, too, will make it thru!!


  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    TGIF, this has been one hell of a ride, BS called last night to say that all the pathologists that read my slides at Sloan agree that there is no invasive carcinoma...lots of B9 crap that muddies up the view. My girlfriend is coming to see me and we are going to go out and paint the town RED, not pink lol until we turn into pumpkins which I highly suspect will be before midnight (:

    Have a wonderful weekend ladies.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    Have a blast Pumpkin! Laughing
  • gcarter
    gcarter Member Posts: 53

    Yeah!!! home already. Things went great. I knew that I would be home before happy hour. lol. I will see my ps next week. Hopefully everything will now go as expected.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Happy to see a few people are already off to a good start for the weekend!  Laughing
  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135

    So glad it's Friday.  We have a big bash planned for tonight - Bunco for the Cure - to benefit my Race for the Cure team.  We'll have 20+ people at our house for dinner, and there will be a few adult beverages consumed.  Wink

    Have a great weekend, ladies!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Rads # 19 -- "We're not in Kansas anymore."

    That's my nipple talking.  My nipple thinks we've gone away for the summer to a topless Mediterranean beach   My nipple is so fanciful, ever the dreamer.  I don't have the heart to break it to my nipple that it looks more like it came out of a Chrysler plant in Newark, NJ -- where the rest of the "fine Corinthian leather" came from.   

  • ReneeJean
    ReneeJean Member Posts: 21

    Yes, it's friday..thank goodness.  Met with the genetic counselor and gave blood to the BRCA cause...hopefully Aetna agrees to cover this test so I can quit worrying about my daughters (or begin to worry more).

    I will be joining Colleen (Kleenex), albeit on the opposite side of the stadium,  at her football game as our team is playing theirs for their homecoming.  We are ALL praying that it will remain dry.  My daughter's homecoming was rained out last friday and the band did not perform at the rainy Sat game that finally took place.  I haven't seen her perform this year, so I am excited. 

    I think dh and I are heading out of town in the morning.  I have my port placement on Wed and my first chemo the week after, so I think we need to get away for 48 hours.   We shall see.   Don't want to drive forever, which is a pretty big limitation when you live in Texas--everything is 5-12 hours away...LOL.   Have a great weekend ladies. 

  • Nebraskagrandma
    Nebraskagrandma Member Posts: 137


    That is great news ! I hope you have a drink for me Laughing


    What a happy time for you all.............


    What a great idea ! Bunco for the cure ! I love it Money mouth When is your Race for the Cure ? Ours is Oct 4th.


    #19 behind ya sistah !! woo hoo Cool Enjoy the week-end.......


    I hope the weather holds up for you and Colleen enjoy ! You and the dh enjoy your 48 hr escape, I know what you mean about driving in Texas !Surprised The first time I drove with my daughter & grandkids from her new home in San Antonio to Omaha it seemed like once we got OUT of Texas we were half way home ..................

    Have a great week-end all !

    Blessings to you all........

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    This seems like a nice lively thread to join...I am 42, hubby is boy toy of 38. Dx September 8. Waiting to see surgeon 9/28.

    Talking to people in the same boat( and popping pills) seem to be the only thing that calms me down. 

    Have a great weekend and happy new year!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Suz42 -- Flattery and impressive mention of boy toy hubby indicate you will be a fine addition to this Middie thread...welcome!   So sorry you must make our acquaintance.  What is your Dx?
  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    Gcarter, I did not choose chemo my onco score was 21, I see you are from Fernadale, I live in Port Hope but lived in Huntington Woods for first 16 years, tell everyone I grew up at the zoo!!  Sorry to see you are here, but very glad to meet you, hope all goes well.

    Worked a full day today ran errands, had a great dinner out with friends and BAM hit a .... deer, all are fine car is injured but drivable, planning a big cannoign weekend salsa, pepper relish (new item), and pepper relish.

    Hope all are enjoying the weekend, feeling stronger every week!! 

  • poolgirl
    poolgirl Member Posts: 46

    Hi guys! I just wanted t oknow if any one has had pains in the under arm area after surgery? I am experiencing pain in the opposite arm pit from where my lymphnodes were removed. That breast weas removed and was non cancerous but 6 months later I am having pains in the arm pit area. Any thoughtsa on this ? Your help is appreciated.... I thought this was over but fear is what started it all isn't it?                          

