
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    My Rad-Onc office was having a BAKE SALE FOR CANCER yesterday, so I did get a nice homemade banana bread.  (Kleenex, just add scented candle and no one's the wiser!)

    I also poked my head in here for a minute to say OMG!, this thread has had over 10,000 views in the past month.  That would be like 5,000 looks by me, another 1,000 from my husband spying to see if I was going on about him, and then a bunch of you who wandered into the funhouse and couldn't find your way out.  Awesome!!!

  • Nebraskagrandma
    Nebraskagrandma Member Posts: 137


    this thread is addictive, don't ya know ? Hope all is going better for ya Innocent

    Blessings all around !

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Indomitable1 - ooooooh, love your username - I like "big words." I am secretly a Guinea Pig Whisperer, so if the kids DO manage to talk you into one, I can hook you up with a cavalcade of websites to help you out. They live 5 - 9 years, and while they are fabulous pets, they are NOT a "teach the kids responsibility" sort of pet. Like a gerbil or hamster that dies at 2 years and 1 day.

    I have moments when I wish I was already a grandmother - only because the idea of short bursts of friendly, mothering-like behavior, followed by an ability to turn the kids over to someone else, would be FABULOUS. And don't we all have moments when we want to be alone - it's just not good when you don't feel well and would like the company and care. Although if you're not getting the company and care, it's sometimes better to be alone.

    Elimar! I forgot to share a piece of my hard earned advice! Make sure you strike a good balance between "making an effort" to look good and get back to normal AND making sure you get the help you need. We had an ugly experience here where I was in the middle of treatments and feeling very tired and grumpy, but I was trying to keep myself looking pulled together (as together as I ever am). Unfortunately, this resulted in my family adopting a "Whew! Glad that cancer thing is over!" attitude. So one night, the three of them were sprawled on the sofa watching TV and I was in the kitchen, which was a mess after I'd made dinner, and it was obvious that no one ELSE was planning to clean it up. I lost my mind and had to have a head-spinning-eyes-glowing-red-deep-gutteral-voice scene. Whereupon my husband apologized, saying I "looked good so he thought I was fine." Wear the robe sometimes!!!!!

  • Kimmer51
    Kimmer51 Member Posts: 11

    Nebraskagrandma - My little granddaughter has been such fun.  I work at home so I get to spend a lot of time with her and help out while my daughter works.  She's a good baby.  Such a snuggler.

    Kleenex - Yes, lots going on in my life.  I do think it has kept my mind off of feeling sorry for myself.

    Susan NYC - I did get a colonoscopy in January.  Had a couple of polyps they removed.  I'm very proactive on screenings.  My malignancy was diagnosed on screening mammo.  I'd had breast check by my doc in January and she found nothing, then the mammo picked it up in April.

    Anybody experience any problems with running a fever during Taxol tx?  I had my 3rd of 12 last week.  Started getting sore throat over weekend.   Onc doc put me on  Z-Pac.  Started running temp last night and again tonight.  Supposed to get 4th tx tomorrow.  Hope this doesn't throw me off.

  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Member Posts: 254

    Hi Ladies,

    Such a busy group we are. My mom is a baker and she taught me....but (shhhh) I rarely make homemade anything LOL.

    I had a PET today and will find out results when I see my surgeon,  or before if I decide to call my onc and ask. I may choose to ignore it til I have to face it. I know I have a little coming back and hoping the PET finds nothing else.

    I luv talking about food. I link many happy times and favorite family members to certain meals. Grandpa is baked ham and sweet taters, Grandma is ham salad and pink popcorn, Aunt Shirley is ham, green beans and sliced tomaotes...I could go on and on LOL. Those were the happiest memories for those relatives.

    Talk to you all later..Mazy 

  • Nebraskagrandma
    Nebraskagrandma Member Posts: 137

    Most of my Grandkids are out of town, so I don't see them as much as I'd like. Three to four times a year. A few years back we started a tradition when my sons girls were here from West Virginia, we'd have cake for breakfast ! I know when I am gone they will laugh about how Grandma and Grandpa let them have cake for breakfast....................

    Making Memories is my all time favorite thing to do Laughing

  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Member Posts: 254


    Thats a great tradition LOL. Grandparents have special spoiling rights. Mazy

  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    I love to bake, cook, can, make wine.  We had some late season peaches on the tree so I made a fresh peach tart last night it was really yummy.  I am working from home for a few hours today but will pick plums and make jam and then tommorrow make a small plum tart.  Better fit in a long walk today and tomorrow!!!  I love fall.  The colors are starting and love the way they look at sunrise and sunset.  In two weeks I will be in Albuquerque visiting son #1 and my brothers family, getting excited!!!

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Pink popcorn?

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Just got an email from Dr. Love and the Million Women Campaign.

    They have sponsored a 'contest' for the 'best' PSA (public service announcement) for Oct.

    Please go to Glamour magazine on the web and vote for your favorite.

    Please add to your FB page, your blog, your email circuits...... let's really get these messages out to everyone we can possibly think of.


  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    One of you tech savvy wipper snappers, make this work please. thanks.

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424


    whooooooohoooooooo what-did-I-do????

    I swear I did the same thing every time & now it's hot?????

  • mantra
    mantra Member Posts: 189

    Your link works. Thanx. I watched. I voted. And I also posted a link on my caringbridge website so others who have never personally experienced breast cancer can cast their vote from a different perspective than mine.

  • glassist
    glassist Member Posts: 26

    I adore Fall too.  To me the best tastes and smells are all things apple, pumpin, late season zucchini bread and fire roasted Hatch chilis!  (I'm vegetarian.)

    Carrollyn - my son makes gourmet beer.  I, however, just drive to the store for great vino tinto.

  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Member Posts: 254


    Its  caramel popcorn balls made with strawberry jello. Grandma had them every Halloween. Mazy

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    No! I thought it was the stuff in the white box with the elephant on the cover...rather dry and chewy popcorn...

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Rads # 23   --  no surrender

    In the ongoing saga of me vs. rads, I am holding my own.  Three regular Tx to go and then 7 boosts and I will be done.  I'm still wearing my bra as usual; the camis never made it out of the drawer, no need.  No blisters, barely itchy.  Some days tired, some days not too bad.  The worst part was the reflux that they denied was caused by rads.  (I'm sorry, but it was bad for a whole week, tho' now somewhat less.)  I had to write this mostly positive post to let newer ones know that maybe it is possible to get by without the whole-9-yards of nasty side effects.  I was so pessimistic and scared at first, but now I feel like I can get to the rads finish line without feeling like roadkill.  Did I just jinx myself?

    Now back to "Fall Festival of Food."  

  • Dustysmom
    Dustysmom Member Posts: 20

    Hi All,

    I have been away for awhile, trying to make decisions and catching my breath.  I last came home [here] on Sept 5th. I am trying to catch up.

    I had 3 biopsies that week and needed to come to grips with all I learned.

    The good news is I didn't have DCIS in either of the 3 sites biopsied, however there was ADH in all.  In February, I had ADH on the other side (right), but it was found to be DCIS with a lumpectomy in May. 

    So considering it has showed up on the other side and I can not have a lumpectory since it is multifocal, I am seeing a PS on Monday to discuss recontruction options since I have decided to have a BMX. 

    I never had the rads on the right and I would need to start Tamox, it seems this is the smarter way to go.  I am planning to have the bmx with immediate reconstruction the first of March '10.  I am considering a DEIP taking advantage of the ample belly fat on this 53 yr old body. HA, HA...Do any of you have any experience in this arena? 

    Having a nearly 4 yr old boy at this point leads me to believe this is the better choice so I can enjoy my grandkids in 30 years.



  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    You girls are busy cooking, and baking again! My Grandpa used to have a concession stand after he retired, back in the good old days...I remember being 5 and eating lots of popcorn balls and carmel apples and all those great soda pop's by NeHi(sp?)

    Paula you have the cutest grandbabies! I am waiting for one my DD is 33 and going thru fertility tx. I will be back in Omaha next week, make the weather stay nice will you please.

    Nikki, you and I sound like we have had lots of biopsy's this year, 2 MRI guided ones and 2 incisional (lumpectomies!) I don't have any DCIS this time but both breasts have ADH and LCIS. You know the BMX with DIEP is a big surgery with a long recovery, make sure you find a BS that is a microvascular specialist and works with a 2nd DR. so your surgery is not as long as when they do it alone, make sure you have lots of help, I have investigated and met with 2 PS and I know that it is what I will do when I decide to get off the fence.

    Faith I voted, thanks for the link.

    Alright girls have a fabulous fall weekend.

  • rgiuff
    rgiuff Member Posts: 339

    So I went back to work today (in a Labor & Delivery unit), so got to talk to one of our doctors there about my multiple ovarian follicles.  Turns out it's completely normal.  My FSH is probably trying to stimulate my ovaries to throw an egg out of one of those follicles, but that doesn't mean it's going to happen.  I haven't had a period in about 6 months.  Being on tamoxifen, I was worried that it was causing some kind of ovarian hyperstimulation that could lead to trouble, but it's perfectly normal for peri or post menopausal women to have multiple follicles.  The technician did tell me that they were too small to be cysts.   And I was also told that my borderline normal uterine lining is just fine, only have to make sure to keep monitoring it every 6 months.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Glad to hear it was a normal condition.  Now some of the readers here will be spared needless panic if it occurs to them during the Tamoxifen use.  (O.K., yes, I was mostly referencing myself when I said panic.)

  • jezza
    jezza Member Posts: 295

    We have our Grand Final of Aussie Rules football today.We always watch it on television and have a few drinks and eat home made sausage rolls which I was just about to start making.