  • Nebraskagrandma
    Nebraskagrandma Member Posts: 137


    This is all very new for you I see. You must still be reeling, we understand as we all have been there. You are among friends, we are all here to support, pray and even throw in some humor now and then to get us by. Welcome (though I wish you didn't need to be here)


    Sorry I haven't had that experience, has anyone else ??

    (((HUGS))) all around my friends..............

  • susan_CNY
    susan_CNY Member Posts: 64

    OMG in between my mother calling me 4 times this morning making doc apts and my mother in law who is in the hospital having tests and a blood transfusion, my bi-polar Kate called to invite me to her wedding at 9 am tommorow morning, I hope this is all just a bad dream, but afraid is reality, if my xanax doesn;t work it may take the paddy wagon to get me home, pray for me please girls or pop the top on my asti spumonti and lets toast!

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Yay! It didn't rain on our football game, and in fact it was actually a beautiful night! The marching was superb, I must say. It's amazing that it takes six busses and a semi to get our band one mile from the high school to the stadium. I'm whipped, and all I did was ride the bus there and back and walk groups of kids to the bathroom!  Homecoming out here is so odd. I'm not from Texas, so those humongous "mum" things are very amusing. ReneeJean, I hope you got to see your daughter march! Your band's plumes are AMAZING! Have fun on your trip with your husband. Advice: don't drive WEST looking for a magical place to spend the night. West Texas is not pleasant. That's why the speed limit on I-20 out there is 80 mph. If someone lives there or is from there and loves it, I hope I didn't hurt your feelings. But feel free to explain what you like about it...

    susan_CNY - Sounds like a surprize wedding? Never a good thing. With all you have going on, perhaps it would be best to go with it and toast...

    Lydia - I will say that recovery from surgery seems to be a long-term process. I had lumpectomy with SNB on the left side, and from time to time, there's some sort of new bizarre feeling somewhere under my arm or up on my chest or by my incision site that usually goes away after a while. I think it can take a long time for nerves to heal. If this is on the side that didn't have the SNB but you had a mastectomy, perhaps you have some nerves that were affected that are coming back to life. Always good to ask your surgeon - even a year later.

    Elimar - I'm pretty sure we've discussed the whole "talking body parts" thing before. Remember, it's funny to SOME people, and certainly here at BCO we are open to whatever coping strategies a woman devises to get through all of this. I'd avoid having my nipple talk to strangers, however. If the store-brand aloe doesn't do it, ask for something stronger from your rad onc - you'll need to keep it up for a while after rads end, until healing is truly complete (the radiation continues to...radiate for a while after the zapping ends). Now that I'm almost a year out and into my 10th month of Tamoxifen, I'm back slathering lotion on my left side. The skin there gets very dry...

    Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!

  • ReneeJean
    ReneeJean Member Posts: 21

    Colleen....it was a great game. Sorry y'all lost.  You guys have a great QB that can THROW!!!  We are now 4-0....just what my dd wants to hear---playoffs....hee hee.  She is a sr and by mid-Nov she is SO done with band and ready to really concentrate on swimming....if BHS continues to play well, she could be marching until Christmas...LOL.

    Glad we all stayed dry and I enjoyed watching both bands and the drill teams.  Yes, Texans do Homecoming in a BIG way...I didn't go to HS here but I knew about Mums....my dd has had expanding ones each year---this year a huge double traditional silver/white mum..LOL.   Anyone interested in this weird tradition--do a google search on Texas Homecoming Mums...you will be amazed!!!  We have only be in Texas since Sept 06...my children were all raised in Cali (2 of them graduated from HS there and one is still in college there), so this was all new to my daughter!   I love it and wish we had this tradition in Alaska when I was in HS!!!  

     No, we aren't driving west...ha, ha.  I was basically raised in FW near the zoo, so I am quite aware of Texas and where to avoid and West Texas is high on my list.   Glad some folks love it there......    My youngest is also looking at Tech as one of her top choices---we laugh that you drive 5 hours to the middle of nowhere and are still 5 hours from the Texas border!!!   Oh well....

    Have a great weekend everyone.  I am off to bed....

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645

    GEE WHIZ!!! I guess everything is bigger in texas..How many kids in that band??? where I come from 6 buses and a semi could carry the band, team, cheerleaders AND a few fans to boot! LOL But I am glad the weather held out for you.

    Sounds like the weekend is on. Hope you all have a great one!

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    hi everyone...thanks for the warm welcome.

    Don't have all the dx info yet, tumor about 2cm, er+/hr+, pet of nodes clean.Waiting for my copy of path report and surgery consult on the 28th.

    First mammo, didn't feel any lump, no family history, whammo!

    I'll be honest I never paid much attention to BC before, went to the occasional fund raiser and wore pink ribbons on the air on the 26th of each month when I was a news anchor in WI.

    I'm kicking myself that I waited two years to get first mammogram. Figured breast exam would catch anything.

    I love that there is a lot of chatting and posting here about everyday things. It really makes me feel less alone to read the back and forth. The just diagnosed board seems to be best for medical concerns.

    A little more about me, grew up in DC area, but I have lived in MI, Green Bay, Maine, and Minnesota, before returning to the east coast.

    Have a great weekend...look forward to getting to know everyone.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    Wow, I DID google mums. They're gorgous! Y'all really go all the way down there, don't cha? Laughing
  • momand2kids
    momand2kids Member Posts: 118


    welcome--sounds like you are off to a good start with information--it will all be fine---we can help!

    beautiful day here in the northeast--- those football games in texas really sound fun--we are just waiting for the red sox season to end!!  

    have a great day all 

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    They say everything's bigger in Texas. My daughter told me that there was a girl in band who had a TRIPLE mum - three huge fake crysanthemums festooned with garland that LIT UP, with two little stuffed animals wearing OUTFITS attached to it and lots of streamer things hanging down to her ankles and charms everywhere. She not only had it pinned to her shirt, but also she had a sort of SASH to hold it up. Her boyfriend's mom made it.

    Mansfield's band is about 250 kids. The school bus I was on was filled, with just french horns and trumpets.

    "Luckily," it looks as though we will be uninhibited by playoff games of any kind. The QB may be able to throw, but I'm not seeing a lot of catching and running. They had an amazing running back last year, apparently, and went to playoff games, but he graduated.

  • gcarter
    gcarter Member Posts: 53

    I have not quit yet. Really want to but so sad I have not yet. PS is really wanting me to. I need some help eh?

  • jezza
    jezza Member Posts: 295

    Had a quiet weekend here...gardening, cleaning, washing...all that stuff!

    Susan,,..a wedding...tomorrow!! I really feel for you...your daughter sounds so much like mine. You can't reason with them...thats the problem. Hopefully she'll change her mind by tomorrow??

    Welcome Suz....glad you found our thread.

    I don't get the mums bit AT ALL...lol will have to google it!

    Have a good week everyone!


  • glassist
    glassist Member Posts: 26

    DH, 2 labs and I got away for a quick, overnight camping trip.  It was wonderful to hike a little and breath all that fresh air before infusion next week.  Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend.

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645

    we had mums at homecoming but nothing like those!! Awesome-

    Suz- glad your're here.

    Been a kind of quiet weekend.

    Hope all of you have a great week

  • Kimmer51
    Kimmer51 Member Posts: 11

    Hi everyone -

    Just started reading these posts tonight and want to join in.  I was diagnosed this past April right after my 51st birthday - one month after we found out our 19 yo daughter was 4 months pregnant. Had my lumpectomy in May.  My father was diagnosed colon cancer in June. I started A/C in June.  Had a beautiful little baby granddaughter August 12th.  She and her mom live with us (so much for thinking about an empty nest).  Just had my 3rd of 12 Taxol treatments.  I'm seeing my oncologist tomorrow to see how I'm doing with the Taxol and to talk about radiation.  He seemed to think at my last visit I could do radiation and Taxol at same time.  We shall see.

    Anyway - it has been quite a spring and summer.

    Nice to find a place with ladies with so much in common.

  • Nebraskagrandma
    Nebraskagrandma Member Posts: 137


    Quit what ? what did I miss ? senior moment maybe on my part ! Surprised


    I'm in the US and I didn't know what a Mum was Embarassed I had to google it. Now I get it !


    Good Luck this week (((((hugs)))))

    Have a great week Middles ! Blessings to all..............