    19 year old son beat me to the kitchen and is cooking himself a huge breakfast (after a big night out). I can't bear to watch as he makes such a mess but luckily he cleans up...

    Also going to make an orange cake if I have time and marinate some meat for Chinese meal tonight. I love to cook!

    elimar..so glad your rads are going well....

    faith..will check out that link

    Have a good weekend everyone!


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657

    We are very luck to have all this caring and loving people.

    I look to each of you going through the same pain and

    lose, and we keep each other going. Getting close to

    seeing my cancer dr and getting test news. To anyone

    needing a hug or prayer, I have an extra of both. Take

    care, Need to go take a pain pill. God bless you all, Footprintsangel

  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605

    Foots so good to hear from you!  Please let me know about your test results.  I think of you each and every day!  XOXOXO

  • Kimmer51
    Kimmer51 Member Posts: 11

    It's the weather for baking here (near Dayton, Ohio).  Kinda cloudy and cooling off.  I'm hungry for warm pumpkin bread.  My taster is off, though.  I may enjoy smelling it more than tasting it.  My husband works for Young's Jersey Dairy in Yellow Springs, Ohio.  This weekend is the annual Fall Farm Fun Days - he'll bring home my favorit - freshly made pumpkin cinnamon donut holes.  Yum! 

    Had 4th Taxol today.  Spend yesterday and day before with no energy to move.  Had broken out in a rash last night.  Doc said allergic to Z-Pak he put me on for possible bronchitis.  They gave me EXTRA Benadryl and Solu-Medrol today.  I HAVE ENERGY!!!!!  I'm going to take advantage of it tonight and help with my new granddajughter (I probably won't be able to sleep anyway with the steroids).  I think I'd rather be wired than sluggish.  I hate that feeling.  I had to call off work Weds nite - thought about grocery shopping and decided it could wait - spent lots of time in my recliner holding the baby.  Enough of my whining - I feel like a new person now.

  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Member Posts: 254

    I hope everyone's treatments go well.

    Elimar..I am so glad you are doing okay. I had no burns or blisters with mine either....only that itchy nipple LOL. So you probly havent jinxed yourself.

    I bought some apple cidar and am going to make some hot mulled cidar...my fav. Let it simmer in the crock pot all day and luv that aroma.

    Hugs, Mazy

  • Nebraskagrandma
    Nebraskagrandma Member Posts: 137

    I went to work today, (triage nurse obgyn clinic) so I have been playing catch-up here......


    I think just about the best medicine a person can get is sitting in the recliner holding a baby ! It always made me feel better.


    You keep us posted about those test results, and I'll be sending prayers your way for good newsInnocent


    I am hoping that we have great weather for the Race, I hate being out there in the cold or rain. We will have to get a plan together this next week so we can find each other


    I'm so proud of you, you're heading down the home stretch and have become quite the trooper ! I hope you have felt my positive vibes sent your way. I'm holding you up in prayer girlfriend !


    Glad you're back, we missed ya. Let us know how things go with the PS on Monday. Sounds like you did alot of soul searching about your decisions. I know that little guy means the world to you, and it seems you've come up with a plan to make sure you're around to see him grow up Good for you ! We'll be here to cheer you on.


    Thanks for the web site I'm going to go check it out...........


    We are going to Kansas in the morning to see SO's daughter, son-in-law, and next to the youngest Grandson, I'll catch up with ya Sunday night.

    (((((Middles))))) blessings all around !

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645

    elimar- i feel your rads pain- i was sooo ready to quit before we finished- i was burned and hurting and just couldn't push myself to want to go. BUT the good news is i did AND i was amazed at how quickly I healed up despite being told it would get worse before it got better. A lot if the girls in our fall group said the same thing. Healing comes quicker than you think.

    Normal???? what's that

    Debbie- HUGS to you have had you on my mind.

    Hope all of you have a great weekend. I think Ga. is going to get more rain today but not as ba as earlier this week...yesterday was 95 and the humidity has been awful...please tell me that fall is out there somewhere....just a little cool breeze...

    HUGS to all

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    KIMMER!!! We're nearly neighbors -- well at least we're both Buckeyes. I graduated from Wittenberg Univ and so know Yellow Springs quite well & the ice cream!!! We live on the far east side of Columbus, near the airport. Just did a Yellow Springs lunch or two in the early summer. Such great little shops downtown.

    It's raining and gray here -- has been nearly all week. I'm missing the sunshine.

    I posted this picture on another thread here for one of our Stage IV sisters who is on the final lap of her journey.

    I thought you middles might appreciate it as well. I took the picture this summer in an addictive phase of photographing daisies. The sky was so blue up north. It's a shade I've fallen in love with.

    On a rainy day this brings me a song to my heart.

    I'm new to photography, so was pretty amazed at how this turned out.

    Thank you daisy-angels for orchestrating this moment in time.
